I haven't met my soulmate. You and your partner are separate individuals, but to the world you are the same as one

    Enjoy your independence. It may seem that this does not make sense, but the basis of everything should be the ability to be a happy and confident person even without a partner. Relationships last longer if both partners are healthy, stable and confident. If you want to find your other half and have your partner be just as attracted to you, you need to know who you are and what you want. You have to like yourself. There are several ways to enjoy spending time alone:

    • Find an interesting hobby.
    • Spend time with family and friends.
    • Find an interesting and stable job.
    • Practice self-confidence and inner strength.
    • Keep a diary - it will help you stay on track with your goals and will remind you of your achievements.
  1. Develop positive character traits in yourself. Make a list of traits you would like to see in a partner. Perhaps you appreciate good feeling humor or a sweet smile. Perhaps you prefer sports people or those who read a lot. Consider whether you can develop these qualities in yourself. If you work on yourself in these areas, it is quite possible that you will meet someone with the same hobbies and desires. In addition, if you still do not meet anyone suitable in this way, you will in any case work on yourself and master something new.

    Don't get hung up. Research has shown that people don't always understand what qualities they like. Even if you have a list of desirable personality traits, you may still be attracted to someone with a different set of personality traits. It's important to keep in mind the basic qualities you want in an ideal partner, but you should also let your instincts guide you without looking at a list of pros and cons. You might be surprised by a wonderful new person.

    Avoid people who are already in a relationship. If you meet someone who is already in a relationship, don't try to date them. romantic relationship. Most relationships that begin with cheating end quite quickly, because they are built on a lack of attention and the inability to get what they want, and not on love. Wait until the person breaks up with their partner to give the relationship a chance to grow.

    Expand your circle of acquaintances. The more interesting friends you have, the more chances you have to meet their interesting friends through them. Talk to more people to get to know someone else. Support friendly relations with people if you want to meet someone new. Here are some ways to meet like-minded people:

    • go to seminars;
    • find yourself an exciting hobby;
    • become a volunteer in an area that interests you;
    • join an alumni association;
    • Work on the relationships you already have: invite friends over for dinner, host parties, make time for yourself and your loved ones.
  2. Be a pleasant person to talk to. If you smile and laugh more often, your new acquaintances will be more comfortable in your company. If you want to get close to someone, avoid closed postures and act friendly. Light flirting with the person you are interested in will allow you to understand whether he is attracted to you.

    Don't give up on blind dates. Your friends know you and know what you like. Let them help you find a match if they think they are familiar with the right person. Not all blind dates go well, but some people manage to enjoy them. Don't pass up the opportunity to meet new interesting people.

    Learn to understand flirting. There are many ways to flirt, but most often desired result leads only respectful attitude, compliments, obvious hints and friendly gestures. People who like to adopt closed postures, tease others, or put themselves down are less likely to get what they want. If you want to learn how to flirt or recognize flirting in the behavior of others, take the time to Special attention to the following:

    • smiles and laughter;
    • confirming your interest in the conversation with nods or words;
    • maintaining a conversation;
    • open poses (arms, legs, palms);
    • desire to share personal things;
    • willingness to make eye contact;
    • ability to ask questions.
  3. On dating sites, write about yourself honestly and mysteriously. Many people find a match on dating sites, but it can be difficult to find the right person. Users of such sites claim that most often dating ends in something big when the profile contains only the truth, but the description does not take up much space. Let your image be a little mysterious - don’t reveal all your cards at once. Try to get to know people and talk about yourself on dates - your profile doesn't have to contain all the information about you.

    Meet people where your heart beats faster. People begin to feel sympathy for someone faster when their body is aroused. Fast heartbeat increased sweating And vivid sensations will lead a person to become sexually interested in someone else. You can meet someone in the following places:

    • gym;
    • mountains or tall buildings;
    • a cinema where they show a horror film.
  4. Believe that there may be more than one person meant for you. If we could all fall in love only once in our lives, only one person in 10 thousand would find their match. We know this is not true. Everyone falls in love and builds relationships all the time. Don't try to find the one the only person, which is intended just for you. It's better to work on close, long-term, healthy relationships. The ideal partner may be in front of you all the time while you are looking for that one person. Often, strong relationships begin after a long time, and this suggests that people have been a couple for a long time, they just did not understand it.

    Work on your relationships. Even if you are dating someone who seems perfect to you, you will both need to work hard to strengthen and develop the relationship. This means you'll likely have to resolve arguments, put up with each other's annoying habits, and forgive each other a lot. To prevent the relationship from ending, it is important to do the following:

    • actively listen to your partner;
    • forgive your partner's mistakes;
    • support your partner in his interests and hobbies;
    • do not enter into relationships with other people (if you are in a monogamous relationship);
    • thank your partner.
  5. Go on double dates. A double date with another couple will keep the romance alive in your relationship. The effect will be even stronger if you discuss something personal with the second couple. Invite two close friends over for dinner or go somewhere special for couples. Let your friends help you be closer to your partner.

    Cuddle after sex. Those couples in which partners pay attention to each other after sex feel happier and more satisfied. If you think you've found your soulmate, cuddle, sleep in each other's arms, and talk after sex. This will strengthen your relationship and you will both feel happier.

  6. Remember your life goals. Loving people may influence each other's lives, but it is important to remain true to yourself in life and in love. Think about what you want most in life and decide if your partner can help you achieve those goals. Sometimes love alone is not enough - you need to appreciate each other's dreams and share them. Consider the following questions:

    • How important is my job to me? Will my partner help me achieve my career goals?
    • Do I want to have children? Does my partner want this?
    • Where do I want to see myself in 5 years? 10 years? 20 years? Do I see my partner next to me?
    • Is it comfortable for my partner and I to live in the same city/town/region? If your partner is getting tired city ​​life, and you can only live in a metropolis, think about these relationships.
  7. Avoid vicious circle separations and reunions. You shouldn't constantly break up and reunite with the same person. Such relationships can cause powerful emotions, because they are built on a combination of something familiar and something new and unusual. However, all this enthusiasm is rather a negative phenomenon. As research has found, couples who constantly break up and get back together, long term cannot build reliable relationships.

    • Be yourself. If you try to be someone else, you will most likely disappoint yourself and your partner. Be the person you want to be and prioritize your life goals. In the end, it may help you meet the right person.
    • While you are looking for your soulmate, people may ask you why you are not in a relationship. Perhaps they will even decide that there is something wrong with you since you are still single. Be prepared for this. Remember that you are not obligated to defend your right not to be in a relationship. Start loving yourself and working on yourself while you wait for the right person.
    • Don't be too picky. If you search for the ideal, you will not find anyone. If there are several people with you in the same room similar interests, try to choose a person or several people whom you would like to get to know better. Perhaps among them you will find your soulmate completely unexpectedly for yourself.
    • Remember necessary people come into our lives at the right time.


    • Don't confuse chemistry with fate. When you meet someone you really like, everything in your body will tell you that this is your soulmate, but in fact, it could just be hormones. Remember that your soulmate may be someone you already know, but whom you have never considered as a romantic partner. Be patient and do not rush to give up on a relationship with someone who could become your partner.
    • Don't devote all your time to finding a partner. The need for another person and the desperate desire for love pushes people away. It may also lead to a relationship with the wrong person.
    • There is a danger in over-idealization, which will prevent you from noticing warning signs in time and taking action. necessary actions. Remember that some people can hurt you and use your feelings for their own purposes and against you. If, for example, all your friends and relatives think that this person is not suitable for you, do not dismiss this opinion. Perhaps they see something you don't see.

“Where is my soulmate?” Any person has tried to find out this at least once in his life. How to meet your soulmate and then not miss out? Are people really destined for each other or is this romantic nonsense? Where to start searching for true love? Read all the answers below!

Your life should become active, vibrant, filled with new acquaintances. Then there will be no problems with finding love, all that remains is to understand how to get to know your soulmate and not miss her. Source: Flickr (Mary_Maya_Riva)

Why do people want to meet their soulmate?

This is interesting! There is one most curious legend. It says that once a person was a same-sex creature, and in his strength he could only be compared with the gods. But one day a man angered the gods and they, angry, cut him into two parts. Since then, people spend their entire lives trying to find out how to find their soulmate and reunite with them.

The legend is very romantic. There are people who passionately believe in it, believing that every person has his own personal soul mate and there is only one. We tend to believe that this is not the case. Just imagine: what if you live in Russia, and half of you, destined by fate, is an Australian citizen. What is the probability of meeting? Almost zero.

But the fact that a person is always attracted to similar types of representatives of the opposite sex is true. That is, you always have several “halves” at your disposal from which you can choose a potential life partner.

Therefore, it is better to think not about how to meet your soulmate, but about how to spot a worthy person in your environment. And then build with him true love.

Where can I find that “missing” part?

Note! You should never get hung up on finding someone. Most effective result is achieved when you forget the true purpose of change in life. You always need to start changing by working on yourself: increasing self-esteem, correcting problems in communicating with the opposite sex. Then the other half will appear by itself.

“Where is my soulmate and how can I find her?” - perhaps the most frequently asked question the entire population of the planet. But the places where these fateful individuals are found are not indicated on the map. Then how to find your soul mate?

  • First of all, don't look. Representatives of the opposite sex seem to feel that they are being hunted. It repels you, you lose your aura of attractiveness, you cease to be attractive person. Relax!
  • Secondly, have an affair with yourself. People's attitude towards you is a reflection of your personal attitude towards yourself. Spend money on yourself, make yourself happy delicious food, buy new things, go to beauty salons. This advice applies more to women.
  • And finally, be in society more often, make new acquaintances, look for new hobbies and interests.

Your life should become active, vibrant, filled with new acquaintances. Then there will be no problems with finding love, all that remains is to understand how to get to know your soulmate and not miss her.

Don't look for a partner too desperately - it's better to find and love yourself in this life. Then you won’t have to wait long for your soulmate. Source: Flickr (Mary_Maya_Riva)

How do you know that a person is destined for you?

This is interesting! There is no exact answer to the question “where to find your soulmate.” This can happen anywhere and anytime. Don't look for special places, relax and expect good things.

Sometimes it can be difficult to understand that a new acquaintance is the same prince with whom you will live happily ever after, or that another girl- truly worthy expectant mother children. How to determine that the person next to you is destined for fate:

  • First, let's determine the strength of your emotions. The fact that there is passion and love between you is understandable. But! Remember Romeo and Juliet and answer: could you go against society, stop communicating with your parents, friends, leave everything for the sake of your loved one? If the answer is yes, you are experiencing real feelings.
  • Then it is worth observing the behavior of the chosen one. Turn off your emotions - look at his actions and actions. What does your partner do for you? Does your man give you gifts, care for you, and protect you? Does she feed you delicious food, is she interested in business, does the woman support you?

If the feelings are mutual, you are equally attracted to each other, you are ready to care and work on the relationship, congratulations - you have found your soulmate!

Often people mistake fleeting feelings for love. To avoid mistakes, listen to the recommendations of psychologists:

  • When starting a relationship, take your time with sex (this advice applies to men too). Try to make friends with the person first, get to know him better. Starting with intimacy at the beginning of a relationship is the same as eating dessert before the first course at dinner.
  • Sometimes turn off your emotions and monitor the behavior of your chosen one. He must not only talk about feelings, but also confirm recognition with behavior and actions.
  • It also happens the other way around: a person does everything for you, and even though you are not in love, you decide to try. You shouldn’t do this - if there is not at least minimal sympathy, over time the chosen one will begin to terribly irritate you, you will not be happy.

The soul mate theory is just a beautiful legend. But you can significantly increase your chances of finding true love if you behave correctly. Don't look for a partner too desperately - it's better to find and love yourself in this life. Then you won’t have to wait long for your soulmate.

Video on the topic

Psychologist's answer:

Hello Tatiana!

Let's try to analyze what could be the reasons that you have not yet met your person. Considering that it is impossible to find out from your letter how you communicate with the opposite sex or to look at the situation from the outside, we will start from what would be important to pay attention to in general.

The first thing it is important to concentrate your gaze on is the information that long term relationship Have you built relationships with men whose life style deviates somewhat from social norms. And you made absolutely correct conclusions: “I became picky in choosing men, because I learned from bitter experience that you shouldn’t fall for men with a lifestyle that could lead me back to the same thing as in previous relationships.” At the same time, a person has the peculiarity of attracting relationships or people of a certain type. Many women can confirm that all their chosen ones were somewhat similar. Now you are very careful and prevent in advance meetings with those men with whom relationships can be built by analogy with what happened. At the same time, the reason why you “attracted” exactly those men and built relationships with them remains unclear. Thus, it turns out that the root of your difficulties is also not clear. This is important to think about. Why do men of this type like you so much?

The second question that is important to understand is why free men, who are potentially capable of making a good match for you, after some time stop making contact. You write: “those who are free after a short time of communication begin to avoid me.” Maybe this is due to the fact that “at the same time, in every new acquaintance I see a potential husband in men”? Men are very sensitive to attempts to relieve their loneliness. After all, most of them start relationships not with a secret for the future, but for a good time. The idea of ​​marriage is formed during the relationship. Even if such a thought is in your head, a woman’s open desire to marry men is frightening. You may believe that if you don't speak directly about your intentions and desires, no one will know. However, men and women read each other quite well. As a rule, what worries us greatly is very noticeable. Plus, a person always gives information in words about what interests him most. You may unconsciously convey to a man that you see him as a good husband in the future. This information is read by the man, and he, not ready for your scenario, prefers to interrupt communication. IN in this case First of all, you need to change your views, attitudes, probably even interests. The more failures occur on the personal front, the more you become fixated on this idea. The lightness that attracts men so much goes away. It is important to move away from concentrating on thoughts about the need for marriage and about one’s “curse”: “I’m starting to think that someone has jinxed me.”

There is another type of men. They are looking for a wife and, as a rule, choose women of a certain type. You write about yourself: “smart and Strong woman" This image is not suitable for those men who are looking for a woman for marriage, because... In a man’s head, “smart and strong” doesn’t go well with “cooks and takes care of children.” You need to ask yourself whether your main goal right now is marriage. If so, then it probably makes sense to reconsider your image and how you present yourself. However, before doing so, you should ask yourself whether a quick marriage is really what you want. Is the role of wife and housewife suitable for you? Probably even housewives.

The third thing you can do is to enter into a dialogue with your friends and acquaintances about the relationship situation that worries you. It is advisable that you talk to a male friend, if you have one in your social circle. He will help you understand through what eyes men see you. You must be prepared for this conversation and confident that the person with whom you decide to discuss the situation will tell you the truth, and you can trust his opinion. Here it is important to avoid such conversations where they will encourage you, dissemble or, conversely, speak exaggeratedly. So, first of all, it will be useful to weigh your relationships with friends and understand who you can come to with such a conversation. You may be surprised to know that this is not necessary. best friend or childhood friend.

Perhaps these are the recommendations that you can use and apply at any time. If the situation develops in such a way that everything is much deeper, I recommend seeking an in-person consultation with a psychologist, because... search may be required deep reasons Your situation. It is clear from your letter that you are ready to work on yourself and search for answers. Perhaps this is the most important thing, because... the desire for change is already half the success.

Every person dreams of finding his soul mate. Many people are simply fixated on the desire to find “the one” special person. We carefully select ideal partner, until we find at least someone who fits the template we have come up with.
But things shouldn't be like that at all. We need to focus on ourselves if we ever want to find our soulmate. Everyone wants to find happiness, but this dream may not come true if you continue to search through these methods.
Here are 5 things that may prevent you from ever finding your soulmate.
1. You always have a regular sexual partner.
Between casual and permanent sexual partner There is a big difference. Random connections quite acceptable if you are alone. They allow you to get satisfaction without commitment. However, having a regular sexual partner radically reduces your chances of finding your soul mate.
Yes, because you sleep with someone all the time, but at the same time you know that he is not “the one.” You continue this relationship just for show, so that you have somewhere to wait until you find “your one and only.”
As a result, you cannot calmly open the door to a new relationship if your sexual needs are already satisfied. You will not be able to recognize the signals of fate. Of course people need sex. But if you are serious about finding your soul mate, you cannot stay with a permanent sexual partner. By doing this, you seem to close the door to a possible meeting and relationship.
2. You are impatient.
They say that events happen when we least expect them. There is some truth in these words.
When we become fixated on searching, we stop living. full life. We do not notice the path that can lead us to meeting our soulmate.
You won't find your love by spending everything free time in searches on online dating sites. You will find him or her when you start simply living.
Be patient. Perhaps you have not met your soul mate because you have not yet reached the necessary state of mind. This means that you must work on yourself. We need to learn to be happy in ourselves and get rid of the burden of thoughts that feed our fears.
When you are ready to love without fear, you will definitely find your soulmate.
3. You don't listen to signs from the Universe.
The Universe always guides us to Right way, you just need to learn to listen to these signs and tips. Instead, you get caught up in the idea that you probably aren't destined to meet your soul mate if you haven't met him or her yet. Fate gives you hints, directs you on the path that will lead to happiness, but how will you understand this if you don’t listen?
Stop and think for a couple of minutes.
Are you currently staying with someone just because you think you'll never find the perfect person for you? Are you doing something wrong and you know it, but you don't want to leave because you feel like there are no other options?
Listen to your intuition, it is always right. If she says you need to leave, leave without fear. It is fate that guides you on the right path.
4. You refuse to cut ties with your ex.
You will never find your soul mate if you continue to stay in touch with your former partner. It is a fact. It doesn't matter if you're both already dating others. If you have already broken up, then this person is not for you. The reasons for the breakup do not matter, be it a long distance relationship or a lack of happiness, you broke up - it means you both decided that you should not maintain the relationship. And this is an important sign.
If you were destined to be together, then neither distance nor any other obstacles would prevent you. If you still believe that an already broken relationship can be restored, you are deceiving yourself. And don’t be surprised if one day you realize that you are living in a loveless marriage with an unsuitable partner, because you already knew that he was not your soul mate.
Don't make your children suffer through divorce in the future just because you couldn't admit the obvious to yourself and didn't have the strength to end the relationship right away.
5. You have lost faith.
We can all lose faith in something. You may be thinking: “Oh my God, I’m already 34, will I never find my soulmate? I’ve been waiting for so long, but he/she is still not there, and probably won’t be again.”
Of course, it won’t if you are still busy communicating with your ex, if you are impatient and do not see the signs of fate.
You must believe that fate will give you your soul mate when the time will come. But first, understand yourself. If you firmly believe that somewhere in the world there is an ideal person for you, then so be it. The Universe gives you this faith so that you understand that such a person really exists.
You should break unhealthy relationship, start living truly and open your heart to love. Yes, it may be difficult, but you cannot lose faith.
You can't concentrate everything vital energy when looking for your person, just live and believe, listen to your intuition and you will find the path that will lead you to your soulmate.

People who have experience of failed relationships are trying to solve the problem of how to find a soul mate destined by fate. The source and situations of such experience are not so important - it could be a broken marriage or just the example of parents, the first love that brought a lot of pain, or just reading relevant literature. This mental experience is acquired not only through direct participation, but also indirectly.

There is a lot of advice regarding places to meet and the art of flirting - all this will definitely help you fill out notebook phone numbers of interesting candidates for a decisive role in their personal lives, but in no way guarantees love, and most importantly, a match in all areas to the extent that we can talk about the implementation of the initial goal of the search operation.

To find your soulmate, you need to understand exactly what you are looking for, and accordingly decide on internal criteria and an understanding of what kind of person you need next to you. The blurry desire of a handsome prince with a comfortable character, and even to be a telepath about desires and for all this to last forever and happily is utopian from the very beginning, since it lacks not only specifics, but also real, sober look to the world.

The process of formulating your desire more specifically can be lengthy and sometimes difficult, because here you need a clear understanding of your characteristics (complexes and psychological traumas, parent scripts and attitudes) and needs (in the sensory and everyday sphere). Therefore, you first need to get to know yourself and find out the reasons for such a desperate search for a partner. Mature options may prevail here, such as the desire to be in contact and the willingness to take responsibility for one’s contribution to the relationship, a sense of opportunities to share and receive, interact and learn, or there may be lurking or social pressure about the need to be with a permanent couple by a certain age.

Before entering the active phase of the search, you need to open your mind to changes (inevitably occurring in life with the appearance of new characters) and your heart to a new person and a new feeling. No matter how much the mind throws up facts about the usefulness and necessity of creating strong relationships, if the heart is closed with old wounds, and the level of distrust in people is so high that a person does not open up even in small things, then there can be no talk of any beginning.

Often encountered situations, when a person is fixated on finding an appropriate partner, the more all possible candidates move away from him and the space turns into a vacuum. It's not a matter of unworthiness or the need to improve appearance, improve knowledge, it's just that the higher the level of tension in connection with the search, the more it is reflected in the manner of communication. It feels heavy and lacks spontaneous feelings, forcing events, and meetings are more reminiscent of interviews. Few people are ready to continue such communication, except perhaps those who are also obsessively concerned about finding the love of their life.

You always need to start with a sincere interest in your own personality (with all the flies, devils and cockroaches) and the world around you (the real one, as it is) - this is how sensitivity develops and the opportunity arises not to communicate with those who are completely alien in spirit. The more you understand yourself, the faster you react by refusing those who are somehow annoying initially, but many continue to endure and look closely, clinging to the first person who approaches. Then it turns out that from the first meetings he showed despoticism or inattention, behaved self-centeredly or expressed ideas that radically contradict the internal picture of your world, but it’s too late and you have to return to the search again.

It is much easier for a woman to find her soulmate when there is no tension on her face, and instead her facial expressions convey bliss and happiness, regardless of the situation. Men flock to such people and treat them better and better, so you need to learn to enjoy your free status. You can develop your hobby and pamper yourself have a nice trip, build a career - everything that makes the heart beat faster and the eyes glow with enthusiasm. In addition to self-development and improving your mood, relieving stress, all activities aimed at socialization (seminars, courses, hikes, exhibitions, etc.) expand your social circle, allowing you to meet people with whom it would have been impossible to meet in your previous way of life. The wider your social circle and the more diverse it is, the higher the likelihood of meeting someone you have been looking for for a long time, especially if the search among all your previous acquaintances has led to a dead end.

Having realized what kind of person is necessary for life next to you, you can mentally move to his place, feel the taste of the life he lives, and imagine what kind of partner this type would want to see next to him and then evaluate his own suitability. After such an exercise, there are two ways of development left - either look for the missing qualities in yourself, develop skills, eradicate shortcomings, or, realizing that all this is an important component of your personality, change the image of the expected person to a more real one.

It will be problematic for a man to find his soul mate based solely on a list of a woman’s qualities. Women, due to the guiding direction of emotions, can forget their own list, going for admiration, while a man can quite pedantically withstand the selection of applicants in accordance with the compiled list. You should be a little relaxed and not miss interesting acquaintances, because the most unsuitable ones sometimes become those with whom you can go the whole way of life. Logic is sometimes quite flawed, and stereotypes about ideal life partners implanted since childhood have destroyed many beautiful couples.

Communicate with those who are of interest, regardless of age and position, as well as the field of activity, because it is impossible to predict in advance how a person will open up and with whom he can introduce you. In addition to such direct influences on the creation of a couple, new acquaintances expand the worldview and change the very concept of life, which can help solve internal complexes that interfere with establishing a connection or understanding which person is best suited.

But when communicating with everyone, remember that this does not mean creating many novels; you should especially beware of flirting and other romantic inclinations with busy people. That is, a woman can communicate with a married woman, ask her for advice and ask for help, but deepen her relationship with married colleague, falling into the idea that he is your destiny is not worth it. Everything that takes a long time to create begins differently, respectively, the one who is destined for you and is now tied by marriage is an option that involves a stop, where you should first wait for the end of that relationship (not destroy it, but just wait on the sidelines) and only then build your own.

More often agree to any offers, you can even go on a date arranged by your friends. Those who know you well understand, which means the person has already passed the initial selection; in addition, friends are people who wish you well, which means they will only introduce you to good applicants. You should also always choose invitations over book nights, as long as you can enjoy whatever the outcome of the event. The purpose of social outings is not to find a life partner, but to hone sensitivity to oneself and attentiveness to a partner.

And reduce the importance and seriousness of the concept of the second half - we all change and it is quite natural that people will become completely different and they will become comfortable separately. Don't look ideal people- such things don’t exist in melodramas, you a real man and you can fall in love with someone who is just as real, but your own and cozy. It is human weaknesses or shortcomings that make the image recognizable and alive, provide the opportunity to open up and be yourself, but next to the ideal everything becomes dead, exclusivity gives way to norms and the desire to live and enjoy turns into a desire to conform.

What not to do

The lack of personal life or the presence of a psychologically unsuitable person nearby can drive you into panic and push you to rash and thoughtless actions. Living, constantly focusing on finding a worthy couple, leads to neuroses and complete degradation of the personality, from whose life all the joys begin to disappear, and the attractive light from the eyes. Therefore, it is necessary to stop focusing all your activities around one topic.
Men can hang out in clubs all day long, chat on dating sites and flirt with all the girls; women are more likely to read a lot of advice and attend all available trainings on this topic. The outcome of such actions is one - tension in the context personal relationships so great that it scares away all potential candidates, and those who miraculously lingered soon discover that there is nothing to talk about with such a special one.

Also, when searching for candidates, it is worth remembering to expand your circle of contacts, but at the same time strictly control this area. It is impossible to meet a quiet and obedient woman in nightclubs or a wealthy husband in a hippie party. Remember that when starting a relationship in a work environment with a person who spends most of his time at work, it is stupid to then demand increased attention from him.

When communicating in alcoholic groups, you should not be surprised that any problems that arise (which are normal for the development of relationships and when getting to know each other) will not be solved, but will be washed down. The optimal places will still be those where you are directly interested - this creates a common field of interests and predetermines some of the common values.

Having found a suitable candidate, many stop looking at the others, as if making a promise of fidelity in advance, often even before the start of the affair. This way you can ensure yourself long evenings of waiting, with a complete misunderstanding of the object that you gave yourself to him. The degree of seriousness should increase gradually, as should the degree of rapprochement, level of trust, amount of information and other development milestones.

By rushing to the first one you like, you can see those with whom you are really on the same path, so only a gradual rapprochement, while noticing others, can guarantee that you do not blindly plunge into the first, comfortable relationship. This also includes sudden weddings with insufficient understanding of who is in front of you. The reasons for the rush are varied - from a crazy surge of hormones to the logical understanding that age is not youthful and there is nowhere to wait. Such quick marriages not only end in divorce from more likely, but they don’t even lead to a wedding, because the other person feels the need to move away, or even stop communicating with the one who is organizing such a fast and furious affair.

Online dating – is it possible to find a soulmate?

The likelihood of finding your soulmate thanks to the Internet is actually much higher than in a random vacation spot or on business meetings, especially if you use the appropriate sites.
The rationale is simple - people gather there for the same purpose, honestly indicate their details and understand who they are looking for. Even statistics show a large percentage of favorable relationships that initially began online.

The advantages of such acquaintances are that you have the opportunity to immediately find out about the person in a minimal way important information. Things like sports hobbies or a lot of humorous pictures about alcohol, level of income and education, of course, cannot characterize a person, but they undoubtedly influence the possibility of interaction. When you meet someone in a cafe, you have no idea about the person’s basic level and waste time trying to figure out the basic level, but at the same time key points. Online dating immediately provides not only the necessary information, but at the same time provides a set of basic topics for communication, removing awkward silences and searching for the thread of the conversation. In addition, there is a kind of emotional security that lies in your choice of when to correspond and with whom.

But it is worth remembering the duality of the virtual space, where deception is possible when registering a profile, a large number of scammers and simply extortionists. Also, many people, under the guise of looking for a relationship, are simply looking for an interlocutor to while away the time in romantic correspondence, without intending to meet.

The psychological aspects are such that the longer you are in virtual communication, those less likely, What real meeting will take place, so the romance, of course, will happen, perhaps even the most exciting one in life, but when you turn off the monitor, you will fall asleep alone.
