Spa pedicure at home. Features and secrets of salon technology

Our legs feel constantly tired after a long walk or due to uncomfortable shoes, and our skin also deteriorates due to warm boots or tights, which make it dry and not beautiful. Therefore, our feet need proper and regular care, which is not so difficult to get today - SPA-pedicure today offer most modern salons.

spa pedicure- a procedure that is designed specifically for foot skin care. This is a very pleasant procedure, perfectly relaxing and giving energy to long time. Through the use quality cosmetics And natural substances, this procedure is considered one of the most useful.

During a spa pedicure, each salon can complement the procedure with something of its own. But the basic SPA should consist of foot baths, foot and toe treatments, leg skin scrubs, masks and full massage legs.

Differences between a spa pedicure and a pedicure

spa pedicure– non-invasive technique, which means preservation skin. To get rid of the keratinized layer, the feet are dissolved with special solutions. Cutting and sawing is not done here.The effect of this long procedure lasts much longer than after a standard pedicure, sometimes even up to 30 days.

Doing spa pedicure, You get professional and quality care your legs, and also completely relax to calm music, being on a vibratory massage chair, which will gently massage your body.

You will also get these unforgettable sensations thanks to special devices and professional massage, which enhances blood circulation and relieves tired legs for a long time.

Stages of a spa pedicure

After the procedure begins spa pedicure, consisting of the following steps:

1. Steaming the legs

Steaming involves the complete treatment of the feet using baths, which include special relaxing and softening agents. The main thing here is to observe the temperature of the water, which should not be very hot or, conversely, cold, since high temperatures adversely affect the vessels, and low temperatures are not able to steam out the legs. It should also be remembered that the time should not exceed more than 10 minutes, otherwise the skin will begin to absorb excess moisture and become loose.

2. Leg peeling

Next, a gentle peeling is done, which exfoliates the top layer of the skin. In this case, high-quality scrubs are used, which include sand, sea salt or special acids. After that, for the complete disappearance of corns and corns, a deeper peeling is done using modern serum.

3. Moisturizing the skin of the legs

next step SPA-pedicure should apply natural mask which moisturizes and cools the skin of the feet. It consists of aromatic oils. The action of this mask lasts 15-20 minutes.

4. Foot massage

ending spa pedicure relaxing foot massage, which must necessarily affect the points on the feet that are responsible for human organs. Therefore, trusting your legs to such a procedure as spa pedicure, You not only take care of their skin, but also take care of your health.

Thanks to these procedures, your well-being will improve, back pain will decrease, constant fatigue will disappear and. And for those who suffer from insomnia, massage will be a real salvation. Benefits of foot massage

At the end of the massage, in order to prevent the appearance of dry skin, apply special cream which perfectly nourishes and makes the skin smoother and more tender. Some salons offer a paraffin wrap procedure before starting a foot massage. In general, you can easily do it yourself.

Our feet often suffer from excessive load, uncomfortable shoes and high heels, the skin of the legs also has a hard time: clothes and linen from artificial materials, tight shoes and depilation dry it and make it flabby. Help avoid all these problems proper care Namely, a spa pedicure. This service can be obtained today in any beauty salon.

Spa pedicure is a unique procedure that is designed to bring not only benefits, but also a lot of pleasure. Today, not only women, but also men are increasingly turning to salons for this service.

An important component of this procedure is complete relaxation. Also, a spa pedicure involves the use of the most modern natural cosmetics, algae extract, thermal water, therapeutic mud and other products. Thus, the skin of the legs receives comprehensive care.

The basic set of foot spa treatments consists of:

  • foot bath;
  • processing of fingers and feet;
  • exfoliating the skin with a scrub;
  • applying a mask;
  • foot massage.

This list can be changed and supplemented depending on the preferences of the master and the cosmetic line with which this salon works.

Distinctive features of a spa pedicure

Spa pedicure differs from the classic one in that its technology is non-invasive. This means that in the process of its implementation, the skin is not damaged, nothing is peeled off or cut off, and calluses and corns are removed using solvent compounds. The procedure itself is gentle and soft, which eliminates discomfort, pain and other discomfort. Thus, the likelihood of injury is almost zero, and the stratum corneum is evenly dissolved.

Spa pedicure in the salon lasts approximately two hours and includes a lot of useful and pleasant action. This is not only foot care, but also absolute relaxation. During the procedure, relaxing melodies or natural sounds are most often played in the room, and the master also lights aroma candles, an aroma lamp or incense. Spa pedicure is a kind of combination of aesthetics and medicine.

Carrying out the procedure

As already mentioned, a spa pedicure consists of several stages, at each of which elements of acupressure, reflex or classical massage. Cosmetics, with which it is supposed to do a spa pedicure, most often refers to professional series and contains fruit acids or sea minerals.

  • Steaming
    Before steaming, the feet must be disinfected. For this, a foot antiseptic bath is used, which not only helps to cleanse, but also softens the nails and skin of the legs. The bath is very important to do at a temperature not higher than 38 ° C: more heat can damage blood vessels. You can steam your legs for 5-10 minutes. If you keep your feet in the water for longer than this time, the skin will become too loose. Aromas are added to the bath to help you relax. They prepare the feet well for the further procedure. The spa pedicure also allows the use of a sea salt hot tub.
  • Peeling
    First you need to do a soft superficial exfoliation. This can be done with scrubs containing sand, sea ​​salt and other abrasive components, as well as preparations containing AHA acids. Peeling prepares the skin of the feet for application next drug- dissolving serum. Due to its deep effect, corns and calluses are removed.

  • Moisturizing the skin of the feet
    The third stage of the spa pedicure involves cooling and moisturizing the skin of the feet. As a rule, it consists in applying a multi-component caring mixture with essential oils. It is kept for no more than 20 minutes. You can make masks using mineral clays, aloe or peppermint oils, glycerin, menthol and other ingredients.
  • Massage
    The spa pedicure ends with a foot massage. The feet are massaged for at least 5-10 minutes. This is the only way to influence the numerous energy points located on the soles of a person’s feet and responsible for work. internal organs. Thus, during the spa pedicure procedure, you get not only care for your feet, but also an improvement in well-being, an increase in mood and a boost of energy for a long time. positive impact also have plant extracts, essential oils and other useful components of cosmetics for this procedure. After the massage, a moisturizing cream is applied to the legs, which will prevent dryness and cracking and make the skin soft and tender.

Spa pedicure can be done at home, but you should first study all the nuances and subtleties of this procedure. All kinds of educational materials will help you with this: videos, master classes and photos of each stage of such foot care.


Everyone knows what is located on the legs great amount important biologically active points responsible for different organs - thus SPA pedicure This is not only foot skin care, but also taking care of your own health.

Smooth skin of the feet, without corns, corns and cracks, has a positive effect on the entire body as a whole. Also his beneficial effect on general state provide baths with sea salt, aromatic oils and plant extracts that are part of masks and scrubs.

The effect of a spa pedicure

It can be said that SPA pedicure - excellent tool from depression, so from time to time you can afford such pleasure. The only thing to remember is that this type of pedicure is not suitable for running feet because it is not intended to solve serious problems. Rather, it is suitable for those for whom going to the salon and the procedures are ordinary and permanent. It can be alternated with other types of pedicure as care and relaxation. But you can ask the master to include SPA elements (like masks, scrub or wraps) in the classic one.

After procedures studio specialists will definitely recommend means for home care that will allow you to continue salon care feet at home, and help solve problems such as painful legs, cracked feet, tired legs, "burning" legs, sweating, rough dry skin, prevention of fungal diseases.

This procedure gives the legs a feeling of lightness, comfort, improves lymph flow and overall well-being.

Result: the skin of the feet is soft and tender. Feeling of lightness and flight in the legs!

Spa Pedicure Products


They are added to pedicure baths designed to soften the skin of the feet. They should contain an antiseptic to disinfect the feet, a moisturizer and a surfactant (surface tension factor), which facilitates the penetration of the active ingredients deep into the tissues. salt Dead Sea considered one of the best surfactants. Due a large number minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium atrium, they provide excellent tissue hydration. Along with artificial ones, natural antiseptics, such as oil, can also be used. tea tree. If soap is included in the product, it should be very mild, closer to shampoo.


They are used to facilitate the process of removing or softening the skin, especially in the area of ​​corns. Scrub must be abrasive to perform this function, but not so aggressive as to remove living skin. IN scrubs pedicures usually contain either particles of sea sand, or ground apricot or almond pits, or pumice, or just quartz crystals or small plastic beads. In the recipe for scrubs, vitamins, various aroma oils and other moisturizers that further improve the condition of the skin of the legs. You can treat the skin of the legs with a special pedicure file-board, they are today in large assortment available for sale, including in our studio.


massage oils used to reduce friction, moisturize and energize the skin. They allow the massage therapist's hands to glide freely over the skin. The rate of oil absorption by the skin is determined by the molecular weight - the larger the molecule, the slower it is absorbed ... Lanolin and mineral oils are excellent examples of large molecules that do not penetrate the skin, because Massage Oil should not be absorbed quickly. Most foot massages are mixtures of therapeutic oils that are designed to heal the skin, such as jojoba oil or vitamin E oils. Glycerin or silicone can be added to reduce friction during massage.

Massage lotions contain molecules smaller and, therefore, are more quickly absorbed by the tissues. They may contain small amounts of fruit acids and special oils that give the skin a healthy and supple appearance. They can be used at the end of a pedicure to lengthen the period of softening and moisturizing the skin. If these remedies are correctly chosen, they contribute to the reduction of corns. Lotion ingredients often include tea tree oil, vitamin E, and jojoba.

Reflexology massage usually performed during a pedicure, since the main "object" of exposure in this type of massage is the feet. The fact is that it is on the soles that the largest number reflexogenic points that are functionally associated with a specific organ of the body. By pressing on a particular point on the sole, you can activate or suppress the activity of the corresponding organs. In addition to the health benefits, reflexology is a very pleasant procedure, it improves not only state of mind, but also contributes to the acquisition of a healthy and prosperous appearance.


These are products designed to enhance the effects of a pedicure. There are various intensive callus softeners that help soften and remove excess skin growths around the heels and at the points high blood pressure on the sole. Such, in particular, preparations with 12-15% content of fruit acids. They are applied directly to the corn and left for a short time (10-15 minutes) to soften the keratinized skin. This makes it easier to remove the corn later with a scrub or file.

Foot masks are formulated with mineral clay, marine extracts, moisturizing fruit acids, aromatherapy oils and other therapeutic skin softeners.

For feet are also a great addition to a pedicure. They also help to improve blood circulation, and deep tissue heating - to reduce inflammation. Aromatic oils are also included in the composition of paraffin, which enhances pleasant sensations from the procedure. But hot paraffin is not suitable for people with varicose veins, sclerosis and diabetes! In these cases, it can cause skin damage.

Spa Pedicure Stages

SPA pedicure is done only after a classic or hardware pedicure, usually lasts about 2 hours and consists of several stages, with each stage accompanied by elements of reflex, acupressure and classical massage.

spa bath

The first stage, from which it all begins, is a maceration bath with the addition of sea salt. The salon uses salt with extracts of mountain pine and rosemary. The general effect of rosemary is relaxing and soothing. Having such an effect on the legs, it, penetrating into the bloodstream through the skin of the feet, also has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

SPA scrub

The second stage of the spa pedicure is the application soft scrub. Scrub is applied soft massage movements from 15 to 20 minutes, the scrub contains sea salt, plant extracts: sunflower, flax, macadamia and others. The scrub cleanses, nourishes and moisturizes the skin of the feet, opens the pores, allowing plant extracts to penetrate deep into the skin.

SPA mask

The third stage is the application of a nourishing mask. Depending on the desired effect masks are selected with different composition. But to relieve fatigue and give the legs a feeling of lightness and vigor, menthol is added to the mask. It warms up and improves blood lymph flow, and the coolness that remains after applying this mask gives a feeling of relaxation and comfort. The mask is applied to the knee with massage movements, after application, the legs are wrapped in a piece natural fabric(cotton, baize, terry towel), in order to achieve a warming effect and allow the substances that make up the mask to penetrate deep under the skin.

For the second and third stages, products from the SPA-pedicure series are used - a new elite line of foot care. This is a rich collection. natural products mineral origin enriched with vitamins, minerals, essential oils, antioxidants and conditioning agents that hydrate, soften and polish the skin.

The final stage of the spa pedicure

The final step of the spa pedicure is the application of foot cream.
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SPA pedicure includes not only traditional foot and nail treatments (i.e. classic pedicure), but also the use of masks and lotions that moisturize and nourish the skin of the legs. The technology of the SPA pedicure procedure may vary depending on the means used by the master.

First of all SPA pedicure aimed at achieving the effect of relaxation, aesthetic goals relegated to the background. To perform this type of pedicure, products made on the basis of natural ingredients such as thermal water, therapeutic mud, various algae, etc.

A standard in-salon spa pedicure consists of a foot bath, scrub, skin and nail treatment, a nourishing mask, and a foot massage. At the request of the client, this list can be changed and supplemented. The master himself can also influence the order of the procedure, depending on the set of tools he uses for a spa pedicure.

The SPA pedicure procedure can be found in the list of services of most modern beauty salons. Depending on the prestige of the salon, the client will have to pay from 700 to 1800 rubles. Please note that this price does not include nail shaping and polishing. As a result, the cost of the procedure will approximately double.

What effect to expect from a spa pedicure

SPA pedicure not only improves the condition of the skin of the feet, accelerates blood circulation and lymph flow, but also relieves fatigue and helps to get rid of pain. It is also an excellent remedy for depression. That is why this procedure is so popular among clients of beauty salons.

Spa pedicure is not suitable for clients who do not regularly care for their feet. It's not meant to be dealt with serious problems, and is rather a means relaxation and maintenance care. So the spa pedicure procedure is great option for those who regularly visit the salon. You can alternate it with other types of pedicure or include SPA elements in a classic pedicure, for example, apply nourishing masks, scrubs, make wraps.

Pedicurists in beauty salons are required to advise clients on foot care at home and advise which products are best to use. In addition, clients can seek help with problems such as dry feet, cracks, excessive sweating, tired feet, and the prevention and treatment of fungal diseases.

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Why is a SPA pedicure better than a classic or hardware one?

The spa pedicure procedure is usually very long and takes at least two hours. However, many clients admit that the effect of it is much greater than that of a classic or hardware pedicure. Here are the main advantages of a spa pedicure compared to other types:

  1. Removing such unpleasant phenomena like corns and corns does not occur mechanically (circumcision, sawing), but using special means based on natural ingredients. Under their influence, unwanted tissues dissolve, and the skin remains intact.
  2. Since there is no spa pedicure mechanical impact on the skin, the likelihood of scratches and cuts is excluded, which means it is impossible to infect the infection.
  3. Intensive massage with the use of nourishing and moisturizing agents improves blood circulation and lymph flow of the feet, providing the legs with good rest and recovery. The effect of such a procedure will be visible to the naked eye for a month or more.
  4. SPA-pedicure allows not only to relieve fatigue of the legs, but also relaxes the whole body as a whole. In addition, attributes such as aromatic oils and calm music help relieve psychological stress. During the session, the client relaxes, forgets about his problems and recharges positive energy. In addition, the effectiveness of the procedure that affects the relaxed body increases significantly.

Spa pedicure contraindications

Despite the fact that at first glance, the SPA pedicure procedure is very harmless, it has a number of contraindications, namely:

  • fungal diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • Availability skin rashes regardless of the nature of origin;
  • injuries and microtraumas;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • period of pregnancy.

What the master will need to perform a spa pedicure

To perform the SPA-pedicure procedure, the master of the beauty salon needs:

1. Means of soaking. Soaking agents are added to baths, which are made to initially soften the skin of the feet. As a rule, they include three main components: an antiseptic, a moisturizer and a surfactant. An antiseptic disinfects the skin of the feet and can be either natural (for example, tea tree oil) or artificial. The action of the surfactant is aimed at a deeper penetration of the active elements into the tissues. Dead Sea salts are considered to be one of the best surfactants. It contains minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium and others, perfectly nourish and moisturize the skin. The presence of soap in the composition of the soaking agent is undesirable. If it is, it must be very mild soap more like a shampoo.

2. Scrubs. With the help of a scrub, dead layers of the epidermis are removed, this is especially true for the area of ​​corn formation. The composition of the scrub includes abrasive particles that actively affect the skin, but they must be soft enough so as not to harm living skin. As a rule, ground apricot or almond pits, sea sand, pumice or quartz crystals play this role in spa pedicure scrubs. The action of many scrubs is aimed not only at cleansing, but also at nourishing and moisturizing the skin of the feet. For this purpose, various vitamins, aromatic oils and natural extracts are added to them. An alternative to scrub can be a special pedicure file, which can be purchased at a specialized store.

3. Means for foot massage. For the SPA-pedicure procedure, the masters use various massage oils. They nourish and moisturize the skin, and also improve the glide of the hands of the master during the massage. Therefore, it is important that the massage oil is absorbed as slowly as possible. You should choose a product with the highest molecular weight: the larger the molecule, the more difficult it is for it to penetrate the skin, which means that the oil takes longer to absorb. The oils that are used in spa pedicures are mainly a mixture of oils that heal the skin (jojoba oil, oils with vitamin E). To reduce the degree of friction during massage, silicone or glycerin can be added to the composition of the oil.

Another tool for a that masters like to use is massage lotions. They consist of smaller molecules than oils, which means they are absorbed much faster. Therefore, it is better to apply the lotion at the end of the pedicure as a final moisturizing of the skin. The composition of the lotion may include fruit acids, vitamin E, tea tree oil and jojoba. Properly selected lotion will prevent the appearance of corns and help get rid of old ones faster.

4. Additional funds. These include funds that are aimed at intensifying the fight against individual problems of the skin of the feet. For example, these include various ointments and creams that soften calluses and remove unwanted skin growths. The level of fruit acids in such products is significantly higher than in foot lotions from 12 to 15%. The principle of action of such drugs is quite simple. First, it is applied to the problem area and left for 10-15 minutes to soften the skin sufficiently. After that, the corn is removed with a scrub or a special file.

The use of foot masks, consisting of mineral clay, fruit acids, aromatic oils and other components that help nourish the skin, is very effective.

Hot paraffin baths are in great demand among clients of beauty salons. As a result of deep tissue heating, blood circulation improves, inflammatory processes. The aromatic oils included in the paraffin give customers a pleasant feeling. However, this procedure has a number of contraindications. Paraffin baths not suitable for people suffering from varicose veins veins, sclerosis and diabetes.

The average cost is 10-12 thousand rubles. It includes salt for softening baths, a foot scrub, nourishing masks, nourishing creams, as well as products for removing calluses and corns.

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How does a spa pedicure procedure work?

The SPA pedicure procedure includes several stages, at each of which it is possible to use different types of massage (classical, reflex, acupressure, etc.). Most popular among pedicure masters cosmetical tools, the active active ingredient of which are fruit acids or sea minerals. First of all, these are professional lines of brands Bio Solutions, Gena, Creative Nail Design and O.P.I.

Stage 1. Removing the old varnish.

This stage of the SPA-pedicure is not necessary in all cases. For example, the client may remove the old coating on their own at home in advance or decide to leave everything as it is, wanting to get only a relaxing effect from the procedure.

Stage 2. Steaming the legs.

At this stage, the feet are immersed for 5-10 minutes in a bath with a special agent, due to which the skin and nails soften and receive antiseptic treatment. The temperature of the water in the bath should be around 38 ° C. high temperature negatively affect work blood vessels, and colder water will not allow you to steam your legs properly. Keep track of the time of the procedure, otherwise the skin will absorb excess moisture and be loose.

Special products are added to the bath to prepare the legs for further procedures. Also at this stage of the spa pedicure, it is possible to use hot tubs with the addition of sea salts.

Stage 3. Peeling.

This stage consists of two steps. At the first, soft superficial peeling exfoliating the top layer of dead epidermis. This is done with scrubs. sea ​​sand, salt, crushed apricot and almond seeds, etc. The second stage is necessary in the presence of more serious problems such as corns and corns. Special products soften and dissolve them, removing them without a trace.

Stage 4. Moisturizing and cooling the skin of the feet.

At this stage of the spa pedicure, a nourishing moisturizing mask is applied to the skin of the feet, which includes aromatic oils. Its duration is about 20 minutes. The main ingredients of such a mask, as a rule, are glycerin, menthol, mineral clays, aloe vera extracts, etc.

Additionally, it is possible to make a paraffin wrap, which will enhance the effectiveness of the entire SPA pedicure procedure. Paraffin penetrates deep into tissues, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, improves blood circulation and metabolism, and also has a rejuvenating effect. The client's feet will become smooth and silky.

Stage 5. Foot massage.

Foot massage provides deep penetration of nutrients into the tissues. In addition, it helps fight swelling, relieves joint pain and chronic fatigue, favorably affects the work of the whole organism as a whole. The duration of massaging each foot should be at least 5-10 minutes.

As you know, on the surface of the feet there are many energy points responsible for the functioning of various organs and systems of the body. Therefore, SPA-pedicure not only allows you to take care of the skin of your feet, but also improves the condition of the whole organism as a whole, and also gives you a boost of energy.

Stage 6. Applying the cream.

The next step of the spa pedicure is the application of a nourishing cream that will help the skin recover and prevent dryness and cracking in the future.

Stage 7. Lacquering.

This stage is optional and can be included at the request of the client. note that decoration nails are not included in the cost of the SPA pedicure procedure, and the client will have to pay extra for it separately.

4 important facts about spa pedicure

1. Equipment. The procedure does not require specialized equipment other than a foot bath. However, in a beauty salon you can buy a specialized spa pedicure chair, which has its own advantages.

2. Specialist. The master must be trained in a basic pedicure course lasting 20 hours. A health certificate is also required.

3. Room. The pedicure room must be equipped with at least two foot baths with hot and cold water. Furniture should be easily wet-cleaned and disinfected and should not block light sources or block passages.

4. Economy. The payback of a SPA pedicure is quite high, but somewhat lower than that of a classic and hardware pedicure.

Spa Pedicure Chair

The chair for a spa pedicure will help to carry out the procedure as much as possible comfortable conditions for the client, and also facilitate the work of the master.

To date, the market offers a wide range of spa pedicure chairs from the simplest to modern models equipped with hydromassage and other options. In addition to its direct functionality, the chair can become a bright element of the interior of your beauty salon.

As customer surveys show, the quality of the services provided is far from the only thing they pay attention to when choosing a beauty salon. Equally important are the interior design, equipment, and the condition of the beauty parlor as a whole. It is from the little things that the image of the whole institution is formed.

The sanitary and epidemiological standards indicate the following requirements for the arrangement and equipment of the premises: “In an office with an area of ​​at least 9 square meters it is allowed to combine the provision of manicure and pedicure services with the condition of an organized place for the work of the master. Thus, it is possible to use two equipment at the same time in the water cabinet, including a chair for a SPA pedicure. Its main advantages are:

Convenience. A specialized chair will be comfortable not only for the client, but also for the master.

Comfort. Comfort is also necessary for both clients and professionals. According to surveys, when choosing a beauty salon, many women pay attention to comfort.

Design. Try to make sure that the spa pedicure chair fits perfectly into the overall interior of the office and becomes an integral part of it.

So, a chair for a SPA pedicure should fit into the general color scheme the entire interior. Prefer calm pastel colors. Coming to a beauty salon for a spa pedicure procedure, a client wants to relax, and bright, flashy shades do not contribute to this in any way, so he is unlikely to want to visit your establishment again.

Please note that the chairs differ in the mechanism for adjusting the seat height. They can be:

  • with electric lift;
  • with hydraulic lift;
  • with pneumatic lift;
  • based on a mechanical lift.

The most practical and easy to use of them are the first three - with an electric lift, a hydraulic lift and a pneumatic lift. As a rule, the base of such chairs is a bed, disk, rectangle or five-beam. The latter have another very useful option - they can be freely moved around the office, unlike other chairs that are stationary.

You should pay attention to the quality of upholstery for equipment. Most often, foam rubber, artificial or genuine leather is used for upholstery. Salon owners make their choice based on the class of their establishment. However, the most popular for a long time there are chairs made of leatherette. They look great, are relatively inexpensive and are easy to wet clean, which is very practical.

Don't forget the chair for the pedicure master. Modern stools also have the ability to adjust the height of the seat, which allows the master to adjust the chair to fit your parameters and work in comfortable conditions. On the market there are models with and without a back.

The pedicure chair, like the chair, will become great addition to the office interior. For convenience, many of them are equipped with a control pedal.

The spa pedicure chair can have many additional features, depending on the specific type of procedures that the master will carry out.

For the convenience of the client, many chairs are equipped with a table on which the client can put personal items (phone or keys), or, for example, a magazine. Another convenient addition is a hook on which you can hang handbag. Salons high class can afford heated chairs and a massager. Such an addition to the procedure will leave the client with the most pleasant experience, and he will certainly want to visit your salon more than once.

As for the manufacturers of chairs for SPA-pedicure, the leading positions are occupied by the companies TM "Aphrodite", "Nadir", "EUROPEAN TOUCH". When creating such equipment, only high-quality materials are used, which means that its service life is as long as possible. The EUROPEAN TOUCH armchairs are particularly distinguished by their original design, versatility and comfort.

Most popular models this series - armchairs Platino, SOLACE FORTE, MURANO. The latter is the undisputed leader in the luxury segment. Armchair MURANO is made of genuine leather chocolate color, has bronze fittings, and the bath is made "under gold". Naturally, the equipment of this category has the highest price. However, these products have been on the market for more than 25 years, which undoubtedly inspires confidence and is a guarantee of quality.

"General Director" is made by you and for you. Thank you for being with us

Spa pedicure is special kind foot and nail care. It includes cleansing the epithelium, deep nutrition skin, foot massage and aromatherapy. Relaxation is an important component of this type of pedicure. This procedure offer not only Spa centers, but also many beauty salons.


Main distinguishing feature Spa pedicure - the use of a non-invasive method of skin treatment. During the procedure, the growths are not cut off or cut off, which means that the integrity of the skin is not violated and the possibility of injury is completely excluded. The upper stratum corneum, calluses and corns gradually disappear under the influence of special agents. The removal process is gentle and completely painless.

Spa pedicure lasts about two hours and includes not only cleansing of dead epithelial cells, but also deep hydration and skin nourishment, relaxing foot massage. The procedure gives care for the feet and complete relaxation. Calm music is usually played in the office, aromatic oils and incense are used. Special pedicure chair will make you feel comfortable.

Qualitatively, safely, you can do a pedicure in beauty salons. Most residents of the UK and the USA do the procedure in salons, although in the realities of Russia, the majority still consider the procedure to be at home. Try it all the same in the salon, at the same time you can learn and see the approaches in the work of the master. According to the description good care behind the legs offer. If you live in St. Petersburg, then you are lucky, the reception is conducted by podiatrists.


The main advantages of SPA-pedicure include:

  • high-quality cleaning of the skin and nails without the use of cutting tools;
  • the use of a variety of softening, moisturizing and nourishing agents;
  • longer effect compared to conventional pedicure;
  • total relaxation and good health after the procedure.

Spa pedicure

Spa pedicure is carried out using special herbal products that contain essential oils. The procedure takes place without the use of cutting instruments, only the use of wooden stick which pushes back the cuticle. This type of pedicure can be independent procedure, and can be carried out as an addition to a hardware pedicure.

IN different salons The procedure has some variations, but the basic steps usually remain the same. Spa pedicure includes: steaming and softening the skin, cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing, massage.

The first stage - steaming

Spa pedicure begins with steaming the skin of the legs. The feet are immersed in a bath with an antiseptic solution. Optimum temperature water at about 38 °C. More hot water adversely affects the vessels, and cool - does not provide the effect of steaming and does not soften the skin and toenails.

The duration of steaming is 5-10 minutes. If you increase the steaming time, the skin will absorb excess moisture and become unnecessarily loose. Special preparations can be added to the composition of the bath, which actively prepare the feet for further exposure. It is good if the bath is hydromassage.

The second stage - peeling

First, a mild moisturizing peeling is performed using scrubs containing sand or sea salt and alpha hydroxyl acids. This provides an effective superficial exfoliation and prepares the skin for the application of the dissolving serum.

A special serum, which contains fruit acids, gently and deeply cleanses the skin of the remaining dead cells, corns and calluses. Feet become perfectly smooth and soft, acquire healthy look. Feet rinsed with water room temperature and move on to the next part of the pedicure.

The third stage - hydration and nutrition

This part of the treatment includes a nourishing and moisturizing mask, which contains natural ingredients, aromatic oils, vitamins and microelements. Therapeutic composition may contain extracts from seaweed, different kinds mineral clays, glycerin, menthol, aloe vera extract, and other skin-friendly substances. The mask works for 20-25 minutes, and then it is washed off with warm water.

The final stage - massage

The last part of the procedure is a foot massage. It is known that on the soles of the feet are active points, the impact on which affects the work of internal organs. Therefore, foot massage allows not only to take care of the skin, but also to take care of the health of the whole organism.

The procedure helps to relax, relieves muscle tension, relieves fatigue and headaches, reduces tension in the joints. During the massage, blood circulation in the legs increases, more nutrients begin to flow into the blood. As a result, you will feel energized and rejuvenated.

After massage, apply to the skin nutritious cream, which makes the skin smooth and velvety, prevents its dryness and the appearance of cracks. Also, the master can offer to do a paraffin foot wrap between the mask and massage. Paraffin has a good moisturizing and rejuvenating property, makes the skin soft and silky.

The spa pedicure ends with the application of a cooling tonic (mint or lemon). And then the beautician processes the nails and applies a decorative coating on them.


A SPA pedicure has many advantages, but no matter how useful the procedure is, it also has contraindications. Experts do not recommend resorting to this type of care in the following conditions.
