How to clean an engagement ring at home. Cleaning gold jewelry with ammonia

In order for your gold jewelry to last you as long as possible, you need to take care of it. This will help regular cleaning of the surface from dirt and dark deposits. I will tell you how to do it correctly and what tools can be used in the process.

How to clean gold rings

To clean gold at home, it is not at all necessary to purchase expensive substances. As shows personal experience, it is quite possible to get by with improvised means that can be found in every home.

Before cleaning the ring, it is worth remembering one simple rule - the choice of detergent must be based on the type of surface of the product. The ring can be smooth, embossed or encrusted with stones.

4 ways to clean smooth rings

Smooth gold jewelry without stones and other decorative inserts is the easiest to clean. A relatively new accessory can simply be polished with a soft cloth.

If you have been wearing solid gold rings for a while, you will have to resort to other methods. I offer several viable options.

Illustration Instructions for action
Method 1. Soap solution

Soak for a few hours gold item in a soapy solution, it will return to its original luster. Then it remains only to wipe its surface with a soft cloth. Suede or flannel is best.

Instead of liquid soap You can dissolve a small amount of baby shampoo in warm water.

Method 2. Toothpaste

Another available remedy, which can be used to clean gold rings. Rub the paste on the smooth surface of the accessory, rinse and wipe dry. The brush for the procedure should be chosen with soft bristles that will not scratch the jewelry.

Method 3. Bulb

Personally, I have not resorted to this method, but some people use half an ordinary onion to clean gold. She rubs the surface, thereby cleaning it from dirt and dark deposits.

Method 4. Washing powder

Pour some water into a small bowl and washing powder. Heat the water, and as soon as it boils, lower the accessory into it. Boil the ring for 15 minutes, then rinse it under warm running water and wipe it with a piece of soft cloth.

Embossed surfaces

Using ammonia, you can clean rings with a relief surface. Its use has a number of advantages.


  • effectively cleans gold products from pollution;
  • adds shine to jewelry;
  • does not leave streaks behind;
  • does no harm.

So how do you clean Golden ring with an embossed pattern?

  • Dilute three teaspoons of alcohol in a glass hot water;
  • Leave the product to soak.

Since the ammonia solution has a characteristic unpleasant odor, in the process of soaking the ring, it is worth covering the vessel in which it is located with a lid.

Rings inlaid with stones

Gold rings with stones should be cleaned very carefully. Some gemstones are very sensitive to external influences, so they must be handled with care.

The instructions will tell you how to care for the stones.

Illustration Type of stone


If the stone in the ring is turquoise, remember one thing important rule. In no case do not leave it in warm water and, moreover, do not lower it into soap solution.

You can use a special tool purchased in jewelry store Or have your ring cleaned by a professional. The price of the second option is not the lowest, but positive result guaranteed.


Such a product can be cleaned in soapy water, then rinsed thoroughly. Next, lay the accessory on a soft cloth and let it dry naturally.

To enhance the effect, use a moisturizing soap and filtered water.

Swarovski crystals

Such stones in rings cannot be wetted, so for their cleaning it is necessary to use special napkins for crystal, velvet cloth or felt.

hard stones

For rings with diamonds, topaz, beryl, quartz or other solid material almost all cleaning agents are applicable - ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, soapy water, etc.

Preventive measures

In order for the question of how to clean gold rings to arise as rarely as possible, you need to adhere to several simple rules for their operation:

  1. Remove rings periodically. This must be done before heavy physical work with your own hands, before going to the pool or hygiene procedures.
  2. Use gloves. From regular exposure to detergent on the surface of the ring, gold can lose its luster. When washing dishes or floors, wear rubber gloves.

  • Store jewelry properly. To do this, you should use a box upholstered with velvet from the inside. Put especially expensive accessories in it, and put the box in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight.


Today I told you not only about how to clean a gold ring at home, but also how to store it properly. Follow these guidelines and your jewelry will serve you well. for a long time. I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video in this article - there you will find many useful instructions.

If you have any questions, ask me in the comments.

On the eve of the holidays, women begin active actions to improve their appearance. AT the move is on everything: diets, visiting expensive beauty salons, buying new clothes and the final touch - choosing jewelry for festive evening. Every woman has cute golden things that can inspire her this or that. pleasant memory associated with them.

But... Will you literally shine from your favorite jewelry if gold cleaning is not a regular procedure for you, but from time to time? Even the oldest earrings inherited from the grandmother, or wedding ring, covered with small scratches from everyday worries, can be quickly brought to normal view if you know how to clean gold jewelry at home.

There is nothing complicated in the methods below, but you must definitely know what sample each item is, whether it is gold or only gilded, what stones adorn them - in order not to harm, but only improve the condition of the appearance of your jewelry.

Professional cleaning of gold jewelry

It is best to entrust such a responsible matter to professionals. Each jewelry workshop located in your city will undertake the "restoration" of your jewelry. Who, if not a master of his craft, will best cope with cleaning, polishing it, and if necessary, making minor repairs.

Ultrasonic cleaning of gold items in the workshop ensures that:

  • the most chronic pollution will disappear (including from iodine);
  • shine will be restored;
  • scratches will disappear;
  • stop worrying about minor damage.

The services of a jeweler may be needed even in such a seemingly simple matter as an opportunity to get rid of hair that has curled up on gold chain. If its links are the smallest, then any effort can easily break it, so it is better to trust a specialist.

But there is not always time and opportunity to use the services of jewelry workshops, believe me: you can restore your jewelry on your own. There are a variety of methods for cleaning gold, but it is best to buy in jewelry store special remedy for cleaning gold, the seller will tell you which one is most suitable in your case and how to use it correctly.

Specially selected ingredients in the composition of a professional imported product will cope with tarnishing and restore previous view products, but it will cost in the range of 500-600 rubles per 150 ml. Of course, it is expensive, but there are domestically produced jewelry cosmetics for sale. For example, the Aladdin company offers gold polishing wipes for 35 rubles, a 200 ml gold and platinum cleaner for 105 rubles.

An easy way to clean gold at home

Any cleaning of gold at home begins with the simplest procedure. An ugly plaque on it arises from street dust, sebum and other dirt.

Get rid of plaque by elementary soaking in soapy water:

  1. Place soiled items in a small bowl.
  2. Pour hot water(50-60 degrees).
  3. Add any detergent from which abundant foam will appear.
  4. Wait about two hours.
  5. Take the old one you don't need toothbrush and cut the bristles on it.
  6. Brush thoroughly on all gold surfaces.
  7. Rinse and lay out the decoration to dry.

The washed item does not need to be wiped. Many women advise that dishwashing liquids are best suited for this, for example, Fairy Gel, which is beloved by us and the residents of Vilariba.

Such a gentle method can be repeated several times, in half of the cases it is enough. But if the tarnishing has not passed, then you should proceed to more stringent methods.

Cleaning gold at home is possible with a 25% ammonia solution. Do this procedure only in a room where there is good ventilation so that you do not get poisoned by fumes. But ammonia cannot harm the precious metal, so we put the products in a deep container and fill it with a solution, wait a few hours and then rinse under running water.

Gold cleaning ammonia(10% ammonia) also gives positive effect if the spots on the surface of the jewelry are the process of oxidation of the metals that make up precious alloy. After all, the jewelry is not made of gold alone, the lower the sample, the more other metals are in the alloy, so it is best to use this method when the gold sample is not too high.

Another composition for cleaning gold: powdered chalk, petroleum jelly, soap shavings and water in equal parts mix well. With this mixture, our thing is rubbed with a soft cloth and then washed with water. The effectiveness of this method is very high, after processing the jewelry looks like new.

At medical workers and just in everyday life, a nuisance very often happens when iodine gets on the ring and forms ugly spots. You can’t get rid of them with a simple soapy solution. To clean it in this case, you need to purchase a hyposulfite solution (available in departments that sell chemicals for photographers) and lower your ring into it for half an hour.

How to clean gold at home in folk ways

Cleaning gold with soda is a proven folk method. Two spoons of powder per hundred grams of water in a small saucepan are placed on fire, gold items are placed there. After boiling, two tablespoons of vinegar are added and in this mixture, the decorations should be boiled over low heat for twenty minutes. When finished, take them out and let them dry.

Such cleaning of gold with vinegar is often used, but in addition to this and the methods described above, our women have accumulated many more folk ways successfully helping to cope with the aged look of gold jewelry:

  • fresh onion juice is applied to a napkin and the jewel is rubbed until all the dirt disappears;
  • egg white and some beer - such a mixture will also effectively cope with pollution;
  • rock salt is diluted with water to make a saturated saline solution for cleaning gold. In it, it should lie for at least a day, and then rinse thoroughly under running water;
  • tooth powder or paste - the most available method. Can be dry cleaned, diluted in a little water or add a little lemon juice;
  • mustard powder can serve as an excellent polishing agent, it is poured onto a rag and rubbed for five minutes, this time is enough for an excellent result;
  • cosmetic lipstick with its composition has titanium dioxide, which can be a good abrasive. Spread with lipstick, wait a while and wipe thoroughly - the decoration will shine again.

You just need to choose the best option for you and start updating your favorite jewelry.

Cleaning of gold with stones, white gold and gilded items

Even at the stage of buying your favorite jewelry from the seller, you need to ask, for example, how to clean white gold at home. White gold is often topped with rhodium, a metal that is ten times more valuable than gold but wears out over time. It is needed as protective covering and to give a presentable white sheen.

Not the most severe methods described here are suitable for cleaning white gold if it is complemented by diamonds. Diamonds should only be treated with special products or gentle soap or alcohol solutions.

Many precious stones do not tolerate high humidity, these are pearls, amber, opal, turquoise, malachite, etc. In this case, the most suitable liquid for cleaning gold is vodka, cologne. Q-tip it is necessary to wet it in it and very carefully process the jewelry with the stone. This will remove the dirt, and the grease will be able to remove gasoline. Folk methods powders cannot be used here, as scratches will appear from the abrasive.

Gilded products are a small surface layer of gold, which, when improper care rub off quickly. Only sparing methods and without effort will suit gilded jewelry, the method with beer has proven itself well in this case. Ordinary table vinegar on a napkin will help to clean such a product very quickly.

To make you happy with gold jewelry long years, you must not only be able to properly care for them, but also know how to save:

  • gold should be stored in a box in a place where light and heat do not enter;
  • each decoration during storage should not come into contact with another, shifting with flannel will help prevent this;
  • when doing housework, be sure to remove the rings.

But the most important point is that you need to clean gold regularly, preferably every month. It will be great if you can give your daughter or granddaughter an old gold jewelry, but it will look like new.

20 July 2015

Any gold jewelry can lose its original appearance: It may lose shine, darken, fade, etc. In order for your engagement ring to please the eye for as long as possible, certain rules must be followed.

Do not need to wear this product during sports, home or other physical work, visits to the sauna, swimming pool, bath. Avoid interaction with any medicines and chemical solutions. It is advisable to remove it even when using cosmetics.

After you take off your wedding ring, it should be wiped clean. soft cloth and then it will not have time to darken and sweat spots will not appear on it. Let us remind you that pure gold, due to its natural softness and fragility, is not used in the manufacture of wedding rings. They are made from alloys in which gold is combined with alloying (strengthening) metals. And the latter react differently to different external influences. Copper, for example, is oxidized even by sweat and the ring may darken.

No need to store your rings in boxes made of paper, cardboard or rayon. The reason is that sulfur may be present in their composition, and it is an oxidizing agent. various alloys. After interaction with it, the product may darken. The wedding ring is usually stored in special, softly padded cases with a tight-fitting lid, you can buy these anywhere, they are also available in our online store. If you do not have such a case, you can simply put the jewelry in a bag, separately from other products, to protect it from scratches. At the same time, it is desirable that it be stored in a dry and dark place away from sources of moisture and heat.

But even with the most careful storage, rings need cleaning. On them, in the process of use, a layer of various organic matter grows (from fat, sweat, etc.), which cannot be removed by simple wiping. Do not use methods that you can find in the press. More often than not, this can end badly. Methods such as brushing with tooth powder or chalk or other abrasives can protective layer on gold, to deepen and make visible, existing micro-scratches, which will hopelessly ruin your favorite engagement ring.

The safest way to clean your ring is with a soapy solution and ammonia. It is prepared as follows: in 1 cup of boiling water, add 1 tbsp. l. liquid soap, dishwashing detergent or powder and 1 tsp. ammonia. The ring is placed in the solution for just a couple of hours, then it is cleaned with a brush and wiped with a napkin or flannel.

There is another way to clean the house. Pour a small amount of water into the container, add soapy water and soda. Put a cloth on the bottom, put a ring on it and boil for 20 minutes over low heat. All this is good, but it is preferable to use special cosmetics for the care of gold jewelry, which you can buy in specialized stores. This will make the cleaning process simple and safe.

Unfortunately, all products only clean, but do not return shine if it is lost due to a large number scratches on the product. To return former shine your wedding ring and remove scratches on it, you need to go to a jeweler to polish the product, the price of such services will be more expensive than soap, but much cheaper than a new product. After polishing, your ring will look like new.

Finally, you should remember the advice of experts - each piece of jewelry requires careful care and "rest"!

Even if a woman (and a man too) has only one wedding ring, he still needs to periodically arrange a bath day. Or at least clean it.

Everyone wash their face several times a day, and they forget about the ring or chain. But microbes, dust accumulate on them, and gold itself fades over time, becomes covered with microcracks and spots.

Of course, if you have a whole box of gold jewelry, and some of them are even exclusive, then it is best to seek help from specialists. This is especially true for those jewelry that consists not only of gold, but also ennobled with precious stones, pearls or very expensive, carved, with many small links.

Professionals with knowledge of the matter will clean the gold jewelry, which after it will become like new.

You can also purchase a special tool in a jewelry store that is designed to clean gold jewelry. Most likely you will be offered jewelry cosmetics from Aladdin. But if you still decide to clean gold items yourself, then at least buy special napkins for polishing gold items in the store. Their price is acceptable. After all, those rags that you have at home may simply not be suitable for this work.

And for those who still want to clean gold items on their own, below are ways to clean gold jewelry and recommendations on how to do it better.


But first you must remember that cleaning gold without stones and with stones differ significantly from each other! After all, if an ordinary wedding ring can be cleaned with both soda and toothpaste, and can also be dipped in boiling water, then a ring with a precious stone requires a more careful attitude.

For example, when cleaning with abrasives, scratches may appear on the smooth surface of the stone, and when in contact with boiling water, the color may change. So if you are going to clean golden ring or earrings with precious stones such as amber, opal, emerald, pearls, then they should not be subjected to mechanical cleaning using chalk, toothpaste and other substances.

The main methods of cleaning gold jewelry - liquid solutions with the addition of active substances: soap, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, citric acid and others - should be applied to gold jewelry with stones carefully.

After all, if hard gems (diamond, beryl, aquamarine, topaz, quartz) respond well to contact with ammonia or hydrogen peroxide, then soft stones (turquoise, coral, pearls) cannot be cleaned with either vinegar or ammonia.

You also need to be careful with white gold., which can be damaged by brushing too vigorously. Therefore, it is also cleaned with liquid soap, ammonia or alcohol.

Cleaning gold with soap

Method 1. This method is the simplest and most easily accessible. In order for your gold jewelry to be like new even after a few years, you need to take care of them. permanent care. If you always wash them in soapy water, then you will not have to resort to more drastic measures.

To do this, pour hot water into a bowl and add soap or dishwashing liquid. Beat up a rich foam and dip your gold jewelry into it.

Rinse them after one to two hours. clean water and place on a paper towel to dry.

If the jewelry is poorly washed, take a soft toothbrush and lightly rub the jewelry with it.

Method 2. Grate laundry soap and add the same amount of chalk to it. Pour in some hot water to make a thin slurry. Rub the decorations with this mixture. For this purpose, you can use a soft toothbrush. Polish clean jewelry with a soft, dry cloth.

Method 3. Prepare a small amount of soap shavings. Add to it the same amount of vaseline, crushed chalk and water. You will have a thick paste. Apply this paste to a soft cloth and clean the gold items. Then wash them well from the greasy film and dry.

Cleaning gold jewelry with sugar

This method is good for adding shine to gold jewelry that does not need to be cleaned from dirt and stains.

Pour clean water into a glass and put two or three teaspoons of sugar. Stir. Soak your gold jewelry in sweet water and leave it there overnight. Remove the products in the morning and rinse plain water. Blot dry with a clean cloth.

Cleaning gold with vodka

This is probably the most common and easy way. In addition to vodka, you can use alcohol and even gasoline. Apply the liquid to a piece of cloth and rub the product with it. If the product has many links, then it is best to pour the liquid into a small container and lower the jewelry into it. This method is suitable not only for wedding ring, but also for decoration with transparent precious or semi-precious stones.

Cleaning gold with soda

To bring back the original luster of a gold piece of clear gemstone jewelry, soak it in a glass of soda and let it sit overnight.

Alka-seltzer help!

If the decorations have faded, it is enough to dip them in a glass of sizzling alka-seltzer for two minutes. This is enough to make the jewelry shine again.

Cleaning gold with vinegar and citric acid

Pour vinegar, lemon juice or diluted citric acid. Put the gold jewelry on and hold for a few minutes. Then rinse and dry.

Cleaning gold jewelry with baking soda

Method 1. Pour a little soda on a plate and add so much hydrogen peroxide to make a slurry. Clean the ring with this mixture, and then rinse it in clean water.

Method 2. golden decoration sprinkle with a thin layer of baking soda. Then pour vinegar and rinse clean water. This method cannot be applied to gold jewelry with pearls or other precious stones.

Method 3. Mix table vinegar with soda in a ratio of 2: 1 and immerse gold jewelry in this liquid for one to two hours. Then rinse with clean water and dry with a soft cloth or a special cloth.

Method 4. Line a bowl with foil and add some water. Pour salt and soda into the water. Stir. Put the gold jewelry into the water and clean well with a soft brush. Then rinse with clean water and dry.

Method 5. Place 50 g in a small enamel bowl baking soda and pour half a glass of water. Put gold jewelry in a saucepan and put it all on fire. As soon as the water with soda boils, add two tablespoons of vinegar, reduce the heat and boil for twenty minutes. Take your jewelry out and let it dry.

Cleaning gold items with laundry soda

This method is also suitable for silver jewelry, and for gold. Prepare a solution of half a liter of hot water and a tablespoon of soda.

Put a piece of zinc in a jar and put all the gold jewelry in the same place. Soak them in hot soda solution.

Take out the jewelry, rinse it in clean water and dry it.

Cleaning gold jewelry with ammonia

Method 1. Add a few drops of ammonia to a glass of water and immerse gold jewelry in it. After an hour, take them out and rinse in clean water. If the jewelry is very dirty, then you can add a little liquid soap to this composition.

Method 2. Pour equal amounts of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia into a glass of water. Add a little washing powder to them. Put the gold jewelry there and hold for five minutes. Then take them out of the glass, rinse in clean water and dry with a soft cloth.

Method 3. Pour a glass of water into a small saucepan, bring to a boil and add a tablespoon of ammonia and some kind of liquid detergent, for example, for washing dishes. Dip gold jewelry into this water and leave for two hours. Then take them out and rinse in clean water. This method helps to clean heavily soiled jewelry.

Method 4. Place heavily soiled gold jewelry without stones in a small container and fill with ammonia. Leave for several hours without fear of spoiling it. Then remove the jewelry from the solution and rinse under running water. Dry.

Cleaning gold jewelry with lipstick

Spread a gold product with any lipstick (you can take the cheapest one). Wait for a while and carefully wipe off all the lipstick with a clean, dry cloth. Gold jewelry will immediately shine like new. Titanium dioxide has such an effect on gold.

Cleaning gold with mustard powder

Mustard powder is a mild abrasive, so it won't do any harm to gold rings. To clean them, sprinkle a little dry mustard on a cloth and gently polish the products.

Cleaning gold with toothpaste or toothpowder

Since these substances are still abrasives, they must be cleaned very gently, only lightly polishing the product. Diamonds respond very well to such cleaning. To do this, you just need to squeeze a small amount of paste onto a soft toothbrush or cloth and rub the ring with it. Only white classic can be used toothpaste without whitening effect.

Tooth powder can be diluted lemon juice. After cleaning, the ring is washed in clean water and dried on a rag or paper towel.

Polishing gold jewelry with beer

Method 1. This method is only suitable for jewelry without precious stones. light beer dampen a cloth and gently wipe the jewelry with it. Then wipe dry.

Method 2. Combine half a glass of warm beer with one egg yolk. Clean the gold item with this mixture, and then rinse in clean water.

Cleaning gold with salt

Pour a glass of hot water into a bowl and add four tablespoons of salt. Stir until completely dissolved. Put gold jewelry into this solution and leave for twelve hours. Then rinse them under running water and dry well.

Cleaning gold jewelry with onions

Take an onion and peel it. Then grate and squeeze the juice into a cup. Put jewelry into this juice and clean it with a soft brush or cloth. Rinse and dry the cleaned items.

Chemical cleaning of gold jewelry

Method 1. If you accidentally dropped iodine on the ring, then it can be cleaned in this way: put one teaspoon of hyposulfite in a glass of water and stir. Dip the ring in this solution for fifteen minutes. Then rinse and dry.

Method 2 suitable for cleaning matte gold. Mix in a bowl 8 parts bleaching powder, 7 parts bicarbonate salt and 2 parts table salt. Add 1/3 cup of distilled water. Put the decoration into the mixture for a few minutes. Then take them out, wash them with alcohol and leave them on sawdust or paper towel for drying.

Method 3. Mix 16 parts chalk, 4 parts white lead, 6.5 parts clay, 0.5 parts bloodstone, 1.5 parts magnesia. Use this powder to clean your gold jewelry.

Method 4. Mix 80 g of iron oxide (kolkotara) and 30 parts of ammonia. Use this mixture to clean your jewelry.

Method 5. If spots appear on the gold ring, they can be removed with a solution of borax. To do this, moisten a cloth with a solution and wipe the ring.

Tips to help you keep your gold jewelry in top condition

  • Taking over homework, you must remove all gold jewelry so that they do not come into contact with hot, humid air, such as in the bathroom. And also did not come into contact with detergents such as bleach or bleach.
  • Sometimes the rings grow into the finger so that they are no longer removed. In this case, you should always wear rubber gloves to protect the ring from an aggressive environment that can ruin it.
  • Wash your gold jewelry frequently with soapy water or alcohol.

  • Remove all jewelry before taking a bath or going to the shower, sauna, pool.
  • Take off your gold jewelry before the event. cosmetic procedures in the salon or at home. After all, creams, lotions or paints can react with gold and ruin it.
  • Store your gold jewelry in a dry place in a wooden box. Do not store jewelry in a cardboard box or box, as cardboard can release substances that will affect the color of the jewelry. For example, if there is sulfur in the composition of the cardboard, then the surface of the jewelry will oxidize.

Remember to take care of your gold jewelry and they will always be in perfect condition!

Over time, precious metal products lose their attractiveness, but not everyone knows how to clean gold at home and not damage its surface.

Why do jewelry need cleaning?

It is known that gold pure form soft enough, therefore, in the manufacture of jewelry, an alloy is added to it, including:

  • silver;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • cadmium;
  • other metals.

Due to this, over time, an oxide film forms on the surface of the ring, for example, the jewelry looks dull. Other causes of pollution are:

  • dust that is present in the external environment;
  • used decorative cosmetics;
  • products of the sebaceous glands.

Knowing how to clean gold at home, it will be possible to improve the appearance of the product, it will look like new. In addition to being unsightly, dirty jewelry such as earrings can lead to the development of inflammatory process in the earlobe. Therefore, knowing how to clean gold at home, you can protect yourself from possible troubles further.

Caring for your gold jewelry

In order not to return to the question of how to clean gold jewelry in the future, it is advisable to adhere to competent care for them:

  • it is necessary to protect products from exposure to acids and alkalis (in particular, laundry detergents, solvents, some cosmetic preparations);
  • it is recommended to remove accessories before working with cleaning agents (especially abrasives), paints and varnishes;
  • when visiting a solarium, sauna, bath, it is recommended not to wear gold jewelry;
  • products should not be stored precious metal in cardboard boxes(the composition of the material contains sulfur, so the jewelry may darken);
  • you need to know how to clean gold.

The subtleties that you need to remember when choosing a way to quickly clean gold:

  1. In many products (including rings) there are places that are difficult to process ( different kind patterns, ornaments, inserts). Cleaning gold at home does not allow you to get desired result, therefore it is recommended to use a toothbrush, removing the product and then rinsing the product with water.
  2. You should choose dishes in which the solution intended for cleaning would cover the products completely.

Using improvised means

How to clean gold earrings often depends on the type of contamination. Copper under the influence of moisture, oxygen from the air leads to the appearance of green or black spots on jewelry. To avoid damage to jewelry, cleaning gold at home should be carried out in several stages:

  1. Washing (soap solution is prepared, gold items are lowered into it and left for 2 hours). If, after rinsing with clean water, it is clear that the cleaning solution has successfully completed the task, no further steps are required.
  2. Dry cleaning (the oxide film is removed, for example, from the ring, with an ammonia solution, its optimal concentration should be 25%). The product is placed in a container small size, products are immersed there for 3 hours. After the specified time has elapsed, the jewelry must be thoroughly rinsed under running water and dried.
  3. Mechanical cleaning is used if, when using chemical processing the desired result was not obtained. How to clean gold at home at this stage? You can use a paste, the purpose of which is to clean jewelry.

Using a piece of fleece special paste for cleaning gold is applied to jewelry, then it is removed with alcohol, and the product is washed under running water and dried.

How to clean white gold at home? To give white color The alloy contains nickel. You need to know what can be used to clean gold at home and not damage the jewelry. For this purpose, a tool is used, including:

  • 1 st. l. detergent;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 100 ml of ammonia.

The prepared product is poured into the container and white gold jewelry is placed in it for 1.5 hours. After that, the jewelry is washed with water and dried thoroughly.

Cleaning gold jewelry will restore the appearance of products. It is recommended to mix beer (1/2 cup) and 1 egg yolk. The resulting product is applied to the decoration with a piece of fleece.

Not everyone knows how to clean gold at home quickly and efficiently. The simplest way- use a dishwashing detergent. Would need:

  • cold water - 200 ml;
  • detergent - 1 tsp.

The detergent dissolved in water is poured into a small saucepan, putting gold items, put the container on fire, boil for 10 minutes. After cooling, the jewelry is thoroughly wiped with a towel.

Clean Jewelry with stones should be more careful. For example, bracelets with glued stones are not allowed to be immersed in soapy water. It is wiser to use only a cloth soaked in the solution when cleaning the surface of the jewelry. Vinegar should not be used: 375 gold can damage it.

It happens that a drop of iodine, accidentally falling on a gold bracelet, leaves dark spot. The mood is spoiled, and I want to quickly find a way to clean gold from iodine. You will have to go to the pharmacy and buy sodium thiosulfate (its other name is hyposulfite). Dissolve 1 tbsp in 200 ml of water. l. funds and lower the decoration for 30 minutes.

Ultrasonic cleaning is performed by craftsmen in jewelry workshops. This method returns jewels bright view and beauty.

Precious stones (for example, diamonds) experts advise cleaning regularly, there is even a rule: once a month. When a film forms on the stone, it loses its attractiveness and no longer plays with light as before.

How to properly clean gold jewelry with diamonds? Ammonia (a few drops) is added to 200 ml of water, the decoration is placed in the prepared solution and left for 30 minutes. After washed and dried.

Bring back shine to jewelry

The question of how to clean gold at home and restore its shine is of concern to many. There is an easy way:

  • water - 200 ml;
  • baking soda - 2 tbsp. l.

Soda is added to the preheated water, foil is placed on the bottom of the saucepan, chains and other decorations are placed on top and the prepared liquid is poured. It is advisable to leave for 12 hours, then rinse the jewelry thoroughly under running water and dry.

You can clean gold to restore lost luster. It is enough to prepare a solution of sugar (1 tablespoon) dissolved in water. Jewelry is immersed in the prepared substance and left in it for 4 hours. After that, the products are washed with water and dried.

How to clean a gold ring and make it sparkle? It is recommended to prepare a composition including:

  • water;
  • soap shavings;
  • petrolatum.

The cleaning composition is applied with a piece of cloth to the product with light rubbing movements. Then the jewel is washed and dried.

Another way tells how to quickly clean gold (provided that there are no inserts in the jewelry, which can be highly sensitive to the action chemical substances). To 200 ml of water add 2 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide, 3 tsp. ammonia and a little shampoo. Jewelry placed in a cleaning solution for a few hours will look new and shiny afterwards.

How else can you add shine to jewelry? With onion juice or lipstick. You can use baking soda or mustard powder, but it is not recommended to use them: they can leave micro-scratches on the surface of gold objects.

Some cosmetics, containing mercury, can be dangerous for jewelry: when interacting with them, gold can turn white, its fragility will increase.

Proper and regular care, cleaning gold at home give jewelry beautiful view they will last a long time and always look perfect.
