Is there a safe face cream. Do I need to use face cream: the pros and cons of regular use

The classic baby cream has the simplest composition, developed five decades ago. The main ingredients are lanolin, natural plant extracts, oils, glycerin. In the domestic cream you will not find parabens, formaldehyde and other preservatives and toxic substances.

Women with sensitive skin faces, allergies and proponents of "natural cosmetics" believe that nothing is better baby cream to preserve the freshness, tenderness and youthfulness of the skin you can’t imagine. You don’t have to worry that an allergy will appear or that melanoma will develop over time under the influence of preservatives. But not everything is as simple as we would like.

wither effect

Baby cream is called baby cream because it was created for the most unprotected and needy members of society. It is worth applying only a drop of such a product on the face, without even rubbing it, as the skin immediately becomes softened and velvety, like a barely ripe peach. Once having enjoyed this effect, many ladies add baby cream to their list of everyday cosmetics and always use it.

However, their main mistake is unconditional trust in the quality of the product. In fact, petroleum jelly, lanolin and glycerin create an airtight film on the surface of the epidermis, just like a face would be covered with a plastic bag.

Such protection is suitable only for a child. Skin cells in young children divide very quickly, and sebaceous glands not yet as active as an adult. As a result, their skin develops too thin protective layer to resist bacterial attack. And a film of petroleum jelly or lanolin for them is what you need.

This method does not work for adults. Baby cream seals pores, does not allow the skin to breathe normally, cleanse itself and creates a greenhouse effect on its surface. It simply draws moisture from the deep layers of the dermis, leaving a deceptive impression of freshness and softness.

Prolonged use of baby cream grown woman will lead to premature aging her skin and education deep wrinkles. Overdried skin will lose its elasticity, and no cream will correct the situation.

Natural and artificial ingredients

Many people believe that there are no chemistry at all in the composition of baby cream, only natural oils, fats and extracts from plants. It's a delusion. Vaseline - 100 percent product chemical industry. It is obtained by mixing ceresin and paraffin, which are the result of the distillation of fuel oil and other petroleum products.

Glycerin is another "gift" of resourceful chemists. Most of it is produced from propylene, a complex chemical compound that belongs to the fourth hazard class. Propylene oxide is used to produce fuels, preservatives, and plastics. So glycerin and petroleum jelly only seem safe and natural.

And even lanolin, a natural fat extracted from the digestion of animal hair, is not as simple as everyone used to think. It contains powerful allergens that provoke tearing, throat congestion and skin irritation in people who are sensitive to these components.

Acne, redness and other "charms"

Another negative factor baby cream - the ability to enhance inflammatory processes in adults. Since babies do not yet have such hormonal activity as older ones, then acne it just doesn't happen. Puberty brings many changes, including affects the condition of the skin.

The sebaceous glands begin to work much more actively. sebum and dead cells of the epidermis mix, forming a certain surface layer. It protects, but at the same time it is a risk factor. If you cover the skin with a film of petroleum jelly or glycerin, you get a real “shell”, under which bacteria that feed on sebum actively multiply. As a result - acne, irritation, allergic reactions.

Baby cream may seem effective, but only after two or three uses. With long-term use, it gives a result that is exactly the opposite of what is expected. A woman dreams of having a tender and elastic skin, but gets dried up, pimply, aged ahead of time.

Skin prone to inflammation, as alcohol has a drying and disinfecting effect. However, the most important thing here is to observe the measure: the alcohol content in the preparation should not exceed 15-17%. But for girls who have dry skin, it is better to refuse products containing alcohol altogether, otherwise peeling, irritation, and an unpleasant feeling of tightness may occur on the face.

Also, forget about alcohol lotions in winter, because at this time of the year the skin is already exposed to a lot of unpleasant influences, such as cold, temperature changes, dry air from heaters. If it’s completely unbearable from who knows where the pimples come from, pick up a remedy with high content zinc, white clay and a small percentage of salicylic acid.

2. Paraffin. Strong comedogen

Often included in anti-aging drugs. Strongly not recommended for girls with problematic, oily or mixed skin. Forming a film on the epidermis, paraffin prevents the removal of toxins from the pores and impedes the access of oxygen. As a result, the skin loses a good half of its attractiveness - it becomes uneven and untidy.

You may ask why paraffin is used in cosmetology at all? The fact is that it has a warming effect, speeds up metabolism, and has a slight exfoliating effect. In addition, paraffin is often used for anti-cellulite wraps and softening of the skin of the hands (the procedure is called “paraffin therapy”). The latter, by the way, you can safely try. Tested: works great.

3. Mineral oils. Like paraffin, a serious comedogen

And that's why mineral oils have the same contraindications. There is another problem with them: they may not be cleaned well enough, and then they will clog pores even more, they can even cause inflammation, or even allergic reactions. The film formed by oils protects the epidermis from dehydration, but at the same time leaves no room for extra moisture. In addition, mineral oils are poorly absorbed and prevent the removal of cellular metabolic products.
N.B. Did you know that paraffin and mineral oils are obtained from petroleum?

4. Glycerin. Dehydrates

Yes, it is glycerin, which has long been considered an excellent emollient. In excess, it can be harmful to dry skin, as it draws moisture from the deep layers of the epidermis. In no case do we urge you to completely abandon the use of cosmetics with this component. In the end, he has a lot of advantages. But if your skin is prone to dryness or dehydration, when buying, do not forget to check with consultants whether there is a lot of glycerin in the selected cream or mask. Yes, and more. Glycerin soap, so beloved by the generation of our mothers, it is better to completely exclude. wash your face better foam or gel - it is much more useful and pleasant.

5. Retinoids. Mass of contraindications

Retinoids are derivatives of vitamin A. They are one of the most effective cosmetic ingredients, as they not only slow down the aging process of the skin, but also do an excellent job with acne. But do not rush to run to the pharmacy for a new tube - retinol has many side effects and contraindications.

In particular, retinoid-based preparations cannot be used during, while taking drugs containing tetracycline and thiazides, with hypersensitive skin, in the presence of wounds and mechanical damage. Side effects can be dryness and peeling of the skin, itching, irritation of the mucous membranes. AT summer season experts also advise abandoning retinol, or at least limiting its use, since substances in this group increase skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation and increase the risk of melanoma. As you can see, there are a lot of “against” arguments, so before you start using such products, be sure to consult a cosmetologist, or even a doctor. And be ready for “long-term therapy”, because in order to get a pronounced anti-aging effect, cosmetics with retinol must be used for about a year!

6. Glycolic acids. May cause redness

Often used in salon procedures, in particular, acid peeling is now becoming more widespread, due to its painlessness and, in general, a good effect. Glycolic acids are prescribed for acne and its consequences, age-related changes skin, pigmentation disorders.

However, like retinoids, they have a number of contraindications, such as breastfeeding, herpes in the acute stage, colds, the presence of wounds and scratches on the skin. In addition, if the peeling is carried out unskillfully, severe redness may appear on the skin that can last for quite a significant time. So think about whether you need such a procedure. And if you still decide that you need it, do it in a salon with a good reputation.

7. Natural plant extracts. cause allergies

Good for everyone, except for one thing: they can cause allergies. If you're never with it unpleasant phenomenon did not come across, buy and do not be afraid - you will only win. But when allergies are an integral part of your life (even if it appears sporadically), be very careful. So, if at least once you have experienced reddening of the skin and burning sensation after collecting chamomile, you should not use cream and even shampoo with this ingredient. Are you starting to sneeze from cornflowers? Avoid cosmetics with its extract.

In general, when allergic reactions appear, immediately consult a doctor and take tests to help determine the cause of the disease. In advanced cases, it may take a complex and rather long one. With “mild” symptoms, it is enough just to avoid allergens, including “cosmetic” ones. And be sure to warn the cosmetologists about the presence of you. Otherwise, all their work may turn out to be not only meaningless, but even harmful.

Finally, let's say a few more words about such traditionally considered "harmful" ingredients as different kind fragrances, thickeners, emulsifiers, preservatives. Some of us sometimes refuse to use cosmetics if the composition contains any of the above. However, they are not always right, because these substances are included in the composition of creams by no means in order to spoil us. So, fragrances give cosmetics nice smell and thus make it much more pleasant to use. Emulsifiers and preservatives increase the resistance of preparations, improve their absorption. In general, according to experts, there is nothing wrong with various chemical ingredients - of course, if they are of high quality and have passed the necessary stages of control. How to distinguish high-quality products from low-quality ones? Of course, no one will give a 100% guarantee. However, if you use products of well-known, well-established brands and do not chase cheap prices, you can be sure that all cosmetics will only benefit you.

Hormone-based preparations are relatively new and not yet known to everyone, however, they are already quite actively used in medical practice. Hormonal creams, for the most part, are made on the basis of corticosteroids, which are used to treat various diseases skin covers.

Such drugs have a directed action and, in most cases, quickly and effectively cope not only with external causes skin irritations and rashes, but also eliminate their internal causes.

Sometimes the use of hormonal creams or ointments allows you to do without complex systemic drugs, but is everything as sweet as it seems at first glance?

Regarding such medicinal products there are many conflicting reviews and opinions, and even when a specialist prescribes hormones to a patient, it is not uncommon for them to refuse to use them, fearing serious side effects. So who do you still believe and what are the real disadvantages of such drugs?

Application area

In fact, topical hormonal preparations are a powerful and effective weapon against various inflammatory processes, however, in order to achieve the desired effect, it is very important to strictly follow the established scheme of application, as well as all the recommendations of a specialist. Unfortunately, not all patients do this.

Most often, such ointments are prescribed in cases where any other treatment does not give the desired effect, as well as with prolonged recurrent allergic and inflammatory diseases skin covers. Their composition, most often, includes artificially synthesized corticosteroid hormones, which are produced by our body and participate in the suppression of various inflammatory processes.

Sometimes they are not enough: this is where hormone-based ointments and creams come to the rescue, they successfully get rid of such serious illnesses like seborrheic, contact and atopic dermatitis, lichen planus, psoriasis, vitiligo, skin rashes and acne, and many others. In many cases they are the only possible way get rid of these skin problems.

What are there?

Depending on the composition, all hormone-based preparations are divided into several groups of weak and strong action. Quite logically, the higher the class and stronger level the action of the ointment, the more effective it is, and, therefore, it quickly copes with inflammatory reactions of the skin.

Naturally, amplification therapeutic effect It is achieved mainly by increasing the concentration of the active substance, that is, the hormone. It is not difficult to guess what stronger efficiency means, the higher the risk of side effects.

The drugs of the last, fourth, class are able to cope even with the most severe forms of diseases, however, they are used only in cases where drugs of all lower classes could not cope with the disease.

And here, for example, hormonal agents the first class (the weakest) is sometimes even prescribed during pregnancy or very young children, in cases of small inflammatory processes on the face or in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin folds.

Possible side effects:

  • the appearance of acne;
  • striae (red streaks resembling stretch marks);
  • skin atrophy (most often found on the face when using ointments of the most effective classes);
  • hypopigmentation;
  • hypertrichosis;
  • erythema.

However, it should be noted that the above side effects are rare, often with violations of the regimen for the use of drugs.

Also, experts noticed that skin atrophy and stretch marks appeared only in cases where potent hormonal ointments were applied to the skin in natural folds body, face or neck. In other cases (use on other parts of the body), treatment with them does not cause any side effects.

What to choose: ointment or cream?

First of all, it will depend on the specifics of your disease, because the effect of the use of hormonal drugs largely depends on their penetration depth. It is believed that ointments are the most powerful, followed by creams and only then all kinds of lotions, tonics and sprays.

Basically, ointments are prescribed in cases where a skin disease is accompanied by peeling and dryness, but with various dermatitis and allergies on the face, most often they resort to using a cream, spray or lotion.

When enlisting their help, one should not forget that hormonal drugs can cover no more than 30% of the skin of the entire body.

There are many ways to remove unwanted vegetation on the body - known since ancient times and using modern technologies, painful and painless, for a few days and for life.

Depilation with a cream is one of the most common options for getting rid of extra hair at home, it has its pros and cons, which must be kept in mind.

Before buying a miracle remedy, many women are interested in whether depilation cream is dangerous, what consequences its long-term use can cause, whether it is possible to remove hair in this way.

To get answers to these questions, it is worth simply understanding hair removal. Unlike the completely harmless shaving foam that we use when shaving our hair, in this case we are talking about chemistry.

Those who are deeply interested in the subject can get into special reference books, but we’ll just say that the basis of any depilation product is made up of special substances that, acting on the hair for a certain time, soften and destroy it from the inside so much that, removing the cream with a special spatula, you remove hair with it.

From this, in turn, two main conclusions arise:

  • First: depilatory cream in certain cases can harm the body if you do not follow all the precautions prescribed by the manufacturer.
  • Second: the myths that with the help this method you can seriously and permanently get rid of unwanted body hair - nothing more than an advertising ploy.

Important! The main difference between epilation and depilation is that in the first case, the hair is removed along with the root (bulb), in the second, you get rid of only the visible part of the hair located above the surface of the skin, while as it grows, the same hair “no matter how what never happened” will soon be in the visible zone. Therefore, if you want to get rid of hair for a long time, choose epilation.

In fact, the effect of hair removal with a cream will last exactly as long as the effect of a conventional machine lasts: with a knife or chemical preparation we get rid of the hair, their roots remain intact.

Pros and cons of the method

Having understood the principle, we will try to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of using the cream. The question is not at all idle, for, as was said, today there are so many various techniques getting rid of hair that the choice to make can really be difficult.

But not so long ago, our happy ancestors on the female line did not bother with these problems at all, and hair even on visible parts of the body (not to mention the intimate zone) was considered the norm.

Did you know? Exist original version Where did the tradition of shaving your legs come from? Until relatively recently, the rules of decency did not allow women to flaunt their bare legs: even in the heat, ladies were supposed to wear stockings. But during the Second World War, due to the increase in the production of parachutes for military pilots, serious shortages began in European countries with nylon. As a result, stockings have become a real shortage. Inventive French women solved this problem very ingeniously: they began to draw an arrow right on their bare legs, supposedly stocking, however, since the visible vegetation immediately gave out a “trick”, the hair on the legs was simply shaved off with an ordinary men's razor! Apparently, when the war ended, French women (and their men) appreciated the beauty of smooth female legs and the habit stuck.

So, about the advantages and disadvantages of depilatory cream.

Watch a video about the pros and cons of using a depilatory cream.


Depilatory cream has a large number of pluses, thanks to which he deserved a lot of positive reviews:

  1. It does not hurt. However, any depilation, unlike epilation, is usually painless. That is why if in the process of using the product you feel a burning sensation or other unpleasant sensations, most likely this is a signal to change the cream or abandon this method of hair removal in favor of some other.
  2. Unlike the same laser or photoepilation, this method can be successfully used at home, saving both time and money (the whole procedure will take a maximum of half an hour, during which you can read interesting book or watch TV). It is very easy to use the tool necessary instructions, as well as "tools", are in the package with the cream.
  3. Question price. Similar cosmetics is in different price category, while you need to understand that a high price may include a serious share of brand fees, or, simply put, "pont", but cheap cosmetics is not always safe. In general, you can choose a budget option, using the recommendations of friends and self-collected information about the manufacturer. By the way, a wide choice, allowing you to choose for yourself best option is another advantage of the proposed method.
  4. This method of hair removal, with certain reservations, is suitable for any areas of the skin, including the most sensitive, where the electric epilator is categorically not suitable.
  5. Hair is removed quite effectively from the first time (as you know, for a sustainable effect from laser or photoepilation, you need to go through more than one or two procedures).
  6. Cream (unlike the same sugaring paste) can be purchased at any pharmacy, you won’t need to look for it for a long time.
  7. Unlike using a machine, this method eliminates any cuts and injuries.
  8. In addition to direct assignment, good cream for depilation exercises extra care for the skin, especially necessary for her after the procedure. The tool has a nourishing and moisturizing effect, as a result, the skin does not peel off and becomes very soft and smooth.
  9. If one remedy does not suit you, you can always choose another one. Manufacturers offer various options product, both depending on the area of ​​​​use, and taking into account the characteristics of the skin and hair (sensitivity and stiffness).
  10. Possible negative reactions you can always test the product in advance by applying a small amount of the substance to a separate area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin (although for this you will have to purchase a whole package). At laser hair removal it is far from always possible to conduct a preliminary test of the effect of the device on the skin.


Unfortunately, the depilatory cream also has certain disadvantages.

We have already mentioned the main one. Hair removal in this way -. Any hair removal, although it does not remove all hair the first time, excludes the appearance of " light effect unshaven hair" in a couple of days: the hair that was removed will not grow back in a matter of days.

AT this case No matter what sellers of the goods tell you, praising their products, the effect of delicate and smooth skin after the procedure will last exactly as long as your hair usually needs to grow a couple of millimeters. But this is already an individual matter.

Did you know? Apart from individual characteristics skin, on the growth of our hairline some habits are also affected. For example, as a doctor from Germany named Fischer proved, caffeine, familiar to all of us, is an excellent hair growth stimulant and can even be used as a remedy for baldness. So choose either luxurious hair, the pleasure of fragrant coffee, but frequent depilation, or vice versa.

Further, with the declared universality of the depilatory cream, it cannot be used on some areas of the skin. Especially carefully you need to read the instructions if you want to remove unwanted hair on the face around the eyes (eyebrows) and bikini area, since products suitable for use on the legs are completely unsuitable for more delicate skin areas.

The third drawback of the tool is pungent odor. Women who have lightened their hair at least once in their lives know very well how hard it is to sit out the prescribed 20-30 minutes: the paint literally corrodes the eyes. After all, it's just bleaching.

The substances contained in the cream are designed to completely destroy the hair, it is clear what aggressive impact suggests a strong odour.

However, some manufacturers are trying to eliminate this drawback, for example, products of the brand "", (for the intimate zone, for removing facial hair, for legs) and some others smell quite pleasant by adding perfume components to the product, but this is still an exception, just confirming the rule.

In addition, you must understand that the absence bad smell in a depilatory cream can create a deceptive impression of its safety, while in fact one chemistry inside the product is simply clogged with another chemistry.

Another disadvantage is low efficiency. Of course, several sessions of laser hair removal are more expensive than a pack of cream, but this is almost forever. And removing hair every few days is much cheaper with a machine, because you can’t buy a really good cream for a penny.

In addition, the depilatory cream is not suitable for the “owners” of dark hair, because after the procedure, unaesthetic dark spots remain on their skin.

Important! Dark hair perfectly removed by laser and photoepilation, which, on the contrary, are powerless against light hairs. Therefore, everything is simple: it is better for brunettes to use a laser, and for blondes - a cream.

Finally, contrary to the claims of advertisers, after depilation with a cream, unpleasant sensations, the appearance of redness and irritation are not ruled out. In particular, many women complain that the skin becomes dry after the procedure (here, however, everything depends on the quality of the product and the individual characteristics of the skin).

There are serious contraindications to this method of hair removal, we will dwell on them a little later.

Important! Read the instructions carefully before purchasing the cream and again before using it.

Features of application in the area of ​​the intimate zone, face, legs

As already mentioned, for depilation of various areas of the skin are used different creams. Is not publicity stunt and not an attempt to force you to purchase as many different products as possible.

Such funds really differ in their composition and concentration of the "active substance". It is clear that the hair on the legs is much coarser than on the face or armpits.

Therefore, if you spread the “antennae” remover on your legs, the proper effect may simply not occur, but if you conduct a reverse experiment, you risk getting serious ones, and this is the main thing that depilation cream is dangerous.

In general, we can say that depilation with a cream - good way where painful hair removal procedures are almost impossible to endure.

On the face, hair can be removed in any way, but if you prefer a cream, choose an ultra-gentle one. It is good if, in addition to the main component (keratin, compounds of sodium, calcium and potassium), the composition of such a product also includes emollients - olive or essential oils, aloe juice, extracts and extracts from various medicinal plants- nettle, chamomile, calendula. Such components will soothe the skin and help it survive stress.

As for the legs, for this zone you should purchase the most concentrated products, focusing nevertheless on the characteristics of your skin, as well as the color and stiffness of the hairline.

Did you know? It's interesting that artificial removal hair on various parts of your perfect body great attention paid more famous Egyptian queen, beloved of two great Roman generals, the beautiful and wise Cleopatra. The ruler did not have modern creams at her disposal, but apparently, the pain in the name of beauty did not frighten her: they say that the Egyptian used wax for this purpose.

What is dangerous cream for depilation: possible consequences

Whether a depilatory cream is harmful depends on the individual characteristics of the body and on compliance with the instructions for its use.

Like any aggressive chemical agent, such a cream can cause a severe allergic reaction. So if you are allergic to medical preparations, you can’t use detergents without gloves and suffocate in a room with freshly painted walls - it’s better to just give up this way of dealing with vegetation on the body.

If you have not yet experienced a pronounced allergy, you still need to conduct a routine test before using the newly acquired cosmetics for the first time.

We apply a small amount of the product to an open area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, for example, on the outside of the brush, and wait a few minutes. If discomfort does not occur, and after washing off the product, there is no trace left on the skin - everything is in order.

Important! Keeping the cream longer than expected, counting on the enhancement of the effect, is another dangerous undertaking. As a rule, the time required for successful depilation is 15-20 minutes, read the specific instructions on the package or in a special insert.

Also, in order to avoid burns after removing the cream, the skin should be thoroughly rinsed with warm water, but in no case should cosmetics or perfumes be used after that.

As you can see, the harm of depilatory cream can be minimized by showing the usual common sense and attentiveness.

Contraindications for use

Like any other hair removal method, depilatory creams should not be used in the presence of skin diseases in acute form, as well as in violation of the integrity of the skin (wounds, abrasions, scratches).

Chemistry absolutely cannot be used in oncology, but even benign neoplasms, including moles - an occasion to exercise maximum caution.

Important! An accidentally plucked mole, contrary to popular belief, does not guarantee the occurrence of cancer, but there is still a possibility of a malignant transformation, so you should try your best to minimize this risk. This is one of the reasons to refrain from using depilation cream on skin areas that have nevi.

There is no consensus on whether depilatory cream is harmful during pregnancy, but here's what's interesting: gynecologists and other specialists with higher education usually answer positively to this question. medical education, negatively - sellers and manufacturers of cosmetics.

Draw your own conclusions, but the only unambiguously and unanimously recognized safe way to remove hair during pregnancy is a razor.

If you read this article carefully, you know enough about depilatory cream and you can weigh the pros and cons on your own and make the right choice.

This compound is a derivative of petroleum products. It is the second most popular ingredient in moisturizers after water. This compound may cause eye and skin irritation. Propylene glycol is found in shaving products, baby oils, and shampoos. If the label contains the labels Propylene Glycol, Proptylene Glycol, 1,2-Propanediol - do not take it!

2. Formaldehyde

It's formalin. It is a common preservative. You can meet it in the composition of nail polishes, shampoos, bleaching agents. On the label it can be referred to as 4 formaldehyde, formalin, formic aldehyde, oxomethane, oxymethylene. Toxic and carcinogenic. Never.

3. Hydroquinone

Hydroquinone is a popular ingredient in whitening cosmetics, hair lighteners, concealers, cleansers, and sunscreen with SPF above 15. Hydroquinone reduces the production of melanin pigment in the skin. This leads to an increase in the exposure of UVA and UVB rays to the deeper layers of the skin. You understand how dangerous it is. May be listed on the label as 1,4-Benzenediol, 1,4-Dihydroxybenzene, P-Dioxybenzene, 4-Hydroxyphenol, P-Hydroxyphenol, 1,4 Benzenediol.


4. Sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate

These substances remove oil and salt from the skin. May cause skin and eye irritation, but real threat present only with prolonged (more than an hour in a row) contact with the skin. So if your shampoo has it, don’t panic, but for the future try to choose products that do not contain Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate, Anhydrous Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Irium, SLS, SLES, MSDS, ALES .ALS.

5. Paraben

Any cream contains substances whose names end in -paraben. For example, butylparaben (Butylparaben), methylparaben (Methylparaben), propylparaben (Propylparaben). These substances are used as preservatives. Parabens are considered safe, but recent studies have confirmed that methylparaben can interact with UVB rays and accelerate skin aging. Be careful with him!

6. Aluminum acetate

Used in face creams as astringent. It was originally developed to create waterproof fabrics... interesting analogy with leather, isn't it? With prolonged use, aluminum acetate (Aluminum Acetate) causes peeling of the skin.

7. Bitionol

It is used in creams as a bactericidal agent. May cause hypersensitivity skin to sunlight, itching and redness. If you have sensitive skin, then the mention of Bithionol on the label is a stop sign!

8. Triclosan

Latest Achievement in antibacterial chemistry. Used in cleaning and detergents for household needs, as well as in cosmetics. But scientists noticed that the bacteria began to “learn” and form triclosan-resistant strains. Because the regular soap cleanses the skin as well as triclosan, let's not help bacteria in the preparation of universal soldiers? Triclosan won't work!

9. Glycerin/Vaseline

Chemical compounds of fat with water, in which fat is crushed into smaller components. Contrary to advertising, they are not a moisturizer, but cause dehydration and drying of the skin (when the air humidity is below 65–70%, they “pull” moisture from the deep layers of the skin, which increases the drying of the deep layers of the epidermis, making dry skin even drier). It is easy to identify them in the composition: Glycerin and Vaselin, there are no pseudonyms.

10. Dihydroxyacetone

it chemical compound most often found in low-quality auto bronzers. It can aggravate asthma. Especially harmful for pregnant and lactating women. Hiding under the name Glycerone, 1,3-dihydroxypropanone-2. Armed and very dangerous.

11. Fluorocarbon

Commonly used in hair sprays under the name Fluorocarbons. Toxic to respiratory tract.

12. Phenoxyethanol

Causes severe allergic reactions. The trade name is Arosol, Dowanol EPH, Phenyl Cellosolve, Phenoxethol, Phenoxetol and Phenonip.

13. Fluoride

For many years, this ingredient has been advertised as beneficial for teeth, strengthening enamel, and protecting against cavities. It was introduced into the composition of toothpastes and recommended to children as "a component necessary during the development of permanent teeth." But the "National Toxicology Program" with the assistance of public service US Healthcare studies have been conducted that confirmed that fluorine, although one of the natural components of tooth tissues, should not be ingested in the form of fluoride. Fluorine is needed in small amounts, and can be absorbed in organic forms through food.

14. Talc

Terribly toxic. This is especially true for powder. Make sure yours is marked "talc free".

15. Butane and propane

Found in deodorant sprays, they are very harmful to both the skin and the respiratory tract. Do you need it?
