Is it possible to celebrate a birthday in Holy Week? Congratulations on Good Friday in verse.

Today's great day has become a day of great sorrow, for the sinful nature of man prevented the acceptance of the truth - the Son of God took great torment for our sins. On such a significant day, I would like to wish everyone to once again look into their hearts, ask for forgiveness, sincerely repent. The sins of the whole world are washed away by the Holy Blood, let us thank the Lord in prayers for this.

Let us remember today the sufferings of the Savior on the Cross, which He endured for the atonement of human sins. Let us pray sincerely and meet this sad and mournful day of Good Friday with a hidden hope for the speedy resurrection of Jesus.

We are all the suffering of Christ
Today we remember with you
After all, he was crucified on Friday,
We remember this, we know.

So God suffered for the people,
Enemies mocked God
But he didn't say anything bad.
Those who tried to kill him.

Christ lives in people's hearts,
And in the souls of faithful Christians,
And now we don't know fear
After all, Jesus suffered for us.

It's been a busy week.
This Friday must be remembered
As once, not sparing yourself
HE died for all our sins.

We deserve to live our lives
Greet every day with gratitude
Drive away all terrible thoughts
And try to help your friends.

Good Friday - prayer time
Sorrow, suffering, and faith.
Holy Scripture tells us all -
Leave the old manners:

You can't eat, you can drink water,
Get rid of prejudice.
The creed tells us all:
Work all day long.

Our Jesus died in the name of others,
Pray for his soul.
May he depart from the sins of others,
Then he will fly away.

I wish you trouble not to know
Pray for all the people.
Take all the best in this life
To grow new fruit.

Today, all believing Christians remember the passions of Jesus Christ, who died for our sins on the cross. Let the memory of this remind us not only of the pain of the Savior, but also that the sins of people were forgiven by his sacrifice. And we all need to think today about what this means for each of us.

Stop and listen to yourself
Feel the high service
Savior, knowing about fate,
Showed us strength of mind and humility.

Good Friday - the day of the courage of Christ,
The day when the world froze in earnest prayer.
And our faith is sincere, pure.
She will help us get through adversity.

We light candles today
Of course, this is no accident:
We remember the sufferings of Christ
They crucified Christ on this day.

Blessed be everyone
Who followed this path,
And everyone who aspires to faith,
To find solace.

Be humble and repent
Pride is a mortal sin.
Remember Christ's sacrifice
After all, he died, forgiving us all.

On this day, they remember the terrible judgment,
About how they crucified Christ on the cross,
And our country cries for the Lord,
What a terrible death fate brought.
They do not celebrate the liturgy on this day.
Only worship the holy religion
Therefore, everyone prays for the Father,
Forgive Galgotha, for the soul of Christ.
It is not customary to sing, walk, have fun
Just fast and pray more often!

With the advent of Great or Good Friday, the day of the death of Jesus Christ for our sins, his removal from the cross and burial. But, despite this heaviness and sorrow, the day is also memorable because it carries the hope of the resurrection and salvation of the souls of all Christians.

In our country Christian holidays have very importance for many residents. Good Friday is one of the saddest days Christian calendar. After all, it was on this day that Jesus was crucified for the sins of every person. Nevertheless, congratulations on good friday- Very important element support for those who feel the pain of this great sacrifice with their heart and soul. On this day, in the soul of a person who truly believes, the fire of regret and at the same time joy should burn. Is it appropriate to send wishes? There are many different opinions on this matter. Basically, congratulatory sms available on many resources. Accordingly, there is a certain confidence that they are appropriate. However, many believers believe that on this day of the Savior's suffering, one should only cry and grieve.

Actually congratulations on good friday are a tribute to tradition. That is, people tell each other that the feat of the great Savior is not forgotten, and he will always be remembered. Yes, this is a sad day, because he took with him the one who could instruct and heal for many years. But, in fact, Jesus himself made such a sacrifice, and this sacrifice must be remembered. As you understand, the verses must be very well composed. It is for this reason that it is best to carefully evaluate the options offered on our website in order to send to your friends congratulatory texts on this momentous day. This day cleansed everyone and everyone, now we are obliged to observe spiritual purity, trying to attract all our loved ones to the same path. After all, this is the way of salvation and our infinitely happy future!

Poems from Good Friday in SMS

She is stern, but solemn,
Essential for the soul!
And without unnecessary incidents, we
Let's spend these days in silence!

Love for life and luck,
And to the faith of true love,
And the post comes to an end
We lasted! We did!

Today is Good Friday
Today is the suffering of Christ.
Today all sinners repent
To make the soul pure.

Let only bright things in your life
The honest days are coming.
May your dreams be all cherished
They fly like moths!

Holy Holy Week has come,
We will all go to church to pray,
And we put candles to our saints,
And we ask them good luck in everything!

We will live humbly and peacefully,
And we will ask God for protection!
Give us, Lord, all faith and strength,
We want to live peacefully, righteously!

Passion of Christ in the week before Easter -
We dedicate our days to their memory.
In the week of a passionate red ribbon,
All the angels of the earth are married!

And the bells and choirs fell silent in the churches,
To remind in silence of Christ's torments!
About scourging him, about leaving him without support,
Among the cries of the Jews and in deathly sounds.

I congratulate you on a passionate week,
With remembrance of the Great Sacrifice of God.
May God heal the soul from adversity, blizzards,
How long ago the Lord healed the lame.

I wish you vivacity, peace of mind,
Physical health, mental sobriety.
So that the head is cleared of bad thoughts,
And she became open and close to the Lord.

Holy Week is a great time
It gives you to think about the spiritual.
Not in vain God's son took on a heavy burden
Such a price saved the Christian people.

We spend all the time in fasting and prayers,
Strengthening both body and spirit.
And He knows: let thousands of years pass,
But we will not forget His holy torments.

Passionate, strict week
It has been given to us as redemption.
But we firmly believe in the forces of light,
And spring blooms in my heart.

great post we are observing
We will bring order into our lives.
And soon, treating Easter,
Congratulations to everyone on a bright day!

Holy week - bright days,
Every day is sacred and rich!
May they be easy for all of us,
These days, after all, everyone is happy with all their hearts!

Church these days must be visited,
Remember there Jesus bitter suffering.
You can ask about the health of loved ones,
And calmly expect Easter radiance!


Congratulations on Good Friday in verse

When is Good Friday (Great Friday) - celebrated on the Friday of Holy Week

This holiday is great and important.
In the chants of each it sounds -
God helped a man once
Not looking for excuses, reasons.

Good Friday again...
Gratitude flies to heaven.
And today everyone knows for sure -
Jesus will protect you from trouble!

"Congratulations on Good Friday"

Once our savior Jesus
Sacrificed himself for life
Taking the heaviest and most serious load -
Human sins, their bad thoughts...

With the advent of the mournful Good Friday
Increasingly, this is remembered
And souls do not gape with emptiness,
And filled with magical light.

Short congratulations with Good Friday

There is a special day in the year, it is on the eve of Easter,
And "Good Friday" people call him.
We remember the death of Christ today,
The pain of Jesus will not bypass us.

We will remember the day of his crucifixion,
We will never forget his suffering.
He said goodbye to his life
To make people happy on Earth!

"SMS congratulations on Good Friday"

Good Friday - a day in memory of Christ,
About how he accepted death on a terrible cross,
Not for mercy in the hour of death, praying to enemies,
But only asking for the atonement for their sins.

Bread is baked on Good Friday
And in the church, the rings are consecrated from all troubles.

Good Friday Poems

The Savior was crucified on the cross,
To atone for the sins of the people.
Good Friday they say
There was no more important event.

And today we thank
One can grieve for God,
To keep faith and warmth in the soul,
Drinking every day...

And the gospel resounds
Proving how important love is!

"Good Friday - poems, congratulations, sms"

Good Friday is the date of the crucifixion.
We know it will rise! But sadness in my heart...
We do not wear beautiful dress,
The veil of hope only warms the soul.

A day for humility and righteous thoughts,
Light prayers and respectful words.
For reflections on faith and life,
To get rid of sinful shackles.

Wishes and Poems for Good Friday

Good Friday - the day of memory of the torment,
that Christ experienced
And it seems that sounds have disappeared in the world,
After all, he gave his life for us,

Let us honor the silence of suffering
Savior, Great Christ,
And we will devote this day to silence,
Let the hearts say today!

Congratulations on Good Friday
I hurry you on a special day,
Let deep humility
And meekness will be on the shoulder.

Give the day to holy prayer,
To become cleaner in the soul,
I wish you strength, strong faith
At this important milestone.

Good to you, will, repentance,
Hope of light and love.
Let good deeds
The Lord bless soon!

What would the post a little dilute,
It's not a day off yet, is it?
Happy first Friday
During the week, on Passion Day!

Meet Great Friday
Morning colorful sunrise
The day will pass in silent prayer,
Well, the evening is waiting there.

And behind him - such a little,
Well, almost nothing
After all, until Easter we have left,
No kidding - only two days!

On Good Friday, I wish you to become stronger in faith, kinder soul, more responsive in heart. May there be peace and grace all around, for which Jesus gave his life without a drop of regret, may every day bring joy, happiness and love, may every evening give an opportunity to sincerely repent and pray openly.

The sins of the people in redemption
The Savior accepted his death,
And remember the generations
About how he suffered for everyone.

Pray on Good Friday
Don't spoil yourself with food
And be at peace with your neighbor,
Grieving for the torments of the Lord.

Sad day - Good Friday,
All in prayers must be spent,
On this day of Christ we remember
And the pain that had to endure.
Don't go to work people
She will not bring you good
Better put the bread on the dish
He won't harden whole year!

Good Friday is a day of mourning and sorrow,
Jesus was crucified on the cross at Calvary.
All the pain, all the fear He carried in his heart
For the fact that we now breathe and live.

Oh people! Remember this sad day
Light a candle in silence
And pray. He gave for you
His only life, He saved you.

After all, you live, enjoy life,
Well, His days hung in heaven.
Never laugh about those who
He saved me from death and sins with my soul.

Last day of Lent
Today the Christian people celebrate
Tomorrow you can eat to your heart's content,
Well, today we observe strictness.

Almost Christ, light a candle in the darkness
And ask for forgiveness from your sins
And God will give you joy
And all sins will be forgiven in redemption!

Good Friday has come
When Jesus Christ
He was crucified on the cross
On the one that carried.

For human sins
He gave his earthly life
Its Good Friday
I will remember with a prayer.

Ask for forgiveness
Remember all the torments of Christ.
I wish peace
I am on the day of great sorrow.

Good Friday has come
Let silence reign everywhere
After all, we remember the day of terrible evils:
Today is the day of Christ's suffering.

Let everyone be silent today
Let yourself restrain yourself from joy.
Let everyone give a prayer to God,
He will support Christ with his repentance.

Good Friday is coming
And the Lord sacrifices himself.
He brings us to hell with you
And the meaning gives that the flesh is perishable.

He gives us healing
Leads to salvation from sins.
And on the day of Christ's Resurrection
Love will descend to earth.

And we mourn, my friend, with you -
The sinless one groans on the cross.
Wash us with his blood
And in a moment we will all be cleansed.

Good Friday has arrived
They crucified Christ on this memorable day!
I wish that faith reigned in the heart,
Let the dark shadow of sadness go away!

I wish you God's blessing
All the blessings that come to you from heaven,
And also only bright hopes and humility,
And the fulfillment of all good miracles!

It is better to give up household chores

by the most difficult day The clergy call Holy Week Holy Friday - this is the day when Christ was crucified on the cross. Good Friday 2018 falls on April 6th. This is the most mournful day of the year, and even if before that, for some reason, the Orthodox did not observe Great Lent and did not attend services, on Friday you must definitely go to the temple, the priests advise. There are also folk omens associated with Good Friday.

Although Good Friday- This is the penultimate day of Lent, it is also considered the most strict. All thoughts of the believer should be turned to the torment of Jesus, crucified on the cross, which he himself carried to Calvary. On the same day, the body of the Savior was removed from the cross and placed in a coffin - this is dedicated to the church service on the night.

Vice-Rector for Social and Missionary Work of St. Tikhon Orthodox Church State University Father Philip Ilyashenko, says:

Good Friday is considered the most strict and terrible day of the year. The Service of the Twelve Gospels, the Passion of Christ, is performed late in the night from Thursday to Friday, and then early in the morning - the service of the Great Heel. Again and again every year we experience the suffering of Christ in his last days and hours, from arrest and conviction to beating and crucifixion, and then death and burial.

Therefore, Friday begins late at night on Thursday: in the rhythm of the modern metropolis, few people can come to the early service. During Friday, we bring out the shroud - this is a service dedicated to the removal from the cross, anointing and preparation for burial.

We serve the funeral service on the night from Friday to Saturday - this is the Blessed Saturday morning, procession in the dark, with rarefied bell ringing without the glow of candles. This is a passage dedicated to the burial of the body of Jesus - we carry the shroud around the temple. On this day, the Savior suffers, dies painfully, the sun hid his face, and the dead rose and returned to the city. On such a day, no fun, entertainment, any extraneous affairs is unacceptable. This is the day strict fast- some even refuse food: how can you eat when Christ is crucified and dying?

- So, all the time you need to spend in the temple?

On Friday, when the Savior is crucified and dying, and on the night from Friday to Saturday, when his body is placed in the tomb, the services are so dense that the believer will be busy only with them. If time permits, it is better to visit all of them, and postpone economic affairs for the future or complete them earlier. The night service is long and tedious; one must prepare for the Blessed Saturday, on which Christ fell asleep. It is not worth getting involved in economic affairs these days. On Friday we serve evening services - the removal of the shroud, the removal of the shroud - it is worth devoting time to prayers.

- Someone is sure that even if Great Lent was not observed, then you can start fasting on Holy Week, and this is enough for an Orthodox person.

Yes, many believe that if for some reason they missed Great Lent, even through negligence, then getting down to business on Holy Week is already good. This is what St. John Chrysostom thinks, and since his catechetical sermon for Pascha is considered fundamental, there is no reason to doubt. If anyone has labored, fasting, from the first hour, let him rejoice, and whoever was late for the beginning, and even the one who came only in last hour let him have no doubts and join. And even those who only wanted to fast, let them join too - God sees everything: he gives to the first and has mercy on the last ...

Meanwhile, many Russians have simple, "everyday" questions - what can not be done on Good Friday?

Priests advise - for example, to surf the Internet less, browsing social networks, not to conduct idle conversations. You also need to refrain from carnal pleasures.

On Good Friday, you can’t cook Easter cakes, paint eggs, make curd Easter, clean up - all this is supposed to be done on Maundy Thursday.

And in no case should you swear with colleagues and relatives.

There are also some folk signs that for modern people sound weird, but whatever. It is believed, for example, that one cannot pierce the ground with iron objects - for example, dig with a shovel.

If you do not drink anything all day on Good Friday, then no drinks will harm you for a year.

If you bring home a candle from the service from the temple, which you held in your hands in the church, and light it again, walking through the rooms, then it will crackle next to the damaged thing.
