January 6th Christmas Eve signs. Rituals and traditions

Strict fasting
Birth towel

There are days on which they create (make) amulets for their family. The birth towel also belongs to this amulet. On January 6, on the eve of the birthday of Jesus Christ, they buy a new linen towel and charm it for healing from various, including serious, diseases. If later in the family someone gets sick, then this towel should be used to wipe the patient, and he will definitely recover.
Conspiracy for a birth towel against illnesses

I speak from 77 ailments,
From any pain, from the torment of the night,
Feigned dryness, from traveling cancer,
An epileptic fit,
From damage, from night cramps.
The Mother of God washed Her Son,
I wiped it with a linen towel.
God bless my flax too.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Whom I (name) will wipe with this flax,
From then on, I will erase all 77 ailments.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen.
Amen. Amen.

Fortune telling for Christmas on a birch branch

Fortune telling should be done on an empty stomach and alone. Go to the birch tree, make a wish and break the twig. Before you break her, say:
Bless, Trinity, Holy Mother of God.
Branch, break off,
And for the servant of God (name), fate will appear.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Count all the buds on the branch. If their number is even, then your wish will come true.

Fortune telling for Christmas by candles

Anyone who has ever used this fortune telling is convinced that it is always true. In advance, buy seven candles of different colors from the church during the service. You need to go home from church without going anywhere. Before lighting the candles, put on a shirt without buttons and let your hair down. Hang the mirror and curtain the windows.

When you light the candles, read the spell three times truthful fortune telling, and then extinguish them with your breath. Place candles under your pillow, and in the morning, without looking, take out three candles. In the evening, sign which of the candles (by color) will mean what you named it.
Designation of candles:

1 - death

2 - fame and money

3 - married life

5 - happiness and luck

6 - anxiety

7 - long life

I remind you: you must mark in advance somewhere on a piece of paper which color of candle will predict what.

Conspiracy for truthful fortune telling
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Stars were born in the sky.
The Magi showed up to the Mother of God.
How the true truth was in their mouths,
In their prophetic works
And how they predicted the birth of Jesus,
They called Him the Savior of the world.
So that my fortune telling is true
And surprisingly true.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Recipes for the Christmas table

Wheat kutia with honey and poppy seeds

Distribution: wheat – 400 g, milk – 1 cup, walnuts – 100 g, seedless raisins – 200 g, sugar – 1/2 cup, honey – 1/2 cup.

Wash the wheat well and add to boiling water. Bring to a boil and place in a sieve. Then pour cold over the grain boiled water and pour boiling water again and, cover with a lid, put in the oven so that the wheat can rest (until soft). When the finished grain has cooled, add crushed poppy seeds, sugar, honey and chopped walnuts. Mix everything well and sprinkle raisins on top. Kutya is ready.
Rice kutia with almonds and raisins

Distribution: rice - 500 g, raisins - 200 g, almonds - 100 g, cinnamon and sugar - to taste.

Rinse and pour rice cold water. Bring to a boil and then drain into a sieve. Rinse the rice with water and add water again and cook until done. There is no need to stir the rice. Drain and cool the rice. Grind the scalded almonds with boiling water and mix with sugar. Pour some water into the almonds and stir into the rice. Then add cinnamon, rinse the raisins and mix everything thoroughly again.

Signs for January

♦ The dog stretches out on the floor and sleeps with its paws outstretched - for warm weather.

♦ In January there are many frequent and long icicles - the harvest will be good.

♦ As the day grows in January, so does the cold.

♦ In January there will be snow - bread will arrive.

♦ If January is dry, frosty and the water in the rivers decreases greatly, then the summer will be dry and hot.

Today is a very special day, and it is called Christmas Eve. In a house where believers live, there is perfect cleanliness all around, and in everything you can feel the expectation of the miracle of the birth of the Infant God, the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ! Pious people carry out the last day of their fast and, according to old tradition, do not eat food until the first star appears in the sky. In the evening, the eldest in the family certainly lights a candle and places it on the windowsill, and this is a sign of love for God, a sign that everyone in this house is ready to receive the Infant Christ with His Blessed Mother, remembering the Gospel story about how they did not find that day shelter for myself in ancient Bethlehem. The old people said: “Whoever has a candle burning in the window on Christmas Eve, God will never leave him!”

How the table was set on Christmas Eve.

In general, believers pay special, one might even say, reverent attention to Christmas Eve, because it is the eve of the Nativity of Christ (January 6). On this day all Christians hold special strict fast and keep it until the first evening star. It is important that the whole family gathers in the house, and under no circumstances should anyone raise their voices, be rude, or reproach them for anything. All disagreements are not for this Holy Day, and whoever sins on this day with abuse and scandal, he whole year will “bark (swear) like a dog,” - that’s what the old people said in Rus'. All week before this day, housewives washed, scrubbed, washed and put away so that on Christmas Eve there would be grace and cleanliness in the house. In the evening, straw is placed on the table, and a snow-white tablecloth is placed on top. The Christmas kutya is certainly placed in the center of the table, and most importantly, there should be twelve dishes on the table - in memory of those who were with Christ at the table of the Last Supper. Wealthy people have always strived for the Christmas table to be richer and more elegant than ever, since this, in turn, also influences whether New Year rich or not. Here sample menu Christmas feast: kutia, pork head with horseradish, jelly from pork and beef legs, fish, pancakes, homemade sausage, aspic, suckling pig stuffed with porridge, roast, honey gingerbread, corned beef and broth. Having waited for the first star, the family, having crossed themselves and prayed, sat down at the table. The meal began with kutya and pancakes. Everything was done slowly, orderly and without fuss. On the same day, caroling began, and from this table food was given to those who caroled.

Name days are celebrated:

Evgenia, Claudia, Nikolai, Philip.

May the misfortunes of the New Year pass you by!

There are many signs and customs associated with Christmas - they were given Special attention. It was believed that as Christmas goes, so will the year.

The Nativity of Christ occupies a place in the lives of many people. important place, this is a holiday of love, warmth, faith, goodness and happiness.

January 7 is the best time to visit and receive guests. It is important that you should communicate better at Christmas only with those people who can bring you happiness - happy families, or those families who are expecting an addition, or have already been born new member families. As a rule, edible gifts are given at Christmas. Be sure to bring kutya, sweets, jam and pickles. You can also give a toy if it is a child, or some kind of winter accessory.

Nowadays, of course, you can get by with a phone call, the main thing is to let the people you care about know that you remember them and wish them the best. Be sure to congratulate all your friends and loved ones on this holiday; Christmas greetings filled with joy and warmth will help people become brighter, happier and forget about everyday problems and worries.

At Christmas it is customary to light more candles, lights, a fireplace - if you have one. Candles bring warmth and wealth into your home. If you have pets, then at Christmas you need to feed them abundantly - then the whole year will be satisfying and successful financially.

One special candle must be lit for deceased relatives - then they will help you attract good luck and prosperity in the coming year.

Christmas is a great time for shopping, big and small. Buying something good for Christmas is a great omen and a sign that the purchase will serve you faithfully.

From Christmas until Epiphany, throughout all the days of Christmastide, certain prohibitions apply, which are determined by centuries-old ideas about the holiday as a stop of time, a certain temporary pause, during which one cannot engage in productive labor and everything that is associated with birth, beginning, development. Therefore, a significant part of the prohibitions concerns crafts related to spinning, sewing, knitting, weaving, braiding, that is, everything related to thread (rope). The thread is a symbol of life and destiny.

On Christmas, you can't do any cleaning or housekeeping chores. This day is created for peace and joy. It’s even better if you don’t clean up until January 14th (the next day of the old New Year). All garbage collected on January 14 should be taken outside and scattered to the wind, or burned. According to signs, after this no evil spirits will not bother you for a whole year.

You can't swear on a holy day. He who swears takes away the hope of salvation from his ancestors.

There is a widespread belief associated with the arrival of the first guest. If you are inviting guests over for Christmas, see who enters your home first. If a woman enters first, then the women of your family will be sick all year.

Christmas rules also applied to clothing: on Christmas, another tradition has long been followed: to wear only new clothes. Not clean, washed, but new, not yet worn. And don't sit at the Christmas table dressed in black. Our ancestors believed that such people would face failure in business in the new year.

It is not recommended for Christmas and guessing - in order to ask higher powers There will still be a lot of time for what awaits you in the future: it is best to do this on the so-called Christmastide - from January 8 to Epiphany, it is not for nothing that fortune telling at this time is called Christmastide.

You can't drink water on Christmas, so remove all mineral water from the table. There is coffee, tea and other great drinks. To be honest, this sign is a little strange, but it’s better not to drink water than to suffer for an unknown reason all year.

7 The Seven Blessings of Christmas

The number seven is considered sacred. There is a belief that whoever has done seven blessings in Orthodox Christmas will live happily all year and even has the right to ask the angels to fulfill the very cherished desire. On this day, it is customary to give seven alms for the sake of happiness in the coming year. Usually these are 7 identical coins, which must be given to someone who arouses sincere sympathy in the soul, accompanying the alms with a silent prayer. You can also give seven useful gifts. As a rule, these were towels, and when giving them, the giver must say the words: “I give towels, I will die well, I will correct evil with good, I will guide my kind (my family) to happiness.” On Christmas we greet each other with the words: “Christ is born!” and we respond to these words: “We praise Him!”


Christmas has long been celebrated with many of the most different rituals, but so as not to be accused of obscurantism at all, make the most attractive ones and not tied to magic - it doesn’t matter whether it’s black or white. For example, starting from January 7, for forty (!) days (this period is called peace - our ancestors believed that during this time angels help people in all matters), every morning, when you wake up, make a new wish - imagine how much good will come into your life!

Signs and superstitions

At Christmas, folk signs and superstitions acquire special power, as if nature itself and every object are trying to tell us something: how to live, what to fear. Here are just a few of them.

A sign of prosperity. If you lose any item on Christmas, this means that you may face losses in next year. But if you find a thing or something else jewelry, then money is already rushing towards you in full sail!

A sign for good luck. If you accidentally spilled tea or coffee at the Christmas table (this does not apply to alcohol), then this is good news and great success for all your endeavors.

Money signs for Christmas

On Christmas Eve (January 7 to 19), look at nature. If the sky is most often strewn with stars, or often snowing, or there is a lot of frost on the trees - the year will be rich, satisfying, and profitable. If it snows on Christmas Day itself, this is a very good omen and promises a successful year.

If there is a new moon in the sky on Christmas Day, the year will be extremely unlucky financially.

The most money sign Christmas is a tradition. A coin is baked into the pie - and whoever gets a piece with a coin will get a big one. money luck in the new year.

May the coin end up in your piece of Christmas pie!

Christmas Eve - important time for all people. On this day, all preparations for the great holiday come to an end, and a magical spirit flies in the air. On this day it is customary to visit and forgive neighbors. Women cook festive dinner, and the whole family is looking forward to the end of Lent. It is customary for all people to listen to and follow omens on Christmas Eve, because it depends on them next year life.

The Meaning of Christmas Eve

The evening before the celebration of the Nativity of Christ is called “Christmas Eve” or “Holy Evening”. Usually on this day the celebration does not begin yet, but only preparations are made for the most important holiday, which is celebrated on January 7th.

Basically, the end of Lent is celebrated on January 6th, and there is also a legend about Christmas Eve. It talks about the Star of Bethlehem, which appeared in the sky on the Savior’s birthday. But long before the advent of Christianity in Rus', when Christmas was not yet celebrated, our ancestors celebrated January 6-7 pagan holiday- Solstice. People dedicated it to a strict God named Karachun, who marks the rebirth of the Sun and all nature.

Since that moment, people have preserved many traditions and rituals with the help of which they wanted to lure positive energy holiday in your home. They wanted to increase the yield of vegetables and fruits by any means possible, increase livestock and protect animals from diseases and predatory animals.


For 2 weeks of January, according to folk traditions, strict fasting and holidays are assigned. The holidays last until the day of baptism. It is believed that the fast itself begins from November 28 to January 6. Until this day it is forbidden to eat meat dishes. In addition to celebrating the Birth of Christ on the 7th, people observe many folk traditions, both church and pre-Christian.

  1. Believers always go to church on the 6th. Those who kept the fast wait until the end of the service, and only then go home and sit down at the table. If someone was unable to attend church, they should read a prayer at home, and only then start eating.
  2. The holiday got its name “Christmas Eve” from the main dish, which should always be present on the table “Kutya” or “Sochiva” on this day. By folk customs The kutya is placed first on the table and eaten first. It is usually prepared from rice, with honey, nuts, poppy seeds and raisins added. It should turn out sweet and very tasty.
  3. In addition to kutya, people prepare 11 more lenten dishes. In ancient times, these 11 dishes were placed on the table strictly in a certain sequence. Sochi was served first, then appetizers and first courses with pies and buns. The meal ended with desserts, which often included honey gingerbread. A compote of dried fruits was prepared as a drink.
  4. People revered all signs and traditions, and each of their prepared dishes on Christmas Eve had special meaning. Kutya is served in the form of Christ’s sacrifice in the name of people. Dishes made from peas signify the emergence of new life, and cabbage represents reliability and modesty. Borscht contains patience in various problems, fish is a sign of Christianity, and cabbage rolls are love. Many people prepare pancakes as a dessert; the sign says that they give faith in a new day. Porridge promises procreation, and pies promise health and a lot of happiness in the house. People should know that there must be 12 dishes on the table, more is possible, but not less.
  5. There is one more no less important sign about a cozy family feast. On this day it is not advisable to invite people into the house strangers and many guests. Celebrate it with your loved ones. It is carried out with prayers and various conversations. They dream about the future, make plans, and postpone noisy festivities until Christmas time.
  6. It is important that all guests are able to try all 12 dishes. If there were an even number of people at the table, it meant happiness and good luck. If there were an odd number of people, they simply installed an additional device to correct the situation.
  7. Besides talking, important had the decoration of the “Palm of God”. There should only be a white tablecloth on the table, preferably new. A piece of hay was placed under each plate, which served as a bedding, as in the first cradle of Christ. Candles were used as decoration, as if to remind of the lighting Star of Bethlehem.
  8. From ancient times to today Another custom has been preserved: decorating the table with a bouquet of wheat. Wheat was taken during the first harvest and stored until the holidays. Wheat is placed in the center of the table, which should stand for a week until January 13th. This decoration is called the “Christmas Didukh”. After 7 days, Didukh is burned, and it is customary to put old objects into its flames, which will forever rid people of the past.
  9. Since ancient times, carols have been considered an important requisite for Christmas Eve. After people had tasted all the dishes, the youth went out into the street, dressed beautifully in animal clothes, beautifully painted their faces or put on masks. With shouts of “Kolyada is coming,” dancing and singing, boys and girls entered houses and collected sweets and thereby glorified Christ. If people opened the doors, the youth would enter the house and sing beautiful songs and danced. People thanked the girls and boys with sweets and invited them to the festive table.

Negative beliefs

Even in ancient times, ancestors considered it a negative sign to go to sleep on a holy night. They claimed that Christmas night is sacred. Whoever sleeps through this moment risks finding himself without the help of higher powers. According to bad beliefs, evil spirits often come out on Christmas Eve. Therefore, older people who have a lot of life baggage tried not to leave home before the appointed time, so as not to be victims of aggressive spirits.

To ensure that the year was successful and people did not need anything, men were forbidden to go hunting and fishing on this day. On this day you cannot quarrel, create scandals or sort things out.

Positive Beliefs

The sign of Christmas Eve says that it was especially lucky for young people to sneeze behind festive table. If the girl was not married, then her sneezing could bring her a groom, and the guy understood that he was already an adult and had become a man. In rich families, the sign about “Sneeze” said that the head of the family rewarded a girl or guy with a calf or foal.

On this day, it is customary to welcome poor people into the home. They tried to feed them and treat them with various delicacies, because it was the poor person who promised to attract money and good luck to the house for the entire 12 months. Christmas night has always been considered the last step in preparation before Christmas. But so that wealth and good luck would not leave the house, it was important to get everything done before sunrise.

Christmas Eve is a special time for all people. After all, it is at this moment that preparation for the big and happy holiday, and a special magical spirit of universal complacency and forgiveness, special enlightenment of thoughts and feelings hovers over the earth. Housewives prepare festive dishes, and the whole family looks forward to a peaceful family meal, marking the end of a long fast.

The Meaning of Christmas Eve

The Eve of the Nativity of Christ, more often called “Christmas Eve” or “Holy Evening,” is not a holiday in the strict sense of the word. Rather, it is a pre-celebration, completing the period of preparation for the main of the church's twelve celebrations and, as it were, opening the door to Christmas rituals and festivities.

The tradition of celebrating the end of the Philippine Fast and Christmas Eve in a special way is based on the legend of the Star of Bethlehem, whose appearance in the sky once became for the Magi an omen of the birth of the Savior.

However, long before the appearance of Christianity in Rus' and the establishment of the Nativity of Christ, it was on these days that our ancestors celebrated the pagan holiday - Solstice, dedicated to the formidable god named Karachun, marking the rebirth of the Sun and all of nature. Since then, many rites and rituals have been preserved, with the help of which the people tried to use the extraordinary energy of this special moment to their advantage, trying to ensure a rich harvest, increase the offspring of livestock, protect domestic animals from diseases and attacks by wild animals.

Traditions of the Holy Supper

Almost two weeks January holidays V Christian tradition preceded by strict fasting, lasting from November 28 until Christmas Eve, that is, until January 6. The last day is the strictest, when you are not allowed to put a single piece of food in your mouth until the first star, symbolizing the Bethlehem star, appears in the sky. In addition to abstinence in food, other traditions, both church and pre-Christian, are observed on this day.

  • All believers must attend church on January 6 and attend a special service dedicated to the upcoming holiday. The liturgy ends with the singing of the troparion of the Nativity and the carrying of a burning candle to the center of the church. It is from this moment upon returning home that one is allowed to sit down at the festive table. Those who for some reason cannot attend church on Christmas Eve say prayer at home, and only then begin the meal.
  • The holiday received its most popular name “Christmas Eve” from the main dish - sochiva (or kutia), the first to appear on the table during the evening meal. The classic recipe for its preparation calls for crushed, steamed and then boiled wheat grains as the main product. Ready porridge flavored with crushed poppy seeds and walnuts, pour honey over it. There are other variations of kutya made from rice or lentils, with the addition of raisins in addition to poppy seeds and nuts. Modern housewives sometimes replace honey with sugar or halva.
  • In addition to sochiv, 11 more lenten dishes were certainly prepared, which were served in a strictly defined sequence. After drinking, appetizers appeared on the table, then first courses with pies and donuts. The meal was completed with various desserts, among which there were always honey gingerbreads. The menu traditionally featured only uzvar as a drink - a compote made from a variety of dried fruits (pears, apples, cherries, plums, raisins).
  • Interestingly, each of the products or dishes required for dinner on Christmas Eve has its own special meaning. So, it is served as a symbol of Christ’s sacrifice in the name of people, peas mean rebirth to a new life, and cabbage embodies reliability and unpretentiousness. Borscht calls for patience in routine worries, fish appears as a sign of Christianity, cabbage rolls mean love for one's neighbor, dumplings promise prosperity, and pancakes give hope for sunshine. Porridge promises procreation, and pies promise health and happiness, uzvar cleanses the soul of filth, and donuts serve as a reminder of eternal life. It is worth noting that the number of dishes is not limited to “12”; there may well be much more.
  • Another important Christmas Eve tradition is a cozy family feast. It is not customary to invite many guests to the house this evening. The holiday is celebrated in narrow circle the closest people, without showing excessive animation or irrepressible fun. It is spent with prayers and leisurely conversations, reflections on life and discussion of plans for the future, and all noisy festivities should be postponed until Christmas time.
  • It is advisable that during the meal each family member tastes all the main 12 dishes. Even number a person at the table was considered a happy omen, and otherwise an additional device was installed to correct the influence of an unpleasant omen with the help of the invisible presence of one of the deceased relatives.
  • In addition to table fellowship, special importance was attached to the decoration of the “Palm of God.” The tabletop was certainly covered with a snow-white, preferably new, tablecloth. A piece of hay was placed under the bowl of juice, reminiscent of the simple bedding in the first cradle of Christ - the manger. The decoration was a festive candle as a reminder of the Star of Bethlehem.
  • From pagan times to the present day, the tradition of decorating has been preserved ceremonial feast a bunch of unthreshed wheat stalks saved during harvesting from the first or last sheaf. It is called “Christmas Didukh” and is installed on place of honor in the very center of the tabletop and flaunts there for a whole week until Malanyin Day (January 13). Seven days later, Didukh is solemnly burned, and old things are thrown into its flames in order to forever get rid of last year’s negativity.
  • Carols have long been an indispensable attribute of Christmas Eve. After the festive meal, all the young people went out into the street, dressed in animal skins and decorating their faces. scary masks. With shouts of “Kolyada is coming!” young men and girls went from house to house, glorifying Christ. If someone opened the door to the shouts of invitation, he was rewarded with a real performance with singing carols, dancing and Best wishes. In gratitude, carolers were invited to the house, where they were presented with sweets, fruits and pastries.

Signs for the Eve of the Nativity of Christ

  • Our ancestors believed bad omen go to bed at festive night. They were sure that on Christmas special grace would fall from heaven on people. Anyone who sleeps through the miraculous event of the birth of the Savior risks forever being left without the protection of higher powers.
  • According to pagan beliefs, all evil spirits become especially active on Christmas Eve. That's why older generation, sophisticated life experience, tried not to leave the house ahead of time, so as not to become a victim of evil spells.
  • It was considered especially lucky for young people to sneeze at the festive table. For an unmarried girl this event promised good groom, and for the guy it meant that he had already matured and turned into a real man. In wealthy families, for a festive “sneeze,” the head of the family gave his daughter a calf and his son a foal.
  • On Christmas Eve, it was customary to welcome lonely and poor relatives into the house. They were wholeheartedly treated to dishes from the festive table, and they were given a farewell gift good present. After all, a visit from such a person promised happiness for the whole family for the next 12 months.
  • Christmas Eve has always been considered the last stage of preparation for the Christmas festivities. However, in order for wealth not to leave the house, and goodness to only increase, all preparation of holiday dishes should have been completed before sunrise.
  • The quantity and quality of food at the festive table on Holy Eve determined the well-being of the home in the coming year, so housewives did not skimp on the treats. The more abundant and expensive it was, the more material goods was waiting for the household.
  • In order not to spend the whole year in hardships and troubles, on the eve of Christmas they did not go hunting or fishing. And peaceful communication, the absence of quarrels, scandals, and noisy showdowns that evening guaranteed calm coexistence with family and friends until the end of the year.
  • The future harvest was judged by precipitation and air temperature on Christmas Eve. Heavy snowfall, frost on the trees and snowdrifts promised excellent grain production. Light snow that melted in the evening predicted a bountiful harvest of buckwheat.
  • Our ancestors carefully studied the sky before Christmas. The abundance of stars on the festive night promised a lot of peas, and the starless sky overcast with clouds foreshadowed a failure of the forest berries.
  • Did not escape the attention of the peasants and Milky Way. If it was barely visible, then stormy days with blizzards and thaws awaited ahead. The brightly sparkling “heavenly road” promised the most suitable weather for festivities during the holidays: frost and sun.

How to tell fortunes on Christmas Eve?

Pagan tradition of fortune telling festive evening is not approved by the Church. However, many are sure that on the magical Holy Evening the predictions are especially true, and therefore the tradition beloved by the people has been preserved to this day.

  • For a long time, one of the most popular fortune telling for the betrothed was a ritual with mirrors and candles. To do this, two reflective surfaces were located opposite each other, and two burning candles were placed between them at the edges. The girl, wanting to know her fate, peered intently into the resulting mirror corridor until she noticed her future chosen one in its depths.
  • Another maryage fortune-telling was carried out on the street. The girls gathered in the courtyard in front of the gate and took turns throwing one of their shoes through it into the street. Where the toe of the “shoe” pointed, on that side the matchmakers should have been expected. If the boot “looked” at the gate, then its owner could not hope for marriage in the coming year.
  • Every girl dreamed of knowing not only her future chosen one, but also her fate in marriage. To do this, the beauties, one after another, spread their arms and tried to grasp as many boards or poles in the fence as possible. If the girl managed to “hug” even number pillars or stakes, then married life she was destined to be happy.
  • It was possible to find out about the future groom in a dream. To do this, they ate something salty at night without drinking water. In a dream, he gave water to a girl suffering from thirst. future groom, and the main thing was to remember his appearance and name. It was possible to find out the name of the betrothed much easier. To do this, it was enough to go out on Holy Eve and ask the first man you met what his name was.
  • In order to find out their future, young people did not even hesitate to eavesdrop under other people’s windows. It was believed that funny jokes neighbors and pleasant topics of conversation guaranteed the violator of someone else's privacy favorable changes in fate, prosperity and only happy news.

Christmas Eve: customs

On January 6, Russia celebrates Christmas Eve - the eve of the Nativity of Christ. In church tradition, the Eve of the Nativity of Christ, or Christmas Eve, is called the last day of the Nativity Fast, the day preceding the Feast of the Nativity of Christ.

According to church tradition, Christmas Eve is otherwise called the eve of this great holiday. And the word “Christmas Eve” comes from the name of a dish made from boiled wheat, or rice, with honey - “sochiva”. It was customary to treat yourself to Sochivo on Christmas Eve after the appearance of the first star. The tradition of fasting “until the first star” is associated with the legend about the appearance of the Star of Bethlehem, which announced the birth of Christ.

On Christmas Eve, the church ascribed strict fasting until the evening service, and on this day this is the first meal that ends the pre-Christmas fast.

What dishes are prepared

It is customary to break the fast with sochi or kutya. This is also done in memory ancient custom, when those preparing for baptism, intending to perform it on the Nativity of Christ, prepared for the sacrament by fasting, and after baptism they ate honey - a symbol of the sweetness of spiritual gifts. On Christmas Eve, the Orthodox cooked kutya, and the Catholics cooked bigilia. Christmas kutya was prepared during the Lenten season. But on the second day of Christmas they prepared “Babina’s porridge” or “Babkina’s kutya”. In ancient times, such porridge was usually brought as a gift to the house where a newborn was born. Unlike the Christmas Lenten kutia, “Babkina porridge” was prepared “rich”.

According to Russian customs, on Christmas Eve the whole family fasted, and only with the first star did everyone sit down at the table, on which, among other Lenten dishes, there must be kutia, as well as compote (uzvar) or jelly; In wealthy families, the table was also decorated with figured marmalade.

In some regions, there is a tradition of baking animal figurines for the holiday. In the evening, closer to midnight, caroling began with songs and carols.

The order of meals was regulated by strict rules: first, appetizers (herring, fish, salads) were served, then red (slightly warmed) borscht, mushroom or fish soup. Borscht and mushroom soup were served with abalone or pies with mushrooms, and the Orthodox sochni served flour tortillas fried in hemp oil.

At the end of the meal, sweet dishes were served on the table: roll with poppy seeds, gingerbread, honey cakes, cranberry jelly, dried fruit compote, apples, nuts.

The meal was non-alcoholic. All dishes were lean, fried and seasoned vegetable oil, without meat base, without milk and sour cream. Hot dishes were not served so that the hostess was always at the table.

Christmas Eve: signs of what not to do

For a long time our ancestors adhered very strictly folk signs At Christmas. After all, it was on this holiday that they could determine the course of events of the coming year.

Clear weather at Christmas means there will be a good harvest in summer and autumn.

If the sky is starry, there will be offspring of livestock, as well as a good harvest of mushrooms and berries.

Snowstorm on Christmas Day - you should expect a good wheat harvest. In addition, the blizzard good sign for a beekeeper, because it portends a good swarming of bees.

But if the holiday turns out to be warm, expect a cold spring.

A thaw at Christmas means a poor harvest of vegetables.

Is it snowing in flakes or is there frost? good harvest of bread.

Our ancestors argued that working and doing household chores on Christmas Day is a sin. After all, this is how you can catch up evil spirits to the house.

Sewing was considered a particularly bad omen for Christmas. Our ancestors claimed that whoever sews on this great holiday brings blindness to someone in his family.

There is also a sign that many people trust to this day - how you spend Christmas, so will the year.

It is very important that on Holy Eve there is a rich table of 12 Lenten dishes - then there will be prosperity in the house all year long.

You can’t quarrel with your family - then you will live the whole year in disagreement.
