What causes urine smell? The smell of urine has changed: types of unpleasant odors and possible diseases, how to determine a disease by the smell of urine

U healthy person urine is light yellow color, transparent, without any impurities or pungent odor. Only after a certain time does it acquire an ammonia smell. This occurs as a result of alkaline fermentation. All fluid with waste products of the body passes first through the kidneys, then the ureters, bladder and urethra.

The organs that are involved in the removal of fluid may well give it an unusual odor. If you notice an unpleasant odor in your urine, this may indicate a malfunction internal organs. You will learn from this article exactly what causes the change in the color and smell of urine.

The first reason can be called an inflammatory process in the kidneys (pyelonephritis). Often, nagging pain in the lower back along with foul-smelling urine indicates the development of this disease. Pyelonephritis can be cured quite easily at the initial stage; the main thing is not to delay seeing a doctor.

Unpleasant odor of urine occurs with cystitis (inflammation of the bladder mucosa). With this disease, cutting pain is observed after urination, the urine becomes cloudy in color, and a rather pungent ammonia smell appears, as if it had been standing in the fresh air for a day.

If cystitis is of non-infectious origin, that is, it occurs as a result of long-term use medications, which irritate the mucous membrane of the bladder, then the urine may acquire a chemical or pharmaceutical smell.

The same thing happens with inflammation of the urethra (urethritis). The urethra is affected by viruses or bacteria, which provoke the appearance of purulent and even bloody discharge in the urine, which undoubtedly affects its “aroma”. It should be noted that the specific smell appears much earlier than other manifestations: pain, burning.

Urine indicates a rare metabolic disease (trimethylaminuria). The disease is caused by the fact that a large accumulation of the substance “trimethylamine” occurs in the human body. It is released through our breath, sweat and urine. High content of trimethylamine and causes odor in humans rotten fish. For treatment, you will need to exclude from your diet foods containing dietary precursors of this substance: choline, lecithin and carnitine.

Some foods can cause urine to smell bad, such as asparagus. Lovers of asparagus delicacies often notice a bad, repulsive “aroma” when defecating. Often a change in odor is associated with taking medicines, for example, ampicillin, Trovan, amoxicillin, ciprofloxacin, omnipen, vitamin B. Although this must be indicated in the annotation for any product. If this is a problem for someone, it is better to ask the doctor to prescribe a different drug.

Gastrointestinal diseases and dysbiosis are the most common cause, causing sour smell urine. At increased acidity a sour “aroma” is observed quite often. To get rid of this problem, it is necessary to cure the existing disease.

At diabetes mellitus significant changes in urine are observed. In severe diabetes mellitus, urine acquires an apple “aroma.” It's all about high content ketone cells, but when their level reaches critical levels, acidosis develops. Then the urine smells like acetone. If measures are not taken, the onset of a diabetic coma is likely.

If you have a UTI (infection genitourinary tract), urine produces a foul odor. Mucus and blood appear in it. It becomes cloudy and loses its transparency. It is necessary to carry out full examination to identify the source.

Dehydration and frequent diets throw our body out of balance. Water imbalance affects the quality of urine. It acquires a pronounced ammonia smell and becomes much more concentrated. To prevent this from happening, you need to consume at least 1.5 liters per day. clean water.

Here are the main reasons that cause unpleasant odor in urine. Let there be no such problems in your life, take care of your health and pleasant aromas!

Often indicate the progression of a disease in the human body. The appearance of such a symptom is considered alarm signal, since normally urine has a slight special odor. If the urine smells bad, then it is necessary to establish the cause of this phenomenon and this can be done after a full examination.

As any pathology progresses in the human body, waste products of bacteria are excreted through the urine. If there is a change in the color, smell or consistency of urine, you should definitely visit a specialist.

There are the following types of unpleasant odor of urine:

  • The smell can occur during the development of such pathological conditions in the human body as various infections, dehydration and period. If the urine smells like acetone in the morning, this may indicate stagnation in the urine. Often, stagnation of urine occurs in expectant mothers who do not drink enough fluid. This phenomenon can occur in those people who move little and lead a sedentary life. In the event that they appear in the urine bloody issues, then this is considered a dangerous symptom. The cause of the appearance of blood can be damage to various parts of the urinary system.
  • The specific mouse smell of urine may indicate the development of a genetic pathology such as phenylketonuria. When such a disease develops in the human body, a change in the chemical composition occurs due to a violation of phenylalanine metabolism. With absence effective therapy the central nervous system is damaged and protein metabolism is disrupted.
  • In some cases, the patient's urine may emit a fishy aroma, which is quite strong and unpleasant. Most often, this phenomenon indicates the development of a disease such as trimethylaminuria. The reason for the development of this pathology lies in the disruption of the enzyme system, which leads to the accumulation of a substance such as trimethylamine. It is this substance that is released along with urine and gives it a fishy smell.

Some representatives of the stronger sex have a specific smell in their urine, however, this is not at all a sign of any pathology. This is due to the fact that men's urine is different from women's, and this phenomenon is considered completely normal. In the urine of men and women, the concentration of estrogen is different, and in the stronger sex, the urine begins to smell bad after consumption large quantities beer.

To identify various types In pathology, a specialist prescribes a urine test, and based on the results obtained, the condition of the body can be assessed.

If your urine has a specific odor, you must definitely visit a specialist, which will help identify the disease. early stage its development.

Possible diseases

The appearance of a specific odor of ammonia in urine may indicate the development of the following: infectious diseases urinary system:

  • cystitis

The development of such pathologies is caused by the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria into urine.

Cystitis can be infectious in nature, and also develops as a result of drug therapy for a long time. In the event that urine produces putrid smell, then this may indicate the progression of the inflammatory process with the accumulation of pus. In men, urine may smell bad if he has problems with functioning. With prostatitis, an inflammatory process develops in the gland area, and symptoms such as painful sensations in the perineum and difficulty with intercourse.

Often it is the unpleasant odor of urine that becomes one of the first signs of pathology and it occurs long before other symptoms.

The pungent odor of urine in men can increase under the influence of the following factors:

  • dehydration
  • progression of infections in the genitourinary system
  • diagnosing
  • taking vitamin B6 over a long period of time
  • development of acute liver failure
  • infection of an organ such as

The specific smell of urine in the fairer sex after sexual intercourse often occurs due to changes in the microflora of the genital organs. This usually occurs with gynecological pathologies such as gonorrhea, thrush, trichomoniasis and sexually transmitted diseases.

Change in urine odor in children

A newborn baby's urine is odorless and colorless, but as he grows and complementary foods are introduced, it begins to become more and more similar to that of an adult. Urine in children and adults has a slight specific aroma, so when an unpleasant and strong smell parents begin to worry about the condition of their baby.

The appearance of an ammonia smell in a child's urine is considered a danger signal, as this signals a health problem. If the unpleasant smell of urine occurs immediately after birth, then the cause of this phenomenon may be pathologies of a hereditary nature, which are accompanied by metabolic disorders in the body.

Development of urinary infectious pathologies in children's bodies excretory systems This causes the urine to smell bad. If the disease is accompanied by a rise in body temperature and dehydration, this leads to an increase in the concentration of urine. Urine has a specific smell and in such a situation it is necessary to provide the baby with a drinking regime.

In some cases, the unpleasant smell of urine does not always indicate the development of a disease.

At breastfeeding Urine may be affected by the mother's diet, and when changing formula and introducing complementary foods, an unpleasant smell of stool is noted.

Your child's urine may smell bad various reasons and in any case, such a symptom should not be left without due attention. Even if the child is feeling normal and has no complaints about his health, if an unpleasant smell of urine appears, he should definitely show it to a specialist.

At normal course There are no changes in the smell of urine. U healthy woman fresh urine has a subtle odor of ammonia, but after a few hours fermentation processes begin and it acquires a pronounced aroma.

During pregnancy, urine may smell like ammonia and this often occurs when the expectant mother does not consume enough fluid. In such a situation, the volume of urine excreted decreases, its concentration increases and an ammonia smell occurs. A woman should not worry, since restoring the water regime will normalize the smell without any treatment.

Urine may begin to smell bad if a woman suffers from toxicosis - most often this happens when vomiting reaches 8-10 times a day and the metabolism in the woman’s body is disrupted.

An accumulation of acetone and acetoacetic acid occurs, which gives urine an unpleasant specific odor. In this case, the woman’s condition may noticeably deteriorate and is accompanied by a drop in blood pressure and weight.

With diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation, ketone bodies can accumulate in the urine of women during pregnancy, which give the aroma of rotten apples. In case if future mommy If you are starving or on a special diet, traces of acetone may also appear in your urine.

More information about the reasons for changes in urine odor can be found in the video:

The strong smell of ammonia in urine during pregnancy can be caused by the accumulation of large amounts of pus and microorganisms. Urine becomes cloudy in color and usually this occurs when such things develop in the genitourinary system inflammatory diseases, such as cystitis, urethritis and pyelonephritis.

Often, urine begins to smell bad if a woman eats certain foods. There are some foods that can enhance the smell of urine:

  • asparagus
  • horseradish
  • garlic

The appearance of a pronounced specific odor in urine is considered a dangerous symptom, signaling the development of various pathologies. It is for this reason that it is imperative to seek help from a specialist who will carry out necessary research and find out the reasons for this pathological condition. If the pathology is confirmed, the patient must be prescribed a treatment, which can be carried out both with the use of medications and folk remedies, but only under the supervision of a doctor.

There are times when freshly excreted urine has an unpleasant odor. It comes in different natures and intensities. Any changes in this indicator indicate disturbances in the body, provoked by various changes in the body.

Urine production by the kidneys is a normal process. If the body is healthy, there are no impurities in the fresh excreted fluid. It has a transparent light yellow tint and a specific, but not pungent, odor. After 2-3 hours, the urine begins to change its color, bacteria begin to develop in it, which is due to contact with the environment.

If the unpleasant odor is not too pronounced and appears after eating certain foods, this is also considered normal. This usually occurs after spices, smoking, pickles and alcohol. But when the smell doesn't connect with wrong mode nutrition, or holds a long period, this may indicate some pathologies.

Types of urine odors and their causes

Each smell can be a specific symptom of a disease:

Smell of acetone

A weak or intense sweet and sour odor from urine, reminiscent of acetone, may indicate ketonuria. The pathology is a consequence of a violation of energy metabolism, which involves fats, proteins and carbohydrates. For small quantities ketone bodies The smell of acetone in urine is usually absent or difficult to detect. But when the process is pronounced, it is noticeable. Typically, this symptom is accompanied by vomiting, loss of appetite and nausea when drinking liquid. If the condition worsens, call immediately ambulance. Those who experience ketonuria more than once should always have acetone test strips at home. In just a few minutes the analysis will be ready.

Smell of fish

The sensation of a fresh or rotten fishy odor from urine is rare. There is a disease or syndrome called trimethylaminuria. In this condition, the urine takes on an intense fishy odor. This is due to the accumulation of a substance - a tertiary amine in the intestine. It is organic in nature and refers to a decay product. IN healthy body quickly removed from tissues. But when accumulated, it emits a foul odor. The accumulation of the substance is associated with a genetic disorder. The smell is observed not only from urine, but also from the skin and from the mouth.

Strong smell

An intense odor always indicates an inflammatory process in the urinary system. There are a number of diseases in which not only the smell, but also the composition of urine changes.

  1. . Inflammation of the walls of the urethra is accompanied by pain and pain when going to the toilet. During the inflammatory process, elements of pus and mucus are often found. They are the ones that cause the unpleasant odor. Usually, when urethritis begins, a pungent odor appears much earlier than other symptoms.
  2. . Most women are susceptible to this pathology. Typically, a strong unpleasant odor of urine appears only when the bladder is inflamed by an infectious nature. There is sediment in the urine and the color becomes darker. There is a sharp pain when going to the toilet.
  3. . Often formed against the background of untreated or chronic cystitis. Nagging pain appears in the lower back groin area, there is a pungent odor coming from the urine. Its shade becomes darker.

Sour smell

The sour smell of urine in women can be a harbinger of the following diseases:

  1. Phenylketonuria. Is congenital disease with impaired protein synthesis. Phenylalanine enters the body along with foods. There it is split into phenylacetic acid and phenylethylamine. When waste products accumulate in the urine, they cause a sour odor. Typically, the symptom appears immediately after a certain food enters the body, when amino acid metabolism is disrupted.
  2. Early stage diabetes mellitus. For endocrine disorders mild degree the urine immediately changes its smell. If diabetes just takes effect, it becomes sweet and sour. As diabetes progresses, the sour smell becomes pungent, reminiscent of rotting apples. You can also detect notes of acetone in it. As blood glucose rises, the acidic odor becomes more intense.
  3. Dehydration and starvation. Women often turn to diets to lose weight. excess weight. A sharp restriction of the body in nutrients causes a stressful state. To reduce the accumulation of water in tissues, most girls stop drinking water in the required amount. As a result, the acidity of urine increases sharply. When urinating from increased acidity, discomfort may occur, as irritation of the mucous membrane of the urinary organs occurs. To restore the acidity of urine and normal smell It is recommended to consume at least 2 liters of fluid per day, carrots and milk.

Reasons for odor changes

So, the main reasons for changes in odor in urine include:

  1. inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system (cystitis, urethritis, pyelitis, pyelonephritis, combined infections);
  2. endocrine abnormalities (diabetes mellitus);
  3. violation energy metabolism(fasting with fasting, long-term diets).

Sometimes foul odor from urine is caused by a sexually transmitted disease. This happens when vaginal discharge reaches the genitals and then into the urethral canal. Then in women they find:

  • chlamydia;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • syphilis with the addition of urethritis.

A change in the smell of urine is always associated with a decrease in the amount of drink consumed. Stagnation occurs in the kidneys and microbes begin to multiply. In most cases, the urine becomes dark and contains flakes and sediment.

The reason for the appearance of a strong odor in the urine of pregnant women is hormonal changes. During the period of gestation, the body undergoes dramatic restructuring. The organs work with double load, and the uterus puts pressure on the bladder and kidneys. It is the effect of the growing uterus on the paired organs that can make the smell of urine more pungent. It also becomes denser and changes color slightly.


Tests and a comprehensive study will help determine the cause of the unpleasant odor in the urine.

  • With deviations, urine usually changes its composition. Leukocytes increase, and with strong inflammatory processes protein is detected.
  • If kidney problems are serious or have prolonged inflammation, red blood cells are found in the urine. The red blood cells decompose, causing an intense foul odor.
  • To detect problems and make a further diagnosis, it is enough to pass a general, biochemical and bacterial urine test. Based on the tests obtained, the doctor prescribes more in-depth studies.

How to collect urine

For the research to be effective, it is important to properly prepare the material for the laboratory. Violation of the recommendations may result in the composition of urine being incorrect. And based on these indicators, the doctor will prescribe the wrong treatment:

  1. The composition of urine has big influence products. 24 hours before collecting material, you should not eat any food with intense color. Products that affect kidney function are excluded - marinades, pickles, smoking, beer.
  2. If the patient is taking medications, they should be temporarily discontinued. Vitamins, biologically active additives and diuretics change the composition, color and consistency of urine.
  3. Before collecting urine, physical activity, taking a bath, and visiting a sauna are not recommended. If arterial pressure and temperatures are high, it is better to postpone the analysis to another day.
  4. The material sample must not be contaminated. The secretions are collected in a sterile plastic container.
  5. For accurate results Only morning urine is suitable, it should be fresh (no more than 1.5-2 hours).
  6. Before emptying the bladder, genital hygiene is performed. Not recommended for cleansing cosmetical tools. Regular laundry soap will do.
  7. To prevent excess bacteria from getting into the material, the first portion of urine is flushed into the toilet, and the container is filled with the middle portion. During collection, the container should not be leaned against the genitals.
  8. For an accurate analysis, you will need at least 100 ml of urine. This will allow you to more accurately determine the number of leukocytes in the field of view.


Elimination of urine odor is carried out only after consulting a specialist, taking tests and making the correct diagnosis.

In inflammatory processes

A course of antibiotics is prescribed if a woman has cystitis, pyelonephritis and other diseases of the excretory system. Usually it is 7-15 days. In chronic cases, single doses of antibiotics can be used throughout the year for prophylaxis.

  • Ofloxacin (from 70 rubles);
  • Amikacin (from 40 rubles per bottle);
  • Cephalexin (from 80 rubles);
  • (from 100 rubles).

Reproductive system infections

Complex treatment for urethritis and sexually transmitted diseases includes antibiotic injections. They are prescribed according to a special scheme, and the duration of the course depends on when the infection occurred:

  • less than 3 months (14 days);
  • 3-6 months (16 days);
  • 6-12 months (21 days);
  • more than 12 months (2 courses of 20 days, interval is 30 days).

Usually in treatment venereal diseases use penicillin antibiotics. But some patients have intolerance to them.

  • Bicillin-5 (from 45 rubles per bottle);
  • Carfecillin (from 200 rubles).

Endocrine disorders

To eliminate type 2 diabetes mellitus, drugs in the form of tablets are used. But supporting the body cannot be achieved only through medications. It is important for women to follow a low carbohydrate diet.

  • Maninil (from 120 rubles);
  • Diabetes (from 300 rubles);
  • Siofor (from 200 rubles).

If you detect an unpleasant, persistent smell of urine, it is recommended to immediately consult a physician and get tested. If the symptom is associated with pathology, consultation and examination with another specialist will be required.

A sharp, unpleasant smell of urine indicates that some pathological processes are occurring in the body; you can find out by watching this video what disease the unpleasant smell of urine can lead to.

The properties and composition of urine give an idea of general condition women's health and are interconnected with various changes, occurring in the body. An unpleasant smell of urine in women signals the possible development of pathology. It is important not to ignore this symptom and consult a doctor promptly. However, not only pathological processes can be indicated by a change in the smell of urine in girls and women; the causes of this condition are varied.

Non-pathological factors

A healthy female representative should have yellow urine ( light shade), transparent, without additional impurities, have slightly perceptible aroma. As a result of rapid oxidation, urine smells soon after urination ammonia(ammonia).

The causes and factors that provoke the appearance of unpleasant urine odor in women can be physiological and pathological in nature. It all depends on whether the process is accompanied additional symptoms. If your urine smells bad, it is not always due to a medical condition. The female genital organs are located near the anus, which is why the aroma of urine often changes. The situation can be corrected with the help of careful hygiene of the intimate area.

Women's urine smells unusual due to certain foods in their diet. If you often eat spicy, fatty or salty foods, your urine will take on a bitter odor. A pungent aroma accompanies urine after taking alcoholic drinks. In girls, urine has a specific smell as a result of taking certain antibiotics or B vitamins. There is no need to treat this condition; it is enough to exclude the provoking factor.

Menopause is a natural period when reproductive and menstrual function declines. On average, it occurs after 50 years (sometimes even after 35 years). Discharge in women during menopause also smells unpleasant. This shows that it has changed hormonal background. With age, the aroma of urine may change, smelling like iodine or sulfur.

Later the muscles pelvic floor weakened, resulting in urinary incontinence. It happens that because of this elderly woman Even the clothes stink.

Diseases of the urinary system

If non-pathological factors are excluded, and urine with an unpleasant odor is observed for more than 5–7 days, there is a possibility of developing an inflammatory process in the urinary tract and organs of the excretory systems. It is noteworthy that a changed aroma sometimes appears long before the development of a characteristic clinical picture. Thanks to this, the doctor can prescribe treatment in a timely manner. initial stages diseases.

The strongly pronounced aroma of urine during infections of the genitourinary system is the result of the release of waste products of the pathogenic microflora that caused the disease.

Often, urine in such situations smells like penicillin, which is also a consequence of the development of dangerous bacteria in the urinary system. If she smells like onions, the problem may be related to inflammation of the appendages.

The cause of strong urine odor in women may be:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • urethritis;
  • cystitis;
  • pyelitis.

In addition, urine becomes dark yellow or colorless. Cloudy urine speaks of serious inflammatory processes. The smell of urine during cystitis, for example, becomes ammonia-like, and sharp, terrible pain occurs when urinating. In addition to darkening of the urine, pain appears in the lumbar region, radiating to the lower abdomen. Cloudiness, changes in the aroma and color of urine, and the appearance of foreign impurities in women’s urine are a reason to be wary.

Sexual infections

Often, a change in aroma is a consequence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). With chlamydia, a strong smell of urine is emitted from the vagina, and an unpleasant-smelling discharge appears. Mycoplasmosis leads to inflammation of the genitourinary system, often accompanied by the development bacterial vaginosis. Vaginal discharge causes urine to smell fishy.

With thrush, which is not an STD but often accompanies these infections, a sour smell (of vinegar) appears. In some cases, for candidiasis on late stages The aroma of herring is characteristic. In the initial stage, a burning sensation may occur when urinating. The problem will disappear immediately after taking the first doses of antifungal drugs.

Liver pathologies and diabetes mellitus

Characteristic for liver diseases dark urine With pungent odor. Excessive amounts of bilirubin color urine. There is a fishy smell, sometimes garlicky. The odor is so strong that even regular hygiene procedures can't cope with this problem.

The appearance of an unpleasant odor in urine in women may indicate a disruption of the endocrine system. The smell of urine in diabetes mellitus can be sweet or sour, reminiscent of acetone or pickled apples. It is important to consult a doctor immediately after such changes. Possible development of hyperglycemia, fraught dangerous consequences, one of which is diabetic coma. Strong odor of urine is accompanied by additional symptoms of diabetes. Women feel constant thirst, dry mouth, there is an excessive increase in the volume of urine produced, and there are jumps in body weight.

Other pathologies

Often the strange aroma of urine becomes the only sign pathological process in the female body. A different smell of urine in women may appear due to the following reasons:

  • A persistent musty odor is a hereditary disorder of protein metabolism (phenylketonuria).
  • The smell of fish, and rotten one at that, is characteristic of the rare disease trimethylaminuria.
  • Sugary sweetish smell urine that resembles maple syrup is a sign of a genetic disease called leucinosis.
  • The smell of putrid cabbage appears when the absorption of amino acids and monosaccharides is impaired.
  • Strong odor, fetid - observed with purulent inflammation in the urinary tract.
  • A chemical odor is often the result of dehydration, when the urine becomes very concentrated.

Changes in the properties of urine during pregnancy

The period of bearing a child is characterized by enormous changes in work female body. It is due to serious hormonal changes that the smell of urine changes during pregnancy. Often expectant mother, still unaware of her interesting position, on early stages feels sweet aroma urine. A slight ammonia odor often appears as a result of the breakdown of nitrogenous products.

On later When the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the urinary tract and kidneys, a slight stagnation of urine occurs during a few hours of sleep at night. As a result, in the morning when urinating, a pungent aroma is released. Usually after giving birth, the smell of urine returns to normal for some time.

A change in the odor of urine during pregnancy can be observed when insufficient consumption liquids. Often, orange urine appears - this is due to the use of various vitamin complexes based on vitamins C and B12, which cause a pharmaceutical aroma.

Unpleasant urine odor during pregnancy may indicate danger if any additional unpleasant symptoms(dry mouth, general weakness, radical change in the color of discharge, etc.). In such a situation, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

What should the treatment be?

Before starting treatment, a thorough diagnosis and a series of necessary tests to exclude or confirm existing pathology. Afterwards, appropriate therapy is prescribed.

If changes in urine are caused by taking certain medications, you can correct the situation by stopping the pills. In the case of pathological factors that provoked this problem, it is necessary to abandon self-medication. Treatment with folk remedies is not always effective. Only a specialist can help get rid of the existing pathology. Kidney disease is treated with diuretics to speed up the formation of urine and eliminate infection.

If pregnant women experience unpleasant aroma urine, it is necessary to pay attention to possible non-pathological causes. If they are excluded, but the problem persists for more than 1-2 days, you must consult your doctor and undergo the prescribed course of treatment.

Normally, when urinating, a person does not feel strong aroma urine. Usually it is weakly expressed. However, if you have health problems, your urine may become strong smell. It is important to notice problems in time, take into account accompanying symptoms and consult a specialist.

Now let's look at this in more detail.

What is considered normal?

The urine of a healthy woman has a slight ammonia odor. It intensifies significantly when urine comes into contact with oxygen. This is why urine smells much stronger after it sits for a while, even in closed containers. However, if a pungent odor occurs directly during the process of urination, this may indicate pathological changes. It is necessary to find out the reasons for what happened and begin treatment if the unpleasant odor occurs as a result of pathological changes.

Physiological reasons

Urine has complex chemical composition. It directly depends on the woman’s nutrition. Special attention should be given to the liquids consumed. Doctors share everything physiological reasons similar phenomenon into 3 groups. A strong, unpleasant smell of urine can result from:

  1. Eating a lot of marinades, salty, smoked, spicy. A similar effect is exerted by products that have specific smell. In particular, the list includes onions and garlic. They lead to an unpleasant odor not only from the mouth, but also when urinating.
  2. Reception medicines or vitamins. Medications can make urine hard bright shade. Often it turns yellow or acquires a greenish color. This phenomenon is invisible when it comes to B vitamins. If there is no other deviation and the woman’s tests are normal, the specific color and smell will disappear immediately after taking the medications.
  3. Dehydration. If a person consumes an insufficient amount of water for normal functioning, the density of urine increases. This causes a change in color and smell. Most often, deviations from the norm are observed in the morning. Dehydration can occur as a result of excessive night sweats, after spending a long time in the heat, or after drinking too much alcohol. Pathological changes color is also exposed. Urine becomes dark and cloudy. It should be borne in mind that dehydration is included in the list of physiological factors only if it is not associated with serious illnesses. If dehydration is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, a burning sensation in the organs of the genitourinary system, as well as other alarming symptoms, this may indicate the development of the disease.
  4. Prolonged fasting can also affect the smell of urine. It also changes in pregnant women. This occurs as a result of hormonal imbalance. During menstruation, a specific change in odor is observed. The strongest smell is the first portion of urine released in the morning.

Pathological causes

If a woman notices an unpleasant odor in her urine, it is necessary to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. She is able to report the pathology that could trigger the problem. Most often, an unpleasant odor is a consequence of the following diseases:

  1. Liver diseases. Pathology leads to an increase in the level of bilirubin in urine. This in turn causes a change in smell
  2. Sexually transmitted diseases. This occurs due to the fact that the organs of the genitourinary system are in close proximity to each other. If you encounter an unpleasant odor, you should visit a gynecologist. A woman may be diagnosed with chlamydia. After 2 weeks from the onset of infection, it leads to a change in the smell of urine. Another reason for this phenomenon is mycoplasmosis. It can cause inflammation of the reproductive system and kidneys.
  3. . The smell of urine from patients with this disease resembles acetone or sour apples. The symptoms cannot be ignored. Complications that arise can lead to diabetic coma.
  4. Suppurative or gangrenous processes occur in the rectum.
  5. There may be a serious metabolic disorder. Experts include in this group of diseases pathologies in which the urine smells like maple syrup, which causes the smell of mold, and trimethylaminuria, which leads to the smell of rotten fish.
  6. Pathology of the urinary system. It is noteworthy that changes in urine odor begin to occur long before the first symptom appears. Urine may acquire a strong aroma due to urethritis or. The first pathology is an inflammatory lesion of the urethra. In the second, inflammation is localized in bladder. The symptom also occurs with. In this case, damage to the renal tubular system occurs. Less commonly, a strong smell of urine is accompanied by a disease in which the renal pelvis is affected.

The list is not exhaustive. Trichomoniasis has similar symptoms. And during it, inflammation of the cervix and vagina is observed.

Vaginal odor and discharge

Due to the fact that the urethra and vagina are very close, women are not able to determine what exactly it smells like - urine or discharge. If leucorrhoea appears with the smell of ammonia, this may indicate insufficient genital hygiene, the development of incontinence, or. In this case, the underwear continues to smell of urine even some time after the woman has taken a shower.

To get rid of a problem, you need to eliminate its root cause. Then the smell will go away on its own. However, there are situations in which this is not possible. Thus, during pregnancy, temporary incontinence often occurs. In this case, experts recommend using special urological pads to eliminate external discomfort.

Many infections that are transmitted sexually do not have any symptoms. They can only be detected after a woman consults a specialist due to the unpleasant odor of urine and vaginal discharge.

Associated symptoms

If a woman experiences a strong, unpleasant smell of urine, it is necessary to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. You should immediately visit a specialist if, in addition to the unpleasant odor, you notice:

  • the appearance of blood clots, pus, or white flakes in the urine;
  • a woman constantly feels that her bladder is full;
  • symptoms of dehydration are observed;
  • urine changes color or becomes cloudy;
  • the number of urinations has become more frequent, but the total volume of fluid released is insignificant;
  • character vaginal discharge changed and a pungent odor appeared.

We should also be wary discomfort in the area where the organs of the genitourinary system are located. In particular, you should pay attention to the appearance of pain in the lower back, groin and lower abdomen.

Who to contact?

In 90% of cases, changes in the smell and color of urine signal the beginning of the development of pathology. For this reason, it is important to contact a specialist in time. First of all, you need to visit a therapist. He will fulfill general examination. It includes blood and urine tests. In addition, a general survey will be conducted. Based on the patient’s words, the specialist will draw up a general picture of the woman’s condition and make an assumption about possible reasons occurrence of such a phenomenon. Then the therapist will give a referral for examination to other specialists. He can refer to:

  • gastroenterologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • cardiologist.

The woman in mandatory referred to a gynecologist. The action must be carried out in order to eliminate problems with the genitourinary system. They are the ones that most often lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor. If the patient is a girl aged 3-4 years or older, an examination is also carried out. The action must be carried out in order to exclude mechanical trauma to the genital organs, the presence of malformations, as well as genitourinary infections. Doctors say that unpleasant odor of urine in girls can occur due to improper selection of underwear, as well as non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. Statistics show that some parents neglect the need to teach their child basic rules. This becomes the cause of inflammatory diseases. Many of them are accompanied by a strong smell of urine.

Diagnostic methods

To prescribe treatment, the doctor must find out exactly the causes of the strong smell of urine. For this purpose it is planned to carry out diagnostic studies. The doctor may prescribe

  • urine analysis according to Nechiporenko;
  • glucose test;
  • referral for gynecological and urological examinations;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs and urinary system;
  • smear from the urethra and cervix.

If the information obtained as a result of the study is not enough, the doctor may resort to help additional methods diagnostics In particular, the gynecologist will refer you for PCR diagnostics. It is necessary to exclude sexually transmitted diseases. Additionally, bacterial culture of discharge from the urethra and vagina can be performed.

The urologist prescribes urine culture, MRI or CT. The latest studies are performed if a specialist suspects the tumor nature of the disease.

A scatologist or surgeon will refer you for an endoscopic examination of the intestines or colonoscopy. The oncologist will refer you for a biopsy if a neoplasm is detected on ultrasound or MRI, regardless of its presumed origin.

Treatment of the disease

Therapy directly depends on the diagnosis. If identified bacterial infections reproductive organs or urinary system, antibiotics are prescribed. They could be medicines wide range actions or narrowly focused. The latest drugs are prescribed strictly based on the results bacterial culture separated. The following antibiotics are often used:

  • Acipol or .

    Neoplasms in the kidneys or bladder, as well as paraproctitis, require serious treatment. Can be done surgical intervention. If carcinoma is detected, in addition to surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are performed.

    If no diseases are identified, the fight against unpleasant odor may consist of revising your usual lifestyle. Must be observed proper nutrition and carefully monitor personal hygiene. It is recommended to limit the consumption of fatty and sweet foods. At the same time, consumption should increase fresh vegetables and fruits. You should avoid seasonings and spices. Flavor enhancers that contain flavorings and dyes are prohibited. It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day.
