The appearance of an ideal girl. The smell is not unimportant

The image of a sort of Barbie doll - with long legs, a wasp waist and ample breasts - was not invented by men at all. The stronger sex, in fact, is not so important to the doll’s parameters, writes

Speaking about men's tastes, it is difficult to create a portrait ideal woman, which would appeal to absolutely everyone. Preferences are influenced by many factors, such as the physique and appearance of the man himself, his origin, age and position in life. In addition, there really are no comrades in taste and color, and in matters of choice everything is very individual. And, although Marilyn Monroe at one time managed to charm millions of the stronger sex, it is impossible to be desired by everyone. But, nevertheless, let’s try to summarize men’s wishes regarding a woman’s appearance and understand what we need to strive for.

Ideal female figure for men

As numerous surveys, interviews and voting show, the ideal woman, according to men, is far from the parameters 90-60-90. Moreover, the importance of these parameters and their significance are greatly overestimated.

Breast . In fact, most men don't like it at all. big bust, as is commonly believed. They prefer medium-sized breasts, but beautifully shaped, firm and toned.

Waist . IN in this case Even men themselves are mistaken when they say that a woman should have a wasp waist and a flat tummy. During a survey using photographs, where representatives of the stronger sex were asked to choose the most attractive girls, the overwhelming majority of votes were received by women with a waist circumference of 65-70 cm. At the same time, they did not have sculpted abs, but conquered the respondents with a neat feminine tummy without folds of fat.

Hips . In a sense, preferences in terms of women's hips are determined by nature itself. The ideal woman for a man is the mother of his future children. So it's clear why stronger sex, basically, I like girls with rounded hips and firm, convex buttocks.

Legs . Women try by any means to visually lengthen their legs in order to appear more attractive. It turned out that for men this does not matter at all. The determining factor is the neat shape of the legs and the absence of cellulite on them.

Ideal of beauty female face for men

First of all, it is worth noting that the abuse of cosmetics not only does not appeal to men, but also repels them. The thought of what is hidden behind a lot of makeup scares the stronger sex. Therefore, it is advisable to simply make sure that the skin is well-groomed, clean and healthy. This will allow you to use a minimum of cosmetics and conquer with natural attractiveness.

Eyes . It is interesting that men can rarely remember the shape and even the color of the eyes of their chosen ones. They describe exclusively the woman's gaze. Therefore, you should not spend long hours in front of the mirror trying to correct your eye shape. If the look is kind, open and slightly mysterious, then the man of your dreams will definitely appreciate it.

Nose . This part of the face is a source of heated debate. Some people like mischievous upturned noses, others like straight ones with a Greek profile. Therefore, there is no need to worry too much about the shape of the nose and its length; men have not yet decided.

Lips . Sensual, plump lips certainly attract men's views. At the same time, if by nature you do not have all desired shape lips, it is better to emphasize the natural contours and slightly correct them with lipstick or gloss. Artificially enlarged lips are not approved by men.

Debates about the ideal female beauty will continue forever, and the most important thing is to learn to love and accept yourself, taking care of your inner beauty. Confident, clever woman- this is the ideal for any man, regardless of her external characteristics.

The best advice from experts that will help you become an ideal woman through the eyes of men! Forward to the ideal.

Let's tell the truth...

Have you ever wondered why some representatives of the fair sex do not have time to fight off gentlemen even before buying their first bra, while others have huge problems with their personal lives?

Moreover, those who are ready to marry “anyone” are often more attractive in appearance than those who are looking for gentlemen.

Fate? Luck?

Well, okay, if you so want, then 5% of 100% can be attributed to fate.

But what about the remaining 95%?

I propose to listen to the direct culprits of the failed personal lives of many ladies - gentlemen.

Ideal girl through the eyes of men: what is she like and what needs to be done to become desirable and attractive in the eyes of the stronger sex - the topic that we will talk about today.

The appearance of an ideal girl through the eyes of men

No matter how sloths who don’t want to take care of themselves and sweat in the gym convince themselves, men love with their eyes!

Even after 30 years of marriage, any representative of the stronger sex wants his wife to look attractive.

But for some reason, ladies believe that they have the right to forget about why manicure-pedicurists and hairdressers are needed.

They wince at the word gym, as if from a toothache, preferring to acquire dozens of extra pounds that disfigure their body.

Not only at home, they wear creepy robes or torn sweatpants, but they don’t really bother with work or party clothes.

This is exactly what one of my mother’s friends Natalya Alekseevna did, turning from beautiful girl(saw her student photos) looking like a hippopotamus with greasy hair and second-hand clothes.

I was always surprised when I saw them together: slender, handsome, in a perfectly fitting suit, Uncle Grisha, and ugly-looking Aunt Natasha.

And it would be nice if the reluctance to take care of oneself could be explained by financial difficulties, but no - they both earned good money and the husband did not limit his wife’s spending.

That is, women like “she will stop a galloping horse and run into a burning wigwam” should fade into oblivion.


put up with bad mood husband, after an unpleasant conversation with his boss, do not be nervous, reminding him for the 78th time that dirty socks need to be taken to the basket, and not hidden under the bed, and to smooth out all the sharp corners.

Yes, yes, you heard right: when men are in trouble or want to show weakness, we must lend our shoulder, and do this in a way that does not offend the male ego.

What else should an ideal girl have?

It would seem that what else does the fastidious representatives of the stronger sex need, after all, they have already said so much.

The ideal woman through the eyes of men, in addition to all of the above, should also:

    Be sexy.

    That is, call sexual desire for a man, make himself want and... don’t complain about headaches all the time.

    Think about the future:

    take care of your health, do not abuse alcohol, do not waste all your money on rags, but be able to save for global purchases, want a family and children.

    You shouldn’t limit your world to borscht and cleaning, but the ability to cook deliciously and keep the house clean will significantly increase your chances of getting married successfully.


    Well, gentlemen don’t like narrow-minded housewives and parasites who just whine while sitting at home that their husband doesn’t earn enough.

    Don't be shy to show your love.

    This can be done with hugs, kisses, romantic surprises, scenes of jealousy (without fanaticism and not too often), which will end in reconciliation in bed, reminders to put on a scarf, kind words- yes, whatever.

But this is what men really want!

Dear girls/women - take note.

P.S. direct hint in the forehead! 😉

As you can see, it’s not easy to become ideal girl, the way men want to see us, but for true ladies nothing is impossible.

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What kind of beauties are there today? ! A certain assessment of beauty, type of appearance and other criteria no longer exist. If at a particular time certain canons of beauty and attractiveness were fashionable, then today Scandinavian, Latin, Slavic or Asian women can be considered equally beautiful. Confessions of a blonde, brunette or brown-haired woman can be equally attractive. Both white-skinned and dark-skinned girls are in fashion.

Typical 90-60-90

Glossy magazines have worked hard to “stake out” the parameters of the ideal beauty girl 90-60-90 in people’s heads. These notorious standards make it possible to do successful career girl in the fashion world. Although for photo models such parameters are not required. A fashion model girl simply must have strong charisma and even more appetizing shapes. Therefore, there are no mandatory beauty standards. They may vary depending on various factors: nation, culture or mentality. Only standard criteria According to the formula 90-60-90, they are considered uniform for selection for beauty contests. But people's tastes are varied, so any woman can become the most ideal for her loved one. She may be vertically challenged, and with curvaceous etc. In some cases individual characteristics appearance is recognized as the standard of beauty and sex appeal. For example, short Jennifer Lopez is considered the most sexy woman world, and the ugly Barbra Streisand has a magnetic image. After all, the external data of these women is difficult to fit into the generally accepted standard of beauty. It is these women who are recognized as style icons all over the world. Most likely, the secret of their ideality lies in the individuality of these successful women.

Natural data is not the main thing.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about your external data and their inconsistency with standard parameters. The appearance of an ideal woman is, first of all, assessed by her grooming, neatness and individual features. So every girl should learn simple rules: know your appearance; define her personality; emphasize best properties your appearance. Every girl should know that there are no uniform standards of beauty; the task of every woman is to learn to demonstrate her individuality to the maximum and build the best image.

The appearance of an ideal woman is determined by the so-called “trump cards” of attractiveness. First, you need to determine the most advantageous parameters of your appearance, which the girl can be proud of and boldly demonstrate to others. Then you need to highlight your most unattractive features that need to be quickly and skillfully masked.

Many women want as much as possible more men said about them: " Beautiful woman! “To do this, you just need to comply with some conditions. Firstly, care should always be taken that the best features of one's appearance should be presented as effectively and vividly as possible. Secondly, you must be able to hide all flaws in appearance and figure and not show them to others. Every woman should remember that the main secret of a woman’s beauty lies in her ability to effectively and vividly present her winning sides of her own appearance, and also never show her shortcomings to others. For example, if a girl has beautiful and seductive breasts, you can safely wear tight-fitting sweaters, dresses with a neckline, a beautiful necklace, thin blouses, etc.

Showing the flaws

If a girl uneven legs, it is better to give up miniskirts and very skinny trousers. Any, even the slightest, “trump cards” must be shown. They cannot be left unattended. If you only need to highlight attractive ankles, it is better to wear elegant sandals with original straps, lush bows, etc. Beautiful hands can be highlighted using spectacular manicure, rings or bracelet.

Girls should not break down under shapeless clothes; any trump cards must be emphasized. Stylists help to hide and even play up any imperfections. No person is born with perfect appearance.

Most girls constantly strive to improve own appearance. Modern means and opportunities help create real miracles. To make your appearance perfect, you need the persistent desire of the girl herself. Improving your appearance must start with the simplest things, for example, hairstyle, manicure, cosmetic procedures etc. Then you can move on to more complex stages. For example, a visit to the dentist. After these actions, you can instantly notice that the face changes dramatically, the smile transforms, and attractive features appear. It is important to remember that the appearance of an ideal woman is judged by the degree of her grooming. Smooth skin, flawless makeup, white teeth and neat hairstyle noticeably change a girl’s face and transform her smile. They give the simplest features a very attractive look.

Many imperfections in appearance can be corrected with the help of proper nutrition. For example, correct mode nutrition based on a plant-based menu has a beneficial effect on skin and complexion color. In addition, they have a positive effect on a person’s appearance healthy sleep and more than one liter mineral water daily. Regular exercise will help you get an ideal figure. gymnastic exercises. Special exercises help you create the sexiest figure.

The most radical type of appearance improvement is cosmetic surgery. Surgically can be corrected irregular shape nose, get rid of excess fat, increase breast size and remove skin defects. Although, when deciding to undergo cosmetic surgery, you should carefully consider your decision. After all, success will depend on the surgeon’s experience, level cosmetology clinic and the success of the operation.

This article contains the main male judgments about what an ideal girl should be like: a description of appearance, character, habits. Here women can see what men value and want in a life partner, and what irritates them.

Who is the ideal girl? Its description is a combination of incompatible things. Every man wants to see next to him both a saint and a sinner, beautiful and faithful, kind and characterful, busy and attentive. IN real life this is usually different people, but it’s not forbidden to strive for the ideal?

For centuries, the weaker half of humanity has been arguing about who is more attractive: brunettes or blondes, fat or thin? But men have no consensus on this matter. Some people are attracted to strict and aggressive brunettes, some to cute blondes, and some to passionate redheads. Some men prefer a sculpted figure, while others prefer a slender body. Some people are turned on by piercings and tattoos, while others are turned on by the romance of the 19th century. The list of ideal women includes: long legs, And short haircuts, And big breasts or bottomless eyes.

However, all men note that the following are important to them:


Monitor the condition of your nails and hair, do waxing on time, and don’t forget about personal care products. Clothing should always be clean, ironed and fit properly, emphasizing advantageous areas and hiding imperfections.

Ruslan, 32 years old.

“I hate girls with overgrown hair roots and sloppy manicure. It would be better if she had her hair properly combed or just cut, but the sloppiness in her look is definitely repulsive.”

Knowing of limits

Fishnet stockings peeking out from under a miniskirt are good in a nightclub, on themed party and for home striptease. But in ordinary life It is better to dress elegantly and without excessive pretentiousness. It is ideal if you have your own style of clothing and stick to it.

Igor, 27 years old.
“An ideal woman cannot dress vulgarly. Looking at the ideal, I should receive aesthetic pleasure, and not feel like a hero of cheap porn.”

The ability to present yourself

That is, do not mutter under your breath, but carry yourself proudly, wear clothes according to the season and occasion, wear stilettos if you know how to wear them.

Sergey, 35 years old.
"The perfect girl should walk next to me light gait, with a half-smile on his face, leaving behind a trail of pleasant perfume. I’ll turn around in her wake and understand: this is the Same One.”

Ideal girl: character description

All men want to see a woman as both a seductress and fighting girlfriend. They don't have to be understood, but they need to be supported. You can always rely on the ideal girl, she will be there for you Hard time and in a losing streak.

Absolutely all men distinguish two things in women: important qualities: loyalty and a sense of humor, or at least a cheerful disposition. They should always be there. Especially the first one.

The ideal girl will never stage a concert in the style of “Where is my ring with a 10-carat diamond?”, a scene of jealousy due to a protracted corporate party, she will understand and support a man’s passion for football or fishing.

Andrey, 39 years old.
“When on a date I admitted to a girl that my favorite football team was playing at the same time, she took me to the nearest sports bar, and together we cheered for my champions. That’s when I realized: this is my ideal!”

Ideal girl: description of lifestyle

The ideal girl in the minds of all men should be a good housewife, be able to cook deliciously, and be happy to wash, clean and iron. Unfortunately, this does not always happen, but the stronger sex is ready to forgive the lack of housekeeping if a woman is attentive to her partner and passionate. Fire in the blood always attracts and excites, and looseness in bed is valued no less than delicious borscht.

Guys don't like smokers drinking girls. The most that can be expected is patience with feminine weaknesses. But none of the men will ever turn on bad habits to the list of qualities of your ideal.

Who is the ideal girl? Each man has his own description, so don’t lose yourself in your search for exemplaryness.

Ideal girl - description: video

Who is she - the most ideal one that men choose for themselves? A man instantly determines what he likes in a woman. A man understands about all the other ideals of a woman in the process of further communication.

  • Breast

Don't think about breast augmentation. We like men natural size this part of the body. Perfect breasts girls through the eyes of men - must be elastic. The rest is trifles. If you are unsure about the size, then buy a bra with a special lining.

  • Woman's nose

Men themselves have not decided which nose they like best. For this reason, any female nose has the right to be (considered) ideal.

  • Legs

There should be no cellulite or hair on your legs. Leg length is a secondary indicator that has “developed” into a stereotype.

  • Women's lips

Men adore plump, plump lips painted with some tasty (fruit) gloss.

  • Waist

“Breaking” stereotypes! Not all men love skinny girls with super flat tummy. So you don’t have to starve or exhaust yourself with the most severe diets.

  • Women's hair

Length (like color) is an individual question. And the fact that male individuals prefer blondes is not always true.

  • Eye color

There is no need to talk about the “size” of the eyes, since it is already clear that men love “big-eyed” girls. They are afraid of green-eyed people (apparently they have read a lot of relevant literature). They like brown-eyed beauties!

See photos of ideal girls through the eyes of Russian men






Portrait of an ideal girl through the eyes of foreigners

Research and conclusions of scientists from Britain

Researchers from Britain also compiled a portrait of the ideal girl (woman), based on surveys of the male half of humanity.

The result revealed:

Her nose should be like Samantha Cameron's.

The ideal girl's eyes should be very similar to Nicole Scherzinger's eyes.

Hair - Katherine Jenkins.

A woman's favorite figure is Beyoncé's.

Sociologists conducted one interesting study

The results showed that men see the “ideal” of their partner in appearance blue-eyed blonde. She should have an apartment and a job.

We've just compiled some honest portraits of the ideal woman. Now it's time to take a little break from external characteristics.

It doesn't matter to a man whether she is an exemplary housewife

The most important thing is “professionalism” in bed and love for nature and animals.

A complete ban applies to smoking. Partial refers to use alcoholic drinks(there is nothing wrong with the fact that a girl will sometimes drink in company).

You should never “get into” the past of your dear man!

He will tell you everything himself if he deems it necessary! Ideal girls are obliged to respect a man’s desire to remain silent about whatever he wants.

The ideal girl in the eyes of men is one who will not actively oppose “stag parties.” On the contrary, she will approve of her groom’s desire to have a good walk and unwind before the upcoming wedding celebration.

Attention! Now you will be very surprised!

Men will turn the world upside down for the sake of that person who loves kebabs and meat in any other form. They are wary of vegetarians. As well as for those who don’t take care of their teeth at all.

Men value mystery (mystery) and “magnetism” in a girl

Therefore they "attribute" to ideal people those girls who have these qualities.

Do men like girls' long false nails? - Certainly!

If the rest is in in perfect order! There are men who love to watch the process of nail extensions.

What needs to be done to become closer to the ideal?

Look and remember:

  • Earn no more (better - less) than your man

He'll be humiliated by what you get more money than him. Sacrifice a lot of money for him (if you think he is worthy of such “sacrifices”). Just please don’t deceive your loved one. You shouldn't hide information about how much you actually earn.

  • Go out without wearing makeup on your face

Prove that you like yourself no less without lipstick than with it! It is important for a man that you yourself believe that you are pretty (beautiful) and attractive. How to react to compliments “coming” from a man? Pretend to be embarrassed and smile (looking him straight in the eyes).

  • Play sports

Do this at home if you don’t have the time or opportunity to go to any gyms. A man can also “reach out” after you so that you begin to be proud of him. Appreciate such a magnificent endeavor! Show how much you sincerely appreciate him. The coolest option is to “travel” together to train.

  • Show your loved one that you know how to be frugal (at least for a certain period of time)

The man will be incredibly shocked. Smile in response to his reaction and be proud of yourself! Not every woman can refuse any purchases or a shopping trip!

  • Go to football or hockey with your man

Don't stop him from enjoying himself sports game, if he is a fan of such “deeds”. Be a cunning smart girl! You can! After all, you are doing this for the sake of your loved one... He will definitely notice and appreciate it! He might even agree to go with you to a concert of your favorite band (despite the fact that many of your musical tastes differ greatly).

  • Tell your loved one that you think about him often

Say that you love him very much, that you miss him when for a long time don't see each other. Then you will often hear compliments about your perfection.

  • Don't whine and complain about all sorts of trifles!

Men are accustomed to the fact that only women can act as a “quality vest”. Forgive your loved ones such a ridiculous delusion! Remember that they also forgave you and forgave you a lot. Men are slightly different people. And they cannot be made the way women want them to be!

If your man is almost impossible to please...

Don't try if it doesn't work out (despite your efforts). Let him look for another! Then he will regret that he did not appreciate you. Let him try to get you back! To return or not? - Think for yourself. The decision is your personal right. Use it as you wish.
