The life of Russian women in the UAE. On the desert shores of the Persian Gulf, the Arabs created a large amusement park - United Arab Emirates

Roman went to the United Arab Emirates to work at a Russian-language radio station. He lived in the country for a year and a half, got enough of impressions and returned to Russia. As part of a series of materials about compatriots who moved abroad, he publishes his story about life in Dubai.

I decided to live and work abroad about three years ago. Thought I had peaked professional development V hometown and it's time to conquer new horizons. The option to go to the Emirates arose quite by accident. I work in radio, and I learned from a colleague that a male voice is required for the local Russian-language radio in Dubai. And then events developed rapidly: I sent a resume and a demo and received an invitation for a trial period. I left in a hurry and just a few days later I was already walking along the city beach of Ajman.

Visits to Arab countries pass through my adult life red thread: in addition to tours to Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco, I visited Jordan and Iraq during the reign of Saddam Hussein. Therefore, I did not think about the trip for a long time.

About visa

Before moving, I knew a little about the Emirates: the tallest skyscraper in the world is the Burj Khalifa, the capital of the UAE is Abu Dhabi, not Dubai, it’s still a desert, the Persian Gulf (by the way, in the Emirates it is marked as “Arabian Gulf” on all maps) , luxury cars, expensive shops, heat. Perhaps this is all that was associated with the Emirates at that time.

There were no problems with obtaining a visa to the Emirates - it is not needed. Visitors can stay 30 days in the country in the status of tourists. A work visa is issued by the employer upon employment. Its validity period is from one to three years. The employer pays for the work visa. Its cost is 4-5 thousand dirhams (80-90 thousand rubles), depending on the validity period.

About the complexities

The adaptation period lasted, perhaps, about six months. The first difficulty is the heat! I come from Tula, and my ancestors are generally from the north, so to exist in temperature regime plus 32-36 out of habit was not easy. Colleagues cheered, they say, you are still lucky, because spring! Here comes the summer - then hold on! And it's true: in summer, at a temperature of plus 45-50 Celsius, I had to run home from work under the air conditioner and be sure to drink plenty of water.

On the shores of the bay, the heat was a little easier to bear - sometimes a breeze blew from the sea. But in the desert where I lived, there was always dry, burning air and no breeze. Because of this, the first time I felt dizzy, then I got used to it.

Another important point- language. I have no problems communicating in English with non-native speakers, but in the Emirates it has become a problem. The UAE is a country of visitors, 75 percent of the population are guest workers from India, Pakistan, Asian countries, CIS countries and other Arab countries. People from each country have their own English dialect. Understanding from the first time what a Pakistani is talking about, and in English, turned out to be an insoluble task for me. I got used to it for a few months.

In general, the dominance of citizens from India and Asia gives rise to a very ambivalent perception of the UAE. One gets the feeling that you are not in an Arab country at all, but rather in an oriental bazaar. Their cultural practices and habits in most cases cause hostility among representatives of European peoples, but point out to a Pakistani in the subway bad smell emanating from it is impossible: by law this can be interpreted as a violation of the rights of a citizen of another country.

About work

Finding a job in the Emirates is both easy and difficult at the same time. For example, in the tourist Ras Al Khaimah and Fujairah, there is a lot of work in the service and trade sectors. If you have a work visa (and it is required), you can find a job even without knowing English or Arabic. But in Dubai, work is more difficult. Not everyone is hired for well-paid positions. There is a so-called "passport discrimination". For example, citizens of the UK, USA, Canada, Australia and even New Zealand have 2-3 times higher salaries in positions similar to workers from other countries. The lowest paid positions are for people from Pakistan and the CIS countries. Citizens from Russia are also not particularly listed as workers. Arrangement depends on personal qualities and luck. A good salary in Dubai is 7-8 thousand dirhams (this is about 110-120 thousand rubles). However, this is not as much as it might seem.

About costs

In general, the UAE is a country where everything is aimed at spending. The infrastructure is organized according to the principle of "a step along the ruble", the same principle in public catering. There are restaurants and cafes all over the country literally at every step - and all because the Arabs love to eat a lot and tasty. Moreover, for lunch or dinner they always offer barbecue, shawarma, and sweets for dessert.

The whole country goes crazy for sweets: everyone and everywhere eats it! But there is also side effects- total obesity of the nation, especially among children. In Dubai, there is even a state program to combat obesity in schoolchildren. However, it works poorly, because the cost of the cheapest, but very high-calorie sweets is 5 dirhams (75 rubles).

The average check in a Dubai restaurant is 100-150 dirhams (1.5-2.2 thousand rubles) per person. And that's without alcohol. Alcohol can only be bought in specialized alcohol markets or in bars and clubs.

Products in stores are mostly seasonal and imported. In winter, it is very difficult to buy a ripe watermelon or mango, because in Pakistan and Oman (the main suppliers of fruits and vegetables) it is also winter, and the fruits are not yet ripe. However, the price of even the greenest mango bites: on average, they are sold for 10 dirhams (150 rubles) apiece. Local meat and seafood is also far from cheap. It is more profitable to buy Australian or Brazilian beef, and Scottish salmon is comparable in price to local fish - "sultan" - 20-30 dirhams (350-450 rubles) for a piece of 300 grams.

About housing

The cost of housing in Dubai and in the rest of the Emirates are completely different values. The most expensive housing in Abu Dhabi, since it is still the capital. But in Dubai, rental housing is the most popular type of business. Despite the fact that local realtors - brokers - are required to obtain a state license for their activities, everyone rents apartments in the UAE. And all because many clients (most often Russians) do not know local laws and do not ask a realtor for a license. Hence a lot of violations and fraud.

But even if you managed to find decent housing in a good area and through a licensed broker, do not flatter yourself - the price will unpleasantly surprise you. For example, a studio with a master room (“Evrodvushka”) in a high-rise building in a prestigious area will cost 5-6 thousand dirhams (75-85 thousand rubles) per month. And that's without paying. utilities, which usually amount to about 7-8 thousand rubles. In simpler areas, the price is half as much, but this option is for those who are not embarrassed by Pakistani neighbors.

About medicine

Medicine in the UAE is paid and works on the principle of "get sick - get treated in the hospital, not at home." You can only visit a doctor for free general practice And that's just for insurance. It is issued together with a work visa and is valid for the same period. In exceptional cases, the employee's illness is paid for by the employer.

But if you are still unlucky enough to get sick, you will have to prepare money, and a lot of it. For example, an appointment with a cardiologist, even with an insurance discount, can cost 100 dirhams (1.5 thousand rubles), and it is not at all excluded that aspirin will be prescribed as a treatment.

In general, aspirin and menthol ointment are the most popular medicines here. They are sold everywhere, unlike serious painkillers or antibiotics, which are almost impossible to obtain. They are only used in hospitals. There are also problems with the professionalism of local doctors: they have advanced technologies in their arsenal, which they do not know how to use. Therefore, Emirati citizens go to private doctors for treatment, mostly from former USSR. Still, Soviet medicine is still a brand, and an expensive one at that.

About the locals

The locals - the so-called "locals" - citizens of the Emirates and their descendants seemed to me rather boring, infantile and arrogant people. For example, being late for an hour without explanation is the norm among the Arabs, and this hour is called “Arab”. In all cases with their participation, you will find, in addition to waiting, disrespect and irresponsibility.

But these phenomena have an explanation. The state is providing serious social support to its citizens throughout life, starting from birth. Locals do not need to take care of "daily bread" and family. Yes, and respect for other nations is also unnecessary: ​​if someone does not have the same social bonuses, then they are no match.

“Lifting” for each child is about 100 thousand dirhams (more than 1.5 million rubles), plus life support until old age, pension and education. The latter, by the way, is free for children of locales in any country in the world.

Visitors are not citizens of the UAE, which means they cannot count on state support. In most cases, it is simply unrealistic to obtain citizenship for a “stranger”. One of the conditions, for example, to save the life of a sheikh or a member royal family. Moreover, upon reaching the age of 55, all expats must leave the territory of the UAE, because the Emirati state does not support “foreign” pensioners. If a child was born in the UAE, and his parents are not citizens of the country, then he will not receive citizenship of the Emirates.

With regard to Russians, local Arabs are quite aware. Some even studied in Russia and know about our country. But most of all Arab men are interested in Russian women.

Unfortunately, there are more and more stories about the availability of Russian women (including residents of Ukraine and Belarus). It's all about the irresistible desire of girls and women to marry the mythical "rich Arab". True, often girls simply do not understand who is in front of them: the crown prince or a poor Syrian in a Bentley rented for a day.

Despite stereotypes, there are a lot of marriages between Russian women and Arabs. But in this case, it is worth noting that their children become locals, but Russian wives do not. The wife receives only temporary maintenance, the amount of which is determined by the husband. And divorces among such couples are the majority: more than 40 percent of all divorces in the UAE occur in interethnic marriages. Simply put, if it is possible to lure an Arab, then this is not for long and is akin to slavery.

About stereotypes

"Vodka - bear - balalaika" - a set of these stereotypes is not for the inhabitants of the Emirates. A country is judged by its citizens. For local modern Russia is associated with the passion of its citizens to spend the last money on everything - from street shawarma to luxurious villas. From this, a stereotype has developed that Russians are not very smart, but very rich. And Russia for the Arabs is winter and Putin. Despite the fact that the Emirates is a pro-American country, in many ways similar to the United States, most locales treat our president as a strong and respected leader.

And, of course, the most beautiful girls in Russia live for the locals, but from whom have we not heard this!


Of course, I am grateful to fate and all the people involved for the opportunity to live and work in another country. I lived in the Emirates for a year and a half and returned to Russia with pleasure. The UAE is a fairy tale country for tourists, but in reality it is an expensive package made of glass and concrete with emptiness inside. I will return there only to stay with friends and swim. There are many more in the world amazing places. And I'm waiting for another discovery.

Jasmine, one of Disney princesses, with the eyes of a deer, gorgeous hair, and smooth lines of the body, fascinated and fell in love with millions of girls from all over the world.

What was special about this mysterious oriental princess? And what can we, princesses of Slavic blood, learn from Arab beauties?

Touch of nature

European cosmetic concerns daily conjure over the composition of the products produced. Either parabens will be removed, then organically grown flowers will be added. Eyes run up from the products presented on the windows of the stores.

The following trend can be seen: more natural composition product, the higher its price. Not every European princess can afford to buy such a tool. In our time, the worries, duties and responsibilities of princesses have increased.

At the same time, in the Arab countries, even the most a poor girl uses natural cosmetics. It is worth noting that in matters of self-care, different sections of the female Arab population are similar.

While European princesses apply body lotion with olive oil, Arab princesses smear the body directly with olive oil. Yes, more fuss, but many times cheaper, more effect, and no chemistry.

Instead of whitening toothpastes and electric brushes with various attachments, a sivak, a stick made from the fibers of the arak tree, is used. Thanks to him, Jasmine and her Arab prototypes smile, sparkling with snow-white teeth. In addition to the whitening effect, sivak has rejuvenating and protective properties against caries and bacteria. Also, brushing your teeth with this stick improves memory, maintains a sound mind and vision for old age, has a positive effect on internal organs, promotes vivacity, relieves headache and irritation.

Demand from Arab princesses enjoys the Turkish bath. In it you can often find masseuses anointing the bodies of clients cosmetic procedures with addition natural oils. Coconut, argan, pink, almond, etc. Immediately, the girls rub oils into their hair and carefully comb it with a comb with rare teeth. This trick eliminates the section of the hair, soaks them well with the applied agent, and massages the scalp.

In North Africa, tfal clay is used for hair care. On its basis, masks and shampoos are made. It perfectly cleanses the hair, filling it with vitamins and minerals. With the help of a shampoo based on it, oils are easily washed off the head. Hair after using this clay shine and remain clean for a long time.

The body is washed with soap from extracts of olives or herbs-flowers.

Arab princesses attach great importance aromas. Therefore, bottles of bath oils and bottles of perfume are on oil based live in the house of every beauty.

Aromatherapy is a rather expensive service in European salons. Whereas in Arab houses and baths they arrange it on their own, and its cost is the price of oils and the ability to correctly compose fragrant compositions. Aromatherapy is the fight against stress and insomnia, improving the structure of the skin and hair, cleansing respiratory tract, normalizing pressure, getting rid of extra pounds, and few comparable aesthetic pleasure.

Cosmetic products in Arab countries are several times cheaper than European ones, unless, of course, they are sold in gold bottles adorned with a scattering of diamonds.

Before marriage, no

Arab princesses keep not only virginity until marriage, but also their beauty in general. They do not use makeup, do not dye their hair, do not apply creams. Even the underwear of a married and unmarried beauty is different.

It is widely believed that arab girls get married in young age. In fact, the age of marriage is different. The concept of "old maid" in the Arab countries does not exist. No one will laugh and point the finger at an unmarried thirty-five year old girl. Which, thanks to the untouched natural beauty, you can barely give twenty-five.

With marriage, self-care changes somewhat. Ornate patterns similar to the finest lace are drawn on the hands and feet with henna and harkus. Moles stand out. Eyes and eyebrows are brought up.

Khol mineral powder is used for eyeliner. It not only serves as a make-up tool, but also protects the mirrors of the soul from the sun, wind, microbes.

It is also believed that henna and khol have an anti-evil effect.

Makeup is not worn all day. Usually cosmetics are applied in the evening, before the spouse comes home, and washed off before going to bed.

Freedom of movement

Arab beauty standards are somewhat different from European beauty standards. The girl must have appetizing forms and beautiful silhouette. If a girl is thin, it means that her husband or father either takes poor care of her or makes her nervous. Both that, and another offends advantage of the man.

Arab princesses do not starve themselves and do not diet. True, their clothes are different from European ones. Even in the Arab world, sides falling out of skinny jeans, look unaesthetic. All clothes are loose fit. Harem pants, long flowing skirts, tunics, floor-length dresses. Certainly, european clothes also present in the wardrobes of oriental fashionistas. But here, again, preference is given to models that do not restrict movement.

Thanks to such clothes, blood circulation is not disturbed. From which cellulite, capillary nets, pressure, varicose veins - these are rather exceptions than the norm. In summer, such clothes are much more comfortable. In the hot Sahara, they wear long, fluttering capes, because if you go out under the scorching sun in a mini, the skin will instantly burn.

You sweat less in loose clothing. And if you suddenly, inadvertently, plant a speck, it will be imperceptible among the folds of the fabric. Also, such clothes are unusually feminine, and an extra couple of kilograms are not visible in it, which do not allow European princesses to sleep sweetly. Maybe we, instead of diets, choose East style clothes?!

We are what we eat

Arab princesses also prefer food natural products. It is rare to find semi-finished products in the refrigerator of an Arab hostess. Food is prepared at home and eaten immediately. Almost no one cooks for the future.

The main dishes are simple but hearty. Rice with lamb, fried eggs with shrimp, fish in batter. A lot of eggs, legumes, cereals, seafood, meat are used. Lunch ends with vegetable salad, fruit, juice. Food is seasoned with olive oil.

Sweets are made from dates, honey, peanuts, almonds. They do not blacken the teeth and do not float the hips.

Once a year, Arab residents, most of whom are Muslims, fast for a month. Scientists have identified so many positive aspects that even representatives of other faiths join the fasting. From dusk until dawn, fasting people do not consume food and water. As a result, body cells are renewed, wrinkles are smoothed out, chronic diseases and excess weight disappear.

What do you call the ship

Many Arabic names have very beautiful meanings. For example, Nizhma is a star, Amira is a princess, Malika is a queen, Jasmine is a flower, Jamila is a beauty, etc. If you are called a princess every day, sooner or later you will definitely turn into her.

Men also treat their women, using words that caress the ear: rohi - my soul, habibi - my beloved, nur aini - the light of my eyes, nur kalbi - the light of my heart.


Arab princesses, for the most part, are the keepers of their castle. Even if this castle is just one tiny room in the husband's house. Accordingly, they have fewer reasons for stress, anxiety, and bad habits than the princesses of Europe. Naturally, this also affects beauty. Both external and internal.

Arab princesses trust their husbands and encourage them to earn money. Perhaps that is why the Arab countries lead the top ten richest countries in the world.

At the same time, one does not need to think that Arab women are clunkers mired in pan-diaper affairs. Many of them speak several languages ​​and have higher education. They simply do not try to embrace the immensity, but focus themselves and their spiritual energy within the framework of their small world.

Religion leaves a certain imprint on the behavior of Arab princesses. Obliges them to compete with each other in doing good deeds, to bless each other, to beware of gossip and slander. Do not watch horror films, thrillers, or any other that contains scenes of violence.

Arab girls may seem naive and stupid to us, so much is unknown and unknown to them. Although, on the other hand, their ignorance helps them to stay in a harmonious mood. Which is probably better than being afraid of the monsters from the horror movie you just watched.

Arab princesses do not worry about the future, saying that everything is the will of Allah, and believing in fate. They captivate with their smiles, serenity, slowness, grace and modesty.

Arabian princesses are beautiful, and we have a lot to learn from them! But, at the same time, European beauty makes the Arab princes dizzy and quickens the heartbeat. Arab women have many virtues, but no fair skin, blond straight hair, and the breadth of the Russian soul. So, falling in love with the East, do not forget about your individuality! Take from different cultures the best while still being yourself.

In the past, it was a wretched seaside village, where the natives barely survived. The traditional occupation is fishing, growing dates. Today - the most beautiful will turn into the business capital of the world in the near future, entrepreneurs think so. From the point of view of financial, commercial, architectural interest in this region is serious, judging by the numerous tourists. True, the weather in Dubai is not sugar.

Creation of the country

The UAE is a state of the Persian Gulf. In the bowels of the earth - oil reserves, which made the region secure and "doomed" to flourish. The state is young, fifty years ago there was a lifeless desert with no infrastructure. The emir is the monarch at the head of the seven territories. In December of the 71st, a merger took place into a state called Sheikh Zayed, the head of Abu Dhabi, became the head of the union, among the people he is revered as a politician. This emirate is larger than others, which means that the head is the head of state. Such a decision was made.

Sheikh Zayed realized that there was no success with crude oil alone. And it would be better to organize production, processing, transportation. Developed infrastructure, jobs, housing are the engines of progress. Trade in petroleum products - that's where the prosperity. Emir attracts proven foreign professionals who have helped turn the desert into an oasis.

How do native Arabs live?

8.5 million people are registered in the emirates. The citizens of the country (the population of Dubai) are a minority, the remaining 88.5% are wage workers from Asia and other countries.

It makes no sense for indigenous citizens to work; they do not need funds from birth.

Local residents in Dubai are represented by civil servants and businessmen. With the beginning of the construction of a miracle city in the desert, the indigenous population left this gigantic construction site. They left to live in other countries where it is comfortable and calm, and they will return home when they want. This is the standard of living in Dubai. Arabs work only in state structures.

Lead own business, it is even encouraged. At the first job, an Arab receives $4,000. Works as a schoolboy. After graduating from university, the minimum wage is already ten thousand dollars. Women have the same right. A local resident will work, experience is accumulating, qualifications are growing, monthly remuneration is increasing. An Arab retires with a salary of $100,000. These are not fairy tales.

A stranger will not become a citizen of the country, this is possible only by inheritance.

Life in Dubai for local residents is as follows: the state accrues income from the sale of petroleum products to everyone, at the birth of a child a piece of land is allocated for him, the family is credited with 60 thousand dollars.

Public guarantees

Education is free: secondary, higher. An advanced student of a local university, if he finishes his first year with excellent marks, is given the right to choose to continue his education at a university he likes from the world list.

The state pays for studies and housing rent abroad. They rent an apartment for a student and provide a monthly scholarship of 2,000 dollars.

Medicine is free, including treatment and operations outside the country.

Upon reaching the age of 21, an Arab is given land and money to build a house. This does not apply to women.

The first marriage between citizens is encouraged by a loan. After birth three children the loan is repaid.

An Arab is allowed to keep four wives. For this, two conditions must be met:

  • each missus is provided with a house, servants, gifts worth at least 35 thousand dollars;
  • It is not easy to take a new spouse - you need the support of wives who are already available.

Local ladies dress uniformly, prefer black robes and cover their heads, often in a veil. There are strict clothing requirements. Shoulders need to be covered and sleeves need to be long. This also applies to foreigners. No matter what the weather is like in Dubai.

Economic policy

The growth of the national economy became possible thanks to the extraction, processing and export of petroleum products and crude black gold. This industry is the main one. The government nationalized petroleum and blue fuel from the mid-70s, and from the 81st sales: gas stations, transport, storage facilities. Funds are being invested in the development of the gas spur, and a special investment program is running. The main branches are followed by: energy, water desalination, the aluminum industry, and some other types. The emirates have a well-formed road network, 6 airports of international importance. The economy of Dubai does not stand still, the rapid movement is a thoughtful process on long term. Developed infrastructure, an enviable standard of living are the guarantor of economic stability. Attractive taxation offers a list of favorable conditions. Funds from the sale of oil products are used to ensure that the country becomes the largest international center of services, primarily of a financial and economic nature, and tourism. World experts assess investment in travel and construction as promising. Thanks to the climate, honed local service, the interest of vacationers will be year-round. Life in Dubai shows that predictions come true.

The difference is felt

There is a fee for passport holders. Citizens are paid differently, even though they do the same work. No equality. Living in Dubai shows this. Palefaces are people, though hired. Asians are a labor force, a biomass that caters to the whims of the employer. Forget about moving your family. Not everyone can afford this. Among the migrants, of course, are qualified personnel from Europe who receive agreed remuneration. They rent luxurious apartments, use servants, transport their families to their place.

6 days. Day off - Friday. In cities shopping centers work without rest. The size of the shopping and entertainment giants is amazing; they serve as a place to relax on weekends. Representatives of numerous nations demarcated spheres of influence. It so happened that Indians and Pakistanis are taxi drivers. Filipinos - nannies, the Chinese keep restaurants and eateries. Jobs in Dubai for Russian speakers are offered as managers, salespeople, administrators. The place of work cannot be changed. The terms of the contract are fulfilled during the period of the work visa. Our compatriots are willingly taken to trade and travel companies. Many people from the CIS come to rest and visit shops in the UAE.

For information

It is important to follow local laws. Alcohol is banned and is not sold in stores. For purchase strong drinks a special license is required. In bars at hotels, where it is expensive, but you can drink, alcohol is present. You can't kiss on the streets. Living in Dubai is an expensive pleasure, the cost is beyond reasonable. Some employers pay employees rent and part of the utilities. If an independent search - get ready to "unfasten". The cost of real estate for temporary use is exorbitant. Medicine is expensive, if something happens, it is better to go home. There is no standard mail in our understanding. The owner of the car is aware that if he forgot to pay the fine - deprivation of the car. Few green spaces and animals.

There are more poor people who need to pay for housing. People sleep in cars. It was banned at the legislative level. There are police raids from time to time.

Another sad phenomenon is divorce, which is steadily growing and makes up a third of marriages. This is a clear indicator of the instability of family relationships.

The climate is hot and dry. The temperature in summer is over forty, in winter - 20 degrees Celsius.

but on the other hand

You can get citizenship if you marry an Arab. Three years later, when the spouse agrees, citizenship is in your pocket. The union will take place only when relatives from the side of the head of the family give their consent to this. The bride refuses to be a former citizen, receiving something in return: free medicine and a pension. Children from the marriage of a citizen and a foreigner are entitled to something, but without benefits. The union between a native woman and a stranger is suicide.

The concepts of "citizenship" and "passport" are separable: citizenship passes only by inheritance, and to receive official document UAE is possible. A person who has arrived for permanent residence, after 5-6 years, claims the coveted crusts. For our compatriots from the CIS countries, receiving it only after 15 years.

Many who come to Dubai in search of a better life feel like strangers here.

The immigration policy is as follows - to attract disenfranchised visitors to work. There is nothing to be afraid of - it will never become "one's own". A labor migrant is dust, not a person, the muscular strength of a giant construction site, the population of Dubai.

It's important not to forget

The Emirates is a Muslim country, exists according to Sharia law. Living in Dubai has pros and cons in abundance. Lots of taboo. Visitors to local requirements must strictly comply. In the Emirates, alcohol is prohibited. If involved with drugs: self-use - prison, distribution - the death penalty. IN in public places It is not recommended to eat food, smoke, litter, behave inappropriately. Non-Muslims are not allowed access to mosques. You can’t fight - immediately deportation, obscene speech is prohibited. photography is not allowed. This is for execution.

The standard of living is high, only Switzerland and Liechtenstein are ahead. Many advantages. Positive points: it is easy to get a visa here, official salary, no taxes. Work in Dubai for Russian speakers will be permanent. You can make a career, there are many examples of this. The streets are safe, laws are respected and enforced, women's rights are respected. Paradise for motorists: water is more expensive than gasoline, cars are cheap, there is no traffic police. Summer all year round. Civilized level of services and personal security. The owner of the property automatically receives a residence permit in the UAE together with the family, if the purchase price is over 300 thousand dollars. However, this purchase is peculiar: the owner will own the property only for 99 years. This is a long term lease.

Additional Information

Public transport in Dubai works, but better car. Rentals are in demand. There are high-speed roads, cheap gasoline. The car can be rented immediately at the airport or at any rental company in the city and hotels. Various brands of iron horses are presented, from cheap to not very. For registration, you need to show the required documents. When returning the vehicle, you should not be surprised if you have to pay fines for speeding, not wearing a seat belt and talking on a mobile phone while driving.

There are many cozy Arabic coffee houses. The menu includes traditional oriental sweets and hookah everywhere. These establishments are popular with locals who enjoy a leisurely pastime, contemplate the world, play backgammon and smoke hookah.

Being in a Muslim country, it is not necessary to wear a national uniform. In public places it is recommended to appear in clothes that cover the body as much as possible. Transparent models and T-shirts with offensive inscriptions of a sexual nature should be avoided. It is forbidden to bare your chest on the beach. welcome in restaurants classic style, and not shorts with a T-shirt, which will cause bewilderment among others. Especially in a complex hotel complex. The simpler the attire, the easier it is to communicate with the locals.

What lies behind the beauty

Dubai is the main commercial and administrative center of the Middle East. It strikes with its gloss, chic, sophistication. It attracts to itself, a fairy tale city in a scorched desert. What is behind the gloss and luxury of Dubai?

Guest workers, the basis of which are representatives of Asian countries. Complete lack of rights, work almost for free in the wildest climate conditions, living in landfills.

Around the endless construction - this is the norm of the current global crisis. Due to the fall in oil prices, the value of real estate has fallen sharply, the economy is adapting to this. The construction of many facilities is frozen or stopped altogether.

Ecology. With their merits, the emirates are ahead of the planet in terms of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. The construction of artificial islands, the displacement of coral colonies or their complete destruction is reflected in the environment. The decomposition process progresses, the water begins to “bloom”, an unpleasant odor appears.

There used to be a problem with waste. But as soon as the issue with fresh water and electricity was resolved, everything returned to normal.

The local climate is harsh. Photos do not convey that murderous heat. It is impossible to exist here as usual, to move on foot is unrealistic. Life in Dubai is not easy for Russians. Reviews show that it is the climate that they endure the worst. For many, this is a problem. Therefore, wherever possible, air conditioners are installed: in cars, at bus stops public transport. However, the desert will always be there, and you can't get away from it.

Our compatriots come to the UAE from the inability to earn good money in their homeland. Life in Dubai is attractive, but having been here, the Slavs go home without regret.

  • Half of marriages in Arab countries are still organized by parents. Most people think that nobody asks a girl's opinion. In fact, if the future bride does not like the groom, she can refuse his offer.
  • wedding is not possible without marriage contract. Unlike the rest of the world, this binding rule in the Arab countries.
  • Arab women rarely marry members of other religions, because in this case they would have to leave the country. Men have more privileges and are allowed to marry Christian and Jewish girls. However, in this case, the foreigner does not receive citizenship, and in the event of a divorce, common children always remain with their father.

  • In most Arab countries, the bride and groom must be at least 18 years old to be allowed to marry. For example, citizens of Tunisia can start a family at the age of 18, but at the same time average age brides is 25 and grooms 30. However, in some developing countries, early marriage is still popular. For example, in Saudi Arabia and Yemen, most girls are married before the age of 18.

wedding ceremonies

wedding traditions may differ in different countries, but the Arab bride and groom celebrate their wedding separately from each other.

  • The "groom's wedding" may be celebrated on a different day from the "bride's wedding". As a rule, the celebration is very modest: guests are offered tea, coffee, dinner, and their communication lasts no more than 4 hours. The bride's wedding is celebrated much more widely: in a large town hall with waiters and artists.

  • "Women's wedding" is an occasion to show off diamonds, designer shoes and evening dresses, because usually all this beauty is hidden under hijabs (or abayas). That is why only women can attend such a wedding. Men are strictly prohibited from entering. The wedding is also served only by women, and we are talking not only about waitresses, but also about singers, photographers and DJs. If on women's wedding a famous singer is invited, he will not be able to see either the bride or her guests, as he will perform behind the screen or in the next room with a live broadcast to the main hall.
  • They warn about the visit of the husband to the wedding in advance, so that all the guests have time to cover themselves with abayas. If the husband comes to the wedding with his brothers or father, then the bride must also wear a white abaya, since even the husband's relatives should not see her beauty.

  • In Arab culture, gifts to young people related to alcohol, including wine and champagne, are forbidden. Guests usually give various handmade items that can be used in the interior of the future home. married couple. Also, a man cannot receive gold jewelry and silk as a gift.


  • Most marriages in contemporary Arab countries are monogamous, as not every man can afford to have multiple wives. Religion allows men to marry four times, but they must provide each wife with a home and give them the same amount of gifts, jewelry and, of course, their attention. Having several wives is a privilege of sheikhs and very rich people.

  • The most important is the first marriage. No matter how many wives a man has, the first wife is considered the "eldest".
  • If a man finds new wife, the rest must accept it and submit to the will of their husband, without showing their displeasure. Most often, wives do not live in the same house, and therefore they are extremely rare.


  • According to ancient tradition, a man who wants to divorce his wife must repeat the phrase "I'm divorcing you" three times. After that, the wife has to stay in his house for certain period to make sure she's not pregnant. During this wait, the husband may change his mind and get his wife back by simply saying "I'm taking you back." You can repeat this “return” procedure only three times. After the third divorce, he is forbidden to take this woman as his wife again.

  • A woman can also apply for a divorce if her husband does not provide for her well. Such cases are carefully considered in the courts, and wives often get divorced. Arab men are accustomed to expressing their love with gold and jewels rather than flowers. For example, a husband should go to restaurants with his wife and buy her expensive gifts and clothes. If he has several wives, then the amount of gifts and attention should be equal.
  • In all other cases, it will be very difficult for a woman to obtain a divorce, as the courts are often biased and supportive of the husband.

Women's rights

Despite the stereotypes arab men women are highly respected. It is believed that they should not need anything.

In fact arab women one of the first to have the right to marry own will, file for divorce and own property. It happened in the 7th century, when women from other countries could only dream of such opportunities. According to Islamic law, marriage between a man and a woman was a contract that was valid only if both partners showed their consent. In addition, during this time, women gained the right to own property and use the assets that they brought into the family as dowry or earned.

Once a week, all beaches, water parks and beauty salons in the UAE are open to women only. A man simply will not be allowed to enter any of these places. However, the wife of a Muslim must obtain the permission of her husband for everything. If she wants to go somewhere, she must first tell her husband about it and get his permission.


A woman is required to wear loose clothing in public, under which there can be anything: mini-skirts, jeans and shorts. Many fashionable girls envy the outfits of Arab beauties. But when leaving the house, women must completely cover their bodies. loose clothing and hide your face. This is because her beauty is only for her husband and other men should not see her. The exceptions are "women's" holidays and weddings, where men are not allowed to attend. Here women can show their designer clothes and decorations. The custom of covering the face is not observed by everyone, but women are required to cover their heads in most Arab countries.

Today we will talk about the topic is somewhat controversial and ambiguous, namely, the attitude towards our girls abroad, in particular in the UAE. I’ll make a reservation right away that there are a sufficient number of respectable and modest examples among Slavs, but today we will not talk about them, but about those stereotypes that are inherent in many foreigners about Russian girls and how, and most importantly why, we so stubbornly support them.
It's no secret that there are different opinions about every nation in the world, both good and not so good.
There are two main stereotypes about our girls:
- Russian ladies are the most beautiful in the world;
- and they are very affordable.
Other common opinions give the impression that we:
- we have a large number of men for a lifetime (and in many Arab countries, relationships with more than one male representative are already a sin-sin!);
- greedy for material values(the love of a contender for a hand and a heart for us is in second place after well-being);
- but at the same time, we quickly fall in love and become gullible, and therefore easily agree to all sorts of dubious adventures.

Now let's imagine the situation through the eyes of a kind of modern expat in the Emirates, who came here to work from a not very rich Arab country. And he lived before that in a small village, where the top of frankness for a woman is considered an uncovered head. So, our guy moved to the UAE and even managed to find himself there Good work with a very worthy salary, settled down a little, bought a car ... and immediately fell from the category of "rogue", into the category of "cute Arab boy." He looked around in search of a female - it’s not so easy to approach an Arab woman, they know their worth, it’s hard to surprise them with an expensive car or going to good restaurant; Filipinas, although not averse to flirting, are all too ugly. But the Russians - that's it. And they behave in a way that a woman from her native village would never allow herself - they dress in everything bright and tight, talk loudly, laugh loudly, smoke, get to know each other easily and just as easily agree to go to a club or drink something. And there, what the hell is not joking - maybe they will agree to something else.
And our girls increased male attention flatters and positively affects self-esteem, in the homeland, after all, she is not used to this. So they flirt easily with the expectation: "I'm on vacation, walk, walk!". And after that, our Arab macho approaches the next tourist / resident with a Slavic appearance already with full confidence in his abilities and that "Russians are all like that."

From time to time, local Arab women turn to the government of the Emirates with requests to tighten the rules of conduct and clothing for tourists, referring to foreign girls. For our representatives of the fair sex, who, due to high competition, are used to go out of their way to attract the attention of a more or less good man, this seems not only unacceptable - strange. We grew up in other conditions, where there is often no queue of suitors under the windows of the parental home, who prove to us their integrity and viability when we reach a certain age; where women work on an equal footing with men, not because they want to, but because otherwise she will simply need. Yes, we must make allowances for our society, but at the same time be aware, accept and follow the laws of others. Of course, if we value our reputation.

But on the other hand, if you behave more than decently abroad, and your new acquaintance still continues to smile meaningfully, recognizing your nationality, then this person is influenced by stereotypes and these are no longer your problems, but his!

Believe in yourself and remember - it all depends on you!
Your Shir4ik
