Hyaluronic acid and collagen. Collagen or hyaluronic acid: which series to choose? Essential but controversial: collagen and hyaluronic acid

Beauty and youth are the main concerns of many women, regardless of age. Every lady wants to look presentable and attractive, and with new medical and cosmetological developments, it is possible to achieve sexuality and youth even in adulthood.

Both collagen and hyaluronic acid– these are important components of the structure of the skin, which are found naturally in the human body. These substances are connected together, since disturbances in the water balance and synthesis of hyaluronic acid in the skin also affect the amount of collagen.

Under the influence age-related changes The production of these compounds slows down, and the skin fades, becomes dry, and wrinkles appear, which women are so afraid of.

Imported and Russian products containing collagen and hyaluronic acid come to the rescue. Often they act in a complex manner, but situations arise when the patient and the doctor need to determine which substance is more necessary for the skin at the moment - hyaluronic acid or collagen. In order not to ask this question, you just need to know what composition and properties the substances have.

Hyaluronic acid is a rather complex compound from the group of mucopolyvinylsaccharides. It is naturally found in human skin, since the human body itself produces it in required quantity. After 25-30 years, the synthesis of hyaluronic acid slows down, which cannot but affect the external condition of the skin. Of course, disruption of the process of hyaluronic acid synthesis is influenced not only by age, but also by other factors:

  1. smoking and drinking alcohol;
  2. violation of diet, unbalanced food;
  3. lack of water in the body;
  4. constant exposure to direct sunlight;
  5. improper care for facial skin;
  6. frequent allergies in the form of rashes.

Thus, changes in the epidermis can manifest themselves before the age of 30, depending on the lifestyle a person leads and how he takes care of his face.

Hyaluronic acid, according to experts, is a real storehouse of youth. Women often wonder what the benefits of hyaluronic acid are.

Its main property is the ability to attract water. One hyaluronic acid molecule holds great amount liquids. Moisture is needed to keep the skin clean, it has an antioxidant effect, protects the face from drying out, and gives it healthy looking and shine.

Dryness of the epidermis causes damage, cracking at the same time and disturbed water balance- a kind of skin metabolism. With age, the skin loses its smoothness and tenderness, and folds, wrinkles, and grooves begin to form.

Naturally, to maintain youth and beauty, it is simply necessary to replenish hyaluronic acid reserves. In this case, the principle applies - if the body cannot cope with the synthesis, it must be administered artificially, manually.

Hyaluronic acid is present in almost all cosmetic products for skin rejuvenation. True, there it is not in animal form, but in laboratory form. Yes, medicine has long learned to create hyaluronic acid in conditions unrelated to nature. The thing is that hyaluronic acid of animal origin can cause unpleasant allergic reactions and others side effects, although laboratory hyaluronic acid also poses a certain risk.

Many drugs have many types that affect the skin differently. Some simply create a surface layer that protects against sun rays and others external influences. Others fill furrows and cracks and remove wrinkles. Still others are able to combat global age-related problems, as well as increase lip volume, smooth out the oval and contour of the face.

The magic of hyaluronic acid does not end on the skin. It is also found in the interarticular spaces, in cartilage and connective tissues, and in the cornea of ​​the eye. It is used in pediatrics, traumatology, ophthalmology, and is also useful for disorders of the musculoskeletal system.


Collagen is a very important substance in the skin. It is a filamentous protein. Also found in joints, muscles, ligaments, and soft tissues.

Along with collagen, the epidermis also includes elastin. Together they provide firmness, elasticity, and smoothness. Execute protective function, protecting the skin from external influences, such as sunlight and ultraviolet radiation.

The same can be said about collagen as about hyaluronic acid. It is produced by the body naturally However, after 25-30 years, collagen synthesis slows down significantly. A decrease in its reserves leads to a loss of former sensitivity, elasticity, and strength. Skin without enough collagen is vulnerable to various kinds influences from outside, she has no defense mechanism and the beautiful appearance is lost.

It is curious that all these processes of skin withering due to collagen deficiency occur simultaneously with a slowdown in the synthesis of hyaluronic acid. As a result, various problems overlap each other, and soon the woman comes to the conclusion that over external condition skin needs work.

So, collagen is a filamentous protein, which means that in its structure there are threads consisting of amino acids, which then create links and entire chains.

It is their diversity that is unique and main feature collagen. It also contains substances such as glycerin and proline. It responds very well to vitamins entering the body, which stimulate protein to perform its main task.

Collagen has several natural types:

  1. animal;
  2. vegetable;
  3. nautical.

The first is contained in pure form in the body of bulls and cows, that is, cattle. This is the simplest and cheapest collagen, so products containing it are comparatively cheap. However, there are also obvious disadvantages - animal preparations can cause severe allergic reactions. Moreover, it only affects the superficial layers of the skin without penetrating deep inside.

Vegetable contains only individual components of the collagen that is produced by the human body. It can be found in wheat cereals, for example. His distinguishing feature is that it is rich in fiber, minerals and vitamins, so its effect on the skin is positive in any case, and the risk of side effects is practically reduced to zero.

Marine collagen is as close in composition as possible to natural human protein. Its synthesis is carried out by some inhabitants sea ​​waters, and we are talking not only about animals and fish, but also about more simple organisms located exclusively in the ocean. The action of marine collagen is significantly different from others - it penetrates deeply into the structure of the epidermis, forming an invisible protective shell for the skin and carries extremely positive effect. However, side effects and allergic reactions are possible when using it.

So, preparations with collagen are necessary when its synthesis in the body slows down. This can happen for several reasons:

  1. age, general aging of the body;
  2. drinking alcohol and smoking;
  3. frequent stress, lack of rest, very difficult rhythm of life;
  4. regular exposure to sunlight.

As collagen stores are replenished, skin begins to become smooth and flawless again.

Contraindications for use

Despite all the advantages, hyaluronic acid and collagen have identical contraindications for use. So here they are:

  1. woman's pregnancy;
  2. breastfeeding period;
  3. inflammatory and infectious diseases;
  4. open wounds;
  5. individual allergic intolerance to the components that make up these substances.

Collagen or hyaluronic acid?

So, many women who want to resort to a cosmetic solution to skin problems are wondering what is better to choose for rejuvenation - hyaluronic acid or collagen.

It should be noted that most often these compounds act together, destroying wrinkles and folds, restoring the water-salt balance.

However, if the substances are used separately from each other, there are certain differences.

Hyaluronic acid is applied in the form of a gel to the surface of the skin or introduced into the body by injection or laser, which has its advantages in terms of deep penetration of the substance.

Collagen is a complex protein that is not absorbed by the body as easily as hyaluronic acid, so injection of collagen under the skin involves injections.

Choose essential substance, based not only on its properties, but also on the methods of its influence!


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This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

In pursuit of beauty, many women do the most daring things: go under the knife plastic surgeons, injected under the skin various drugs. Of course, I, like any woman, dream of perfect skin, but still not ready for such radical methods. I prefer simpler and safer methods. Today we'll talk about biologically active complexes with collagen and hyaluronic acid.

My first experience is . The reason I started taking this supplement was because of my incredibly dry skin. I have dry skin by nature, but the situation gets worse with the arrival of the heating season. The skin tightens so much that it seems like it’s about to burst. I have heard about the properties of hyaluronic acid and collagen for a long time. This complex interested me because it contains the patented BioCell collagen, which is extracted from chicken cartilage and is the main source of hyaluronic acid. One tablet contains hyaluronic acid (100 mg), chondroitin (200 mg) and collagen (600 mg). I took this drug 2 tablets a day. The supplement has a cumulative effect, so to feel the first results, you need to be patient. The course lasts 2 months, with a break between them of at least 1 month.

The results pleasantly surprised me. Dry skin is gone! I forgot about this terrible feeling of skin tightness both on my face and on my hands and other parts of my body. These vitamins with hyaluronic acid and collagen made my skin soft and elastic, it stopped flaking. In addition, small expression wrinkles, A deep wrinkles on the forehead have decreased slightly. A nice bonus was the improvement in the condition of my nails. My joints also stopped hurting when there was a sudden change in weather. It is worth noting that collagen with hyaluronic acid in combination with regular physical exercise They perfectly help keep the body in shape and tighten the skin on the body, creating seductive curves.

In general, I am 100% satisfied with the drug and plan to repeat taking hyaluron and collagen in the future.

Skin products with hyaluronic acid

The skin is an amazing organ that can be saturated with vitamins and nutrients both from the inside and outside. In addition to taking supplements, you can improve the condition of your skin using special cosmetics. For myself I chose:

Vitamins with hyaluronic acid and collagen for joint health

The main cause of joint problems is a deficiency of hyaluronic acid and collagen in the body. My husband is actively involved in sports and constantly goes to the gym. One day he noticed a crunch in his knees and elbows, and after a couple of weeks the crunch was accompanied by pain. The trainer advised him to try a collagen supplement with hyaluronic acid. We spent a long time selecting a drug and settled on. I really liked the composition, which includes glucosamine, chondroitin, sulfur, hyaluronic acid and collagen. This complex promotes the formation of healthy cartilage tissue and is the ideal remedy to restore and maintain joint health.

My husband took 4 tablets a day in the morning for hyaluronic acid and collagen. The first results were noticeable only after a month, but it was worth it. The pain and crunching went away, the husband noted that it became easier for him to perform those exercises that previously brought him discomfort. His coach also noticed this. In addition, the rash that periodically appeared on his hands disappeared for unknown reasons. The husband adhered to the regimen of 1 course - 3 months - 2 months break. Today he continues to take these vitamins with collagen and hyaluronic acid.

What are hyaluronic acid and collagen and how do they work?

Hyaluron and collagen are part of the connective tissue of the human body, including the skin. Therefore, these substances are useful both for the skin and for joints and cartilage. Collagen ensures skin firmness, smoothness and elasticity. Hyaluronic acid is involved in skin regeneration and is also responsible for its hydration and nutrition. Due to negative external factors In the form of ultraviolet radiation, frost, and wind, a kind of inflammation of the skin occurs, which leads to disruption of collagen fibers and a decrease in the formation of hyaluronic acid. As a result, the skin becomes sluggish, loses firmness and elasticity, dryness and flaking appear.

Hyaluronic acid and collagen are important components of articular cartilage, as well as a lubricant that protects joints from premature wear and friction. A deficiency of these substances leads to the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The synthesis of collagen and hyaluronic acid in the body stops at about 25-30 years of age. In food, the dose of these substances is minimal. Therefore, nutritionists and cosmetologists recommend looking for alternative sources nutrition in the form of supplements, creams or gels.

Rules for taking vitamins with hyaluronic acid and collagen

First of all, before taking the drug, you should consult your doctor. The main contraindications are:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual sensitivity and intolerance to components.

Exist certain rules taking hyaluronic acid + and collagen:

  • Rule 1. Take on an empty stomach and in the evening. In this way, the active substances will be better absorbed and accumulated by the body, ensuring a rapid onset of effect.
  • Rule 2. Take plenty of water and drink at least 2 liters of water throughout the day. If you drink little fluid, your body will become dehydrated. Instead of the expected effect, swelling and bags under the eyes will appear.

Where to buy high-quality hyaluronic acid and collagen?

I recommend buying dietary supplements on the iHerb website. This is an incredible range of quality and original products And affordable prices. On average, the cost of drugs is half the price compared to other stores and local pharmacies, even including delivery.

Hyaluronic acid and collagen are considered the main elements responsible for youthful skin, hair condition and joint health. Therefore, their use in medicine and cosmetology is an integral part of the comprehensive elimination of age problems. By injection and food additives You can get rid of wrinkles and restore your health. But the question is: when and what is best to use? Let's get a look.

What is collagen?

Collagen is the main structural component of the body's connective tissue, providing its elasticity and strength. Most of the protein (up to 70%) is concentrated in bones, muscles, ligaments, joints and, of course, in the dermis. Together with elastin, the substance activates cell renewal, maintains skeletal density and shape internal organs, is responsible for the tone of tissues, preventing them from sagging and flabby.

The older a woman gets, the less collagen is produced in the body. Gradually, the skin loses elasticity, dries and becomes thinner, wrinkles, jowls, pigmentation appear - aging begins.

The following factors impair protein production:

  • frequent stress;
  • overwork, lack of sleep;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • heredity;
  • solar radiation;
  • alcohol, smoking;
  • the process of natural aging of the body.

Affects protein synthesis and insufficient care for skin wrong image life, the presence of chronic diseases.

What is hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is another structural element of epidermal cells, an organic polysaccharide. The substance is capable of retaining water in tissues and regulating the arrangement of elastin and collagen fibers.

Hyaluronate is responsible for the elasticity and hydration of the skin, accelerates its regeneration and renewal, and has a protective and antioxidant effect. With age, the production of the substance slows down, the dermis loses its firmness and elasticity, becomes covered with wrinkles, creases, nasolabial folds and “ crow's feet"near the eyes.

The loss of moisture can be accelerated by improper care of the face and neck, alcohol abuse and smoking, passion for solariums or prolonged exposure to the sun, and adherence to strict diets.

Naturally, to maintain the dermis in good condition and slow down the aging process, it is necessary to replenish hyaluronate reserves from the inside and outside. But if you are prone to swelling or long years have acquired pronounced subcutaneous fat, be careful with injections of hyaluronic acid. Injections can worsen the condition of the epidermis and lead to bright pastiness.

The use of collagen preparations in cosmetology

Used for medical and cosmetic purposes different types collagen. They differ in origin and method of synthesis.

The most common and available method obtaining the substance from the skin of cattle. Its main advantage is its low cost. Collagen from the skin and meat and bone mass of fish has been isolated relatively recently and is used only in elite products. Vegetable protein is produced from wheat proteins.

Areas of application of collagen in cosmetology:

  1. As a component of external products.
  2. As fillers and a component of meso-cocktails.
  3. Contains dietary supplements in the form of powder and capsules.

Being an ingredient in masks, creams and serums, collagen only provides visual effect. It is not able to penetrate deep into the epithelium, so it works on the surface, filling irregularities and forming the thinnest protective film.

Fillers and cocktails usually include bovine protein (Collost, Ziderm, Zyplast) or human protein (Dermologen, Isolagen, CosmoPlast, Cymetra, CosmoDerm). A combination of animal collagen and synthetic collagen is often used. Injections help eliminate scars and restore the firmness and elasticity of the epidermis.

Marine collagen is used to produce food supplements. This form of protein is used in sports, as well as to strengthen joints and improve the condition of skin, hair and nails.

Hyaluronic acid preparations

There are two ways to introduce hyaluronate into the dermis - with injections and non-injection methods. For this purpose, different types of hyaluron-based drugs are used:

  1. Meso cocktails. In addition to the main component, serums include vitamins, coenzymes, peptides, panthenol and other substances. Among the ready-made products are Stretchcare, MYM dermaroller, Blessie Anti-Aging, DMAE
  2. Redermalizants and . They exist in three generations. The most famous are IAL System, Repleri line, Hafiller Aqua series, Princess Rich.
  3. Fillers for contour plastic surgery. The choice of filler viscosity depends on the problems being solved. The most popular are Belotero, Princess, Teosyal, Surgiderm, Juvederm and Restylane.
  4. Biological products. New products that do not have a direct anti-aging effect. Stimulates the production of your own humidifier. A representative of this class is Hyalrepair.

High-viscosity hyaluronic implants are used to treat joints. They are almost 100% acidic, some to enhance therapeutic effect chondroitin is added. Examples of intra-articular gels are: Ostenil from Germany, Sinokrom (Austria), Giastat (Russia), Adant (Japan).

Hyaluronic acid is also included in food supplements. They contain collagen and chondroitin as additional ingredients. Combined products support healthy skin and joints, slow down aging, and eliminate age-related changes.

It is impossible not to mention the popular cosmetics with hyaluronate. The Novosvit brand and its activator “Hyaluronic Acid and Collagen” are in great demand among women. Aqua-gel is intended for intensive and deep hydration face and neck, smoothing wrinkles, strengthening tissue.

How are the procedures different?

What is the difference between injecting hyaluronic acid and collagen into the dermis? Polysaccharide, even high density, is easily and almost painlessly injected into tissues. In addition, the procedure can be performed with ultrasound or laser without resorting to traumatic injections.

Collagen is injected only by injection, and into the deep layers of the epidermis, which does not add pleasant sensations. The foreign composition of the protein is difficult to digest and often causes allergic reactions.

Another difference between components is the degree of damage skin. After a course of collagen injections, microtraumas (large red dots) often remain, which take a long time to heal. This is the specificity of protein drugs.

When is it better to use collagen and when to use hyaluronic acid?

And yet, what is better to choose - hyaluronic acid or collagen? It all depends on which component is missing in the body.

Signs indicating protein deficiency:

  • the dermis has lost its elasticity and firmness, become flaccid and sagging;
  • nails and hair become thinner;
  • weakness of bones, joints and muscles is noted;
  • non-mimic wrinkles and nasolabial folds appeared;
  • Imprints from clothing and linen will remain on the skin for a long time.

The first signs of protein deficiency appear after 35 years. This age will be the best to start injections. In subsequent years, the rate of loss of collagen fibers increases exponentially, and your the main task- slow down this process.

Hyaluronic acid injections are a less radical way of rejuvenation. As a rule, they are required in the following cases:

  • dry dermis of the face and neck;
  • facial wrinkles;
  • tired skin syndrome.

You can start hyaluron injections at the age of 25–30 years. Beauty injections will be useful as a prevention of further age-related changes and as a restorative procedure after trips to the sea, as well as for moisturizing the epidermis that has dried out over the winter.

For girls with good skin, it is enough to use creams with hyaluronic acid. They perfectly moisturize and refresh, strengthen tissues and smooth fine wrinkles. It is better to resort to products with collagen after 35 years, when more powerful products are required.

Contraindications and side effects

The main restrictions on the use of protein and hyaluronate are not too numerous, but they do exist:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • systemic and autoimmune diseases;
  • cancer alertness;
  • acute conditions;
  • diabetes;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

It is not advisable to give injections during menstruation or while taking anti-inflammatory or blood-thinning medications. If you suffer from the herpes simplex virus, take a course of Acyclovir before the procedure. This will protect against an outbreak of the disease.

If injections are performed incorrectly or the rules of post-procedure care are not followed, side effects may occur.

Most often observed:

  • hematomas at the injection site;
  • swelling of tissues;
  • skin redness;
  • allergic reactions.

When consuming hyaluronic acid and collagen supplements orally, in rare cases Indigestion occurs: diarrhea, nausea, abdominal discomfort.

Hyaluronic acid and collagen: reviews from real people

Svetlana, 25 years old, Arsenyev:

I haven't gotten around to getting injections yet. I decided to make do with less in a radical way and bought an activator cream from the pharmacyNovosvit. I liked the result. The soft and delicate composition is quickly absorbed, does not leave a feeling of stickiness or discomfort, well moisturizes and softens the skin, smoothes out wrinkles. I apply aqua gel in the morning and at night. The face became fresh and rested.

Ekaterina, 45 years old, Volodarsk:

I’m over 40, but no one except my family knows about this. I've tried a lot on myself different procedures- mesotherapy, biorevitalization, . This year, the cosmetologist suggested giving injections with Collost gel to strengthen and improve skin tone. I paid 5,000 rubles for a 1.5 ml syringe; together with the work of a cosmetologist, one procedure cost 6,500 rubles. It's not cheap, but it has an effect. I completed a course of 5 sessions. The skin really became denser, stronger, tightened, wrinkles smoothed out.

Ekaterina, 35 years old, Gubakha:

And I decided to try dietary supplements. I bought it with collagen and hyaluron to take together. I’ll say right away that I was expecting the overall health of the body from the pills, I wanted to support my joints, I didn’t even think about the rejuvenation effect. And after a month of taking it, I noticed that the condition of my skin and hair had improved. I lost a little weight, but nothing sagged. On the contrary, the body became elastic and springy, the face somehow plumped up and became younger. I'm going to repeat the course.

Answers on questions

Tell me the recipe for a mask with collagen and hyaluronic acid.

To prepare such a mask at home, buy a powder or solution at the pharmacy. Collagen can be replaced with gelatin or purchased ready-made remedy in the form of a dry mixture.

Dissolve 1 tsp in 50 ml of water. gelatin and add 1 g of hyaluronic acid powder or one ampoule of liquid preparation to the composition. Stir thoroughly and leave until the ingredients are completely dissolved. Then apply the mask to your face and neck, wait a quarter of an hour, and rinse off.

You can add additional ingredients to the base mixture as you wish. In this case, the mask will not only moisturize and tighten, but also nourish.

If you don’t want to waste time, buy a ready-made product, for example, the WOW series or the Algo Naturel mask. The latter product contains hyaluron powder and marine collagen.

Is it possible to combine the injection of collagen and hyaluronic acid fillers?

Yes, these procedures go well together. Protein provides the dermis with density and improved structure, maintaining the effect for 4 months. Hyaluronate naturally moisturizes and stimulates fibroblast production for 8-9 months. Thus, in one session you will tighten the skin and saturate the epidermis with water.

Is taking tablets with hyaluron and collagen effective for eliminating wrinkles?

Cosmetologists have different opinions on this matter. Some consider taking dietary supplements to be a useless exercise, while others, on the contrary, argue that nutritional supplements can significantly improve the condition of the skin and hair, and their use together with injections gives excellent rejuvenation results. Moreover, the tablets can prolong the effect of injections and delay the next course.

As for creams, here experts are more unanimous - it is better to drink hyaluronic acid and collagen than to smear it on the face.

How to use cosmetic gel Herbamine?

Herbamine is a combination product. It contains natural hyaluronate, marine collagen, celandine, activator, flavonoids, vitamin C and a number of organic compounds. The gel is used after a massage with a mesoscooter as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. Herbamine restores blood microcirculation, normalizes water balance, increases the elasticity of the epithelium and slows down the aging process.

Let's sum it up

Collagen and hyaluronic acid are equally often used in cosmetology. When choosing optimal option should be guided by age and skin condition. The simultaneous use of external and internal drugs will help improve the results of rejuvenation.

What did you use for skin rejuvenation, hyaluronic acid or collagen? And did they reinforce the effect by taking nutritional supplements? Tell us about the chosen product, leave a review about the procedure.

Hi all! Collagen and hyaluronic acid are perhaps the most famous “moisturizers” and “rejuvenators” of the skin. There are many myths associated with them, but we will talk about this some other time. And this article will be entirely devoted to our new series from the brand! Two lines of your choice and judgment: collagen and hyaluronic. What are the advantages of each line, and how to determine which one to give preference to? We will try to answer all these questions and also give recommendations for use!

Line products and their packaging

Both lines consist of 5 products: toner – serum – emulsion – face cream – eye cream. Classic, gentlemen! Neither take, nor subtract, nor add. Both lines are stylistically similar, only made in different colors. The hyaluronic line has a delicate lavender shade, and the collagen line has a pastel beige hue. It should be added here that both lines were awarded the prestigious Korean design award “Red Dot Design Award” in the “Industrial Packaging Design” category. Stylish, laconic, unpretentious packaging is what distinguishes these products from many others.

The volume of the product lines is the same, and they are also very similar in texture:

Tonic – 150 ml. The texture is light, weightless, quickly absorbed into the skin. Helps moisturize the skin, neutralize the effects of hard water on the skin, and prepare it for application of the rest of the line.

Serum – 40 ml. The most saturated product from both lines. High concentration useful substances allows you to enhance the effect of other products in the line and achieve maximum effect from using the products.

Emulsion – 150 ml. " Liquid cream" Allows you to replace the use of cream, or strengthen it to achieve maximum hydration and skin rejuvenation.

Eye cream – 25 ml. The most tender and easy remedy rulers. Helps get rid of dark circles under the eyes, smooth out facial wrinkles.

Face cream – 50 ml. It has a denser texture and a composition rich in nutrients.

This is where the similarities between the lines end! Now let's talk about the differences in functionality and composition of the products.

Collagen line: First of all, it is aimed at restoring skin elasticity. Contains collagen + active vitamin complex. Together they help activate the skin renewal process, restore its firmness and elasticity, and have an active softening effect. Of course, this series will also help fight wrinkles - it will smooth out existing ones and delay further appearance. Collagen perfectly strengthens skin turgor, tightens the oval of the face, and prevents the appearance of a double chin and sagging cheeks. In addition to collagen and vitamin complex, in the composition of the line you can find extracts of adonis, lingonberry and malt. They actively tone the skin, saturate it with vitamins, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and accelerate blood microcirculation. Of course, collagen also moisturizes well, but in this regard the beige line cannot compare with its hyaluronic competitor!

Who is it suitable for? This line is suitable for those who are concerned about dull, tired skin with expression and age wrinkles.

Hyaluronic line: is aimed at moisturizing the skin, designed to combat its dryness, various peelings, and irritations. If you constantly feel a lack of moisture, and especially live in a hot and dry climate, then this series will be excellent choice! First of all, it increases the level of skin hydration and normalizes its hydrobalance. The skin is smoothed, peeling and irritation disappear, it becomes more elastic and smooth. The line also contains extracts of purslane, hibiscus and blueberry. Together they have a tonic effect, strengthen skin turgor and soothe damaged skin.

Who is it suitable for? The hyaluronic line is ideal for dry, dehydrated and sun-damaged skin with the first signs of aging.

What is the difference?

If the collagen line is more suitable for those who are concerned about skin aging and the appearance of the first wrinkles, then we recommend the hyaluronic line for girls with dry and dehydrated skin. Both lines can be used on skin with signs of aging, but first of all, focus on how much your skin needs hydration. If it is strong, the choice should definitely be made in favor of hyaluronic products. If, in addition to moisturizing, you want to get many other “buns,” your choice is the beige collagen line.

Which line would you choose?

© 2017 site. The article was written by Daria Sokolova, especially for the site. Any copying without the consent of the store administration is prohibited.

Do you take collagen? I have been fanatically for the third year now, in courses of 2-3 months, 2 times a year.
This collagen love began with Neocell. The cans have been drunk....

The post may be of interest to those who have not taken collagen and are wondering whether it is necessary. Read it, think about it))
Those who are already in the know can speak out about the effectiveness and advisability of drinking collagen.

I describe as always personal experience. The collagen went right away and where it needed to be))) I saw results on my face after the first course after 2 months of daily use Neocell, Super Collagen, Type 1 & 3, 7 oz (198 g) Powder.

This post is just practice. I have already written about the theory in previous posts about collagen, the links will be below.

There are many opinions about its effectiveness. In particular, the effect on the skin will be seen last; first, collagen will have a beneficial effect on the connective tissues of the body - cartilage, tendons, ligaments.

My visible result it was on the skin. At that time, age had crept up to forty years, the skin was in good condition, but with a tendency to dryness, dehydration and facial wrinkles. Those. aging “like a baked apple” - finely wrinkled, dry. Such ladies are ideal for collagen and hyaluronic acid - the effect on us should be more noticeable. After 2 months of taking collagen + hyaluronic acid, my skin tightness and hydration levels improved significantly. Overall, the skin began to look fresher.

I still can’t say clearly about the effect on hair, cartilage-tendons and other connective tissues. There were no obvious problems, I didn’t notice any obvious effect. It works on your nails - they are strengthened and not brittle.

Now, in the third year of collagen, I can say for sure that there is an effect on both the skin of the face and the skin of the body.
The problem of dryness on the body and the problem of flaky legs at any time of the year have completely disappeared. The skin of the body has become more elastic, my husband will confirm)))
I saved my hands with collagen. I always had terribly dry hands and scared manicurists with them. Any hand cream was only a short-term boost. There was hand cream everywhere - in my purse, at home, at work in front of the computer, all to no avail. And now? That's it, girls, now I don't use hand cream at all! That’s why I have almost no reports about hand creams - I don’t buy them anymore. I completely forget about hand cream. At the same time, the hands are smooth, neat and old age has not yet set in on them, although a woman’s hands age quickly.

Just don’t expect the effect of plastic surgery from collagen. Even if you firmly believe in collagen (I believe, just like in Santa Claus), it still won’t give you minus 5 years. Although..... it will give me a minus, it definitely gave me a minus of several years and smoothed out one wrinkle - the one between the eyebrows. For three years she never came out there again.
Sensitivity varies from person to person. Someone will notice visible changes, and for some there is a slight improvement.

Collagen was like that. The design of the jar has traditionally changed since the last purchase


Supplement for hair, skin, nails, joints and bones.
Clinically tested Neocell collagen powder.
Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Certified Product

One scoop contains 6,600 mg of collagen types 1 and 3

Collagen is a complex structural protein that maintains the strength and elasticity of all elements of our body. As we age, decreased collagen production can lead to common signs of aging in the skin, hair, nails, muscles, joints, ligaments and bones. Super Collagen contains clinically studied BioActive NeoCell collagen, which supports healthy collagen production in the body. Using NeoCell's technologically advanced collagen hydrolysis process, large molecules are enzymatically hydrolyzed into small peptides that are bioavailable and bioactive in the body.

results clinical trials: Neocell Collagen has been shown to increase skin hydration by an average of 21% and up to 50%, while 92% of study participants reported increased skin hydration and 60% of participants experienced firmer, softer skin.†
†Based on 2014 Neocell Collagen Study.

In fact, we have a white powder.
There is taste and smell. They are not strong, but specific. Some people feel the taste, some smell. Some hardly notice, while others suffer.

I advise you on the best way to consume

You can simply stir soda in a glass and drink, then you will feel that specific smell to the fullest.
Can be stirred into juice. I don't like it in juice. Firstly, because I drink on an empty stomach, and on an empty stomach my body will not be as happy with juice as with water. Secondly, I don’t have the opportunity to make freshly squeezed juice every day, and feeding myself a dose of sugar from packaged juices is completely unnecessary.

I suggest mixing collagen in water, but only in a shaker.

I dilute it in water and add lemon/lime juice. There is a regular lemon in the refrigerator, I just squeeze it into a shaker glass and shake it up. Lemon smoothes out both the taste and smell of collagen and gives a slight sourness. I drink from a shaker without sticking my nose into the glass/mug and the smell of collagen is not felt at all. I got used to it in three days.

Fortunately, iHerb has a large selection of shakers, and their prices are excellent. I prefer Sandesa, which have a ball, options like these (pictures are clickable, links lead to reports)

Those who don’t want to bother with diluting the powder can, of course, buy the tablet version, but.... I don’t recommend it. Not because of the quality, but because of the greater hassle of taking it, yeah, it would seem that the pills would make life easier. Is not a fact.

I bought (before the powder), drank these

I can’t say anything bad about the effectiveness; it will probably be like the powder if you follow the rules of administration. I couldn't comply and abandoned it.
What didn't you like about the tablets?
They are hefty, heavy and unpleasant to swallow on an empty stomach. They slam into an empty stomach and lie there like a stone. You need to drink 6 (six!!!) pieces a day and divide them into two doses. Those. Find yourself twice on an empty stomach. It turned out to be easier and more pleasant to just drink the powder in the morning.
I didn’t even finish one can, what’s the rate? I bought the powder)))

About the rules for taking collagen

I drink any collagen, observing the following conditions:
- For maximum absorption, collagen is taken on an empty stomach
- After drinking collagen, it is recommended not to eat for about 30 minutes.
- For best results, it is recommended to take in combination with Vitamin C and hyaluronic acid.

I know that for some people the point of taking it on an empty stomach seems controversial and I’m not going to try to prove it. The manufacturer recommends this way and it’s just convenient for me. And I’m already used to it.

Side effects, contraindications.
Contraindications include breastfeeding, autoimmune diseases and individual intolerance.
It is not recommended to use collagen for people suffering from phenylketonuria, a disease associated with impaired amino acid metabolism.
Very rarely unpleasant side effects(such as swelling or pimples). I’ve never even heard of this option; I’ve encountered intolerance (swelling) from California Gold Nutrition fish a couple of times.
As I wrote, collagen worked for me right away, there wasn’t even a hint of side effects.

Drink collagen for 2-3 months, twice a year.
Now I have switched to other, more expensive and advanced options, but I recommend this one with a clear conscience.
Here are the links to the reports, the pictures are clickable. You will also find more collagen theory there;)

For best result I also take hyaluronic acid.
I immediately buy a large jar - 180 capsules, designed for three months of use.
It turns out to be more profitable, but I still drink for three months.
This is the optimal option.

Dietary supplement for skin rejuvenation and joint health support.

These are capsules with powder.
Quite large, but not heavy (unlike tablet collagen). They are easy to swallow. And here, taking it on an empty stomach is not required.
The only thing is that they need to be spaced out at different times of the day with type 1.3 collagen. I drink collagen in the morning, and hyaluronic in the afternoon.

This is a complex supplement; in addition to hyaluronic acid, it contains chondroitin sulfate and patented Biocell type 2 collagen.
From the description - "...Hyaluronic acid and collagen are vital structural components of the skin that shrink with age, and are partly responsible for the skin's moisture, firmness and elasticity. BioCell Collagen contains key components that can help support healthy skin and joint function "

I not only drink hyaluronic acid, but also actively apply it to myself as part of various serums and creams :) But I don’t inject it, or Botox, or anything. Honestly, I really want to, but it’s scary, it’s expensive and the cosmetologist doesn’t tell me to))) So I’ll continue taking my courses and hold out until the last minute.

I'll finish here and thank you for your attention :)
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Some anti-aging supplements and skin supplements
