Haircut on the 27th lunar day meaning. Fashion haircuts: focus on bangs

Latitude: 55.75, Longitude: 37.62 Time zone: Europe/Moscow (UTC+03:00) Moon phase calculation on 10/1/2018 (12:00) To calculate the phase of the moon for your city, register or login.

Characteristics of the Moon on October 27, 2018

On the date 27.10.2018 in 12:00 The moon is in phase "Waning moon". it 18 lunar day in the lunar calendar. Moon in the sign of the zodiac Gemini ♊. Light percentage The moon is 92%. Sunrise moon at 18:51, and sunset at 10:19.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 18 lunar day from 18:20 10/26/2018 to 18:51 10/27/2018
  • 19 lunar day from 18:51 10/27/2018 until the next day

The influence of the moon on a haircut October 27, 2018

Moon in the zodiac sign Gemini (±)

Moon in sign Twins. general state hair under the influence of this sign will not change. A haircut today will accelerate hair growth, but the hair will become naughty, this will practically not affect the quality of the hair, but the hair itself may begin to curl.

Hairstyle today should be light, airy, do not make it too heavy decorative elements better to avoid them altogether.

The day is suitable for curling, including chemical, hair coloring, toning.

18 lunar day (±)

October 27, 2018 at 12:00 - 18 lunar day. a haircut today will help strengthen your charisma, give strength and health. It will especially affect the lungs. Today the moon is waning and if you want to keep your hair longer, you should cut it.

It is worth painting in the color that you had in the most successful period of your life, in the period that you would like to return.

In the hairstyle, it is worth focusing on the bangs, this will attract wind energy.

Today is the day when you can see or feel what will happen in the near future. Today it is worth gathering your will into a fist, doing only balanced and correct actions, not succumbing to emotions, especially negative ones. Take care of your hair and try to please them today. And perhaps in the near future you will find a pleasant surprise.

To make your hair grow healthy and beautiful after a haircut, try to choose to visit a hairdresser auspicious days. Such days are easy to determine by the lunar haircut calendar.

The condition of our hair is influenced by 4 factors:

  1. The position of the moon in the signs of the zodiac
  2. Lunar days
  3. Moon phases
  4. Days of the week

The days of the week have the least impact on the condition of the hair and their importance is not always taken into account. To visit a beauty salon, you need to choose days when all or at least most of these factors will have a beneficial effect on hair cutting.

Moon calendar September haircuts can be viewed here:

Moon 09/27/2018 (Thursday)

19 lunar day
Moon phase: Decreasing in the 3rd phase
Zodiac sign: Taurus ♉
Moon illumination: 95%

Next full moon: 24 October 2018 19:44
Next new moon: October 9, 2018 06:46
Distance to the Moon: 385593 km, middle moon

The influence of the moon on a haircut

Moon in the sign Taurus ♉

Today 09/27/2018 you can cut your hair. A haircut made during the period when the Moon was under the influence of Taurus, for a long time will keep desired shape that will grab the attention of others. Cutting the strands will saturate the hair with essential nutrients, they will become much stronger and thicker. it beautiful time for cutting split ends - in the future, the hair will grow back healthy.

19 lunar days

By shortening the length of the strands on this day, you can attract longevity. Hair cutting today will strengthen the immune system, help you easily get rid of the diseases that have arisen and contribute to the emergence of increased interest from the opposite sex.

Decreasing in the 3rd phase

According to the lunar calendar of haircuts, this is the period when you can experiment with new colors, if you wish, you can dye the strands in different tones. If you are disappointed with the result, do not worry - the paint will wash off in just 1-2 weeks. Procedures for strengthening and improving hair during the waning moon will quickly give positive effect, but the hair cut today will grow back for a long time.


Sign of Jupiter: an auspicious day, a visit to the hairdresser will establish relationships with others, and you will quickly find a solution to existing problems. social problems. On this day, it is recommended to cut their hair for those who feel unhappy and believe that they are haunted by failure. In this case, a haircut will make you more popular and successful. People born on Wednesday should avoid shortening their hair.

Excellent day!
Auspicious day for updating hairstyles

The 27th lunar day is balanced and calm. However, today you need to carefully monitor the consumption of energy reserves of the body, do not take on an unbearable burden, do not neglect help. During this period, spiritual practices will benefit. Meditation and relaxation will allow you to achieve a harmonious balance and take control of your emotions. On the 27th lunar day, the subconscious allows you to see things that are hidden behind the veil of everyday life and fuss. It is possible that the gift of clairvoyance will manifest itself or innate intuition will increase. On this day, a lot of different information is received. Pay close attention to what is happening around you. You will be able to re-evaluate problems, find optimal solution from confused situation and turn it to your advantage.

Description of the twenty-seventh lunar day

The characteristic of the 27th lunar day is the drawing up of further plans, the feeling of the rhythm of the universe, the submission to the flow of the force lines of the universe. Today our mind is able to perceive subtle matters surrounding us, to respond to them quickly enough. Your subconscious mind works these days in tandem with intuition, trust your feelings and sensations. On the 27th lunar day, do not be guided by rationalism, pragmatism and prudence. Act as your inner voice. Ask yourself the questions that have been tormenting you for a long time. It is today that you can find the most the right way to solve them.

Features and properties of the 27th lunar day

In addition to information gathering, on this day you can successfully develop your skills and gain new knowledge. Best not to do petty problems and daily activities. Focus your attention on professional development, try to understand what prevents you from successfully developing and achieving your goals. On the 27th lunar day of the cycle to be avoided empty talk, fuss and everything that mercilessly “burns” time. Use this period to communicate with like-minded people and more experienced people. Be self-critical enough - you will be able to avoid self-deception and illusions, to assess your real potential. Talismans and symbols:

  • the symbols of this day are the scepter, rod, ship;
  • talisman stones include selenites, rose quartz, emeralds, adularia, lilac transparent amethysts;
  • element - fire;
  • main colors - indigo, sapphire, cornflower blue, blue

The twenty-seventh lunar day will bring success to travelers. If you have been planning to visit for a long time distant relatives- do it today.

What should you do today to be successful?

During the 27 lunar days, find time for introspection. Consider developing your own personality. Try to learn more and consolidate the received theory in practice. Feel free to ask for help from people who have been working in this field for a long time. Today, for successful problem solving, non-standard and creativity. Do not be afraid to take risks, to act contrary to the prevailing stereotypes. Expand your horizons, strive to get useful information and practical experience for you.

Lunar relations on the 27th day

The twenty-seventh lunar day is simply created in order to pay a visit to relatives or old friends. Communication with pleasant and dear people will bring you peace and satisfaction, increase the positive perception of the world. You can't talk to strangers today. The risk of being deceived or robbed is great. There are still remnants of the instability and aggression of the past days, so there are outbursts of rage, scandals and fights. Keep yourself in control, do not break down over trifles. This will help you get through the day without major emotional upheavals. Communication with colleagues at work should be purely business-like. Chatter about nothing is not allowed today. Share your knowledge and experience, help newbies and trainees. Today is a good day to look into the office of your favorite chef. You can discuss everything related to the current problems and affairs of the company. However, don't go beyond professional activity. Conversations on personal topics will not lead to anything good.

Relationship building and sex

The 27th lunar day is perfect for formalizing relationships. good luck family life those who have long checked their feelings in civil marriage. Lucky and very young newlyweds. Despite the material difficulties at the very beginning, they will be able to live a long, secure and happy life under the same roof. In order for family life to be set from the very beginning, do not arrange a magnificent and grandiose celebration. Have a gala dinner at home environment. Invite only your best friends and close relatives. Calm, pleasant atmosphere will be reflected in future fate newlyweds. On this day, slowness, calmness and tenderness should be present in sex. Do not try to achieve only physical pleasure. It is important to feel in your partner the person dearest and closest to you. Random connections and sex on initial stage eliminate relationships completely. In the first case, it is possible venereal diseases, in the second - disappointment and hostility.

conception of a child

Characteristics of people born on the 27th lunar day

Children from childhood show their exclusivity. Their reasoning does not seem "childish" at all, they are wise and based on logical conclusions. It seems that these children have access to such knowledge that they can only receive from the general information field. Anyone who is born today has high intelligence, the ability to see through the true background of events. "Twenty-seventh people" have a very developed intuition and may show psychic abilities. Those whose birthday coincides with the twenty-seventh lunar day should restrain themselves and not be conservative and uncompromising. As a rule, they consider their opinion to be the only correct one. "Twenty-seventh" should be more "flexible" and compliant. Those born on these lunar days have an incredible sense of taste and style. They can become famous fashion designers and stylists. it creative nature who are able to create true masterpieces in art, achieve popularity as a writer, musician, artist or artist.

What do dreams mean on the 27th lunar day

They do not carry any semantic load and characterize our relationship with the outside world. If the relationship is harmonious - dream of something beautiful and pleasant. Try to remember the dream that remains in memory during the day. Even if it's just a feeling of "atmospheric" dream. The symbolism of the twenty-seventh lunar day is very difficult. It is better not to deal with its interpretation on your own, but to seek help from experienced specialists.

Rituals of the 27th lunar day

Today it is good to conduct rituals aimed at solving problems. Choose one that is most important to you and perform the appropriate ceremony. Ritual: "Tangle of Problems" Stay alone. Light a candle and sit comfortably. It is important that you feel extremely comfortable and relaxed.

  1. Close your eyes and imagine a loose ball of tangled rope, associate it with your problem.
  2. Mentally take the ball in your hands and begin to pull the end of the rope. Visualize the ball gradually unwinding and unraveling. As you do this, think about what brought your situation to this state.
  3. Ask the Moon to help you and brightly illuminate the paths for its resolution.
  4. Visualize yourself winding the loose rope into a new, smooth and even ball.

Be sure to say words of gratitude to the heavenly body.

This lunar calendar is compiled for the city of Moscow.

Be sure to select your city duration and beginning of lunar days in every town its.

Attention! Since the Moon moves very quickly along the ecliptic (for example, the lunar sign of the zodiac or the lunar day, and even the phase of the moon may change), then during the day favorable influence The moon can change to negative, and vice versa. Please pay attention to haircut time!

At 6:05 comes the 20 lunar day


The influence of the Moon sign at the current time is negative

The effect of Cancer on hair is generally not very favorable. This will not be easy to do any serious manipulations with the hair, whether it's styling or giving them the desired shape. A haircut on this day will help get rid of overprotection or the worries of your loved ones with whom you a good relationship. But if the relationship is not too warm, it is better to avoid a haircut. If you have problem hair, then it is recommended to carry out restorative and nourishing procedures.

Waning moon

At 11:36 the transition of the Moon into the sign of Leo


The influence of the lunar day at the current time is neutral

A haircut today is very favorable - it will cheer you up and attract positive energy. Coloring is not recommended today - as this can negatively affect your emotional background. It is recommended to comb your hair today in the direction of the cardinal points - this will attract energy.

The influence of the Moon sign at the current time is positive

Leo has a good effect on the growth and strengthening of hair, and not only. Today, any manipulations and actions related to hair are successful: dyeing, highlighting, cutting, styling, etc. However, from perm it is better to refuse, as the perm can become very durable, which can upset you. To attract good luck and a boost of energy, today it is recommended to get a haircut.

Waning moon

A haircut will slow down hair growth, but at the same time strengthen the roots.

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At the time of your birth was the 27th day of the lunar cycle

This Lunar day endows people with the following common features and characteristics:

Mission: manifest willpower in order to master the cosmic consciousness.

Potential given by nature:

– knows exactly what they want and where they are going, has wisdom since childhood;
- carriers of sacred knowledge - priests, shamans, spiritual leaders;
- healers or verbal magicians - their word has great power.

Personality Traits:

- can be lucky and happy, capable of perfect love;
- travelers with an eternal thirst for knowledge, vagabonds, mystics, dreamers.

Possible negative qualities:

- live in a state of constant change and fluctuation, too soft-bodied and weak-tempered;
- non-developing people can turn into alcoholics or drug addicts.

Health: slowly realize the potential of their strength, they are more silent.

General description of the lunar day:

Symbols of the day: wand, trident.
Stones: red coral, amethyst, charoite, lapis lazuli, malachite, rose quartz.
Day of revelations, there is an intuitive insight.

Action of the day- Search.
From this begins the time of mental rebirth, Special attention should be given to your inner world, trace the path of your formation as a person. Today it is good to spend various psychological research and perform scientific experiments.

On the 27th lunar day, be tuned in to the comprehension of sacred knowledge, the laws of being. Today it is good to go to study in another city, or go somewhere to get new information. But, nevertheless, it is worth refraining from moving using water transport.

On the 27th lunar day, it's time to do something new on your own, your mental capacity it's just top notch right now. During this period, intuition acts as an active assistant to rational thinking, listen to its prompts, it will not let you down. Therefore, it is worth thinking about solving various pressing issues and even serious ones. life situations, your subconscious mind and inner voice will tell you the most optimal ways to resolve them.

But at the same time, do not pay too much attention to trifles, you must now see to the root, and the true essence of the actions of others will be revealed to you. On the 27th lunar day, you need to be cleansed with water, it is especially good to swim in the river or even just walk in the rain without an umbrella.

The twenty-seventh lunar day is a good period for doing business. But it is possible that this period can also be fraught with danger. Take a good look at financial transactions, carefully study the documents to sign new contracts.
Good time to practice social issues in the documentation. It is also good to do charity work on this day. It is believed that funds directed to charity on these lunar days create favorable karma, and subsequently turn into profit, and not only spiritual, but also material. Remember, luck is on your side today.

Haircut on 27 lunar day

If you want to get a haircut on the twenty-seventh lunar day, then remember that hair will grow very slowly. But there is also a positive in this, since you will be able to keep your hairstyle longer. Today's haircut will enhance personal charm, as well as contribute to personal success with others.
Beautiful hair styling will stimulate the flow of vitality.
Hair coloring in natural colors, promises to attract the energy of health and wealth.
