How to apply for early retirement. Reducing the retirement age for workers in the Far North and equivalent areas

The main condition under which an unemployed person has the right to apply for early retirement is his dismissal from his previous place of service for one of two reasons clearly stated in the legislation: a reduction in the number of personnel or the liquidation of an enterprise. Other grounds, including valid ones, such as dismissal for medical reasons, do not give such a right.

Age is determined by subtracting the base value - 2 years, from the estimated retirement age. If it is 60 and 55 years for men and women, respectively, only the unemployed who have reached 58 and 53 years of age are eligible for early retirement. However, the Labor Code provides for a number of preferential grounds for lowering this age limit due to special working conditions in certain professions, for example, a bus driver or a teacher. The length of service must be at least 25 and 20 years, respectively.

Only the officially unemployed who are registered with the local employment center can use the right to early retirement, and they must not have a fault for which the accrual of social benefits is temporarily suspended, or two refusals to get a suitable job for them.

How is the clearance

A person dismissed due to a reduction in staff or in connection with the liquidation of an organization must immediately register with the employment authorities at the place of his residence, having a passport, work book and a salary certificate in his hands. For some time he will be offered a job, but if his specialty is rare and highly qualified, labor exchange employees will experience difficulties in selecting jobs for him, and sending people of pre-retirement age for retraining is unprofitable. In this regard, they will issue him an application with a proposal for early retirement, with which the unemployed person must approach the pension authority. If the result of the consideration of the application is positive, he is removed from the register at the employment center and begins to receive a pension. The only caveat is that until the real time is reached, when he would have become, a person does not have the right to get a job, otherwise he will lose his pension.

Since the payments made by the Pension Fund will be compensated by the employment authorities from the budget, the latter may refuse to issue a referral due to exceeding the quota. A person who has faced a refusal and considers it unreasonable can apply to the court or to the regional Ministry of Labor and Employment.

Almost every organization has employees of pre-retirement age. If such an employee decides to leave work with the onset of retirement age (55 years for women and 60 years for men), the manager and accountant need to correctly prepare all documents for his dismissal due to retirement and make an appropriate entry in the work book.


As a manager with a future retiree on your staff, you need to understand that an employee's achievement of the retirement age does not mean his "automatic", day by day, departure for a well-deserved rest. Your veteran may, but is not required to, retire on this basis. He has the right to continue working at your enterprise, and this fact will in no way affect his receipt of an old-age labor pension.

Note: if the threshold of 55 years and 60 years is reached, the employee can quit at any time due to retirement by submitting a letter of resignation of his own free will. Your duty is to fire him on the date he decides. And in this case, you have no right to demand a two-week working off. The entry in the labor will be as follows: “Fired (a) of his own free will in connection with retirement, clause 3, part 1, article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.”

Warn the future pensioner: if he intends to receive a pension immediately from the day when this pension is due to him (that is, from the date of birth), then he must submit an appropriate application to the Pension Fund at the place of residence in advance.

Explain to your employee that he will have to deal with the registration of the pension on his own. A detailed list of the necessary documents for this procedure will be given to him in the Pension Fund. As an employer, you only do the part of the work that is required by law.

What are these obligations?
1. Within 3 working days, issue all documents (copies) that are related to work at this enterprise. These are: a salary certificate, a copy of the work book, certified by the seal of the organization.
2. Within 10 days, submit form SPV-1 to the branch of the Pension Fund. This form contains information about the length of service, as well as accrued pension contributions.

If your subordinate, upon reaching retirement age, quit on this basis, and then was hired by you again, he cannot quit a second time for the same reason. It does not matter whether he worked before his dismissal due to retirement in your organization or with another employer. Thus, if his work book already contains a record of dismissal (in connection with retirement), then upon dismissal in the future, the record will be - “of his own free will”. In this case, he is obliged to work for two weeks (unless there is an additional agreement between the parties).

When applying for a retirement, an employee, as a rule, is given material assistance - a one-time payment dedicated to a significant milestone. If the collective agreement stipulates that material assistance is issued in each case of “parting with the team” of one’s own free will upon reaching an honorable retirement age, then it can be paid more than once.


If a retired employee does not agree to voluntary reimbursement of the missing amount of vacation pay, it is recovered through the court. There is another option: to forgive the debt to the employee if the amount of his debt is small.

Useful advice

If in the year of dismissal the future pensioner was provided with annual paid leave, and by the time of dismissal he did not have time to work it out, the debt can be withheld from the amounts that will be accrued upon dismissal. At the same time, the consent of the employee for the procedure for such withholding is not required.

There is only one limitation: the amount of deduction should not be more than 20% of the final payment due upon dismissal. If this calculation is not enough to pay off the debt, it can be repaid voluntarily (through an application for deduction from the last salary or by depositing excessively received vacation money into the cashier's office).

Advice 3: How to apply for early dismissal to reduce staff

Early dismissal of an employee due to a reduction in the company's staff is formalized by drawing up a special application. This statement expresses the employee's consent to the termination of work ahead of schedule.

The company's right to early termination of relations with a state employee is enshrined in current labor legislation. However, the exercise of this right is possible only if the written consent of the employee for such a procedure is obtained. The need for an appropriate legal mechanism is caused by the fact that sometimes there is simply no work for the downsized employee, since his functions have been completely abolished or transferred to other units. The general procedure for issuing a reduction in staff requires the organization to use the work of such an employee for another two months, however, in some cases, an agreement can be reached on dismissal ahead of schedule.

How to write an application for consent to early dismissal?

The only additional document that is drawn up upon early dismissal of a redundant employee is his own written statement. This document should clearly express consent to the implementation of the relevant procedure. There is no single application form, however, its content should clearly indicate that the employee himself expresses his intention to terminate relations with the company ahead of time, is aware of the consequences of such a decision. The application itself is usually drawn up in response to the proposal of the head of the organization, and when compiling this appeal, the desired date of early dismissal should be indicated.

What payments are due to an employee in case of early dismissal?

Early redundancy is an attractive opportunity for the downsizing worker. The use of this mechanism allows you not to perform labor duties for two months, which are legally established as the period for warning an employee about his upcoming reduction. The employer is obliged to pay the average earnings for the specified period, although the dismissed employee himself during this period may be looking for a new job. At the same time, the implementation of the early dismissal procedure does not affect the amount of other payments and compensations. So, in addition to paying for two months of work that did not take place, the company is obliged to pay such an employee a severance pay, and the employee himself has the right to keep his salary for the period of employment (as a general rule, it is no more than two months).


  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation

The specified list of requirements is enshrined in law "About insurance pensions", but they are introduced gradually. To receive an old-age insurance pension, 15 years of insurance experience will be required for those leaving for retirement after 2024. For 2016, the insurance experience is 7 years, for 2017 - 8 years, for 2018 - 9 years and then until 2024 incrementally.

In the complete absence of seniority (or lack of necessary for appointment), instead of an insurance pension payment, social pensions can be assigned.

  • persons aged 65/60 years, as well as citizens of other states and stateless persons who have lived in Russia for at least 15 years and have reached the above age;
  • citizens from among the peoples of the North aged 55/50 years, permanently residing in the regions of the Far North and equated to it on the date of establishment of the pension.

Is it possible to retire earlier than retirement age?

In connection with the peculiarities of the performance of some work, pensions may be assigned earlier than the generally accepted age. Possibility of retirement ahead of schedule provided in the following cases:

  • When working in industries with difficult or harmful working conditions (for example, in hot shops). The list of specialties that allow attributing production to this category is fixed by law. Such citizens have every right to retire for 5 years before, and in some situations - on 10.
  • If the worker worked in the territory Far North, preferential pension provision is established earlier for 5 years. And if the work was carried out in the specified territories in production with difficult or harmful working conditions, then there is an opportunity to take advantage of a double benefit - to reduce the retirement age according to two criteria at once.
  • For health reasons - citizens who have been established disability in the manner prescribed by law.
  • If a citizen is recognized unemployed provided that the employment service does not have the necessary vacancies and the opportunity to employ this applicant.

The right to early appointment of a labor pension

Some persons, determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, have the right to early retirement. In particular, the following can count on it professional categories of citizens:

  • public transport drivers;
  • miners and other specialties of workers employed in the mining industry;
  • health workers;
  • women men who are part of the crew of different types of ships;
  • teaching staff;
  • creative people.

The right to retire early has been granted to a number of categories of persons, regardless of their work activity, for example, mothers of many children, certain categories of disabled people and citizens with certain diseases. Also, this opportunity exists for northerners, that is, for people who worked or lived for a certain period of time in the Far North.

Preferential harmfulness pension (List 1 and 2)

There are two fairly large lists that list industries, professions and positions that make it possible to retire early. List No. 1 includes 22 such productions, and List No. 2 - 32. But the difference lies not only in quantitative data.

List No. 1 contains a list of industries with the most difficult and harmful working conditions. It:

  • All types of work underground(geological exploration, mining in mines and mines, laying subways and tunnels, etc.).
  • Work in hot shops(glass-making, non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy, production of ceramic products by firing, etc.).
  • Works with very unhealthy and severe working conditions associated with oil refining, the production of electrical equipment, the production of ammunition, etc.

List #2 includes:

  • mining(construction of tunnels and subways, open pit mining, etc.);
  • work in difficult and hazardous conditions(food and light industry, production of medicines, extraction of gas, peat, oil, etc.);
  • work in transport(railway, city, sea, aviation).

Reducing the retirement age

For men who have worked in professions from List No. 1 for at least 10 years and whose insurance experience is 20 years, the retirement age reduced to 50 years. Women on this List are entitled to early retirement in 45 years if there is an experience of 7.5 years of work in a particularly hazardous industry and 15 years of insurance experience. If employees worked in the above industries for less than half of the annual norm of working time, then they are given a pension according to List No. 2.

According to List No. 2, early retirement is due to men in 55 years(experience in insurance - 25 years, experience in "harmfulness" - 12.5 years), and for women - in 50 years(insurance experience - 20 years, experience in "harmfulness" - 10 years). Medical workers (30 years of experience - in the city and in the countryside - 25 years), teachers of municipal educational institutions (with 25 years of experience) are also entitled to receive preferential pensions.

List of individual professions that give the right to early retirement

In addition to the above professions and positions, a preferential pension is available to:

  • pilots;
  • firefighters;
  • skydivers;
  • logging and rafting workers;
  • ballet, theater and circus artists;
  • emergency rescue workers.

Another industry in which a huge number of people work, and which should be separately noted - construction. List No. 537, approved by the Government of Russia on July 18, 2002, includes both management positions and working specialties.

Groups working in construction are legally entitled to receive early retirement:

  • brigade stonecutters and masons;
  • roofers and bitumen workers;
  • machinists of pavers of asphalt concrete;
  • masters and foremen of construction and installation works.

Early retirement for various social categories of citizens

The working-age category of the population was considered above, but there is also a certain list of persons who have the opportunity to enter a well-deserved rest before the established age - the right of these citizens is determined by social circumstances. These include:

  • mothers of many children who gave birth and raised 5 children up to eight years old, and at the same time they must have 15 years of work experience.
  • Parents of disabled children whom they raised until they were eight years old. Early retirement comes earlier by 5 years in the presence of seniority (15 years - mother, 20 years - father).
  • Guardians of disabled children, whom they kept and raised up to 8 years. They have the right to receive pensions earlier by 5 years.
  • Persons who have become disabled due to war injury and worked for 25 years - men, 20 years - women. They retire 5 years early.
  • Disabled people of the 1st group for vision with an experience of 15 years for men and 10 years for women. They go on a well-deserved rest even earlier: at the age of 50 - men, at 40 - women.
  • Citizens who are disproportionate dwarfs diagnosed with pituitary dwarfism with a work experience of 20 years for men and 15 years for women: men become pensioners at 45, women - at 40.

Pension in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas

Citizens who live in the regions of the North, and persons who previously worked in these regions, regardless of their current place of residence, are granted the right to:

  1. on the preferential old-age insurance pension;
  2. on the fixed payment increase to one of the types of pension insurance: for old age, for the loss of a breadwinner, or for disability.

Early retirement granted:

  • Citizens who worked in the North 15 years or 17 years in areas that are equated to the north. They can retire 5 years earlier with a total of 25 years for men and 20 years for women.
  • Indigenous residents of the Far North who worked as commercial fishermen, hunters and reindeer herders for 25 years for men and 20 years for women. Go to retirement 10 years earlier than the general term.
  • Women who have given birth to 2 children or more and worked for 12 years in the North or 17 years in an area equated to the north, with a total experience of 20 years.

The fixed payment to the insurance pension is increased by the regional coefficient, which is established by the Government of the Russian Federation for the entire stay in these areas. When a citizen leaves their localities for another place of residence, the amount of pension provision is considered without taking into account this coefficient.

Social pension for the small peoples of the North

To establish a social pension for these citizens, there are certain conditions:

  • age 55/50 years for men and women, respectively;
  • belonging to the small peoples of the North.

Since January 1, 2015, a new condition has appeared - permanent residence in the areas of residence of the small peoples of the North.

To establish a social pension, a person must have a document that confirms belonging to the small peoples of the North. Such a document is a passport or a birth certificate, which indicates nationality. If this information is not in the documents, they are confirmed by a certificate issued by the community of indigenous small peoples of the North.

When this category of persons leaves for a new place of residence in an area that does not belong to the areas of residence of the indigenous peoples of the North, the payment of a pension is suspended, because. the right to this type of social pension provision is considered lost.

Early retirement pensions for unemployed citizens

Unemployed citizens can apply for a pension ahead of schedule, if observed a number of conditions:

  • in accordance with the established procedure, the employment center recognized the citizen as unemployed;
  • the employment service does not have the opportunity to employ a citizen;
  • the citizen was fired because there was a liquidation of the enterprise or the activity of the individual entrepreneur ceased, the number or staff of workers was reduced;
  • the availability of an offer from the employment center on the early establishment of a pension for the unemployed;
  • insurance period of the unemployed: 20 and 25 years (for women and men, respectively) and, if necessary, the length of service in the relevant jobs;
  • the minimum number of pension points (in 2018 - 13.8 points);
  • reaching a certain age;
  • application of a person for early retirement.

The PFR issues an early pension to the unemployed at the request of the employment service and with the consent of the citizen no earlier than 2 years before the right to an insurance pension on preferential terms appears, including.

In the event of the above circumstances, the old-age insurance pension will be established:

  • men with 58 years old with insurance experience of 25 years;
  • women with 53 years old with 20 years of experience.

When to contact the Pension Fund for an appointment?

Making an early pension requires a careful approach from the pensioner. timely preparation necessary documents and certificates - the key to receiving a well-deserved pension without problems and delays.

The pension provision is established from the date when the citizen applied for it, but not before the right to receive the provision appeared. The date of circulation is the date when the PFR receives all the necessary papers along with the application. When sending them by mail, the day of circulation is the date on the postmark.

The fact of acceptance of documents is confirmed by a receipt-notification issued to the person. If the documents are sent by mail, a receipt is either handed out or also sent by mail. Missing papers should be submitted within 3 months from the date of application.

According to the current legislation, men retire at the age of 60, women - at 55. However, there are also cases when, subject to strictly regulated conditions, you can start receiving a pension several years ahead of schedule. We will analyze some common situations, such as early retirement, early retirement with a reduction, and others.

Categories of persons applying for early retirement

Many people are concerned about the question, is it possible to retire early? This is possible, but only if assigned to at least one of the following categories, which are entitled to a preferential pension:

  1. Women with at least 5 children are eligible to apply for a pension from the age of 50. It is necessary to fulfill 2 important conditions: the duration of the insurance period is not less than 15 years and the upbringing of each child is not less than 8 years.
  2. Men from 55 and women from 50 can apply for early retirement if they are the parents of a disabled child since childhood. This right is granted only to the mother or father of one unhealthy child. A prerequisite: the length of the insurance period is at least 20 years for men and 15 years for women. For the appointment of an early pension, it is necessary that the child being brought up has reached at least 8 years of age - the age when skills for self-service appear. This rule also applies to guardians raising children with disabilities. At the same time, every 1.5 years of raising a disabled child is counted as 1 year of reducing the retirement age, but in total up to 5 years. Such relief for these categories of people is associated with significant financial costs and increased emotional stress experienced in the upbringing of sick children.
  3. Unemployed citizens who do not have the opportunity to find a job after the reduction or liquidation of the enterprise. Early retirement on downsizing is usually offered by the employment service. It requires the consent of the employee himself and the simultaneous fulfillment of the following requirements:
    • reaching a specific age: women 53 years old, men 57 years old;
    • official recognition of a citizen as unemployed;
    • the development of a full length of service, allowing you to retire in old age;
    • the impossibility of providing a suitable place of work by the employment service;
    • the reason for dismissal is not related to the professional skills of the employee (liquidation of the organization, reduction in staff or the total number of employees).
  4. Visually handicapped. This applies to disabled people of only group I. Women retire on this basis at 40 years old, men - at 50 years old, if they have worked out 10 and 15 years of service by that time, respectively.
  5. Men who have worked for at least 25 years, and women for 20 years, who subsequently became disabled due to military injuries.
  6. Persons who, due to rare diseases, are dwarfs or midgets and have work experience: women - 15 years, and men - 20 years. They retire at the age of 40 and 45, respectively.
  7. Persons who at least for some time lived and worked in the Far North.
  8. 57-year-old men and 53-year-old women who have insurance experience of 25 and 20 years, respectively, and can confirm the following types of work:
  • textile production with increased severity;
  • work with very difficult working conditions;
  • underground work;
  • pedagogical activity;
  • medical activity.

Documents for early retirement

To apply for and start receiving a preferential pension, you must submit the following documents:

  • passport with a photocopy of all its pages;
  • work book;
  • military ID (if necessary, military service);
  • certificates of average monthly wages for the past 5 years of work.

Depending on the circumstances for which early retirement is assigned, additional documents are submitted:

  • about disability;
  • confirming the disability of a family member and his being dependent;
  • evidence of sufficient insurance experience for retirement;
  • about the place of residence and work in the Russian Federation or abroad;
  • about changing the surname;
  • on confirmation of visual disability or on the presence of serious illnesses;
  • about the birth of a child and his upbringing up to 8 years;
  • on attribution to the peoples of the North or confirming activity in the Far North.

How to retire early?

Registration of a preferential pension is regulated by Article 32 of the Law of Russia "On Employment of the Population". The decision is made by the employees of the employment service. Each specific case is considered on an individual basis. If a person has the right to apply for early retirement, he/she must:

  1. Prepare and submit an application to the employment service.
  2. Get an offer and referral for a preferential pension.
  3. These documents, together with a certificate of the periods of work included in the length of service, should be sent to the body involved in pension provision.
  4. The pension fund decides whether it is expedient to appoint an early pension and notifies the employment service of this.

When deciding on the appointment of an early pension, this person is deprived of the opportunity to receive unemployment benefits. The pension fund assumes the obligation to reimburse the costs associated with the preferential payment of pensions. If during this time a citizen manages to officially find a job, then early old-age pension is not paid, and upon entering the retirement age, payments are resumed.

Russian legislation allows cases of official registration of an insurance pension before reaching the established age.


Citizens who have not reached the milestone of compulsory employment (55th anniversary for women, 60th anniversary for men), in some cases, may qualify for support from the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR). Early retirement pension is a separate type of pension payments, assigned indefinitely.

Attention: in order to obtain the right to early material maintenance from the FIU, you must:

  • have insurance experience in a particular profession;
  • evidence of inclusion in the privileged category of citizens.

The legislative framework

Early retirement is laid down in the regulatory and legislative framework. This is the kind of content provided to individual meritorious citizens. The state believes that these individuals have made a special contribution to the development of society and the economy.

The reform of the pension system has led to the fact that many legislative acts have changed. Nevertheless, they still contain clauses regulating the early appointment of old-age maintenance.

In particular, the main norms are contained in the laws:

Who can claim early retirement benefits

In the general definition of the retirement age, boundaries for men and women are laid down separately (as indicated above). However, some citizens, on completely legal grounds, leave their place of service earlier than others. In particular, the categories of persons included in this group according to social characteristics include:

  1. Mothers who have had more than five children, provided that everyone in her family has a life expectancy of at least 8 years, will be able to retire at 50.
  2. Women who gave birth and raised 3 children apply for pension registration at 57 years old, 4 - at 56- if they have an insurance period of 15 years and raising these children for at least 8 years;
  3. A parent looking after a disabled child. The age limit for a minor is the same;
  4. A person who, as a result of a military injury, received a disability;
  5. Disabled people of the 1st group for vision;
  6. Citizens who have been diagnosed with dwarfism or other pathology of growth;
  7. Residents or workers of the Far North (from January 1, 2019, these citizens will be able to retire only upon reaching the age of 55 and 60 - for women and men, respectively).
Important: the government of the Russian Federation approved a list of hazardous and hazardous industries, whose employees, with a certain length of service, also receive the right to an early pension. According to the new pension reform, persons from the so-called “small list” according to the criteria of the severity / harmfulness of working conditions retained their pension privileges.

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Criteria for eligibility for early retirement support

Article 30 of Law No. 400-FZ contains rules for the appointment of an early payment from the PFR.

  1. In particular, for its registration, a citizen is required to have a certain number of individual pension coefficients (IPC). This indicator was introduced only in 2015. Its size for a preferential pension is set at 30 points.
  1. Citizens who worked in special conditions must confirm the transfer of additional contributions to the FIU (carried out by the enterprise).
Important: early retirement is determined both by the age of the applicant and by the presence of a certain length of service in the profession.

Preferential pension appointment of a mother of many children

At the age of 50, a woman who meets the following criteria is eligible to apply for early maintenance:

  • having given birth to five or more children;
  • who raised at least five of them until the age of eight;
  • accumulated 30 points;
  • insurance experience of more than 15 years.

For information: the same rights are established for women who:

  • worked for at least 12 years in the Far North;
  • have more than 20 years of experience;
  • gave birth to two or more children.

Adopted children are included in the number of children when determining the right to a preferential pension. In addition, the mother is allowed to transfer the right to the benefit to her husband - the father of the children. He will be given a pension after his 55th birthday. However, whether this right will remain after January 1, 2019 (due to pension reform) is not yet known.

Retirement benefits for disabled people and their caregivers

If there is an insurance period, the state guarantees premature pension provision to people who have received a disability.

  • by sight;
  • due to military trauma;
  • in connection with the problems that led to the disproportion of growth (midgets and dwarfs).

People who cared for the disabled also have an early retirement age. It is proportional to the number of years of care:

  • for 1 year of guardianship, age reduction by 1 year and 6 months;
  • the total period does not exceed five years.
Attention: the appointment is carried out by the specialists of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation upon the provision of documents substantiating this preference.

Pension privileges for certain categories of employees after January 1, 2019

In view of the pension reform that has begun, after January 1, 2019, many pension beneficiaries will lose all or part of their retirement age benefits.

This will in particular affect:

  • teachers- the requirements for special experience will remain the same - 25 years, however, they will have the actual opportunity to retire only after a certain time has passed.
    • if the necessary special experience has been developed by 2019, then actual retirement will become possible only after 1 year;
    • by 2020 - in 2;
    • by 2021 - in 3
    • by 2022 - in 4;
    • by 2023 and later - in 5.

It is also worth recalling here that maternity periods are not included in the special experience, but only in the general labor (insurance) period. Which suggests for many women an almost complete loss of the meaning of early retirement.

  • health workers- it's even worse here. In most cases, the special experience is 30 years, and only for those working in rural areas and in especially harmful conditions is it set at the level of 25 years. The actual retirement for them is now also delayed by several years. And the special experience, in addition to the decree, also does not include the time spent at the institute. This means that in most cases it will be easier to get a regular old-age pension than to wait for a preferential one.
  • creative workers- special experience - 15-20 years, but the actual retirement after 2023 can take place only after 5 years.
  • workers of the North with 15 years of experience in the Far North or 20- in equated localities - annually the actual age of their retirement will increase by 1 year. From 2023, it will reach 55 years for women and 60 for men.

Pension preferences for the indigenous peoples of the North

Preferential establishment of maintenance at the expense of the FIU for representatives of the indigenous peoples of the North is determined by Article 11 of the Federal Law No. 166. In particular, they may qualify for early payments provided:

  1. Evidence of belonging to ethnic groups enshrined in government decree No. 1049 of 01.10.2015.
  2. Achievements of 50 years for women and 55 years for men.
  3. Permanent residence in traditional territories for peoples.
Attention: when changing their place of residence, these citizens lose their right to preferential payments. It is being restored after moving to the traditional settlement zone.

Evidence of belonging to the peoples of the North is considered:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • birth certificate;
  • certificate from the indigenous community.

Rules for obtaining an early pension for the unemployed

In some cases, early retirement support is offered to citizens by a government agency.
This is due to the current situation. The conditions for acquiring the right to early retirement are as follows:

  1. Dismissal or reduction from the job.
  2. Acquisition of the status of the unemployed.
  3. Age: 53 for women and 58 for men.
  4. The presence of insurance experience of 20 and 25 years, respectively.
  5. Lack of suitable vacancies in the region.
Attention! These rules are valid until January 1, 2019. After this date, persons who are not more than 5 years short of retirement will be considered pre-pensioners. It is not yet known whether the rules on the registration of early pensions for unemployed pre-pensioners on the proposal of the OSZN will continue to be applied. Important: the unemployed must strictly comply with the requirements of the specialists of the employment authority. If there are complaints or faults, the right to early retirement is lost.
  1. Pension payments to the unemployed are established only until they reach the legal age. After that, they should apply to the FIU for the usual content required by law.
  2. In case of employment or registration of individual entrepreneurship, payments from the PFR budget are suspended.
  3. However, the repeated loss of work or the closure of the business leads to their resumption.

Important! From January 1, 2019, for unemployed pre-pensioners who are officially registered with the CZN, increased social payments will be established - 11.280 rubles. The duration of their provision for this particular category of citizens will be up to 12 months.

In addition, before January 1, 2019, the country will have to develop programs to promote the employment of people of pre-retirement age, including opportunities for their training, advanced training and full or partial retraining.

General procedure for registration of pension maintenance ahead of schedule

To receive preferential old-age maintenance, you must proactively apply to the PFR department.
It is allowed to do so:

  • personally;
  • through an Internet connection through the official website of the PFR;
  • by mail;
  • through contacting the multifunctional center;
  • through a representative (a notarized power of attorney is required).

An application must be submitted to the department, to which documents confirming the rights are attached. The package includes the following papers:

  1. a copy and original of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  2. work book, including copies of all pages;
  3. military ID (if available);
  4. official documents confirming the experience (possibly archival certificates);
  5. income statements for any period of 60 months:
    • specified in the work book in a row, without exception;
    • with the highest salary
    • in terms since 2002.
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List of additional documents confirming the right to preferences

In order to receive preferential support, you must prove belonging to the appropriate category. To do this, you need to choose from the list of papers suitable for a particular situation:

  1. official data on dependents;
  2. address reference;
  3. disability certificate;
  4. certificate of children raised up to 8 years (or more);
  5. information about the composition of the family;
  6. birth certificates of all children;
  7. certificate of guardianship.
Attention: to confirm work in northern conditions, you will probably need a certificate from the enterprise administration or copies of orders for employment and dismissal.

The order of consideration and decision

It is recommended to check all collected papers:

  • they must be drawn up on the appropriate forms;
  • have the signature of the head, certified by the seal;
  • be supplied with details of the organization, date of issue.
  1. The application is considered by the FIU specialists in a general manner. This takes ten working days.
  2. If necessary, the applicant is given three months to collect additional papers. The date of appointment of the pension indicated in the application does not change.
  3. If a decision to refuse is made, the applicant is informed of this in writing within five days. The message states:
    • grounds for refusal;
    • the procedure and conditions for appealing such a decision.

Rights of early retirees

The right of a person who, in accordance with the law, claims pension preferences, is protected by the state.

  1. Thus, the government of the Russian Federation adopted regulations governing the work with the documents of these persons. Order No. 258n dated March 31, 2011 approved the list of types of labor activity subject to confirmation when applying to the PFR authorities ahead of schedule.
  2. In addition, employees of the Pension Fund do not have the right to demand papers that they can obtain on their own initiative from other state bodies.
Attention: information on periods after 2002 related to grace periods is available to the FIU. As a rule, it does not require confirmation. Download for viewing and printing:

How the total is calculated

The calculation of early appointment is carried out according to the general formula:

  • SDP \u003d PIK x C x K + BV x K, where:
  • SLP - the amount of early pension;
  • PIK - the total value of earned pension coefficients;
  • C - the price of one point on the date of the pension;
  • K - increasing factor;
  • BV - basic payment for the year of appointment.

An example of early retirement

Citizen S. was dismissed from the enterprise at the age of 53:

  1. The woman worked all her life in this organization as a specialist in rare insects, having received the specialty of an entomologist in her youth.
  2. She registered with the employment authorities on time, providing all the necessary documents.
  3. There was no organization in the region of residence that would require a specialist entomologist.
  4. The woman regularly went to interviews.
  5. From vacancies did not refuse due to the lack of those.
  6. Taking into account her age and the rarity of the profession, the specialists of the Employment Center offered her an early pension.
  7. The woman agreed, as there was no hope of employment.
  8. She applied to the FIU with a package of necessary documents.
  9. The Pension Fund made a positive decision on the appointment of an early old-age pension.

Attention: often, citizens have several preferential grounds for receiving premature payments from the PFR budget. You can find out about them at the consultation with a specialist of this body.

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Due to objective reasons in Russia, the retirement age will only be increased in the coming decades. Most likely, the decision to raise the retirement age will be made before 2020. Therefore, the issue of benefits in pension provision, the possibility of taking a well-deserved rest before the specified age, and preferential calculation of length of service becomes especially relevant.

What does the law say about early retirement?

Changes in the social security schemes of Russians and new methods of calculating benefits were established by a new law on pensions, which entered into force on January 1, 2015. The innovations include the mandatory linking of the possibility of early assignment of a pension to the presence of an individual pension coefficient in the amount determined by law for an insured citizen.

To better plan their education and future careers, future generations need to know who can retire early. In accordance with the law, the list of persons who can do this is quite wide, and the conditions that make it possible to receive such benefits are different. The list of citizens who can retire early is given in the articles of the law 30-32 No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 “On insurance pensions”.

Most cases of early retirement for privileged categories of citizens provide not only for the development of a certain length of service, but also for reaching a certain age - 45-55 years. For some professions (teachers, doctors), such an opportunity was established according to the length of service, namely after a certain length of service had been gained. So, who can retire early and how to do it?

Individuals who may qualify for this benefit

Many people are interested in learning about the possibility of early retirement. It really exists, but only for certain categories of citizens:

  • For women with at least five children. They can go on a well-deserved rest upon reaching the age of 50 and subject to two important conditions - they must have at least 15 years of insurance experience, and each child must be raised for at least 8 years. It will be a preferential early retirement.
  • Men from 55, and women from 50, when they are considered the parents of a disabled child from childhood. A prerequisite is the presence of at least 20 years for a man and 15 for a woman of insurance experience. To do this, it is necessary that the child being brought up has reached the age of at least 8 years and has the skills of self-service. To fall under this norm can also include guardians raising children with disabilities. In addition, out of 1.5 years of raising such a child, only one year is counted towards reducing the retirement age, and in total - up to five years.

Who else is eligible for early retirement? Unemployed citizens who are unable to find employment after the liquidation of the enterprise or downsizing.

A well-deserved rest before the due date after the reduction is usually offered by an employment service employee. This will require the consent of the citizen and the fulfillment of certain requirements:

  • the reason for dismissal should not be the professional skills of the employee (permissible reasons: reduction in the total number of employees, staff or liquidation of the organization);
  • achievement by men of 57 years of age, and by women of 53 years of age;
  • the impossibility of the employment service to provide a suitable place of work;
  • full development of seniority, which allows you to go on vacation in old age.

The visually impaired of the 1st group also belong to this category. On this basis, women can apply for a benefit from the age of 40, and for men - from 50, in the case when they have already worked out an experience corresponding to 10 and 15 years.

Also, the right to early retirement is granted to men who have worked for at least 25, and women for 20 years and who later became disabled due to a military injury.

Citizens who are midgets or dwarfs due to the presence of rare diseases and have a work experience of 20 years for men and 15 for women. They can retire at the age of 40 and 45.

People who have worked in the Far North for at least some period of time.

As well as 53-year-old women and 57-year-old men who have an insurance record of 20 and 25 years and are able to confirm the performance of certain types of work:

  • underground work;
  • medical activity;
  • textile production of increased severity;
  • pedagogical activity;
  • work under extremely difficult working conditions.

How to retire early and what documents are required?

There are a number of documents that need to be submitted in order to apply for the benefit. These include:

  1. Information about the average monthly earnings for the past 5 years.
  2. Passport with attached photocopies of all pages.
  3. Military ID, if there is a need for military service.
  4. Employment history.

Additional documents

Based on the circumstances that served as the reason for early retirement, it will be necessary to submit additional documents. It can be:

  • Certificate confirming activity in the Far North or belonging to the peoples of the North.
  • Disability certificate.
  • Certificate of birth and upbringing of a child up to eight years old.
  • Confirmation of a family member's disability and dependent status.
  • Certificate of severe illness or visual impairment.

What needs to be done?

So how do you retire early? Such a benefit is issued in accordance with the regulations of Article 32 of the Russian Law "On Employment of the Population". This decision is made by the employees of the employment service. Each specific case is considered individually. If a citizen is entitled to early well-deserved rest, he needs:

  1. Prepare and send an application to the employment service.
  2. Get a referral and an offer to apply for benefits.
  3. All these documents and a certificate of working periods included in the length of service are sent to the body that deals with pensions.
  4. The Pension Fund decides on the advisability of appointing an early pension and notifies the employment service of this.


If a positive decision is made, the person is deprived of the opportunity to receive unemployment benefits. The Pension Fund assumes the obligation to reimburse the costs associated with the preferential payment.

In the event that a citizen finds a job during this period, the old-age benefits are not paid, but are renewed upon entering retirement age.

We looked at how to retire early. We hope you find the information useful.
