Cat makeup for Halloween. The final touch is a Halloween cat costume and accessories.

Halloween is perhaps the most original and unusual holiday of all those celebrated all over the world. Until recently, All Saints' Day was a celebration only for the peoples of America. Today, pumpkins are carved and dressed in the most mystical and terrifying images also in Europe and Asia. However, the surprising and extraordinary moment of this holiday is not so much the decor as the opportunity to demonstrate your individuality and uniqueness in an unnatural theme. After all, the images inherent in Halloween are considered to be unsubtle and beautiful bows, and frightening and sometimes even disgusting roles. However, for modern girls It is very important to remain feminine, attractive, sexy. Considering that All Saints' Day is not considered a “young” holiday, choosing a costume today is not a difficult task. How many ideas on the topic of vampirism, witchcraft and rising from the dead have been proposed by stylists! And even in such images you can demonstrate uniqueness and show with complete new side something about which, it would seem, everything has already been said. And yet, fashionistas are looking for more and more new and unexpected solutions.

Today, animalistic themes have gained great popularity. And the most popular image for girls was the image of a black cat. This animal is also Everyday life Many people associate it with mysticism and witchcraft. Remember how the most non-superstitious people spit over their left shoulder or go around the place where the black symbol is. However, without being distracted from the given topic, let's get back to creating this Halloween image itself. Of course, the main element of the mystical role is the outfit. But it is also very important to pay attention to the makeup of a black cat for Halloween, which often determines the girl’s role at the holiday.

Halloween makeup for a cat look

For girls who choose the look of a cat for Halloween, it is important to make the makeup not so much expressive as characteristic of this animal. In this case, it is meant that make-up is completely different from everyday makeup. Let's take a closer look at what a catwoman should be like on All Hallows' Eve?

Halloween Cat Eye Makeup. The main element in the mystical make-up of the animalistic theme is the eyes. If you are doing makeup at home, and your costume does not include a mask, you should definitely draw black expressive arrows. It is also worth lengthening and fluffing your eyelashes well so that your eyes attract even more attention. Remember that in this case it is not enough to just use shadows in the smoky-eyes style. Eyeliner is a must. Besides, current solution will create an unnatural bright green or amber tint, as well as narrow the pupil.

Lips in cat makeup for Halloween. As a rule, for cat image girls choose rich red lipstick. This option can be left in classic form or add a lip liner with a black pencil. However, it is more typical for a mystical image to highlight upper lip black with a stripe connecting the black nose. In this case, the lower lip should be colorless.

Eyebrows in Catwoman Halloween Makeup. This part of the face can be given the least attention. It’s better if you don’t paint your eyebrows at all or give them a little expressiveness. But stylists also offer decorative make-up that conveys the shape of the “house” and the fur of the animal in this area.

Halloween Black Cat Makeup Decor

In addition to black cat makeup, stylists offer to decorate your appearance in the style of wild animals for Halloween. Such roles are characterized by leopard, tiger or lion face coloring. Latest trend On All Saints' Night, the image of the Cheshire Cat with an unnaturally wide smile appeared. To create such makeup, you need the services of a professional who, using decorative makeup, will make beautiful coloring book. Besides, current decor For a cat on Halloween, it is considered to decorate the face with large rhinestones, sequins, and false trim for the whiskers.

The traditional way to celebrate Halloween is to come up with one for yourself bright image, in accordance with which to perform makeup, hairstyle and, of course, choose an outfit. What would a holiday be without a catwoman?! If everything is more or less clear with the hairstyle and outfit, then you will have to work on the makeup, and, as a rule, on your own. So that you don't have any problems with how to do cat makeup for Halloween, we suggest step by step instructions- a guide to action.

Step-by-step scheme for performing a cat make-up for Halloween


Like any other make-up, cat makeup for Halloween begins with the base, or rather, with evening out the tone of the face. Standard means that you resort to in everyday life will help us cope with this task. To keep your makeup on your face as long as possible, choose a foundation, cream, mousse, etc. according to your skin type. This will help you hide minor flaws inherent to certain skin types, and on the other hand, will not overload the face with non-standard cosmetic products.

  1. We will be able to deal with minor defects (pimples, abrasions, stains) using corrective products with a dense texture that will reliably disguise the flaws. A highlighter with reflective particles or a liquid fluid designed to correct the area around the eyes works great for dark circles under the eyes. To make the foundation lay more evenly, use special brushes or a sponge, but do not overdo it: if you apply the makeup in a thick layer, it will make your face unnatural, like a mask.
  2. When tinting your face, don’t forget to shade your natural eyebrows. So, it will be much more convenient for you to give your eyebrows the desired bend and shape with your own hands. The image of a cat allows for both thin, curved eyebrows and “shaggy”, fleecy, imitating cat hair. Choose an option that organically fits into your image.

Make-up eyes

  1. Catwoman's Halloween makeup involves giving her eyes a clear, elongated look. almond shape repeating. The liner will help us cope with this. Draw a clear line at the base of the eyelashes, lengthening and bringing the tail upward. Apply makeup to dark colors that would contrast well with your skin tone.
  2. Halloween makeup for girls does not recognize any taboos - show your imagination: paint over the entire eyelid with a black pencil, lengthening the corner of the eye, or for a dramatic effect, depict the classic ones, drawing the outer corner with darker shades from the palette.
  3. Fluffy ones will help complement the image of a cat, voluminous eyelashes. An expressive effect can be achieved using several layers of lengthening and voluminous mascara. Or just use false eyelashes.
  4. Catwoman Halloween makeup will be more impressive if you use lenses that imitate the iris and pupil of a cat's eyes to recreate the look. Such an extraordinary approach to a Halloween outfit will definitely not go unnoticed!

cat face

Beautiful cat makeup Halloween would be incomplete without a neat cat face. You can depict it using black cosmetic pencil or standard eyeliner.

  1. To draw cat nose, carefully fill in the tip of your nose with a dark pencil, giving it triangular shape. Draw a perpendicular straight line down to the level of the upper lip and fill it with the same tone. Cover your lower lip foundation or powder so that it does not stand out against the background of the face.
  2. Cat makeup for Halloween is also impossible without luxurious cat whiskers. In the same way, step by step, using a black pencil or eyeliner, we draw mustaches radiating out from the nasolabial fold.

A simple version of cat makeup for Halloween

Halloween cat makeup can be done at home and in a simpler version. The scheme for applying such make-up involves focusing only on the eyes or the muzzle - here everyone is free to choose for themselves.

  • If your trump card makeup for a cat for Halloween involves making the eyes, then the lips can be painted with bright red lipstick, covered with varnish or lip gloss. Such beautiful cat makeup for Halloween is very sexy and highly revered by the male audience, which, together with a tight outfit, will create a real sensation.
  • If you decide to make the cat's face the main accent, then draw the tip of the nose with a dark pencil, line the nasolabial fold with white shadows to give your make-up relief. Outline your upper lip dark lipstick or with a pencil, draw antennae or indicate their location with black dots.
  • Beautiful cat makeup for Halloween involves a noticeable sculpting of the face with highlighted cheekbones and sunken cheeks. You can achieve this effect using bronzing powder and blush. Pull in your cheeks: apply peach blush with reflective particles to the places where the hollows have formed, and to the protruding parts. Visual effect This combination of textures makes it truly unique!

Video: beautiful catwoman makeup for Halloween

Entertainment for children becomes more diverse every year. One of fresh ideas for creating festive mood is face painting. But before you allow your child to paint their face, you should make sure that it will not harm your health.

What is face painting

Face painting for children is one of the components of body art. Using this technique, you can depict some animal or pattern on the baby’s face. Such drawings on the child’s body can be used to themed holidays. For example, transform all the kids into famous cartoon characters. A specialist is usually called in to create face painting.

However, if you purchase necessary tools and paint, you can save a lot. Just before the holiday you should practice a little.

Advantages and disadvantages of face painting

Face painting has its advantages and disadvantages.

Among the advantages are:

The main disadvantages of facial drawings include:

  • the possibility of getting clothes dirty;
  • risk of allergic reaction to dyes;
  • Not suitable for shy kids.

Particular attention should be paid to the last point. Parents often persuade their child to apply face painting when the child does not want it. In this way, adults hope to cheer up the quiet person. But the shy kid with more likely will sit on the sidelines if he notices that everyone is looking at him because of his unusual pattern.

Should I be concerned about my child's health?

Face painting done with high-quality paints is not harmful to children. However, it must be taken into account that the use of black henna can greatly affect the health of the child. Therefore, before allowing their child to undergo the procedure, parents should ask whether such a component is present in the paints.

Water is used during painting. It must be changed after each baby. After all, there is a large number of diseases that can be contracted this way. In addition, you should pay attention to the brushes. Before performing the next make-up, the specialist must rinse them well.

In order to exclude allergic reaction, it is necessary to first conduct a sensitivity test. The area behind the ear is suitable for this. If the skin does not react to the paint within 10 minutes, then the risks are minimal. In addition, do not forget about food allergies.

It is important to carefully monitor the kids so that they do not touch the wet makeup, and then do not put their hands in their mouths.

Contraindications for face painting

  • Under three years of age. U small child the skin is particularly sensitive. That's why similar procedure may lead to atopic dermatitis.
  • Any damage skin. This includes minor scratches and pimples. Otherwise it may start inflammatory process.
  • The child's tendency to allergies.

Necessary materials

In order to accomplish beautiful drawing on the baby's face, you need to have the following tools:

  • paints;
  • brushes;
  • sponge or sponge;
  • container with water.

In addition to all of the above, many specialists use rhinestones.

When applying face painting, it is important to use quality paints. They should be safe, but also fit well on the skin. In Russia they do not produce specialized paints for face painting. But the Chinese market offers a lot inexpensive options. However, in in this case the savings are not justified.

Reviews on the Internet report that such dyes are pale and often cause allergies in children. Therefore, it is better to prefer manufacturers from the USA and Europe.

For face painting, you should carefully select brushes. They must have special form and softness. Traditionally, large, medium and large brushes are used. small size. In this case, the first shape should be flat. This will create a gradient effect. Medium tassel is universal, so it is better that it is round.

When creating an image, you often have to draw sharp lines. To do this, you should purchase a thin small brush. It is very important to consider the material of the products. It's better to give preference natural pile or high-quality artificial analogues. Sponges are necessary for painting large areas of skin.

They can be replaced with a regular sponge, which must be cut into pieces suitable for the job. It is important to understand that the sponge must be soft. Otherwise, the child will experience discomfort during the procedure. You can buy a water container at an art store, or replace it with a regular one. plastic glass. It is important to remember to change the water in a timely manner.

Lack of hygiene can lead to children contracting an infection or virus!

It is not difficult to master this technique on your own. Regular practice will help you create almost professional makeup.

There are rules that experts use to obtain good result:

  • To learn face painting, it is better to use palettes rather than individual jars of paint. Thus, you can purchase a wide variety of colors for a small amount.
  • The child must like the chosen image. Otherwise, the work will not bring pleasure to anyone.
  • If 10 minutes is not enough to create an image, you should take short breaks.
  • To entertain your baby, you can install a mirror in front of him or tell interesting story about the character that will be depicted on his face.
  • Avoid applying paint to the skin around the eyes.
  • For shading, it is better to use a clean and dry brush. The tone should be applied using a sponge.
  • Do not leave brushes in a container of water while working.

After the procedure, they must be washed in warm soapy water, dried well and stored in a pencil case. Otherwise, the tools will quickly become unusable.

Face painting for boys

When choosing an image for a boy, you should take into account the age of the child. Characters from their favorite fairy tale or cartoon will suit kids. An older child will like superhero makeup more. Often boys prefer to transform into animals whose qualities they would like to have.

Face painting for children professional application, can replace any mask

For example, children often ask to draw the face of a tiger on their face.

Face painting for girls

The choice of images for girls is much more varied. In addition to their favorite characters and animals, little representatives of the fair sex love all kinds of patterns. In addition, girls can ask to draw flowers or bows on their faces. Unlike boys, you can use rhinestones here.

Video selection of face painting for children:

Paints with glitter or pearlescent shades are perfect. Girls from 5 to 10 years old often prefer the image of princesses from fairy tales. Before completing such an order, you need to determine the characteristics of this character. This approach will help you cope with the task more easily.


Before drawing, you should pay attention to the age and gender of the child. For girls and little boys, it is better to make the image more cute than scary. Therefore, in this case, you should skip the image of the fangs.

In order to perform tiger face painting, you must adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. Using a sponge, white paint and water, apply three large white spots. Two of them should be located above the child's eyebrows. It is better to make them more beveled and point them up and to the sides. The third spot should be in the area between the nose and upper lip.
  2. Using the same sponge, you need to paint all the remaining areas of the face orange. More advanced artists can create an amber effect by making the shade more saturated at the edges of the face.
  3. Dial on medium brush black paint and draw slightly wavy lines on the cheeks, chin and forehead. They should be clear and bright. It is very important that the lines towards the center of the muzzle are thinner.

The final stage done with a thin brush. It is used to depict the contour of the nose and draw fangs and mustaches.


Face painting for children “butterfly” is suitable for girls. The butterfly can be depicted on the entire face or on one cheek.

The first option can be done by following this algorithm:

  1. Prepare the base for makeup using white paint and sponge. Work on the cheeks and forehead.
  2. Choose any bright color, for example, purple. Using a medium and large brush, draw the wings.
  3. Mark an oval on the nose and a circle between the eyebrows. This will be the head and body of the butterfly.
  4. Using black paint and a small brush, draw antennae, outlines of wings and others. small parts.

Finally, add some sparkles or rhinestones to the wings of the butterfly.


When creating an image, you should take into account the gender of the baby. If it is a boy, then it is more advisable to replace pink color more suitable. For example, gray or orange.

To portray a cat, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Using a sponge, apply white paint to your face. The entire surface of the skin should be treated, excluding the middle of the forehead.
  2. Pink color leave small circles on the cheeks and above the eyebrows.
  3. Use black paint to paint the baby's lips and the tip of the nose.
  4. Using the same color with fine brush draw the ears and continue the line of the mouth to the pink circles.
  5. Add small details in the form of antennae, dots and strokes between the ears.


To complete this look, you only need black paint.

To draw a spider you need to stick following instructions:

  1. Using a thin brush, draw guidelines from the eye area to the forehead and cheeks. Connect the shown lines with small arcs so that you get two webs.
  2. Using a sponge or thick brush, leave a round mark between the eyebrows. This is the future body of the spider. Now you need to draw the head so that it seems that the insect is crawling down and not up.
  3. Draw the legs of a spider.


This image is easy to create, so even a beginner can create it.

To do this you need to follow this algorithm:

  1. Using white paint and a sponge, mark two spots on the face. The largest ones need to be marked on the tip of the nose, lips, and chin. The second spot should be painted over the area around the right eye.
  2. Draw a red tongue, which should be directed slightly to the side. It should be placed on the lower lip and chin.
  3. Use black paint to mark the tip of the nose. Use a thin brush to outline the contour of the tongue and the right eye.
  4. Draw the upper lip with the same color and connect it to the nose. thin line.
  5. Add small details in the form of small dots on the muzzle.


For this look you need orange, white, pink and black paints.

To complete it, you should follow these instructions:

  1. Use a sponge to draw a white heart, which should start under the nose, slightly grab the cheeks and the entire chin. This will be the bottom of the muzzle. Paint the entire nose with the same color, extending slightly onto the forehead.
  2. The cheeks, area around the eyes and future ears must be painted with orange paint.
  3. Use pink to mark the tip of the nose and the inside of the ears.

Using a thin brush and black paint, draw lips, mustache and contours.


This makeup is very popular among boys.

Stages of drawing:

  1. Using a sponge and red color you need to outline the forehead, left temple and part of the cheek. This will be a scarf.
  2. Using black paint, draw a mustache and some hairs on the chin. If desired, you can highlight small dots beard area.
  3. Using the same shade, draw a bandage on the right eye.
  4. Use white paint to mark the peas on the scarves.
  5. Using a thin brush, emphasize the small details and contours of the scarf.

If there is enough space left on the child's face, small abrasions can be added.


Face painting for children in the image of Batman looks very impressive.

At the same time, it is easy to perform according to the following instructions:

  1. Use a sponge and black paint to paint the area around the eyes and the bridge of the nose.
  2. Using the same color and a medium brush, paint the wings. During operation, slight asymmetry is acceptable.
  3. Draw Batman's head and ears.
  4. Using a thin brush and white paint, outline the contours of the design.
  5. If desired, you can add some dark blue highlights to the wings.


Face painting for children shouldn't be too scary. Otherwise, the kids who are nearby may get scared.

To execute this image you need:

  1. Using a sponge, cover the entire face with white paint.
  2. Paint the area around the eyes black. In this case, you should capture the eyebrows.
  3. The same paint should be used to mark the lips. They should be continued to the middle of the cheekbones with a thin line, which should be crossed out along the entire length with short perpendicular strokes.
  4. Draw two depressions on the nose in the form of two small semi-ovals.
  5. With a thin brush you can add a few cracks in the form of small black strokes.

iron Man

To make the image perfect, you should use paints with metallic effect. You can also replace yellow paint with gold paint. Draw iron man quite difficult, so this character not suitable for a beginner master.

To create makeup you need to follow the instructions:

  1. Paint the area around the eyes black.
  2. Using white paint and a thin brush, draw the outline of the character, moving from the right eyebrow down, indicating the cheekbones, chin and hollow of the forehead.
  3. Use a sponge to paint the area inside the outline. yellow, and outside - red.
  4. Using a thin brush, draw lines on the forehead, mark the lower jaw and draw an outline.
  5. Highlight your cheekbones with a light brown shade.
  6. Make the image more graphic by partially emphasizing the outline with white paint.

The Dragon

More often the dragon is depicted on the temple or cheek. However, for the matinee would be better suited face painting in the form of a mask.

For beginners suitable option, which is similar in execution to the Batman makeup described above:

  1. Create a base using a sponge and light paint. It should be translucent and located on the upper half of the face.
  2. Paint the area around the eyes yellow, slightly touching the nose area.
  3. Use green paint to outline the outline of the wings, like Batman’s. Fill the entire area with the same shade inner surface drawing.
  4. Draw the body of a dragon on the nose by drawing a curved line with right side and with small strokes on the left connect its two ends.
  5. Draw a head on the forehead. To do this, use green paint to leave an oval imprint with a sponge, depict white teeth, and use black paint to make clearer contours.
  6. Draw a tail with an arrow below under the right wing.
  7. Using a thin brush and black paint, add outlines and fine details.


Unlike the previous look, creating snowman makeup is quite simple.

To do this, you need to act according to the algorithm:

  1. Using a thin brush and white paint, draw an outline that will become the basis of the drawing. To do this, you need to draw a small circle on your forehead, and under it draw a large arc from one ear to the other.
  2. Paint the area inside the outline white.
  3. Use black paint to paint a hat or bucket for the snowman.
  4. Orange draw a carrot.
  5. Draw snowman buttons in the form of large dots on the child’s nose.
  6. Using a thin brush add eyes and highlight the outline.

To make the design more impressive, you can add a little sparkle or mother-of-pearl to the top part cheeks.

Hello Kitty

To create this image you need to follow the instructions:

  1. Draw a cat's face on the top of the face with white paint. Paint the area inside the outline.
  2. Mark the tip of the nose yellow paint.
  3. Draw a red bow near the right ear.
  4. Using a thin brush and black paint, draw the antennae and outline.

Angry Birds

In this case, all the makeup will be located on the child’s forehead.

To perform it, you must use the following algorithm:

  1. Using a large brush and red paint, outline the semicircle and crest of the character.
  2. Using white paint, draw eyes in the form of two touching balls.
  3. Under them, using yellow, depict a beak.
  4. Using a thin brush, add black eyebrows and pupils.
  5. Make the drawing clearer using an outline.


Even a beginner can do this makeup.

To do this you need to follow the instructions:

  1. Mark the area around the eyes with yellow, filling in the eyebrows and the top of the cheeks.
  2. Outline the mask with a black outline, making the line at the top thicker.
  3. Draw “horns” in black, marking the tips with yellow dots.


This makeup is universal and will suit both boys and girls.

To complete it, you must:

  1. Draw a contour in the form of glasses around the eyes. It should extend above the eyebrows and slightly touch the cheeks. The area inside the resulting picture should be painted white.
  2. Using black paint, draw an arc that should connect the side parts of the “glasses”. Fill in the detail of the drawing with the same color.
  3. Draw a beak with yellow paint between the baby's eyes.

If the child is not very small, then you can draw arrows on the eyes.


In order to complete such a drawing, you must follow the instructions:

  1. Using a thin brush, outline the area around the eyes.
  2. Paint the entire face red, excluding the area indicated above. You should wait a bit for the paint to dry.
  3. Using a thin brush, paint a black web on the face.


This image can be supplemented with carrots shown in index finger child.

To draw a bunny you need to follow the algorithm:

  1. Draw the outline of the design using a thin brush and white paint. The ears will be located above the eyebrows, then the nose and bottom part muzzles around the mouth.
  2. Paint the inside of the outline white.
  3. Draw a pink tip of the nose.
  4. Use black paint to depict teeth, antennae and emphasize the outline of the drawing.


To create this makeup you need:

  1. Using a large brush and white paint, mark a circle on the forehead that will be the eye.
  2. Paint all free areas on the face yellow. For this purpose it is better to use a sponge.
  3. Inside the ball gray tint draw a smaller circle.
  4. Using black and brown paints draw an eye.
  5. Draw a black stripe.

Teddy Bear

Face painting for children “bear cub” will not require large expenses. To make it you only need two colors – black and brown.

To depict this pattern on the face, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Using a thin brush and brown paint, complete the contour of the “mask”.
  2. Paint the inside area of ​​the drawing.
  3. Draw ears, nose, and mouth in black.

a lion

To portray a lion you need to act according to the algorithm:

  1. Use white paint to paint the lower part of the muzzle. To do this, you need to paint over the area between the nose and mouth, as well as the chin. The same color must be used to indicate upper eyelid, eyebrows and inner corner of the eye.
  2. Orange tint paint over the nose, cheeks, forehead. Then draw the ears.
  3. Using brown paint, paint the mane in the form of strokes on the cheeks and forehead.
  4. Mark the tip of the nose and mouth in black.
  5. Use a thin brush to make the drawing more expressive.

Halloween Ideas

You can bring some joy to your kids on Halloween interesting images:

  • Pumpkin. Apply orange paint to your face. Draw some vertical stripes brown. Mark the large mouth and eyes with black paint. On the forehead green draw the top of the pumpkin.
  • A vampire. Apply white paint to your face using a sponge. Use black to outline the lips, fangs and area around the eyes. Draw a few drops of blood near the lips.
  • Clown. Use red paint to outline the cheeks, the center of the lips and the tip of the nose. Draw thick black eyebrows. Paint the area between the lips and cheeks with white. Highlight this area with black paint.

Face painting for the New Year

When preparing for the New Year, you can use the following ideas:

  • Father Frost. Draw a cap on the forehead and thick white eyebrows. Draw a big mustache. Mark the nose and cheeks in red. Use black paint to paint lowered glasses on your face.
  • Snowflake. Apply white paint to the cheek with a sponge. When the base dries, use blue paint to draw a snowflake. Add rhinestones and sparkles.
  • Funny snowman. Use white paint to paint the area around the right eye, including the eyebrow, the wing of the nose and the upper part of the cheek. This is the head of the future snowman. Draw a red scarf underneath and a hat on top. Make a large stroke on the side of the drawing with silver or gray paint. Draw white snowflakes on it. Use the same color to paint stripes on the scarf. Add carrots and accents using orange and black paint.

Winter patterns. Using pearlescent paints and rhinestones in any shape, decorate the face. This makeup is only suitable for girls.

Price for face painting

The cost of one drawing can vary from 200 to 600 rubles. The difference can be explained by the level of skill of the specialist and the complexity of the makeup itself. Additionally, location should be taken into account. Prices in Moscow for face painting services differ significantly from the periphery.

If a specialist is invited to children's party, then the payment will depend not on the number of drawings, but on the time spent.

Bright face painting on children's faces will help lift their spirits and relieve stress. With the help of face painting you can complement carnival costume. At the same time, it is not necessary to spend money on a specialist. After all, armed necessary materials and using the ideas described above, you can create your own the desired image.

Article format: E. Chaikina

Useful video about face painting for children

Video recipe self-cooking body paints:

Option 1

DIY cat costume for girls

A cat costume consists of three main parts: pants (leggings), a dress and ears. Choose the color of the suit as desired. Red, white, gray and even black cats will look great in new Year's Eve. Depending on the height of your child, make a suitable panty pattern and short dress. If you are not sure about correct proportions patterns, you can use your child’s pajamas as a template. And if the child’s wardrobe already has something similar, for example, plain leggings and fluffy dress. You can get a little creative by adding some “cat” elements and your cat is almost ready for the New Year’s ball.

So, let's follow in order.

Well, the finishing touches: cat makeup and hairstyle. You can draw a mustache and a nose on your child’s cute face; it’s better not to touch the eyes. The image of a small cat will look complete.
When it comes to hairstyle, your cat may have it loose and lush hair, or the hair can be tied in a ponytail or braided, here the choice is yours and your child.
Here you go, new Year costume DIY cats are ready. Now your naughty girl can shine in the light Christmas tree decorations and lights.

Option 2.

You will need

Pieces of fur
Old gloves
Cloth dark tones
Scraps of fabric
Needle and thread
Big white bow
Children's makeup


If the costume is made for a girl, then a dark dress will be needed for the base of the costume. If the suit is for a boy, then trousers and a vest in dark colors are selected from the wardrobe. Then scraps of fabric are sewn onto the base of the costume, imitating the striped coloring of cats.

Then you need to sew a hat with cat ears. To do this you will need a thin hat and pieces of fur. Four triangles are cut out of fur and sewn together in pairs. These two fur triangles are then sewn onto the hat. The costume element is ready.

The next step is to make the “scratch feet”. To do this, use old children's gloves, with the tips of the fingers cut off. It is best if the gloves are black, gray or white.

At the very end of making the costume, all that remains is to trim the edges of the dress (for a girl) or trousers with a vest (for a boy) with pieces of fur, sew on a tail, put on a large white bow, and make children's makeup in cat style. This will add uniqueness to the image, and the suit will be immediately recognizable.

Option 3.

A cat's costume consists of three main parts: pants (leggings), a dress and ears. Choose the color of the suit as desired. A red, white, gray and even a black cat will look great on New Year's Eve. Depending on the height of your child, make a suitable pattern for pants and a short dress. If you are not sure of the correct proportions of the pattern, you can use the child's pajamas as a template. And if the child’s wardrobe already has something similar, for example, plain leggings and a fluffy dress. You can get a little creative by adding some “cat” elements and your cat is almost ready for the New Year’s ball.

What additions do a freshly made or existing cat outfit need? Of course, these are ears, tail, gloves, bow and light makeup.

So, let's follow in order.

The simplest thing you can think of is to cut out cat ears with your own hands from a piece of fur and so that they keep their shape, insert a rigid base into them and attach the finished ears to the headband.

The tail should not be cut into a cylindrical shape, but cone-shaped, sewn and stuffed with light insulation. To make the tail swing beautifully from side to side, you can make it heavier by sewing a small weight into its tip.

Regarding gloves, you need gloves with cut off fingers, from which cat claws will peek out. On top of the gloves, in a circle, you can sew a strip of thin fur.

You can also trim the hem of the dress with fur and make fluffy stripes at the bottom around the legs. Fur looks very nice contrasting color. For example, a black and brown outfit will look chic in combination with white fur.

A few photos for ideas

Well, the finishing touches: cat makeup and hairstyle. You can draw a mustache and a nose on your child’s cute face; it’s better not to touch the eyes. The image of a small cat will look complete.

As for the hairstyle, your cat can have loose and voluminous hair, or the hair can be tied in a ponytail or braided, the choice is yours and your child’s.

Well, your DIY cat New Year's costume is ready. Now your naughty girl can shine in the light of Christmas tree decorations and lights.

Option 4.

Cat makeup for children.

Cat costume for girls.

As December approaches, we are increasingly thinking about. Today we will show you that it only takes three steps to turn your baby into a cute kitten.

The first step on how to do cat makeup
Using a thin sponge, apply white makeup on the eyelid, moving upward. Extend the makeup higher, starting from the middle of the outer part of the eyebrow, drawing out the shape cat eye, as in our photo. Using circular movements, apply the same white makeup to the skin above the upper lip; it should be shaded a little more extensively than the lip line, as on our model. Add a little blush to your cheeks. The second step on how to do cat makeup
Take a thin brush and, starting from the inner corner of the eye, outline the inner border of the white makeup, draw a small curl at the very top, as shown in the photo above. Try to draw this black outline at once, softly and quickly. Use cotton wool to wipe away unwanted black spots. The third step on how to do cat makeup
To draw a mustache, first draw a line from the tip of your nose to the center of your upper lip. Draw a small triangle in the middle of the upper lip, like in our photo. Outline the outline of the white makeup with black and color it lower lip. Using quick, solid strokes, draw three antennae on each side of the cat's face, check the photo. Little trick: Place your hand on the child's head so that he does not spin and your drawing turns out neat.

Finishing the cat costume for the girl:
Dress your cat in black stockings or tights and a sweater with long black sleeves. Black gloves with a white leather border will add sophistication, as will a fur vest and a black tie or bow tie.

Halloween is very fun party. On this day, everyone wants to show their individuality. Girls take special pleasure in working out the entire look: outfit, makeup, hairstyle. If you don't want to create a negative image, excellent option will become " wild cat"! Read our article about how to do cat makeup, as well as what can complement the image of a wild predator.

  1. First of all, apply foundation to your face. It is not necessary to use any additional products, it will be enough to apply the usual Foundation, suitable for your complexion. However, if you still decide to make a personal white tone on your face, we suggest that you do the white makeup yourself. To do this, mix cornstarch and flour in a cup, add water - you should end up with a paste-like consistency. Then add about 3 drops of glycerin to the mixture, mix thoroughly and apply to the face using a cosmetic brush. If the resulting mass is too thick, dilute it by adding a few more drops of glycerin.
  2. Forget pink blush. U real cat can be brown spots, sunken cheekbones or leopard print. To decorate your cheeks with predatory spots, use liquid black eyeliner for contour and brown matte lipstick for the base of stains.
  3. Pay special attention to eye makeup - they should actively stand out. Color the upper movable eyelid with beige or pale pink shadows. Using black liquid eyeliner, draw double cat wings. Apply white eyeshadow to the moving eyelid. Inner part Paint your eyes with a white pencil - this will make your look more open.
  4. A wild cat is a must have long eyelashes! Of course, it will be great if you have the opportunity to get eyelash extensions; otherwise, be sure to buy false eyelashes. Feel free to glue eyelashes in 2-3 rows - on Halloween you can afford to be luxurious.
  5. It’s not difficult to make cat lips – to do this you need to cover them with a thick layer foundation and powder them. After this, you can draw a new lip contour using a black cosmetic pencil.

On a note: You can complement the playful image of a cat with ears and bushy tail. The outfit can be created with a black top and bottom of the same color. The bravest ones can dare to wear a leopard print outfit.
