Nicknames of girls' huskies and their meaning. Choosing a nickname depending on the breed of husky

- brave, smart, courageous. Is different high intelligence And physical strength. This is a hunting breed with a ability to quickly find landmarks on the ground. Her reaction to changes in the situation is simply lightning fast. The dog does not tolerate confined spaces, has its own excellent characteristics and is suitable for energetic owners who enjoy running, skiing, and hiking. When choosing a name, you should take these qualities into account. Let's see how to name a husky correctly.

Despite the hunting breed, the nickname should, first of all, be beautiful, consonant, and easy to remember. Among the beautiful and common names for husky boys, it is worth noting: Patrick, Mickey, Nathan, Rourke, Timosha, Lester, Swansea, Phoenix, Kevin, Oscar, Cosmo, Larry, Roman, Juan, Louis, Adam, Lucas, Tomi, Casper, Neil, Vector, Watson, Adam, Morris, Gregor, Jim, Lyoko, Archie, Roy, Simon, Lucas, Tito, Volchek, Beefy, Tomi, Gene, Ramon, Danny, Zeus, Hector, Bruce, Nathan, Trouser, Charlie, Trevor, Chris, Mars, Juan.

If you want to emphasize the hunting breed of husky, you can give the following names: Basalt, Musket, Whirlwind, Sable, Vulcan, Octopus, Falcon, Detective, Almaz, Viking, Typhoon, Baron, Saiga, Peregrine Falcon, Thunder, Mongoose, Prime, Falcon, Bazai.

Previously, people attributed the most common names to this breed: Bystry, Melkiy, Strelka, Belka, thereby trying to emphasize their character traits. If your pet is restless from a young age, then you can give it a nickname: Saiga, Ermak, Buckshot. Pirate.

Still, first of all, huskies are fur hunters, as well as a draft breed. If you show your imagination, take into account mobility and swiftness, you can choose a good name for your pet. For male puppies, nicknames are harmonious, emphasizing their unique natural characteristics, the life of the people living with them, courage and endurance, for example - Lord, Trezor, Gunpowder, Breeze, Buran, Fog.

Laiki will not lie all day at the feet of its owner. They are characterized by mobility, speed, agility, so good nicknames for boys would be: Irwin, Yasny, Taras, Uzbek, Fakir, Indigo, Buyan, Bromide, Jedi, Jacquard, Zenit, Sailor, Trek, Indigo, Sprite, Shimon, Erwin, Khazar , Idris, Avangard, Taran, Zenit, Darius.

Laikas are adapted to harsh living conditions and are not afraid of severe frosts. These are indispensable helpers for people living in the north. They will tirelessly watch over the livestock and become loyal friends to their owner. Best nicknames huskies capable of reflecting these qualities: Titan, Storm, Condor, Winter, Everest, Hurricane, Khalid, Ararat, Rakhat, Crater, Aidar, Chesko, Yalek, Sarmat, Felix, Tungus, Nabat, Labrie, Castor, Winter, Yesail, Thunder , Eton, Piston.

If you want to emphasize the hunting qualities of huskies, you can name them: Amulet, Shaman, Frost, Frisky, Dare. Tribal huskies can be given a nickname from a movie or borrowed from a book: Niki, Juha, Floyd, Balto, Bakk.

This breed, as residents of hard-to-reach areas, is often called: Amur, Sever, Ural, Baikal, Verny, Hayk, Buran, Gray, Dyren. Even the relief, as an option, can become a name: Fault, Loach. Laikas living in the Black Sea region can proudly bear the nickname: Altai, Vilyuy, Taiga.

Nature in winter in the North is fabulous, silent. Laikas, like dogs with the vocation of sled hounds, can have names: Frost, Snowball, Kind, Pirate, Smart. Words with two voiced consonants are clearly distinguishable: Karat, Cupid, This is important in the harsh conditions of winter, so that the nickname comes out easily and clearly from the lips even when the owner’s jaws are practically frozen by frost.

The nickname should be positive and kind. Calling a dog an offensive name is disrespectful. It is unlikely that she will be able to become true friend. To put a meaning into a nickname means to name:

  • Kameko (long-lived);
  • Hoshi (star);
  • Haruko (spring);
  • Akito (autumn);
  • Michiko (handsome);
  • Kaori (pleasant smell);
  • Izumi (stream);
  • Akira (bright);
  • Suzumo (sparrow);
  • Kkokoro (soul);
  • Megumi (blessing);
  • Aiko (favorite);
  • Hiro (generous);
  • Nutsuko (summer);
  • Hayato (falcon);
  • Hikari (light);
  • Takaro (treasure);
  • Hotaru (firefly);
  • Shinju (pearl);
  • Yuki (snow);
  • Katsu (victory);
  • Kuga (red);
  • Ichiges (warmth);
  • Ropak (ice floe)
  • Lotus (buran);
  • Ven (wind);
  • Gris (gray).

The best nicknames are consonant and short.

Nicknames for girls likes

Laika girls are too independent, but difficult to train. When teaching, you must not be intrusive or apply undue pressure. It's important to find mutual language with the pet and choose the ones that are in tune with it, beautiful names: Riva, Gerta, Istra, Famida, Chansi, Tori, Yally, Paris, Vlasta, Alda, Magic, Ceri, Carmen, Alita, Beggy, Zarina, Laura, Alba, Tori, Khizar, Shorsi, Yusita, Alda, Delilah, Branta ,

Give a nickname special meaning or you can focus on some qualities or external data of the like by calling:

  • Kiku (chrysanthemum);
  • Asa (dawn);
  • Keko (happy);
  • Tsukiko (lunar);
  • Akiko (autumn);
  • Haruki (shining);
  • Haru (spring);
  • Sakura (cherry);
  • Oki (open like the sea);
  • Miyako (beautiful);
  • Rennie (lotus);
  • Hoshiko (star);
  • Aimi (beautiful);
  • Shinju (treasure);
  • Izumi (stream);
  • Hoshi (star);
  • Chickpeas (seal);
  • Orus (river);
  • Kvennik (snowflake);
  • Tiin (squirrel);
  • Utuluk (mitten);
  • Kaori (pleasant).

Laika will not let you get bored, and will constantly take its owner for walks. Activity and mobility are in their blood. This breed is completely unsuitable for lazy couch potatoes. You can name a husky girl: Rocket, Khaki, Zhadi, Spark, Arrow, Blizzard, Jasper, Yucca, Nega, Koni, Brixie, Lima, Prima, Luck.

Since the husky is a northern breed, sometimes they try to choose a name for the pet, associating it with cold and frost. You can focus on this and choose a nickname for your husky girl: Belka, Storm, Blizzard, Haze, Yozhka, Winter, Fairy Tale, Surma, Taiga, Yugra, Utah, Yushka, Khara, Alaska, Umka, Chapa, Yuma, Liska, Belka , Taiga, Gerda, Chuya. Residents Far North appropriate to call: Blizzard, Blizzard, Blizzard.

What to consider when choosing a nickname

You need to understand that the husky is a service breed, designed to quickly remember many different commands given by the owner. The shorter the name, the easier it will be to communicate with your pet during training. When a well-chosen name is clearly pronounced, the reaction from the huskies will follow immediately.

Of course, if the husky has a pedigree, then you should stick to the name originally given by the breeders. It is necessary to predetermine the name in advance if it is assumed that the pet will be waiting for exhibitions, presentations, or competitions in the future.

The best names are sonorous and meaningful. Laikas cannot do without communicating with their relatives, and the name must be pronounced with dignity. Who knows, but maybe your husky is destined to become a champion and receive medals. Only a name can contribute to a pet’s career future.

The nickname should not be similar to the names of other dogs with whom your husky will have to communicate or walk in the same areas. Moreover, the name should:

  • puppies will like it, and fortunately they get used to it quickly;
  • sound proudly and clearly, which is very important for a commercial breed.

If a dog is adopted from a kennel, of course, the nickname will already be assigned, and there is no need to change it again. After all, the puppy has already been certified as belonging to this breed. Usually they give out double names that are difficult to pronounce. When communicating at home, you can call it abbreviated, choosing one that is consonant with what is indicated in the passport. Laikas are smart and will quickly get used to their owner’s calls.

Experienced dog breeders recommend taking into account the color of the animal, other signs on the body or face, and not discounting the origin of the husky. If the breed is German, then it is wise to choose German name, if French, then match the French Laika. For the Russian breed, sonorous Slavic names are suitable. The main thing is that the pet and owner hear each other.

Laikas are extremely special dogs. They have a unique mind, innate wisdom and fortitude. Loyalty to your master is another main feature dogs of this hunting breed. But despite enormous power love and affection, huskies will never tolerate disrespectful treatment of themselves. In addition, they are endlessly freedom-loving and independent, and therefore it is simply vital for them to walk and hunt in open space as much as possible. Selfless likes can even save the life of the owner at the cost own life. They are also very kind to children, flirting with them cheerfully and recklessly.

What should be the nickname of a male husky?

A difficult dog needs a special name. Therefore, before deciding on a nickname for your newly-made pet, think about how it will sound in a couple of years. A mature, grown up male, of impressive size, so important and proud, like an eagle, and here the owner calls him Pushkom, Donut or Masik. It doesn't look very good, to put it mildly. Decide on choosing a beautiful and a suitable name, the following rules will help:

  • Laika is a serious hunting dog, therefore, his nickname should be clear, sonorous and short. This is the nickname that will help you easily call your pet while hunting or while walking without a leash;
  • Human names are absolutely inappropriate as nicknames for dogs of any breed, especially huskies;
  • It is very important that the nickname you choose does not associate the husky with any team.

Choosing nicknames for different breeds of huskies

There are several types of likes. Distinctive features each of them shows us the direction of movement when choosing a nickname. Turning on your imagination and good mood, you can choose from the list or come up with a wonderful name for your pet. Let's look at this topic in more detail.

The West Siberian Laika resembles a wolf. When choosing a name for a dog, it is important to emphasize the strength and power of your pet. A great choice would be nicknames:

  • Thunder;
  • Storm;
  • Leopard;
  • Winter.

When naming the European husky, remember that it came from crossing several breeds of huskies. This made it possible to develop an excellent hunting dog, ready to accompany you on a bird or large game hunt. Dogs of this breed are very loyal to their owner. They will follow him to the ends of the earth, obediently following all commands. European Laika males can be called:

  • Cedar;
  • Valdai;
  • North;
  • Irkut;
  • North;
  • West;
  • Amur.

Names for hunting huskies

Hunting huskies have existed since ancient times. You can verify this by looking at historical rock paintings, in which their silhouette is clearly visible. Distinguished by their special loyalty and courage, they always deserved places of honor in human society. The following nicknames are perfect for these dogs:

  • Wolf;
  • Lord;
  • Ingur;
  • Rhine;
  • Dice.

The most important thing when choosing a name for your faithful four-legged friend, be guided not only by fashion for certain types of nicknames, but also with my own feelings, as well as according to the character and appearance your pet. Feel with your heart which nickname suits him best. And don’t forget to ask your dog’s opinion on this matter by saying different names out loud, while looking at his reaction.

The meaning of nicknames for huskies

Some Laika owners chose nicknames for their dogs only taking into account their meaning. In ancient times to this issue approached with particular seriousness. After all, a name is not just a set of letters. The ancestors believed that it should have its own meaning. After observing the pet for several days, they probably already knew what to call it, for example:

  • Horus is a smart, unsurpassed tracker, proud;
  • Leopard - distinguished by calmness and strong psyche;
  • Zor is an evil hunter;
  • Fog – strong;
  • Abai – strong and brave;
  • Lel – obedient, funny, easy-going;
  • Bim is a good-natured man who values ​​his master and remains faithful to him;
  • Balto is a legendary dog;
  • Boreas - northern;
  • Gray - gray;
  • Ven – wind;
  • Boro – wolf;
  • Algys - blessing, praise, praise;
  • Atas - friend;
  • Ardakh - rain;
  • Bulguch – hunter;
  • Burt – excellent;
  • Baai – rich;
  • Bobo – strong;
  • Nast is a stubborn person who never gives up.

Nicknames that are particularly popular

Why did the following nicknames become popular, you ask? The thing is that they are sonorous and simple to pronounce, and therefore easier for dogs to perceive. In addition, a feature of these nicknames is their uniqueness. They are not at all similar to the usual training commands, so in right moment the dog will respond to its name correctly and will not be confused. Here are the best of them:

  • Leopard;
  • Ralph;
  • Fog;
  • Burbot;
  • Fros;
  • Gold;
  • Darce.

Nicknames of huskies by color

Laikas come in a variety of colors. This point can also be taken into account when choosing a name for your pet. Suitable nicknames for white male huskies:

  • Arktos;
  • Hummock;
  • North;
  • Buran;
  • Chalk.

You could call a red male husky:

  • Fox;
  • Reddy;
  • Spark;
  • Brand.

And black, like the night to call a pet:

  • Crow;
  • Gypsy;
  • Black;
  • Noir.

As you can see, choosing a name for your pet is a simple and exciting activity. The main thing is not to use human names, as well as funny and inappropriate nicknames. Laika is a proud, brave and wise dog. She will go a long way through life with you, faithfully earning her love and respect. Let her name, in the same way, proudly fall from your lips every time you pronounce it.

You have a little fluffy ball with funny eyes. Your long-awaited dream has come true and you have become the owner of a purebred male Laika dog. The name of the dog must be indicated in the dog's passport. You have to choose a nickname from many options when the future character of the boy is not yet entirely clear. But whatever you call it, you will prepare such a path in life for your pet.

Features of the Laika breed

There is no person who would not warm up when watching a medium-sized dog with a perky curl of its tail, smart, cheerful eyes and a friendly smile on its face. All wrapped up in soft fur with patterns, it is so cozy and harmless. A dog transforms in the forest. A stern look, an elongated muzzle, a tense tail, sometimes raised hair on the back of the neck and a short bark or bark. This is work on the beast.

Laika is great family psychologist. She feels the tension in the family and tries to relieve it. The friendliness of the little four-legged friend is passed on to those around him. And I want to call the future male dog an affectionate, gentle name. But how uncomfortable will it be for him to respond to his master’s call? mature age in the name Masik! Therefore, choosing a nickname for a male husky is a responsible matter.

Purpose of purchasing a male husky

Despite the fact that the breed was bred as a hunting dog, the dogs also perform other duties:

  • used as sledding vehicles;
  • for guarding the courtyard;
  • like a pet.

You are a commercial hunter and your dog will become your assistant in taiga hunting. She will stalk her prey, going far away, so that her barking will be barely audible. In order to recall the dog and return it, you will need a short, monosyllabic and sonorous name. When choosing, try shouting the option that you came up with. Word should be clear and easy to pull out even from frozen lips. Of course, with one or two vowels, since they, in combination with voiced consonants, can be heard far away. Here you have Cupid or Karat - the nicknames of male huskies.

For the husky who lives with you in country house the kind, and, most importantly, rare nickname Druzhok and such a pleasant, rolling in the mouth, Sable would be suitable. There are many options for naming a male dog Laika. Calling a dog an offensive name means disrespecting both yourself and it.

Dogs are often named with a composite name from their father and mother. So, Buran and Umka can give birth to Karai, and Karat and Purga can give birth to Kabur. The fantasy of the owner of a hunting and sled dog should not extend to human proper names for obvious reasons.

When choosing a nickname for a male Laika, you must remember that this is a dog that loves communication with its relatives and its the nickname should sound decent in the company of other animals. None of the owners of dogs of this breed denies the natural intelligence of the husky, therefore the nickname should match the owner. In the future, your pet may become a medalist at dog shows or the leader of a sled team. So choosing a name for a puppy today is a worthy future for a dog tomorrow.

The name should express appeal and sonority in one succinct word. Nickname must be positive and be different from others, not be in tune with the names of other dogs working in a group, living next door, walking in the same area. The puppy should like the nickname, he should quickly get used to it.

Nickname options

Choosing a name for a pet is difficult and responsible. Numerous directories and sites for dog handlers offer wide variety of options nicknames. Basically they are selected taking into account the origin of the breed. Laika is considered a Russian breed, but there are varieties:

  • Russian;
  • Yakut;
  • Finnish;
  • French.

Therefore, the nickname for a boy is Laika. select according to the origin of the breed or use translations of words into another language. So, the Russian word ice will sound much better like the nickname Ice. The meaning is the same, but the word is sonorous. With this approach, nicknames are selected for dogs of all breeds.

By geographical names

For a nature lover and a romantic, it would be appropriate to wander through wild places with a dog that will answer the call with a ringing bark:

  • Baikal;
  • Amur;
  • Dyren.

There are as many similar sonorous names on a geographical map as you like. You can also use relief. So, Loach or Razlom sounds good. There are many options for names, but you need to choose one. Your pet does not know the meaning of these words, but remembers the combination of sounds well. There are many wonderful and sonorous names on the map.

Often there are derivative words from winter silence and snowy whiteness. It could be Snowball or Frost. By character they are often called by names that are determined in the future Laika male. This may sound like Smart, Kind, Pirate and similar nicknames based on the character of the dog. And if the owner named the dog Fierce, then you should think before entering the yard.

Use of plant and animal names

Nicknames that are in tune with flowers - Zharok or Buttercup - will become neutral and cute. Here are signs of the dog’s coat color, and a little hint of its security functions. And for the fisherman, the nicknames Sable or Leopard will sound like the music of the forest.

Purebred huskies from the nursery

If you adopted a Laika puppy from a kennel, you won’t have to choose a name for him. All puppies from elite producers are presented with ready-made passports and an assigned nickname. There are rules on how to name a male Laika puppy in the kennel. The puppy is given a nickname after he passed the certification to belong to the breed according to all characteristics. Puppies from the same litter are given names starting with a certain letter, but the name of the nursery must be in front. Therefore, the name is double and cannot be changed. Brothers and sisters will meet at a dog show in the future, and a name will help you find out about the relationship.

The nickname of the husky must be given based on the breed, color and character. It is important to understand that this dog is a hunting dog, so its nickname should be short, bright and not in tune with the commands.

Meeting a new favorite

As soon as you have a Laika puppy in your home, don’t hesitate to give him a nickname. First, take a closer look at his behavior, determine distinctive features character. Then, based on your observations, come up with a name for it. Thus, the puppy will receive a nickname that suits him.

If you purchased a puppy from a kennel, it already has a nickname. Often, this nickname is awkward to pronounce, long, and sometimes even inappropriate. But this does not mean that you cannot name your pet differently.

When choosing a nickname, you need to understand that it is not entirely ethical to call the dog by a human name, because this may offend someone you know with the name you call your pet. It is also not customary to name a dog by the same name as your previous pet.

It is important not to forget that the dog must easily perceive his nickname and quickly respond to it.

Nickname for a boy's dog based on the husky breed

West Siberian Laika

Outwardly, this husky resembles a wolf. Therefore, the nickname should emphasize this similarity, be strong and powerful, like a wolf.

Examples of dog names for boys Laika:
Marshal, Thunder, Hercules, Karat, Buran, Drive, Orlan, Rocky, Sarmat, Typhoon, Hurricane, Jaguar, Ural, Breeze, Fog, Ram, Ararat, Pirate, Gray, Lord, Storm, Colin, Robin, Bruno, Drake, Derek, Watson, Simba, Hector, Gary, Vico, Leon, Ilan, Eli, Jeri, Roy, Miki, Gwen, Archie, Shuster, Shustan, Mustang, Lorri, Larry, Lecturer.

European Laika

This breed is distinguished by its versatility, because it was obtained as a result of crossing large quantity breeds European Husky will always be faithful to its owner. The nickname of such a dog should be beautiful and show devotion.

Examples of such names:
Lord, Sprite, Irwin, Jedi, Indigo, Piston, Labrie, Crater, Titan, Felix, Phoenix, Casper, Castor, Samrat, Shaman, Forest, Floyd, Frost, Baron, Falcon, Viking, Basalt, Irkut, Nord, Amur, Roy, West, Wolf, Pancho, Barney, Bruce, Cesium, Oscar, Brooke, Simon, Adam, Maurice, Kevin, Fred, Freddie, Max.

Choosing a nickname for the boy's dog, Laika, based on the meaning of the name

Sometimes an owner wants to choose not just a pleasant-to-hear nickname for his new pet, but also one that has a meaningful meaning. Then, thanks to the name, the pet acquires destiny, as well as character traits. Moreover, such nicknames are often unusual.

It is especially common to choose through sacred meaning in families where the dog is the breadwinner of the family.

Here are examples of names with meaning:

  • Arata is fresh.
  • Aiko is native.
  • Ayame - iris.
  • Akane – deep red.
  • Ayumu - walking in dreams.
  • Akira is intense.
  • Jiro is the second heir.
  • Goro is the fifth heir.
  • Daisuke is a big help.
  • Kameko is an immortelle.
  • Katsu is an achievement.
  • Kyoko is a joyful child.
  • Ren - lotus.
  • Khitana – sunflower.
  • Kokoro – soul, heart.
  • Daiti is someone who has great intelligence.
  • Sin is true.
  • Shiju - pearl.
  • Hayato is a falcon.
  • Hoshi is a star.
  • Hotaru is a firefly.
  • Tsukiko is a one-month-old baby.
  • Shichiro is the seventh heir.
  • Hiro is generous.
  • Yuki - snow.
  • Midori is green.
  • Shiro is the fourth heir.
  • Honcho is a leader.
  • Takara is a jewel.
  • Etsuko is a child of happiness.
  • Nari - thunder.
  • Kasumi - fog.
  • Kaori is an attractive scent.
  • Oki - open sea.
  • Hibiki - echo sound.
  • Gore is a good detective, smart.
  • Leopard is quiet, calm, balanced.
  • Nord is fast.
  • West is reliable and fast.
  • Nast is capricious, straightforward, going to the end.
  • Lik is smart.
  • Zor is an evil, excellent detective.
  • Bim is devoted to his owner.
  • Lel – frivolous, loyal.
  • Abai is big, strong, brave.
  • The fog is powerful.
  • Ron is stubborn.
  • Haruko is a child of spring.
  • Suzumo is a sparrow.
  • Kuga is red.
  • Ichiges – warmth.
  • Ven – wind.
  • Gris – gray.
  • Hikari – light.


As you may have noticed, the choice of name for your pet is very large. With such a variety, you can choose a nickname that suits your dog.

It is important to remember that a dog is given one nickname for its entire life. Therefore, it is necessary to choose it carefully, take into account the uniqueness of the nickname, all its possible abbreviations, think about whether it will get boring, whether it will be convenient for the dog to distinguish it from all the sounds it hears.

Basics of making the right choice

Choosing a nickname for your pet can be compared to the process of choosing a name for a newborn child. The name of an animal, especially a dog, should best match the character and breed of the pet. One more nuance should also be taken into account. The name of the dog, to one degree or another, determines the future character of the animal, its temperament and behavior. Therefore, you should study its origin as much as possible and observe representatives of four-legged animals with this name, and only then call your pet this (or not that).

Nicknames of huskies and their uniqueness

It has long been customary to call dogs by one or another nickname depending on their breed. Therefore, now we’ll briefly talk about the nicknames of huskies, which are fundamentally different from all the others with their northeastern charm and non-standard sound. By their nature, huskies are very high level endurance, they instantly react to changes in the environment, are perfectly oriented in any, even unfamiliar, terrain and can easily tolerate the cold. Representatives of this northern breed have a well-developed sense of smell, which has long given them the right to be called hunting dogs - the best among the best. There are also various nicknames for huskies, which have their own classifications and characteristics.

Characteristics of northern breeds

When buying a husky puppy, you should remember that such an animal will quickly wither away in an apartment. Since dogs of this breed need active movement and constant training, the nicknames of huskies should sound as clear as possible and at the same time short. As mentioned earlier, a dog’s nickname can affect both its character and its vital activity, therefore, by naming your pet Crystal, be sure that you will grow up to be a very moral and arrogant dog. At the same time, his behavior will be calm and balanced. The nicknames of hunting dogs-laikas themselves have a somewhat cold vibration in their sound, and when they are mentioned out loud, the mind seems to be transported to the taiga, covered with snow and ice. They are typical only for representatives of this breed, because you must admit that the nickname “Suga” for a Labrador sounds somewhat ridiculous. Nord, Nuti, Polar, Sakari, Snesh, Fume and many other nicknames of huskies reflect their northern nature, in which lies strength and beauty.

Varieties of nicknames

When choosing a name it is worth great attention pay attention to the sex of the animal. Veterinary psychologists do not recommend giving their pets unisex names, because in this case the boy’s character will become pliable, and the girl will be excessively aggressive. Therefore, the nicknames for female dogs, Laikas, are characterized by softness, brevity and a certain restraint. Among them, such as Shtia, Shuga, Veya, Chena are very popular.

The most common nicknames for huskies

Finally, it is worth noting that often the nicknames of these pets have a geographical attachment. So, a dog of a hunting breed can be called Altai, Yukon, Aldan, Sever, Sayan. Such names have a pronounced Russian flavor, and therefore are very convenient for our compatriots. After all, during a hunt, it is important for the owner to clearly shout out the nickname of his four-legged assistant so that he can carry out any command as quickly as possible.
