Abstract of the lesson on experiments in the preparatory group. Game "Good - Bad"

Municipal Preschool educational institution combined type № 35

Completed by: Kolveivina Anastasia Vladimirovna, educator of the compensatory type group, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, 2015


  1. Introduce children to the properties of air (odorless, colorless, heats up and rises when heated) and ways to find it. give to children elementary representations about the sources of air pollution, about the importance of clean air for our health.
  2. Develop cognitive activity children in the process of experimentation
  3. Educate in children cognitive interest the ability to see the amazing in the world.

Material: Balloons different colors and sizes, plastic bags for each child, straws, plastic cups, 2 jars of tight lids, small stones, 2 large basins of water, hot water in a thermos, 1 empty bottle).

Characters: Educator (IN), children (e).

B: Hello guys! How glad I am to see you! Do you know that today is a holiday? balloons? See what beautiful balls I brought: red, green, and what happened to the blue balloon? He became somewhat sad, small.

D: (answers).

Q: - And what needs to be done to make the ball round and elastic?

D: You need to push it harder.

V: - Really? Now I'll put it on (inflate). That's how beautiful he turned out! I wonder what he has inside, look?

D: Air.

Q: What kind of air? I can not see anything!

D: (answers)

Q: -Can you see the air? And why do you think?

Q: - It turns out that the air is transparent, colorless and invisible.

Q: - Guys, is it possible to touch the air? And to catch? I figured out how we can catch the air and see what it's like.

Take plastic bag. See what's in it? (it's empty).

Q: - Yes, it is empty, it can be folded several times. Look how thin he is. Now we draw air into the bag and twist the bag. What happened to the package? Indeed, the bag has changed shape, it is full of air. What does it look like?

D: (answers).

Q: - It looks like a pillow. The air took up all the space in the bag. Now untie the bag and let the air out of it. What changed? The package is empty again. I wonder why?

D: (answers).

Q: - Yes, guys, you are right, the air is transparent, and in order to see it, you need to catch it. And we were able to do it! We caught the air and locked it in the bag and then let it out. So there is air around us. But I wonder if there is air inside us, what do you think?

D: (answers).

Q: Let's check it out!

Q: - Guys, let's blow into a tube lowered into a glass of water quietly, quietly. And let's see what happens.

Q: - Guys, what is happening with water?

D: Bubbles come out.

Q: Bubbles? How did they get there? There was only water in the glass

D: (answers).

Q: - I understood that the bubbles are the air that is inside us. We blow into a tube and it comes out in the form of bubbles. But in order to blow more, we first inhale new air, and then exhale through a tube and bubbles are obtained.

Passes through the nose to the chest

And the reverse is on its way.

He is not visible, and yet

We cannot live without it / air /.

Q: Let's blow harder and see what happens.

Q: Wow, the bubbles are rising so fast. Does this remind me of something, what does it look like, guys?

Q: - Answers. Exactly, it looks like a storm. And on the ringing drops, but on the playful icicle??? When the icicle drips, bubbles also appear in the puddles. Let's show a playful icicle.

Fizminutka "Naughty Icicle" .

A playful icicle sat on the ledge,

The playful icicle looked down

See what to do.

I started throwing drops.

Two icicles looked down

And they rang in the sun.

Ding, ding. Cap, cap.

Q: Guys, I completely forgot. When I was walking to the kindergarten, I found a basket on the way. Let's see together what's out there. (open, look).

Q:- What is it?

D: (pebbles; answers).

Q: - What do you think you can do with pebbles?

D: (answers).

Q: - Yes, I also saw in the yard how children throw stones into a puddle. And let's put these pebbles in the water and see what happens, what do you think?

Q: - Guys, what do we see when we lower the pebbles into the water?

Q: - I wonder why the pebbles sink?

D: (answers)

Q: - It turns out that the pebbles are heavy, so they sink.

Q: - Yes, how much I learned about air, but I wonder if we put the ball into the water, will they drown?

D: (answers)

Q: Why do you think so?

D: (answers)

Q: Let's check (dip the ball into a cup of water).

Q: - Strange, the pebbles sank, but the ball did not. Why is this happening guys? What do you think?

D: (answers).

Q: - It turns out that the ball does not sink, because it is lighter than water, and the pebbles are heavier, so they sink, displacing air from the water, so bubbles appear.

Q: - Yes, guys, we are surrounded by cold air. But it is interesting to say that if you heat the air, it will rise, and what do you guys think? how does it happen?

D: (answers).

Q: Let's check if this is true. Sit on the chairs, now I'll show you interesting experience: I take empty glass bottle, put on the balloon, and put the bottle in hot water, let's see what happens.

Q: - See what happens to the ball?

D: (answers).

Q: - Indeed, the balloon is inflated, why do you think? It turns out that the air is heated in the bottle, expands and rises, so the balloon is inflated. yes you are right that hot air lighter than cold.

Q: - Guys, let's see what else is in our basket.

Q: - What is it? They must be magical jars.

Q: Look, is there anything in them?

D: (answers).

Q: - That's right, the air, but how it smells delicious, smell what it smells like?

D: (answers)

Q: - It really smells like coffee.

Q: - Guys, let's check what is in the second jar.

Q: What does the air in this jar smell like? (garlic).

Q: Why do you think both jars are empty and smell different?

D: (answers).

Q: - It turns out that the air does not have its own smell. Clean air doesn't smell. The smell is given to it by other substances that come into contact with it.

Q: - And I think why it smells different everywhere, one smell on the street, another in the room, and it's the air's fault: it appropriates other people's smells. Just recently I was walking down the street, and a car drove by, and I started sneezing, and sneezing for so long that my nose was swollen. Why is this happening, guys, do you know?

D: (answers).

Q: - It turns out that I breathed dirty air and sneezed. Yes, now I will walk the streets more carefully, I will close my mouth, I will hold my nose, and I will not breathe dirty air. You agree with me?

D: (answers).

Q: We'll check it out now. Let's close our mouths and pinch our noses, see how we feel.

Q: - Indeed, without air we feel bad.

Q: - Guys, what do you think, what kind of air is necessary for human life? D: (answers).

Q: - What do you think is the air in the city: clean or dirty? Why?

D: (answers).

Q: - And where can you breathe clean and fresh air? (Outdoors).

Q:- And now I propose to play a game called "Magic ball" . We will all stand in a circle and pass the balloon to each other and tell everything we learned about air today.

V: Well done! Guys, I was so interested with you, but did you like the lesson? What was difficult? What's interestnig?

Abstract of an open lesson

for experimental research experimental activities

in preschool group

Subject: « Amazing Properties magnet"

Target: to acquaint children with a physical phenomenon - magnetism, a magnet and its properties on the basis of experimental activity.


Educational: to form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba magnet and its property to attract metal objects; find out through which materials the magnet acts; introduce the concept of "magnetism" into the speech of children; to introduce the use of a magnet by a person.

Developing: to develop the desire for knowledge through experimental research activities, to activate the vocabulary of children, the ability to draw conclusions.

Educational: contribute to the education of independence, initiative, development communicative qualities.

Equipment and materials: magnets of different sizes (for each child), metal, plastic, wood, glass, paper objects, glasses of water, car routes drawn on A4 cardboard, disposable plates, a ball.

Preliminary work: a conversation about research institutes (what they do, who works ...).

move research experimental activities

Children and guests sit on chairs

Dear junior employees, today guests came to our research institute named after Magnitolika to see what our institute is doing.

Let's say hello to them!

Children say hello

Guys, late last night some object was brought to our institute for research, try to guess what kind of object it is?

It happens small, big,

Iron is very friendly with him.

Children's answers

That's right, a magnet!

caregiver takes a magnet out of the box and shows

Here is an ordinary magnet in front of you,
He keeps many secrets in himself.

Who knows what a magnet is?

Children's answers

(This is a stone that attracts iron objects to itself ...)


Do you know why this stone is called that?

Children's answers

Then I suggest you listen to one old legend about unusual stone


(Legend usually describes events that actually happened)

In the old days they told that there is a huge mountain at the end of the world, near the sea. At the foot of this mountain, a long time ago, people found stones with unprecedented power - to attract certain objects to themselves. Not far from the mountain was the city of Magnesia, where the brave knight Magnitolik lived. Like all knights, he wore armor made of iron, and therefore was not afraid of anything, neither enemy arrows, nor wild animals. Magnitolik boldly walked around wherever he wanted. Only in one place I have never been - near that very mountain. From childhood, his mother told him that not a single knight could pass by her. The mountain attracts them to itself and does not let them go anymore ... But Magnitolik was very brave, and he was curious what kind of magic was hidden in this place, so he argued that he would pass the mountain and return to the city alive and unharmed. But no matter how strong and courageous Magnitolik was, the mountain still pulled him to itself. The radio was not only brave, but also smart. He found a way to get rid of her and freed all the knights.

Guys, did you guess what this mountain was called?

Children's answers

(Magnetic Mountain)

What do you think Magnitolic found a way to get rid of this mountain?

Children's answers

(He took off his armor, made of metal, iron…)

Right! The magnet has unique ability attract metal objects. And to check whether this is so, I invite you and our guests to go to Magic world experiments and experiments with this amazing stone on the basis of our Magnitolik Institute.

The teacher invites the children to the tables. On the tables there is everything necessary for experiments and experiments with a magnet for each child.

Experimental part

Guys, what do you see on your desktops?

Children's answers

(Magnets, paper clips, coins, carnations, bottle caps, counting sticks, pieces of cardboard and cloth...)

That's right guys, here are items from different materials. And now we will conduct an experiment with these materials, and check whether the magnet attracts only metal objects or is it just a legend.

Experience #1

You have on the tables, there are objects from different materials. Take a magnet and use it to divide your objects into two groups: in the first group you will have objects that are attracted by a magnet, and in the second group you will have objects that are not attracted by a magnet. Those objects that the magnet attracts, we will put on a pink plate, and those that do not attract, on a blue one.

Children take one object at a time, bring a magnet to itand divide them into bowls

Name the objects attracted by the magnet.

Children's answers

(Papers, coins, carnations...)

- What are objects that are attracted to a magnet made of?

Children's answers

(Made of metal, iron)

What objects are not attracted by a magnet?

(counting sticks, bottle caps, ribbon, cards…)

What are objects made of that are not attracted by a magnet?

Children's answers

(made of wood, plastic, paper, etc.)

Why do you think paper clips, coins, carnations were attracted ...?

Children's answers

(Because they are metal, iron)

That's right, they are all metal, iron. This means that the magnet attracts only metal objects. Items made of other materials are not attracted.

This property of attracting objects to itself is called magnetic force or magnetism, from the word magnet, and materials magnetic.

Conclusion: The magnet only attracts metal objects.

Experience No. 2

Guys, what do you think, if a magnet attracts objects only made of iron, does its force act through an obstacle? For example, cardboard, glass, water?

Children's answers

Fine. Let's check.

The first obstacle we will have is a sheet of ordinary cardboard with a drawn highway. And now we will try to draw an iron object (coin, paper clip) along these paths with the help of a magnet through an obstacle - cardboard.

Children take sheets of cardboard with a route drawn on them and a paper clip from the table.

Imagine the paperclips are the cars and you are the racers. Set your "car" at the start from above, and attach the magnet from below. It is necessary to move the paper clip with the help of a magnet as accurately as possible, without stopping at the curb and without jumping out onto the side of the road.

Reade set Go!

You see, the car moves, repeating the movements of the magnet that you move under the cardboard.

Why is this happening?

Children's answers

(A magnet acts on a metal clip through an obstacle - cardboard ...)

Quite right. The force of the magnet, passing through the cardboard, attracts metal paper clips (coins) and forces them to follow the magnet. This means that the force of the magnet acts through the barrier.

Conclusion: The magnet retains its property and acts through the barrier - cardboard.

Experience No. 3

Guys, what do you think, if a magnet acts through an obstacle - cardboard, does it act through other obstacles, for example - glass, water and other obstacles?

Children's answers

Let's check.

You have glasses of water on the tables. Throw a paperclip at it and pretend it's a sunken ship.

Do you think we can use a magnet through the glass to get a sunken ship from the bottom of the sea?

Children's answers

Then let's check.

We lean the magnet against the glass at the level of the paper clip. After the paperclip approaches the wall of the glass, slowly move the magnet up the wall.

What do we see?

Children's answers

(The paperclip follows the movement of the magnet and moves up...)

Can a magnet attract through an obstacle - glass?

Children's answers

What can we conclude?

Conclusion: The magnet retains its properties and can act through an obstacle - glass.

Experience No. 4

And now let's check if the magnet acts through the barrier - water.

There are glasses of water in front of you. Take a paper clip, a coin, a button and throw them into this glass, they will play the role of various debris in the pond, and we will try to clean this pond of debris with a magnet and find out if the magnet retains its properties to attract metal objects through the barrier - water.

Take a magnet and put it in water. What do we see?

Children's answers

(Objects are magnetized through water...)

So with the help of a magnet, we did a good deed and cleaned the pond!

What conclusion can we draw from this experiment?

Conclusion: The magnet retains its properties and can act through water.

Well, it's time to relax a little, and I invite you to play the game "Attract - not attract."

The teacher invites the children to the carpet

Ball game "It will attract - it will not attract"

(The ball is a magnet, the children are an object that the teacher calls. Children must determine whether they are attracted by the magnet or not, in accordance - they catch or do not catch the ball).

The teacher invites the children to return to their jobs

Experience No. 5

Let's continue with the magnet. I take a magnet, I bring a paper clip to it. She pulled herself up. I bring the second to the paperclip, it was also attracted, now - the third. A chain of staples formed. Now I will carefully take the first paperclip with my fingers and remove the magnet. Look closely the chain is not broken. The paper clips, being next to the magnet, became magnetized and became magnets, but the paper clips have magnetic properties for a short time. The magnet can be not only permanent, but also temporary.

Children repeat the experience

What conclusion can we draw?

Conclusion: Under the influence of a magnet, metal objects are magnetized and themselves on a short time become magnets.

Guys, do you know that a magnet has two poles: north and south?

Children's answers

Who knows? Which poles attract and which repel?

Children's answers

(If the poles are different, they attract, if they are the same, they repel)

Want to check it out. Then I will now go to each of you, and you will put your magnet on each side of my magnet and find out if this is so.

The teacher approaches everyone, the children apply a magnet

The result of experimental activities

This concludes our work for today. Let's remember:

What amazing stone did we meet today? (Magnet)

What objects are attracted by a magnet? (Metal)

What is the property of attracting objects to oneself called? (Magnetism, from the word magnet, and objects are magnetic)

What are the properties of a magnet?

(A magnet attracts only metal objects; A magnet acts through an obstacle - cardboard, glass, water ...; Under the influence of a magnet, metal objects are magnetized and become magnets for a short time).

How many poles does a magnet have?

(Two - north and south)

Where in our environment can we see magnets?

Children's answers

(Magnets on a board to hold pictures, letters and numbers on magnets, pictures with magnets…)

Guys, do you know where else magnets are used?

Children's answers

(In medicine, in various devices, for cleaning reservoirs, as search engines, in the construction and repair of underwater structures, since it is convenient to hold tools with their help)

If the children find it difficult to answer, then the teacher helps them

Well done, you did a good job today, learned a lot about amazing stone magnet. You were true explorers. Thank you for your scientific work. Let's say goodbye to our guests.

Form of study: unconventional occupation By research activities children.
Purpose: To improve children's ideas about the liquid state of water.

Program content:

Contribute to the accumulation in children of specific ideas about the properties, forms and types of water;

Develop speech, thinking, curiosity;

To develop an ecological culture;

Develop the ability to draw conclusions, inferences;

Cultivate accuracy at work.

Equipment: transparent plastic cups, containers different shapes, flour, salt, sugar, ascorbic acid, milk, picture, paints, brush, cotton wool, handkerchief, funnel, vegetable oil, pipette, herbal infusion, mint oil, napkins, audio recording "Water", cocktail tubes, a jug of water.

Methods and techniques:

Organizing time

art word

Clarifications, polls, game techniques

Algorithms for compiling a model of activity stages

Experiences and experiments as a method of increasing cognitive activity.

Organization of children: children are freely located around the table for experiments and research.

Lesson progress

Part I: Introductory

Sounds like a babbling brook. The teacher reads a poem

Have you heard of water?
They say it's everywhere!
In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean
And at the faucet
Like an icicle, it freezes
Creeps into the forest with mist,
Boiling on the stove
The steam of the kettle hisses.
We can't wash without her
Don't eat, don't drink!
I dare to tell you:
We cannot live without her.

N. Ryzhova

Educator: Guys, what is water for, who needs water? (children's answers). Do you want to know more about water? (children's answers). Then go to this table where they are waiting for us various items for water research.

Part II: Experiments

What shape is the water? There is a cube and a ball on the table. The teacher asks what shape these objects are (children's answers). Does water have a shape? To do this, take a narrow jar and fill it with water. Pour this water into a wide jar. The form that water takes is constantly changing.

Conclusion: water has no form and takes the form of the vessel in which it is located. Water is a liquid. Remember the puddles after the rain. On the road, they spread, collect in the pits, and they are not visible into the ground, only the ground is wet. And so water has no form. The teacher shows the children an algorithm that symbolizes that water has no form, and hangs it on a magnetic board.

What color is the water? Take two glasses - one with water and the other with milk. Take a picture and put it behind a glass of water. Can we see the picture? (children's answers) Now let's put a picture behind a glass of milk. What have we discovered? Conclusion: the pattern is visible through water, but not through milk. Means water clear liquid. Clear water can be made opaque. To do this, wet the brush and dip it into the paint. We add paint little by little, observing how the transparency of the water changes. We look through it at the picture. The picture is not visible. And so, we conclude that water is a transparent liquid, using an algorithm that symbolizes this property of water. And post it on the board.

Water is a solvent. Does water have a taste? Children taste the water and express their opinion. Then invite one child to stir sugar in water, another - salt, the third - ascorbic acid. After the substances have dissolved, offer to taste the water again. What changed? The water has a taste. The water became sweet, salty, sour. Conclusion: water has no taste. What happened to the substances we put in the water? (children's answers) Now let's try to dissolve flour in water and sunflower oil. Two children complete this task.

Physical education: « To the fast river »
We went down to the fast river,
(walking in place)

Bent over and washed.
(leaning forward, hands on the belt)

One two three four,
(clap hands)

That's how nicely refreshed.
(shake hands)

You need to do this by hand:

Together - one, it's breaststroke.
(circles with two hands forward)

One, the other is a crawl.
(circles hands forward alternately)

All as one, we swim like a dolphin.
(jumping in place)

Went to the steep shore
(walking in place)

And we went home.

The teacher invites the children to return to the table to continue the study of water. Draws the attention of the children to the glass where the flour was dissolved. What do we see? (children's answers) The flour did not dissolve completely, and the sediment sank to the bottom of the glass. Also, the oil does not dissolve, it floats on the surface. Conclusion: not all substances can dissolve in water. Invite the children to determine if the water has a smell. (children's answers)

Then offer to stir herbal infusion and mint drops in water. And again offer to smell the water. The water has an odor. Dissolving in water, various substances change in water: color, taste, smell. Again we use algorithms symbolizing that water has no taste and smell, hanging them on the board.

Water filtration. Guys, let's remember the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka." What happened to Ivanushka? (Children's answers) Why couldn't you drink this water? That's right, because it's dirty. But there is such a situation that there is no clean water nearby, but it is vitally important to take a sip of at least a sip of water. Exist different ways water purification. With the most simple ways that you may need in life, we will now get to know each other. To do this, take: a funnel, a handkerchief, cotton wool and water containers. Together with the children we find out how to make cleaning devices - filters. And so, if Alyonushka and Ivanushka knew that water could be purified by passing it through a scarf, then trouble could have been avoided.

The teacher offers children a speech game

"Water is..."

Task: To develop the thinking of preschoolers, activate their experience, knowledge, teach them to consider the same object with different points vision.
Game progress: The facilitator invites the children to determine what role water plays in the life of animals, plants, people, etc.
Here's an example: For plants, water is...

“For people, water is…” answer options.

Summary of the lesson:

Using algorithms, we reproduce information about the sequence of experimental processes in the study of the form, properties and types of water.

Water tricks:

We lower the needle into a glass of water. How can you get a needle without getting your hands wet? (Using a magnet.)

Floats in a glass of water small object. How can you get it without getting your hands wet? Drop into a glass of water small stones until the water overflows and the object itself falls on the table. Then you can just take it off the table.

Synopsis of experimental - experimental activities in preparatory group by OMM

Educational area: Cognition
Subject:"Wonder Egg"
Target: arouse a desire to conduct a simple experiment themselves, to introduce children to the subject of experimentation - an egg.
- to expand children's ideas about the world around and human health, through experimental activity with an egg.
- to develop in children the ability to use devices - assistants in conducting experiments.
- to develop the cognitive activity of children in the process of performing experiments.
- to develop mental and thinking abilities in children: analysis, comparison, conclusions.
- to educate the social and personal qualities of each child: communication, independence, observation.
Equipment: for each child: 2 eggs, napkins; two large plastic glasses filled with water, one plastic cup with salt, tablespoon, saucers, plastic bottle, paper template eggs, colored pencils, pictures of grandfather, grandmother, chicken Ryaba, chicken.

Lesson progress

1. Introduction
Guys, we have guests. Let's give them our warmth.
May our kind smile warm everyone with its warmth,
Remind us how important it is to share happiness and kindness in life! (children sit down).
2. Main body
- Guys, guess the riddle, and you will find out what we will talk about today.
It might break
It can also weld
If you want, into a bird
Can turn. (Egg)
- That's right, well done! Today we will talk about the egg. I want to tell you one story.
Lived once,
Grandfather and grandmother once

The hen Ryaba lived with them.
Ryaba walked a lot,
Grains-crumbs pecked,
But she didn't lay eggs at all.
But one day, what a miracle
Ran up on the porch
And she brought them not a simple one,
And an AMAZING egg!
And it is amazing because it, in such a small one, contains a lot of proteins, vitamins and minerals that help us grow strong and healthy. The grandfather did not beat the beat, the woman did not break the beat.

Grandma cried: Oh, egg, egg
How to break you
How to break you
How to split.
We've been beating for half a day
And we beat midnight
Grandma has no strength
I'd better go to sleep.

Grandfather thought: “If the egg is not broken, can it be drowned?”
- What do you guys think, can an egg float in water or will it sink? (children's reasoning).
Experience. You have two glasses of water on the tables. We add salt to one glass and dissolve it. Gently lower the egg into fresh water. What's happening? The egg sank.
Conclusion: Eggs sink in fresh water. Now we take the egg out of a glass of fresh water with a spoon and lower it into salt water. What's happened? In strongly - salty water the egg emerges.
Conclusion: the egg is supported by particles of salt dissolved in water. Now, if we dilute the salty solution with fresh water, we can see how the egg floats in the middle.
Conclusion: in fresh water - the egg drowned, in strongly salty - it floats on the surface, in slightly salty - it floats in the middle. (on children's tables: two large plastic cups with water,
a glass of salt, a tablespoon, an egg).
The grandmother had a rest and suggested to the grandfather: "Let's knock harder and break this egg."
- Let's also try to break the egg and see what's inside.
Experiment. Carefully break the egg in the middle with a spoon and pour into a saucer. We look at what it consists of: a thick transparent mass is protein, all living organisms consist of protein, the yellow center - the yolk is yellow or orange color. A raw egg is liquid. We cannot take it in our hands. Let's take a look at the shell of the egg, which is called the shell. What is she? She is fragile, brittle, thin. The shell, guys, also contains a lot useful substances and people use it for various purposes (like medicine, adding it to ointments, gardeners and gardeners use the shell as fertilizer, and craftsmen embroider on the shell, cut out very beautiful crafts).
The grandfather got tired and went to rest, and the grandmother thought: “What could be done with this egg?” And I decided to cook my grandfather a sweet called meringue. To prepare such a sweet, you need to beat the egg whites with sugar and bake in the oven. But separating the whites from the yolks is not at all easy. I know one secret, and now I will show it to you.
Experience. Squeeze plastic bottle. We bring the neck of the bottle to the yolk. Weaken the pressure on the bottle. Yolk in a bottle.
Physical education minute!
The mouse ran quickly (running in place)
The mouse wagged its tail (circular movements of the pelvis)
Oh, I dropped my testicle (shake your head, bend over)
Look how it broke. (shown)
Grandfather woke up, ate sweets and cries. Teeth hurt...

Guys, what should I do so that my teeth do not hurt! (clean). Now I will show you what can happen to our teeth if this is not done.
Experience story: I took a chicken egg and poured it with vinegar. Left it for a few days. The shell is completely dissolved. The egg remained inside the white film, which is under the shell. The egg became slippery and nasty. The enamel of our teeth is similar to the composition of an egg shell, and the bacteria that remain on the teeth after eating secrete a substance similar to vinegar. And if you brush your teeth badly and do not clean off all the bacteria, then they will face the same fate as the egg shell ...
And the grandfather and grandmother understood that it was not necessary to drown the egg, not to beat it! And you need to protect it and take care of it! And then a chick will hatch from the egg! (showing a picture of a chicken).
3. Interesting experience.
There are two eggs on the table, one raw and the other boiled, how can you tell? In a boiled egg, the center of gravity is constant, so it spins. And in a raw egg, the internal liquid mass is like a brake, so a raw egg cannot spin.
4. Reflection.
- Guys, did you like our fairy tale about an amazing egg? Have you learned something new?
Hen Ryaba brought you a testicle. If you liked our lesson, then draw a smiling face, and if not, then the face that you draw will be sad.

Zhanna Safonova

Municipal preschool educational institution

kindergarten №1 combined type

Synopsis of an open integrated lesson

By experienced– experimental activities

V preparatory school group

on the topic: « Interesting nearby»



Safonova Zh. A.

Chebarkul, 2015

Target: development preschoolers' interest in experiential- experimental activities.

Tasks of the experimental activities:

1. Expand children's ideas about the world around us and human health, through experiential activity with egg.

2. To educate the social and personal qualities of each child nka: communication, independence, observation, elementary self-control and self-regulation of their actions.

3. To develop children's cognitive activity, mental and mental capabilities: analysis, comparison, conclusions.

Equipment: for each child - 2 eggs, 2 paper napkins, 1 textile napkin, spoon, stack, two large plastic glasses with water, one plastic glass with salt, saucer 2 pcs., eggshell, glue, blanks for application.

Play Guys, today I came to you not empty-handed to find out what is in my basket, please guess riddle:

It might break

It might boil.

If you want a bird

Can turn. (Egg)

(children's answers)

Play That's right, well done! Today we're talking about eggs. (takes an egg out of the basket and shows it to the children).

Play The egg, guys, is considered a symbol of life. In ancient times, the egg served as a symbol of the spring sun, bringing with it life, joy, warmth, light, the rebirth of nature, getting rid of frost and snow.

Play And who knows what's the use of chicken eggs for a person? (children's answers). An egg is an amazing product because, being so small, it contains a lot of proteins, vitamins and minerals that strengthen the brain, eyesight and heart. Eggs improve memory, protect against many serious illnesses and help you lose weight. Eggs contain a lot of calcium, so people who regularly consume eggs in their diet have strong teeth and healthy bones.

Play Guys, tell me where the eggs come from (children's answers). Are they only carried by chickens? (children's answers). Let's play a game, I will show a picture of a bird, and you will say what the egg of this bird is called.

Didactic game "Whose egg is this?"

Play Well done, you did a great job.

Play Guys, let's look at the egg again. Please name it external signs (children's answers). Would you like to see what

Play What are the names of the people who experiences and experiments? (scientists). Where do they spend their experiences? (in laboratories). For experiments need to wear protective clothing and know the safety rules while experimenting. Do you know the rules? (children's answers).

Children repeat the rules. They wear aprons. Pass to the tables for holding experiments.

Experience #1"What is inside"

Play Guys, pick up an egg, carefully, with a spoon, break the egg in the middle and pour it into a saucer. Let's see what it consists of (children's answers). What do we see in the center (children's answers). What yolk? (yellow, round….). What's around the yolk? (children's answers). What is he? (transparent to yellow, liquid, takes the form of a vessel). A thick transparent mass is protein, all living organisms are made of protein. Take the stacks and try to pierce the yolk. What happened? Why? (children's answers). The yolk is a liquid mass in a thin film. We cannot take it in our hands. Let's take a look at the shell of the egg, which is called the shell. What is she? (fragile, brittle, thin).

The boys conclude: the egg consists of three elements (the shell is the shell of the egg, the protein is a thick mass, in the center is the yolk in a thin film).

Play Guys, I'm a little tired, and you? Let `s have some rest?

Physical education minute "We were walking along the road"

Experience #2"Sinking, not sinking"

Play Do you guys think the egg can float in water or will it sink? Let's spend experience! You have two glasses of water on the tables. In one glass we add salt from a small glass and dissolve it. Gently lower the egg into fresh water. What do we see? (children's answers). Doing conclusion: Eggs sink in fresh water. Now we take the egg out of a glass of fresh water with a spoon and lower it into salt water. What's happened? (the egg floats on the surface of the water). Why? (children's answers) Because his (egg) supports not only water, but also particles of salt dissolved in it. Salt water helps to stay on the surface. It is much easier to swim in a salty sea than in a freshwater river. In the Dead Sea, which has a very strong concentration of salt, a person can safely lie on the surface of the water.

And now, let's dilute the salt solution with fresh water, what did you see? (egg floats in the middle). So let's do conclusion: in fresh water - the egg drowned, in strongly salty - it floats on the surface, in slightly salty - it floats in the middle.

Experience No. 3"Egg and Soda Water"

Second part experience"What happened to the egg"(First part experience carried out in a week "Dipping Eggs in Soda Water").

The teacher draws attention to a glass of sparkling water in which the egg is immersed. Children remember the execution algorithm (an egg was dipped into a glass of carbonated water). Guys why did we do this experience what would you like to check? (what will happen to the egg).

The teacher invites the children to see what happened to the egg. Children explain what they see (the egg is colored, darkened, the shell has become soft). Play What can be the conclusion? (carbonated water destroys the shell, the paint remains on the surface of the egg). Children express their guesses as to why this happened.

Play Guys, what do you think, is it possible to drink sparkling water? (children's answers).

Play The shell, guys, contains a lot of useful substances and people use it in various purposes: as a medicine, adding it to ointments, gardeners and gardeners use the shell as a fertilizer, and craftsmen embroider on the shell and cut out very beautiful crafts from it (illustration display).

Play Guys, you, like real scientists, spent experiences, and now I suggest that you play the role of craftsmen and make beautiful application from eggshells.

The children take off their aprons and take their places at the tables set for work.

Play Guys, you'll need manual dexterity to do this job. Let's stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics "Swan"

The children are doing the work.

Play Guys, what good fellows you are. Tell me if you like our class? (children's answers). What did you like the most? (children's answers). What new did you learn today? (children's answers). Can you tell me if you can drink carbonated water?
