Improving educational and productive teaching methods. Improving teaching and educational methods (a brief description of the methods that the teacher uses in educational activities.)

Improving teaching methods and learning methods.

Mathematics teacher GBOU

with in-depth study

mathematics No. 1360

Golovanova N.V.





Formation of self-control skills……………...



Using educational equipment when organizing students’ independent work…..



Using tests…………………………………..


Bibliography ……………………………………..


I. Introduction.

Improving teaching methods and learning methods is inextricably linked with the development of student independence.

Independence is a human quality that is characterized by a conscious choice of action and determination in its implementation. Conscious choice This or that action is characterized by the active mental activity of students, and its implementation is determined. Without independence in learning, deep assimilation of knowledge is unthinkable. Independence is inextricably linked with activity, which in turn is the driving force in the process of cognition. Lack of independence makes the student passive, inhibits the development of his thinking and ultimately makes him unable to apply the acquired knowledge. Independence of thinking and independence of purposeful activity are the most important qualities person.

Without sufficiently developed independence, there are no full-fledged skills, and without developed skills, no amount of independence will bring much benefit. And the higher the students’ level of independence, the more effective their independent learning activities will be. That's why these questions have always been the subject close attention teachers, methodologists and scientists.

II . Formation of self-control skills.

One of the important factors ensuring independent activity of students is self-control, the purpose of which is to timely prevent or detect errors already committed.

The formation of self-control skills is a continuous process, carried out under the guidance of a teacher at all stages of the learning process (when learning new material, when practicing skills in practical activities, during creative independent work students, etc.), and it begins in the elementary grades. Let us dwell on the specifics of developing self-control skills when conducting mathematical dictations in 5 grades, which are one of the forms of organization independent activity students in class.

It is advisable to conduct mathematical dictations after studying the relevant material of each item (paragraph) of the textbook. Their content is recorded on a tape recorder in two versions, respectively, male and in female voices. Each student prepares a double sheet of notebook and a sheet of copy paper. When developing the content of dictations you should:

    based on tasks to test knowledge of the explanatory text of the item (paragraph) being studied in the textbook;

    include tasks whose solutions are poorly understood, or tasks for repetition;

    use tasks that facilitate the assimilation of the essence of self-control techniques used in solving mathematical problems;

    All tasks should be as close as possible to the content of the material being studied.

Naturally, assignments must be compiled taking into account the specific preparation of each specific class.

Regular checking of understanding of the content of the explanatory text of the textbook accustoms schoolchildren to systematic independent work with the book. You can start this work in class by asking questions about the material being studied. So, for paragraph 6 “Addition” (“Mathematics 5”), you can pose the following questions:

How many tasks are considered in this paragraph?

What action was used to solve all the problems?

What values ​​were added up in the process of solving these problems?

What figures were considered in this paragraph?

If a figure is divided into parts, what is its area?

Similar questions are then included in the content of mathematical dictations.

A variety of issues including the formulation of rules and laws; equalities expressing the corresponding laws; restoration of drawings; writing individual words, etc. are dictated by the immediate content of the material studied.

Careful systematization and accounting of mistakes made by students makes it possible to combat gaps in students’ knowledge. It is advisable to prepare revision tasks taking into account their importance and the degree to which students have mastered the material covered. You should not avoid repeatedly using tasks to practice poorly learned material in several dictations in a row.

In tasks aimed at mastering the essence of self-control techniques, it is assumed to use techniques that form the basis various types checks used in solving mathematical problems. The teacher mostly has to compose such tasks himself, since the number of tasks with a focus on self-control is less than 2% of the total number of tasks available in textbooks. In the process of composing problems, it is important to be able to simplify tasks, while maintaining their focus on the development of certain educational skills, because a very short period of time is allotted for solving problems included in the content of a mathematical dictation. Let's compare two conditions of essentially the same problem:

a) through the vertex of the angle RNS, draw a ray that is not a bisector of the angle;

b) draw the angle SOK and draw a ray OP that is not the bisector of the angle.

In the second case, the description of the condition

From a task using symbolism

P confronts students with additional

specific difficulties that lead to

O To the error shown in the figure.

When independently solving the same problem in the first formulation, students, as a rule, do not make such a mistake.

When compiling a mathematical dictation, it is advisable to use five tasks - this makes it possible to independently evaluate the dictations: the grade for the work is equal to the number of correctly completed tasks.

An example of a dictation on the topic “Simplification of Expressions.”

Option I

    Using letters A, b , With write down an equality expressing the combinatory law of multiplication.

    Write down the expressionxy. Why coefficient is equal this expression?

    Simplify expression 3b 4 a and underline its numerical coefficient.

    Execute in a convenient way multiplication: 125 23 8.

    Calculate 8 11 + 8 29.

Option II

    Using letters a And b write down an equality expressing the commutative law of multiplication.

    Simplify expression 2x 3 yand underline its coefficient.

    Write down the expressionab . What is the coefficient of this expression?

    Calculate: 36,184 + 36,816.

    Perform multiplication in a convenient way: 11 16 125.

As soon as the dictation is over, the children, at the teacher’s command, take out the carbon paper, after which they are deprived of the opportunity to make new notes related to solving assignments, since only the notes on both sheets are taken into account, and the second sheet is a copy of the first. From the first moment, an important stage in the formation of independent activity of students begins - direct training in self-testing. Experience shows that here preference should be given to using such a self-control technique as checking with an image. Sample can:

    presented in the form of a complete solution to the problem;

    include only intermediate and final results obtained when solving the problem;

    consist only of the final result.

For example, for task No. 3 optionsIgiven dictation, the indicated sequence is: 3a 4b= 3 4 a b = 12 ab.

In these cases, answers (samples) to assignments are prepared on a portable board or in any other way that allows them to be presented to students for use immediately after the end of the dictation. On the second sheet, students correct mistakes, write down the solution to an unfinished task, etc. (students' edits are noticeably different from recording solutions to dictation assignments, since the print on the second sheet has a specific coloring). If necessary, work on mistakes can be completed with mutual assessment or self-assessment (children give their assessment on the second sheet). Double sheets of paper (without tearing) are handed over to the teacher. For a dictation, two grades can be given - the teacher’s and the student’s, but each time the critical activity of each student cannot be out of sight, since the teacher has at his disposal second sheets with the students’ corrections.

When conducting dictations, the teacher must clearly understand the effectiveness of the following types of work:

    checking dictations only by the teacher;

    mutual checking of work by desk neighbors;

    mutual verification of work by neighbors on the option;


The highest percentage of objective assessments (students' assessments that coincide with the teacher's assessment) at the initial stage of self-control training, as a rule, occurs during mutual testing of neighbors according to the option. The lowest percentage is for desk neighbors, since the exchange of work in this case leads to a change in the version of the task.

So, conducting mathematical dictations according to the method under consideration makes it possible to multifaceted development of students’ self-control skills in the process of their independent educational activities: from encouraging self-control to its direct formation.

    Use of educational equipment when organizing independent work of students.

Independent work is an important and mandatory stage in the process of acquiring knowledge. It plays the role of a kind of bridge that every student must cross on the path from understanding the educational material to mastering it.

However, organizing independent work in the classroom poses great difficulties. Here we cannot limit ourselves to frontal influences: the teacher needs to differentiate the work of students, organize its management, and bring independent work closer to real practical activity. The solution to each of these problems is achieved with the help of educational equipment. Schools have long and firmly entered into practice didactic materials, compiled according to options with different levels of task difficulty.

It is much more difficult to manage students' independent work. In this regard, didactic materials turn out to be ineffective. It is difficult for one teacher to help guide each student on the right path without prompting. A fundamental solution to the problem of managing students’ independent work can largely be entrusted to the so-called printed exercise books (TPB), containing tasks with gaps. When working with TVET, classroom management on the part of the teacher is facilitated.

Some types of work using TPO.

Thematic and final test tasks are divided intothree types depending on the purpose of the test and the form in which they are presented to students.

First view Test tasks involve correctly filling in gaps in statements, wording of definitions and rules here in the text. These tasks are mainly aimed at checking the degree of students’ mastery of the mandatory theoretical educational material and understanding the meaning of what has been studied at the reproductive level in written or oral form during independent study of educational material (study and simultaneous filling in the gaps) with subsequent verification by the teacher. In addition, this type of test tasks can be used by a teacher to conduct a mathematical dictation. For example:

    A sum in which all terms are equal to each other is written shorter: instead of42 + 42 + 42 + 42 write _______________.

    Expressionm n and the meaning of this expression is called _____________ numbers m And n . Numbers m And n called ______________________________.

    The product of two numbers does not change with ______________ factors. This is the _________________ property of multiplication.

    Multiplication property:a ( b c ) = ( a b ) c called _______________.

    1 n = ______________.

    m 0 = ______________.

    The number being divided is called ______________________.

    The number being divided by is called ____________________.

    The result of division is called _________________________.

    No number can be divided by ______________________.

    0: a = _________, Ifa not equal to zero.

    If the dividend is 25 and the divisor is 3, then the partial quotient is __________ and the remainder is __________.

    Work n n call __________ numbers n and stand for _____.

14 * . If the product of two numbers is greater than one of them in20 times and more than another in5 times, then the product of these numbers is equal to ___________.

Job no.


Second type test tasks - for students to establish the truth or falsity of a formulated statement. These tasks are mainly aimed at testing the understanding of the studied educational material at a productive level and can be used for the initial consolidation of what has been learned in written, oral or semi-oral form (using a student notebook). When working with this type of test tasks, you can ask schoolchildren to note conventional sign(for example, circle) in the text the serial number of the task in which the statement is true. For example:

"Multiplication and Division natural numbers»

    The sum of identical terms can be found using multiplication.

    Division has a commutative property.

    Equality ( a + b ) c = a c + b c expresses the distributive law of multiplication relative to addition.

    To find the unknown dividend, you need to divide the quotient by the divisor.

    To find an unknown divisor, you need to divide the dividend by the quotient.

    When dividing with a remainder, the remainder is always less than the quotient.

    Area of ​​a square with sideA calculated by the formulaS = a 2 .

    If we simplify the expression7 y + y 2 y , then it will be equal 6 y .

    Multiplication and division are first step operations.

    At z = 15 sum 3 z And 13 z equal to 240.

    If the dividend and divisor are multiplied by the same number that is not equal to zero, then the quotient will not change.

    If the perimeter of a square is 60 cm, then its area is 225 cm 2 .

13 * . Root of the equation2 2 5 5 3 = 36 + 2 ( x + 1) + 64 is

number 101 .

Job no.


Third type Test tasks involve choosing the correct one from three proposed answers (A, B, C), which is noted in the text, for example, circled. These tasks are mainly aimed at testing students' ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice, and they can be worked with in semi-oral and written forms (using the student's notebook). For example:

"Multiplying and dividing natural numbers"

    Make up an expression according to this condition: the difference between the numbers 275 and 25 divided by the square of the number 5.

Answers: A) 275 – 25: 5 2 ;

B) (275 – 25) : 5 2 ;

B) 275 – 25: 5 2.

2. Find the value of the expression 13 ·A+ 13 · b , If a + b =13.

Answers: A) 338; B) 26; B) 169.

3. An unknown number was divided by 225 to get 15. Find this number.

Answers: A) 15; B) 3 375; B) 450.

4. Select from the proposed equalities the equality that corresponds to the distributive property of multiplication relative to subtraction.

Answers: A) 23 · ( m n ) = 23 · m 23 · n ;

B) 24 – (17 – a ) = 7 + a ;

B) 18 · b – 6 · b = 12 · b .

5. Write down the formula by which you can find the price of the product (a ), if the cost of products is denoted by the letterb , and their number is indicated by the lettern .

Answers : A ) a = b : n ; B ) a = n : b ; IN ) a = b n .

6. Write down in general terms the rule for the equality 0: 100 = 0.

Answers: A) 0: a = a ;

B) 0: a = 0 if a not equal to zero;

B) 0: a = 0.

7. Find the product of the smallest three-digit number and ten.

Answers: A) 9,990; B) 10; B) 1,000.

8 * . Solve the equation: ((422 –x ): 12) 4 = 24.

Answers: A) 414; B) 350; B) 430.

Job no.


An essential feature of the proposed types of test tasks is the presence of non-identical options in each of them, which makes it possible to use this material repeatedly and enhances the individualization of learning. The tests contain both material to test the basic level and non-standard tasks for more advanced students (marked with an asterisk). This form of presenting educational material allows for a differentiated approach to teaching schoolchildren.

An important circumstance is the time allotted for completing the test, which the teacher sets at his own discretion, taking into account the level of mathematical preparation of the class. However, the pace of student work should not be slowed down.

After each version of the test, a table of points assigned to each task is given, based on 18 points for the entire work, excluding non-standard tasks (for which students receive additional marks). An approximate scoring scale for student work is as follows:

12-14 points – “satisfactory”;

15-17 points – “good”;

18 points – “excellent”.

It should be noted that the test as a form of testing learning outcomes is used only in combination with traditional tests and independent work.

The teacher can prepare similar tasks on film. For example, tasks with omissions. Students fill in the gaps with felt-tip pens, after which the teacher selectively shows some works using a graphic projector and discusses them with the class.

Compiling assignments with omissions must take into account two requirements:

    omissions should not lead to ambiguity, ambiguity in the text and especially in that part that defines the conditions of the task;

    Key words are skipped, the correct completion of which indicates understanding of the material.

These materials can be used to compile tables.

Table 1 for reference. It contains material that students refer to as needed. Referring to such tables not only promotes involuntary and lasting memorization, but also teaches one to independently obtain the necessary information and work with reference information.

To increase the expressiveness of the table, you should use different colors, fonts, and frames. Elements of the table that relate to the same portion of material, to the same content and methodological idea should be kept in the same color. Color works most fully and effectively when it captures a certain sequence of operations, a particular algorithmic process. Indeed, how can one table show, for example, the sequence of solving the main construction problem? It’s one thing when in a lesson, during the course of presenting the material, the teacher gradually expands the drawing until the result is obtained. It’s another matter when the drawing with all additional constructions is visible to students in the reference table immediately in finished form– it is difficult to see the sequence of constructions in it. You can, of course, try to highlight this sequence with a series of drawings, each of which is more complete than the previous one, but in this case the table becomes too cumbersome.

Table 1.




with data b











Angle A



straight A O B E


segment A B

in half

Steps: 1 ; 2 ; 3; 4 .

Differences in line structure can be replaced by differences in color.

When considering construction tasks, the teacher first shows the construction order on the blackboard, and then explains the essence of the line structure and color code. In the future, students use the table independently: it can remain posted for quite a long time, for example, up toIXclass (when conducting tests containing construction tasks, the table is removed).

In order to bring independent work closer to practical activities, it is useful to conduct laboratory work. They can be differentiated both by content and methods of implementation - from the simplest practical tasks for the direct application of knowledge to serious research work related to design and mathematical modeling.

    Using tests.

The planned results of teaching mathematics, specified in the program in the form of specific requirements for the knowledge and skills of students, allow the use of such a form of control as tests. Tests are tasks consisting of a series of questions and several possible answers to them in order to choose one correct one in each case. With their help, you can obtain, for example, information about the level of assimilation of knowledge elements, about the development of students’ abilities and skills in applying knowledge in various situations.

Multiple-choice assignments are especially valuable because each student is given the opportunity to clearly imagine the scope of mandatory requirements for mastering knowledge on each topic of the course, objectively assess their successes, and receive specific instructions for additional individual work.

Test tasks It is convenient to use when organizing independent work of students in self-control mode, when repeating educational material.

Tests provide the opportunity to objectively assess students' knowledge and skills in points based on uniform criteria. This will allow us to determine which students have not mastered program material, who has mastered it at a minimum level, who has complete and confident knowledge and skills in accordance with the requirements of the program, which of the students has not only fully mastered the necessary knowledge, but can apply it in new situations, has skills at a higher level than provided program.

The task should test knowledge and skills at three levels: recognition and reproduction, application in a familiar situation, application in a new situation, or creative application. Such differentiation of requirements for students based on the achievement by all of the mandatory level of training will help create the basis for unloading weak students, providing them with feasible work and forming positive attitude to study. The lower limit of success in completing a task with a grade of “3” can be taken as 70% of correct answers to mandatory questions. This criterion is based on the fact that up to the level of mastering approximately 30% of the total volume of knowledge and skills, the student’s educational activity is in the formative stage. If students have mastered more than 70% of the volume of knowledge and skills, then in the future they can successfully expand their knowledge and develop skills and eventually achieve the planned level of learning.

A grade of “4” should be given upon successful completion of the entire mandatory part of the task. A grade of “5” is given upon successful completion of the entire mandatory part of the task and correct answers to at least some of the questions that require independence and the ability to apply knowledge in a new situation.

To facilitate checking the results of multiple-choice assignments, students should make notes in standard form. This can be a strip of paper on which a series of numbers are printed, indicating the numbers of questions, under which students write down the code of the selected answer:

When checking, the reference strip with the code for the correct answers should be placed next to the one being checked and compared.

Tests allow you to assess the success of a group of students’ learning based on a step-by-step analysis of knowledge. To carry out such an analysis, it is advisable to compile a table, marking the correct answers to the question with a “+” sign, and the erroneous answers with a “–”.

Control questions


Total correct

Percentage of “correct”

Analysis of the results presented in the table allows us to determine for each question the percentage of students in the class who gave the correct answer. If the proportion of correct answers exceeds 75%, then we can assume that this element of knowledge (skills) has been mastered and does not need to be practiced with all students in the future.

If the results are lower on individual questions of the assignment, it is necessary to work with the whole class, analyzing characteristic errors.

The table below provides information about each student’s mastery of the topic and identifies typical errors. This allows the teacher to give the necessary advice to each student. In addition, each student has the opportunity to clearly imagine the scope of mandatory requirements for each topic and objectively assess their success.

Tests compiled taking into account all requirements are convenient for both current and final monitoring of students’ knowledge and skills, as well as for conducting element-by-element analysis of this knowledge.

* * *

For all the issues considered, methodological recommendations should help increase attention to one of the most important aspects educational process - independent activity of students.


1. Manvelov S.G. Development of independence students through

formation of self-control skills. M.,

Enlightenment, 1988.

2. Nodelman V.S. Use of educational equipment during

organizing independent work of students. M.,

Enlightenment, 1988.

3. Zhirkova S.A. Using self-tests work

students. M., Education, 1988.

4. Korotkova L.M., Savintseva N.V. Mathematics: Tests: Workbook.

5th grade. M., Rolf, Iris Press, 1998.

Page 1

Improving teaching methods at the present stage requires widespread implementation information technologies V educational process. Of significant interest in this direction is the development of software technology for conducting a laboratory workshop on the course of reinforced concrete structures in the training of highly qualified civil engineers of the 21st century. Computerization of laboratory workshops has a number of undoubted and obvious advantages, associated, firstly, with the possibility of dynamic modeling of measurement processes, and secondly, with the possibility of using computer developments of laboratory work in training mode and combining the process of teaching and testing. The information and computer system of the laboratory workshop is of significant interest for implementation in correspondence and distance learning, taking into account the unlimited possibilities for the variety of tasks and the frontality of conducting laboratory work in a virtual mode. The laboratory workshop program was tested in the fourth year of specialty 2903 Industrial and civil engineering. The student selects the required laboratory work and starts it. Using computer graphics, test samples and a laboratory setup are displayed on the monitor screen, and a table of data recorded in the work is displayed. The program allows you to study the work in dynamics, automatically enters the recorded data into a table, carries out the necessary calculations and builds graphs. The laboratory workshop can be conducted both on separate individual computers and in a computer class designed for an academic group. The following features of a computer laboratory workshop can be distinguished: a) each student performs his work individually, which significantly increases the understanding of the processes under study; b) in case of unsuccessful work, in a very short period of time it is possible to repeat the execution of both the entire work and its individual stages; c) when performing work on a computer, there is no so-called fear effect of a real laboratory installation; d) the risk of injury is significantly reduced; e) the computer version of the work allows us to discuss in detail the features of the experimental setup; f) multivariate operation makes it possible to simulate an experiment under conditions that are unavailable in a real environment.

Without the continuous development of science and the improvement of teaching methods, the independent work of students will quickly fizzle out and turn into a kind of template, into a standard, and this, as we know, is the worst enemy of the upbringing and education of young people. A book plays a huge role in the development of self-education and independence of students, in expanding their horizons, scientific and general cultural interests, and the ability to find it and read it in a timely manner.

At the sessions of the meeting-seminar, 24 reports were heard on improving the methods of teaching theoretical mechanics at universities and technical colleges, organizing and conducting research and development work at the departments of theoretical mechanics, using technical teaching aids in the educational process, organizing machine-based and machine-less control of students’ knowledge, as well as advanced training of teachers and citywide inter-university seminars for teachers of theoretical mechanics.

One of the measures to improve the quality of training of specialists with secondary specialized education is to improve teaching methods.

The third edition (2nd - 1987) is supplemented with recommendations for self-education and improving teaching methods.

Unfortunately, this teacher managed to forget the differential calculus he had studied a long time ago and disapproved of our first attempt to improve teaching methods.

The Plenum instructs the new composition of the Presidium of the Council, guided by the decisions of the XXIV Congress of the CPSU, to develop long-term plan activities of the Council and its sections for the next five years, in which to provide for measures aimed at further improving the quality of teaching students in the course of theoretical mechanics, increasing the scientific and ideological level of courses taught, improving teaching methods and a wide exchange of experience in this work, developing research work on problems of teaching methods, further improving the quality of textbooks, educational and visual aids, improving the qualifications of teaching staff, improving educational work with students.

The scientific and methodological work of the department provides for the development of higher education pedagogy, taking into account the work of a specific university. Many provisions of higher education didactics require further scientific deepening and development, and the more widely the problems of higher education pedagogy are raised in departments, the more effectively the results of methodological research are implemented in the practice of the educational process, the faster the improvement of teaching methods occurs.

Here lies the main reserve for increasing the effectiveness of training and the quality of training of specialists. In modern higher education, the educational process is increasingly acquiring the character of independent work of students, organized and managed by the teacher on the basis the latest methods and teaching aids. Along with improving teaching methods, the most important tasks of universities are planning, rational organization and control over the independent work of students. Ways to improve the management of students' independent work are specified in the attached diagram.

Part of the general culture is the culture of mental work, the ability to work with different types of text information, and the ability to learn. Meanwhile, studies show that the reading speed of popular science texts among vocational school teachers approximately corresponds to the reading standards for senior secondary school. When working with a book, a reproductive orientation predominates: reading is designed for simple reproduction of the material; the degree of assimilation of what has been read, its meaningful connection with the needs of improving the methods of teaching disciplines, is not analyzed.

Considerations B and A are of significant interest. Here the author considers model study as a means of development creativity and scientific understanding of practice as a way to assess quality curricula, forms of training, improving knowledge control, improving teaching methods, as a means of harmonizing the various components of the educational process system. The author attaches great importance to the role of modeling methods for creating a science of higher education pedagogy.

The correct and justified use of TSO leads to an increase in the effectiveness of training, otherwise - to their formal use. The department cannot allow the use of technical teaching aids in cases where this is not dictated by methodological expediency, but is used as an attribute of the modern level of training. An important task is to determine criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the use of TSO. The latter is possible on the basis of generalizing the results of research work of departments to improve teaching methods.

For example, comparative data from examination sessions show that in the winter session of the 1973/74 academic year, 253 fewer unsatisfactory grades were received than in the winter session of the 1968/69 academic year. The trend of a noticeable decrease in the proportion of unsatisfactory grades in such difficult-to-master disciplines as higher mathematics, physics, chemistry, theoretical mechanics and others deserves special attention. Of course, the data presented cannot be characterized only as the result of the implemented certification system. This process reflects the effect of all forms of improving teaching methods and organizing the educational process, new among which is the system under consideration for enhancing students’ independent work through systematic checks.

Pages:      1

Improving teaching and educational methods (a brief description of the methods that the teacher uses in educational activities.)

In my work with children I use the following modern technologies:

  1. Health-saving. Providing the child with the opportunity to maintain health, developing in him the necessary knowledge, skills and habits for a healthy lifestyle. Morning exercises, physical education classes, healthy lifestyle classes, finger gymnastics, articulation, breathing, visual, self-massage, hardening, invigorating gymnastics.
  2. Project activities. Development and enrichment socially - personal experience through the inclusion of children in the sphere of interpersonal interaction and in project activities. Work with the whole group and with a subgroup in research activities, in creative, gaming, and information activities.
  3. Research activities. Formation of children's ability for an exploratory type of thinking. Heuristic conversations, posing and resolving questions problematic nature, observations, experiments, recording the results of experiences, experiments, didactic games, situations, work assignments.
  4. Information and communication technologies. To form the foundations of an individual’s information culture, to improve the professional level of teachers and the competence of parents. When working with children: using presentations for classes, watching cartoons and films.

In the work of a teacher: selection of illustrative material for classes, design of stands, scanning, Internet, printer, creation of presentations, exchange of experience, preparation of documentation.

5. Personally-oriented technology. Formation of the child’s personality, provision of comfortable conditions in the family and preschool educational institutions, creation of personality-oriented interactions with children in the developmental space. Determining the pace of child development. Creating conditions for personal creativity.

  • Humane and personal: providing assistance to a child with poor health during the period of adaptation.
  • Technology of cooperation: partnership and equality in the system of relationships "adult-child" Development of individual programs and projects, classes based on dialogue and simulation role-playing games.

6. Problem-based learning. The goal of the problematic technology is the acquisition of knowledge, mastering methods of independent activity, and developing the cognitive and creative abilities of children. Creation of problematic situations in educational activities, during regime moments, and independent activities of children, in conversations, in play activity.

7. Gaming technologies. The purpose of gaming technology is not to change the child or remake him, not to teach him any special behavioral skills, but to give him the opportunity "to live" in the game, situations that excite him with the full attention and empathy of an adult. Games, exercises, activity, part of an activity, work, game tasks, situations.

(Technology of educational games by B. P. Nikitin.) Development mental processes, solving problems with the help of educational games that the child solves with the help of cubes, bricks, squares or plastic, parts from a construction set - mechanics, etc. Games, exercises, activity, part of the lesson, work, game tasks, situations.

8. Technology "Triz" . Development of mental processes, search activity, desire for novelty, development of speech and creative imagination. Instilling in a child the joy of creative discovery. Learn to look for your own solution and conclusion. Fairy tales; gaming, everyday situations; artistic creativity(drawing, modeling, appliqué, didactic games, activities.

9. Technology "Teacher's Portfolio" . Developing the ability to master modern technologies, the ability to predict your results, create your own success record, take into account your results in a variety of activities, and evaluate your professionalism. Creating a teacher's portfolio.

Health-saving technologies. Along with a set of mandatory physical education activities and health-improving and preventive actions (morning exercises, outdoor games, physical education classes) , I do health work with children. One of most important tasks– reducing the risk of morbidity in children. Therefore, I pay great attention to the prevention of diseases, strengthening and hardening of the child’s body. Using methods such as: the use of dynamic pauses, moving and sports games, gymnastics: finger, breathing, invigorating, for the eyes, healthy lifestyle classes, etc., I increase the effectiveness of the educational process, improve health.

I created a card index for all types of gymnastics.

The effectiveness of health-improving activities depends on the conditions and lifestyle of the pupils’ families, as well as on integrated approach to her organization. Therefore, I implement health-saving technology in the following forms:

  • medical and preventive - organization of monitoring of children's health, development of recommendations for health prevention, organization of preventive measures, hardening;
  • physical education and health activities are aimed at physical development and strengthening children's health (development physical qualities, formation of correct posture.
  • valeological education of parents - how the child’s daily routine is properly organized, how much attention the parents pay to the child’s health, determines his mood and state of physical comfort. In order to cooperate with parents in promoting a healthy lifestyle in children, I conduct the following events: parent meetings, conversations, consultations, surveys, reminders, booklets « Finger gymnastics» , Breathing exercises», “How to properly harden a child?” , "Flu Prevention" , and etc.; sporting events “Dad, Mom, I am a friendly family” , health weeks, project "Be healthy!" .

When mastering innovation, you need to constantly be in active creative search, master efficient technologies teaching, upbringing, developing the creative abilities of students, experimenting and researching, strives to improve the results of their work. To make my work more efficient, I use various modern technologies.

I use design technology in my work with both children and parents. I used short-term and long-term projects in my work: “One grain of sand, two grains of sand...” (cognitive-research), "Be healthy" (for parents, in order to interest parents in strengthening a healthy lifestyle in the family).

Also in my work I use person-oriented technology, which includes a humanistic direction, provides comfortable, conflict and safe conditions development of the child's personality. In my work I also use game-based learning technologies:

  • as an activity or part of an activity (introduction, reinforcement, exercise, control)
  • as independent technologies for mastering a topic, concept
  • as didactic games; I use travel games and entertainment games. Playful moments penetrate into all types of children’s activities: work and play, educational activities and play, everyday household activities related to the implementation of the regime and play. With the help of gaming technologies, I develop children's attention, memory, thinking, and imagination. For example, these games: "Find the same one" , “Draw how it was” .

In my work I also use problem-based learning for children. I create a cognitive task for children, situations in all areas of educational activity, and allow children to find means of solving it, using previously acquired knowledge and skills. I create a problematic situation with the help of activating actions, questions that emphasize the novelty, importance, beauty and other distinctive qualities of the object of knowledge.

I use problematic situations in conversations on life and health safety, in mathematics classes, familiarization with the outside world, in play activities, and in sensory education. As a result, children learn to think and reason.

I create a problematic situation using certain techniques, methods and means. For example, I use the following methodological techniques:

  • I bring the children to a contradiction and invite them to find a way to resolve it themselves. (for example, on a walk I ask the children: “What time of year is it now? - winter. Why is it winter, as you found out, but I think it’s summer now..." Children begin to prove themselves and draw conclusions.
  • We present different points of view on the same issue;
  • I encourage children to make comparisons, generalizations, and conclusions from the situation;
  • I pose problematic tasks. The problematic tasks that I pose are accessible, feasible, and interesting.

Game is the leading type of activity most accessible to children; it is a way of processing impressions and knowledge received from the surrounding world. Already in early childhood, a child has the greatest opportunity in play, and not in any other activity, to be independent, to communicate with peers at his own discretion, to choose toys and use different objects, to overcome certain difficulties logically related to the plot of the game, its rules. In the game he develops as a personality, he develops those aspects of his psyche on which the success of his social practice will subsequently depend. Therefore, using gaming technologies in educational process, I follow the principle of benevolence, I try to provide emotional support, create a joyful environment, and encourage any inventions and fantasies of the child. I believe that only in this case will the game be useful for the development of the child and the creation of a positive atmosphere of cooperation with adults. I try to organize the pedagogical process so that gaming technologies, like game moments, penetrate into all types of children’s activities: work and play, educational activities and play, regime moments and game. Game moments play an important role in the pedagogical process, especially during the adaptation period. Starting from two to three years old, their main task is the formation emotional contact, children’s trust in the teacher, the ability to see in the teacher a kind person, always ready to help (how is your mom), interesting partner in Game. I organize the first play situations frontally so that no child feels deprived of attention. For example, these are games like round dance "Loaf" , “Try, catch up” , "Easter cakes for Masha" etc. Next I include game situations like "What's rolling?" , "Who can roll the ball faster" - at the same time, organizing children into a game - competition. I use gaming technologies to develop children’s attention. In children of preschool age, there is a gradual transition from involuntary attention to voluntary attention. Voluntary attention requires concentration on a task, even if it is not very interesting. Therefore, it is necessary to develop children using play techniques. For example, I suggest a game situation for your attention: "Find the same one" - you can offer your child to choose from several balls, cubes, figurines, toys "same" (by color, size) like his. Or I suggest a game "What's wrong?" , deliberately making a mistake in their actions, and the child must notice it.

Using gaming technology helps me develop children's memory. These are games like "Remember and name" , "What's first, what's next" and etc.

Gaming technologies also contribute to the formation of basic forms of thinking: visual-effective, visual-figurative and logical.

The inclusion of gaming techniques and methods in the educational process helps me with this. At the same time, the child learns to compare, highlight the most essential in objects and can carry out his actions, focusing not on the situation, but on figurative ideas. I form logical thinking in the process of teaching a child the ability to reason, find cause-and-effect relationships, and make inferences.

In and outside of class I actively use Nikitin’s educational games: "Fold the pattern" , "Attention!" , "Attention - guess what!" , "Cubes for everyone" , "Fold a square" . Children play with both factory aids and those made by me.

I also use games like "Dyenes Blocks" , "Mongolian game" , "Columbus Egg" , "Tangram" . The children in my group enjoy learning with these aids.

The use of gaming techniques and methods in non-standard, problem situations that require choosing a solution from a number of alternatives forms flexible, original thinking in children. For example, in classes to introduce children to fiction (joint retelling works of art or writing new fairy tales, stories) children gain experience that will allow them to then play games.

I comprehensively use different gaming technologies target orientation in its pedagogical activity, which helps prepare the child for school.

One of the effective types of game therapy is folk games with dolls, nursery rhymes, round dances, and joke games. I use them in the pedagogical process; with their help, I not only implement the educational and developmental functions of gaming technologies, but also various educational functions: they introduce students to folk culture, traditions, cultivate tolerance and respect for different peoples. This is an important area of ​​the regional component of the kindergarten educational program.

TRIZ technologies help me not only develop children’s imagination, but also creativity. I use this technology to draw in unconventional ways. Children finger paint "It is snowing" , palms « Autumn tree» , "Sun" , parolon "Fish live in water" , cotton swabs "Rowan Brush" , leaf prints, etc. During classes, the children enjoy playing the game "Good bad" - this game can be used to discuss the rules of behavior on the street, in transport, in nature. A game "Find contradictions" suitable for observations, conversations, and contradictions can be found in the weather, in toys, in objects, situations, sizes, and children, divided into two teams, will enthusiastically come up with new solutions to the problem. I use the game to develop memory and observation skills. "Memory test" , in which, after briefly showing a picture or object, I ask the children to reproduce this object or answer questions about its content. Especially for this purpose, I made a set of cards with simple schematic drawings, letters, symbols, and at the beginning of the lesson, especially in mathematics, I put them on the board, I invite the children to remember and reproduce them on paper. At the beginning of the year it could be 4-5 cards, and by the end of the year the number can be increased. You can use an attention game as a physical education lesson. "Ears, eyes, nose" . The guys play these games with interest and themselves, without even realizing that all this is called TRIZ. They are just interested, unusual, and they never get bored, but play with enthusiasm. In mathematics classes, they enjoy looking for the missing number and recognize familiar objects. geometric figures and vice versa, they draw, turning geometric figures into real or fantastic objects. The kids really love working with fairy tales, changing them, coming up with a new ending to a fairy tale, adding heroes to familiar fairy tales, composing new and modern fairy tales. The lesson is very interesting when, after reading already known or new fairy tales, I invite the children themselves to come up with a different ending to the fairy tale or help the hero get out of a difficult situation. Children's imagination and creativity never cease. I believe that using TRIZ in working with children helps not only in the development of creative abilities, but also allows children to feel more confident, calmer, and go to kindergarten with joy and interest in anticipation of daily miracles, discoveries, magic and transformations.

To increase the efficiency of the educational process I use ICT:

  • in the selection of illustrative material for GCD, for the design of stands, groups (scanning, printer, presentations, Internet resources
  • in the selection of additional educational material for GCD, familiarization with holiday scenarios and other entertainment
  • in the preparation of group documentation, reports (the computer allows you not to write reports, analyzes, plans every time, but just type the diagram once and make the necessary changes, in the use of Power Point presentations to increase the effectiveness of GCD, speeches at teacher councils, in the use of digital photographic equipment and photo editing programs, in the design of booklets, group business cards, materials on various directions activities, in using the Internet in pedagogical activities for the purpose of informational and scientific-methodological support of the educational process, such as searching for additional information for educational activities, broadening the horizons of children.

Basic ICT tools used in working with children and parents: computer, printer, scanner, radio tape recorder, camera.

All my work is based on multi-level learning. I take into account the child’s abilities, his pace of activity, and level of fatigue. And individual support cards help with this. The maps were compiled taking into account observations of children in direct educational activities, in free time and taking into account conversations conducted with parents. In our work, it is important to be able to find an approach to each child: to determine individual abilities, to be interested in concerns and achievements.

The use of these techniques and technologies has resulted in stable positive achievements in physical and personal development students.

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1 EXPLANATIONS on methods of training and education Improvement of methods of training and education (clause 3.1. expert opinion) According to the requirements of paragraphs 36, 37 of the new Certification Procedure, when certifying a teacher for qualification categories must demonstrate their achievements in the field of improving teaching and educational methods. METHOD (from the Greek word metodos literally the way to something) means a way to achieve a goal, a certain ordered activity. TEACHING METHOD is a method of orderly interconnected activity of a teacher and students, activity aimed at solving the problems of education, upbringing and development in the learning process (Pedagogy: A textbook for students of pedagogical institutes. Ed. Yu.K. Babansky). In the expert opinion, teaching and upbringing methods are distributed into four main groups: 1st group: methods of forming new knowledge and methods of activity, 2nd group: methods of organizing student activities, 3rd group: methods of control and self-control, 4th group : methods of forming personal results. When evaluating the 1st group of methods Special attention The expert must pay attention to the teacher’s ability to present educational material and introduce students to methods of action. Methods for the formation of new knowledge and methods of activity include: explanatory-illustrative and reproductive methods

2 story, lecture, explanation, literature study, display, demonstration, completing a task according to an algorithm, survey, etc. These methods train memory and provide knowledge, but do not allow children to fully develop creative thinking; problematic and partially search methods, problematic or heuristic conversation, creating situations of difficulty, etc. Thanks to this method, students acquire logical, critical thinking skills, the ability to formulate a problem and find ways to solve it, etc.; research method solving problems of a creative level, independently solving a problem situation, conducting experiments, classification, modeling, design, construction, setting up an experiment, etc. Thanks this method the student gradually learns the principles and stages scientific research. He not only studies the literature on the research topic, but also develops a research plan, tests his own hypotheses to solve the problem, and evaluates the results obtained. When assessing a teacher’s ability to use the 2nd group of methods, the effectiveness of activities in organizing students’ work in a lesson/session is determined. Methods of organizing student activities include: methods that involve mutual actions of the teacher and students: brainstorming, discussion, debate, role-playing and story games, case method, workshop, training, student presentations, etc.; methods of students’ independent work: performing exercises accompanied by self-tests, studying textbook materials, working with models, diagrams, tables, instruments, laboratory work and so on.

3 The 3rd group of methods includes control and self-control methods. The degree of proficiency in this group of methods makes it possible to assess the effectiveness of the teacher’s activities in determining the effectiveness of educational, cognitive and other types of student activities. Methods of control and self-control include: testing, questioning, quiz, written work, oral and written surveys, tests, exams, etc. Methods of forming personal results include conversation, persuasion, suggestion, assignment, competition, example, analogy, reflective methods , educational situations, etc. When conducting an examination of teaching activities (in an open lesson/session), the teacher is recommended to demonstrate mastery of at least one method from each group of methods. Along with this, he must show notes, teaching materials, etc., which describe the use of specific methods, and also take part in an interview with an expert. If the teacher has a privilege (has the right not to conduct an open lesson/session), then the expert can determine his mastery of teaching and educational methods by getting acquainted with the materials of his portfolio, as well as talking with the certified person and the administration educational organization. The level of proficiency in the designated groups of methods is determined by the expert according to the criteria proposed below. Uses productively and improves: full compliance of the methods used with the goals, objectives and content of the lesson or lesson, the level of cognitive abilities, the age and psychophysical characteristics of students, the material support of the lesson, the personal qualities of the teacher, his preparedness and level professional competence and methodological skill, the limit of teaching time for a lesson or lesson.

4 Improvement should be understood as the teacher’s introduction of any innovations into the method used, which made it possible to improve the results of educational work. The role of the expert, in this case, will be to determine the feasibility of the introduced innovation, its literacy and effectiveness. Uses productively: full compliance of the methods used with the goals, objectives and content of the lesson or lesson, the level of cognitive abilities, age and psychophysical characteristics of students, the material support of the lesson and the limit of instructional time of the lesson or lesson. Uses insufficiently productively: partial compliance of the methods used with the goals, objectives and content of the lesson or lesson, the level of cognitive abilities, age and psychophysical characteristics of students, the material support of the lesson and the limit of instructional time of the lesson or lesson. Does not use: inconsistency of the methods used with the goals, objectives and content of the lesson or lesson, the level of cognitive abilities, age and psychophysical characteristics of students, the material support of the lesson and the instructional time limit of the lesson or lesson. The “Does not use” indicator may also be evidenced by the certified teacher’s ignorance of modern methods training and education, inability to select them to achieve the goals of a lesson or lesson. Maximum amount The points that a teacher can receive for the productive use of one method and its improvement (one from each group is enough) is 60 points. Accordingly, the four groups of methods are worth 240 points.

5 The expert records the results obtained in the table of the expert opinion “Improving teaching and educational methods” in the appropriate column, depending on the number of points: does not use 0 points; uses points insufficiently productively; uses points productively; uses productively and improves scores.

ORGANIZATIONAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF EXAMINATION OF PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITIES Stages of examination of pedagogical activities expert interview with the certified teacher: - on implemented technologies and

LOGO Key competencies of a teacher. Organizational and technological basis for conducting an examination Expertise of professional activities Assessment of the degree of proficiency in professional competencies First

CERTIFICATION Assessing the level of development of a teacher’s professional competencies from the perspective of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education Organization and holding of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “The Image of a Teacher of the 21st Century:

“An effective lesson is the main pedagogical tool of the teacher in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard” “The lesson is a mirror of the general and pedagogical culture of the teacher” V.A. Sukhomlinsky Contents Goals and objectives Methods Lesson Means

Teaching methods A teaching method is a way of organizing the cognitive activity of students; way of activity of the teacher and students, aimed at mastering knowledge, skills and abilities by students, on

Teaching methods The essence of methods Method is a way of activity aimed at achieving a specific goal. Teaching method: the way the teacher and student act; a set of actions and work methods

2 dated November 24, 2016 Methodological Council of the municipal budgetary institution of additional education “Station of Young Technicians” of the municipal district of Iglinsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan Report on the topic:

The concept of teaching methods and techniques. Functions of training, requirements for them. The problem of classifying teaching methods in modern pedagogy Characteristics of the main verbal, visual and practical methods

Examination of lessons on ORKSE Compiled by: Associate Professor of the Department of Primary Education, GBOU DPO NIRO, Ph.D. n., Runova T.A. The main content of the spiritual and moral development and education of students at the level

Contents 1. Structure of a modern lesson...3 1.1. Requirements for the structure of the lesson.....3 1.2. Determining the objectives of the lesson.3 1.3. Classification of teaching methods..5 1.4. Types of lessons..6 1.5. Sample structure

Didactic task of the stage Organizing the start of the lesson Establishing the correctness and awareness of homework completion by all (most) students STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS OF THE STUDY LESSON Conditions

312. Topic 5 Methods and forms of organizing educational activities QUESTION N 1. The class-lesson teaching system was scientifically substantiated 1. V. Ratke 2. K.D. Ushinsky 3. Ya.-A. Komensky 4. I.F. Herbart 4 QUESTION

Implementation of the didactic and methodological structure of the educational lesson Methodological seminar Bashkirova O.A., methodologist The educational lesson is the main form of organizing the educational process, it has a holistic structure,

Structural elements of a training session STEPS Didactic tasks Indicators of the actual result of solving the task 1. Organization of the beginning of the lesson. Preparing students for work in class. Full readiness


3. Compilation technological map Appendix 4 “Recommendations for drawing up a technological map” Technological map 1. Topic: 2. Lesson: 3. Type: 4. Form of delivery: 5. Objectives: 6. Equipment

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE ASTRAKHAN REGION JSC DOE "Center" aesthetic education children and youth" "AUTHOR'S SONG CREATIVITY" methodological collection to help accompanists, choirmasters,

Module 6. Methods and means of teaching LECTURE QUESTIONS: 1. The concept of teaching methods, their classification. 2. Characteristics of teaching methods. 3. Teaching aids, their characteristics. LITERATURE: 1. Zhuk, O.

“A lesson is a mirror of a teacher’s general and pedagogical culture, a measure of his intellectual wealth, an indicator of his horizons and erudition” V.A. Sukhomlinsky Prepared by: Gulyaeva T.V., teacher of mathematics and computer science

Lecture 1.2. Methods of teaching chemistry in secondary school Plan: 1. Characteristics of the method in teaching chemistry. 2. Classification of methods in teaching chemistry 3. Methods active learning There are numerous definitions

Abstract of the work program of the discipline “Methods of teaching chemistry” Direction of training 03/06/01 Biology Level of higher education undergraduate 1. Purpose of the discipline: formation of theoretical knowledge

Goal setting Motivation Technological map of lesson analysis according to the Federal State Educational Standard Class Date Full name of the teacher Purpose of the visit Topic of the lesson Goals of the lesson Full name of the person who attended the lesson 1. 2. Parameters Criteria points Notes 1 2 3 Emotional

Traditional methods teaching Method of teaching Explanation Story Conversation Work with sources Demonstration Illustration Brief description of the method I. Verbal Monologue form of presentation. Towards an explanation

Lesson analysis. Full lesson analysis. Conducted according to the requirements for the lesson. I. The lesson must comprehensively solve the problems of development, education and upbringing. The developmental goal comes first. Promotes

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Appendix 62 to the order of the Department of Education and Science of the Krasnodar Territory dated May 23, 2011 2604 Requirements for the development of a summary of an extracurricular activity by the teacher-organizer, senior counselor,

Appendix 59 to the order of the Department of Education and Science of the Krasnodar Territory dated May 23, 2011 2604 Requirements for developing a lesson note 1. When developing a lesson note, the teacher must

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On the organization of current monitoring of academic performance at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kursk State University" 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. The purpose of this provision is to justify the organization and methodology of conducting the current

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kemerovo State University" Novokuznetsk

GOVERNMENT OF THE KURGAN REGION DEPARTMENT OF CULTURE OF THE KURGAN REGION October 31, 2012 349 Kurgan ORDER ON passing qualification tests by teaching staff of institutions in the sphere

1.6 These Regulations are mandatory for execution by all departments of the University that ensure the implementation of the educational process in the relevant EP HE. 2. The purpose and objectives of the creation of the FOS 2.1 The purpose of the creation

Algorithm for creating an educational program. Explanatory note Name of the program. About the subject of study (briefly, meaningfully, with the orientation of education not only on mastering the amount of knowledge, but also on the development

1 Department of Education and Science of the Krasnodar Territory State Educational state-financed organization additional professional education of the Krasnodar region Krasnodar regional institute

Memo for teachers and industrial training masters on drawing up a lesson plan I. Typology of lessons. II. Lesson objectives. III. Stages of lesson planning and preparation. IV. Lesson schedule

Innovative pedagogical technologies as a means of activating the cognitive and artistic activity of students in the lessons of the history of fine arts, creative activities and in

1. General provisions 1.1. Regulations on independent work of students of the State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education "Nizhny Novgorod Motor Transport College"

Municipal budgetary educational institution high school 6 r.p. Smolino, Volodarsky district, Nizhny Novgorod region Requirements for a modern lesson. Practice-oriented seminar 2015 What

378.147.091.32: 32:378.3 NON-TRADITIONAL FORMS OF CONDUCTING A UNIVERSITY LECTURE IN THE CONDITIONS OF CREDIT TECHNOLOGY Dyusupbaeva A.B., [email protected] Eurasian National University named after. L.N. Gumileva, Astana

LOGO Federal State Educational Standard Modern lesson SEMIN A R U R O K 1 “The lesson is the main part of the educational process in which the teacher daily carries out the education, upbringing and comprehensive development of students

GBOU HE MO "ACADEMY OF SOCIAL MANAGEMENT" Regional scientific and methodological center for expert assessment of pedagogical activities IMPROVEMENT OF EXAMINATION OF PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES OF PEDAGOGICAL

Checking the quality of students’ assimilation of educational material; increasing students' motivation for active, systematic work during the period of studying the discipline; acquisition and development of independent skills

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Humanitarian University" (RGGU) Moscow Appendix Approved by order

2 REVIEWERS: Department of Human Biology and Ecology of the International State Ecological University named after A.D. Sakharov; Davydovsky A.G., Associate Professor, Department of Pedagogy and Problems of Educational Development

Bibliography 1. Zeer E. F. Psychology of professions: tutorial for university students / E. F. Zeer. Moscow, 2005. 2. Novikov A. M. Methodology of educational activities / A. M. Novikov. Moscow, 2005.


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1 Guarantor of discipline: Fayzullina L.R. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Preschool and Primary general education Sibay Institute (branch) of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Bashkir State University" Work program

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1920 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Kuban State yi Regulations on independent

Teacher's name. Subject Class Topic of the lesson Criterion lesson Indicator Rating T Goal setting traditional Goal and objectives are set by the teacher himself transition Children are involved in setting goals and objectives in the lesson, but

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Self-analysis and analysis of the lesson in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard Aristova E.A., Deputy Director for Education and Resource Management, State Budget Educational Institution Secondary School 456, Krupoderova L.A., biology teacher, State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School 456, Kolpinsky District Abstract: the authors present experience

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Evaluation of the lesson for compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the Educational Institution Class Subject Topic of the lesson Section 1. Goal setting The teacher announces the goal of the lesson without explanation or commentary 1 0 The teacher tries to make the goal of the lesson clear

Abstract to the work program 11th grade social studies Present working programm academic subject“Social Studies” for 11th grade students studying the subject at a basic level is compiled on the basis.

Improving teaching and educational methods,

use of new educational technologies.

New social demands reflected in the Federal State Educational Standards of NEO determine the goals of education,

as the general cultural, personal and cognitive development of students, providing such a key competency of education as “teaching how to learn.”

The goal of my pedagogical activity is to create conditions for achieving modern quality of education, nurturing an information-competent personality capable of adapting to changing living conditions. I see it as possible to achieve this goal through the effective construction of the educational process and the use of modern educational technologies, which are emphasized by the new standard of education.

Possession of modern pedagogical technologies and new techniques - this is a component of the teacher’s methodological culture. Introduction of new technologies into educational

the process changes the position and habitual attitudes of not only the student, but also the teacher himself.

Previously, its center was the teacher, and now it is the student. This allows each student to learn at a pace that suits them and at a level that matches their abilities.

In my practice I use the following modern educational technologies:

ICT technology (computer, multimedia projector, Internet).

Traditional technical means I am replacing them with computer ones, which make the learning and education process visual, contribute to a deeper and more conscious assimilation of the material being studied, and increase the interest of students. For example, for a Russian language lesson in grade 3 on the topic “All cases” (a lesson on consolidating and systematizing knowledge), I prepared a presentation in which the children saw a table with cases, auxiliary words, case questions, prepositions, a text with errors for frontal work, assignments on

groups. In the lessons of mathematics, the Russian language, the surrounding world, and literary reading, I use electronic applications for textbooks.

Technology of individual and group training (work in groups, pairs, individually)

Group work Pair work Individual work

Individual work I organize at all stages of the lesson, starting from the stage of updating knowledge and ending with reflection.

Working in pairs helps to enhance the cognitive activity of students and the formation of such qualities as mutual control and mutual assistance.

Group work promotes collaboration technology and skill development collaboration with educational material.

Technology of multi-level training (tests, tasks for independent work, tests and tests, task cards of different levels of complexity)

I use three options for differentiated learning:

    based on preliminary diagnosis of personality characteristics;

    the level of mastery of general educational skills of students;

    intraclass differentiation occurs depending on cognitive interests to the study of individual subjects.

All tasks can be combined into two groups: the first - the teacher gives a task to each student, the second - the students themselves choose multi-level tasks proposed by the teacher.

While completing a task, students know the level of difficulty and level of assessment, which allows for a differentiated approach to learning, relieves emotional and psychological stress, and creates positive learning motives.

Health-saving technologies (classroom hours about healthy lifestyle, health lessons, physical education sessions, dynamic pauses, reflection)

I use d animal-saving technologies in the following forms:

    hygienic conditions in the office: cleanliness, temperature, air freshness, lighting;

    formation of hygiene skills of students;

    correct posture (posture and facial expressions of students, alternating them depending on

nature of the work performed);

    physical education minutes in class (general strengthening gymnastics, breathing and sound exercises, eye exercises, exercises to strengthen arm muscles,

exercises to relax the spine, relaxation exercises for facial expressions)

    physical exercise and outdoor games during recess;

    classroom hours, conversations promoting a healthy lifestyle;

    outdoor outdoor games;

    Every year I take part with the children in the school-wide Health Day;

    Every year I take part in a month of military sports events dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day (Come on, boys);

    I will organize sports holidays for parents and children;

    when using ICT, I comply with the requirements prescribed in the Sanitary Rules and Standards;

    According to the work plan for occupational safety and health of students, I conduct safety briefings.

Collaboration technology (with students, parents, teachers)

I carry out systematic work with the parents of my students, and pay great attention to the pedagogical education of parents.

I speak at class meetings about increasing motivation and interest

for students to study individual subjects, provide psychological and pedagogical support to students in the educational process, engage in educational activities and diagnostic work, identifying learning problems, etc.

I involve parents in organizing and conducting joint holidays,

trips, excursions, various extracurricular activities. Parents not only help

make decorations and costumes for the holidays, but also participate in the production and are the most active spectators.

Technology of problem-based learning (the teacher sets an educational task and creates an educational problem situation at various stages of the lesson, determines the correspondence of the problem task to the intellectual capabilities of the students).

Technology of project activities (mini-projects, educational, creative and social)

Mini-project on the surrounding world.

Russian language project “The Story of the Word” (presentation)

Gaming technologies (lessons and tasks in a game form, business games, outdoor games)
