Birthday wishes for the elderly. Happy birthday greetings to an elderly woman

Dear birthday boy! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish that on this holiday and on other days your mood is sunny! Let life be full of bright events, happy meetings and unexpected, but pleasant surprises! Let your soul be young and inquisitive in spring! ©

Happy birthday, our dear birthday boy! Congratulations on this wonderful holiday! Let there be more joyful, cheerful, unexpected events in your life! Let the past years not put pressure on your shoulders. Let only devoted and loving people be around you! Light, peace, joy and happiness to you! ©

Our beloved birthday boy, congratulations on this wonderful holiday - your birthday! May joy, happiness, light and joy, fun and optimism always fill your heart! May sadness and anxiety never meet on your life path! All the best to you in life! ©

Our favorite birthday boy! We sincerely congratulate you on this joyful holiday - your birthday! We wish that in your life there was a place only for positive emotions, happy events and friendly, sympathetic people. And all the bad - let it pass you! Good health, joy and happiness! ©

Our precious birthday! Congratulations on your birthday! We wish you, despite the many years you have lived, always remain young in soul and strong in body! Let trouble and grief not happen in your life. Let only happy events fill your destiny, and let there be good people around! ©

Our wonderful, dear birthday boy! We sincerely congratulate you on this birthday! And we wish that the past years, leaving you wisdom and silver at the temples, do not put heavy weight on your shoulders. Stay young at heart, be brave and confident in the successful completion of any of your undertakings! ©

Our precious birthday boy! Happy Birthday to You! We wish you excellent health, financial stability, mutual understanding in the family! Let only benevolent fellow travelers meet you on the path of life. Let every morning start for you with a smile. And may all your dreams come true! ©

Happy birthday, our dear birthday boy! We sincerely wish that every day of your life brings you smiles of friends, happy meetings, a lot of various positive emotions! May your life path be easy and, at the same time, long and joyful! Good health and kindness! ©

Happy birthday, dear birthday boy! With all my heart I wish you to have as much joy, light, happiness and good luck as possible in your life! May the family be strong and cheerful, may children and grandchildren always please. May good luck and optimism always accompany you on the earthly road! Inspiration to you! ©

Dear birthday boy! We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! We wish that, despite the years you have lived, you remain cheerful, cheerful, cheerful and optimistic! Let there be more memorable, bright, interesting meetings and people in your destiny! Good health and longevity to you! ©

Collection name: Birthday wishes for an elderly person. You have everything you need to be happy! And today is a great day to make happiness itself yours! Happy birthday!

Sister, happy birthday! May your sincere, carefree smile always shine on your tender face, and your eyes sparkle with joy and happiness! May your heart always be open to sincere, kind people, and may fate protect you from cruelty and evil. I wish you a magical fairy tale in your life!

Well, who gave you that? Didn't your cradle once have fairy godmothers? Beautiful natural beauty, the taste of a real lady, mind, brilliant You know how to do housework like a bee, and have fun like a little capricious princess! Happy Birthday! Let your charm shine even brighter!

Let everything turn out the way it was planned in youth! Happy holiday! Be happy!

Happy birthday! Let there be more sharp turns in your life, the refrigerator is bursting at the seams, and money falls out of the bags. A goldfish lives in the aquarium, fulfilling your every desire, and in the bedroom, your beloved kisses and hugs.

Our esteemed chief, let me say a few words. Believe me, we do not flatter, you are the wisest and most competent leader. We wish to preserve these qualities and increase them. Let your health help you. We wish you reasonable professional and hardworking subordinates. We wish you comfort at work and at home. Happy Birthday.

My dear! My dear man! I guess I've been waiting all my adult life for you to knock on my door! When you appeared in my life, I became the happiest woman in the entire universe! Thank you for having me! Happy Birthday, Native!

Happy Birthday. Let any sadness and resentment melt before our eyes, let cherished desires come true, let the ocean of happiness spill over and love await on the shores.

Happy Birthday! I wish you to grow smart, honest, kind, bright, courageous and purposeful! So that girls run after you, friends respect you, mom and dad are proud, teachers encourage you, all your dreams become real, and I will always support you!

I wish you joy, good weather, laughter, fun and success! You will live a bunch of happy years among money, friends and sweets!

I wish that with every sunrise another dream you conceived will come true. And let the supply of desires be endless, but each of them is reserved.

And don't go too deep into what I told you: as I understand, you still have a lot of verses ahead of you today, so think about it tomorrow. And today is your birthday!

May this day be frosty, clear, may good and faithful friends always be there. Let the mood be wonderful and cheerful. We wish you happiness, joy, fun, success in small and big things. And most importantly, happy birthday to you.

Happy Birthday! I wish you happiness, success, lofty goals, wisdom in managing people, patience, health, new goals! Optimism, implementation of conceived ideas, good spirits, positive, stability, as few failures as possible and, of course, personal happiness!

Congratulating such a big man, you are at a loss what to wish for. But, as you know, there are no limits to perfection, so I wish your home to become more comfortable, your career more successful, your personal life happier. Respect to you, health and success.

I want to wish a happy birthday to my one and only boyfriend. I wish him all the best, good mood, achievement of desired goals, happiness, care and love.

Wonderful mood, happiness, joy and fulfillment of all the most cherished desires - on this beautiful day and always!

I wish you to move from the first to the second as soon as possible. And in order to leave your mark in the hall of accomplishments, you will need patience, health, courage and good luck, which I wish with all my heart!

Happy Birthday! I would like to wish you so much, but before listening to my sincere congratulations, look back at your life: many years have passed, but even more of them are ahead. There is such a thing in sports: an intermediate finish. I wish that this birthday will become for you one of the many intermediate starts, each of which will lead to new achievements and victories, and the finish line for you will always be only on the distant horizon.

Dear boss, on behalf of our entire team and personally on my behalf, we want to congratulate you on your birthday and wish you spiritual satisfaction, well-being in the family, material prosperity, optimism in everything you have begun, success and good luck. Happy holiday to you!

Happy birthday. I wish you life - a long river, with a source of inspiration and banks of love, with a mouth of happiness and inflows of vitality.

Life is full of happiness, health abounds with spring high water. Live happily, soundly, plenty.

It was said by an ancient sage: Don't be so dry as to crackle and break, but don't be so wet that they wipe the floors with you like a rag.

Happy birthday, darling! I wish you lightness and airiness, a good inspired mood, wonderful impressions, travels and discoveries. May life bring many wonderful surprises. Smile, rejoice, experience the world in all its beauty. May there always be people around to help and support. Love, health, happiness!

Eastern people say: when a star falls, it is fortunate. I wish you that your life was a complete starfall!

Dear birthday girl! I raise my glass to your charm, to your health and well-being. Let me also wish happiness and success to your pretty friends gathered at this table!

Our deeply respected boss, the whole team congratulate you on your birthday! We wish you to always remain fair, objective, moderately strict, moderately kind, impartial, excellent health, conscientious employees and decent wages.

A sea of ​​cornflowers and marigolds, many true friends and common love! Happy Birthday!

My faithful and devoted friend you have a holiday today, this holiday is called Birthday. My wishes to you, be honest, so that it would not be a shame to look into the eyes of others in our idle life, leave childishness and become a man, and always be able to stand up for yourself.

Happy Birthday to our beautiful and irreplaceable little man! Let your life be the most bright, light, airy and happy! And let this year be the most fun, romantic and sunny! Chmok* Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you ups and achievements, plans and goals, surprises and loved ones nearby. To be loving and dearly loved, always young in soul, melodic in heart, harmonious in everything.

We are happy to congratulate you on your birthday! We wish you well-being, success in your hard work and endless patience. You are a wonderful person with a kind soul. We love you very much. Thank you for what you are doing.

For you to always feel like a king on the throne!

Throw open the doors to the world with your shoulders, conquer it with your smile, and may your life be full of joy, fun and drive! Good luck in realizing your ideas and may any of your dreams come true!

I am the happiest woman in the world, because I have a loving and beloved husband, and wonderful children - what else is needed for simple female happiness! And I would like to tell you that you are the best man in the whole universe! Happy birthday my dear!

I congratulate you on such a bright and joyful holiday! And I want to wish you immense happiness, constant good luck! Health, joy and cheerful laughter! So that all your cherished dreams and desires come true!

Happy birthday! I wish you great happiness, good health, universal patience, reliable and true friends.

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday, I wish you to always remain as optimistic, cheerful and cheerful, so that everything unnecessary bypasses you, and on a long journey of life you are accompanied by health, success and love of loved ones and dear people!

Let the cherished desires come true, and the successful completion of the work begun will come!

On this day, let life give you its brightest colors, impressions and unforgettable moments! We wish you peace, light, sun!

Congratulations on your birthday and with all our hearts we wish you a lot of happiness, a lot of money, not to get sick and not to be bored! Celebrate a birthday! So that the holiday was fun and unforgettable!

Young is the one who still knows how to be surprised and get carried away. Our respected birthday boy is young, despite his years. See how much youthful enthusiasm he has, how much sparkle in his eyes. Health to you for many years and inexhaustible optimism! Happy birthday! - Wishes for an elderly person on his birthday

Let the wonderful puzzle of your interesting life consist only of elements of happiness and good luck.

Happy birthday! We wish you only winning cases, good luck in your personal and professional life, and, of course, polite clients who never talk back and do not consider themselves smarter than a lawyer. Well, just in case, health and strong nerves to endure unpolite customers.

There is a day in the year when even the bravest soldier should smile and rejoice with everyone else that he came into this world years ago. Happy birthday! Victories on all fronts - both in life and in a career. Let there be no lost battles, but only success.

I wish you that the years, flying and whistling past, take away the bad and bring the good!

When God began to create animals and people, he had three grades of clay - low, medium and high. He created animals, set to work on people, but when he approached, only the highest grade remained. So let's drink to the birthday boy born on this day?

Happy Birthday. May there always be enough strength for victories in life, may there be no insurmountable obstacles on the way to great and bright happiness.

Happy birth day! May your life be filled with pleasant surprises and gifts of fate!

Our dear mother! Let today's birthday be the most memorable, brightest day in your life! We wish you all the most magnificent: the brightest flowers, the brightest moments, the best health and, of course, huge, immense and immense happiness! Happy holiday!

You turned today ... so much
And maybe, even though it looks cheerful,
You sadly think: autumn is coming,
And there winter will come white - white,
Or maybe you don't think about it
You have a lot of worries.
God bless you big Indian summer
And winter won't come at all.

Time has flown by imperceptibly
We are all gathered here today
What would you like to congratulate on your birthday -
Life is very fast!
We know you for many years
And there is no more beautiful woman!
Every year you are younger
Every year you are more beautiful!
Health, happiness and good luck!
May your heart never cry!
Let relatives and friends rejoice -
After all, you can not offend in any way!

At the temples of your gray hair,
And on the heart of small ice floes.
Fate brought many troubles.
You drank the cup of bitter tears.
So accept my warm congratulations
To leave your negative lesson.
So that a strip appears in life
White as clouds in the sky.

On this day and at this hour
We wish for you
Lots of sun and kindness
Human kindness, warmth,
Don't get old every year
Be cheerful, don't lose weight
For you to live without looking back
It would be all right in the family!

We measure time by the minute
And how quickly the years go by
We congratulate you on your birthday,
We wish you to always be kind.
We wish you good health
Success in life and work.
Love, harmony, luck
Let them accompany you.
Even today we wish
Live a hundred years happily.
And all the bad weather and sorrow
Always bypass.

Today is a good holiday, not otherwise,
Today only for you all congratulations.
Perhaps someone will cry for joy,
You will smile, you will become more cheerful.
So let me wish you heartily
May such people live forever!
You are a mother, sister and grandmother!
Health to you and warmth without end!
May your grandchildren visit you more often
And your house will be the fullest bowl!

Today is your day! The brightest holiday!
Today wishes and do not count!
And let your age bite your elbows - a prankster,
And congratulations already sound in your honor!
Let happiness flow like a stormy river
Let the roof of the house help to live,
And let hope beside love
They help you swim through life!

I wish for many years
Let there be youth and dawn
Smile, laugh, dream flight
And eternal youth of the soul.
Let your eyes shine with happiness
And sadness does not cramp your chest.
Happy birthday to you!
Have fun and be happy!

Let your years be not enough
And life flows like a river
But still the years
This is our wealth and wealth,
Especially if they are more than
Happy birthday, our dear,
We wish you to see a lot more in life,
And on your way, never lose heart,
We congratulate you on a holiday
And millions of bright days
We still want to live.

Happy Wisdom Day and Happy Guests Day

Happy birthday to you!

Always good, bright news,

We wish you love and happiness for the rest of your life!

Let the stars not dim for you!

Smile, as before, will be young!

You are young at heart, age doesn't matter!

May the years bring you happiness!

We want to wish you a happy birthday!

Gather your friends soon!

And on this day, without objection,

Accept our gifts!

And like a cherry orchard in spring

Enchant with your beauty again!

We wish you not to grow old in soul!

Let only love rule the heart!

Your life has been hard at times

You have seen a lot in the world

But optimism after so many years

To spite the enemies, they didn’t lose at all,

Cheerful, brave, patient you are,

You were hardened by sorrows, hardships,

There were many strife on the way,

There was at times bad weather,

May your eyes shine with happiness

Health will always be only strong,

The storm will disappear from fate forever,

And all the troubles will turn into chips,

May your birthday bring happiness

And will gather relatives and friends,

Accept respect and honor

From the heart of the purest wishes!

Congratulations to the elderly

Elderly, so what?

Can't see your wrinkles

There's no point in worrying

You drive men crazy

Charming, beautiful

And always on top

Happy birthday dear

Happiness, joy in fate!

Gives respect,

All colleagues have your age,

You work like a bee

Even though grandfather

You brought up glorious children,

You have many grandchildren

You are the main man in the family,

Regardless of the years

Happy birthday, congratulations

Our dear, do not be sick,

Pour tea with jam

You are on your best anniversary!

Dear man,

You are a golden man

So what if there are wrinkles

So what if you're already a grandfather,

You know a lot about your work

You cherish friendship

Share all your worries

You are never silent

Happy birthday, congratulations

Always be yourself

Everything you dream about, I know

My dear man!

So what, what for many years,

You are not yet a grandfather,

You look just great

Everything is fine in personal life,

Be healthy always dear,

My beloved guardian

Meet the holiday cheerfully

in prose

Happy birthday dear and respected birthday!
We wish you a long and happy life. Good health, great
well-being, wonderful mood, sincere smile, happy
glance. May your unfulfilled dreams come true. Let life
full of warmth, kindness and attention. Happiness to you and longevity!

Happy birthday to a wonderful man and I want to wish
so that strength does not disappear with age, so that optimism does not leave the soul,
so that the heart beats tirelessly and loves relatives dearly, so that in
a good holiday turned into a joyful meeting so that the years lived
became a real pride, and the upcoming future was filled with
goodness and peace.

Happy birthday to a kind man. I wish you big
pride in the past years and happy memories, strong strength and
bright hope, confident well-being and sincere respect, kind
care and love of relatives.

Happy birthday to a kind man. With all my heart to you
I wish you a calm and happy river of life along the banks of good and prosperity.
May new luck and new success come every day, let it please
heart happy holidays and sincere laughter. I wish the years not
reflected on health, well-being and state of mind, and remained
just numbers.

Happy birthday to a kind man. I wish that lived
years left bright memories and a sense of pride, so that age
did not affect the state of the soul, so that health was strong, but
happiness is bright, so that there are many more joyful events and fun

Congratulations dear man, happy birthday! Not already lived
one year old, and pretty stocked up with experience. It remains to live in pleasure,
to enjoy the world around, its beauty and opportunities, to be
healthy and active, bathe in the attention and love of relatives and friends!
Be always in a good mood, live in prosperity and well-being!

Years run and run, and you remain the same, confident, beautiful
a man. You are an example for many, the embodiment of courage and strength. you for
shoulders a whole life, which gave invaluable experience. Today at
your birthday, I want to wish good health, joy,
longevity and prosperity. Don't stand still, keep enjoying
life and then you will definitely become the happiest.

Happy birthday to a strong and kind man. Wish you
do not lose vigor and optimism, always resist evil winds
fate, confidently achieve the desired goals, take care of your health and
take care of loved ones. Let your heart beat tirelessly and feel
love of relatives.

I congratulate you, dear and strong man, on your birthday. Let
no winds and thunderstorms, life changes and spiritual storms
succeed in sinking your ship, may your every day be
a kind of victory and a separate story of happiness, let joy for
hearts give the love of loved ones and warm meetings with dear people.

Day of the elderly congratulations to mom on the holiday

Happy Older People's Day, congratulations to mom,
To wish her only to be younger!
You do not regret about lived a single gram!
And do not rush, mummy to grow old!

At your beautiful age, everything is possible -
Be happy and make us all happy
Dreams to fulfill immediately carefully
Take advantage of every chance in life!
I wish you execution plans,
So that you can grow in your affairs!
Big you, mommy, patience!
May all your affairs go well!

Let your hair be completely gray
And you already have wrinkles...
I want to glorify golden hands
After all, you, Mommy, are the best at heart!
Now Happy Older Person's Day
I want to congratulate you at this moment!
You lived a wonderful half century
And on this day we had a reason,
To send you good congratulations
And wish you the best!
You were and still are a goddess!
Don't just think, mom, lose heart! You are dearer to me than anyone in the world, mother!
You know this for sure the best!
On the Day of the elderly, I congratulate you directly,
Wishing you health and success!
I want you to know, my dear,
That you are always more important than everyone else!
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
I give you my best verse!
And may you never be equal!
May you live in happiness and prosperity!
I wish you many days of glorious happiness!
I wish you to cherish age like gold! You gave me my life, mom,
You were able to raise me alone!
You gave me good advice!
And on this day, I, mother, cannot
Do not remember that today is a glorious holiday
The Day of the Elderly has arrived at this hour!
And this day is so beautiful, the main
I want to congratulate you now!
I want everything to be beautiful
In fate and in life only you!
I wish you always be happy!
I congratulate you, mom, loving you! So important with every wonderful holiday
Congratulate mom from the heart and passionately!
And wish her a lot in life,
So that you happily go your own way!
And Happy Old Man's Day
I congratulate you this evening!
I wish you happiness forever!
Let the news and meetings be a joy!
May everyone surround you with love
Let everyone always appreciate you a hundredfold!
I love you, Mom!
I wish you many joys in life! A lot of congratulations for a sweet mother
On the Day of the Elderly, from the bottom of my heart I now carry ...
I want to wish you a wonderful life path,
And only with great joy always a tear!
I wish you never get sick!
May you be healthy for many years!
So that you, mother, never grow old,
To have time to do everything!
I'm happy to say that it's better
You are not even closer in my destiny!
May you have a lucky break!
I wish only the best for you!

Happy birthday greetings to an elderly woman

Years like film frames
They flickered as if at once.
Live with dignity, do not stand on the sidelines -
Maybe this is called happiness.
We wish vigor for years
To be the same, to please others,
We wish you good health
Do not hang your nose, live and do not grow old!

Today we congratulate you on your birthday,
We openly express our respect.
So much spiritual simplicity in you.
Years add beauty to you!

Let the love of relatives warm you,
Energy boils, does not fade away.
We wish you good health forever,
You are the best person in the world!

Happy birthday congratulations!
On this day we wish you -
So that the husband loves very much,
And he always gave flowers
Children not to forget
Helped mom in everything
Helped with advice
And a good look.

Takes our time
Our eternal problems
And flow cases
Guarding from around the corner

To grab onto you
And teeth and claws
But surrender is no good
And push your elbows

Until the victory of all around.
Happy birthday dear friend
After all, today ... years
How did you come into being.

Happy Birthday! You are irresistible
As before, young, fresh,
I want to be always loved
To be appreciated and adored by the husband.

Be cheerful, attractive, desirable,
Good mother and tender wife,
Let your loved one take you to restaurants
And calls beauty unearthly.

In life there will be a million, without edge
Women's joys, pleasant little things,
I wish you happiness and harmony
Bright days and sweet nights!

You have tears on your eyelashes...
What are you speaking about? What's wrong with you? Are you sad?
You are very rich: in the future you have
There are an endless supply of wonderful minutes.

Spring worries you with its arrival?
Happy is he who languishes with such excitement.
Listen to the song that the people sing
They will charm, they will carry away with them.

See what a scope is everywhere in life!
Go, keep it up! All in your hands!
The wonderful cup in front of you is full -
Take a sip and drink to the bottom!

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
And we want to wish
For the authorities to hurry
Raise your pension as soon as possible.

We wish you health
Happiness, joy, guests,
To loud feasts
All the children were called.

To please your grandchildren,
Great-grandchildren to wait
Disappeared so that ailments
There is still life ahead!

Happy Birthday to you,
Our dear!
We wish that always
Your pension is enough.

To dark clouds
They walked sideways.
Visit every day
Children came.

The world surrounds you
Let only kindness
Angels on guard
Will be behind!

Our meeting on a good occasion:
Congratulations on your birthday!
Grateful for the friendliness
And good relationships.
Optimism and vitality,
Your humanity is different
Wonderful mood,
Like the sun, you radiate around!

Life seems to have just begun
Dimension your way ... But, no.
Not immediately and believe how much
Already lived solar years!
But more is in store with God,
Once youth in the heart again.
Forget that you have a lot of years
Know: forever you are twenty-five!
Live and enjoy it:
What - years, and even - years?
When we shine with smiles
We are young again. Oh yeah!
No, not wrinkles on the skin -
Soul you all around younger!

May youth live forever in the heart
We wish you health and success
Many, many years ahead!

And no matter how old you are
Trust me, don't be afraid of them.
We wish you bright happiness in fate,
Your years are your wealth!

May happiness shine in your eyes
May spring always sing in the soul,
Let from her husband - only love and affection,
After all, there is only one like it in the world.

To walk hand in hand with luck
To be respected and praised
So that you don't forget your friends
You are the only one in the world for them.

You are smart, beautiful, without a doubt,
I always wish you to be like this.
Happy birthday to you
Be the way everyone knows you.

Yes, it’s enough for you, please don’t,
You can't be that old!
With his gait, gesture, look,
You said no time.

And accepting congratulations
You are young and good
May all wishes come true
What they tell you from the bottom of their hearts:

Health, happiness and success,
Love and long, long years
Good luck, joy and laughter,
Both small and big victories!

So that you do not know sadness and grief,
So that the sea was knee-deep,
So that more than one opens a flower
Your sprout is on the tree of life!

Bright birthday party
I knocked on your window.
I wish you luck
To the bottom of life drink wine,

So beautiful to smile
Radiate warmth for everyone.
Summing up, in short -
We are all very lucky

that we know you. Eventually,
Here's what I'm asking you.
Don't be too strict
If that's not the case, we'll learn.

You are beautiful and soul
And, of course, externally too.
And I would like, I will not hide,
Wish you happiness. Maybe,

Do you have desires?
May all come true then!
Light, sea of ​​charm,
Let fantasy height

Always accompanies you
Let the stars from the sky give.
Let friends give smiles
To you without letting sadness.

There have been adversity in our lives
Dashing trouble came
But even in the most difficult years
Your optimism never faded.

So welcome the guests, dear,
Celebrate your anniversary more fun
And for those who have known you for a long time,
Don't feel sorry for young wine.

We heartily congratulate you
And we wish, dear, to you,
To keep you young forever!
Inspiration and light in fate!

You are so chic, so fresh
You are infinitely good!
Today, on the birthday
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

But don't hide your age
It is quite small!
You are very wonderful,
There is no other beautiful one!

You are very delightful soul,
And outwardly excellent and I will not hide,
Men adore you, we know
And we want to be the same!

You have peace of mind,
Live in joy, in pleasure.
Do not think about sorrows -
Let youth live in the heart.

Affectionate children and grandchildren,
And more bright holidays.
Don't get lost in loneliness
Husband to be accommodating.

We sincerely congratulate you
Exquisite gifts for you.
Bathe in rainbow happiness -
And laugh cheerfully.

There is no need to be sad about the years,
Life cannot be crossed out
Think only good things
And forget about grief.

Accept on your birthday
You are gifts and flowers
You are beautiful as ever
And over the years, be "on you."

It doesn't matter that white snow
Powdered whiskey,
We wish you happiness
Less pain and anguish!

Happy birthday to our lady
I hurry to congratulate
I will decide to wish her directly
Peace, happiness and kindness.

Be loved and desired
Shine bright sun
Surprise everyone all the time
Sing and laugh heartily!

May wishes come true
Sadness won't knock on the door
Roses, gifts and attention
I'm not afraid to wish.

Not much behind
But don't be sad!
There is a reason for a birthday
Cooking food for everyone!

Let the years flow like a river
They give joy infusion!
stay so cheerful
And young at heart!

Joy, happiness and good luck,
Fortress of the spirit in the life of days!
So that there is always a happy occasion,
Helped in your affairs!

You are at the age when the mind with beauty
In an embrace go on the fate of the golden.
And on your birthday we will emphasize
What you should always remember about one thing:

You are better, you are brighter, you are kinder than everyone.
And let it give you success
Good luck and happiness, warmth, beauty,
To make any dream come true.

So that the path of life becomes stellar and bright,
Love did not let you sleep
And spring would always reign in my heart.
Believe us, only she is needed for happiness.

Your age is the golden mean
You have wisdom, beauty.
Let the heart that beats so
He only does good deeds.

For your wishes to come true
Not two, not three, but just everything!
So that you with a proud, sweet look,
It shone like a star.

Let more positive
You will see in your lifetime.
To all the questions of life,
Always answered - I can!

Old age is stupidity and harmfulness,
But you are not threatened by all this.
Because your butt
Adventure magnet.

Joy in every moment
And a little "sharpness"
Showing to your opponent
Because it's you!

I can congratulate you -
Your birthday has come
And glorify a little
After all: you are the best creation.

Happy birthday greetings to an elderly man

Happy birthday, old friend!
Sea of ​​joy all around
And general fun
Accept congratulations!

You're old, don't worry!
The years have flown by like water.
Made you rich
Their price is more valuable than a carat!

God bless you buddy
To drip money!
Be healthy, young!
With women remote!

Happy birthday
You from a sincere soul.
Even though you have been retired for a long time,
Life is not in a hurry to change.

May joy and worries
Always surround you.
Let everything go like clockwork
And never fake.

We deeply respect you all.
Our present for you today.
And happy birthday congratulations
And we raise a toast to you.
We wish you good health
To never get sick.
We wish you good luck
And always be successful.
It has long been an example
You are for me and for others.
So that everything comes true that they wished,
On their birthdays.

Native love, comfort, warmth.
To live lavishly and richly,

And most importantly - health, strength,
Be a respected man.
Let a hundred more days like this
You amaze people!

May you not be spoiled by life
And your dreams did not come true -
Do not remember with an unkind word,
The day you were born!
Seeking salvation from the fetters of fate,
Hurry to people with hope,
Find your destination
A ray of the mind, a flair of the soul.
And give you back the moments
Love, kindness and beauty,
So that your holiday -
Your birthday
The firebird was torn in height!

We wish you happiness and good
You still had plenty.

But you still have gunpowder
Well, then six more!

And we wish you good health
So as not to look at the years,
The sun always shines on you!

I wish you happiness, long years,
Health more year by year,
And live life without knowing the troubles,
Let the weather smile on you.

Let the sun give a ray
Good luck in life, light in the house,
In the sky, let it be without clouds,
And all the problems will become a dream!

Grandchildren, new worries,
So always retired.
Happy Birthday,
And wish for years:

Only good health
Only happiness every day
Also to make your eyes burn
Bright youthful fire.

Forget about sorrows
Life, after all, is given only once.
Let her sparkle like snow
We drink to the bottom for this.

We wish you a birthday
We wish you good health,
After all, there is not much
To not go to the doctors!

So that your grandchildren do not forget you
And visited every day
Beloved grandfather was called
And they knew that their grandfather was a flint!

And let the deputies remember you
And your pension will be raised
And then we can remind
Who elected them to parliament!

The years go by quickly, without looking back,
Fly, melt like smoke
We wish on any ten
Stay forever young.
We wish you happiness and health,
And to have enough strength for everything,
So that every day you love
It only brought joy to life.

Congratulations on your birthday!
With will, with an iron hand,
You solve problems quickly
At least they retired from work.

Let your hands not be busy with work,
At home you can not create silence:
Grandchildren will go to school soon
In the meantime, you have games "in war".

Let there be enough health
Even though patience is a little short.
Your help will grow soon,
And for you they will be a mountain.

You have lived in the world for many years,
And you are always ready for the oddities of life,
Now I congratulate you, dear,
I want you to stay like this

And wise, and strong, and kind in the soul,
And old age has not touched you at all,
To be loved and loved very much,
Lived up to a hundred in health and happiness!

In the prime of life, all stately, he is a hero!
We celebrate your birthday today!
Thank you for your warmth and kindness.
We wish you to live life as if it were a fairy tale!

We wish you good health and prosperity!
We wish you loving friends without a lack!
We wish you not to exchange years for troubles!
We wish you only victory in life!

The clock is ticking and the pace is slow
But he does not stop for a moment,
Follow us and don't miss
Not a wave of the eyelids, and not a heartbeat.
Do not sleep, do not sleep stern accountant,
Even if sleep reigns over everyone for a long time.
“Tick-tock” - oh, how slow this move is!
"Tick-tock" - how quickly time flies!
You say to yourself: “The clock is ticking.
What did you do by listening to their fight?

Hair began to thin
And for some reason I don't like hockey.
Friends began to say:
"Something our sidekick has grown old."
Children and grandchildren grumble:
“Grandfather, you are ancient according to your passport” ...
"No, I'm still young"
You notice quietly in your soul.
It's all nonsense, don't trust anyone.
Age is not the most important thing.
Important - the smiles of children,
Grandson's first date
Granddaughters silver laughter
Here it is, the ultimate dream.

Happy birthday greetings to an elderly man

Congratulations on your birthday.
We wish you good health, of course.
We wish you smiles and joy in the house
Even in the harshest weather.
Everything to appreciate and respect you,
Relatives to only hold by the hand.
To be comfortable, sincere in the family,
So that you are completely satisfied with life.

Happy Birthday
And I wish troubles not to know
Be active and playful
Do not mope, do not lose heart.
Let it be comfortable in the house
Let the children hurry to visit
Grandchildren do not give you a descent,
Have fun and laugh.
May health be strong
Let the excitement not subside
Let them help in ideas
Inspiration and luck.

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. I wish to stay
always the same optimistic, cheerful and cheerful, so that all unnecessary
bypassed you, and on a long journey of life you were accompanied
health, success and love of close and dear people!

I wish you a birthday
Live happily as long as possible
And look beyond his years:
A couple of years younger!
Health, large pensions,
So that you always have enough
So that troubles go all the way,
And life played with a riot of colors!

We congratulate you on your birthday
We wish you happiness and good
So that in the life of joyful moments
You still had plenty.
Although you are no longer a boy,
But you still have gunpowder
You raise your glass
Well, then six more!
And we wish you good health
So as not to look at the years,
So that life is full of love,
The sun always shines on you!

Years color you, giving experience,
Gives a special charm.
And your eyes are streaming with wisdom,
Years you have nothing to fear.
We wish you health for a hundred years.
Find answers to all questions.
Joyfully enjoy life, smile
And take on any task with enthusiasm.

So what if the elderly
You are a man anywhere
Happy birthday today
I congratulate you!
Joy to you, health,
Long, interesting years
And not to meet the disease,
Live another century!
And look, go dancing
You often walk in the parks
fashionable clothes,
Buy regularly!

Let only prosperity surround
Native love, comfort, warmth.
To live lavishly and richly,
There was income, profit, so lucky!
And most importantly - health, strength,
Be a respected man.
Let a hundred more days like this
You amaze people!

Happy birthday, congratulations
You are a wonderful sir.
In honor, conscience and strength
You have lived to gray hair.
I want to wish you health
Optimism, long years,
Be active, curious
Seeing only light ahead.
Make plans, set goals
Let your enthusiasm not go out.
Let fate open in happiness
You green corridor.

I wish you a birthday
To make this day fun
And every moment, without exception,
Only success always gave!
I wish you a lot of health
To be strong like steel
To move forward without knowing problems
Press boldly on the pedal!
I wish all dreams come true
To not regret anything
And fill your heart with joy
To be happier every day!

Success, joy, good luck
Really, not in dreams
Easy to solve your problems
Big luck in business
Still - peace and happiness,
So that in life there is a bright courage,
Everything turned out great -
We wish you on your birthday!
