Reading the fairy tale ayoga abstract of the lesson. Topic

Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech in the senior group. Reading works of art: Nanai fairy tale "Ayoga"

Program content : To acquaint with the Nanai folk tale "Ayoga";



  • To teach to take part in a group conversation, listen carefully, speak out, generalize, reason;
  • To teach children to characterize literary images and express their attitude towards them;
  • Activate and enrich the vocabulary of children;
  • To form an idea of ​​modesty, diligence, justice.


  • Develop thinking, creative imagination, coherent dialogic and monologue speech;
  • Develop the ability to stage excerpts from a fairy tale.


  • Cultivate interest in folk art
  • Cultivate cognitive interest;
  • Cultivate a caring attitude towards loved ones.

Equipment : a picture of a doll in a Nanai costume, a presentation of a fairy tale.

Guys, do you like fairy tales? I love them very much too. Now let's close our eyes and find ourselves in a fairy tale.

But first answer, do you like to look at yourself in the mirror? ( Children's answers).

Do you think looking in the mirror often is good or bad?

Why it is good? ( You put yourself in order, comb your hair, wash your face, tie a bow, etc.)

Why is it bad? ( You can spend a lot of time at the mirror, admire yourself, not have time to do the necessary and important things: help mom, dad, grandmother, etc..)

Guys, a mirror is a very useful item, but it must be handled with care. If you admire yourself a lot, then trouble will happen. Today we will get acquainted with the Nanai fairy tale "Ayoga". This tale is about a girl who loved to admire herself very much, although she didn’t even have a mirror. But first I want to tell you who the Nanais are.

Showing a presentation about the Nanais and the tale itself.

After the presentation-fairy tale, a conversation with the children.

Questions for children:

Did you like this fairy tale?

Can this story be magical?

What magic happens in it?

Who is this tale about?

What was Ayoga doing all the time?

Tell me what is her personality? ( cunning, impudent, evil, rude, ill-mannered, proud, not attentive to people, proud, proud, lazy)

What actions of Ayogi did you not like?

How did Ayoga respond to her mother's request to help her? ( I began to make excuses, I found many reasons not to go for water) Remember how it was 2 girls will help us. Fairy tale dramatization.

Who helped Ayogi's mother? ( Neighbor Girl)

How would you describe the girl next door? (kind, attentive, generous, disinterested, obedient, polite, affectionate, sympathetic, hardworking)

What is the personality of Ayogi's mother? ( kind hardworking, caring, wise, fair)

Did the mother do the right thing not to feed her own daughter, but to give the cake to the neighbor's girl? ( Children's answers).

Why did Ayogi's mom give the tortilla to the girl next door? ( the mother was not indifferent to what her daughter was growing up, she wanted Ayoga to change her behavior, to apologize to her parents)

Was the mother right? ( Yes) There is a wise proverb among the people: "As it comes around, it will respond."

Who is to blame for the fact that Ayoga turned into a goose? Why did she turn into a goose?

To which of the heroes of the fairy tale does the proverb fit: “A person is beautiful not by his face, but by his actions”.

Which of the girls do you like? Why? Which of them would you like to be friends with?

And which of you guys feel sorry for Ayog?

What does Ayoga have to become in order to turn back into a girl? (kind, sympathetic)

And nowadays there are people who admire only themselves, not noticing anyone around?

In a fairy tale, Ayoga turns into a goose, but in real life, what awaits a person who sees no one and nothing but himself (Loneliness)

Guys, let's get some rest.

Game "We meet friends like this"

At the beginning of the game, the children stand in two lines. Everyone knows their "partner" (this is the child standing opposite). The lines are at a distance of 4-5 steps from the center line. Children perform the corresponding movements:

We'll wave our hand - that's it! ( waving to the partner with the right hand)

We'll wave another - like this! ( waving to the partner with the left hand)

Let's get close to each other - that's it! ( four steps towards the partner - both lines converge along the center line)

And hug each other - like this! ( hug partner)

Let's smile at each other - that's it! ( smile and look at the partner's smile)

Let's give a hand to a friend - that's it! ( to the word "here" everyone gives his right hand with the palm up, to the word "so" - puts his left hand on the partner's right palm)

And let's jump up friendly - like this! ( jump up at the same time - 1 time per word "so")

Together we have more fun - that's it! ( to the words "together we have more fun" - the children clap their hands)

What does this tale teach us?

How do you help parents?

The game « Name the extra»

From the listed series of words, children choose an extra one that is not included in the main, semantic meaning of groups of words and explain why:

smile, joy, sadness, fun

kindness, care, care, anger

generous, kind, greedy, caring

false, fair, honest, cultured

hardworking, brave, careful, lazy

Guys, I picked up proverbs about work, kindness, help, listen to them:

“Life is given for good deeds”, “It is not clothes that make a person beautiful, but his good deeds.”, “A person gets sick from laziness, but healthier from work”, “Every person is known in business”, “There is no goodness without labor”, “Small business is better than a lot of idleness”, “Labor feeds, but laziness spoils”.

Well done! I really hope no one will look like the girl Ayoga?

In the Samar family there lived one Nanai - La. He had a daughter, Ayoga. Beautiful girl. Everyone loved her. And everyone said that there was no one more beautiful than daughter La - neither in this, nor in any other camp. Ayoga perked up. I started looking at myself. And I liked myself. Looks - can not tear myself away. Looks - does not look enough. Now it looks into a polished copper basin, then at its own reflection in the water.

Ioga has become quite lazy. Everything loves itself. One day her mother says to her:

Bring some water, baby! Ayoga says:

- I'm going to fall into the water.

“And you hold on to the bush,” her mother tells her.

“The bush will break,” Ayoga says.

- And you take hold of a strong bush.

“I’ll scratch my hands... Mother says to Ayoga:

- Put on gloves.

“They will burst,” says Aioga. And she herself looks into a copper basin - how beautiful she is!

- So sew your mittens with a needle.

- The needle is broken.

“Take a thick needle,” says the father.

“I’ll prick my finger,” the daughter replies.

- Take a thimble...

- The thimble will break.

Here the girl next door says to Ayogi's mother:

- Let's go for water, mother!

The girl went to the river and brought water as needed.

Mother kneaded the dough. Made cakes. Baked on a hot hearth. I saw Ayoga cakes, shouting:

- Give me a cake, mother!

“She’s hot, you’ll burn your hands,” the mother replies.

“And I’ll put on my mittens,” Ayoga says.

- Wet gloves...

I'll dry them in the sun...

“They will warp,” the mother replies.

- I'll crush them.

“Hands will ache,” the mother replies. - Why do you, daughter, work, spoil your beauty? I'd rather give a cake to that girl who does not spare her hands.

Mother took a cake and gave it to a neighbor girl.

Ayoga got angry. Went to the river. Look at his reflection in the water. And the neighbor's girl is sitting on the shore, chewing a cake. Ayogi salivated. She began to look at the girl. Her neck stretched out - it became long. Ayoge girl says:

“Take a cake, Ayoga, I don’t mind.

Ayoga got angry at the girl. She hissed, waved her hands, spread her fingers, turned white with anger. She waved her arms so that her arms turned into wings.

- I don't need anything! - shouts.

Didn't stay on the beach. Ayoga splashed into the water and turned into a goose. Swimming and screaming

- Oh, how beautiful I am! Go-go-go-go! Oh how beautiful I am...

She swam and swam until she forgot how to speak Nanai. I forgot all the words. Only she didn’t forget her name, so that they wouldn’t confuse her, the beauty, with someone. Screaming, a little people envy:

- Ayoga-ha-ha! Ayo-ha-ha-ha!

Continue to acquaint children with the work of other nations. To expand knowledge about the life of the peoples of the north. To acquaint with the life of the people of the north. Cultivate love and respect for the mother. Learn to analyze a literary text from the point of view of moral problems. Work on developing the skill of dialogic expressive reading.



MBDOU "Lyambirsky kindergarten No. 3 of the combined type"

Summary of classes on reading fiction.

Fairy tale "Ayoga"

Educator: Isaeva F.V.

Objectives: To continue to acquaint children with the work of other nations. To expand knowledge about the life of the peoples of the north. To acquaint with the life of the people of the north. Cultivate love and respect for the mother. Learn to analyze a literary text from the point of view of moral problems. Work on developing the skill of dialogic expressive reading.

Guys, do you like fairy tales? I love them very much too. Now let's close our eyes and find ourselves in fairy tales.

Once in a fairy tale, suddenly, we turn around.
Turn one and two together let's make friends.
Surprisingly all around: here is Koschey and Cat's house.
We will go along the path. We will find the magical oak.
We look up and down, the miracle of the oak rose up.
The stars are shining in the dark sky, the waves are splashing in the blue sea.
But it's time to return, so as not to stay in a fairy tale.
Things are waiting for us in the kindergarten, it's time for us to return.
And now, guys, go to the chairs, sit down. (The teacher offers to take each child a mirror). In the course of the poem, the children perform a facial massage.
I look in the mirror, smile, get upset.
I will draw two paths, I will put dots on the cheeks.
I'll fold my lips with a tube, I'm more beautiful than everyone, I'll see!

Guys, do you like looking at yourself in the mirror? (Answers of children). - Guys, look at yourself in the mirror and tell us about yourself. What are you? (Children look and tell!)

Do you think it's good or bad to look in the mirror often? Why it is good? (You put yourself in order, comb your hair, wash your face, tie a bow, etc.)

Why is it bad? (You can spend a lot of time at the mirror, admire yourself, not have time to do the necessary and important things: help mom, dad, grandmother, etc.)

Guys, a mirror is a very useful item, but it must be handled with care. If you admire yourself a lot, then trouble will happen. Today we will get acquainted with this fairy tale. Listen to the Nanai fairy tale “Ayoga” about a girl who loved to admire herself very much, although she didn’t even have a mirror.

Nanais are the peoples of the Far East. The Nanais are usually below average height, with broad, flat, swarthy faces, flattened noses, and strongly protruding cheekbones. The eyes are narrow, the hair is black, straight and coarse; beard and mustache rare. Men braided their hair on their heads in 1 braid, women in two. The upper shoulder garment was a robe, in the form of a kimono. A birch bark conical hat served as a headdress in summer.

They were mainly engaged in catching fish and almost ate it alone. The fish was harvested in summer and autumn, then dried for the winter for themselves and for dogs. They are excellent hunters. From the skillfully dressed and painted skin of large fish and the fur of animals, they sewed their own clothes. They also collected wild berries, apples, from which they boiled thick sweet and sour juice, which was well preserved all winter. The Nanai settlements were of two types: permanent and seasonal. For driving, the Nanais used exclusively dog ​​sleds.

Storytelling with illustrations.

The teacher offers the children two drawings depicting girls.

Guys, look carefully and tell me which one is similar to Ayoga. What was she like? (lazy, cunning, impudent, angry, rude, ill-mannered, proud, not attentive to people).
What about the girl next door? (Kind, sympathetic, attentive, generous, hardworking, disinterested, obedient, polite, affectionate).
Why did mom give the cake to the neighbor girl?- What did the mother ask her daughter? (Bring water.)

How did Ayoga do it? (I began to make excuses, I found many reasons not to go.) 3 girls will help us remember how it was. Fairy tale dramatization.

What is Ayogi's mother like? (Patient, hardworking, wise, fair...)

Who helped the mother? (Neighbor girl.)

Did the mother do the right thing not to feed her own daughter, but to give the cake to the neighbor's girl? Why? (Answers of children).

- The mother was right. There is a wise proverb among the people: "As it comes around, it will respond." Guys, I asked you at home to pick up proverbs about work, kindness, help, let's listen to them now.

(children's answers)

“Life is given for good deeds”, “It is not clothes that make a person beautiful, but his good deeds.” ; “A person gets sick from laziness, but gets healthy from work.”; “Don’t drink water from your face”; "Every person in the case is known."; "Without labor there is no good"; “A small deed is better than a big idleness”; “Live for people, people will live for you”; "Work feeds, but laziness spoils" ...

Good is good, but bad is bad.
Do not look high: you will powder your eye.
To be lazy and walk - you can’t see good.
Don't judge by appearance, but by deeds.

Well done! They made me very happy, I hope no one will look like the girl Ayoga?

Continue the sentence:
I will commend my friend for...
Now go to the tables and take a sheet of paper. Hand warm-up:
One, two, three, four, five, we will crumple a piece of paper
We will crumple a piece of paper, develop our pens
Let's take the right hand and shake it a little
We give to the left handle
Let's take the left hand and shake it again
And again, we shake a little and quickly put it on the table.
Sit down at the tables and now we will make a goose by folding paper. How else can it be called? (origami). (Or do magic: put crumpled papers in a box and get ready-made origami geese from there and offer to decorate them)

Put this goose at home in front of the mirror and do not forget the story about the girl Ayoga.
Guys, you guys did a great job.

Target. Teach children to be responsible for the tasks of the teacher.

Lesson progress

The teacher reminds the children about homework. Praises the guys who did not forget to complete it. Reminds that older preschoolers should be more responsible for the requests and instructions of adults, that responsibility is a very important quality of a person.

The teacher listens to the endings of the fairy tale, invented by the children. It helps to build sentences more correctly, suggests more precise words to characterize an object, a situation. He is interested in whose version of the ending the guys liked.

If necessary, the teacher offers the children their own version of the ending. For example, Ayoga asks birds, deer, polar bears to take her in, but they refuse a lazy, angry, narcissistic girl.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher reads the story in its entirety.

Lesson 7. Reading the story of B. Zhitkov "How I caught little men"

Target. To help children remember the stories they know, to introduce B. Zhitkov's story "How I Caught Little Men."

Lesson progress

The teacher listens to the children's answers. If a child names a fairy tale, the teacher recalls an episode from which it follows that this is not a real, but a magical situation. For example: “Is it possible in life to meet a mouse that cuts firewood, or a pancake that cooks cabbage soup and porridge?” (The fairy tale "Winged, furry and oily".)

The teacher helps children to remember program works: L. Tolstoy "Bone", "Jump"; N. Nosova "Steps", "Live hat"; V. Bianchi "The Foundling", etc. Then he reads the story of B. Zhitkov.

At the end of the reading, the teacher clarifies whether this is a fairy tale or a story. Finds out what will happen when the grandmother sees the steamboat, and why the boy roared.

Lesson 8. Retelling the story of V. Bianchi "Bathing the cubs"

Target. To teach children to consistently and logically retell a literary text, trying to build sentences correctly.

Lesson progress

The teacher reads the story of V. Bianchi "Bathing the cubs" to the children 1-2 times.

Our familiar hunter was walking along the bank of a forest river and suddenly heard a loud crackling of branches. He got scared and climbed a tree.

A large brown bear came ashore from the thicket, with her two cheerful bear cubs and a pestun - her one-year-old son, a bear nurse.

The bear sat down. Pestun grabbed one bear cub with his teeth by the scruff of the neck and let's dip him into the river.

The little bear squealed and floundered, but the pestun did not let him out until he rinsed him well in the water.

Another cub was frightened of a cold bath and started to run away into the forest. The pestun caught up with him, gave him slaps, and then - into the water, like the first.

I rinsed it, rinsed it, and accidentally dropped it into the water. The teddy bear is screaming! Then, in an instant, a bear jumped up, dragged her little son ashore, and gave the pestun such a splash that he, poor, howled.

Once again on the ground, both cubs were very pleased with the bath: the day was hot, and they were very hot in thick shaggy coats. The water refreshed them well. After bathing, the bears again hid in the forest, and the hunter got down from the tree and went home.

The teacher asks if the children guessed who they call the parent (one-year-old bear cub, nanny for younger cubs) and as in the story a very hot day is called (sultry).

“To retell such a long story alone is difficult. And if you break the text into parts, it can be retold by three, even four, - the teacher explains. - First you need to tell about how the first baby was rinsed. And then? (How they bathed the second bear cub.) And how to end the retelling? (The redeemed bear cubs were satisfied.)

The teacher calls the child to retell the story (optional), and he invites the next person who, in turn, chooses the third storyteller. The teacher makes sure that the children pass the "baton" to each other in a timely manner.

The teacher calls the next three children.

Each time the teacher calls the name and surname of the writer and the story: Vitaly Bianchi "Bathing the cubs."

Note. If the retelling gives the children pleasure, you can invite them to show the children of the third year of life the puppet show “Bathing the Cubs”.

The teacher asks the children to think about how it is more convenient to do this, whether it will be possible to show how the cubs rinsed, to depict how the kids squealed. Children, taking the initiative, bring four toy bears of the right size and rehearse.

Topic: Reading fiction. “As it comes around, it will respond” (based on the works of E. Blaginina “Let's sit in silence”, L. Kvitko “Lemele is in charge”, the Nanai fairy tale “Ayoga”),

Target: learn to take part in a group conversation; listen carefully, speak on topics from personal experience, generalize, reason; to cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards mother, to arouse a desire to help her in all matters to the best of her ability.

Lesson progress

The teacher talks to the children

Guys, do you like looking at yourself in the mirror? (Answers of children).

Do you think it's good or bad to look in the mirror often?

Why it is good? (You put yourself in order, comb your hair, wash your face, tie a bow, etc.)

Why is it bad? (You can spend a lot of time at the mirror, admire yourself, grimace, not have time to do the necessary and important things: help mom, dad, grandmother, etc.)

Guys, pick up a mirror and look at yourself. Tell us about yourself. What are you? (Children look and talk.)

Guys, a mirror is a very useful item, but it must be handled with care. If you admire yourself a lot, then trouble will happen. Listen to the Nanai fairy tale “Ayoga” about a girl who loved to admire herself very much, although she didn’t even have a mirror.


In the Samar family, there lived one Nanai - La. He had a daughter, Ayoga. Beautiful girl. Everyone loved her very much. And someone said that there is no one more beautiful than Ayogi in this or in any other camp.

Ayoga perked up. I started looking at my face. And I liked myself. Looks - can not come off. Looks - does not look enough. Either he looks into a polished copper basin, or at his own reflection in the water. Ayoga has become completely lazy. Everyone loves themselves.

One day her mother says to her:

Go fetch some water, Ayoga!

The daughter answers:

I will fall into the water.

And you hold on to the bush, - her mother tells her.

The bush will break! Ayoga answers.

And you take a strong bush.

I scratch my hands...

Here the girl next door says to Ayogi's mother:

I'm going to fetch water, mother.

I went and brought it.

Mother kneaded the dough. Made cakes. Baked on a hot hearth. I saw Ayoga cakes, shouting:

- Give me a cake, mother!

She is hot. You'll burn your hands, - the mother answers.

I'll put on mittens, says Ayoga.

The gloves are wet.

I will dry them in the sun.

They will warp, - the mother answers.

I crush them softly.

Your hands will hurt, - the mother answers. - Why do you need to work, spoil your beauty. I'd rather give the cake to that girl who does not spare her hands.

Mother took a cake and gave it to a neighbor girl. Ayoga got angry. Went out the door to the river. He looks at his reflection in the water. And the girl next door is chewing a tortilla. Ayoga began to look at the girl. Her neck stretched out - it became long. Ayoge girl says:

Take a cake. I do not mind.

Ayoga was pissed off. She hissed. She waved her hands, spread her fingers, turned white with anger - she waved so that her hands turned into wings.

I don't need anything! - screams.

Unable to stay on the shore, Ayoga splashed into the water and turned into a goose. Swimming and screaming

Ah, how beautiful I am! Go Go go! Ah, how beautiful I am!

She swam and swam until she forgot how to speak Nanai.

I forgot all the words. Only she didn’t forget her name, so that they wouldn’t confuse her, the beauty, with someone, and she screams when she sees people:

Ai-oga-ha-ha! Ai-oga-ha-ha!

The teacher offers the children two drawings depicting girls.

Guys, look carefully and tell me which one is Ayoga. How did you guess? Ayoga is lazy, but what about the girl next door? (Hardworking.) Ayoga is evil, and the other girl ... (kind). Ayoga is greedy, and the other girl... (generous).

What did the mother ask her daughter? (Bring water.)

How did Ayoga do it? (I began to make excuses, found many reasons not to go.)

What is Ayoga? (Proud, lazy, cunning, impudent, angry, rude, ill-mannered, inattentive to people.)

What is Ayogi's mother like? (Patient, hardworking, wise, fair...)

Who helped the mother? (Neighbor girl.)

What is she? (Hardworking, kind, generous, disinterested, submissive, obedient, polite, considerate, not envious...)

Did the mother do the right thing not to feed her own daughter, but to give the cake to the neighbor's girl? Why? (Answers of children).

The mother was right. There is a wise proverb among the people: "As it comes around, it will respond." How do you understand this proverb? (Answers of children).

And in E. Blaginina’s poem “Let’s Sit in Silence” we learn about a completely different girl and see how she treats her mother and how the proverb “As it comes around, it will respond” can be explained in this case.

Let's sit in silence

Mom is sleeping, she is tired...

Well, I didn't play.

I don't start a top

And I sit down and sit.

My toys don't make noise

Quiet in an empty room

And on my mother's pillow

The beam is stealing golden.

And I said to the beam:

I also want to move.

I would sing a song

I could laugh.

Whatever I want!

But my mother is sleeping - and I am silent.

The beam darted along the wall,

And then slithered over me.

"Nothing," he whispered,

Let's sit in silence!"

(E. Blaginina)

Guys, do you like the girl in this poem? (Answers of children).

What words can describe it? (Kind, attentive, obedient, quiet, intelligent, merciful, etc.)

What do you think, when her mother wakes up and asks her daughter to do something, what will the girl do? (Answers of children).

How will a mother react to an obedient daughter? (Answers of children).

That's right, any mother loves her children, whatever they may be. And if a mother punishes her daughters and sons, then this is according to wisdom and justice.

Always try to listen to your moms. And always help in all matters. Let a little help, but provide. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that "A small deed is better than a big idleness."

True, sometimes it turns out that help is not always successful, as, for example, in L. Kvitko's poem "Lemel is in charge" the boy helped his mother.

Lemele hosts

Mom is leaving

Hurry to the store.

Lemele, you

You remain alone.

Mom said:

You serve me

Wash the plates

Put your sister down.

chop firewood

Don't forget my son

catch the rooster

And lock it up.

Sister, plates,

Rooster and wood...

Lemele has only

One head!

He grabbed his sister

And locked in a shed.

He said to his sister:

"You play here!"

Firewood he diligently

Washed with boiling water

four plates

Smashed with a hammer.

But it took a long time

Fight with a rooster -

He did not want

Get into bed.

(L. Kvitko)

Guys, that's what mom's helper is growing! What do we wish him? (So ​​that he could better cope with his mother's tasks. He listened attentively to his mother, did not rush, did not worry, thought with his head and, of course, remained the same hardworking assistant and loving son.)
