Confessions of love. What is the best way to confess your love to a man? How to overcome fear and confess your sympathy

The times of knights are far behind, and today women increasingly prefer to conquer men on their own. It's good if your chosen one can be safely called an adherent of the old traditions, but what if the representative of the opposite sex you like is (yet!) unavailable? It is possible that in this case you decide to tell him about your feelings. But how to do it correctly? frank confession in love can scare away a man, and therefore, women's magazine Charla invites you to develop a strategy that is more likely to help you find happiness in your personal life. So what to do and what not to do if you want to confess your love to a man? Let's figure it out right now!

Why is he silent?

First let's talk about why we often have to wait declarations of love from men for years. You will not believe it, but they, just like women, may be embarrassed to talk about their feelings. Many have been taught since childhood that a real man always stingy with emotions, and someone is just scared to hear “No” from a woman they like. So, shyness is the first reason that a man cannot make a declaration of love.

The second reason is the man's confidence that you already know very well about his feelings. “I give a woman flowers / sweets / fur coats, go to the theater with her, spend holidays - this already indicates that I love her. Why say anything else? Believe me, many men think this way. If women often put feelings first, then representatives strong half humanity are more rational and prefer to prove their heartfelt affection not by word, but by deed. But it is more than real to extract a declaration of love from them ...

How to confess love correctly?

If you decide to take the initiative into your own hands, remember that a declaration of love should not be too obvious - you can hint to a man about your feelings. It is interesting that later he will think that he was the first to talk about his feelings, while the initiative still came from you. But this is poetry, and now let's talk about the main thing. So, a declaration of love can be done as follows:

1. Catch by surprise

Just say that you have known about his feelings for a long time, and you are ready to hear a declaration of love right now. On the one hand, you demonstrate that your feelings are mutual, on the other hand, you show that a man still needs to win you over (in this case, with the help of beautiful confession in love).

2. Make romantic innuendos

Put it in his jacket pocket chocolate candies V heart shape, talk about the fact that only with him you feel the happiest. It will not be difficult for a man to guess that you need him. The only advice is not to be too zealous. For example, many women decide to make a declaration of love by giving their chosen one their photo in a frame - this can scare a man away.

3. Become a part of his life

Cook his favorite meals, meet him at the airport when he returns from a business trip, sew on all the torn off buttons on his shirts, play games with him. computer games- in general, do everything to show a man how dear he is to you. Charla Women's Site already said that the representatives of the stronger sex value actions more than words, and therefore, try to prove your feelings, and not just show them.

Where to confess love?

In what environment will a man perceive a declaration of love best? In fact, there are many ways to express your feelings. Here, indicative list places that are suitable for this purpose:

1. Cinema - a declaration of love will complete the evening perfectly if you and your man sit in the last row and watch a romantic movie.

2. Party - when you both have fun and get distracted from everyday problems, you can talk about your feelings. When a man has good mood, the chances that he (if there is sympathy on his part) will reciprocate you are maximum.

3. Shop or stop - sometimes a declaration of love is not very romantic, but no less memorable. For example, while standing in line for bread or waiting for a bus, you can simply say: “Actually, I want to say that I love you very much.” Unexpectedly and boldly - a man will be pleased to hear it.

4. Bed - your intimacy is already a great occasion for declarations of love, and therefore, use this opportunity to express your feelings simply, without flowery phrases.

5. Apartment - leave a note on the refrigerator with a declaration of love. It can be a paper heart or a regular sticker that says beautiful poem. Another option is to have a romantic evening with a candlelit dinner. Although keep in mind that this can scare away many men.

You can also tell a man about your feelings in a restaurant, gym, theater, park and even the registry office!

Mistakes of women who talk about their feelings

Finally, don't be afraid to hear "No" because we can't please everyone. Let it be unlucky today, but on the other hand, you managed to overcome yourself, talk about your feelings and understand that your happiness is yet to come. Well, if a man reciprocated your recognition, then you can only be happy for you. Don't be afraid to love and talk about love! Be happy!

For a long time you are unable to think of anything else but him? Friends, books, favorite hobbies, food and many other things no longer bring such joy and pleasure as some time ago? You constantly turn around in the hope of finding it, but do you understand that these are just illusory hopes? .. Love, as a feeling itself, is quite painful and it brings a lot of suffering. After all, few couples who quickly marry, come to really something serious, that is, to strong relationship, family and family happiness.

If you truly love a guy, then your maximalism is probably in full swing. As a rule, the female sex is the most vulnerable to such feelings. They suffer, suffer and worry that nothing can be done about it. They are always looking for answers to questions: how to confess your love to your chosen one, how to confess your feelings to a guy? Is it worth it? Can he reciprocate?

Girls who really fell in love with their hearts and souls, who have real feelings for a guy, do not despair! You just need to calm down and deal with the situation.

If your heart is just pounding out of your chest terrible force at the sight of that particular guy who excites your thoughts and your mind, then there are only two options for recognizing him in his feelings. Most often it depends on whether they are mutual or not.

The first option means that the guy responds at least with sympathy to your manifestation of feelings. For example, you spend time together, and he tries in every possible way to show his sympathy towards you. In this case, when you begin to understand that you will no longer be able to keep your feelings and emotions in yourself, then you can directly, boldly say to him such a cherished and sacred thing - “I love you.” There are quite Great chance that you will hear a mutual response. But, in no case should you be upset if you still don’t get the desired answer. It is possible that your chosen one is simply dumbfounded or confused. Naturally, it may also happen that the relationship deteriorates for quite a long time because of this.

Option two assumes that your loved one does not even know that you are burning with love for him. He lives ordinary life and just doesn't notice you. Unfortunately, such situations are quite common. In this situation, in no case should you shout about your feelings. First you need to somehow get close to your chosen one, make friends, find common ground - interests. Believe me, if he does not want to do this, then just write - it's gone. No need to think at this moment that your life is over and nothing “shines” for you - believe me, life is multifaceted, and it involves many interesting moments and turn of events. I assure you that after this guy you will still meet exactly the one who will truly appreciate your feelings and respond with the much-awaited reciprocity. The time will come and you will remember it with a smile.

I must say that in any case, if you seriously have a desire to confess your feelings to a guy, then you need to follow some tips:

  1. For the moment of recognition, you need to choose the most right time when no one will be around and nothing will be able to distract you;
  2. Need to create the most romantic atmosphere, which disposes to "love" feelings.
  3. Under no circumstances should you give expensive gifts, because it will oblige the guy more, and he will not be able to reciprocate.
  4. And the most main advice- do not be afraid of anything, do not be shy, because only those who do nothing to achieve their goal do not make mistakes.

In any case, it is worth knowing and understanding so that it does not happen - you will receive such a valuable life experience.

Before you do anything, answer yourself the question: “What do I want to achieve with this explanation?” Just to tell the young man to know? Confess because you can no longer be silent? Provoke a guy to retaliate, meet and courtship? Take him away from another girl? Get his attention? Or some other option? Each case has its own strategy of behavior and its own result.

Stage 1. Reconnaissance.

Recognition is a delicate situation. After such a step, it is impossible to say: “In general, it was a joke,” and, therefore, to cancel all the consequences. And they, as you know, can be very different. A young man may not understand you, refuse, be afraid of your activity, say that he does not share your feelings. Or maybe vice versa - to feel gratitude to you for being the first to do this, to open your soul to you, to tell you that you yourself have loved you for a long time, etc. And there is still such a possibility that after recognition and several meetings you will understand that your words were in vain, in fact you don’t experience anything like that, which means that you deceived a person. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for all possible outcomes. And for this you need to find out in advance the guy’s attitude towards you, learn more about him and prepare for any answer from him. There are several general principles how to get closer to a young man before confessing his feelings to him.

Study it in as much detail as possible. Who is he, what does he like, what does he not like, what style of communication does he prefer, what is his hobby? Learn to listen and talk less, because in the first place it is you who are interested in a relationship with a guy. Just remember that any noble impulse and good communication can be spoiled by intrusiveness. In addition, a closer acquaintance with the interests and inner world guy takes time, don't count on quick result and blitzkriegs (these are very quick conquests of the enemy).
Try to be interested in his hobbies. The word "interested" is the key. You must be sincerely interested in some of his favorite things. If the guy’s hobby is not to your liking, then your feeling to him, most likely, frivolous.
Gradually attract his interest to you (after all, you want your explanation to be not empty words, but to evoke a response from him).
Watch the guy's attitude towards you, his compliments, watch what signs of attention he gives you. And does it do it at all.
Perhaps at this stage it turns out that you are not suitable for each other. So you will save yourself from meaningless confession of feelings.

Stage 2. Decisive.

You easily passed the “first stage”, during the “reconnaissance” you managed to fall in love with the guy even more, noticed that he is not indifferent to you, but for some reason he still does not say cherished words. You decide to act and you have several possible ways express his feelings to him.

Literary-romantic way. You imagine yourself in the place of a book heroine ( school program for the 9th grade), you take out a thin sheet of paper, colored pastes and compose love message. You will have the opportunity to choose the right words, beautifully arrange a message, sprinkle with perfume. In general, put not only your heart into the letter, but also Creative skills. And then, under some pretext, hand the letter to the addressee. The positive thing about this method is that you don’t have to blush and suffer, choosing the right words, negative - you may not wait for a clear answer.
Directly real way. In other words, it is an eye-to-eye recognition. Such a step requires remarkable courage and self-confidence. Because in case of refusal, you should not be afraid of guys and love for the rest of your life, keep your self-esteem intact and be ready for new feelings. It is better to prepare the text in advance and even rehearse it, listen and look at yourself from the outside. In this option, there is the advantage that you will see the guy’s immediate reaction to your words, you will be able to answer his questions (if he suddenly has them) and immediately find out his answer. The disadvantage is that you can lose your mind, get confused in memorized phrases and blur the impression of the explanation itself.
A playful version. You can make a show out of your explanation (of course, for a single viewer). Like you take a flower in your teeth, press the guy against the wall and ask: “So, do you agree to love me until the end of your days?” Or you joke with him about your feelings, as if not seriously saying: “I love you for ... (some of his frivolous qualities). And you me? Of course, this option does not lend itself to a serious explanation, but it will give you the opportunity to see the guy’s reaction (if he is delighted and plays along with you, then there is a chance serious feelings and fast confessions). The downside may be that with your pressure you will scare away young man or give him the impression of bullying (particularly high risk with guys without a sense of humor).
Now you are armed with ways to declare your love. You have an alternative: wait for decisive action on the part of the young man or show your feelings yourself. But in any case, I want to warn you against next steps: do not bombard the guy with sms, phone calls if you don't see a response from him. Do not trust your friends completely and do not ask them to play the role of a "channel of communication" and tell about your feeling. Don't spread rumors about your love. Such actions can offend a guy.

Good luck to you in such hard work as winning the heart of your Beloved!

There is a strong opinion among people that a man should be the first to admit his feelings. At the same time, no one wants to think about the fact that among the strong half of humanity there are quite often shy, timid people who find it difficult to take the first step. And if a woman waits a long time for confessions from him, then an eternity can pass. It is not better to take the solution of the “problem” into your own hands and become the initiator of the relationship. How to confess to a man in love, if you are also not distinguished by courage in actions? How to overcome fear and say the very words on which you depend further fate? We hasten to reassure and reassure - nothing is impossible if you carefully listen to the advice experienced psychologists and to study in detail the subject of the relationship between a man and a woman.

How to get away from patterned behavior

It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that the most wonderful feeling on mortal earth - love. Thanks to her, humanity continues to inhabit the planet. And not just lives - but feels true pleasure from life, can rejoice, grieve, be sad, rejoice. If it is not there, then you have to drag out a gray existence, the days pass monotonously, without bright colors, emotions.

As soon as this feeling “flies” into our life like a spring swallow, everything changes in an instant. What previously seemed uninteresting and did not attract our attention - immediately turns into a stunning vision, unique thing. We immediately have a sense in everything - to live, study, work, communicate. Does anyone argue with the fact that the eyes of a woman in love and her indifferent friend are radically different. In the first, they glow, radiate beauty and joy, in the second, there are no “signs” of life. Therefore, all representatives of the weaker sex strive to be loved and desired. Without these categories, there is no point in starting anything. But what to do if the object of desire is silent? The logical step is to take the initiative.

How to act correctly

So, you decided to “push” someone who is dear to your heart to take decisive action. But you should never rush, you need to think carefully about your actions. Assess your strengths and think about whether you can clearly and beautifully express your feelings? If you are not completely sure, postpone an important “event” and prepare even more carefully. But don't stop flirting, keep luring your chosen one female tricks and do not allow an outsider to interfere in the relationship, otherwise you risk being left with nothing.

Be proactive but not intrusive

Most representatives of the male part of the population love proactive girls, but you must admit that an annoying "fly" never delights. If you want to "tame" an object and make relentless attempts, act with regular importunity - you are doomed to failure. Don't forget about leadership qualities men, this is their purpose from mother nature. And if someone tries to intercept his dominance, then there is bewilderment, aggression towards the girl, whom he, in theory, should protect and protect. As soon as she plays the role of "first violin" in their love duet, mastering "male" features, the man immediately repels her. After all, he needs a weak and fragile lady, and not the second guy in a pair.

It is quite natural for a man to make any decisions on his own for the reason that this has been the case since ancient times. It was the male who thought about how to find and bring a slaughtered mammoth to the shack, then farming, etc., fell on his shoulders. And women had to wait for them at family hearth with prey. So who was to make the decisions? Of course, a breadwinner who puts his life in danger in search of food. The skills given by nature have not changed, and changing them modern women absolutely not worth it. Let him continue to be the leader and rely on his own strength.

As soon as a man turns into a pliable kitten, a woman will immediately lose interest in him. And here natural reflexes also work - why does she need a second “skirt” nearby. A wise lady will make it so that any of her initiatives will, as it were, come only from him, and she will only help them to manifest themselves.

Second important point in relationships - the difference in the level of emotionality. And as everyone already understands, it is many times higher for ladies. Any surge in the eyes of men becomes a huge wave that is difficult to "swim", while everything happens very calmly and evenly with them. And it is not surprising that the lady's actions unbalance the most restrained comrade. And the representatives of the weaker sex mistakenly ruin relationships in the bud, incorrectly distributing the energy of feelings. It is necessary subtly, gently, if you want to diplomatically lay out your goals, and with the temperament of a hunter and conqueror, you should not strive to make prey out of a man. So she not only runs the risk of losing the relationship, but also turns into a man "in a skirt" with all his qualities. In order not to become a victim of such consequences, it is important to remain tender, feminine, fragile to the end. It is these character traits given by nature that allow a woman to find that very protector who will have true, masculine character traits.

Why is he shy

Whatever strong feelings he did not feel for his passion, but if there is natural shyness, timidity, it will be very difficult to take the first step. Rather, he will continue to live in dreams, hope, while away the evenings alone, give her a coat, bring medicine, etc. In short, he is ready for anything for her, but he just can’t decide on the main action. Why? Most women are sure that he does not love or is not sure of his feelings. Believe me, most often the problem lies in his indecision, and not the strength of his feelings. Consider the reasons strange behavior men and try to understand what is happening exactly with your object of claims.

  1. Most frequent occasion- Fear of being rejected. It is for this reason that a man is afraid to confess his feelings and utter the main words. Many ladies do not know that not only the weaker sex, but also the strong one is afraid to hear a refusal in response and long time delays an important point. Men are very self-critical, and having met love, they may believe that they are unworthy of their passion, she is too good for him, she can laugh in her face upon recognition. Or maybe he also had a relationship before that, in which he collapsed and heard the word “No!”.
  2. Everyone knows the fear of taking responsibility, a decision on which all future fate will depend. And given reason- the most common among the stronger sex. The problem creeps in modern men since childhood. They were spoiled by their parents, they did not give them a chance to take on obligations, responsibility, to bring the matter to the end. By the way, the “defect” is also often manifested among girls. And, as a rule, being already an adult, the manner of behavior flows by inertia. How to be? Be patient and wait, behave in such a way that he still shows his concern and says the main words. But be warned, this can take years. What if someone appears on the horizon that can take the initiative in their own hands? So do not be shy, act!
  3. A state of uncertainty. If he is silent and does not confess his feelings, think, maybe he has another? Perhaps he still cannot forget his past love? In such cases, men quite often rush from one woman to another and do not know which one to choose. Here you really need to start on your own, at least in order to decide for yourself whether he is with you or not.
  4. Past relationships have become a living hell for him, and he has undergone many disappointments with his former chosen one. only frank and trusting relationship help him open up to you and find out the true nature of your novel. You must also openly show what kind of person you are, how you feel about the institution of marriage. In short - he must stop being afraid, and boldly enter into romance without looking back.
  5. He has such a nature - to wait. He is used to the fact that everything flows as usual and the moment will come when everything will be clear anyway. After all, it's no secret that women love with their ears, and men with their eyes. So, he is ready to admire your figure and stunning appearance for years, everything suits him and he doesn’t want to change anything. But this does not mean that at one moment he will easily go over to another "skirt". Such men are absolutely sure that it is not necessary to say those very words, because everything is clear anyway.
  6. He evaluates your moral, personal, and maybe even physiological qualities. Maybe you don’t like it, but it’s laid down by nature in such a way that he is looking out not only for a woman with whom he is not ashamed to go to restaurants, but also for the potential mother of his future children.
  7. He is a natural narcissist and is waiting for recognition to come from you. The gentle nature of such a person does not hurt further relations, and it's okay if you take the initiative, not him. Believe me, in gratitude for the high appreciation of his merits, and this is precisely what recognition implies, he will do anything for you. Immediately after the words you uttered, he will begin to act very actively. Before you blink your eyes, a stunning ring will flaunt in front of you, accompanied by a quivering marriage proposal.

Be that as it may, a woman should not wait long, you understand - the woman's age is short. It is important to understand for yourself whether he needs you or not, maybe it makes sense to find another, more stable person who will not play cat and mouse with you.

Moral preparation for recognition

So, we looked at the main reasons why he is “silent”. If there are no fears that you are a "spare toy", be determined and confess. Just before that, get prepared and carefully plan the day and place of the event. You don’t need to do it spontaneously, you need to know what words to say, at what time of the day. After all, how stupid and strange the confession will look in front of a tired, exhausted person. As soon as you start, he will simply doze off. Well, of course, these are extremes, just an important moment in life should take place in a beautiful setting and with complete relaxation, harmony. And yet, I would not want to upset, of course, but still it makes sense to prepare for any development of events, including refusal, misunderstanding.

Where to confess

The choice of location also has great importance, this also applies to the situation. So the woman helps to relax. Judging by the reviews, many girls have achieved excellent result by saying tender words on the bank of the river or when walking along the lake, in the park. A confession sounds good in the cinema between the words of the heroes of the screen in love or during dinner at a beautifully laid table. A big gathering and a noisy evening will not be an obstacle, invite him to a white dance and whisper in your ear what he may have long dreamed of hearing.

It is not superfluous to beautifully arrange an important point. If your chosen one is a fan tasty food- prepare it favorite dish, pour into a glass good wine and start to please with warm words.

In cases where a couple lives under the same roof and has been sharing the same bed for a long time, you can say words of love in the morning, during the early and better sex per day. Get up a little earlier, make coffee or make orange juice, clean yourself up and brush his nose with your curls, whisper three of the most popular words in the world.

Experienced ladies share their skills and do not advise "pioneers" to confess to men at moments of special employment. It is unlikely that he will appreciate your words while watching an important football match or being in bad location spirit.

What if he refuses

In every case, there is a risk that something will go wrong. So, being sure that after recognition you will get a lot of positive impressions, you should still prepare for the option of your lover's refusal. Always gotta stay true lady and respond to everything like a proud, self-respecting person. You just need to accept the situation and understand that this is not the one you need. If he had the audacity to refuse you, then he does not love you. And it's great that he opened up, and did not hide his attitude. After all, life with someone you are not nice to is the worst test. After the refusal, you should not spray yourself and roar into the pillow, but gather your thoughts and think about what to do next.

  1. It is strictly forbidden to call the offender, pursue him and demand an explanation. The best option- erase his number and forever forget about his existence. Quite often, a man does not immediately realize what he is doing and can only understand after separation from you what mistake he made. And yet, men are also proud and they are always worried about why the one who recently confessed her love is running after them. And your additional attempts to improve relations will be perceived as dragging - do you need it?
  2. Do not try to hysteria, scream, threaten your offender. To vent emotions is the same as admitting your inferiority and showing a man how pathetic and insignificant you are. Moreover, the fact that he refused does not necessarily speak badly of him. It’s just that you are not to his liking and his openness, honesty should be taken only positively. Remember the saying “You can’t be sweet by force!”. From any situation, no matter how difficult it may be, you need to get out beautifully and with dignity. So between you there will be no love, but there will be respect.
  3. If you meet him on the street, in a restaurant or other venue - do not get lost, do not be nervous and do not panic. You must always keep your composure. Of course, it is not always possible to keep your psychological outbursts under control, but still it is worth trying. Rejection is not a humiliation or an insult. Unlike our compatriots, the women of the West have long taken everything into their own hands, and if it didn’t work out with one, she is looking for another. At the same time, we are absolutely sure that nothing terrible has happened - and rightly so. Remember - you are the most beautiful and charismatic, very soon someone who will really bring happiness to your home will appear on the horizon.
  4. Should I keep in touch with this man? It's up to you, but abrupt rejections will indicate that you still feel humiliated. Friendship is not binding. And if he still does not leave your soul - rejoice at his invitations to fellowship. Most likely, he has long regretted his refusal and is ready to play the situation again, but only with a positive outcome.

How to confess love

Modern technologies allow you to pronounce words not only by looking into the eyes of an object, but also by phone, via Skype, Viber, etc. So what's the best way to confess? Let's look at a few options.

Personal presence

If you say words of love looking into the eyes of your chosen one, then most likely everything will end well. He will appreciate your straightforwardness, honesty and determination. Your actions indicate that you are very serious about this person and your feelings are strong. And men, in turn, are big children who love flattery and compliments more than ours. The main thing is not to say too much, so you need to prepare well for recognition and say everything clearly and without hesitation.

Written confession

The epistolary genre is gone, and in vain. How beautiful are the words of Tatyana Larina's confessions to Eugene Onegin. The paper will withstand everything, moreover, before writing the final version, drafts are written, the superfluous is excluded and only the main thing remains.

It is not necessary to write out a whole “sheet”, let the confession be short, concise, the main thing is that the main words appear in it. But they will protect a modest girl from excessive complexes, embarrassment and awkwardness. Also, the method is great for men who have time to seriously think about the situation and form a response.

phone confession

Embarrassment, the fear that when confessing you will have to look your loved one straight in the eye, the fear that something will go wrong can spoil the whole picture. If you are a very modest person, confess your feelings on the phone. There are pros and cons here. Flaw telephone communication that you will not see the true reaction of the beloved. good moment lies in his intonation, the timbre of the voice, by which one can understand what sensation a person is experiencing.

To whom do you confess

The development of the situation after a declaration of love largely depends on who is the “pain” of your heart. If he is older than you, then he has a lot of life experience, good luck and disappointment behind him. And most likely, he will react to your words wisely and carefully. If he's older, yes besides an avid bachelor may not want to give up their freedom. Here you need to act carefully, as if slowly groping for it. weak spots and accustom to their society. It should eventually turn out so that it simply cannot be without you.

Often, unfortunately, women fall in love with married men, as they say - "Love is evil!". Psychologists are unanimous in their opinion - there is no point in wasting time with them. If he agrees to leave the family after your confessions, then there will still be no happiness. Well, if you want to confess your love to him, do it as quickly as possible.

After all, most "revelers" have relationships on the side due to the lack of obligations. And your words will sober up his condition a little and make him think - to continue the relationship or put an end to it, which is what you need!

And most importantly - before confessing your love, check your feelings, consider - is this really love? Or maybe you confuse passion with this unique and most important feeling on Earth? In any case, there is no need to rush. How to check? Just know that love is unconditional, selfless, the desire to be with a person in spite of any problems. Even if he lost everything that he had before, you must want to be there and give pleasure, support, sacrifice yourself without receiving anything in return. Well, what is it? Then start preparing for important event, put yourself in order and dare - confess!

All for now.
Sincerely, Vyacheslav.

Due to the fact that for many years it was believed that men should take the first step to building a relationship, women often have a problem how to confess their love to a man so that at that moment they don’t look stupid and get rejected. At this point, the question arises: how to properly tell your soulmate about your feelings?

Do I need to confess to a man in love or sympathy

First of all, in order to confess your love to a man, you must have a strong character and madly in love with him. In addition, you need to without fail clearly for yourself to decide whether love is the feeling that you experience.

The fact is that if you simply feel sympathy, the point is to offer a man serious relationship, No. In addition, you need to determine for yourself the importance of the man to whom you want to confess your love. Clearly define what role he plays in your life.

It is very important, before confessing your love to a man, to make sure that this feeling is mutual. In this case, it will be much easier for you to take the first step or help him take it on his own.

In addition, you need to be completely sure that you really love him. So you will be much more comfortable and free to make a confession.

Very often, women who are in love with a man decide to admit it to him. Wherein main problem what remains is that in our society it is not customary for a woman to take the first steps in such matters.

Although, as they say, in this matter all methods are good, and, regardless of gender, it is necessary to fight for your happiness. That is why for many the question of how to confess love to a man is relevant and exciting.

At the same time, a woman who wants to win a man should not throw herself on the neck, because in some cases this can simply frighten the man. The main thing you need to find out before taking active measures, this is how he suits you, as well as find out if he is ready for a serious relationship with you.

It is possible that in the event that a man you like is not ready for a relationship, your confessions may push him away from you.

Confessing to a man in love, you should not overplay. In addition, try to put aside your principles, pride, fears and insecurities for a while, since all this does not contribute to sincerity.

That is why, when confessing love to a man, you should first of all be guided by your feelings, because by opening your soul to him, you can become closer to him, but at the same time, you should remember that in this case there is a certain risk of opening up to the wrong person . In addition, you should not rush and fuss, because you have enough time to confess your sympathy and prove the veracity of your words.

How to confess to a man in love

It is best to express your feelings to a man in romantic setting which contributes to such situations. Excellent for these purposes. fit good a restaurant or a cozy cafe with light, romantic music.

During the evening, you should choose the right moment to confess your love to a man. Psychologists recommend in such situations to take a loved one by the hand and look into the eyes, because it is easier to calm down and concentrate.

At the same time, everything must be done so that your declaration of love for a man does not come as a surprise. Therefore, during romantic evening you need to gradually bring him to this issue.

Feelings must be expressed without hesitation, openly. It is quite effective to use foreign expressions in recognition words, or to prepare it in advance, for example, in poetic form. At the same time, it should be remembered that passionate confessions are the lot of a man.

Of course, in order to confess your love to your beloved man, you need to be madly in love with him. And you also need to have a strong character, because this is a rather responsible step.

Many make a mistake when they confess their love to a man, while they simply experience passion and sympathy. A declaration of love is not just words.

Think seriously about how dear this man is to you. When you think about how to confess your love to a man, you must know exactly what role he plays in your life.

If a girl can make sure that her feelings are mutual, then it will be much easier for her to confess her love. A girl who not only loves but is also loved will feel comfortable with her man.

It is desirable to confess your feelings for a man in a romantic setting. You can go to a cafe or restaurant. The main thing is that you feel confident there.

During the entire romantic evening, choose the one right moment. Look into the eyes of your interlocutor, so you can gain self-confidence. Also good decision is to hold the hands of your loved one

Your confession is likely to be a real surprise for a man. But we must try to make it so that it still turns out to be pleasant surprise.

Be open about your feelings for a man. If you want a declaration of love to look unusual, then you can prepare in advance beautiful poems about love. Or you can just confess your love on foreign language.

Avoid passionate confessions, because only men confess like that. Tenderness is what matters.

A beautiful, dazzling smile and words that you love him - classic version, which will help to understand the chosen one about the depth of feelings.

After you confessed your love, be sure to look at how the chosen one reacted to your words.

What you need to consider if you want to confess to a man in love

One should take into account the fact that a person with experience becomes more suspicious and cautious. Therefore, if the man you like is one of those age category, then it will be quite difficult to kindle interest in him in his person.

It should also be noted that most bachelors value their “freedom” so much that at the first hint of a serious relationship, they simply “jump” from them.

When you really like a man, it is best to do everything so that he himself takes the first step towards the beginning of your relationship. To do this, you need to listen to him carefully, look at him with tenderness in your eyes, and also carefully monitor his emotions and share them in order to become irreplaceable.

In cases where you doubt that a man you like has strong feelings for you, it is best to abandon pathos words such as “I love you” and confess your love to a man with your actions and hints.

It is best to express your sympathy softly at first, because if a man has certain feelings for you, this can become an impetus for him.

If you definitely like some pretty man, and you are almost one hundred percent sure that he was created especially for you, the question naturally arises, is he - the dream of your life - interested in you ?!

What is the best way to confess your love to a man?

Can you and, if so, how to confess your love to a man? The main thing here is to find the strength in yourself to make this very recognition. As a result, two outcomes can be expected similar situation: You will be reciprocated or you will be refused.

But keep in mind that in any case, no matter how you win: if you are reciprocated, then you will find long-awaited happiness, and if you are denied, then you will simply understand that this man was not created for you, that your the second half is looking for you somewhere.

In this case, it is better to hear a refusal than for a long time to be lost in doubt, to waste one's own personal time, and nerves on this person instead of investing your strength in the right man for you.

If the object of your adoration gives you all sorts of signs of attention, shows interest in your person, then, of course, it would be reasonable to approach a man and explain to him, however, if you had a bitter experience of communicating on such topics with a man you liked, if you misinterpret male signs attention, then, of course, it is advisable not to take risks and not start a conversation on this topic.

If you still decide to confess your love to a man, then first use the language of gestures and body; focus on your eyes, as they are the mirror of the soul.

To begin with, look into his eyes inadvertently, from time to time take your eyes off to the side, as it is not recommended to “drill” a man with your eyes, look at and hypnotize him. It is no secret that most men, just like women, are shy when people of the opposite sex openly show interest in them and far from always like open flirting with their eyes.

And if a man feels your eyes on him, if he watches you closely, then in any case you will feel it, even if you don’t look at him at that moment.

Thus, the answer to the question "how to confess your love to a man" will be: "Make it with your eyes"! Rest assured that this is the safest and most secure way to get recognized.

And finally, when you really understand that eye contact established between you and that a man really likes you, then sincerely smile at him and just see what happens next ...
