Be careful: the main myths about eyelash extensions that you should not believe. Myth: extensions can ruin natural nails

Since its inception, the nail extension procedure has become overgrown with myths, so many girls are afraid to lengthen their nails with gel or acrylic. Most of the horror stories clean water fiction, but this does not prevent those who have never grown nails from taking the tales on faith. Therefore, the masters of salons specializing in nail art make up special brochures in which popular myths about nail extensions are debunked.

Myth #1. Nail extension is very expensive, it is not for the middle class.

Really building up in good nail salon in the center of Moscow costs from 2500 rubles (on the hands) and from 3500 (on the legs). You will have to part with such an amount regularly, about once every 3 weeks, and if your nails grow slowly, then you will visit the salon every 4-5 weeks.

Lacquer on artificial nails lasts 2-3 weeks. Designer drawings soldered into acrylic rhinestones or bouillons - too.

You can also use the discounts that most salons give, ranging from special flyers to cards, for which every 3-5 procedures costs 50%.

Large training centers for masters nail service invite clients to the extension procedure and do for 100-500 rubles. Do not be afraid that a beginner will have to train on your nails - the master will still follow the trainee and correct mistakes, and the result will be at a decent level.

By the way, enterprising students and housewives have long discovered how to build up nails and make trendy nail art for free. You can, for example, work as a model at a thematic exhibition.

Myth #2. Extended nails are suitable only for a party, they are uncomfortable to live with. In addition, they do not fit into the dress code.

Who told you that extended nails must be long, pointed and bright? Acrylic or gel nails can be made so delicately and accurately that only their mistress will know about their origin.

Most office workers wear neat nails that almost do not go beyond their own. nail plate, thin, flexible, perfectly matched in color to natural ones. The extension helps keep the hands in decent shape without a weekly manicure, even if you naturally have brittle and thin nails.

Acrylic or gel nails are durable and not easy to break. And with them you can perform any household work - neither washing dishes, nor handwash, no cleaning will make them somehow change. Especially if the pattern is "hidden" inside the nail.

Myth #3. It is harmful to build up nails, after this procedure they grow in waves, turn into “rags”, fall off.

In fact, if you are doing extensions from a professional, then your natural nails after removing the acrylic or gel, they will not suffer at all. Of course, at the dawn of technology, when a flood of cheap materials poured into Russia, and anyone undertook to build up nails, similar things happened. Now this is out of the question.

Nails were roughly filed, acrylic was applied in a thick layer, as a result, native nails suffered greatly. But now special soft files have been invented to prepare the natural nail plate for the extension procedure, not even files, but grinding tiles that do not injure the nail, but only make its top layer rough so that acrylic or gel can “cling” to it.

The materials themselves are not toxic, so wearing extended nails is not forbidden even for pregnant women.

Novice manicure masters are often lost, not knowing how to correctly and competently answer the questions of their clients. Myths about extensions heard from clients rarely surprise anyone. Another thing is the masters who have worked with nails for a long time. Some of them believe that the gel - natural substance and is not allergic. Others work without observing any safety precautions and without applying individual means protection. This article should, to some extent, wake up such people, and perhaps they will think about their health and the safety of the client. We list the most FAQ and misconceptions about nail extensions and everything related to this procedure.

Myth 1. Building spoils nails. One of the most common myths.

Is it true. It is not the material that spoils the nails, but the master who does not follow the extension technology, or rather, the technology for preparing a natural nail and the correct consistency of the monomer-powder. As well as a master using cheap uncertified modeling materials, which include MMA (methyl methacrylate). Also, the nails can be ruined by the master if the rules for performing the correction are not followed. This can happen as a result of improper sawing of the exfoliated area or in the case when the correction is performed not with files, but with tongs. By “biting” the exfoliated layer of artificial coating with this tool, the master involuntarily tears it off even more from the nail with several layers of natural. Many clients themselves tear off extended nails, which is absolutely impossible to do (unfortunately, unfortunate masters do not warn them about this).

The genetic form of the nail, its thickness, structure, growth rate is determined by the matrix. The longer the matrix, the thicker the nail plate. Therefore, nail extension cannot damage nails, and after removing the artificial material, natural nails grow the same as they were laid down genetically, i.e., as they were before extension. Professional modeling materials themselves do not have any effect on the natural nail plate. Only insufficient knowledge of the basic rules for the use of materials for modeling, non-compliance with the instructions of manufacturers and violation of the technology of building / correcting artificial nails leads to damaged nails of clients.

Myth 2. Natural nails "breathe". Let's figure it out.

Is it true. Nails are horny formations that develop from the exoderm. They have a lamellar structure and are appendages of the skin. The nail plate consists of the root of the nail, body and free edge(Fig. 1. Anatomical structure of the nail).

called the root of the nail rear end nail plate, located under the proximal roller. The root of the nail is on the back nail bed and is inextricably linked to the matrix. Matrix - the main part of the growth zone of the nail, consists of epithelial cells - onychoblasts; is the place where the formation of the nail plate occurs, as a result of the division of onychoblasts, the nail grows.

The formation of the substance of the nail occurs from the cells of the matrix. Outwardly rounded matrix cells (onychoblasts) successively turn into beta-keratin - the main substance of the nail. In the process of this transformation, the cells flatten (become even and flat) and form scales tightly adjacent to each other, thus contributing to the formation of the nail plate. These keratin cells harden and, reaching the supranail plate, completely harden. Thus, the nail plate is hardened (dead) keratin cells.

As you can see, living cells are located only in the growth zone of the nail (matrix), and then they turn into horny nail plates. Therefore, she the nail plate consists of non-living keratinized cells and cannot "breathe".

Myth 3. The smell of acrylic is harmful or toxic.

Is it true. The famous American chemist Douglas Schoon, author of the book “Nail Structure and chemical composition products", conducted experiments with various materials for modeling nails. The higher the material is in the table, the more often it causes allergies.

Table 1 (Materials and their allergenicity) shows that more allergenic are light-curing systems, liquid and odorless powder.

In fact, what the material has peculiar smell does not mean that it is harmful. Perfume Chanel are also not pleasant to everyone, but this does not mean that they are toxic or harmful to our body.

Speaking of toxicity, ask for quality certificates (conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological service) in the store or training center where you buy products. Use only professional, trusted brands.

Myth 4. Gel is a natural substance, and acrylic is a chemical compound..

Each master praises his material. How many stories can be heard about this. Masters who work only on one material tell clients that only their material is a panacea, and the other is bad. Some say that the gel is natural material, but acrylic does not, and it causes terrible allergies due to its smell, while others say that the gel dust is fine and dangerous, and this is a bad material. So where is the truth?

Is it true. As always, the truth is somewhere in the middle. After all both acrylic and gel belong to the same chemical "family", the acrylate family.

There are hundreds of varieties of acrylics in nature. In nail modeling, only a few types of the entire variety are used (Fig. 2. Acrylics used in the nail industry). Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Myth 5. Allergic reaction in the master and the client.

Is it true. Unfortunately, not all training centers talk about the safety of working with chemicals. Many masters after completing the courses have no idea at all how to work with chemicals in order to protect themselves at work. Most do not even know that acrylic or gel can cause allergies, and after a couple of months of non-compliance with safety precautions, working with chemicals, they earn an allergy that is very difficult to get rid of. It is always better to prevent a disease than to cure. In the same way, an unskilled master can harm the client by causing him allergic reaction(Table 2. Causes of allergies in the master and the client). And after that, both the masters and the clients say that the gel / acrylic always causes allergies, in any case, for everyone.

First of all, masters must follow the basic rules for working with drugs and the rules of sanitation.

Myth 6. UV lamps for curing gels cause cancer. Even voice this informationwas on TV in the Info-SHOCK program, which caused a big stir in the nail industry.

Is it true. In the ultraviolet range, there are three types of light (Fig. 3. Light spectrum). Light type A (long wavelength) has a wavelength of 315-400 nm. Promotes tanning with prolonged exposure. Light of this type, with a short exposure time, is necessary for the hardening of light-cured materials, does not cause a tanning effect, and is completely safe (Fig. 4. Exposure to sunlight and artificial light).

The range of UV light type B (medium range) has a wavelength of 280-315 nm. Promotes the production of vital important vitamin D, has a beneficial effect on humans, with excessive exposure causes sunburn.

The range of UV light type C (shortwave, germicidal range) has a wavelength of 100-280 nm. It has a sterilizing effect, but its excess can lead to inflammation of the connective tissues.

Synthetic materials that are used to model nails polymerize under the influence of ultraviolet light. certain length. UV lamps for the polymerization of light-curing gels emit light with a wavelength of 380-400 nm, i.e. type A.

The polymerization wavelength of the gels is in the UV-type A range. Light of this type is completely safe for a short exposure time.

The eyes are aesthetic center faces, and very often after thirty years negative age-related changes. Signs of such changes can be overhanging and heaviness upper eyelids, bags under the eyes, morning puffiness. Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) will help to solve these problems Odessa — surgical correction shown in the manifestations of age-related changes.

Masters who are professionally engaged in nail extension quite often meet clients who are interested in technical side extension procedures. At the same time, many of them are frightened or firmly convinced of the harmfulness of artificial nails. So you have to reassure your customers and dispel the myths about extended nails. We decided to devote several articles to this topic, namely, the myths about nail extension, so you have a great opportunity to get really truthful information. Well, shall we talk?

Myths about extended nails

Myth one: “Artificial nails suppress natural ones and do not allow them to fully “breathe”

Quite often, clients are sure that acrylic or gel is harmful to natural nails, arguing that this leads to a deterioration in the condition of the nail plate. However, this is not true, because the nails are composed of keratinized particles that do not need to "breathe". According to the living part of the nail, then it is only the growth part of the nail. But even this part of the nail receives enough nutrition not from the outside, but from the inside. Thus, given that the nails are an integral part of our body, then they receive nutrition according to blood vessels. Therefore, even if the nails are covered with a layer of gel or acrylic, this will not affect their internal state in any way.

Myth two: “After removing acrylic or gel nails look terrible”

It is worth noting that indeed, this happens, but only in cases where the extension and correction of artificial nails was carried out unprofessionally and in violation of safety regulations. For example, this type of nails is explained by the defeat of the nail plate under artificial coating, due to insufficient hygiene of hands and tools before building. Therefore, if you trust a professional, then even after removing the artificial coating, your nails will look great.

Myth three: "Nail extensions are bad for your health"

This misconception for many customers is the biggest argument. However, today, unlike in 1980, acrylic is produced not with MMA (methyl methacrylate), but with EMA (ethyl methacrylate), the safety of which has been confirmed for more than 20 years. EMA technology has received certificates in Europe and the USA, therefore it is recommended for extensions in beauty salons. It is also important to note the fact that dental fillings are made from a substance very similar in composition, therefore, often acrylics for manicure and materials for fillings are produced by the same pharmacological company.

The most common myths about hair extensions - why are they absolutely groundless and unfair? The whole truth about hair extensions.

Long well-groomed hair associated with femininity, youth and health. Whatever hairstyles fashion dictates, be it short haircut or stylish bob, exactly about long hair dream of most women. But not everyone wants to wait a few years until they grow back. There is a way out - you can grow hair. But many girls do not dare to do this: although hair extensions are becoming an increasingly popular procedure, at the same time they are overgrown with all sorts of fables.

Debunking myths about hair extensions

Myth 1. Hair extensions need complex, expensive care

Myth 2. After extensions, your own hair falls out a lot

If the extension is done correctly, the technology is correctly selected - taking into account the type and structure of the hair, then nothing like this will happen. That is why it is so important to turn to an experienced master who can choose for each client best way extensions. Every day a person loses about 100 hairs. But after building up, your own fallen hairs remain in capsules, which is why after removing the overhead strands, “losses” sometimes seem shocking.

Myth 3. Hair extensions are noticeably different from natural ones.

With poor-quality extensions, the use of cheap materials, the hair can really look unnatural. To get curls that are neither visually nor to the touch indistinguishable from relatives, contact professionals who build up selected strands collected from natural high-quality hair. Only a qualified master will be able to select donor strands so that they perfectly match in color and structure with natural shade and the texture of your hair.

Myth 4. After extensions, your own hair is severely damaged and quickly deteriorates.

Non-professional extensions can cause harm to hair, improper care behind extended strands, attempts to remove them on their own, untimely correction. But if the strands and the technology of their fastening are correctly selected, the extension is correctly performed and all the recommendations for care are followed, you should not worry: the hair will not deteriorate.

Myth 5. Overhead strands are fixed with household glue

Competent specialists use in their work cosmetic materials specially designed for hair extensions. The better they are, the better the donor strands hold. The cold extension technology uses special glue for this technology of extension, and in hot natural polymer is heated by a professional apparatus. Only from natural compounds it is possible to correctly form microcapsules, with the help of which native hair is bonded to donor strands.

Myth 6. Attachment points (capsules, spikes, rings) are visible on the hair

If this is true (which, by the way, is quite likely), it means that the extension was performed poorly. A qualified master will make the attachment points of false and natural hair absolutely invisible, even if the hair is very thin by nature. For this, thinner strands and smaller capsules are used than usual. In addition, capsules are easy to pick up exactly the same color as native hair: the variety of shades in which they are presented allows you to do this.

Myth 7. Glued strands fall off and are not worn for long

Hair extensions can be worn from 1 to 4 months (from 1 to 3.5 months), after which you need to make a correction. You can’t do without it, since native hair grows every day, the capsules go down, because of which the hairstyle loses its attractiveness. Overhead strands are removed with special, absolutely harmless compounds. But all this is true under one single condition: professional performance, both the extension itself and the correction. And as for the period of wearing overhead strands, it is usually 1-2 years.

Myth 8. Hair extensions are for long hair only.

Yes, the longer the native hair, the more possibilities. For example, hair that has reached 10-15 cm can be grown up to 50-60 cm. But there are methods that allow you to fix donor strands for very short hair, from 1-2.5 cm long, such as Diamond Hair micro extension.

Myth 9. Extension strands carry someone else's energy

Hair goes through a multi-stage treatment cycle, which includes disinfection, dyeing, washing, drying, combing and coating with a silicon or silicone layer (for shine and silkiness). All this guarantees their complete sterility and safety; after such treatment, there is no spirit left from someone else's aura.

Don't believe rumors, trust professionals! In the salon ArtHair work experienced craftsmen that will appreciate all the pros and cons different ways extensions for your hair, they will answer all your questions, perform extensions with high quality and professionalism. Turning to us, you will see for yourself that the myths about hair extensions are unfair and unfounded. We guarantee a result that will meet all your expectations: the long-awaited seductive curls will make you irresistible.

When it comes to appearance and beauty, girls begin to communicate their impressions to each other, personal experience and "secrets", resulting in different cosmetic procedures overgrown with myths and conjectures.

Today we will figure out where the truth is so that you are protected from such misinformation.

Getting on forums and Internet sites with discussions of the eyelash extension procedure, a girl can get lost among conflicting opinions and advice and, most likely, will make up a picture for herself that does not correspond to reality.

This happens because there is no single authoritative source on the Internet where girls could look for answers to such questions. Therefore, I tried to collect all the main misconceptions about building in this article. So let's start dispelling the myths.

Myth one. You can not turn to lash makers, but do everything at home yourself. It's not difficult, and all materials can be bought online.

In general, imagine that there is a video on the Internet on how to treat your own teeth. Everything is shown and told, you can learn. Would you risk?

So, your eyes are even more delicate and vulnerable organs, to which only professionals can be allowed.

Moreover, without understanding the quality of materials, you can provoke many problems: allergies, irritation, redness, and the wrong technology will add to all this. discomfort.

Even if you study long and hard from videos on the Internet, you need to fill your hand, and for this you need to carry out the procedure many times on models.

So don't waste your money on self-extension kits - experiments with your own eyes - this is a frankly bad idea.

If you want to learn how to build professionally, then you need to go to specialized school, where you will discover all the wisdom of this skill. But after that, there is still a lot of self-practice ahead until you become a pro.

Myth two. For those who wear contact lenses, eyelash extensions are contraindicated

In short, contact lenses are not a contraindication to eyelash extensions. However, there are a few things to note here. Great importance has how long you need to wear your lenses, namely how often you need to remove and insert new lenses.

If you need to replace once a week, two weeks or a month, there will be no problems. If you need to remove and re-insert lenses every day, the period of wearing eyelash extensions may be reduced due to the fact that liquid from lenses, eye drops, etc. will often get on them. Also, private contact of the hands with the eyelashes will reduce the period of wearing them.

Myth three. Extended eyelashes will fall off at the most inopportune moment, and others will immediately reveal the “secret”

You should not be afraid that in the middle business meeting or romantic date your eyelashes will suddenly come off, and you will have to be embarrassed and blush. This will not happen, of course, if you trust a professional.

The essence of eyelash extension is that one (sometimes two or three) artificial ones are glued to each natural eyelash. If the artificial eyelashes were chosen correctly by the master lashmaker and glued strictly in accordance with the technology, then they will fall off only as your natural eyelashes fall out. Approximately 3-5 lashes fall out per day.

Thus, with each natural one, the same number of artificial ones will fall out, and they will do this not at the same time, but during the day, so you should not worry about this at all.

Myth four. After eyelash extensions, natural eyelashes begin to fall out.

As you have already understood from the previous point, natural eyelashes do not start, but simply continue to fall out, since we lose our natural eyelashes on a daily basis, and this is completely normal.

The life cycle of one eyelash is approximately 90 days, after which it will fall out, and a new one will begin to grow in its place. At proper extension the number of dropped eyelashes remains unchanged. However, sometimes it seems to girls that there are more of them.

Do you know why? Because when your natural eyelashes remain on the pillow in the morning, you simply don’t notice it most often. And when the lash becomes longer and more visible as a result of extensions, you are more likely to notice its loss. That's the whole secret.

But with improper extensions, for example, if an inexperienced master glues a thick artificial eyelash onto a thin, weakened natural one, this can really lead to the natural eyelash breaking or falling out. Therefore, the qualification of the extension master plays a huge role - be sure to pay attention to this moment!

Myth five. Eyelashes do not last as long as the masters promise. In a week or two they will fall out

You already know about life cycle eyelashes and you know that sooner or later every eyelash that this moment frames your eyes. However, this does not happen at the same time, so they gradually peel off and fall out with natural eyelashes and extensions.

After a certain time period (usually 3-5 weeks), due to the dropped eyelashes, a difference in length becomes noticeable, and the eyelash line loses its evenness and attractiveness. Then a correction procedure is carried out, and the length and density of the eyelashes is restored.

The term of wearing eyelashes depends on many factors: the quality of the extension (observance of the technology), the quality of the materials used, proper care behind the eyelashes after the procedure. All of these points are equally important.

Even if the master takes best materials and will do its job flawlessly, improper care can quickly ruin all the beauty. Therefore, just follow all the recommendations of your lashmaker, because they are not difficult at all.

Myth six. It takes a long time to get used to eyelash extensions. They are uncomfortable, they prick, cause discomfort and discomfort.

Forget discomfort or others undesirable consequences if you had the procedure done by an experienced competent master. All these fears are completely unfounded. Lungs are attached to native eyelashes artificial eyelashes which do not weigh them down in any way.

The artificial eyelash is glued taking into account a small indentation from the edge of the eyelid, due to which there is no discomfort when closing and opening the eye. Artificial eyelashes do not prick or scratch the eyelids.

If you experience a similar negative result after the procedure, you should remove the eyelashes as soon as possible, as they can lead to redness and irritation of the eyelid and do not last long.

Let me remind you once again, with the right work done, you will be absolutely comfortable with extended eyelashes!

Myth seven. Eyelash extensions are made from animal hair, and they can cause rejection and allergies.

This myth appeared due to the fact that lash makers and companies producing building materials use the terms “mink”, “columns”, “sable” to describe different types artificial eyelashes. Such "animal" names are intended only to indicate the difference in characteristics (thickness, elasticity, etc.) different eyelashes that are used for extensions.

All eyelashes are synthetic fiber High Quality.

They are hypoallergenic and ophthalmologist tested.

Very rarely, individual intolerance occurs, in which the eyes are rejected artificial material, and in this case, the extension procedure will be impractical.

Myth eight. The most harmful thing in the extension procedure is the evaporation from the glue. They can significantly damage the health of customers.

Here again, the myth is only partly true. Cheap, low-quality glue can irritate and sting your eyelids, making it impossible for a person to wear their eyelash extensions. However, this adhesive is not used good craftsmen at home or in beauty salons.

High-quality expensive materials of the premium segment are safe for the eyes, subject to the technology of the extension procedure. Good glue dries quickly, fumes from it are minimal, they are odorless. They do not pose a threat to the health of the client, and the master can use a special mask to completely protect himself.

Myth nine. It will be noticeable to others that the eyelashes are artificial. Therefore, in everyday life, building up is inappropriate.

Modern materials and technologies make it possible to make such an extension that no one even from your closest environment will notice that the cilia are artificial.

Natural mascara effect thick eyelashes - great option For Everyday life. The eyes will be bright, there will be no need to use cosmetics to get expressive look. For holidays, special events and creating a stage image, a huge variety of extension effects (doll, “triple volume”, etc.), as well as eyelash decoration (feathers, rhinestones, “star dust”, etc.) are provided.

Thus, whether the eyelashes will look 100% natural or create an extravagant attention-grabbing effect is up to the client herself.

Myth ten. You will have to endure strict restrictions in order to maintain the appearance of eyelash extensions.

There will be no strict and complex restrictions, however, there are care recommendations that you still have to follow so that you can get the result for which you came to building.

Do not rub or pull eyelashes, do not use cosmetics and other products containing fats in the eye area. These are the rules that will limit you for the entire duration of the socks. There are a few more rules in the first three days, about which
