Lesson using experimental activities “Invisible air. Abstract of educational activities on experimental activities with children of the senior group using ICT (multimedia presentation) on the topic: “Sorceress water

Summary of experimental activities in preparatory group according to OMM

Educational area: Cognition
Subject:"Miracle Egg"
Target: evoke a desire to conduct a simple experiment yourself, to introduce children to the subject of experimentation - an egg.
- expand children’s understanding of the world around them and human health, through experimental activities with egg.
- develop in children the ability to use instruments that help in conducting experiments.
- develop cognitive activity children in the process of performing experiments.
- develop mental and thinking abilities in children: analysis, comparison, conclusions.
- to cultivate the social and personal qualities of each child: communication, independence, observation.
Equipment: for each child: 2 eggs, napkins; two large plastic glasses of water, one plastic cup with salt, tablespoon, saucers, plastic bottle, paper template eggs, colored pencils, pictures of grandfather, grandmother, Ryaba hen, chicken.

Progress of the lesson

1. Introductory
- Guys, guests have come to us. Let's give them our warmth.
Let our kind smile warm everyone with its warmth,
It will remind us how important it is to share happiness and goodness in life! (children take their seats).
2. Main part
- Guys, guess the riddle, and you will find out what we will talk about today.
It might break
It might cook
If you want, into the bird
It may turn. (Egg)
- That's right, well done! Today we'll talk about "Egg". I want to tell you a fairy tale.
Lived once,
Grandfather and grandmother once upon a time

The chicken Ryaba lived with them.
Ryaba walked a lot,
I pecked at the grain crumbs,
But she didn’t lay eggs at all.
But one day, what a miracle,
She ran to the porch
And it was not easy for them,
What an AMAZING egg!
And it is amazing because it, so small, contains a lot of proteins, vitamins and minerals that help us grow strong and healthy. The grandfather did not break the beel, the woman did not break the beel.

The grandmother cried: Oh, egg, egg
How to break you
How to break you
How to split it.
We've been hitting for half a day already
And we strike midnight
Grandma has no strength
I'd better go to sleep.

The grandfather thought: “If the egg is not broken, will it drown?”
- What do you guys think, can an egg float in water or will it sink? (children's reasoning).
Experience. There are two glasses of water on your tables. We add salt to one glass and dissolve it. Carefully lower the egg into the fresh water. What's happening? The egg sank.
Conclusion: an egg sinks in fresh water. Now take the egg out of the glass of fresh water with a spoon and drop it into salt water. What's happened? In highly salty water the egg floats.
Conclusion: the egg is supported by salt particles dissolved in water. Now, if we dilute the salty solution with fresh water, we will be able to see the egg floating in the middle.
Conclusion: in fresh water the egg drowns, in very salty water it floats on the surface, in slightly salty water it floats in the middle. (on children’s tables: two large plastic cups of water,
a glass of salt, a tablespoon, an egg).
The grandmother rested and suggested to the grandfather: “Let’s knock harder and break this egg.”
- Let's also try to break the egg and see what's inside.
Experiment. Carefully break the egg in the middle with a spoon and pour it into a saucer. Let's look at what it consists of: a thick transparent mass is protein, all living organisms are made of protein, the yellow center - the yolk can be yellow or orange color. A raw egg is liquid. We can't take it in our hands. Let's look at the outer layer of the egg, called the shell. What is she like? She is fragile, brittle, thin. The shell, guys, also contains a lot useful substances and people use it for various purposes (like medicine, adding it to ointments, gardeners and gardeners use the shell as fertilizer, and folk craftsmen embroider on the shell and cut out very beautiful crafts).
The grandfather got tired and went to rest, and the grandmother thought: “What could I do with this egg?” And I decided to make my grandfather a sweet called meringue. To prepare this sweetness, you need to beat the egg whites with sugar and bake in the oven. But separating the whites from the yolks is not at all easy. I know one secret, and now I’ll show it to you.
Experience. We squeeze plastic bottle. We bring the neck of the bottle to the yolk. We loosen the pressure on the bottle. Yolk in a bottle.
Physical education minute!
The mouse ran quickly (running in place)
The mouse wagged its tail (circular movements of the pelvis)
Oh, I dropped an egg (shaked head, bent over)
Look - she broke it. (shown)
Grandfather woke up, ate sweets and cried. Teeth hurt...

Guys, what should you do to prevent your teeth from hurting? (clean). Now I will show you what can happen to our teeth if we don’t do this.
Story of experience: I took egg, and poured vinegar over it. I left it for several days. The shell has completely dissolved. The egg remains inside the white film, which is located under the shell. The egg became slippery and disgusting. The enamel of our teeth is similar in composition to an egg shell, and the bacteria that remain on the teeth after eating produce a substance similar to vinegar. And if you brush your teeth poorly and do not remove all the bacteria, then they will suffer the same fate as an egg shell...
And the grandfather and grandmother understood that there is no need to drown the egg, do not beat it! But you need to protect it and take care of it! And then a chicken will hatch from the egg! (showing a drawing of a chicken).
3. Interesting experience.
There are two eggs on the table, one raw and the other boiled, how can you determine this? In a boiled egg, the center of gravity is constant, so it rotates. And in a raw egg, the internal liquid mass acts as a kind of brake, so the raw egg cannot spin.
4. Reflection.
- Guys, did you like our fairy tale about an amazing egg? Did you learn something new?
Ryaba the hen brought you an egg. If you liked our lesson, then draw a smiling face, and if not, then the face you draw will be sad.

Open lesson summary

on experimental research activities

in the preparatory school group

Subject: « Amazing Properties magnet"

Target: introduce children to the physical phenomenon - magnetism, a magnet and its properties on the basis of experimental activities.


Educational: to form in children an idea of ​​a magnet and its ability to attract metal objects; find out through what materials the magnet acts; introduce the concept of “magnetism” into children’s speech; introduce the use of magnets by humans.

Educational: develop the desire for knowledge through experimental research activities, activate children's vocabulary, and the ability to draw conclusions.

Educational: promote the development of independence, initiative, development communication skills.

Equipment and materials: magnets of different sizes (for each child), metal, plastic, wood, glass, paper objects, glasses of water, highways drawn on A4 cardboard, disposable plates, a ball.

Preliminary work: conversation about research institutes (what they do, who works...).

Move research experimental activities

Children and guests sit on chairs

Dear junior employees, today guests came to our Magnitolik Research Institute to see what our institute is doing.

Let's say hello to them!

Children say hello

Guys, late yesterday evening some object was brought to our institute for research, try to guess what kind of object it is?

It can be small, big,

Iron is very friendly with it.

Children's answers

That's right, a magnet!

Educator takes a magnet out of the box and shows it

Here in front of you is an ordinary magnet,
He keeps many secrets within himself.

Who knows what a magnet is?

Children's answers

(This is a stone that attracts iron objects...)


Do you know why this stone is called that?

Children's answers

Then I suggest you listen to one ancient legend about unusual stone


(A legend, as a rule, describes events that actually happened)

In the old days they said that there was a huge mountain at the edge of the world, right next to the sea. At the foot of this mountain, a long time ago, people found stones with unprecedented power - to attract certain objects to themselves. Not far from the mountain was the city of Magnesia, in which lived the brave knight Magnitolik. Like all knights, he wore armor made of iron, and therefore was not afraid of anything, neither enemy arrows nor wild animals. Magnitolik walked boldly wherever he wanted. There was only one place I had never been to before - near that very mountain. Since childhood, his mother told him that not a single knight could pass by her. The mountain attracts them to itself and never lets go... But Magnitolik was very brave, and he was curious about what kind of magic was hidden in this place, so he bet that he would pass by the mountain and return to the city safe and sound. But no matter how strong and brave Magnitolik was, the mountain still pulled him towards itself. Magnitolik was not only brave, but also smart. He found a way to free himself from her and freed all the knights.

Guys, did you guess the name of this mountain?

Children's answers

(Magnetic Mountain)

What way do you think Magnitolik found to free himself from this mountain?

Children's answers

(Took off his armor made of metal, iron...)

Right! The magnet has unique ability attract metal objects to you. And to check if this is so, I invite you and our guests to go to Magic world experiments and experiments with this amazing stone on the basis of our Magnitolik Institute.

The teacher invites the children to the tables. On the tables there is everything necessary for experiments and experiments with a magnet for each child.

Experimental part

Guys, what do you see on your desktops?

Children's answers

(Magnets, metal clips, coins, nails, bottle caps, counting sticks, pieces of cardboard and fabric...)

That's right guys, here are items from different materials. And now we will conduct an experiment with these materials and check whether the magnet attracts only metal objects or is this just a legend.

Experience No. 1

On your tables there are objects made of different materials. Take a magnet and use it to divide your objects into two groups: in the first group you will have objects that are attracted by a magnet, and in the second group you will have objects that are not attracted by a magnet. We will put those objects that are attracted by a magnet on a pink plate, and those that are not attracted - on a blue one.

Children take one object at a time and bring a magnet to it.and divide them into plates

Name what objects the magnet attracted.

Children's answers

(Paper clips, coins, nails...)

- What are objects that are attracted to a magnet made of?

Children's answers

(Made of metal, iron)

What objects are not attracted by a magnet?

(Counting sticks, bottle caps, ribbon, cards...)

What are objects made of that are not attracted to a magnet?

Children's answers

(Made from wood, plastic, paper, etc.)

Why do you think paper clips, coins, carnations... are attracted?

Children's answers

(Because they are metal, iron)

That's right, they are all metal, iron. This means that a magnet only attracts metal objects. Objects made from other materials are not attracted.

This property of attracting objects to itself is called magnetic force or magnetism, from the word magnet, and materials magnetic.

Conclusion: A magnet only attracts metal objects.

Experience No. 2

Guys, what do you think, if a magnet attracts objects only made of iron, does its force act through an obstacle? For example, cardboard, glass, water?

Children's answers

Fine. Let's check.

Our first obstacle will be a sheet of ordinary cardboard with a drawn highway. And now we will try to guide an iron object (coin, paper clip) along these paths using a magnet through an obstacle - cardboard.

Children take from the table sheets of cardboard with a route drawn on them and a paper clip.

Imagine that paper clips are cars and you are racers. Place your “car” at the start from above, and attach the magnet from below. You need to move the paperclip with the help of a magnet as accurately as possible, without driving onto the curb or jumping out onto the side of the road.

Reade set Go!

You see, the car moves, repeating the movements of the magnet that you move under the cardboard.

Why does this happen?

Children's answers

(The magnet acts on a metal paper clip through an obstacle - cardboard...)

Absolutely right. The force of the magnet passing through the cardboard attracts the metal clips (coins) and forces them to follow the magnet. This means that the force of the magnet acts through the obstacle.

Conclusion: The magnet retains its properties and acts through the barrier - cardboard.

Experience No. 3

Guys, what do you think, if a magnet acts through an obstacle - cardboard, does it act through other obstacles, for example - glass, water and other obstacles?

Children's answers

Let's check.

There are glasses of water on your tables. Throw a paperclip at it and pretend it's a sunken ship.

Do you think we can use a magnet through glass to retrieve a sunken ship from the bottom of the sea?

Children's answers

Then let's check.

Place the magnet against the glass at the level of the paperclip. After the paperclip approaches the wall of the glass, slowly move the magnet upward along the wall.

What do we see?

Children's answers

(The paperclip follows the movement of the magnet and rises up...)

Can a magnet attract through an obstacle - glass?

Children's answers

What can we conclude?

Conclusion: The magnet retains its properties and can act through a barrier - glass.

Experience No. 4

Now let's check whether the magnet acts through an obstacle - water.

There are glasses of water in front of you. Take a paperclip, a coin, a button and throw them into this glass, they will play the role of various debris in the pond, and we will try to clear this pond of debris using a magnet and find out whether the magnet retains its properties of attracting metal objects through an obstacle - water.

Take a magnet and lower it into the water. What do we see?

Children's answers

(Objects are magnetized through water...)

So, with the help of a magnet, we did a good deed and cleaned the pond!

What conclusion can we draw from this experiment?

Conclusion: The magnet retains its properties and can act through water.

Well, it’s time to relax a little, and I invite you to play the game “It will attract or not.”

The teacher invites the children to the carpet

Ball game “It will attract - it will not attract”

(The ball is a magnet, children are an object that the teacher names. Children must determine whether they are attracted by the magnet or not, according to whether they catch the ball or not).

The teacher invites the children to return to their jobs

Experience No. 5

Let's continue experiments with a magnet. I take a magnet and hold a paper clip to it. She was attracted. I bring the second one to the paperclip, it is also attracted, now the third one. A chain of paper clips was formed. Now I will carefully take the first paper clip with my fingers and remove the magnet. Look carefully the chain is not broken. Paper clips, being near a magnet, became magnetized and became magnets, but paper clips only have magnetic properties for a short time. A magnet can be not only permanent, but also temporary.

Children repeat the experience

What conclusion can we draw?

Conclusion: Under the influence of a magnet, metal objects are magnetized and themselves a short time become magnets.

Guys, do you know that a magnet has two poles: north and south?

Children's answers

Who knows? Which poles attract and which repel?

Children's answers

(If the poles are different, they attract, if they are the same, they repel)

Want to check it out. Then I will now come up to each of you, and you will attach your magnet to each side of my magnet and find out if this is so.

The teacher approaches everyone, the children apply a magnet

The result of experimental activities

This concludes our work for today. Let's remember:

What amazing stone did we meet today? (Magnet)

What objects does a magnet attract? (Metal)

What is the property of attracting objects to itself called? (Magnetism, from the word magnet, and objects are magnetic)

What properties of a magnet do you remember?

(A magnet attracts only metal objects; A magnet acts through an obstacle - cardboard, glass, water...; Under the influence of a magnet, metal objects are magnetized and themselves become magnets for a short time).

How many poles does a magnet have?

(Two - north and south)

Where can we see magnets in our environment?

Children's answers

(Magnets on the board to hold pictures, letters and numbers on magnets, pictures with magnets...)

Guys, do you know where else magnets are used?

Children's answers

(In medicine, in various devices, for cleaning water bodies, as search engines, in the construction and repair of underwater structures, since they are convenient for holding tools)

If children find it difficult to answer, the teacher helps them

Well done, you did a good job today, you learned a lot about amazing stone magnet. You were real explorers. Thank you for your scientific work. Let's say goodbye to our guests.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten combined type No. 38"

Synopsis of direct educational activities with elements of experimentation


Prepared by:

Educator mixed age group from 5 to 7 years

compensating orientation

for children with musculoskeletal disorders

Klimanova A.A.

Novomoskovsk, 2015


Target: expanding children's understanding of the Universe, outer space, constellations, using elements of research activities.

Tasks :

  • Educational:

Clarify children’s understanding of space, planets, stars and constellations;

Practice composing and reading words from letters;

Learn to apply the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the classroom, be active cognitive interest;

  • Educational:

Develop the ability to purposefully explore, observe, and interest in experimentation.

Develop thinking and speech activity, visual attention and perception, imagination

  • Educational:

Foster activity and initiative; ability to work in a team.


Projector, screen, ball, space magazine;

For experiments - a tray with semolina and pebbles, a globe, desk lamp.


Sheets of paper, paints, brushes, cups - sippy cups.

Preliminary work:

Conversations about space, reading encyclopedic literature, educational stories“How far is it to the stars”, “Why does the sun shine and warm”, “Constellations”. Solving mysteries about space. Productive activity"Space" - drawing. View presentations about space.


Organizing time

Music is playing. Children stand near the chairs.

Educator: Guys, let’s greet each other with a smile: I’ll smile at you, and you smile friend to a friend. Let's take a deep breath and breathe in good mood, let's get into a working mood.

The children take their seats.

Educator: Guys, I know that you really love to travel. Today I propose to set off on a new journey. First you need to decrypt the encryption.

Slide 1

On the slide there are letters scattered: K, O, S, M, O, S.

Task “Make a word from letters”

Slide 2

After children have formed a word, the letters on the screen move to create the word “Space.”

Main part

The music plays and the character Klepa appears on the screen.

Slide 3

Educator: Guys, this is our old friend. Klepa collects information about space for her magazine and asks us to help with this. Do you agree?

Slide 4

What is space? Space is the space outside the Earth, with everyone in it celestial bodies, particles. These are planets that revolve around the Sun, tailed comets, meteorites - all this is space! Space is the Universe!

Let's remember what you already know about space.


1. Is the sun a planet or a star? (star)

2. Which planet is the largest? (Jupiter)

3. Which planet has rings? (Saturn)

4. The first cosmonaut on the planet? (Yu. Gagarin)

5. Name the first woman astronaut? (V. Tereshkova)

6. How many planets are there solar system? (9)

7. What state do astronauts experience in space? (weightlessness)

8. Special cosmonaut suit (space suit)

Educator: Great, you showed good knowledge you can fly to the stars. What will we fly on? (on a rocket)

Slide 5

In order for the rocket to take off from the Earth and take off, you need to say the magic words:

Articulation gymnastics “Rocket”:

YOT-YOT-YOT - we're going to take flight

Eta-eta-eta - here is our rocket

IM-IM-IM - we will all FLY together

TA-TA-TA - we are not afraid of HEIGHTS

Or-or-or - let's start the rocket's motor.

La-la-la - goodbye planet Earth.

(Children pronounce in unison and clap clean sentences.)

Educator: Here we are in space. Let's see what's going on here, but first let's do some space gymnastics for the eyes.

Gymnastics for the eyes “Space distances”

Let's lift our eyes up together

One two Three!

And then we'll lower it down

One two Three!

Left, right

One two Three!

And spin a little

One two Three!

Slide 6

Fragment "Space"

Slide 7

Educator: And now you and I are flying to the moon. What is the Moon? (Earth satellite)

Why doesn't the Moon fall to Earth? (The Moon does not stand still; it rotates around the Earth in its orbit).

What do you see on the surface of the Moon? (pits - craters) What did they come from? (from impacts on the lunar surface of meteorites)

Want to see how they are formed?

Experience “Meteor craters”

Educator: Imagine that semolina is the surface of the Moon, and the ball is a meteorite. A meteorite flies through space at great speed and hits the surface of the Moon. Look at what has formed - depressions, holes, craters. Guys, why did the crater form? (Children's answers).

Children: The meteorite is heavy, and the surface of the planet is soft, covered with a thick layer of dust, so craters are formed.

Physical exercise “Exercise” (musical)

Educator: Our new stop is the Sun.

Is the sun a planet or a star? (star)

Why is there a lot of light from the sun, but not from the stars? (The Sun is close to the Earth, so its light and heat reaches it, while other stars are very far away)

Can we land on the Sun? (no, the sun is hot)

What role does the Sun have on life on Earth? (it shines, it warms, plants grow)

What happens if there is no sun? (there will be no life on earth, an ice age will come)

You know a lot about the sun, but now let’s play the game “What kind of sun?”

A verbal game with elements of self-massage “What kind of sunshine?”

Educator: The Sun also influences the change of seasons and time of day.

Experience "Day - Night"

There is a table lamp (Sun) on the table, and a globe next to it. Mounted on the globe symbol in the place where the children live. The teacher turns on the lamp and slowly rotates the globe around its axis. Children watch the icon move and the lighting change. The sun illuminates first one side and then the other.

Children: If the Sun is above, then we have day, if below, it is night.

Slide 8

Experience "Winter - Summer"

There is a globe on the table and a table lamp in the hands of the teacher. The Earth rotates not only around its axis, but also in its orbit around the Sun. The teacher moves the globe around the lamp.

Children: If the Earth faces the Sun with one side - the Northern Hemisphere (we have summer), then the other side - Southern Hemisphere(we have winter, and between them there is autumn and spring.

Slide 9


Well, it's time for us to go back. Let's stand up and say the magic words:

You will turn around yourself

And return to Earth again.

We'll stretch our hands together

And we'll sit down on the chairs.

What do you see? (star map)

Slide 10

Look how beautiful the stars are. Let's draw a starry sky as a memory of our trip. But first, let's prepare our fingers.

Finger gymnastics “Cosmonauts”

One two three four five

A squad flew into space.

The commander looks through binoculars,

What does he see ahead?

The sun, planets, satellites, comets,

Big yellow moon.

Task “Draw a starry sky”

Final part

Educator: Our journey is coming to an end. Let's tell Klepa what new things have you learned? What did you like most?

Slide 11

Klyopa collected a lot interesting material about space and published it in this magazine, which she leaves for reading. (The teacher gives a magazine about space)

Educational area:« Cognitive development».

Integration of educational areas:

« Speech development”, “Socio-communicative development”.

Form of conducting GCD: experimental activities, solving problem situations.

Children's organization form: group.

Target: activation of children’s cognitive activity, systematization of acquired knowledge about the water cycle in nature and its properties.


Continue to introduce children to the properties of water;

Give an idea of ​​the role of water in the life of humans, plants and animals;

Strengthen the ability to draw conclusions based on the results of experimentation;

Activate children's vocabulary; nouns, adjectives and verbs related to the topic of the lesson.


Develop logical thinking, memory, attention, observation, cognitive interest in the process of experimentation, the ability to draw conclusions.


Develop muscle-motor activity of fingers and hands; auditory perception, attention, tactile sensitivity, charm and touch.


Foster friendly relationships between children;

Desire to work in a team;

Careful attitude towards water.

Equipment: surprise moment: the arrival of the Droplet doll (flat figure); transparent plastic cups(3 for each child), teaspoons, containers different shapes, pipette, funnel, napkins, cocktail straws, water, milk, orange juice, sugar, salt, mint drops, picture “Water cycle”, audio recording “The sound of a stream of water”, projector, screen, slide show: “Water can be different...”, “Water, water, water all around "(based on the poem by N. Ryzhova “Have you heard of water?”)

Vocabulary work: globe, experiments, water cycle, geyser.

Preliminary work: LLC for educational fields“Cognitive development”, “Socio-communicative development”.

Examination of illustrations, photographic materials about various bodies of water;

conversation “Who needs water”, “Reservoirs of our region”; experiments with water; reading fiction on this topic, learning poetry, sayings, guessing riddles; observations in nature different time of the year; didactic and educational games; games with water.

The recording “The Sound of a Stream of Water” is played.

Educator: I want to ask you a riddle: “It lives in seas and rivers, but often flies across the sky. And when she gets bored of flying, she falls to the ground again.” (children's answers). Can you guess what we're going to talk about today? That's right, we'll talk about the living water sorceress .

Association game. Guys, when I say the word “water,” what do you think of? ( Children's answers.)

Today we have an unusual guest - Droplet. You and I have already met it when we looked at the table “The Journey of a Droplet.” Guys, Droplet brought you a globe - this is a model of our planet earth. What colors is the globe painted in? What color is the earth and mountains? What about water? (Children's answers.) Well done, that’s right: water is blue, and land (earth and mountains) is green and brown. And if I spin it too much, what color does our planet become? (Children's answers.) That's right, the whole globe seemed to turn blue.

Now look at the screen. This is what our planet Earth looks like from space (slide show). The picture shows that our planet is not called the blue space traveler for nothing. That's how much water we have on earth! Guys, who do you think needs water? (ABOUT children's answers.) That’s right, people, plants, animals and birds need water. The drop invites you to play a game. Speech game"Finish the sentence":“People (animals, birds, plants) need water in order to...”

Guys, do you want to learn more about water and explore it? The droplet invites you to our small laboratory. (Children go to their tables.) I remind them of the rules for handling water.

Educator: Everyone always needs water,

The water is warm and cold,

And she's also wet.

And whoever is careless with water,

She will wet them quickly.

Children, in our laboratory we turn into research scientists. Many properties of water can be discovered if you arm yourself with patience.

Experience 1. The water is clear." There are two glasses in front of the children: one with water, the other with milk. Place spoons in both glasses. In which of the glasses are they visible and in which are they not? Why? In front of us are milk and water; in a glass of water we see a stick, but in a glass of milk we do not. Conclusion: The water is clear, but the milk is not.

Experience 2. "Water has no taste" I suggest children try water through a straw. Question: does she have taste? I let them try orange juice for comparison.

Conclusion: water has no taste.

Experience 3. "Water has no smell" I invite the children to smell the water and say what it smells like (or doesn’t smell at all). I add mint drops to the glass. Conclusion: Water has no odor.

Physical education minute.

We are floating along a quiet river,

Water splashes quietly (swimming movements with hands)

In the sky, the clouds, like sheep, ran away in all directions (stretching arms up and to the sides)

Here's a big bird flying

Smoothly circles over the river (moves his arms like wings)

Finally she sits down on a snag above the water (sit down)

We are climbing out of the river.

To dry off, let's take a walk (walking in place).

Now take a deep breath

And we sit down on the sand.

Experience 4. "Water can be warm, cold and hot." I let the kids try cups of water. different temperatures. Children will determine in which glass the water is the coldest, the warmest ( slide show). In rivers, lakes, and seas, water has different temperatures. Some fish, animals, plants can live only in warm water, others - only in cold water. There are places in nature where very hot water comes out of the ground to the surface. These are geysers. From them, as from a thermos with hot water Same steam is coming. In reservoirs, water has different temperatures, which means they live in different plants and animals.

Experience 5. " Some substances dissolve in water, others do not."

Educator: Guys, let's see what happens to salt and sugar if we put them in water. Stir them. What happened? Sugar and salt dissolved in water. Add a few drops of oil to your glasses of water . (Children conduct the experiment with the help of their parents.)

What happened to the oil in the water? The oil has not dissolved in the water; it floats on the surface of the water as yellow droplets. Is it possible to drink this water? And why? (Children's answers.)

Water purification using filters (from cotton pads, gauze, napkins, coal, sand, pebbles).

Educator: Where did the oil go? All the oil remains on the filter. We have learned the easiest way to purify water. The water that enters our apartments through the water supply is also filtered. First, water is taken from rivers or from some underground reservoir. Then it goes to special water treatment plants, where, with the help of complex filters, the water is purified from sand, dirt, and various microbes. And only after that does it enter the water supply. Water is one of the most amazing substances on the planet. Every living thing on earth needs water, so it must be preserved and protected! Guys, how should we take care of it and protect it?

A child reads an excerpt from a poem by N. Ryzhova (slide show).

Have you heard about water?

They say she is everywhere!

You will find her in the pond,

And in a damp forest swamp.

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean and in the tap,

Like an icicle freezes,

Fog creeps into the forest,

It's boiling on your stove,

The kettle steam hisses.

We can't wash ourselves without it,

Don't eat, don't get drunk!

I dare to report to you: we cannot live without water!


Educator: Guys, what did we do today? What new have you learned about water? Did you enjoy working in the laboratory? What did you find most interesting? ( Children's answers.)

The recording “The Sound of a Stream of Water” is played.

droplet thanks the children for participating in experimental activities and presents them with “Young Researcher” badges.

Sansyzbaeva Aliya Bulatovna

Mukhamedzyanova Albina Khamsanovna

teachers of MADOU No. 39, Tyumen

Integration of educational areas:


To consolidate children's understanding of the properties of air (invisible, colorless, odorless, expands when heated, and contracts when cooled); about the properties of water (odorless, transparent, does not have a permanent shape, is a solvent for some substances)

Development of the organs of hearing, vision, smell.

To develop children's cognitive activity in the process of experimentation.


Promote the development of free communication with adults and children.

Activate speech and enrich children's vocabulary.


Development of intelligence, the ability to independently solve a given problem.

Learn to draw conclusions during the experiment.

Cultivate friendly relationships.


Formation of children's skills to take a deep breath, hold the air and exhale it slowly.


Reinforcing the rules of safe behavior during experiments with air and water.

Upbringing respectful attitude to the work of people of science.


Enrichment of musical impressions.

Preliminary work:

Children's classes in a mini-laboratory. Experiments with water, air, magnet, sand, clay and other materials.


Balloons (with helium);

- a container with cold and hot water;

Plastic bottle;

2 cups;

Glass of milk;

- containers of different shapes;

Picture of a hot air balloon with a basket;


Record player;

Progress of the lesson:

Organizational moment: “Welcome”

Educator: Look, we have guests today!

Let us say hello to our guests and everyone around us.

Hello sky (hands up)

Hello earth (squat)

Hello my friends (hands in front)

1,2,3,4,5 (bend your fingers)

Let us come together in a circle again (hold hands)

We will play together.

We want to go on a trip again (they go in a circle)

Educator: What can you go on a trip with? (children's answers) I suggest using it today balloon. Do you mind? (No)

The teacher makes a big contribution helium balloon, and the children and teacher stand around him.

We need an important assistant on our way.

The riddle says about him:

Passes through the nose into the chest

And he's on his way back

He is invisible, and yet

We cannot live without him. (air)

Educator: Air is everywhere. Look around.

Who saw the air? (children's answers). Yes, air is invisible, but it is always around us. Without it we could not live, since there would be nothing to breathe.

Now, guys, let's check how long we can go without breathing. (exercise “Deep inhalation and exhalation after 5-7 seconds”)

Why can't we see air? (children's answers). Air is invisible because it is transparent.

Do you want to see the air? (Yes)

To do this, we need to go to our laboratory. (Children sit on chairs)

But first let's repeat the rules safe behavior when experimenting:

1. Don't push your neighbor while you're working.

2. Watch first, then repeat.

3. Be careful with hot water!!!

(corresponding pictures are posted on the board)

Experiment #1:

Educator: For this experiment you need a container of water and an empty glass.

The glass is lowered into a container of water with the neck down. Does water get into the glass? Why not? (children's answers)

Conclusion: There is air in the glass, it does not let water in.

Experiment #2:

Tilt the glass until bubbles appear.

Educator: What do you see? (bubbles) Where did they come from? (children's answers) What happens to the glass? (it fills with water). What is the conclusion from this experiment?

Conclusion: Air leaves the glass and water takes its place.

The teacher opens a picture of a balloon.

Educator: Tell me, why is the burner located under the ball? (children's answers). Now we will find out what happens to air when it is heated.

Experiment #3:

Educator: For this experiment we will need an empty balloon and a plastic bottle.

The ball must be placed on the neck of the bottle and held for 1 minute. V hot water. - What do you see? (The balloon inflates) Why do you think it inflated? (children's assumptions)

Conclusion: When heated, the air in the bottle expands and fills the balloon, it inflates.

Then the teacher puts the bottle with the ball in cold water.

What happens to the ball? (The ball deflates) Why did the ball deflate? (children's assumptions)

Conclusion: As air cools, it compresses and leaves the balloon - it deflates.

Educator: Why do you need a burner? (children's answers). When heated, the air expands and fills the ball. When the burner is turned off, the air gradually cools and contracts - the balloon deflates.

Educator: It’s time for us to continue our flight! Take your seats. Let's fly. (Children stand around the ball. The teacher takes out a globe.) Children, what is this in my hands? (globe). That's right, this is what our earth looks like from space. What is shown in blue on the globe? (Water) Listen to a poem about water. (Vika M. will read it to us)

Have you heard about water?

They say she is everywhere!

In a puddle, sea, ocean

And a water tap.

Like an icicle, it freezes,

Fog creeps into the forest,

It's boiling on your stove,

The steam of the kettle hisses,

Dissolves sugar in tea.

We don't notice it.

We are used to the fact that water

Our companion always!

We can't wash ourselves without water,

Don't eat, don't get drunk.

I dare to report to you -

We can't live without water!

Educator: And, really, it’s hard to imagine life without water. Attention, here we are! Let's land! (Children leave.)

Someone is coming to meet us! (recording of the song “I am a merman, I am a merman...” starts, Vodyanoy enters)

Vodyanoy: Hello! I am very glad to see you! I love splashing my bare feet through puddles, swimming, splashing. After this, on the arms and legs in sun rays Transparent droplets shimmer. But I don’t understand: where does this water then disappear? And also, in winter, I wanted to swim in my favorite river, but instead of water there was ice. Where did he come from?

Educator: Dear Vodyanoy, the guys and I will try to answer your questions. To do this you need to arm yourself with attention and patience.

Let's go to the laboratory.

Educator: Waterman, we will show you what properties water has. Children, pay attention: there is ice in a container on the table. We'll return to it later.

And now, we will learn about the properties of water.

Experiment No. 4:

Take a glass with clean water and smell it.

Educator: Does water have a smell? (No, water has no odor.) So what conclusion can we draw from this experiment?

Conclusion: Water has no odor.

Experiment No. 5:

Educator: For the next experiment we will need a glass of water, a glass of milk and pictures. Place a glass of water on the picture and look at what is drawn in the picture. Then do the same with a glass of milk

Educator: Can you see what is drawn in the picture? (Where there is water, you can see, but where there is milk, you can’t.) What conclusion can be drawn from this experiment?

Conclusion: The water is clear.

Experiment #6:

Educator: Now we need a glass of water, salt and a spoon. You need to put a spoonful of salt in the glass and stir.

Educator: what happened to the salt? (salt has dissolved)

We draw the following conclusion.

Conclusion: Water is a solvent for some substances.

Experiment No. 7:

Pour water into different vessels.

Educator: What shape did the water take? (The shape of the container in which it was poured)

Conclusion: Water does not have a permanent shape, it takes the shape of the vessel into which it is poured.

Guys, we've worked hard, and now it's time to relax

Physical education lesson: “Rain”

A drop once, a drop two.

Very slowly at first

And then, then, then

Everybody run, run, run.

We opened our umbrellas

Sheltered herself from the rain.

Educator: Guys, let's go to the table on which there was ice. What do you see? Why did this happen? (children's answers)

Vodyanoy: It’s a pity that the ice melted, I love eating it so much.

Educator: What are you saying? Icicles and ice should not be eaten! Why can't children eat ice? (children's answers). Let's prove that ice is dirty. (let's filter)

Experiment No. 8:

Educator: We will need a vessel, a funnel and a filter.

Let's pour it melt water from the plate into a funnel with a filter.

Educator: (shows the filter) Is the ice clean or dirty? (dirty) Why? (the filter has become dirty) Water, can you eat ice or not?

Vodyanoy: What are you talking about! I will never eat ice and snow again.

Educator: Let's repeat the properties of water.

Vodyanoy: Thank you. I will remember the properties of water and never forget them. Here are some balloons to remember this trip. Goodbye.

(Merman leaves)

Educator: It's time for us to return to kindergarten. Take your seats. We close our eyes. One, two, three, four, five and we’re in the garden again! We've arrived.

Human! Remember forever:

The symbol of life on Earth is water!

Save it and take care of it.

We are not alone on the planet!


1. Zubkova N. M. “Scientific answers to children’s “whys.” Experiments and experiments for children from 5 to 9 years old. 2009

2. Kulikovskaya I. E. “ Children's experimentation» 2005

3. Raviza F.V. “ Simple experiments» 1997

4. Smirnov Yu. I. “Air” 1998

5. Tugusheva G. P., Chistyakova A. E. “ Experimental activities middle and older children preschool age» 2009

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