How to grow a genius? Intellectual development of the child. How to develop erudition in a child, but at the same time not turn him into a nerd and a botanist

Do not spare time for a child if you want him to grow up smart and capable!

How nice it is for dad and mom when the teacher is in kindergarten or a teacher at school praises their child or expresses gratitude for his upbringing. And how annoying it is to hear about bad behavior, disobedience, low abilities of your child for any subject or occupation.

Dear Parents! If your child, to put it mildly, is not strong mental faculties, then you are to blame. Yes, of course, this is not the only one, but, undoubtedly, the most main reason such a state of affairs. Everything lies in the banal lack of time for your baby.

To understand what the essence of the matter is, let's pay a little attention to the features of human physiology and scientific arguments in this industry. Before the age of three, more than 1,000 billion neural connections are formed in the child's brain, which is twice as many as in an adult. Before the age of 10, the child's brain has a very high density. But starting from eleven, he gradually gets rid of unused "wires", and the confusion of neural connections is ordered over time.

Even during perinatal (intrauterine) development, a certain number of brain cells form a whole network of connections with other cells in the body. As a result of these processes, the central nervous system- this is the brain, controls the work of all the vital functions of the body, for example: breathing, heart.

And all the other neural connections are waiting for the connection. The essence of the robots of cells in the brain just involves the creation of such connections. Each cell sends impulses to others throughout the body and, accordingly, has the ability to receive those sent to it. One cell is capable of maintaining about 10 thousand connections, which are transmitted thanks to special chemicals one of which is serotonin. This incredibly complex network is sometimes referred to as the "wiring circuit" of the brain.

The latest research in this industry proves that the time when the largest number synapses (in other words, connections between cells) is the age from birth to ten years inclusive.

Due to the repeated repetition of certain connections, they no longer become temporary, but permanent. For example, in order for a child to be an excellent speaker, he should be taught to speak, starting from the cradle. The likelihood that the baby in the future will become emotionally sensitive person, rises, provided that his first babble was accepted by smiles, joy, and by no means indifference. The game for a small person is of great importance, because thanks to it, he adapts in society. Consequently, its lack leads to problems of social adaptation.

A person continues to study all his life, but in childhood There are many more prerequisites for this.

Therefore, the most The right way to help form the necessary neural connections in children is to surround them tender love care, attention, ensure safety and favorable conditions for development.

Our children really need attention, people who talk to them, read, sing, and not just sometimes flash before their eyes.

Play is the main daily activity for a preschool child. But for this he often needs a partner. It is great if they are parents, as this contributes not only to the overall development of the baby, but also to further mutual understanding between them.

Consider games that are acceptable for one-year-olds.

By one year of age, children love to push all sorts of objects. They enjoy the understanding that it is they who set a thing in motion, make it move. Pushing games enable children to feel their power, strength over objects. This is an indispensable way to develop self-confidence and coordination of movements. Take a couple of light items, such as a car with wheels, a soft toy, and the like. Say "one, two, three, push!" and do it. Continue counting, encouraging the baby to repeat your actions.

All living beings love care and affection. One of the ways to develop such qualities in a little person is the following. Sit with your child on the floor, taking with you a couple of his favorite toys. Take one of them, take pity, sentence tender words. It is necessary that the child sees and hears this - learns to be polite. Then do the same with the baby in your arms. Then give the toy to him and encourage him to do the same. If the child does not have enough care and affection in childhood, it may turn out Cruel person or one that does not know how to be gentle with others.

Practice singing your favorite songs in a thin voice. Caress the cub and sing a song to him in a normal voice, and after that - in a high voice. Words pronounced in falsetto are very concentrating, so this good way demonstrate how important speech is in life.

Children are very fond of the game "one, two, three, boom." To do this, put the baby in your arms to yourself and say this phrase, and then gently, gently press your forehead against the head of the child. After, each time saying the words, and press your cheeks, elbows, chin, knees, ears, legs of a small one. In the process of such communication, he produces the hormones necessary for growth. This once again confirms how important your love is.

When the child begins to try to crawl - encourage this activity. It develops and strengthens the muscular structure. If children start walking or crawling very early, this is absolutely normal, it’s just that special minerals in the brain have been developed earlier.

Known to everyone since childhood, the game of peek-a-boo is not only dearly loved by many babies and toddlers, but is also extremely necessary for the development of the brain. You can play in several ways: by closing your eyes with your hands; hiding behind the door and looking out; drawing on thumb hands face and hiding it in the fist; covering yourself with a towel and others. The game of "hide and seek" contributes to the formation of thousands of associations, as well as their further consolidation.

You can develop vocabulary, thinking by reading books. Also, the child gets used to your voice. A love of literature is instilled from a very young age.

Rhythmically tapping on the palm, leg and other parts of the body, you help your child develop a sense of tact, rhythm, and hearing. You can also say along the way, for example, “Forge, forge a boot, give it, grandma, hammer. Don’t give me a hammer, I won’t shoe a boot!”

To teach your baby to navigate in space, you can read him a rhyme:

Who stays up late
Will be small
Who goes to bed early
Will grow big.

When pronouncing the word “small”, lower the arms down to the legs, and lift them up to the word “big”.

Buy toys that are designed for the development of fine motor skills of hands and feet. For example, a clown that jumps out of the box when you twist it by the handle.

Thus, the child simply needs care, attention and development. Therefore, how smart the baby will be and what abilities he will have depends on you! Don't waste time on it early childhood, so as not to complain about the poor performance of your child during study.

Talk to your children, surround them with your presence in sufficient numbers and rejoice in their successes and achievements.

Be patient and good luck!

We all consider ourselves modern and educated people. Science has made a big leap forward. We have never heard of cell phones and computers, nanotechnologies and bioengineering before… Only in raising children we use “prehistoric” methods, with all the confidence in our contemporary views for life. And where will the knowledge of education come from if no one teaches it? Although this science is one of the most important.

All parents want to see their children healthy, successful and happy. And deep in the parents hides the main priority - complete obedience of children. The most amazing thing is that with the best intentions we cripple and break the people dearest to us - our own children. Good intentions...

I feel the indignation of my parents in my address ... those parents who are confident in their infallibility! How are we? Endless moralizing, screaming, someone puts his hand. Reproaches, accusations, criticism, manipulation, blackmail...

Let's pretend usual situation. The son is lazy. And what does his father say? “I’m already at your age ... And you ... Nothing good will come of you, you study poorly, you don’t go in for sports ...” This list can be continued indefinitely. And the parents seem to be right. They want their son and daughter to study well, go in for sports, and most importantly, again, obey their parents.

I wonder if dad himself likes it when his wife says that he is such and such, earns little money, does nothing at home? Will dad-husband immediately rush to look for another job, wash dishes, remove socks, or get angry? This means that this is not possible with an adult, and this scheme does not work, but will only lead to a scandal. But with a child, please, immediately re-educated. he will listen to his address or receive a slap on the back of the head and immediately study for five. Where is the poor guy going? He cannot leave, but in his heart he only dreams about it. This is where you break yourself.

We have one curriculum for all. And most of the knowledge is forgotten instantly and will never come in handy in life. And for some reason, you need to learn. Why not teach? That's how it's supposed to be. How to understand what the child is striving for, how to consider his talent? There are no worthless children, there are worthless parents who, in the pursuit of grades, forget about more important things. He does not like mathematics, physics, chemistry. Likes to read or draws well. But will you have time to develop in your favorite business if you are punished for a triple in mathematics. The kids were so screwed up that they don't even remember what they liked.

Big workload at school large volume home assignments. The hands of an adult will drop, and then the psyche of a child! So the boy spat on his studies, it’s still impossible to learn everything. Yes, and I believe that he is a fool. Adults, is it different for you? The chief shouted, you are not yourself all day. Constantly talks badly to you, you will look for new job. It upsets you, it’s impossible to do this with you, you are proud. And what, children are not people, are they? Or will we consider, think about it, scolded, scolded, it will only benefit? For what benefit? At school, children are scolded, there are also problems with friends. They will come home, and here we, the parents, are waiting to give out our portion of insults.

We had one guy in the class. Once he indulged, and was known as a bully. If others got away with it, then he was necessarily punished. Teachers at school, parents at home. And we, classmates, were told that he was bad, “difficult”. Teachers are smart, they know how to break the child's psyche. In general, the boy believed that he was bad. And became bad. I found out that after school I ended up in prison. So the teachers were right? Only no one paid attention that the student drew in the lessons, he drew wonderfully - us, teachers, nature, which he saw in the window. He was bored in class. And the teachers, it must be admitted, in most cases presented the material uninterestingly. I met him many years after high school. He is a famous designer. Well-read, educated, erudite. He has a family. He takes good care of his son. Understands. It's good that it ended like this, I found myself. And it could have been completely different.

Here's another amazing Why do parents think it's okay to hit a child? The same father-educator will come to work, and his boss will also sincerely consider him wrong, bang - and a slap in the face to work better! A well-meaning mother criticizes her daughter - your hair is bad, your behavior is terrible, in general you are lazy. The same mother knows that this is not the way with a friend. Ten times he will think what to say, how not to offend. Criticize her friends, like a daughter, she will be left alone. And the child has nowhere to go, you have to endure. Mom, dad think that later they will say thank you again. For what? For disrespect, for constant criticism?

How to educate?

At my school in history there was a REAL one, for which children are more important than ambitions. And the subject was interesting. She found an approach to every child. She let me know that I was smart and that she was proud of such a student. How could I have learned the lesson badly?! I tried not only to learn perfectly well, but also to please the teacher, something not from school curriculum find. Evdokia Romanovna knew who to give what grade, so that the student did not lose faith in himself. Her losers tried, did not want to upset her. She didn't complain to her parents, she didn't yell at us. Just upset. She blamed herself for not being interested. We begged for more lessons from her.

But our physics teacher decided that the class was average, not outstanding. He kept shouting and arranging parental meetings. He shouted at us, and his parents got it. Fight for achievement! But the more he fought and educated, the worse we learned from him.

So how not to educate? Yes, you need to love, find time for children! Shouting is easy and fast, but talking, explaining, finding an approach is much more difficult. Mom's friend waiting for a call. This is more important. Papa - a sofa and wait. He gave a slap on the back of the head, and shouted at the sofa. And ungrateful children do not want to obey.

Parents try to protect their children from mistakes, to guide them on the right path. Everything seems to be correct. But children do not want to avoid mistakes and will not learn from YOUR experience. They must have their own experience, their own mistakes. Well, then the children are still not your copies. They probably have their own opinion.

At first, I did homework with my daughter, then I explained that she was already big and smart, she should try it herself. I had a whole conversation with her, explained that I would help if she couldn’t cope at all. But I believe in her. The only thing my Princess asked was: “Will you scold me for deuces?” She did not receive twos, and I was very surprised where such a question arose. I asked her. It turns out that her friend's mother came to school and scolded her daughter for a deuce English language with the whole class. Can you imagine what that girl went through?! Then he will “thank” his mother for a long time. It's good that the school psychologist is literate and helped. I explained to my daughter: why scold her, she herself will be upset for a deuce. On the contrary, it is necessary to help, to understand. My baby is trying. Not because he's afraid!

Another parental problem is to “hit” the sickest person. We fed you, clothed you, treated you. Life was laid on you, and you are ungrateful. So it is the duty of the parents. And they are for themselves. In theory, joy should be experienced in relation to the child. And it turns out, children as a duty or duty. And they were born solely in order to fulfill the will and desire of their parents. I do not like the word GRATITUDE. If you do something out of love, you don't expect gratitude. Together with the child, you are upset and rejoice. Well, if out of duty, then, of course, without gratitude it is difficult.

At meetings of parents, it is customary to complain about children - they don’t want to study, they plan to take exams for money, they actually buy diplomas. Oh, bad kids these days. Who made them like this? Who to pay, taught to give bribes? Even younger children? Or are they still good adults? Who constantly talks about sex on TV, shows debauchery? The family is rude. The school is terrorized. Not good with friends. Well, nothing, you're a child, you'll survive!

is the basis
base for erudition

It's only with stupid person none special issues does not occur. But with the smart - it's always difficult. And for starters, try to define his mind in one word.

For example, a know-it-all who can explain anything is often called an intellectual. Sometimes - an erudite.

For many, these concepts are so close that they are used simply as synonyms. And this is a very common misconception that leads to parental error.

In our information age, erudite children are far from uncommon.

It is they, the beauty and pride of their parents, that amaze those around them with information from various fields: they unmistakably name the capitals of states, do not get confused in numerous brands of foreign cars.

Being placed on a dais, they read long verses on family holidays, boys delight listeners with knowledge from history, and girls from the world of fashion and so on.

Thus, erudition simply replaces intelligence, which is fundamentally wrong.

Intelligence is general level development of all human cognitive abilities: perception, attention, thinking, memory and imagination.

Erudition is the breadth of a person's knowledge in various areas of life. Simply put, a set of information that a person operates on. While intelligence is a tool with which information is obtained, processed, stored and used.

With the help of attention and perception, the child sees and feels something new, thinking and imagination take an active part in processing new information, memory helpfully stores everything newly acquired, and again thinking helps to use what has been received, mastered and stored in everyday life.

So it turns out that it is impossible to be a truly erudite person without a developed intellect. There is no question of what comes first. Intelligence is the basis, the base for erudition. That is why it should be given close attention purposeful development child's intelligence.

The question immediately arises: how to do it? Here, various educational aids will come to the aid of teachers and parents: lotto, constructors, board-printed games, and so on. For example, our notebooks are one system comprehensive development intelligence in a child. With their help, children easily master the skills of reading, writing and counting, confidently navigate the clock and calendar, and generally feel confident in the big world around them.

Cognitive processes need constant training. Burakov's Figures will perfectly cope with this task. This is an effective intelligence simulator where you will find dozens of exciting exercises different levels difficulties. See more about this.

Everything in life is interconnected. The developing intellect of the child itself begins to search for the necessary volumes of information. Intelligence increases - erudition grows. And for this growth, various children's encyclopedias, atlases, travel, visiting museums and exhibitions, watching educational programs, reading books are very useful.

A simple and important conclusion from all that has been said: it is impossible, and indeed impossible, to oppose intelligence and erudition. One depends on the other, one influences the other and pushes for improvement. It is impossible to make a choice in favor of one thing. Speaking in general terms, clever man is an erudite intellectual. This is how a child should develop.

Timur Teplenin and Anastasia Balykina

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What personal development child in early age? Each parent puts their own meaning in this concept. But the trend is that many modern moms and dads, wanting to provide their child with a bright and successful future, almost from the cradle write down the crumbs in all kinds of circles, sport sections, vocal studios, math classes, reading and English courses.

Wherein loving parents confident that this approach provides full development child. After all, everyone knows how great the ability of a small person to remember and absorb a huge amount of information. So, the sooner the better?

But does a baby need so much for harmonious development? What educational areas should be prioritized? How to competently organize the learning process for a child under the age of 3 and instill in him a desire to self-develop and improve himself?

Start with diapers

At a certain point in life, the expressions "success" and " successful person have become a priority for many. Therefore, current mothers and fathers try, first of all, to nurture intellectually from a small sprout. developed personality and inculcation spiritually - moral qualities relegated to the background. And this is the deepest mistake.

Yes, such children will delight others with their knowledge and skills. However, if at the same time they have not learned, for example, how to communicate with peers and adults, they do not realize what is good and what is bad, they are capricious for any reason that does not suit them, then about harmonious development child is out of the question.

Harmonious development of the child: circles or individual training?

But will parents notice such an imbalance? And will they be able to fix something later? Given this state of affairs in the family, best case a successful egoist will grow up who will think only about personal success, regardless of the needs of others.

Therefore, a person who is prosperous in all respects does not begin with training circles and sections, but at home, in the family, and from birth with personal development. After all, already in infancy certain basic attitudes are deposited in the mind of the child, which he will follow all his life. Such, for example, as trust or distrust in the world around, recognition emotional background relatives, the relationship of family members with each other and others.

After all, all that a baby needs for proper development is a sweet voice loved one, melodic lullabies, loving and respectful parents, and finger gymnastics.

Learning and Playing: Personal Development of the Child

Further, as the baby grows older, the task of parents is to try to create an environment around him rich, interesting, diverse, informative. And it's not just about the fact that the child needs to be immediately enrolled in all sorts of circles, as soon as he grows up a little. After all, when a mother walks down the street with her baby and tells him about what is happening around, what color the dandelion is, what the birds eat, this is already development.

Read fairy tales to children, do not replace them with cartoons. After all, what is a fairy tale? It is not simple entertaining story, but a deeply thought-out metaphor that teaches a small person the most important thing: how to enter into it complex world how to overcome difficulties and trials.

In addition, thanks to fairy tales, the child learns to fantasize and draw in his imagination images that are close to him. Cartoons, on the other hand, do this work for the baby, so the personal development of the child cannot be imagined without constant imagination and dreams.

Start learning very gently and unobtrusively: invite your child to draw, mold a figure, make crafts, stick an application, get acquainted with colors and shapes, look at pets in pictures. It is only worth remembering that, due to their physiological characteristics For more than five minutes, the baby is not able to concentrate on one type of activity.

A child under the age of 3 wants to play most of all - this is his main activity. And already in the process of the game, he is ready to absorb a huge amount of information, so choose accessible, easy, fun and entertaining options classes.

Reverse effect

However, when choosing educational activities for the baby, it is important to follow one simple rule - the ambitions of the parents should not exceed the capabilities of the little person. Many mothers from the “general sandbox” boast that my one and a half year old child has begun to study English, and the other toddler is already trying to read. Nevertheless, it is worth considering: does the child need it in this moment? Why should he be able to read at the age of two? Or solve examples of addition and subtraction?

Of course, an erudite child is always a pride for parents, but loads beyond their age can lead to the opposite effect in their near and distant future. Sooner or later, he will play enough of "early development" and begin to resist any information offered, new activities. This, in turn, will lead to inhibition in the intellectual and physical development. It can also cause a series psychological problems in adolescence.

Information "boom"

It is important to recognize the signals that indicate that the child is overloaded with information. Tired of comprehensive and comprehensive education, the baby usually stops listening, is constantly distracted, and does not remember what they say to him.

In addition, it is difficult to put him to sleep at night: he seems to be tired, wants to sleep, but cannot turn off the brain, which assimilates the information received during the day. Hence the tantrums and whims. In such cases, parents should slow down a little or even give the child a temporary break so as not to discourage him from further craving for knowledge.

Free time

It is important to provide little man as much free time as needed. Let him use it at his sole discretion. During this period, no teaching methods are needed, even the easiest and most unobtrusive, nothing that would have to be memorized, mastered and assimilated. Only play!

Moreover, if the kid wants to involve his mother, for example, in the construction of a garage from the designer, do not dismiss it, oh, son, play it yourself. The child is still at the age when he needs communication like air, and even more so the attention of his mother.

Today, the feeling of responsibility for the fate of one’s child and the desire to develop it as deeply as possible overcomes modern parents that they are ready to use every convenient minute to teach something to the crumbs.

However, by and large, everything a baby needs in given age, this is happy childhood and loving loved ones nearby.

Oedipus complex

The Oedipus complex is a collection of unconscious emotions, feelings and ideas that form a person's personality in childhood and adolescence. The author of this complex is Sigmund Freud, the very name goes back to ancient Greek mythology.

The meaning of this theory lies in the fact that in the period from two to six years the child "falls in love" with a parent of the opposite sex. He is the one for little man. The daughter wants her father to spend more time with her, tries to be nice to please him. The son begins to show masculine qualities, seeks to protect her mother, to help her.

After six years, the Oedipus complex enters the next phase, which is the desire to be like the parent of the same sex. The girl dreams of wearing the same shoes as her mother, using cosmetics and doing beautiful hairstyles. The boy strives to become a copy of his father - he is interested in his work, asks him to go fishing, etc.

Many have heard that a girl chooses a man who looks like her father, and a guy wants to see a prototype of his mother in his wife. But if a person has a lingering conflict with a parent of the opposite sex, then his relationship will not be happy and harmonious. He simply does not believe in them, making other, often false values ​​a priority for himself.

In order to normally resolve the Oedipus complex in a child, parents need to pay a reasonable share of attention to all family members, not allow the child to grow up as an egoist and manipulate everyone. Do not communicate in raised tones, resolve all disputes calmly.

It is necessary to explain to the child that besides him, others also need love and there is no need to be jealous of them. Do not teach him to sleep with his parents. Adults have their own room, and children have their own.


Watch your future genius to understand his inclinations and interests, participate in his games, answer stupid questions, give him the opportunity to let out emotions, choose an activity he likes, play pranks. Be him as often as possible good friend, which does not control, does not require demonstration of knowledge, but simply plays.

How to grow smart child? Let's try to find the answer in personal experience those who have already managed to raise children with outstanding intellectual abilities.

Novosibirsk student Maxim Borisov- finalist of the TV game "The smartest". For several years he has been participating in the project, surprising the audience with his erudition and deep knowledge.

In this interview, Maxim's mother, Tatyana Yuryevna answers questions about whether she has any secrets of her own learning, what problems parents of gifted children face and how school can kill interest in knowledge.

- Many mothers, inspired by the ideas of early development, teach their babies to read from two months old, to count from three months, in the hope that the child will show outstanding results at school. Do you have your own parenting secrets?

- In the situation with Maxim, eighty percent is laid down by genetics, I am absolutely sure of this. Because when, completely regardless of your efforts, a child at the age of three, not yet able to speak properly, begins to read a running line, it cannot be explained in any other way. There is such an expression “nature is resting”, I think nature rested on me, because I got everything with difficulty - and excellent study at school and everything else.

And with Maxim somehow everything is easy and by itself, from childhood. The first book he began to read was a thick reference book of goods, with small pictures and captions in it. He sat and leafed through them ad infinitum. He began to show letters, even when he could not speak. I began to read in words. I still don’t understand how it all happened, but he learned that words are divided into syllables only when he went to preparatory classes for school.

He always read a lot. Every day I had to come home from work with some book, any, even the smallest one. From childhood, he included some phrases from books in his speech. So once in the sandbox, when I took him home, he said loudly: “Friends, it’s getting dark, isn’t it time for us to go home!” Moms opened their mouths, the children did not understand at all what he was talking about.

None special techniques Or we didn't have a job. He was the most ordinary, far from ideal, very noisy child. Even if he read books, he immediately ran, three books could be opened at the same time.

It's really unusual that a child's memory is phenomenal, you can't take that away. But it was all given by nature. And I think that most children, by definition, are given a lot by nature. It’s just that one of the parents, due to employment, puts a child at the age of three at the computer, and he disappears there forever. And someone does not plant. It happened to us, the computer appeared already in the seventh grade. Therefore, all childhood, Maxim read books, mostly encyclopedias.

And, oddly enough, our friend was the TV. The child looked at everything wide open eyes. Then the first educational channels appeared, like Animal Planet, I watched them and cartoons. He soaked everything up like a sponge. The only thing left for us was not to interfere, but to help: to buy endless books, toys, cassettes.

At the age of four, we began to teach Maxim English, enrolled in chess. If the child quickly grasps everything, it was necessary to occupy him with something.

We are the most ordinary people. I do not know where he got all this from, given by nature. Until now, when I need to get through to him, I say: “So much has been measured out for you that if you don’t use it, the Lord will punish you.”

“Does it look like he learned everything himself?”

— Not everything went smoothly. Had problems with any activities related to fine motor skills. He did not take pencils and pens in his hands, he did not want to write, but I did not force him to. He was not interested in modeling or constructors. Until now, everything that needs to be done by hand, does not like.

Handwriting problems. When we entered the first grade, the psychologist asked us to draw a picture on the topic “I went to school” during testing. Maxim puffed for a long time, brought a drawing: some kind of fence obliquely on a piece of paper. We peered and see, he wrote “I will go to school” in one line. I did not draw, but wrote down the phrase, as I understood. He perceives this world through letters and phrases.

And at the same time he could not stand writing essays. I still remember his first composition in school. They gave me a homework assignment: write a text of five sentences about autumn. I wrote, I approached, I read: “Autumn. Quiet. Leaves are falling. Sometimes it rains. Which great time

“Maybe this sense of humor is so subtle!”

- What a sense of humor! No, laziness is the engine of progress. In general, I never forced him to do something special, if you don’t want to draw, don’t draw, take a book to read. And there were never any problems. The main thing is to have something to do. It was the main "gundezh": let's do something, let's play. It is so difficult, you have to constantly talk with such children, not dismiss them. Here we walk around the zoo for four hours, we come home, put to bed, sit down next to him, and he asks to tell him about how we went to the zoo with him. Imagine, I sit for an hour and tell: “Maxim and I went to the zoo today, he saw a bear there, ate ice cream ...”. Why did he need it?

- And yet about early development children, are you for or against?

All my friends tell me that I am a "spoiled mother". Because I think all kids are like that. They argue with me, and I'm trying to prove: they are all talented, you just don't notice it.

My conviction is: if something is not given, it is not worth tormenting the child. Moms do not need to realize their own ambitions in children, you just need to stop, look and listen to your child. Yes, he will never become a great accountant. But maybe he has golden hands, and he needs to be sent to an art school on time. Do not torment him with reading, but buy pencils and paints, let him draw on your wallpaper, and perhaps this will be the best for him. And further develop these abilities in him, even if at the same time he will have the most average intelligence.

Another child loves sports, and while he is small, take him to figure skating or to the pool. Let him not become a famous athlete, but from an early age he will have a desire for leadership. But here, of course, you must always be in suspense so that this desire for leadership does not lead to something bad. It's hard, it's work. It is not enough to stick the plates, following the methods, while it is small. It is much more difficult to raise children when they begin to grow up. They become so out of control.

We need to come to an understanding that children do not owe us anything. And we are obliged, because we gave them life. I'm not saying that they need to be dressed in the best or fed with the most delicious, no, we owe them in terms of relationships.

- That is, in your opinion, is it enough to observe and support so that a smart and successful person grows out of a child?

- I am convinced that the child develops correctly, three components are needed.

First, this, of course, is to support what nature has given, to help develop.

Second The environment is of great importance. Man is not a static creature, he is constantly changing and either reaches the level of those who are smarter and more successful, or becomes worse than he is, equaling the people around him. It all depends on who's around. I sometimes envy the families of academicians: they show them in some programs, behind their backs there are wall-to-wall bookcases. Imagine how such an environment in itself educates!

Well third, very important component- teachers. Before taking a child to school, one should not look at its regalia and prestige. Go and look teachers in the eyes lower grades and you will make the right choice.

We were very lucky with the first teacher, they perfectly agreed with Maxim in terms of temperament, she understood him and interested in studying. He didn't want to leave school! He was very fond of speaking at the blackboard and was upset when he was not asked. She knew how to find an approach and explain that he was not alone in the class and everyone should answer at the blackboard, and not just him. Then they were also very good teachers. Maxim liked to speak at scientific and practical conferences. Once I was doing a project on ecology, and the teacher went outside with him to interview passers-by: “What do you think about pollution environment? The end result was an amazing job.

And on next year There was another teacher, she just gave me books to read. And that's where the interest subsided. Teachers play a very important role.

AT high school lost interest in learning. Instead of a beloved teacher, a teacher of the old formation came, who said that "he is a star." In the end they didn't find mutual language. And I understood that he had not lost interest in information, but his keen interest in studies and school had simply disappeared. I believe that this is a problem of our education, the middle school is a failure, 30% of children are “lost” just during this period.

- In our country, “gifted children” are a special category of schoolchildren. In your opinion, are there enough resources and opportunities for such children to develop their talents?

- In my understanding, there are opportunities, but they need to be able to discern and use them correctly. Olympiads and competitions are held, but you need to find out about them in time and find suitable ones. A lot depends on the school. Are there enthusiastic teachers there who are interested in advancing their students. And of course, from parents who also need to be in the subject, to be interested. First you need to want to engage in the development of your child.

- On the site of the program "The smartest" they constantly repeat that "it's fashionable to be smart." Do you agree with this statement?

- I agree absolutely. If we use the terminology of our children, then there are "nerds", but there are smart ones. Here the "nerds" are just not smart, but simply nerds. And being smart is not so much fashionable as it is important. It seems to me that now there are quite a lot of such children who are not at all like our generation. They are simply fantastic children, with extraordinary intelligence, an incredible amount of knowledge, informational walking encyclopedias. These are people of a new formation. And it seems to me that they will bring something new into our lives.

They, it seems to me, are initially born already with some kind of stock of knowledge, only then some remember more, and others less. They discuss topics that require a broad outlook. When they meet with the guys from the TV project, they do not discuss clothes or travel, but argue on some difficult topics, appealing to facts, dates, names that I have never even heard of. If you do not have this stock of knowledge, what and with whom will you talk about? And so they are interested in communicating with each other. So, it seems to me, it is not necessary to sin on children now.

But with all this, they are such conformists. They know how to say what they want to hear, what is expected of them. The main thing is to stay behind. I'll give you an example. Our half-year is ending, and Maxim did not get enough fives, in my opinion. We are driving in a car, he says to me: “Mom, I understand, I have been making vanka for half a year, I have not studied. Everything, it is necessary to take up the mind from the next half of the year. I listen to everything, when he stopped talking, I say: “Are you telling me all this so that I myself don’t waste money on these speeches?” That is, he said everything that I think about it. Somehow they know how to adapt, they clearly know what they want from them and "on you, mom."

Do they really want something else?

“You know, the worst thing is that they don’t really want anything. In fact, they don't know what they want. We, their parents, grew up at a time when we were allowed to walk with the keys to the apartments around our necks, there was one bicycle for everyone in the yard. By the time our own children were born, we ourselves had not yet played enough with toys, and therefore, as soon as the opportunity arose, we began to literally throw them at everyone. They have everything, they have nothing to want.

What did we dream about? So that there is peace in the whole world, so that there is no war, because our grandparents who fought were still alive and it was close to us. We vividly discussed the story of a girl whom the doctor promised recovery if she collected a thousand paper cranes, and sincerely wished that this girl would not die. I'm not imagining things at all, as most of us thought. We worried about the oppressed in Africa, about whom we were told in the lessons of political information and rejoiced that we live in the Soviet Union, and we do not have this.

Understand, this is not nostalgia. Just at modern children there is no such thing, they cannot want it by definition. There is no idea as such. What can they dream about? To make our economy better? Yes, hardly. Have some knowledge? Yes, they are full of them. It's good if a child, for example, found a wounded dog in childhood and realized that he would devote his whole life to animals, and all his dreams and plans were built around this. What if you haven't found yours?

Today they do not have to compete, they are all the same. Here we are, our generation, why we are like this: we take and take everything, because we started from the same level of life and all the time we achieve something. And they already have everything, they are full. They are vacationing abroad. We are not oligarchs, but even a middle-income family can afford to send a child, for example, to learn a language in a summer camp abroad. There are opportunities. I recently asked my son: “Do you want to go to Australia for the summer?” - I have the feeling that I offered him to go to the Toguchinsky sanatorium.

They are very simple about money. Even if one is talking on an iPhone, and the other on a simple phone, they are still the same, and they feel good. Maxim and the guys with whom he communicates have absolutely no “thingism”, it is impossible to force him to buy new jeans, he does not need to.

I was recently in Austria, and I was struck by the people there: they don't want anything either! They are doing well, they have clean, uncomplicated faces. And everything is simple for them: if he is the son of a baker, he will be a baker all his life. And he feels good about it, he has prosperity, he is socially protected, he bakes delicious rolls that people like, he has a decent lifestyle. Maybe our children are gradually moving towards such an attitude towards life.

Maxim, with all his developed intellect, produces a good, but average result. I need something better, I need more fives to go to all the Olympiads and win! And all the time he's like, "Why?" To all the sentences “I don’t need it, I feel good anyway.”

- Aren't you afraid that with such an attitude to life, with all the magnificent data, the child simply will not find himself?

“When I think about it, it certainly worries me. On the one hand, he is, of course, ambitious. On the other hand, he does not want to prove anything to anyone and is very lazy, by my standards.

They tell me: "You want a lot from him." But I'm sure the higher the bar, the better. Let him not jump to it, but he will jump clearly higher than if he lowered the bar in advance. So I would walk easily and step over.

I understand that he will provide the standard of living that we now have without much difficulty. In our country, the shortage of personnel is catastrophic, I'm telling you as an entrepreneur, I have my own small business. If a person represents something, then you can grow. Of course, you need to plow, but success can be achieved by any person, and without a “rich dad”. The only difference is that everyone has different starting opportunities, someone starts with a good financial cushion, and someone starts from scratch.

Or maybe you don't need to strive to be an oligarch. If he does not achieve any special success, I am ready for this. I just know the price of these successes. I want to be happy and healthy child and that he may live to old age. The main thing is not to lie on the couch with a log. Maybe it should be so, that it is better to do what you like in life, without straining. And maybe Maxim will be happy to work as a guide in a museum or an observatory, here you will have grateful listeners, and there is a place to show your knowledge. I decided for myself: everything that I could give him, I invested in him, and then, as it will be. The main thing is to be happy.
