Pimples on hands from water. Dry skin of the hands in the winter, or how I defeated chicks

At least once in a lifetime, each of us has encountered the problem of pimples on the hands, accompanied by annoying itching and, most unpleasantly, cracks in the skin. Have you ever wondered where they come from, why the skin on your hands cracks and what measures should be taken to combat this? Let's try to figure it out...

Causes of cracked hands

IN childhood chicks in most cases appear in frosty weather with too long being outside. However, this trouble from frost can also occur in quite adult people. For example, you wet your mittens while playing snowballs with a child, and then these mittens froze in the cold. Rest assured, you are provided with chicks. And signs of their appearance will be itching, cracks, redness and slight swelling. Noticing all this, you must immediately take measures to care for your hands.

Experts recommend, having noticed the manifestation of such symptoms, contact a specialist, because if you do not start treating chicks on your hands in time, the disease can go into a deep stage that requires serious treatment. Also, under such a condition of the hands, other troubles can be hidden, such as psoriasis, various allergic and skin diseases. If the skin on your hands is cracking, do not scratch the skin wounds, because it is through them that bacteria enter the body. Another sign of chicks can be peeling, as well as tightening of the skin after cleaning the premises.

Speaking about the reasons for the appearance of chicks on the hands, one cannot fail to mention various household chemicals, cleaning products, detergents with which many housewives have to deal. Being too aggressive, such substances can cause problems with the skin of the hands.

Also, the reasons for the appearance of chicks on the hands can be:

Lack of vitamins in the body. The skin of the hands, deprived of vitamins, dries up, conditions are created for the progression of the disease, the itching becomes unbearable, and only serious anti-allergic treatment can cope with it;

Lack of moisture in the skin. Excessive care of the skin of the hands can also turn out to be quite sad. For example, if you do not take off your gloves at all when you are outside and do not have anything to do with cleaning the apartment, pimples can arise from a lack of moisture in the skin, in fact, due to a lack of water absorbed by the skin of the hands;

Influence of various substances during construction, repair work. At this time, the skin of the hands is exposed to harmful effects. Painting paints, primer and other means necessary for repair, getting on the skin of the hands, act on it extremely destructively. Hence the peeling and severe itching.

These are the main reasons for the appearance of chicks on the hands. Now let's try to figure out ways to prevent this unpleasant condition, which include diet, hand care, hygiene and healthy lifestyle life, and also consider how to get rid of chicks on your hands. True, many are sure that the skin of the hands requires only regular moisturizing with the help of various standard creams, but this is far from the case. After all, the skin on your hands often cracks due to problems inside your body, and cream can only be cured outward manifestation without solving the problem itself.

So, you can avoid the appearance of chicks on your hands by observing the following requirements:

Diet. Keep in mind that your body needs a specific proportion of water and vitamins to function properly. Their lack, and in the case of vitamins and an overabundance, lead to a weakening of the skin condition, and eventually to chicks. Therefore, try to moderately consume vegetables, fruits, and if they do not allow weather, drink vitamins, drink at least two liters of water a day and do not forget the basic rules healthy eating.

Hygiene. Always remember about hand hygiene, replace your usual soap with cream soap, which not only cleanses, but also moisturizes, does not allow the skin of your hands to dry out.

Hand cream. You can avoid the appearance of chicks on your hands by daily moisturizing your hands with a nourishing and protecting cream from harmful effects. The best option is a cream with vitamins A and E. If for some reason you prefer not to buy store-bought creams, they will be perfectly replaced by various natural oils, and aloe juice is also suitable.

Gloves. When going outside in the cold season, try to wear gloves. It does not hurt, by the way, to have a second pair in reserve, if the first one suddenly gets wet.

Gloves for cleaning the apartment. Necessarily to avoid harmful effects chemicals, protect your hands while cleaning with special household gloves.

How to get rid of chicks on your hands: folk remedies

Now about how to treat chicks on your hands, what means will help to cope with this problem. First, it is worth noting that treatment can be carried out using various medical preparations, but you can use no less effective folk remedies thanks to which the skin of the hands is perfectly moisturized, peeling disappears. From the various options for hand skin care, we will choose the 10 best folk remedies:

Almond oil. Able to get rid of chicks on hands in just a couple of days. Just lubricate your pens at night with a few drops of oil and put on cosmetic gloves;

Glycerol. Mix it in half with ammonia and make cosmetic mask to be applied immediately after steam bath for hands;

Vitamins. cook vitamin mixture by adding 1 tablespoon olive oil a couple of drops of vitamins A and B, as well as E. You can replace olive oil with sunflower or butter. Thanks to this mixture, the skin of the hands becomes soft, while it does not need to be washed off at all, since it is absorbed very quickly.

Burr oil. The oil contains great amount beneficial vitamins, thanks to which it is very easy to cope with chicks. Just put a few drops of oil on your hands and massage them.

Milk. Make a nutrient mixture from a tablespoon of olive oil, you can also take sunflower oil and spoons of milk. Its application to the hands will help get rid of chicks on the hands in just three procedures.

Sea buckthorn oil. Great for all kinds of skin irritations. Just rub it in sea ​​buckthorn oil in a small amount into the skin of the hands and the itching will gradually disappear.

Boiled potato mask. This hand mask is very effective in getting rid of pimples on the hands, and a little milk can be added to provide a greater effect. Do not interfere in this mixture and a few drops burdock oil.

Chamomile decoction. Wonderful tool hand skin care. It fights very well with various bacteria and heals wounds. Just wipe your hands with a swab dipped in decoction.

Calendula oil has long been known as a healing agent, including wound healing. Add just a couple of drops of calendula oil to 1 tablespoon sunflower oil and get a wonderful mixture to nourish the skin of the hands. And don't forget to wear cotton gloves on your hands all night.

Decoction of plantain. A wonderful remedy that will help treat chicks on the hands, heals wounds. You can also use freshly picked, properly rumpled leaves, the slurry of which is applied to the skin of the hands for a little more than half an hour. This slurry has a healing effect on small cracks in the skin and helps fight peeling.

4380 02/15/2019 6 min.

Chicks on hands - common problem, which occurs as a result of the contact of cold air and wet or insufficiently dried hands. Often this problem torments children. This happens due to the fact that their fat layer is much less than that of adults. However, this problem can also affect adults. Treatment of chicks should be started from the first days of the problem. If measures are not taken in time, the condition of the skin can worsen.

Medication use

What to treat? Treatment can be done with the help of medicines or with the help of traditional medicine. There are people who trust only proven medicines. What does medicine offer? It is necessary to steam your hands well. After this procedure, the skin of the hands must be treated with miramistin or chlorhexidine.

To do this, moisten a cotton swab or tampon soak in liquid, treat your hands and dry without using additional products in the air. After that, the hands need to be processed fat cream preferably for children. It is good if the composition will include chamomile or calendula. D-panthenol copes well with the healing of wounds on the skin of the hands.

On the video - treatment of chicks on hands at home:

If itching appears, then it can be removed with a soda bath, with chamomile .

Cream "Sinaflan" in its composition has hormonal components. Often this remedy is prescribed after taking baths. The cream must be applied in a small layer, doing this very carefully.

Panthenol in the composition of the foam fights very well with the healing of wounds on the skin. After a couple of days, you will see noticeable improvements. After a full recovery, take good care of your hands.

Folk methods

Baths for treating chicks

How to withdraw folk methods? What helps? IN folk medicine hand baths to eliminate chicks are widespread.

  1. A bath that will include warm water and 1 dessert spoon of olive oil. This bath is best done in the evening, at night. When your hands are in the bath, after completing the procedure, lubricate them with a fat cream. On top you need to put on cotton gloves and leave them on your hands all night. In the morning you will see that there is no trace of chicks left on your hands.
  2. 2 large spoons of sunflower oil should be mixed with 6 drops of iodine and 2 tablespoons of starch. The whole mixture must be placed in a container with 0.5 liters of warm water. This bath should be taken for at least 30 minutes. Burdock oil is applied to the hands after the procedure is completed.
  3. A mixture of herbs is also great for the hands. Plantain, chamomile, plantain, burdock and calendula should be taken in equal amounts - a pinch each. All herbs are poured with boiling water. Then you need to add 10-15 ml of shampoo and the same amount of glycerin to the herbs. All components are well mixed, hands are lowered into the bath for 15 minutes.
  4. Chamomile and sage are a wonderful combination for treating chicks. After making a mixture of herbs, take 1 tablespoon and pour a glass of boiling water. The decoction should be infused until the water reaches room temperature. After that, the solution is adjusted to the desired amount. In no case do you need to wipe your hands after the procedure, it is recommended to dry them naturally.
  5. regular milk - good way rid your hands of chicks winter period time. Milk must be heated to 25 degrees. Add 7 drops to milk after heating vegetable oil. In the resulting bath, hands are lowered to the hands for 30 minutes. After that, the hands are wetted with a towel and smeared with cream.
  6. Take 1 liter of warm water, add 1 tablespoon of glycerin, 1 teaspoon of ammonia and mix. Such a bath should be taken for at least a quarter of an hour, preferably 20 minutes. After finishing, you need to wipe your hands and grease them with burdock oil. Burdock can be replaced with an aloe hand mask. It is necessary to mix aloe juice and honey, rub into the skin for 10 minutes. After the end of the action, the mask must be washed off, hands should be greased with a fat cream. If no means help, but peeling and dry skin appear on the face, you should seek help from this

The video shows how to treat chicks on your hands:

Ointments and various masks

In folk medicine, there are many recipes for eliminating with the help of masks. After taking baths, you can apply the following version of the mask. Mix 1 egg yolk with 100 grams of sour cream, juice from half a lemon. Also add half a glass of vodka to the mixture. All components are thoroughly beaten. This mask is enough for several procedures. Store the mixture in the refrigerator. The mask works especially well after a herbal bath. Apply a mask on your hands for 30 minutes, no less.

Liquid after boiled potatoes you can not pour it out, but apply it to treat chicks. First, you need to wipe your hands with the tip of a cucumber, and then pour over your hands with a decoction. Also, the potatoes themselves are very good to use as applications. It is necessary to boil 2 potatoes in their skins, grind them, add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Lemon juice can be replaced with cucumber juice.

The ingredients must be mixed well. Put the mixture on your hands in a warm form, wrap it on top plastic bag. The duration of this remedy is 20 minutes. After the end of the effect of the mask, the hands are washed off with water and smeared with a cream with micronutrients. Another potato can be mixed with 2 tablespoons of sour cream. Use the application method as in the previous method.

Sunflower oil and vitamin A quickly help to overcome chicks. You will need 1 bottle of vitamin A, which can be bought at a pharmacy. You also need to take 100 ml of sunflower oil. The mixture should be rubbed into the skin 3 times a day. Can be used instead of sunflower oil linseed oil or olive. And burdock oil pure form able to deal with chicks on their own. It just needs to be rubbed into the skin several times a day.

If you are a happy owner of such a home plant as aloe, then know that he is a faithful lifesaver, helping in the fight against chicks. After squeezing out a little juice, rub it into your hands. At severe dryness hands, you can apply peach or almond oil. It is better to use it during a massage. Warm the oil a little and put 2 or 3 drops and massage your hands. Massage should be carried out until the oil is completely absorbed.

An effective decoction of chamomile, which not only removes chicks, but also disinfects the skin of the hands. After boiling 1 liter of water, add 1 tablespoon of dry chamomile to it. The liquid should brew a little. And the bath should be done only in hot water.

A well-known way in the fight against chicks is sea salt. You need to take 1 tablespoon sea ​​salt without any additives and add 1 tablespoon of castor oil. Mix all components in water. The bath should be taken for at least 10 minutes. After that, the hands are wiped and treated with baby cream.

On the video - a cure for chicks on the hands:

Glycerin is considered a potent anti-chicken remedy. If you read the composition of the cream on the packaging, then many of them include glycerin. You can prepare a similar cream yourself. In a small, low container or jar, place 1 tablespoon of glycerin and add vitamin E. You can usually find it in capsules or in the form of drops. If you have a vitamin in drops, then add 5 drops. If the vitamin is in capsules, 5 capsules. Mix this mixture, the ointment is ready. Apply the cream every evening at night. Carry out the procedure until the chicks disappear.

  1. going out on Fresh air in cold weather, keep your hands dry.
  2. hot and cold water not suitable for hand washing, use warm water only.
  3. Oily cream must be applied to the hands after each wash.
  4. When using hand soap, keep in mind that its percentage of moisture was high. Laundry soap destroys the upper skin covering, which leads to dryness, flaking and exposing the hands to infection.
  5. Only soft towel must be used after washing hands.
  6. It is strictly forbidden to use an electric dryer. If you still use it, then keep your hands as far away as possible.
  7. Use gloves when washing dishes. They will help protect the skin from damage by detergents.
  8. As soon as it starts to get cold, put on gloves.

Chicks are the nuisance that needs to be dealt with. And most importantly, you can achieve good result in the fight against them. Beautiful and well-groomed hands are important for every person.

Many believe that chicks are a common problem in children. But, alas, adults are also prone to the appearance of chicks on their hands. After they appeared on the hands, the person is faced with painful sensations, which are most manifested when the "wounds" come into contact with various chemistry. In addition, the hands begin to look untidy, and this person begins to push other people away from him.
Why do they appear

In most cases, chicks are the reason for non-compliance with certain rules by the person himself. It is because of the negligent attitude to some "trifles" that they appear. The reasons for this may be:

Being outside without gloves in severe frost;
handwash things using cheap powder on synthetic bases;
lack of vitamin A in the body;
the use of creams that dry and weaken the skin of the hands;
change hormonal background;
age-related changes. After 55 years, a person's skin becomes dehydrated and weak.

Chick Prevention

In order not to ask yourself the question “how to treat chicks?”, You need to regularly, especially in cold season year to take preventive measures. They are as follows:
1. You can not stay on the street with wet hands.
2. In severe frost, be sure to use gloves.
3. If the skin suffers from dryness, then you need to smear, abundantly, hands with glycerin cream.
4.If not washing machine, and you have to wash it by hand, you can not use cheap washing powders.
5. "Pamper" your body with vitamins. Lack of vitamin A can contribute to severe drying of the skin of the hands and its peeling.

First symptoms

Recognizing the occurrence of this problem is quite easy. In winter, chicks appear after a couple of minutes of being in the cold. First the following happens:

The skin begins to turn red;

Small cracks or bubbles gradually appear;

All this is accompanied by a burning sensation in the hands.

Often, as soon as they return from the street, people begin to warm their hands. different ways. The most popular include rubbing your hands with a silk thing or warming with warm water. And this is where the real horror begins.

After rubbing with a silk thing, small wounds are even more damaged and the pain intensifies. The same thing happens when warming with water. Water, falling on the wounds, causes terrible pain. Moreover, this pain will constantly accompany a person in contact with water. Until the wound heals.

How to treat chicks with folk remedies

Traditional medicine has saved for us a lot of recipes with which you can treat chicks on your hands.

Method 1. Mashed potatoes. For the treatment of chicks, you can use a mixture of potatoes with cucumber juice. To do this, boil a couple of potatoes, and add a couple of teaspoons of cucumber juice. Mix everything and apply to problem areas. Then you need to wrap something. Ideally, cellophane. Keep this puree for about twenty minutes.

Method 2. Tray with honey and milk. She needs a glass fat milk, preferably with a high percentage of fat content, half a spoonful of olive oil. If olive oil is not available, sunflower oil can be used. And one teaspoon of honey. After everything is mixed, the palms are immersed in the bath until the liquid cools down.

Method 3. Pour a liter of warm water into the container and add a tablespoon of olive oil. You need to keep your hands in the water for about 15 minutes. You need to carry out this procedure every day until the wounds completely disappear.

Method 4. starch bath. Starch is boiled to get a jelly-like mixture out of it. After it is ready, hands are immersed in it until the bath has completely cooled. Perform this procedure every day. You can then use a moisturizing hand cream.

Pharmacy funds

If you do not want to resort to traditional medicine, then you can go to the pharmacy and buy:
Cream "Astroderm". According to the manufacturers, it is capable of as soon as possible accelerate the regeneration process and prevent inflammation.
As an ointment for chicks, Levomekol is well suited. It has a disinfecting effect and promotes rapid skin regeneration.
Ointment "D-Panthenol". This ointment is in most cases used when a friend has not been helped. The substances included in its composition contribute to the speedy healing of damaged skin areas.

Every child knows what chicks are on their hands: red, weathered skin, with pimples and micro cracks.

My hands itch terribly and my skin stings from water and snow. I want to scratch all the time, which is what small children do: they comb until they bleed. The beauty of their hands does not bother them, but scabies bothers them, they become irritable and can sleep and eat poorly.

Pimples on the hands occur not only in children who like to play with snow in winter, to make snowballs with their bare hands, which is why wet hands in the cold are covered with chicks.

Also, chicks can cover the hands of adults, especially those over 50. They especially need to watch their hands so as not to subject them to such a test as chicks.

IN winter time years, with the onset of cold and frost, pimples may appear on the hands of older adults, the skin may crack and become rough. Adults don’t play snowballs, but they often talk on their cell phones, shake off snow from their children’s and grandchildren’s clothes, go to several shops on the way after work: first in the cold, then in the heat, then again, warm and cold. Temperature difference for a short time negatively affects the skin.

The appearance of chicks in adults is possible from a vitamin deficiency in the winter. Also, in violation of hormonal metabolism, after 50 years, the skin on the hands is more dehydrated. It is drier, so there is the greatest likelihood of pimples and cracks, especially in the cold season.

Dry hands causes

Causes of dry hands in that the skin on the back of the hands has almost no protective layer of fat, there is little sebaceous glands, it is thin and constantly, especially in winter, exposed to water, wind, snow and cold.

And who has dry skin by nature, only aggravates the situation if they do not moisturize it, do not nourish it with vitamins, do not take care of it. Dry hands not only make hands ugly, but also accelerate the aging process of the skin on the hands.

The causes of dry hands are different, but basically, you need to make sure that every time after washing your hands, after washing dishes, after any contact with water, wipe them dry: the water remaining on their surface, evaporating, dries the skin.

Especially, this process of drying the skin is active for people of a certain profession: for example, dishwashers in catering establishments, cleaners, car wash workers, and so on. Gloves used by people of these professions do not save, because the hands are still wet in gloves. With repeated removal and putting on gloves during the day, an infinite number of times alternate moistening and drying of the skin of the hands occurs.

How to get rid of chicks on your hands

Get rid of chicks help on hand old recipe from grandmothers:

You need to boil two potatoes, mash, add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice, mix. When warm, put this mixture on your hands, wrap it with polyethylene, and then with something warm, for example, a scarf. You have to keep this for 20 minutes.

Such a compress is therapeutic in itself, after a week the skin on the hands will smooth out, redness and irritation will disappear. But, in this miracle action, the words that you need to say when you lay on your hands will especially help. mashed potatoes With lemon juice:

“My hands will be healed by a tender mass, they will become soft and snow-white. Truly."

As you know, words are material. It is for this reason that in the old days everything healing procedures healers and healers accompanied with words, saying aloud the goal that they want to achieve in the process of treatment. The secret is simple and it really works.

After removing the compress, wash your hands in warm water and dry thoroughly with a terry towel, then grease the field with baby cream.

Treatment with burdock oil

Treatment with burdock oil gives a great effect. It can also be used in the future, to prevent the occurrence of chicks. Burdock oil is an extract of the root, which is the most powerful remedy in the fight against skin diseases.

Rubbing burdock oil into the skin of the hands will not only protect it from dryness, the spread of bacteria, remove itching and redness, and relieve any inflammatory process, but also nourishes the skin of the hands with essential vitamins.

Ointment Vaseline

I remember from my childhood how my mother smeared my chicks with Vaseline after walking, downhill and sledding.

Cheap but natural remedy for skin care. Now it is used everywhere in the composition of creams in cosmetology. But, nevertheless, as well as before, it can be bought at a pharmacy.

Vaseline-smeared chicks disappeared after a couple of days. In any case, the skin calmed down instantly, it stopped itching and itching. It was possible to play calmly in the evening and do lessons. You just need to be careful not to smear everything you touch with it.

The disadvantage of petroleum jelly is its fat content. Therefore, you need to apply petroleum jelly quite a bit on the skin of the face and hands, preferably at night. Vaseline softens even very dry and damaged skin. It is simply necessary if your work is such that you are constantly on the street: in cold weather, in snowfall, and in severe frost.

winter hand care

For winter hand care Very good suitable cream With vitamins A, E, Aloe juice, natural oils. Choice cosmetic creams huge, you just need to take into account individual sympathy and intolerance.

In order to provide constant protection to the hands in winter, you need to regularly apply moisturizing and nourishing cream throughout the day: after getting your hands wet, a moisturizing cream, before going outside - a nourishing cream.

In the evening, you can take care of your hands with your home remedies, making them warm two or three times a week. nourishing baths from milk. No wonder Cleopatra took milk baths and bathed in milk to preserve youth and beauty. Components for making homemade baths are natural and always at hand:

1. In 200 ml of warm milk, dilute a tablespoon of honey and add 4-8 drops of olive or sunflower oil. Keep your hands in a milk bath for 10 minutes until you feel a comfortable temperature for your hands. Then pat your hands dry with a tissue and apply a nourishing cream on them.

2. Add chamomile infusion to a glass of milk. IN warm bath put your hands down for 5-10 minutes. Chamomile has disinfectant properties and the ability to heal wounds and cracks on the skin. After the procedure, blot your hands with a napkin so that no moisture remains on them.

At proper care behind the hands in the winter season, not only the absence of chicks is guaranteed, but also the preservation of the youth and beauty of your hands.


Despite the fact that today a woman has a huge arsenal of hand care products, there is still such a thing as chicks.

When they appear, the hands become dry and rough. In advanced cases, the skin may crack and bleed.

This problem should not be taken lightly, since an infection can penetrate through open wounds, which will cause purulent inflammation.

Pimples on hands, reasons

The chicks appear different reasons. Basically, naughty children suffer from them, who do not like to walk in mittens in winter and who like to launch boats in thawed patches in the spring.

After all, it is known that even a short stay in the cold or the wind can cause redness, as well as pimples.

In fact, their occurrence gives a woman a lot of inconvenience. Aside from the aesthetic side of the issue, chicks lead to painful sensations when doing home cleaning. Even simple dishwashing can cause discomfort.

One of the factors contributing to the appearance of the problem is dry skin on the hands. If it is not sufficiently hydrated, and contains a small amount of sebaceous glands, then this can be one of the causes of this problem.

To prevent chicks from appearing in this case, it is enough to constantly use a special moisturizer and not go out into the street without gloves in cold windy weather.

Another risk factor for this problem is beriberi and hormonal imbalance. In this case, you should consult a doctor who, based on the tests, will prescribe a course of treatment.

Chicks can also be the result professional activity women or non-compliance simple rules- washing dishes without rubber gloves or washing with a powder containing aggressive substances in its composition. In this case, the skin on the hands is dehydrated, which contributes to the appearance of chicks.

How to treat chicks

To get rid of chicks, you first need to determine the cause that caused them.

Vegetable oil

If the chicks on the hands appeared from the cold, how to treat them? If you just need to moisturize the skin and reduce inflammation, sea buckthorn oil is perfect. Works great for this problem. regular use peach or almond oil which need to be slightly warmed up before application. Heated oil should be rubbed massage movements into the skin for 3-5 minutes. Excess is removed by blotting hands with a dry cloth.

Chick potato mask

For example, potatoes are boiled in their “uniform”. After it has been cooked, it should be thoroughly kneaded and a small amount of vegetable oil, cream or sour cream should be added. The resulting mixture is applied to dry, clean hands for half an hour, and then washed off with water. At the end of the procedure, hands should be lubricated with a nourishing cream.

Glycerin hand mask

There is another recipe that is great for getting rid of the problem of chicks.

To prepare the product, you must purchase glycerin at the pharmacy. The vial should be topped up with vinegar or ammonia. This mixture is rubbed into the skin at night, put on plastic gloves and left until the morning. After a few applications, the hands become soft and velvety to the touch.

This composition is used repeatedly and stored in the refrigerator in a dark glass bottle in which glycerin was purchased at a pharmacy.

Proper nutrition

Since the cause of dry skin of the hands, and, as a result, chicks, may be a lack of vitamins, it is necessary to adjust your diet by including foods such as liver, vegetables, and vegetable oil.

At the same time with internal ways treatment using external methods. Before going outside, it is recommended to lubricate the skin of the hands with a moisturizer and wear gloves. At night, it is also useful to make a nourishing mask.

Treatment of chicks with drugs

When fighting chicks, they use not only folk remedies, but also medications, one of which is astroderm. He has many useful qualities, promoting skin regeneration and having an anti-inflammatory effect. Even after short-term use, the process of wound healing occurs quickly and painlessly.

Preventive measures

It is known that it is much easier to prevent a disease than to treat it later. Chicks are no exception.

The most important thing is not to neglect the rules of hygiene. If it is impossible to exclude skin interaction with harmful substances contained in household chemicals, it is necessary to at least reduce their harmful effects.

For washing dishes, it is best to choose products containing ingredients that help soften the skin and use warm water.

One more preventive measure vs chicks is proper washing hands Of course, today it is unlikely that anyone will use for these purposes laundry soap thinning the skin. Hand washing should be done with soap containing useful components to hydrate and nourish the skin.

After washing, you need to wipe your hands dry, and it is best to use not an electric dryer, but a natural soft towel.

If chicks on the hands of a woman are real problem, it is best to put a moisturizer with you in your purse, which you need to use during the day after each hand washing or interaction with water. Doing wet cleaning in the apartment, you must use gloves.

In winter, hand care is helped by baths that are easy to prepare using the available components for them. For example, a bath consisting of a glass of milk heated to room temperature with the addition of a few drops of vegetable oil is excellent for moisturizing hands. Hands are dipped in the bath for half an hour, and then wiped dry with a napkin and smeared with a nourishing cream.

If there are wounds on the skin, then with the addition of a decoction of chamomile.

Thus, by properly caring for your hands, especially in winter, and observing the rules of hygiene, you can avoid the appearance of chicks.
