How to dress in anime style. Anime style in the appearance of a modern stylish girl

Japanese anime is especially widely represented in cosplay, and for good reason! Anime characters are often endowed with very distinctive personalities and costumes, so dressing up in them at festivals and anime conventions is a lot of fun. However, cosplay means more than just dressing up in a costume. The right attitude and confident demeanor will help you fit into the character just as much as the costume you wear.


Part 1

Immerse yourself in character

    Choose a recognizable character for yourself. There may be a character you like that you think you can play perfectly, but if that character isn't well known, you probably won't resonate with the people around you. For cosplay, iconic and clearly recognizable characters are best suited. They don't have to be the most famous, but at least, they should be familiar to at least some of the participants in the convention of anime lovers in which you are going to attend.

    • If the attractiveness of the image is a priority for you, think of a character that the fan community will most like and that you yourself consider the most beautiful.
  1. Study your character. For some, cosplay only means the art of making costumes, but the truly passionate cosplayers know how to play their characters. The game requires a deep knowledge of the character's behavior, his psychology and life history. Study the source material and teach yourself a crash course in character study. Ask yourself questions and try to answer them. What is the character's deepest secret? How does the character make contact with strangers? What are his hobbies? All this may not have much effect on the personality of the character, but knowing these points will help you get into character and properly tune in to playing your role.

    • For example, if you are going to portray the character Rei Ayanami from the world of the anime series Evangelion, it would be nice to revisit his series closer to the date of the convention. Pay attention to how the character is drawn and how his character develops. A good cosplayer may just act shy and mysterious, but the best cosplayer will try to adopt the character's way of thinking as well.
  2. Rehearse some character poses. To become a great cosplayer, you need to learn how to convey the whole essence of your character with just one pose. Try to take a pose without any movements and words, which by itself will express the character of the character. Try rehearsing in front of a mirror various poses and see if any of them are the most spectacular. If you're having trouble choosing the most effective pose, try looking at illustrations and promo images of the character and try to copy your cosplay poses from them.

    Ignore negative attention. Unfortunately, for all the amazing opportunities anime festivals and conventions have to offer, they also attract haters and detractors. Transformation into attractive girl from anime can be a clear challenge for any of them. If such a person approaches you or makes an unflattering comment about you, it is better for you to ignore him and move away. Nothing breaks the created image of the character as much as real stress, and you don't need negative emotions, which may interfere with your normal participation in the convention of anime lovers.

    • If someone relentlessly stalks you, it would be wise to contact the security of the event or the police.
  3. Use plain (preferably natural) fabric. Thin, knitted and slippery fabrics are very difficult to sew, and the result of their use can be a completely unattractive suit. Try to avoid using such fabrics unless you are an experienced seamstress. Use plain fabrics medium severity, as it is easiest for beginners to work with them. Try to pick up natural species fabrics such as poplin, cotton or fine wool.

    Make your costume recognizable. In most cases, people will admire your outfit for only a few seconds, and then turn their attention to something else. Thoroughly accurate costumes are simply great, but if necessary, it is usually enough to include a very simple element in the costume that will immediately make your outfit distinctive and recognizable. Depending on your knowledge of anime, you can come up with various ways informally embellish the outfit. Even if it's just a schoolgirl outfit, a simple pokeball in your hands will tell the others that you are impersonating someone from the world of the series " Pokemon".

Part 3

Do your hair and put on makeup

    Visually enlarge the eyes. Anime is a very specific style of cartoon animation, and perhaps its most distinctive feature is the way it depicts enlarged eyes. In cosplay, such eyes can be depicted with makeup. Outline the eyes with white eyeliner and visually increase their contours by layering around light eyeshadow. Shadows will help you create a new and enlarged eye shape. Lightly blend them along the outer edge to smooth out the transition.

    • Although you will have to use more eyeshadow than usual, the rest of the make-up should remain moderate. This will make enlarged eyes look more natural. An exception can only be the case when the character initially uses some kind of special makeup.
  1. Try using contact lenses. Since the eyes are so important in the anime drawing style, you should try to draw as much attention to them as possible. This can be achieved quickly and relatively accessible way- the use of contact lenses. Study your character's eye style and decide if it would be appropriate for you to use colored contact lenses to better fit the character.

  2. Apply blush to your cheeks. Anime girls are stylized in many ways. Often they look like dolls, so makeup should also give you a doll look. Use blush to make your cheeks rosy like a character. If desired, you can first make the face paler with a concealer and foundation. If you need any specific clues about your character's appearance, re-watch the anime with his participation. The best cosplays are based on the exact recreation of all the details of the character's appearance.

    • However, makeup is not the most important part of cosplay, so don't worry too much about it if working with cosmetics is by no means your forte.
  3. Straighten your hair and give yourself bangs. There is no universal "anime hairstyle" for girls. It is always recommended to make a hairstyle based on the image of a particular character. However, straightening your hair will give you a more "Japanese" look. Also, bangs are very characteristic of anime. It is recommended that you find a suitable image of your character and show it to the hair stylist to make you a similar hairstyle.

    • There is also the possibility of using wigs. Suitable wigs can be found in stores selling carnival costumes.

Asian culture has been capturing the European market for many years. At first we fell in love with sushi, which today has become a fashionable snack in any self-respecting cafe, then we got hooked on japanese anime falling in love with big-eyed cartoon characters. Japan throws up today new trend- Anime style in clothes. It must be said that many have already liked such exoticism, teenagers have especially well received this trend. Fashion gurus did not stand aside either, designers everywhere use anime-style clothing elements in their new collections. Well, let's take a closer look at the cartoon style, shall we?

Anime style: story

As many have already guessed, the anime style in clothes was borrowed from the genre of the same name. Japanese cartoons. These cartoons appeared in the last century and immediately fell in love with the Japanese, and later the European public. cartoon characters became so popular that teenagers began to copy their images, transferring the cartoon style to real life. At first, such extravagant images were perceived by the public with caution, but now, not only are they used to exotic outfits, but many are happy to adopt some elements, diluting them with a boring everyday wardrobe.

What is anime style in clothes? This is a hodgepodge, a mixture of heaps of styles. Here you can find borrowing elements from styles such as grunge, gothic, lolita, cyberpunk and even Victorian and aristocratic style. Followers of the anime style want not only to stand out from the crowd, but also to convey through their image own feelings, mood, character traits. It is extremely emotional and individual style clothes.

Anime: directions and types of style

As we have already said, the style of anime is incredibly diverse, which allows us to highlight its main directions. Here are the directions into which the anime style can be divided, of course, this division is conditional, since often several directions are combined in one image at once:

Lolita style. The anime lolita style has many directions, it can be an absolutely puppet, vanilla image, including pastel-colored things from tulle, multi-layered chiffon, a variety of golfs and stockings, with bows, hairpins, butterflies, ruffles. great attention is given to accessories, often the images are complemented by silk or lace gloves, umbrellas in victorian style, small vintage handbags and, of course, beautiful expensive shoes. Usually these are patent leather shoes on a platform, a doll model with a wide strap on the instep. Often, anime lolitas wear fluffy tiered skirts with crinoline and tulle, make high bouffants and make-up with an emphasis on the eyes. They are completely different gothic lolitas, here the images are created demonic, vampire, they prefer black, sometimes diluting it with white, pink or scarlet. As a rule, both classic and gothic lolitas dye their hair black or white, very White color.

Cosplay. This style of anime is gaining immense popularity in Japan, it is no longer even a clothing style, but a lifestyle. People who prefer cosplay style not only dress like their favorite anime character, they copy his hairstyle, makeup, habits, facial expressions, lifestyle. Some even decide to plastic surgery to achieve even greater similarity.

Ganguro. The name of this style comes from the name of dark-skinned anime characters. Followers of the ganguro style abuse tanning in a solarium or on the beaches, dark self-tanning, and do their best to give their skin a dark bronze tint. Ganguro anime clothes are chosen in rich, often acidic shades, combining several things in flashy colors in one look. From clothes, adherents of the ganguro style choose miniskirts and tops with their favorite anime characters, shoes are also always bright and extravagant. Ganguro hairstyles are no less spectacular, often hair is dyed in acid colors, bouffants are made. There is a lot of glitter and mother-of-pearl in the make-up, but the emphasis, as in all areas of anime style, is on the eyes.

Visual Kei combines gothic, rock, and cyberpunk. This style was adopted by the followers of jrock, that is, Japanese rock, which became popular in the 80s of the last century. Admirers of this style carefully think over their image, creating it with the help of corsets, wide belts, leather tops and pants, fluffy skirts. As with all anime styles, there is extravagance and layering here. Visual Kei style Special attention given to bright makeup and breathtaking hairstyles, often several strands of hair are dyed in bright colors.

AT pure form anime style, perhaps, is suitable only for extravagant teenagers, but anyone can easily adopt some elements of this style, thereby adding individuality and Japanese peppercorns to their style.


Nowadays, young people often prefer extravagant images, very unusual bows. Therefore, for younger generation the anime style is also inherent This is enough new style, which quickly became popular and in demand among young people. Main idea this style is in Japanese films and cartoons. All the characters in such a movie are characterized by high emotionality, their own special character. In addition, all the characters are quite large expressive eyes. This style is preferred by both boys and girls.

Varieties of anime style in clothes.

Anime style, like hip-hop style in clothes , has its own characteristics and varieties. Let's try to analyze several varieties of this direction:

1) Lolita. This kind of anime can be called "vanilla". Girls prefer to dress in “doll” clothes, brightly paint their lips, expressively line their eyes, prefer dresses with fluffy skirts, leggings, golfs, gloves, miniature handbags.

2) Cosplay. AT this case implies a complete copy of your favorite character. The same shoes, the same outfit and the same accessories are selected. The hairstyle is also completely copied.

3) Ganguro. In this case, black characters are copied. People who prefer this type of anime are trying to portray a dark-skinned character completely, and even bring their skin color as close as possible to dark.

Everyone chooses for himself what kind of anime style he prefers. And do not forget about the availability of accessories.

How do anime girls dress?

Girls who dress in anime style try to somehow stand out from the gray mass. They choose for themselves a certain kind of given bright style and fully comply with it. Such girls like to watch Japanese films and cartoons. In their fashion wardrobe certainly there are leggings, stylish sneakers, original tops, T-shirts and T-shirts with a variety of themed prints, dresses with fluffy skirts or just tulle skirts and so on. From accessories, they prefer elegant bracelets, stylish earrings, original rings and chains with pendants.

Thus, the anime style is now quite popular and it continues to gain popularity among young people.

AT recent times became very popular japanese anime cartoons, in which different heroes act very bright and interesting appearance. By the way, in my opinion, a very interesting feature of anime is that the appearance of the hero in these cartoons can tell us about the character of the character. For example, if you see a character with pink hair and big eyes, then this is clearly a very kind and freedom-loving character.

More recently, the anime style has moved from animation to clothing. . The first, of course, were Japanese girls who looked after themselves outfits from cartoons and wear them with pleasure. At home in Japan, this style is very popular. Just bright clothes, make-up and on the street you meet the animated character of your favorite animation.

Anime in clothes.

Anime style in clothes.

Of course, anime characters look very bright and youth style The anime is just as awesome. versatility, here distinguishing feature anime style. If you want to look like an anime, wear clothes in the shape of a rectangle or a trapezoid. And, of course, everyday t-shirts and caps, t-shirts with applications of cartoon characters and sports shoes.

In the anime style, this is primarily an experiment and a rather risky experiment. Don't give up, remember confidence trump card stylish girl! But you should not completely imitate your favorite anime heroine either. We remember that you need to choose a hairstyle, haircut, and hair color individually for the shape and features of the face. I think that the hair color should not be made too bright, it is better to choose something close to more natural color. Although at modern technologies, I think you can, and experiment, the color can always be restored and changed. Ponytail, bob haircuts and, of course, animations have bangs in almost every cartoon. Stock up on mousses, gels, foams, hairspray and fantasy, do not forget about the sense of proportion. That's all it takes to create an anime style hairstyle.

Anime style is great amount very bright colors and combinations. If you are active and emotional person dress brightly. - anime. Preference is given mainly to: white, black and white, red and orange flowers. And, of course, the more different accessories and decorations, the better! Makeup in anime style, in my opinion, is better not to turn it into a grotesque and not to achieve naturalism. Just long eyelashes with good mascara and slightly enlarged eyes with eyeliner and shadows.

Kawaii (expensive Japanese) my stylish girls! Don't be afraid to experiment! It's so cool! Your Anna!


Japanese style clothes - characteristic of modern Japan Street style in which Japanese girls and boys like to dress. Although most of the Japanese image is associated with something ethnic, for example, with a kimono, in fact modern teenagers In this country, people dress completely differently than many people are used to imagining.

The concept of Japanese style, in fact, combines several varieties of styles at once. All of them are similar to each other in their brightness and shocking, but they have a number of differences that may not be evident to the uninitiated.

Harajuku (Harajuku)

This the style is named by analogy with the Tokyo area, where, in fact, it originated. The Harajuku area is close to the train station and is always full of life. It is famous for the fact that many clothing stores are open in it, in which Japanese teenagers like to shop. The style is a mixture of national Japanese motifs and modern fashion.

Style features - layering of clothes, brightness of colors, abundance. To dress in this style, you need to pick up as many contrasting colors as possible. A yellow sweater over a red one, which, in turn, is worn over a blue T-shirt, a pack Pink colour, boots or rough boots, bright striped, stockings or leggings - this is how a girl in harajuku style can look like.

Do-it-yourself items or clothes made (or altered) are considered to be a special chic of style.. Harajuku is aimed primarily at self-expression, at demonstrating one's individuality. Therefore, it is almost impossible to find two girls or boys dressed the same within this style.

For complete style matching, accessories are certainly required. Just as porridge cannot be spoiled with oil, so it is impossible to spoil the image in the harajuku style with rings, earrings.
Within the framework of this style, an unusual japanese style hairstyle and bright make-up, which is a highly desirable but still optional component, as well as acid strands in the hair.

Street style harajuku has become a kind of base from which many other Japanese styles have grown.. Taking it as a basis, Japanese teenagers created many other, no less interesting styles and images.


A special unusual image gives a specific make-up in japanese style. For it are used light shades. girls paint their lips light lipstick, bring black eyes, but the shadows use light ones: white, blue, mother-of-pearl.

Ganguro accessories are just as glamorous and colorful. In the first place among them are rhinestones and artificial flowers.

Literally means "visual style". This was originally the name of a musical genre that arose on the basis of Japanese rock and glam in the 1980s. Then Japanese youth formed the Visual kei subculture, in the depths of which the style of the same name was born. It is characterized by an androgynous orientation, unusual hairstyles, bright makeup and makeup.

In addition, representatives of Visual kei prefer to adorn themselves with original rock paraphernalia. Adherents of style tend to shock others with their appearance, copying appearance loved by them musical group. Representatives of Visual kei can mix several subspecies of style in their image (there are about 15 of them).

How to create a Japanese style look?
