Hair according to the Vedas. Vedic beauty secrets of women's hair

Female asceticism.
According to the Vedas, women are advised to wear long hair, as long as possible. Because the planet Saturn, which is responsible for hair, it gives such an effect - if a woman has long hair, then let's say a woman takes care of this long hair, she is already doing penance and all her problems are just in her hair. If a woman cuts her hair, she drives all the problems inside. A woman's hair contains her psychic energy, so never let strangers stroke your head, except your husband and father. Because the person who touches your hair takes away your power. If a woman keeps her hair in order, as far as she can keep it long and take care of it, then she gets very good female energy - endurance and protection, this woman usually better intuition and she can foresee some things.

According to the Vedas, Goddess Lakshmi is located on the forehead in the area of ​​the third eye. This place is very favorable to keep open.

Let your hair down.
Women should never let their hair down if their hair is below the collarbones, especially during the day with strangers. Hair should always be tied in a bun. With long hair, women collect all the negative information.

Cutting hair.
You need to be able to choose a hairdresser, because a hairdresser, in contact with a person's hair, can change his karma. It is desirable that the hairdresser be of the same sex as you, that he be very joyful, energetic, and you must definitely know that the older the hairdresser, the more mystical experience he has, the more energetically he influences your life. And so that the hairdresser does not interfere in your life, go to your peers or to those who are younger than you.
If, for example, you have a bad period in your life, then this is the only practical case when you can go to a hairdresser who is much older than you, because he has enough power to give impetus to changing your karma for the better.

Hair should be cut periodically, even if it is long, because not only good information, but also bad, so be sure to cut your hair at least a centimeter or two every month. But if the previous period in life was very good, then a lot of positive energy, and during good periods, hair is not recommended to be cut.

It is not recommended to cut your own hair. It carries Negative consequences both for the body and for the mind. Women used to be taught hairdressing, because the ideal option is when a man cuts his hair by his wife, and also the mother cuts the hair of her children.

It is generally not advisable for a man to go to a woman hairdresser, because a woman hairdresser has this effect on him. mystical influence that if she is very strong, then she can take a man away from her wife, neutralize her energy.

If you cut your hair on a waxing moon, it will grow faster. If the hair is cut on a waning moon, then the hair roots are strengthened and the hair does not fall out.

To dye hair.
Dyed hair changes the energy that a person can accumulate in himself and change energy potential body. Especially change the energy potential of the body dyed hair with chemistry. Chemistry changes the structure of hair, hair color and connects a person to the energy of a certain planet.

Throw out hair.
There are certain types of shakti (energy) that are invoked by a woman's hair, if someone is associated with some occult sciences, spiritualism, you know that a lot of mysteries are associated with hair - with combing hair, you can roll this hair, there, throw into the fire, cast certain spells. You can just take someone's hair and you can just order. And the person won't even know. If you scatter your hair somewhere, there will always be tantrikas who will destroy you. Now especially, this is the age of Kali, and now there are a lot of people who are engaged in all kinds of these things. You can't even imagine how many people there are.

Therefore, your cut hair, fallen hair or hair left on the comb should never be scattered. Hair, nails, corns (when cut off) - all this is better to bury or burn.

Body hair.
Hair is an antenna that receives energy and through which the body is saturated with energy. A person differs from an animal not only in his consciousness, but also in the presence of hair on his body. If a hairy animal has no choice, he directly works out his karma and he cannot take a step to the side, then a person has a choice, and this opportunity to make a choice is at the level physical body based on the fact that there is little hair on the body.

With the help of hair, a living being is controlled by various rulers of the Universe, that is, with the help of hair, they give energy to a living being, and he acts in accordance with this energy. A person does not have as much hair on his body as on the body of an animal, so he is not so dependent on the various rulers of the universe. He always has a choice: to do bad or good.
But in order to still get the maximum energy from space, a person needs hair.
In ancient times, women, they wore long clothes, and tried to keep as much hair on the body as possible. They shaved the hair under the armpits, in the bikini area, but shaving the hair on the legs is not particularly favorable, because there are a lot of important acupuncture points on the legs that are associated with the internal organs of the body, and the hair on the legs gives the energy that to some extent protects these points. And if the legs are open, especially if there is no hair on them, then this makes the body very vulnerable to the energy of different views, especially very unfriendly views.

Women's hairstyle.
Hair length determines the amount and speed of energy entering the brain. The longer the hair, the more energy a person receives, but the longer the path of this energy to the brain. Therefore, women always had long hair, so that it would be easier for a woman to fulfill her duties. For women's activities, more energy is needed, more information is needed, received from space.

Since women wore long hair, the path to awareness was naturally much longer than that of a man with shorter hair. Because the development of the situation, it, of course, can be far ahead of the information coming from space about this situation. But, since a woman does not really have to rotate in the outside world, that is, a woman needs more knowledge and strength, it is naturally better for her to have long hair.

Short hair increases male energy in a woman, therefore a woman short hair especially wear unfavorably. Because she cannot receive so much information from the Universe and use this information for the benefit of the family, in addition, she needs to close the points on her neck and at the bottom of the back of her head, since they can be influenced by her gaze.

Men's hairstyle.
And for a man to rotate in the outside world, he needs a tougher, more concentrated energy. A man to decide different situations in its production activities need a very fast and good reaction, so it is best for a man, especially now, to have short hair.

Ideal men's hairstyle for example, it was in China for men - they shaved the front of their heads, and they had long braid. This is an ideal men's hairstyle, because with the help of long hair they increased their mystical qualities, they accumulated more energy in their hair, more information, which they take at the subconscious level from space. And the shaved surface of the head in front, it allows them to react as quickly as possible to some extreme situations, using that energy, that information that is concentrated in their back in long hair.

In men, the points on the neck and on the lower part of the head are not as subject to the energy of unfavorable glances as in a woman, so a man can wear short hair.

From the lecture notes of the Vedic astrologer Polonsky M.
From the lectures of Tugutov L.M. (Lakshmi Narayana Das)
From the lectures of Orekhov E. (Lalana)
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A series of messages "Polonsky":
Part 1 - Who wants to get married?
Part 2 - Wash dishes by hand
Part 3 - Hair
Series of messages "Lalana":
Part 1 - How important is it to always cook for your wife? Can a husband cook?
Part 2 - Hair
A series of messages "Beauty / health":

Part 2 - Hair
Series of messages " Happy woman":
Part 1 - 64 Saraswati arts that will change your life.
Part 2 - Who wants to get married?
Part 5 - Women's Yoga
Part 6 - How a woman can clear her karma and the karma of the family
Part 7 - Hair
Part 8 - Body Asceticism - Chastity
Part 9 - Change a loved one
A series of messages "Tugutov":
Lakshmi Narayana das
Part 1 - Chakras for Dummies
Part 2 - The Five Jewels of the Universe. Cow.
Part 3 - Parable
Part 4 - What planet are you from?
Part 5 - Hair

The cherished dream of every woman is a long beautiful hair. You may have good body and clean skin. But if your hair is a problem, you won't leave a good impression behind.
Sometimes there is something else. Some have beautiful shiny hair but they don't wear makeup. At the same time, such women make a good impression.
Each culture keeps its secrets of health and beauty of hair. Don't be afraid to try any of the recipes for yourself. This is a great way to gain additional experience in caring for your appearance, as well as create your own individual program care.
The culture of the Vedas keeps the experience of millennia in various spheres of life. This is caring for the health of the body, beauty. Hair is in direct proportion to this. They provide energy balance. According to Vedic culture, if you treat your hair correctly, you will be able to properly influence your husband, those around you, warn yourself and other people from problems and diseases.

If you're stressed or feeling down, wash your hair thoroughly. Hair strongly absorb what happens to you throughout the day, all the negativity, bad words.

If you feel headache, breakdown, knead the scalp, do a massage.
Wash your hair and look at yourself in the mirror. The world will become friendlier, and sadness will immediately evaporate somewhere.
According to the Vedas, hair is the owner magical properties. They are the keepers detailed information about a person from the moment he was born.
Hair is constantly associated with you, according to the Vedas. This thread is unbreakable. No need to throw your curls in the trash, toilet and leave behind at the hairdresser.
Again, according to Vedic culture, hair should not be allowed to lie in rubbish and dirt. People who get your hair can cause damage.
You can burn your own hair. That will be the best.
The hair you throw out may end up in bird nests, garbage. This can lead to a decline in vitality, headaches, bad mood, troubles in life. Hair must be collected in a separate bag, from time to time you need to burn it.
Thus, you will protect yourself from unnecessary troubles.
Vedic culture says that hair should be very long. The smallest length is the middle of the shoulder blades. Length female hair affects the strength and effect of their owner, its influence on the world. A woman with long hair in the culture of the Vedas is in a very close connection with divine and earthly energies. She brings love and joy to all people.
People involved in the culture of the Vedas say that you should not worry about the thinness and weakness of your hair. This is pointless and redundant.

The culture of the Vedas speaks of the need to have long hair, associating this with the quality of life of a woman.
Long curls suit any woman. The most important thing is to choose the right styling.
Vedic culture does not define a strict length throughout the hair. It is important that any part of the hair is shoulder length.

If you have Thin hair They perfectly conduct the energy of life. Perfect option- long shiny curls.
Modern women, unfortunately, wear loose curls. From the point of view of the culture of the Vedas, this is wrong. Thus, they waste their energy, which they need. Release your wonderful curls only in front of your loved one or when you need to be remembered, to make a splash.
The main secret of using hair in terms of energy is that there should not be a demonstration of your loose hair at an important event, a business event. Or, for example, you met for the first time with handsome man, wear your hair in a ponytail or bun for as long as possible. They need to be dissolved at the most significant moment for you, you yourself will feel it.
The energy that you have accumulated should bring you good luck, a good completion of the important work begun, happiness in love.
The most good hairstyle- pigtail. According to the culture of the Vedas, it has a good effect on hair growth.
Highly important point- parting. The classic parting is straight. In case of fatigue and emotional outburst it is necessary to make a straight parting, put all the hair in a bun. This hairstyle is done on time. It enhances your mood according to Vedic culture. You will come to your senses vitality will be added, and remove and energy.
If you want to wear a side parting, do it on the right side. Let most of the mop be combed to the left. We wish you to listen to the culture of the Vedas and draw some conclusions for yourself.

In ancient times, people knew about magical meaning hair. The ancient Slavs believed that it was through the hair that the energy of the Mother - the Earth and the Father - the Sun flows into the human body. Our ancestors believed that through hair we receive the protection and wisdom of the clan and the Great Gods, who protected from evil spirits and maintained health and life in the body.

For a Woman, hair was not just a virtue and decoration, it showed the quality and level of her energy and inner strength. The Vedas say that hair accumulates a positive supply of energy, which allows you to remain calm and balanced in any situation that requires a large expenditure of mental energy.

Women in Russia have always grown long hair and braided it into braids. The scythe for every Woman plays the role of a kind of battery. The longer it is, the wiser its owner, the more strength, kindness, love and affection in it.

Girlish hair was collected in a braid for a reason: a braid consisting of three strands personified a symbolic model of the universe and the balance of the three worlds - Reveal (manifested world), Navi (lower other world) and Rule (Supreme Divine world).

A large braid, flowing along the back, poured divine powers into the owner, nurtured and strengthened her body and spirit. After marriage, a single braid was divided in two: now the young wife and mother needed to draw strength not only for themselves, but also for their husband and children.

Women treated their hair with great attention and love. They knew that hair is a real gift from God: with the help of hair, you can charm a man, attract abundance into the house, and even cure a child.

In the old days, it was customary to give the chosen ones their curls so that they would wear them to the very heart and always remember their loved ones ... Women's hair was used in many magical rituals and divination.


In Russia, when going out to people, it was customary to cover the hair with a scarf, protecting the family at a subtle level from other people's views and envy, not allowing trouble, anger and other troubles to enter the house at the ends of the hair.

Loose hair was considered a messy waste of energy and a powerful sexual appeal. Each Woman monitored the level of her fullness, and let her hair down only at home, in front of her husband and children.

Even more importance was attached to braiding the braid than to braiding it. This process was slow and gentle with respect to the hair. By loosening her hair, the girl released the accumulated energy.

To this day, the belief has survived that if a girl wants to attract the attention of a potential groom, she needs to dissolve her braid with thoughts of him and then show herself to a man with her hair loose.

In order to “hook” the attention of a man, a girl needs to gently twist a curl around her finger, as if tying the man’s thoughts to her consciousness and to herself.

Always with loose hair went either witches (knowledgeable Women), who twisted their hair energy funnel, connecting to the energies of the elements, or dissolute Women.

Helpful Hints:

Braid your hair or cover it if you go to a crowded place: hospitals, shopping centers and markets, museums and theaters, festivals, carnivals and any city holidays, as well as cemeteries

To conserve your strength, braid your hair from time to time. high tail or a bunch - it adds endurance and strength
Hair tied in low beam, develop in a woman such a quality as meekness.

The scythe, located along the spine, allows the light forces of Mother Nature to pass into the spine, filling the body, Spirit and Soul with special Feminine energy.

If you comb your hair back or make a "fountain" - you will immediately calm down and feel a surge of strength.

It is desirable to do the parting on the right side (the main part of the hair is combed to the left), because Right side is considered male, and the left female. You can make a straight parting if you want to balance the energy. Accordingly, parting on left side wearing is not recommended.

According to the Vedas, curls increase female attractiveness so don't rush to get rid of them.

Master the technique of self-weaving braids - so the hair grows faster, and their owner looks even more tender.

If you have an exam, an important meeting or any other important business, be sure to braid your hair. Thus, you will accumulate strength.


The Slavic - Aryan Vedas say: "Do not cut your hair in vain, for you will not comprehend wisdom and lose your health." Therefore, the Slavs practically did not cut their hair. This was done only by those who wanted to "renounce the evil fate" - to get rid of an incurable disease, to be spiritually reborn or cleansed of sins. Therefore, if in your life there was a very difficult period- you can cut your hair shorter.

In Russia, Women never cut their hair short. It was tantamount to cutting off the Woman from the source of energy. It is for this reason that the barbarians, during the invasion of Russia, first of all grabbed the princess and cut off her braid, thereby depriving not only the Woman herself, but also the prince and even the city itself.

Nowadays, women choose short haircuts, not realizing that they are weakening their natural strength.

However, even if you are growing your hair out, you need to trim the ends. After all, they accumulate, including negative information. One or two centimeters a month will be enough. The only moment when you can refuse this rule is if the previous period in life was very good and productive.

You should be extremely responsible in choosing the person who cuts your hair. After all, in the process, he can give you a part life experience. And even change karma.

If you are a Woman, you must choose a master of the same gender as you. It will be great if your hairdresser is much older than you, because the more life experience she has, the more she can influence your destiny. Just remember that she must be cheerful, energetic and friendly for her influence to be positive.

If possible, avoid bangs. In the old days, it was believed that hair down on the forehead obscures the path of life and closes its own purpose.

It is not advisable for men to go to a female hairdresser, as she can neutralize the energy of the spouse and drive him away from the family. An ideal option when the Wife or Mother cuts the Man's hair. Previously, women were necessarily taught the art of hairdressing.

Helpful Hints:

Cut hair (as well as those that fell out or remained on the comb) are best burned or buried so as not to waste the energy accumulated in the hair, and so that your hair could not be used by malicious intent.
- It is desirable to cut the child's hair only after a year. And if you are one of those Women who keep the baby hair of their children, collected after the first haircut, make sure that no one but you will ever know about it.
-Hair cut on the waxing moon grows faster. On the waning - the roots are strengthened and the hair stops falling out.
- The Vedas say that not cutting hair during pregnancy means collecting energy force for yourself and your future baby.
-Before important events, which you have been waiting for a long time, you should completely abandon the haircut so as not to interfere with the course of fate.


According to the Vedas, ideal length hair - below the point in the center of the chest, where the anahata - chakra is located. If the hair is shorter, the Woman loses her connection with God and the ability to control her emotions. As soon as a Woman grows hair of this length, positive changes immediately begin to occur in her life.

The length of the hair determines the amount and speed of the incoming energy. The longer the hair, the greater the amount of energy, and the longer the path of this energy. Thus, it is easier for a Woman to carry out her daily duties.

To grow hair is a special female asceticism. Growing long hair is not always easy. However, the Vedas say - if you have the intention to grow them, they will become thicker and shine.

And, since this is the power of a Woman, then her accumulation should be given attention. You can make vows on your hair and they will surely come true. For example, you can say: "I grow my hair out to increase the wealth of my Husband."

Remember that short hair increases the Masculine energy, so the Woman cannot receive required amount information from the Universe and use it for the benefit of the family.

In addition, it is important for the Woman to close the points on the neck and in the lower part of the occiput in order to avoid being influenced by the gaze. Until the hair reaches the desired length, you need to collect it at the back and tie it with a ribbon so that its ends reach the shoulder blades.


Dyed hair changes the energy of a person and the potential of his body. Especially if the dyes are not natural. Chemistry changes not only the color, but also the structure of the hair, connecting a person to the energy of certain planets.

It is desirable that the hair color during dyeing does not differ from the natural one by more than 1-2 tones.

Indian henna works very well on the hair - it not only strengthens the hair, but also cleanses the subtle body. You will immediately feel the effect of using henna.


Hair is the antenna that conducts to the human head. space energy. Thus, any problem with hair is a sign that a person does not believe enough in the existence of the divine, which helps to build his own life. This disbelief reduces vital energy.

The appearance of hair can tell a lot - the level of energy in a Woman, the condition internal organs and hormonal system, and even about problems in the family.

Hair problems say that it is important to be yourself, to believe in yourself and in timely help Universe. The material can play an important role in life, but it should not take precedence over the spiritual principle, which is your true essence.

Useful advice:

If the hair falls out, then it is necessary to work with your Family. In Women, most often, hair loss signals problems with the Husband or Father.


When a Woman keeps her hair in proper order, wears it to the maximum length - she gets a large number of energy and protection. Usually, such Women have a very well developed intuition. And love and abundance reign in the house.

In the old days, Women took a very responsible approach to choosing a hair comb. After all, they knew that with its help you can remove any negativity and relax the body. But it is precisely relaxation that is the key to the successful accumulation of Feminine energy.

Hair is a kind of barrier between the influence of the external environment and the mind of a Woman. Therefore, taking care of them is a kind of austerity. Combing their hair before going to bed, Women throw off all the problems that have accumulated during the day. This must be done with feeling, sense, arrangement. It is advisable to think about something good, hum (as many people say “purr”) or say positive affirmations.

Wash your hair as often as possible. After all, they accumulate not only physical dirt, but also subtle - insults, quarrels, unpleasant conversations. If you feel dissatisfied or feel emptiness and loss of energy, you should wash your hair or at least sprinkle it with running water, and you will notice positive improvements in your mood.

And due to the fact that Shakti is concentrated in the hair - feminine energy, in Vedic culture it was not customary to allow anyone other than the Husband and Father to touch their hair.

Useful advice:

If you see what is being created around you negative environment, cover your head with a handkerchief or scarf. Then, troubles will bypass you or the degree of their impact on you will decrease.

In one of the issues of the Yoga Journal there was a small article by Vedic culture specialist Jesia Vaitelska about hair care. I read it, was glad that my hair was long and did not pay attention to the rest. I turned it over a few months later, thanks to Anna kalinji, who was repeatedly mentioned by me. She said that she now burns her hair.
Here are the main theses of the article (taken from Anya with my additions in italics).

1. The longer a woman's hair, the more she can influence others.
2. The minimum length is up to the middle of the shoulder blades (where the anahata chakra. This is the heart chakra.).
3. While the hair has not grown back, you need to collect it from behind and tie it long ribbon so that its ends reach the shoulder blades.
4. Best Hairstyle- it's a braid. Loose hair rubs hard and is injured external influences. The braid keeps the hair healthy.
5. You can and should dye your hair. No gray hair!
6. Fiery red hair color should be avoided, as it enhances the masculine energy.
7. Parting balances the energy state. This hairstyle harmonizes the movement of energy in a woman's body.
8. Side parting should be only to the left. That is, the bulk of the hair is combed on the left (female) side.
9. Smoothly combed hair promotes concentration on the desired goal.
10. We should let our hair down only when we want to have a strong influence on someone. When loose, the hair will begin to give off the energy that was accumulated while it was in the braid.
11. The first time to cut the hair of a child after a year.
12. Then they can be trimmed only once a year - this will give the baby more strength and protection.
13. Hair must not be thrown out. They must be collected in a ball and burned. All.

Also, the Vedic rules suggest combing the hair with your hands, and not with a comb. Probably because it's less traumatic. But maybe it's also in the energy of the hands.
And of course no hair dryers.

What I have adopted:
1) began to burn hair. I take a ceramic bowl, a lighter. Whatever is left I flush down the sink or toilet. It smells like burnt, but the procedure is quick and not tiring.
2) I braid my hair in a braid. I disband only when I go to public places or conduct seminars. I can’t say how much my influence on others has increased)))
I really liked that after I loosen the braid, my straight hair falls in waves that are relevant now and I can run on business without fitting))
3) I comb my hair with my hands.

The condition of the hair has clearly improved. They stopped crumbling and wildly electrified. I will not argue that this is only due to these changes, because. a little earlier than I started this complex, I went to Anya for oil massage. So it probably worked together.

In the old days, women never cut their hair short, as this meant a loss of connection with the source of energy. Braids were cut off only to unfaithful wives, thus exposing them to shame.

Short hair is very similar to trousers in a woman's wardrobe. Undoubtedly, they increase male energy, make a woman mobile and active. For a woman, long hair is still more suitable and preferably below the point of the center of the chest, this is the most favorable length.

Women when they refuse female beauty, thereby protesting against being perceived as a beautiful object. They want to be interested in their inner world and mind. But inner world women starts with external beauty. I used to get a little upset when they told me that I was beautiful. Now, if they said: - You're smart! Then it would be an estimate.

Only now I understand that for a woman this is the best: - How beautiful you are! And long hair plays an important role in this.

Having grown my hair, I always admire it, it is very beautiful and feminine.

Long hair gives a woman strength, but what is important: they should not be worn loose.

Letting down long hair was indecent, it's like being naked. “Masha loosened her braids, and after her all the sailors.”

Loose hair in the presence of a man meant an invitation to intimacy. That's why before a woman It was forbidden to let your hair down in front of strangers. The women who wore their hair loose were the fallen ones, they were called "LITTLE GIRLS".

It was also not customary to let your hair down because it was considered unsafe to scatter energy and strength by letting your hair down. Therefore, the hair was taken and braided. After all, a woman, letting her hair down, could attract other people's views, could arouse the envy of ill-wishers. Women vomited themselves in this sense, since they knew what was in their hands energy protection family and your home.

Women's hair has a very powerful sex appeal. probably that's why married women they could show their hair only to their husbands, and the rest of the time they wore a headscarf. Therefore, a woman in the temple should wear a headscarf so as not to embarrass the men and not distract them from prayer.

And also the scarf symbolizes the power of the husband and female humility and. Only unmarried women previously they could not cover their heads with a scarf in temples.

We will never return to the past, and it is unlikely that women will wear headscarves, but it is very important to know about the power of women's hair and use this knowledge for your own benefit, and most importantly, remember that hair is our dignity and our pride. Therefore, treat them carefully and carefully. They must be well-groomed and beautifully laid. After all, to be beautiful is the dharma (duty) of a woman. Read more.

In the next article, we will talk about whether to dye your hair, grow and wear bangs, as well as how to properly care for them. Subscribe to the newsletter so you don't miss out.

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Tatyana Dzutseva.

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