Healthy pregnancy: expert advice. I am pregnant! Basic principles of a healthy pregnancy

1. Every day you need to take folic acid. By taking folic acid, you reduce the risk of your baby having any birth defects.

Experts have found that a daily intake of 400 micrograms of folic acid before (at least several months) reduces the risk of developing pathologies and deformities in children by half. Folic acid contributes to the normal intrauterine development of the fetus and its growth. This component eliminates the occurrence of a neural tube defect in a child, the appearance of a "cleft palate", a congenital defect and a "cleft lip".

Recent studies by scientists in this field have confirmed that women who take folic acid have a much easier time getting pregnant. Women who took folic acid supplements on a regular basis had a 40% lower risk of ovulation problems.

2. Schedule a scheduled appointment with a therapist. To begin with, he will prescribe directions, after which you will undergo all the necessary examinations with doctors. There may be diseases that not only prevent pregnancy, but also then affect the health of the unborn baby. For example, STDs can disrupt the natural formation of the fetal body system, and kidney disease causes hypoxia. Hypoxia adversely affects the development of the child.

3. Before you get pregnant, take complex for pregnant women. The body undergoes a colossal restructuring from the first days. The whole organ system starts to work differently. The body begins to give the growing fetus almost all the vitamins, health and strength. For example, for a pregnant woman, the norm of calcium, zinc and iodine is one and a half times higher than the norm of a normal body. And vitamins such as B6 and B12 require 30% more daily. Iron and folic acid need twice as much. If the body does not receive it, then pathologies in the development of the fetus appear. Some cases even end in death.

4. All medicines that you freely bought at a pharmacy or by prescription and are currently taking should be discussed with your doctor. Most of the drugs that women get freely and without a prescription can adversely affect the development of the fetus in the future. One of the most dangerous drugs in early pregnancy are antibiotics.

5. Consult with your dentist. Let him conduct a complete inspection of yours, do a professional cleaning. This is especially necessary if you did not do this in the last six months before pregnancy. Surprisingly, this is a fact - patients can provoke premature. Experts have proven that the baby inside the mother's womb is exposed to the negative effects of bacteria from the diseased oral cavity.

6. Find suitable local courses for expectant mothers. Such classes will be useful to any woman who is in an interesting position. In such schools for expectant mothers, obstetricians and gynecologists work as teachers. They will tell you how to behave during pregnancy, mentally and physically prepare you for. Also, in such schools they teach how to properly care for the baby, to overcome their own fears and anxieties, which are so characteristic of expectant mothers.

7. Carefully study the labor code for pregnant women. According to the established legislation, it is forbidden to fire a pregnant woman. This prohibition also applies when the fixed-term contract has ended. It is forbidden to use a pregnant woman on night shifts. Even very frequent visits to the doctor are not prohibited, if the need arises.

8. You should also pay attention to the item on parental leave. If officially in a family a woman earns more than her father, then a man can go on maternity leave instead of her.

9. Plan your child's and mother's budget in advance. Payments are due by law to every newly-made mother. Payments are made by the state and the employer. Specify in advance what and how much you are entitled to. Calculate all possible income and expenses. Today, raising a child requires impressive expenses.

10. Try to cut down on alcohol and caffeinated foods. Studies conducted by scientists have shown that drinking more than four cups of strong (and other caffeinated drinks) per day reduces the likelihood of getting pregnant by 26%. And if a woman consumes alcoholic beverages more than three times a week, then it is twice as difficult for her to get pregnant.

11. Cook only healthy homemade food. The healthier and healthier a woman eats, the easier it is for her to get pregnant. Deficiency of any nutrients in the body leads to hormonal imbalance. Subsequently, the menstrual cycle is disturbed. And if a woman is on a diet, then there may not be ovulation at all. Every day you need to eat vegetables and fruits, grains and cereals, dairy products. This increases the possibility of conceiving a child.

During pregnancy, the expectant mother is particularly concerned about the health of the child in the womb and her own. Today we are talking about the basic principles of a healthy pregnancy with Maryam Gadzhiyeva, mother of two children, midwife, breastfeeding and child care specialist, patronage nurse at the Precious School for Future Parents in Moscow.


Maryam, everyone knows that it is necessary to prepare for a healthy pregnancy even at the planning stage. What is the approximate plan for this preparation: what should be passed, examined? Whether to accept vitamins?

It is necessary to pass tests: complete blood count, cytology, smear. Determine if there is an infection. The husband also needs to pass similar tests before conception. It is more difficult to treat infections when a woman is already pregnant, and they can affect the development of the baby, the formation of his vital organs.

With the intake of vitamins, everything is very individual. Often, women themselves prescribe multivitamins, macro- and microelements. In a good way, before taking something, you need to take a blood test, see what is missing, because an overabundance can also be harmful. Everything in the body is interconnected and there must be a balance.

Folic acid is very important for a pregnant woman. She is always prescribed in antenatal clinics when a woman is registered, usually at 7-10 weeks, only this is too late. According to the latest scientific research, folic acid should be taken 4-6 months before conception and the first 4 weeks of pregnancy, when the baby's neural tubes are laid, to avoid deficiency.

Does a woman need to radically change her lifestyle during pregnancy? Switch to a special diet, start training, cleanse the body?

In general, based on the concept that pregnancy is not a disease, but the normal state of the female body, there is no need to do something that is particularly different from the usual way of life. Another thing is that few people think seriously about their health before pregnancy: not too proper nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle - and this is bad.

If a woman has followed a healthy lifestyle, she should continue to keep her rhythm. The girls who went to training calmly continue their classes in a more gentle mode and taking into account their new anatomical features.

Many people think about proper nutrition when they have children or when they plan to conceive a child. Ideally, of course, you need to think about this not only during pregnancy, but in general in life: the less processed food, the better, choose seasonal products, less dyes, additives.

It is better not to experiment with cleansing the body, all cleansing should be carried out before pregnancy so as not to provoke an unplanned reaction of the body.

All women who are waiting for replenishment are worried about excess weight - it provokes pain in the legs, joints, and spine. How to properly monitor this?

It is in the matter of weight gain during pregnancy that there is no standard, all women have a different constitution: for one, an increase of 10 kg will be normal, for another, even 20-25 kg.

The most important thing is to eat right, quality is important here, not quantity. Protein nutrition is very important, especially in the second half of pregnancy, when the child's body is actively being built, and the mother's blood volume increases. A lack of protein can even lead to premature birth. Do not neglect both fats and carbohydrates, you need a balanced diet.

Almost any pregnancy gives some kind of discomfort: back, joints hurt. This is due to the fact that the center of gravity changes, the weight increases, the pelvis prepares for childbirth, the ligaments soften. Old injuries, body asymmetry can make themselves felt. In such cases, we always refer women to an osteopath. This is a mild, but very effective effect on the body, helping to cope with problems.

A healthy pregnancy is achieved through a healthy routine, proper diet, special exercise and vitamins before, during and after the baby is born, according to the US Department of Health and Human Services. Signs of healthy intrauterine development should appear in all three stages of pregnancy during 38 to 40 weeks of pregnancy itself. The weeks are grouped into trimesters, averaging about 13 weeks each.

Menstruation stops and hormonal changes begin to occur during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Women may experience various symptoms, which are mainly nausea, fatigue, and mood swings. Many women may experience cravings for certain foods or foods. Conversely, they may develop a dislike for previously favorite dishes. Heartburn, swollen breasts, and constipation are also normal and to be expected. In any case, during a healthy pregnancy, a woman should not experience drastic changes in food preferences and severe physical discomfort. Some women may gain a little weight, while others may even lose a few pounds in the first trimester. The normal development of the fetus depends on the healthy course of the first trimester of pregnancy, doctors at the University of Virginia Medical Center say. Most of these symptoms decrease or disappear during the second trimester of pregnancy.

Since most of the unpleasant symptoms disappear in the 13th week, others may take their place. In a healthy pregnancy, for most women, the tummy begins to grow - it expands to make the growing fetus feel comfortable. Therefore, pain in the back, hips and abdomen may appear or become even more pronounced. The skin around the nipples darkens and dark patches of skin may also appear on the forehead, cheeks, nose and upper lip. Pestictunnel syndrome, characterized by tingling in the hands, is a common symptom in a healthy pregnancy. Women should already begin to feel the movements of their growing baby during the second trimester.

As the baby grows, putting extra pressure on the bladder, women may feel the urge to urinate frequently. Breathing may become more difficult as the fetus presses on the chest. Heartburn is common. Women should also expect slight swelling in the legs and ankles. The breasts will become more tender and may release a watery substance called colostrum. Most women with a healthy starting weight can expect to gain 10-15 kg in the third semester, doctors at the Mayo Clinic, USA, say. In a healthy pregnancy, the cervix becomes softer and thinner, and the baby may be ready to be born a little earlier. So get ready too.

But, the most correct criterion for a healthy pregnancy is your well-being, you yourself should feel whether everything is going well, or something is wrong. Listen to your body, turn on your intuition and trust your heart. If everything is fine, there is nothing to worry about, it is not recommended for you in this position.

I love an active lifestyle. And pregnancy was no exception! It is rightly said that pregnancy is not a disease, pregnancy is not a reason to relax and feel sorry for yourself! Pregnancy is a completely normal, natural period for every HEALTHY woman. If your body was able to get pregnant, do not hesitate - you are an absolutely healthy woman!

Yes, doctors love to scare us with all sorts of horror stories about the threat of interruption, about hypertonicity, about oxygen starvation ... But think for yourself: treating yourself like a patient will not make you healthier! Everything depends on us, on our consciousness and on our faith in the child! Do you want to give birth to a strong and healthy baby? Stop shaking over him already while he is in the womb! Throw away the pills! Stop being afraid, live to the fullest! I'm not talking about extremes, like skydiving, of course, but some of the seemingly shocking activities that you are used to, that energize you, should be with you during the period of bearing a baby. Let me explain with my example:

For a very long time I could not get pregnant with both the first and the second daughter ... There was a miscarriage between them. And I was terribly afraid that I would become a hysterical mother when I get pregnant and I will be afraid of everything, I will listen to the movements every second and go to the doctors ... This miracle happened, I saw the long-awaited two strips on the test, visited the doctor and he confirmed: I will become a mother !

My happiness knew no bounds! And when I began to notice an excessive panic in the address of the future baby, I thought. Why am I doing this? Why am I reading these negative articles about pregnancy and childbirth if I take them so closely? Why do I doubt my nature and the child? Why am I infringing on myself, and thus the future baby, in the tastes of life!? After all, what I am experiencing now, my child is also experiencing!

I realized one thing: faith is the strongest thing! I believe that my child is strong and healthy! I believe that my lifestyle is his choice, he chose ME as his mother! And he knows what he signed up for (: If the child is weak or aims that I will treat him all my life, I let him go right away (this is how, I think, miscarriages happen - when the child does not want to be in this family, and the family does not wants this child). Do you want to be born to me? Be strong and healthy, strong and focused on life without doctors and medicines! From myself, I convey boundless love, care, tenderness and the desire to be your mother! I will show you this World from the side of health, strength, positive emotions and new discoveries!

So, being pregnant with my first daughter, I allowed myself to go in for sports, diet for the beauty of the body, actively swam and went windsurfing at the 5th month of pregnancy, did yoga, traveled long distances on foot and knew all the time that my baby goes through this with me !

I regard a miscarriage as natural selection, that's all. If that's the case, then it's better. Of course, I also came to this thought through the experience of the tragedy.

In my second successful pregnancy, which did not come for a long time, I made a big mistake when I became attached to the sex of the child. Being pregnant at the 6th week, I said that I did not want a second daughter, but I wanted a son. Bleeding immediately began and I was taken away in an ambulance. In the hospital, I already understood the reason for all this and persuaded my daughter to stay! I prayed that gender was not important to me, I wanted a child!

For some time I drank hormones, like everyone else with a threat ... But I know that hormones are harmful and stuffing myself and an unborn baby is terrible! I stopped taking pills and gradually switched to active sports! I ran until 36 weeks, did a set of exercises 2 times a day every day and followed a diet. In the 8th and 9th months I was skiing and enjoying life! The main thought that was with me all the time: “I believe in myself, in my body and in my child. We are strong and healthy!”

I call my third pregnancy the most arrogant one, since from the very beginning I gave myself this attitude: if I get pregnant, it will be a strong baby. I will ignore any signs of weakness - bleeding, pain, etc. I will live the way I lived before pregnancy! And if in previous pregnancies I still gave myself some indulgence, then this time I outdid myself! This pregnancy is especially full of work as a model, and running, and sports loads, and outdoor activities ... - everything is the same as before pregnancy! In the same volume, in the same loads and in the same positive!

Dear future mothers! I urge you to listen to your heart! Nature knows how to do it, there is no need to interfere with it and impose your correctness! As long as you doubt yourself, your body will control you. But it should be the other way around - your consciousness should control your body! And so it happens, you just need to believe a little more in yourself and your nature!

All successful pregnancies and childbirth!

PS: negative thinkers who think that everyone knows and impose their point of view on everyone in a row can pass by without describing their thoughts about my article, everything is already clear with you in advance

Pregnancy is one of the most significant events in a woman's life, so properly transferring it and bearing a healthy child becomes the number one task during this period. And every expectant mother is faced with the question of what can and cannot be done during pregnancy.
There are many folk myths and signs on this topic. For example, signs forbid pregnant women from cutting their hair or passing under a tight rope. But this is all - not confirmed by the facts "lyrics". Here's what the doctors say!
Says Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology GUMF them. N. Testemitanu, obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category, Popushoy Olga Ivanovna.

Preparing for pregnancy

Olga Ivanovna, probably, it is worth starting our conversation with the question of how to properly prepare yourself for pregnancy, what should a woman who dreams of a healthy baby do?

Yes, this is one of the main questions. The fact is that preparation for pregnancy should begin even before conception. Unfortunately, many couples, especially young ones, neglect family planning, mistakenly believing that everything will work out by itself, nature will help. Alas, nature is not always able to cope with the multitude of unfavorable consequences, loads and shocks that in our time fall on the body of the “average person”.

This is especially true for residents of large cities. Indeed, from the point of view of ecology, megacities are far from the best place to live, and the urban lifestyle leads to constant, chronic stress, overload of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, physical inactivity, and poor nutrition. But all this affects not only our health, but also the development of our children even before they are born.

Yes, and we often don’t follow our health too much, we don’t pay attention to many symptoms until they become quite obvious, and, as a result, in a latent or chronic form we “carry” many diseases in ourselves that can be far from the best way. affect the condition of the unborn child.

Based on the foregoing, in the course of pregnancy planning, one should try to eliminate as much as possible all possible deviations and violations, both in the external environment and in the health of the parents themselves, and both. Only then can we hope that conception will occur normally, and the pregnancy will proceed without complications.

I always tell women that if you decide to have a baby, there is no need to be afraid and embarrassed about the examination before pregnancy. Even before conception, as soon as the decision is made that a little man should appear in the family, you need to take care of him. To start, the expectant mother should contact a gynecologist. And, most likely, the spouse will also have to come to the doctor, since a detailed survey of future parents is necessary in order to assess their state of health and heredity. In some cases, it may be necessary to consult other specialists - a general practitioner, neuropathologist, ophthalmologist, cardiologist. Everything is individual.

And yet, as you know, a large share of responsibility falls on a woman. What examinations are necessary for the expectant mother?

Of course! The closest attention, of course, is paid to the health of the expectant mother. But it is quite difficult to say unequivocally what examinations will be needed. It all depends on the woman herself, on her age, health status, previous births or lack thereof, and many other factors. Although general recommendations are still there.

So, for example, all women are shown an examination by a gynecologist, to check for cancer, an examination of the thyroid and mammary glands, a smear for cytology, and in doubtful cases, a more thorough examination.

In addition, a routine examination in our time is necessarily supplemented by an ultrasound examination (ultrasound), which is best for a woman to undergo after critical days - in the first phase of the menstrual cycle.

And is it possible to somehow secure an unborn baby? Perhaps there are some preventive measures that can prevent the development of fetal pathologies?

Science, as you know, does not stand still, and what seemed like an unsolvable problem yesterday can already be solved today. The main thing is to do everything on time!

For example, if a couple already had problems or unsuccessful pregnancies that led to miscarriages, premature births, the birth of sick children, they need special attention and a more thorough examination with detailed analyzes, genetics consultation and ultrasound at different stages of the menstrual cycle to determine the condition of the inner layer uterus (endometrium).

But in general, with the onset of pregnancy, even an absolutely healthy woman needs to repeat many studies and consultations in order to identify possible violations and deviations in advance. Already with a delay in menstruation of 7-10 days, ultrasound can determine the size of the fetal egg and its location in the uterus.

At 11-13 weeks of gestation, the expectant mother should undergo a screening examination to rule out possible fetal developmental disorders associated with chromosomal aberrations.

This is ultrasound and the definition of biochemical markers. If there are suspicions of chromosomal abnormalities, which are especially common in women over 35 years old, parents may be offered to conduct a genetic analysis of single cells of the fetal membrane. Such a study allows for 2-3 days with a high degree of certainty to exclude a number of serious diseases and disorders in the development of the unborn child.

And, starting from a period of 20-24 weeks. With the help of ultrasound, it is already possible to directly observe the state of the fetus: during the study, all its organs are visible, the state of the placenta and blood flow in the vessels of the uterus and umbilical cord, the amount of amniotic fluid and other important indicators are easily determined.

That is why, in order for the pregnancy to proceed normally, in order to avoid unwanted problems, a woman must register with a gynecologist no later than 6-12 weeks of pregnancy. Only under the supervision of a specialist and subject to all his recommendations, you can bear a healthy baby.

First trimester of pregnancy

Olga Ivanovna, it is believed that the most difficult period of pregnancy is its beginning. What do doctors say about it?

The first trimester of pregnancy is a great time, but a woman should be prepared for the fact that it is at this stage that she will face most of the difficulties and problems that are destined to face throughout her pregnancy.
Of course, early pregnancy is different for every woman. For example, despite the fact that there are no longer regular periods, during the first trimester, light spotting may continue. It is they who often obscure the picture so much that some women are unaware of the onset of pregnancy for three months or so. And about seven days after fertilization, the so-called implantation bleeding can begin. This is a physiological vaginal discharge associated with the formation of new blood vessels. However, they are quite rare.
Also, a woman may find that she has become more likely to urinate. First, the enlarged uterus presses on the bladder. Secondly, due to all the hormonal changes experienced, such as a sharp increase in the level of progesterone in the blood, a woman will consume and, accordingly, excrete more fluid.
Most women note a change in the shape of the breast and the appearance of new sensations in it: the breasts swell, they may feel tingling, throbbing or pain. This is due to the development of the mammary glands. The blood flow to the chest increases, the veins are more clearly indicated. The nipples swell and rise, the areola (the area around the nipples) darkens and expands. Moreover, in some women, increased sensitivity and soreness of the nipples appears at the very beginning of pregnancy.

Another symptom typical of this period is fatigue. But it passes, as a rule, at the fourteenth - twentieth week of pregnancy. There is a very simple remedy for this ailment: sleep more! During the first trimester, the optimal duration of a night's sleep is about ten hours.
Another consequence of increased progesterone levels is frequent pre-syncope and constipation. Weakness is due to the fact that under the action of progesterone, the smooth muscles of the blood vessels are stretched, which causes stagnation of blood in the legs. In addition to this, blood flow to the uterus increases. This can cause a drop in blood pressure and lead to fainting. They can be provoked by long periods of standing or sitting. For prevention, it is recommended to lie down or perform exercises aimed at increasing blood circulation.
Constipation, in turn, is due to the fact that progesterone relaxes the smooth muscles of the small and large intestines, slowing down the digestive process. To prevent them, include more fluids (about 6-8 glasses a day) and fiber in your diet, as well as exclude fatty foods and meat with blood.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, when the processes of forming a small organism are actively underway, the mother should be especially attentive to herself, you need to worry about your safety and health, since the safety and health of the child directly depends on this. You shouldn't overwork. Try to keep a sleep schedule, eat right, walk daily in the fresh air and minimize contact with sources of stress: communication with unpleasant people, doing unpleasant things.

It is better to conduct sexual life in the first trimester very carefully, until the fetal egg is properly strengthened on the wall of the uterus, a stormy sexual life can cause a miscarriage. You will have to endure the first ten or twelve weeks, sex in the later stages of pregnancy will not pose a threat.

It is very important to limit, and it is better to stop taking medications altogether. If you have chronic diseases that force you to adhere to a certain medication schedule even while pregnant, it is imperative to consult with both the gynecologist leading the pregnancy and the profiling specialist who deals with your chronicle.

Lifestyle during pregnancy

You have already mentioned that the lifestyle of a pregnant woman should be different from the usual. But could you elaborate on this topic?

Pregnancy is not a disease! But, of course, a pregnant woman must follow a proper diet and lead a healthy lifestyle.

If possible, you should try to avoid nervous stress and physical overwork, beware of colds and other "accidental" diseases, completely eliminate alcohol and, if possible, stop smoking (or at least reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke as much as possible).

Moderate and carefully planned physical activity is useful, pregnant women should not stay too long. To preserve the health of the mother and child, to prepare for childbirth, various sets of exercises and procedures have been specially developed, about which you need to consult with your doctor.

If your city has an indoor pool, go in for swimming, it prepares well for the upcoming loads the muscles of the back, abdomen, and pelvis. At many pools, there are now special groups for health-improving gymnastics, and a number of complexes designed specifically for women with different stages of pregnancy.

But swimming in open water, unfortunately, will have to be limited, since in most of them the risk of catching an infection is too high.

But in general, you need to be reasonably careful, combine activity with rest, eat right, be examined regularly and consult a doctor - in this case, everything will go well, and your baby will be born healthy!

Pregnant menu

Olga Ivanovna, tell me, what is “healthy food” in the understanding of doctors? What is the best food for an expectant mother?
There are no "magic" products that are especially necessary for the normal course of pregnancy. There are very few "forbidden" products. Of course, foods to which, for example, a woman is allergic should be avoided; try also to eat as little as possible sweets, fatty foods.
In terms of structure, the nutrition of a pregnant woman should resemble a pyramid: the widest part, the "basis", consists of cereals, cereals. You should eat these foods more than any other.

Fruits and vegetables form the second largest essential food group.

A third, even smaller group is made up of dairy products, as well as meat, legumes, eggs, and nuts.

At the top of the pyramid are fats, oils and sweets, which are recommended to be eaten in minimal quantities.

And yet, pregnant women need more iron and folic acid. Therefore, it is necessary to eat foods rich in iron (legumes, leafy green vegetables, milk, eggs, meat, fish, poultry) and folic acid (legumes, eggs, liver, beets, cabbage, peas, tomatoes). You will also need to take vitamins and iron tablets if your doctor recommends them.
If a pregnant woman does not have a very good appetite, then it is better for her to eat small meals 5-6 times a day instead of 3 large meals.
In addition, you need to drink 8 glasses of liquid daily, preferably water. At the same time, you should not drink more than three glasses a day of drinks containing caffeine (tea, coffee, cola), or drinks with a high sugar content. It is especially not recommended to drink tea and coffee with food (caffeine interferes with the absorption of iron).

No no and one more time no!

Olga Ivanovna, I would like to emphasize in particular what is absolutely forbidden for pregnant women?

Doctors categorically forbid smoking for pregnant women. Smoking leads to the birth of children with reduced body weight, premature babies, or miscarriage. Even passive smoking can lead to these problems.
It is better for pregnant women to temporarily refuse to use any aerosols and cleaning products (it is better to use ordinary soda), and also to stay away from paint fumes, solvents, gasoline and other strong chemicals. You should not make repairs in the apartment during this period in order to bring the child to the renovated apartment if it is not possible to leave it for this time.
Do not get involved in drugs. And it's not just pills. Even some seemingly harmless herbal teas can interfere with normal pregnancy.
No alcohol! Doctors say there are no safe doses of alcohol for pregnant women. Alcohol interferes with the supply of oxygen to the fetus, which can lead to disruption of its development.

In the interests of the child, it is also better to avoid sudden changes in temperature. Both hypothermia and overheating should be avoided. You should not visit saunas during pregnancy, and it is even better to refuse even hot baths.

You have to be careful with some products. The fact is that there are products that pose a direct threat to the health of the expectant mother. These are: raw meat, raw and salted fish, unpasteurized milk and cottage cheese. Raw meat, for example, can cause a disease called listeriosis, which can lead to miscarriage, birth defects, or stillbirth. The consumption of other types of food that are dangerous during pregnancy also has its negative effects. Be careful with soy products. They are mainly produced from genetically modified beans. And the consequences of their use are not known for certain today. In addition, soy itself contains substances similar to the female hormone estrogen.

Cosmetics, perfumes, paints...

We all know that the hair coloring procedure involves their treatment with chemical reagents. The question arises, how dangerous are they for a child, and is it possible to dye hair during pregnancy?

The question of whether expectant mothers should dye their hair remains controversial. Based on the scientific evidence already obtained, this procedure is harmful, and a woman must have a very good reason to decide on it.
And in the first trimester, when the child's organs are just being formed, it is especially dangerous. Therefore, before making a decision, it is necessary to consult with a doctor who monitors the course of pregnancy. And if a pregnant woman has severe toxicosis or there is a possibility of allergic reactions to the dye components, hair coloring can become an additional burden on the immune system, and the doctor will most likely advise against this procedure.

It is also better to use perfume as carefully as possible. The main rule in this case is everything is good in moderation!

Weight during pregnancy

Weight gain is perhaps the most painful topic for all women. Especially when it comes to pregnancy. After all, while waiting for the child, the expectant mother is rapidly gaining kilograms. How not to overdo it and not gain too much?
The optimal weight gain for a pregnant woman is considered to be 8-12 kg for the entire period (with multiple pregnancies - more). But the process of weight gain is purely individual and depends on many factors. Although the weight before pregnancy, lifestyle and gastronomic habits play a decisive role.

It is important for the expectant mother to remember that the kilograms gained are a strategically important reserve that can be useful in case of emergency (for example, if the mother cannot get enough energy from food). In addition, body fat is useful during breastfeeding. After all, breastfeeding requires a lot of energy, and this is where all the reserves made by the expectant mother during pregnancy come in handy. That is why those women whose weight gain was within the normal range easily lose extra pounds and return to their original weight by the time breastfeeding is completed.

But the opinion that the expectant mother should eat for two is categorically wrong. Many women, guided by it, make a huge mistake, starting to eat everything in a row, without denying themselves anything. Overeating has never done anyone any good. Excess weight threatens to increase blood pressure, the development of varicose veins and even the occurrence of diabetes in pregnant women. Therefore, it is important to remember that eating should not be for two, but for two.


Olga Ivanovna, summing up the results of our conversation, I would like to hear from you some general recommendations for future mothers.

Pregnancy is not just a period of time from conception to childbirth, it is not a pause in the process. Your baby is already with you, he is already here. Just as long as he is under your protection. And for this protection to be reliable, a woman needs to take care of herself and her health with even greater diligence. Of course, your husband, relatives, friends and girlfriends will definitely support you. But do not forget about the need for expert advice. You should regularly visit the doctor who monitors and manages your pregnancy. And feel free to contact him even outside the schedule. Pregnancy is not the case when you can rely on chance! At the slightest suspicion that something is going wrong, immediately hurry to the doctor. In no case do not self-medicate!

Remember that you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for your child, for his health. And, as mentioned above, this responsibility does not begin from the moment of his birth, but much earlier.

be healthy!

Thanks for the conversation!
