Are you ready for a serious relationship? Test “Are you ready for a serious relationship.

A. You tend to “hush up” conflicts for fear of ruining relationships.

B. You offer to discuss everything calmly, clarify the situation with him.

Q. In most cases, it is difficult for you to contain your emotions, and the conflict develops into a quarrel.

  1. If they raise their voice at you:

A. You're getting lost.

B. Calmly draw the attention of your interlocutor to this and ask him to lower his tone.

  1. In a difficult situation:

A. You are asking for help.

B. You think through everything carefully, analyze, and calculate possible solutions.

Q. You try to cope with difficulties yourself, you fight to the last.

  1. The problem of choice for you:

A. Causes difficulties - it is difficult for you to stop at one thing.

B. You usually take it seriously, analyze it and eventually find a solution.

Q. Not a problem, usually you know exactly what to choose.

  1. If there is a person lying on the street:

A. You look at the behavior of other people, and if no one reacts, you also pass by, but if someone decides to help him, you will join.

B. If you don’t pass by indifferently, you call an ambulance.

B. You find out if he is drunk, if “yes”, then you move on, if “no”, you call an ambulance.

  1. Your view on the distribution of household responsibilities in the family:

A. There is “men’s” work, and there is “women’s” work.

B. Each couple decides this for themselves by mutual agreement.

V. V modern family all responsibilities are distributed equally.

  1. Do you want to throw a party for your birthday?

A. You need help - professional or friendly, advice.

B. The idea of ​​the holiday belongs to you, and sometimes you can ask for help.

Q. If you take the organization entirely upon yourself, you are a good organizer.

  1. Your ideal relationship with your partner’s parents looks like this:

A. They are second parents.

B. Respectful relationships.

B. Distant relationships are best.

  1. How aware are your loved ones about your personal life?

A. You can share very personal moments – it’s great that you have such close friends.

B. You share something, but don’t go into detail - why?

Q. Your personal life is your own business.

  1. Do you discuss problems that arise in your life with someone? love relationships:

A. Yes, the support of your loved ones is important to you.

B. Yes, actually with a loved one.

Q. No – for whatever reason.

  1. If you are offended by a loved one, then usually:

A. You wait until he realizes his mistake.

B. You directly discuss the situation with him.

Q. You don’t show it out of pride.

  1. About yours friendly relations you can say:

A. They are few, but they are true friends.

B. You have real friends, and you also have buddies.

Q. You have a lot of friendly contacts, but they are not very deep - rather, they are friends.

  1. Do you have a “best friend”?

A. You have several “best friends.”

B. Yes, you have been friends for many years.

Q. No, it’s difficult to single out just one.

  1. How do you feel about pets?

A. Yes, a house without pet- not a house.

B. It depends on what kind of pets.

Q. You don't have enough time to take care of them.

  1. Child for you:

A. Always joy.

B. The birth of a child is associated with both difficulties and joys, but it is worth it.

Q. Now the child would become a burden.

  1. When you see a small child:

A. You are touched.

B. You become interested in him.

Q. You don’t have any special reaction to him.

  1. Who is the head of the family:

A. Man.

B. How the partners will agree.

Q. You are for equality.

  1. Did you have household responsibilities as a child?

A. Practically no, your parents tried to protect you from difficulties.

B. Yes, in proportion to age.

V. Of course!

  1. How would you characterize your relationship with your brothers or sisters as a child?

A. You have neither sisters nor brothers.

B. Good relationship, you are still friends.

V. Not really a good relationship: Perhaps you often quarreled or had to constantly take care of them...

  1. What kind of partner do you tend to look for:

A. You need the man to be part of the “dad.”

B. Equal partnerships are important to you.

Q. You tend to take care of a man, sometimes like a child.

  1. Usually in relationships, whether friendly or romantic:

A. It is important for you to be taken care of, to feel warm and supported.

B. It is important for you to give and receive – equally.

Q. You get great pleasure from caring for someone.

  1. The reason for your failures is usually:

A. Associated with external circumstances.

B. Sometimes outside, sometimes inside - you try to figure it out.

Q. In yourself, that’s why you reproach yourself for a long time for every mistake.

  1. How do you feel about the shortcomings of your loved one:

A. You try not to notice - there are no ideal people!

B. You accept them - it's part of him.

B. You help him change for the better.

  1. How did you prepare for exams at school and college:

A. At the last moment.

B. Depending on what the subject was, how necessary and interesting it was to you.

Q. You always took this seriously.

  1. In most conflicts that occur in your life, the responsibility lies with:

A. On someone. You yourself are a non-conflict person.

B. In any conflict, responsibility lies with both sides.

V. On you. It's like you attract failure.

  1. Your work colleagues might describe you like this:

A. You are a good performer.

B. You take your place.

Q. You are a leader.

  1. If you have been harmed, you:

A. You swallow the insult.

B. You clarify the situation directly with the offender.

V. You take revenge.

  1. If you are compared to a cat, then:

A. You are a kitten.

B. You are a domestic cat.

Q. You are a cat-that-walks-on-itself, untamed.

A: Ready for serious relationship is closely related to the ability to take on proportionate responsibility - not too little, but not excessive.

You - warm person, they say about such people - “heartfelt”. People around you appreciate this and you probably have plenty of loving and supportive friends around you. You are sweet and charming, you have natural charm, which manifests itself regardless of you. But this is rather the charm of a child - you cannot yet be called a mature person. Therefore, in relationships, you tend to look for a partner behind whom you would be like behind a stone wall. Of course, it’s great when you can lean on your loved one, but it’s also important to be able to stand firmly on your own two feet. Perhaps, before your relationship develops into a serious one, you need to grow up a little... Try to take a more active position in life, take what is called “your life into your own hands”, and see - maybe something will change?..

B. Readiness for a serious relationship is closely related to the ability to take on proportionate responsibility - not too little, but not excessive. You know how to maintain this balance, you have an internal readiness for a serious relationship. So if such relationships do not exist in your life yet, they will appear soon. It is important that you realize your strengths and not lose them valuable qualities: you know how to see things as they are and accept them. You approach life realistically and know how to accept people as they are. You know your strengths quite well, but you also don’t turn a blind eye to your weaknesses. You have tolerance and goodwill towards others, and most importantly, respect for the personality of another person, and those around you appreciate this. Your directness in clarifying difficult everyday situations that invariably arise in your life together is also important. There are always difficulties in relationships - the question is how to solve them: do you know how to do it. You have every chance to build stable harmonious relationships with a loved man.

C. Readiness for a serious relationship is closely related to the ability to take on proportionate responsibility - not too little, but not excessive. You have a developed sense of responsibility and duty. You can be relied upon even in the most difficult situations. Most likely, you enjoy trust and authority at work. You have it in you leadership skills- perhaps they have already been implemented, and you hold a leadership position, or it will come true over time. Likewise, in a love relationship, you prefer to lead rather than be led. Therefore, unlike the professional sphere, in personal relationships problems may arise. Perhaps you are inclined to compete with a man, or attract “weak” men who need support in a woman. This is because you tend to take on extra responsibility. Perhaps the roots of this lie in childhood, when your parents “overloaded” you with responsibilities. But childhood is already behind you, now you are free to choose the degree of responsibility you accept. Try to trust the man and let him behave as if he were dancing. And look - maybe something will change?..

This may be the cause of troubles in family life for those who managed to go to the registry office, or problems in finding a partner for those who still want to get married. How do you know if you are ready for a serious relationship? Take the proposed test, which was developed by psychologist Natalya Lanskaya, director of the Institute of Two, and is intended not only for women, but also for men. Read the questions carefully and give your answers after thinking. For each answer option, give the appropriate score from 1 to 5.

Test questions:
1 I have high hopes for this relationship
2 We spend enough time together and enough time apart.
3 My partner tries to understand my point of view even when he disagrees with me.
4 Marriage vows really mean a lot to me.
5 Our views on life coincide in many ways.
6 My family and friends think my partner is right for me.
7 There is nothing fundamental that I would like to change in my partner.

8 I am sure that this time I will not make the mistakes that I made in previous relationships.
9 We agreed whether we wanted children.
10 I often think fondly of my partner when we are not together.
11 I don’t rush him into formalizing the relationship.
12 I am satisfied with the frequency and variety of our sex life.
13 My partner often puts our relationship before other things.
14 Of all the novels I have had, this is the best.
15 I am sure that I am as dear to my partner as he is to me.
16 I don't care how my partner handles money.
17 I am satisfied with the way my partner shows his feelings for me.
18 I have no serious concerns about my relationship with my partner.
19 I respect my partner very much and know that I can trust him completely.
20 We are good at overcoming disagreements.
21 It will be easy for me to be faithful to my partner.
22 We have no serious conflicts that could threaten our future.
23 We recognize the importance of discussing our feelings and can do so without embarrassment.
24 We are good at combining work with the rest of our lives.
25 Together we will cope with any crisis that life throws at us.
Test results:
Give yourself points for your answers.
1 – completely agree/agree
2 – agree/agree
3 – difficult to answer
4 – disagree/disagree
5 – completely disagree/disagree.
Now calculate the total. A low score generally indicates high level compatibility, readiness for mutual obligations. High scores on questions 4, 15 and 19 may indicate areas that need special attention.
If you typed 25-60 points You have thought well about the reality of your relationship, you know where problems may arise, and you are ready to overcome difficulties and concerns together. This is a good start.
If you succeed in the end 61-85 points There is some uncertainty at the core of your relationship. Pay attention to the questions that resulted in high scores - think about how you can work together to avoid problems lurking in these areas.
You - 86-125 points This result shows that you seem to be dissatisfied with many aspects of your relationship. Think with your partner about ways to improve these shortcomings. A visit to a relationship counselor can help you understand the situation.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Of course, we all want our relationship with the man we love to be serious and truly deep for both. But often even married women They are not psychologically ready for such a relationship, although they do not want or cannot admit it to themselves. This may be the cause of troubles in family life for those who managed to go to the registry office, or problems in finding a partner for those who still want to get married.

How do you know if you are ready for a serious relationship? Take the proposed test, which was developed by psychologist Natalya Lanskaya, director of the Institute of Two, and is intended not only for women, but also for men. Read the questions carefully and give your answers after thinking. For each answer option, give the appropriate score from 1 to 5.

Test questions:

1.I have high hopes for this relationship.

2. We spend enough time together and enough time apart.

3. My partner tries to understand my point of view, even when he disagrees with me.

4. Marriage vows really mean a lot to me.

5. Our views on life coincide in many ways.

6. My family and friends think my partner is right for me.

7. There is nothing fundamental that I would like to change in my partner.

8. I am sure that this time I will not make the mistakes that I made in previous relationships.

9. We agreed on whether we want children.

10. I often think fondly of my partner when we are not together.

11. I don’t rush him into formalizing the relationship.

12. I am satisfied with the frequency and variety of our sex life.

13. My partner often puts our relationship before other things.

14. Of all the novels I have had, this is the best.

15. I am sure that I am as dear to my partner as he is to me.

16. I don't care about how my partner handles money.

17. I am satisfied with the way my partner shows his feelings towards me.

18. I have no serious concerns about my relationship with my partner.

19. I respect my partner very much and know that I can trust him completely.

20. We are good at overcoming disagreements.

21. It will be easy for me to be faithful to my partner.

22. We have no serious conflicts that could threaten our future.

23. We recognize the importance of discussing our feelings and can do so without embarrassment.

24. We are good at combining work with the rest of our lives.

25. Together we will cope with any crisis that life throws at us.

Test results:

Give yourself points for your answers -

1 - completely agree / agree

2 – agree / agree

3 - difficult to answer

4 - disagree/disagree

5 - completely disagree/disagree.

Now calculate the total. A low score generally indicates a high level of compatibility and readiness for mutual obligations. High scores on questions 4, 15 and 19 may indicate areas that need special attention.

If you typed 25-60 points

You have thought well about the reality of your relationship, you know where problems may arise, and you are ready to overcome difficulties and concerns together. This is a good start.

If you succeed in the end 61-85 points

There is some uncertainty underlying your relationship. Pay attention to the questions that resulted in high scores - think about how you can work together to avoid problems lurking in these areas.

You - 86-125 points

This result shows that you seem to be dissatisfied with many aspects of your relationship. Think with your partner about ways to improve these shortcomings. A visit to a relationship counselor can help you understand the situation.

Psychologists comment on this as follows: such people are “not ready” yet. But how can you determine this readiness and what steps should you take to get closer to marriage? With the help of our expert Larisa Renard, we found 10 questions, by answering honestly you can understand whether it’s time for you to marry or whether you should work a little more on yourself.

1. Have you ended your previous relationship?

Not formally broke up with everyone former men, but they actually let them go and forgave them. If not, and the grievances and disappointments of the past still linger behind you, do not rush. Otherwise, old problems will stand in the way of a new feeling, and you will solve them in other ways. And yours future husband should one be held accountable for the sins of former men?

2. Are you ready to be yourself?

The one the cat and the old ficus know you to be, and not the one you try to be. Family life is a long thing, and over the years, “keeping face” becomes unbearably difficult. Even ordinary coquetry only works when it is colored by your personality. And when deciding to get married, make sure that your chosen one is familiar with you, and not with your image. Does he know you from all sides, even the most unsightly?

3. Do you set expectations for your men?

If you are still repeating “only successful, generous, kind and with blue eyes", then it is not surprising that he does not appear. A man is not a set technical characteristics, but a person who at any moment can turn from successful into mediocre, and then make the reverse transformation. He also has the right to get angry from time to time and refuse to pay for another whim. And most importantly, he is not at all obliged to meet anyone’s high expectations.

4. Are you ready to change?

Become better and more compliant, bolder and more decisive, more patient and calmer. Living together very soon it will require changes, and one of the main virtues may be flexibility and the ability to adapt to circumstances. It is most difficult for straightforward and unbending women to master this science. It is difficult for them to understand that changing for the sake of the family and bending under a tyrant husband are completely different things.

5. Have you broken contact with your parents?

This is not about stopping communicating with your beloved family. You just need to finally grow up and feel like an independent and separate person from them. Parental experience very often shapes our future, and the scenarios that are written in our native nest can be very different. From repeating the life path of her own single mother, to her reluctance to marry a man who is similar to her domineering father. And the children, who were the basis of the marriage, for a long time can't find own family because they still feel responsible for the union own parents. Therefore, in order to find your happiness, you need to clearly understand that the experience of the older generation is only their life path and has nothing to do with you. Leave your parents' house and start writing your own story.

In a relationship, you will have to change and show what is unusual for you. Photo:

6. Do you have other communication problems?

The fact is that when it comes to relationships with people, we are generally the same everywhere. If you get bored very quickly at a new place of work, you cannot find mutual language with colleagues and don’t miss the opportunity to quarrel public transport, then in family life you will behave exactly the same. All our shortcomings will definitely manifest themselves in marriage and become a real test for it. Therefore, before you start experimenting in your personal life, find your main difficulties and try to deal with them yourself.

7. Is there a place for your future husband in your life?

If you look at it, it seems that there is simply no place for a man in it. We are busy all the time, rushing from negotiations to Pilates, going to the mountains for the weekend with friends, and devoting our evenings to yet another education. Even in our ideal girl’s apartments, everything is arranged in such a way that if a man appears on her doorstep, he will have nowhere to place his hockey stick and laptop. Therefore, at least mentally realize what place a man should occupy in your life and make room for him.

8. Are you still listening to well-wishers?

“A woman can only be happy in marriage”; “After 30, no one will need you”; “It’s better to be divorced than never to get married.” All young ladies who hesitate to get married sooner or later hear such nonsense from imaginary well-wishers. And the more such advisers there are around, the harder it is to understand: are you looking for a companion or are you trying to fulfill a social order? Discard all imposed stereotypes! It is very difficult to make a marriage that was created for the sake of marriage itself happy.

9. Do you allow yourself to not be perfect?

Irreproachable appearance, an enviable career, expensive car and your own home? Fitness three times a week, seaside holidays and intellectual clubs on Saturdays? You tried so hard to make your life look like an advertising brochure, but you haven’t yet been able to find the same perfect life partner. The fact is that men admire ideal people from the outside, but then they marry ordinary women with cute flaws. The kind you can relax next to and not be afraid to look like a loser. Allow yourself to be a living person with your own set of positive and negative qualities.

10. Are you ready to say goodbye to your inner girl?

Fathers boundless love do us a disservice. It's so good for us to be in the role daddy's daughter that, having matured, we cannot part with her. We love being pampered and loved endlessly! That's why we are surrounded by fans, we experience romance after romance, but none of them ends in marriage. They don’t marry girls, and no matter how sorry we are, we need to become an adult, ready to take responsibility and share hardships.

There can be a lot of reasons why your personal life is not working out, and you are so smart and beautiful. But they all lie within you. And even the most handsome prince on the whitest horse will not be able to pave the way to your happiness until you yourself make every effort.

Larisa Renard: “The desire to love more is connected with the desire to receive new emotions, impressions and relationships! And marriage is associated with responsibility and obligations that we have to take on, with a willingness to do something for the relationship. And latently, it scares both men and women a little.

Some are afraid of parting with freedom, some are afraid that they will have to find compromises, some are afraid of making the wrong choice, and others cannot imagine that they will have to spend the night at home every day and spend all weekends with their husband.

But behind all this is the fear of being responsible not only for oneself, but also for another, his emotions and life, common money and children. And the most important words that we must say to ourselves are: “I take you as my husband and give myself to you as a wife. I am ready to take on 100% of female responsibility and I am ready to give a man 100% of male responsibility.” And if you feel that you can easily pronounce these words, then it means you are ready to get married.”

Secrets strong marriage channel experts reveal. Let's watch the video!
