What is a metrosexual? Metrosexual - the most famous metrosexuals.

Metrosexual is a word that can be heard more and more often in conversation; it is mentioned on the pages of glossy magazines and in serious publications. Calling metrosexuals effeminate men, we don't think about true meaning this term.

What is metrosexual as a concept?

According to the explanatory dictionary, metrosexual is a neologism that denotes not sexual orientation, but a way of life and attitude towards oneself, a beloved man, professing a cult of perfection in everything, from clothing, accessories to ideal physical form.

The term “metrosexual” was first used by journalist Mark Simpson. It is believed that he was inspired to invent this term by watching the series “Sex in big city" There may be some truth in this legend, since the term consists of two parts - “metro” from metropolitan (from English, a resident of a big city, metropolitan) and “sexual” from sexual (from English, sexual). In the series, girlfriends complain that men are devoting more and more time and attention to themselves, getting carried away by shopping and forgetting about masculinity.

In fact, the British journalist announced his book in The Independent in 1994 with the suggestive title Masks of the Zool: Men Playing Out Masculinity. In it, he described a new type of men who, while maintaining traditional sexual orientation, adopt attitudes towards appearance, clothing and some elements of behavior among representatives of gay culture.

To interpret the term, a quote from the book should be given: “He lives in the city because there are best stores, clubs, gyms and beauty salons. His true love he himself appears, and his feelings towards himself are almost sexually colored ... "

By M. Simpson’s own admission, his book was full of irony in relation to narcissistic men who are too sensitive to their appearance, and the term used to designate them did not carry any special semantic load. However, "with light hand"mass media term came into use and spread throughout the world. In Korea, metrosexuals are called “flower men” (kkotmin), and in China they are called “aimei nanren,” which can be translated as “man who loves beauty.”

Who really is a metrosexual?

Who are metrosexuals?

If in the West there is a correct idea about metrosexuals, then in our country they are often confused with representatives of sexual minorities, focusing only on the external side similar attitude To own appearance.

Metrosexuality implies that a man, sparing no time and money, strives to keep up with fashion, follows fashion trends and enjoys spending time in stores, carefully selecting things.

A metrosexual takes care of his appearance, using cosmetics and men's care products, visiting beauty salons, massage parlors and a solarium. Improving his body, he does not neglect fitness, yoga, visits the gym and adheres to healthy image life.

A metrosexual doesn't just have clean, neatly trimmed nails, he gets a manicure and pedicure, anti-aging masks and uses hair styling products.

But metrosexuality is not limited to “taking care of the beauty of your nails.” Psychologists believe that this term refers to a “new type” of men. They chose a lifestyle that allowed them to be liberated, to live, not to depend on the opinions of others, the way they like. This is an intelligent, well-read man of the post-industrial era, improving not only appearance, but also striving to have a certain social status.

It is impossible to meet a metrosexual in a factory or in a mine, but there are many of them among actors, politicians, and financiers. In order to look and live the way he wants, a narcissist needs a lot of money. Therefore, the metrosexual works hard to spend as much as possible on himself.

IN light industry, the service sector has formed a whole direction designed to satisfy the needs of metrosexuals. Studies conducted in the USA have shown that income from production men's cosmetics, visits to estheticians and cosmetic surgery clinics have grown by $8 billion over the past few years. According to The Economist, the age of metrosexuals is 25-45 years old, but other publications cite examples of “new generation” men much older than the lower limit. Sociological studies have shown that in the United States, about 40% of young men can be classified as metrosexual subculture.

The opposite of metrosexuals, the so-called “macho”, emphasize their muscularity and disdain for their own appearance. If a metrosexual is a discerning consumer who values ​​beauty, an aesthetic sybarite, then a macho is an emphatically brutal, straightforward, aggressive “male.” This image is cultivated by movie stars Antonio Banderas, Sylvester Stallone and Steven Seagal.

IN Lately a new antonym for the word “metrosexual” has appeared - retrosexual, denoting men without an aggressively demonstrative presentation of their sexuality and muscularity. A retrosexual is a type of gentleman in mid-century style clothing. He may look well-groomed, but not overly concerned about his appearance. An example of a retrosexual is the British actor and director Sean Connery and the American actor James (Jimmy) Stewart.

Sexual orientation

Sexual orientation has nothing to do with the concept of “metrosexual”. According to M. Stewart, who gave a final description of this concept only in 2002 in his book “Meet the Metrosexual,” he can have any orientation:

“He may be homosexual, bisexual or have a traditional sexual orientation, this is absolutely not significant, since he has unequivocally accepted himself as an object of adoration. Sexual addictions are just an opportunity to obtain pleasure.”

Most metrosexuals love women great importance, paying attention to the appearance of the chosen one. For example, a prominent representative of this subculture and the idol of metrosexuals David Beckham– father of three children and heterosexual.

He can build sexual relationships on romanticism and respect, not allowing himself and others to be humiliated.

In relationships, metrosexuals prefer stability, but without commitment. Women are treated as resources sexual pleasure, but without the dominance characteristic of retrosexuals or the aggression of the owner, like a macho. This isolation from attachment to a woman is clearly visible in Michael Flocker’s book “Metrosexual. Style Guide,” which has become a kind of textbook for many young people of our time. In it you can find recommendations on how to dress, behave in society, order food in a restaurant and what to prefer in art. There are sections dedicated to caring for the body and health, but there are no tips on building relationships in the family. Metrosexual - loner, responsible only for myself. The social disunity of residents of big cities is also evident in the subculture of metrosexuals. Russian sexologist Igor Semenovich Kon argued that it was women who led to the emergence of this type of man. Women strive for self-realization and leading positions in all spheres of life, which leads to self-reflection in men and the weakening of the stereotype " male behavior" The metrosexual is a product of the transformation of demographic thinking, for which family is not among the priorities. Therefore, he can choose the sexual orientation that is convenient for him, without looking at public opinion.

Character traits and attitude towards yourself

Public opinion classifies men with “small size” as metrosexuals. mental disorders» prone to narcissism, perfectionism in relation to appearance and hedonism. What character traits are typical of metrosexuals?

Psychologists have sorted the “new type” man into pieces, compiling psychological picture metrosexual. According to them, a metrosexual:

  • not prone to generalizations, he prefers specifics;
  • good strategist, but weak tactician;
  • guided by feelings more than by logic, but at the same time very pragmatic;
  • suggestible, easy to manipulate;
  • is not ashamed of his weaknesses;
  • he lacks a sense of collectivism, but he cannot be called a bright individualist either;
  • no attachments;
  • polite, loyal;
  • an optimist and at the same time a realist.

In the book mentioned above, M. Flocker writes that a metrosexual is free from boundaries and stereotypes, and intolerance towards people based on race or religion sexual orientation or, for example, the manner of dressing - a sign of limitations and ignorance.

Women who communicate with metrosexuals or live with them say that it is very Good friends, interesting interlocutors, purposeful people, and with some effort on the part of a woman - great husbands and fathers. However, many note the egocentrism of this type of man.

A metrosexual is demanding in relation to himself. The desire for a perfect appearance forces him to actively strive for the ideal, but he does not strive to be like the Ken doll. He enjoys cosmetics, perfumes and deodorants to have healthy skin and smell good. Visits Gym not to conquer beauties with his muscles, but to look harmonious. A metrosexual has his own style of clothing and behavior. He allows himself to wear shoes “barefoot” and carefully selects the color of his socks to match his trousers. Removes chest hair for an aesthetically pleasing look with an unbuttoned shirt. A metrosexual, at his own whim and following his “self-feeling,” changes his hair color and hairstyle more often than some representatives of the fair sex.

A metrosexual is demanding of himself, and therefore also applies to others. His main principle- achieving perfection and he is actively moving towards this, setting specific goals and achieving them. This is not an infantile and soft-bodied “slobber,” but a purposeful and liberated person.

From the point of view of a psychologist, a metrosexual is a contradictory personality who can combine incompatible traits. Many come to the conclusion that metrosexuality is not so much a character type as an image.

Famous metrosexuals

In addition to the already mentioned metrosexual “icon” Beckham, you can find many examples of men belonging to this type. Among foreign metrosexuals one can name David Bowie, Brad Pitt, Robbie Williams.

IN modern world appeared a large number of new concepts that can sometimes be confusing. Not everyone can say exactly who a metrosexual is and how he differs from all other representatives of the stronger sex. However, it’s still worth finding out about this, because, according to psychologists, there are more and more such men.

Who are metrosexuals?

The modern world dictates its own rules. Now, in order to succeed, you need to look good and be able to win over others. That is why an increasing number of men are becoming interested in their appearance.

A metrosexual is a man who devotes a lot of time to his appearance, style, and behavior. He tries to do everything to look more beautiful.

The term itself was coined in 1994 by journalist Mark Simpson. He combined the words metropolitan (capital) and sexual (sexual). Thus, the new word “metrosexual” appeared. Its meaning has not changed over the years.

Simson gave detailed interpretation what does "metrosexual" mean? According to him, this man lives either in the city center or in an area close to it. It is important for him that there are beauty salons, shops where he can find the best products, gyms and nightclubs nearby. After all, this is where most of the life of a metrosexual is spent. Most often, such men earn good money. They are achieving great success in the service thanks to the ability to win people over.

Taking care of appearance above all else

Metrosexuals are always up to date with the latest fashion trends. They can confidently talk about new collections, their main ideas and designers’ ideas. But at the same time, such people are not only interested in fashion, but also dress in strict accordance with its laws.

The meaning of the word "metrosexual" will be revealed only half, if not to say that such men pay great attention to your body. Flabby muscles, unkempt nails and dirty hair unacceptable to them. This is why metrosexuals devote a lot of time to sports and visiting beauty salons.

Such a man will always have a cosmetic bag that is not inferior to a woman’s. In it you can usually find creams, products for hiding skin imperfections, nail and hair care. Sometimes you can find lip gloss or chapstick.

Character traits

In order to better understand what “metrosexual” means, you need to find out what character traits are inherent in such a man. Metrosexuals are confident in their beauty. They consider appearance one of their most important advantages, they know their worth and will not humiliate themselves. Such men understand that people like them and attract their attention, which certainly flatters them.

Metrosexuals love to be the center of attention. They know how to carry on a conversation, so they will not be confused if they are asked a question. A larger number of such men prefer to develop not only their external data, but also their intellect, in order to conquer others with their education.

It is impossible to understand who a metrosexual is without seeing his ways of communicating with girls. With representatives of the fair sex, such men very easily find mutual language. Metrosexuals will be able to discuss with better half humanity celebrity clothing style, last news from the world of fashion and show business. In addition, such men can be great company while walking around the shops. This kind of pastime is really interesting for them.

Sexual orientation

Some people, when asked who a metrosexual is, confidently answer that this is a man who experiences sexual attraction to men. But that's not true. Not all metrosexuals are homosexuals. And vice versa. A man’s love for his own appearance does not at all mean that he is attracted to people of the same sex. More often than not, metrosexuals remain heterosexual. But modern psychologists are sure that such a man is not capable of loving anyone as much as he loves himself.

Features of relationships

Women who want to connect their lives with metrosexuals will have to come to terms with some of their character traits. Metrosexuals are in love with their appearance, and therefore will not allow criticism from the woman they love. She should admire and be proud of her partner.

Near well-groomed man must be well-groomed woman. Metrosexuals present high requirements in relation to your soulmate. If she does not answer them, then the man can start looking for another companion. He is sure that he deserves the best.

Metrosexuals are very careful. It is important for them that their clothes are clean, well ironed and do not cause any complaints. If a man is neat, then he will expect the same from his woman.

Metrosexuals are used to spending a lot of money. fashion clothes, weekly visits sports clubs and beauty salons require large expenses. Therefore, you should not expect frugality from such a man.

Famous metrosexuals

The best way to understand who a metrosexual is is at specific examples. Fortunately, there are many such men in Hollywood.

The most famous metrosexual is David Beckham. Now few people remember him as a talented football player. Much more often the name is heard in connection with fashion news. This man not only takes care of himself, but is also ready to give some advice to others on how to do it correctly.

The girls' favorite Brad Pitt is also considered a metrosexual. He is well-groomed and has his own own style and never allows himself to look untidy. Even the beard, which in previous centuries was considered a sign of masculinity, has been brought into perfect order.

Another famous metrosexual is Justin Bieber. The young performer is sometimes confused with a girl, but this did not stop him from finding millions of fans around the world. Justin, wanting to help others become more beautiful, even released his own line of cosmetics.

So far, many are not ready to treat metrosexuals with respect. But is it so bad if a man takes care of himself? Not at all, unless this hobby turns into fanaticism.

Let's discuss with our psychologist Natalya Morgunova, metrosexual - what kind of fruit it is and what it is eaten with. We all want to see a reliable man next to us, on whom you can always rely and with whom you feel as if behind a stone wall. But today, more and more often, there are male representatives who will have more jars of creams on their dressing table, larger than you. Is it possible to start a relationship with them, much less a family?

Who is a metrosexual

What is he like, this feminine man? It is not always possible to identify him by his appearance: you will not see elegant scarves, cufflinks and other accessories on him. Feminine nature you will feel it only by communicating with this person.

Signs of a metrosexual:

  • tends to understand others;
  • vulnerable;
  • susceptible;
  • courteous;
  • gallant;
  • mannered.

Coming to visit you, such a young man will most likely begin to wash the dishes after dinner, not forgetting to put on an apron. He will tell you in great detail about the play or film, his work, while mentioning the time of the lunch break and the composition of the menu.

A feminine man is very romantic. He loves to please the lady of his heart: he writes poetry, leaves touching notes on the refrigerator.

Get ready for the fact that he will turn to you for help on any matter, even the most insignificant. A feminine young man will look in you for the very protection and support that girls usually look for in a man.

Where do metrosexuals come from?

Today, women have ceased to depend on the stronger sex; they themselves have become so, having reached a certain social status and climbing up career ladder. Such female independence hit the pride of males hard; they stopped feeling like breadwinners, protectors and support.

Many strong women We found ourselves free, and with children in our arms. What kind of son can a woman passionate about her career raise without a man? What kind of role model will the child see in front of him? Exclusively female.

And now we get the result - effeminate boys appear in society, brought up motherly love and encouragement, because the business mother feels guilty, even if she is deeply hidden under the guise of a strong business lady, that her son is growing up without a father, and tries to compensate for this with her excessive care.

Sometimes maternal upbringing can be harsh, then the child gets used to the dominance of the weaker sex, feels even weaker, and in mature age He's just afraid of women.

Pros and cons of metrosexuals

Seeing such bright touches to the portrait, many girls will think that they do not need an amorphous mumbler and a wimp who is not adapted to life. But he has many advantages :

  • Such a person is ideal for a woman who likes to command. Romeo in love will fulfill any whims of his soul mate and at the same time not seem henpecked to her.
  • He won’t be at a loss if he has to manage the house himself. He is capable of starting general cleaning or cook dinner. Cleanliness and neatness are as important for a metrosexual as they are for any woman.
  • Will not be cold or inconsiderate.

But metrosexuals also have flaws :

  • He is not able to take responsibility and make serious decisions.
  • He is not a careerist, and therefore high level income and prosperity cannot be counted on.
  • Over time, romance can seem intrusive and annoying. Amateurs noisy companies will feel burdened in the presence of a romantic man: it is not easy to relax when he catches you sad look, begging you to leave everyone and be alone with him.

Is it worth building a relationship with a metrosexual?

There is no clear answer to this question. Take a closer look at yours young man. If he just takes better care of himself than ordinary man, is more emotional, then maybe this is not so bad? A strong man can be rude, unromantic, demand unconditional submission to himself, unquestioning execution of all his orders. It’s not easy to get along with such a partner, especially if you yourself have a hot temper and ambitions in your career.

Any quality that is considered positive implies a negative connotation. For example, determination and courage, which are usually associated with strength, will always coexist in a person with potential recklessness, adventurism and carelessness - their extreme manifestations. It is easier to come to an agreement with a soft man; he is more inclined to dialogue than a man with a tough character.

Many women, under the influence of a stereotype, claim that they need strong man. Such women want a traditional distribution of roles, so that the husband earns money, and she takes care of the house and children. But reality sometimes violates their expectations. They meet the man of their dreams. And they begin to control him. He naturally resists. Conflicts and misunderstandings arise. What do we see if we dig deeper? The woman wanted the man to make decisions on his own, but such as she needed.

Think about what and why you need in a man, what you sincerely want, what matches your character, and what is far-fetched and inspired by society. Look for your man. And be happy with him!

Or " new man" - a composite definition of men who live in metropolises and are active consumers of the latest cosmetic products, clothing and other fashionable and exotic goods.
The term “metrosexual” was introduced a year ago by Mark Simpson on the pages of the American online publication Salon.com. Simpson turned to an episode of the cult series Sex and the City, in which the sharp-tongued Carrie first spoke about “a new breed of straight men emerging in Manhattan in the wake of an excessive craving for fashion, exotic cuisine, musicals and antiques.” The advantage of the definition of “metrosexual” is that it finally drew a line between true homos and heterosexuals who have reached a compromise with their femininity.

(Source: Sexological Dictionary)


See what “Metrosexual” is in other dictionaries:

    Noun, number of synonyms: 3 dandy (16) gentleman (6) bugger (44) Dictionary of synonyms A ... Synonym dictionary

    In 2002, the inventor of the term called David Beckham "the most metrosexual metrosexual" ... Wikipedia

    M. A type of man who is distinguished by femininity, borrowing from girls and women the main features of their behavior, habits, habits (visits beauty salons, wears clothes of bright and frivolous colors, adorns himself with earrings, beads, etc.).... ...

    Metrosexual (eng. Metrosexual: metropolitan metropolitan + sexual) is a term coined in 1994 (together with the noun “metrosexuality”) by British journalist Mark Simpson to refer to modern men any... Wikipedia

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    Adj. 1. ratio with noun metrosexual associated with them 2. Characteristic of a metrosexual, characteristic of him. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

    This term has other meanings, see Sex (meanings). Sex (lat. sexus sex) is the relationship between the sexes, based on the instinct of procreation, but going far beyond the satisfaction of this need. In a narrow... ... Wikipedia


  • Metrosexual: Style Guide. A textbook for the modern man
  • Metrosexual. Style Guide, Flocker Michael. This is perhaps the first book translated into Russian that introduces men to an unfamiliar world of beauty and self-love. Etiquette, personal care, fashion, fitness, interior design - all these topics...

“Girls choose a brutal male who should be only a little more handsome than a monkey” - this truth is hopelessly outdated, like a VCR. Today, in order to deserve the attention of the fairer sex, you need to dress at least like David Beckham, and at most like Sergei Zverev. You need to be what is called a “metrosexual.” Who this is is not widely known in our society, so a more detailed explanation is required.

The concept of gender roles

For tens of thousands of years, since the first state appeared, the image of a man has not undergone major changes. Whether in Prussia of the 19th century or in Mesopotamia, a representative of the stronger sex had to prove every second the honor of belonging to it.

The husband as a hunter and breadwinner is the only role known until recently to any of the existing peoples.

Characteristic features of this head of the family in the truest sense of the word:

  • Avoidance is typical feminine behavior. There is no greater insult than to call someone a woman, for a woman is practically a subhuman;
  • Limited emotions. “Men don’t cry,” says the famous saying. They have indeed been stingy with tears for most of history;
  • Distinguishing between the concepts of sex and romantic intimacy. The classic illustration is flight almost immediately after intercourse;
  • The desire to prove one's superiority. The feeling of dominance is much more important than all others;
  • Homophobia. According to macho logic, a gay man is a traitor to a man, since he replicates the image of a weak and infantile creature in a “substitute” pose.

The meaning of the word "metrosexual"

But everything changed in the 20th century. Residents of the megacities of developed Western countries, freed from the obligation to defend their homeland with weapons, may have looked at themselves in the mirror for the first time since the days of Adam and Eve. The widespread cult of hedonism also contributed to the change in stereotypes, i.e. the desire to enjoy everything and everyone.

Thus, the image of a strong and courageous husband who demanded that his wife prepare borscht for him gradually began to become a thing of the past. The pioneers in this direction were the United States, where a new type of gender behavior appeared - “metropolitan sexuality” ( metropolitansexuality), or metrosexuality.

The bearers of new thinking present themselves as follows:

  • Render increased attention own appearance;
  • They are meticulous about cleanliness;
  • Keep abreast of fashion trends;
  • Extremely selfish;
  • Completely opposite to the previous macho ideal.

Several decades passed, and the streets of every million-plus city on the planet were flooded with representatives of the stronger sex, who were disgusted by the idea of ​​power in itself.

The dude phenomenon

Whether it's good or not, Russia has never seriously lagged behind in terms of feminization of men. The process began back in the Khrushchev thaw, when the massive iron curtain was opened one iota, allowing warm rays foreign fashion to warm the cold Soviet hearts. This is how the dude subculture was born, which lasted for almost two decades.

The appearance of a typical dude was very extravagant when compared with the typical attire of a Soviet man who went through the war:

  • Wide trousers in flashy colors;
  • Jacket or sweater several sizes larger;
  • Huge wide-brimmed hat;
  • Bright socks (red, yellow, striped, different on each foot - the imagination was limitless here);
  • Fire red tie;
  • Turn ups of pants;
  • Chunky shoes with high soles;
  • Dyed hair and unusual hairstyle;
  • The coolest ones had accessories brought from overseas. These could be anything - from a German lighter to an automatic pen that was just invented in those years.

The young men famously called those around them “rednecks” and “gray masses.” The image of the dudes was perfectly conveyed in the film of the same name by Valery Todorovsky.

What does metrosexual mean?

The army of feminine guys is growing every year, but they are still outnumbered by their more patriarchal counterparts. Therefore, it is quite easy to identify this rare bird in our area:

  • Pronounced narcissism and love for one’s physical body;
  • Cult of youth. Mature people bend over backwards to overcome the signs of impending old age. They are the ones who can decide to undergo plastic surgery;
  • Most often these are residents major cities. After all, it is there that people are more free from the opinions of the collective and are free to do with their “I” whatever their soul pleases;
  • Caring about appearance does not always mean innate stupidity. A metrosexual can be a highly qualified specialist and have a good income;
  • They don't shy away sporting achievements. And we are talking not only about fitness, but also about a professional career. For example, Cristiano Ronaldo can hardly be called an uncouth man;
  • Vague positioning of oneself in the world sexual relations. Often only a few of this pomaded breed remain faithful female. Most are bisexual, and some even switch to members of the same gender.

Retrosexual: who is he?

Metrosexuality can safely be considered mainstream in our time. But this is not a smooth, calm river, but a winding mountain stream, the path of which is blocked either by rapids or by fallen tree trunks. Not every lucky owner of a Y chromosome wants to look like Barbie.

In defiance fashion trends men's fashion a subculture arose retrosexuals, which call for a return to the roots:

  • Adhere to a strictly strict style of clothing;
  • Wearing a beard before it became a craze;
  • Adhere to traditional views on relationships with the fair sex;
  • They love cool powerful cars. Their dream is the legendary Gelendvagen, but in the absence financial opportunities you can limit yourself to UAZ;
  • You can not be afraid to congratulate them on Defender of the Fatherland Day, because they really deserve it;
  • As a rule, they are physically very strong and can fend for themselves;
  • In terms of music, they prefer heavy “metal” styles;
  • They can often be found in a crowd of football fans.

But it’s impossible to equate a retrosexual with a traditional “man.” Although they are similar in appearance, the first avoids strong libations of alcohol and does not behave deliberately aggressively in society.

In modern Islamist Iran, to seriously insult a member of society, he is dressed in women's clothing and paraded public view. Despised by everyone, the unfortunate person actually perishes as a social unit. Persians would probably be very surprised to learn about the existence of such a type as a “metrosexual”. Who he is, it’s enough to understand just by looking at a photo of Justin Bieber.

Video about the main features of metrosexuals

In this video, Anna Morozova will tell you how representatives of this fashion trend differ from ordinary men:
