Foam slide for swimming. Slide for bathing newborns: at what age, which is better, reviews and advice from experienced mothers

After healing umbilical wound You can give your baby a full bath. There are various devices that make life easier for parents, including a slide in the bathtub for washing a newborn.

How is it convenient?

While bathing, you need to simultaneously hold the baby, lather, wash off the foam with water and make sure that he does not slip out of your hands. It is inconvenient for one person to do this. A slide into the bath allows you not to worry about the safety of the baby and saves the energy of the adult. It helps to prolong water procedures if the baby likes to splash and soak in warm water.

Some models are suitable for an adult bath or can be used for bathing a baby in the sink. They can be used from the very early age, it is important to choose a slide that is suitable for the child and practical to care for.

Fabric hammock

It is attached to the sides of the bathtub using hooks and mostly consists of mesh material. Hammock adjusts to anatomical features better bodies regular fabric, reduces the degree of slipping, fixing the baby. The advantages of this model:

  • Made from a pleasant-to-touch material that is easy to wash and dry quickly, retaining its properties for a long time;
  • Takes up little space and is convenient to store in a closet;
  • It is characterized by low cost.

Among the disadvantages of a fabric hammock are the following:

  • Most models are intended for children over 6 months;
  • As the baby grows, it begins to stretch more and after a couple of months it sag noticeably;
  • If you choose a cheaper, low-quality option, the material may quickly tear;
  • You need to be more careful during the bathing process: if the wet fabric stretches too much, the baby can submerge heavily in the water, drink water, and choke. It is necessary to hold it so that it does not turn over and fall;
  • To use this model, you need a baby bath; an adult bath is not suitable. As the child grows, you will have to buy a plastic bathtub bigger size or refuse to use a hammock.

When purchasing, you need to choose a model based on the weight of the baby. The material must be durable, the joints with hooks are reinforced with inserts from thick fabric, because the mesh is less durable. It is necessary to select a hammock according to the size of the bath so that it does not form gaps at the edges, provides tension, and the child does not touch the bottom of the container. As the baby grows bottom part can be left unfastened, allowing the legs to move freely in the water.

Plastic model

It costs an order of magnitude more, but parents often prefer it because of its ease of use. It is suitable for any type of bath; many options have special suction cups that secure the product.

It is easy to wash and can be used for games not only during bathing. For children who can sit, there are special seat slides. Until this time, they are not recommended to be used so that the baby does not have a curvature of the spine. When choosing, you need to consider:

  • Quality. The plastic must be strong and not have a strong toxic odor;
  • Design – it is better to choose a stable one;
  • The presence of suction cups or rubberized plates that prevent slipping;
  • The surface should be comfortable, with recesses and stops to support the baby;
  • The presence of an anti-slip mat to hold the child. It provides additional security.

The disadvantage is its hardness compared to other models, the need to put a diaper on it for the baby’s comfort.

Some manufacturers offer the product with a thermal sticker. It shows the degree of heating of the water, allows you to notice in time that it has cooled down and stop the procedure. If a child does not like to swim for a long time, then it is not worth overpaying for such a function.

Plastic base with fabric surface

This design is quite strong, but softer; the material adapts to the baby’s body; there is no need to lay a diaper for his comfort. Unlike a foam slide, it is easier to care for, the fabric can be removed and is easier to wash and dry. There are two options:

  • A straight slide, not very comfortable due to the baby slipping;
  • The lounger, similar to a chair, secures the child due to the lower raised part. Most models fold for convenient storage and transportation.

Preference should be given to special anatomical slides, the fabric of which has recesses that repeat the silhouette of the baby. They hold it more securely, preventing it from slipping.

Plastic base with silicone mesh

It provides a more comfortable position for the baby, correctly distributing the load on the spine. The slide is suitable for children from birth, has an antibacterial coating and a recess at the bottom to secure the baby. It is convenient to bathe your child in the shower, because the water immediately flows down through the mesh. But such a product costs more, and is used for a maximum of six months.

Built-in slide

A bathtub with a built-in slide is called anatomical and contains several protrusions to support the baby. Some models include recesses for a child who can sit. There are also products with a drain and a built-in thermometer. They are designed up to six months of age, then you need to purchase a larger bath or transfer the child to an adult. For this reason, many consider such a purchase unprofitable.

An anatomical bathtub holds the baby more reliably; there is no need to constantly support it; it is enough to control the process visually. The disadvantage is that there is less freedom and there is no opportunity to swim. Turning over on the tummy or side to wash the back is problematic and uncomfortable for the baby. This option is ideal for the first time and is convenient if the mother bathes the baby alone.

Mattress slide

The most popular are foam mattresses in the shape of a slide, the high part of which reaches 25 cm. It is suitable for any bath, the surface is dense enough and contains a recess to hold the baby. Advantages:

  • The porous material absorbs warm water, preventing the child from freezing;
  • Does not restrict movement like a plastic model;
  • Both a baby bath and an adult bath are suitable for use;

The disadvantages include the fragility of foam rubber, it accumulates bacteria and dirt, requires washing after use, and takes a long time to dry.

Rules for swimming with a slide

How to bathe a newborn in a bathtub with a slide? Recommendations to be followed:

  1. Before the first use, the product must be disinfected if it is a plastic slide, and if it is a fabric slide, it must be washed;
  2. Everything you need for bathing - towel, soap - should be kept at a distance arm's length so that you do not have to leave the child unattended;
  3. Secure the product in the bathroom, check its reliability and stability, fill with warm water up to half of the structure. The plastic slide must heat up for the child to feel comfortable. If necessary, you can put a diaper on it;
  4. Lower the baby gradually, remember your good mood, especially when first used. Everything new and unfamiliar causes anxiety in the child. If, when getting acquainted with the product, you look at the baby in fear, expecting a reaction, then it will be more likely negative;
  5. The liquid level should not be higher than the neck so that the baby does not swallow water and it does not flow into the ears. But if there is too little of it, the child may quickly freeze;
  6. You cannot leave your baby unattended even on the safest and most modern slide;
  7. After the procedure, you need to wash the slide and store it in a clean, dry place;
  8. For long-term use, it is necessary to take into account the product’s limitations on the child’s weight and height;
  9. Using tissue model You need to check its seams more often so that it does not tear during bathing.

It is not recommended to make a bathing slide yourself, since it is difficult to take into account the anatomical features of the baby. It can create additional stress on the child's spine and joints. It is better to purchase a certified product based on individual characteristics child (height, weight, age).

Gradually, the need for devices disappears, especially for very active kids. A slide in a newborn bathtub helps parents feel more confident during their first baths. Saves energy, reduces the load on an adult’s back, and allows you not to involve your family.

After the belly button heals infant, he will have to be bathed regularly, adhering to all necessary rules safety precautions. Bathing is a mandatory procedure that should bring joy to the baby and parents. That's why mommies pay great attention purchasing bathtubs, all accessories and fixtures.

A swimming slide is one such device that is worth emphasizing. With it, water procedures can be trusted even by novice, inexperienced parents.

What is a slide for?

The slide was invented to take care of the safe bathing of children, the comfort and peace of mind of parents.

Bathing a toddler in a simple baby bath is tiring for the mother, as she has to stand bending over. In this case, you need to support the head with one hand all the time so that the baby does not drink water, and with the other try to bathe the floundering baby.

The invention of such a useful thing as a bathing slide made it easier for mothers and made water procedures as comfortable as possible. With the help of clamps, the child is held in the water, while the head is constantly raised above the water. The clamps prevent the baby from turning over on its side and falling into the water.

Using a slide, parents bathe their child in a classic children's bath or in an adult bath, and some even use a sink.

Which slide to choose

The children's goods store offers models for newborns - plastic, mesh and fabric, on stands and on foam rubber, plain and with patterns. Each manufacturer tries to come up with its own special design that can compete with many similar ones, so parents have plenty to choose from.

  • When purchasing any slide, pay attention to the strength of the attachment to the bathtub or other surface. Manufacturers usually provide fastening with hooks or suction cups. An unsecured slide will move around, creating inconvenience.
  • The slide is installed firmly only on a flat surface. If the bottom of the bathtub is rounded, the device will be unstable.
  • The slide should be made of a material that prevents the child from sliding, or be equipped with stops so that the child does not slide down into the water. Otherwise, you will have to constantly monitor the position of the baby.
  • Water is filled into the bath to about half the height of the slide, so that the little one is in the water no higher than the neck, or better yet, up to the chest.

Types of slides

In the anatomical bath

If you have not yet purchased a baby bathtub for bathing your child, then it makes sense to choose from a series of anatomical bathtubs. The bathtub is called anatomical because it already has an ergonomic slide built into it. That is, you place the baby not on a flat bottom, but on a slide that seems to copy his back. The child is placed so that his bottom, head and armpits are supported by special supports. Between the legs there is another stop. The baby is not lying horizontally, but at a slight inclination, with his head above the water, which is very convenient for both him and his parents. If desired, you can put a diaper under the backrest. By the way, it is very convenient to wash the head on the slide.

With this purchase, you will, as they say, kill two birds with one stone: you will immediately have a baby bath for your baby and a bathing slide.

How smaller child, the safer it is to bathe in an anatomical bath. When the baby is about six months old, the bath will become too small for him. Then you will either have to bathe him while sitting, or buy something new.

Anatomical slide

Anatomical slide made of environmentally friendly plastic is designed for installation in a bathtub or bathtub, which is statically attached to the bottom of the bathtub using suction cups. The smoothly polished surface is non-traumatic and firmly holds the baby’s back, freeing mother's hands for washing. When bathing, the child is tilted, sitting almost like on a chair. He is immersed in water up to his chest or tummy, his head is above the water, his arms and legs play freely in the water. This safe swimming a newborn is possible due to recesses and protrusions that hold the baby on the slide.

Due to the recesses and protrusions, repeating the baby's anatomy, the slide ensures safe bathing.

Stationary slide Angelcare

This slide has quite original design. It is made of environmentally friendly, pleasant-to-touch plastic and a silicone mesh surface on which the newborn is placed. The water level is noted, can withstand 13 kg with a height of up to 70 cm. The baby is protected from slipping.

The materials are antibacterial, easy to wash with a shower, and dry quickly. This original little car can be installed not only in the bathtub to bathe a newborn, but also on any flat surface to play with the baby.

The Angelcare slide has anti-slip features, it is ergonomic and comfortable for the baby. As a rule, these slides are made of durable and at the same time environmentally friendly plastic.

Tega step slide

Of interest is the five-stage model, which raises the baby's head 8 cm above the bottom of the bath. This is a small but certainly safe lift, which will make it easier for the bather to keep an eye on the baby. The slide is sewn from soft fabric, then stretched over a light frame. The baby does not slip and lies calmly on its back in the water.

Slide Tega from special fabric allows the baby not to slip and lie calmly in the water.

Geoby coaster slide

Reviews from parents of children about using this slide are mixed. On the one side, soft fabric, stretched over the frame, just fits the baby's back, and soft inserts under the head and legs keep him from slipping. On the other hand, there are comments from parents that the baby still slides down. In general, reviews from parents of newborns who have used this stand are positive.

It is better to use up to a year. It will not be very comfortable for an older baby to swim in a stand without sides and bottom, and without this support he can easily fall out of it.

Foam rubber

Cut from a single piece of foam rubber, it is placed directly on the bottom of the bathtub and, due to the thickness of the material, lifts the baby by almost 25 cm. Top part decorated with a recess for the baby, in which he lies in warm water.

The bather has no problems holding the baby; he will not fall or slip into the water. The disadvantage of foam rubber is that it is not very convenient to wash and dry.

The foam slide is made in the shape of a figure of a man, where the baby is placed.

Slide chair

It is better to buy a folding chair like Aprica, then it will be your assistant from birth to two years. First you use it in the open position, then the newborn will lie elevated above the water by 15°. When your baby grows up and learns to sit, he will really enjoy swimming while sitting in a high chair. He holds on to the handrail himself, he can see everything, and it’s convenient for mom to bathe him.


If you have already grown up and learned to sit, feel free to buy a bath seat, for example, Favorite. It is permanently fixed with suction cups; special stops prevent it from slipping out. The seat rotates 360°, the child himself holds on to the bumper and “steers,” which delights him.

When swimming in a slide-chair, you don’t have to worry that your baby will slip out. He holds onto the handrails himself, and it’s convenient for mom to wash him from all sides.

Nets and hammocks

Hammocks and nets are simplified versions of stationary slides for babies. They are sewn from light fabrics or mesh and attached to the sides of the bath using hooks. Such devices are not at all expensive, but they will last a month or two, since the fabric cannot withstand the growth and weight of a toddler. It is advisable to first try on the table to see if the special recesses for the head and butt are suitable.

In a net or hammock, the baby feels freer than in a stationary plastic slide. In principle, these devices are simply created for newborn babies. You can turn your baby on his side without fear of giving him discomfort. Swimming in a net or hammock will bring joy to both baby and parents.

In this article:

The baby's health directly depends on hygiene. Mothers try to approach this issue responsibly and ensure the safety and comfort of the child during water procedures. The main thing is to choose the right slide for bathing newborns, because babies are all different. From the first days of life, water procedures are necessary not only to wash away sweat, but also to comfortably get the little ones accustomed to water. At making the right choice there will be a swimming slide a great assistant mom.

The need to purchase a slide

A small child requires very careful handling. Often parents are afraid of dropping their baby in the bath or doing something wrong. For safety reasons, there are various devices in the form of slides and stands that make bathing a newborn easier.

The bathing slide is designed to fix the baby in a position that allows him to stay in the water and avoid diving his head, turning over and falling. If mom can't cope alone, then the bathing slide will be an irreplaceable thing. If the parents bathe the baby together every day and cope, then there is no need for a slide.


There are different types of swimming slides. You need to focus on the child’s parameters. Usually, preference is given to anatomical inserts that allow the child to be given the desired position and fixation. The bathtub for the insert should be classic and not contain unnecessary compartments.

For small and light child will fit fabric slide or hammock for bathing newborns. They are pulled over the bath or sold with suction cups on the frame. The fabric must be from natural materials. This slide can be used from birth to 9 months. If the child is large, then this option will not work, as the baby will sag.

A plastic slide can serve as a bathing stand for newborns. It is attached with suction cups to the bottom of the bath and is firmly fixed. Anatomical slides have recesses for the baby's arms and legs, preventing them from slipping, and the sides protect them from falling out. If the slide does not contain anatomical devices, then you can put a diaper on top, which will prevent the child from sliding. The plastic stand is most popular due to its practicality. We sell adjustable slides for all sizes of kids.

The foam slide for bathing a newborn has a special recess. Foam rubber absorbs water and ensures its contact with the child. It is convenient because it does not slip, but requires more care. After completing the water procedures, it must be washed and dried.

For children over 5 months who sit independently, a bathing chair can be used. The child cannot fall out of it. Various toys The high chair captivates the little ones and bathing becomes a holiday.

Features of using slides for swimming

Anatomical swimming slides do not require any special skills. The main thing is to place the baby correctly and ensure that the sizes match. There must be mandatory monitoring of water temperature.

If the slide is small or large, you need to replace it with another and more convenient one. The baby's head should be positioned naturally.

After use, be sure to clean and dry the insert. If everything is done correctly, then water procedures will be a favorite activity for the child.

Useful video about bathing a baby

Water procedures occupy an important place in the life of a newborn. They combine hygiene and physical exercise, but holding a newborn in your arms is difficult. For ease of swimming there is a slide. Models that can be purchased in the online store are presented great amount, and everyone can pick up perfect option.

What kind of bath slide could there be?

This product is a bath device that serves to simplify water procedures and make them safer. Below are the main types of slides for swimming children. Having become familiar with their structure and additional accessories, you can choose the option that suits you and your newborn.

Plastic slide

Judging by the reviews, the main advantages are their light weight and ease of care. The design includes armrests and fastenings between the legs. They are designed to hold the baby and prevent him from slipping. Another advantage is the presence of fixation in the form of suction cups, which prevents the stand from sliding on the surface of the bathtub. The advantage is that it can be used from birth. A slide for a newborn bathtub is made from plastic. bright colors. Dear models have special seat belts that secure the baby in in the right position.

Soft foam slide for swimming

Such models are popular because they are relatively inexpensive and can be found in almost any children's store. This slide for a child is a piece of foam rubber, about 20-25 cm high. There is a headrest on one side. A foam slide for bathing newborns has the ability to absorb warm water, and this will warm the child. The product will accumulate bacteria, so it will have to be washed thoroughly. The service life of such a product is much shorter than others, as evidenced by user reviews, but the price is much lower.

Fabric bath slide

This design is a frame covered with flannel fabric. There are no recesses, fasteners, or belts, so experts believe that using a fabric slide is unsafe. Parents will have to constantly hold the baby so that he does not slip, and this is not very convenient; the point of using the stand is lost.

Anatomical swimming slide

This type the product deserves special attention, because it is the safest and most convenient. This is due to the fact that the shape of the product is designed to correct position the child's body during water procedures. The baby is not only comfortable, but also not afraid to take a bath. This is an important factor when choosing this device for bathing a child.

A bathtub with a slide for a newborn is made of plastic or silicone. The surface is smooth, firmly holds the baby's back, this will help free the mother's hands for comfortable bathing. The newborn is tilted, submerged under water up to his tummy. A silicone bathing slide allows your baby to play with his hands and feet, although the price is higher than its plastic counterpart. There are other types, for example, a hammock that is attached to the sides of the bathtub.

Price for a slide for bathing newborns

One of the arguments in favor of a particular model is its cost. On store shelves there are slides that anyone can buy. Here are some of them:

  • Bebe confort - the model has a design that provides all the elements that provide comfort during water procedures. These are clamps, an anti-slip system, and a bedding. An undoubted advantage is the ability to unfold it, store it and carry it with you conveniently. Its price fluctuates around 1000 rubles.
  • Geoby - a folding rag children's slide for bathing newborns, which is offered by the manufacturer, is not suitable for every bath. It is better not to use it for bathtubs with a rounded bottom, since the stand will be unstable, which is unsafe. Price 700 rub.
  • Swimming slide "Dolphin" suitable for large children. Can be used at any age. Features high sides. Can be used in any shaped bathtub, even in a shower stall. The product will cost no more than 500 rubles in the online store catalog.

How to choose a slide for bathing newborns

Before purchasing this item, you need to weigh the pros and cons since the main user will be a child. The main selection criteria are:

  • corresponds to the height and temperament of the newborn (the width of the bath should be enough for the free placement of the stand);
  • material strength, lack sharp corners, unevenness, rough edges;
  • the smell should not be unpleasant, chemical or pungent.

How to bathe a newborn in a tub with a slide

No special skills are required to use the item. When bathing a baby, it is recommended to add an additional diaper for the first month of life, since babies have poor thermoregulation. It is not recommended to be absent during water procedures, even if you are confident in the reliability of the device you are using. Better get everything ready necessary accessories for swimming in advance. The entire bathing procedure takes place in several stages:

  1. Rinse the slide clean water.
  2. Attach it to the bottom or sides of the bath and check the strength of the fastening.
  3. Fill up half of the structure with water, after which you need to check the strength of the fastening again.
  4. If necessary, place a diaper.
  5. Place the baby in the water. Remember that the water level should not reach above the newborn's neck.

Video: AngelCare Bath Support bathtub slide
