New Year's traditions in the world. New Year in ancient Egypt

New Year in Egypt - 5.0 out of 5 based on 2 votes

Egypt is a state with a well-developed tourism industry. Everything for quality is here. beach holiday with great diving and surfing. The exotic panorama and warm climate can please many, even demanding and sophisticated travelers.

Rich history of interest cultural heritage known throughout the world. These are various monuments of architecture and art of different times: the pyramids, the Great Sphinx, Luxor. Everyone who came to Egypt for the first time will be surprised by the abundance of temples and mosques. The capital of the state - Cairo - is even called the city of a thousand minarets.

New Year for tourists

New Year in European countries is identified with the first of January. New Year's holiday on January 1 is not traditionally significant for local residents. However, it is the Egyptians who do everything for their guests, so they arrange a show program for them as well. They will delight you with a Christmas tree decorated in a traditional way. European style, Santa Claus, bright garlands, fireworks and other pyrotechnic novelties. They will also offer a lot of all kinds of entertainment related to the New Year holiday.

The atmosphere of the holiday is complemented by a wide variety of New Year's gifts and souvenirs for family and friends. The Red and Mediterranean Sea, beaches and palm trees will make the holiday exotic and unforgettable.

The traditions and wishes of the guests will be taken into account so that they do not get bored and do not regret that in such important holiday are far from home.

If you are worried that there will be no “herring under a fur coat” on the festive table, take the opportunity and enjoy the local traditional cuisine. Egypt was famous since ancient times for agriculture, and the fertility of the land gave rise not only to the abundance of products, but also to the ingenuity in cooking. For example, you can try a traditional dish Egyptians:

torn into pieces puff pastry is mixed with almonds, raisins, grated coconut and spread on a baking sheet. Then pour hot milk with sugar, and top with whipped cream and bake in the oven. Served hot.

Exotic in desserts and appetizers. Dishes of national cuisine are characterized by the absence of pork and the presence of a large number a variety of vegetables and fruits, nuts. Used lamb, poultry, fish. Be sure to have a special tahini sauce, which is made from nuts, sesame, olive oil and lemon juice. Dishes are richly flavored with spices and seasonings.

This is how eggplant is baked in Egypt

stuffed pigeons

It's a few unusual dish- stuffed pigeons. Pigeons for these dishes are grown on special farms.


This dish will appeal to lovers of sweets - nuts inside a cocoon of caramel threads.

When do locals celebrate New Year in Egypt?

The locals celebrate the New Year on August 15th. This is related ancient tradition with the onset of the Nile River. The harvest depends on this event, and hence the abundance for the whole year. Water during the spill is considered sacred, and everyone is simply obliged to fill the vessels with such water. On the eve of the spill, prayers are held. On the first day - thanksgiving and offering gifts to the gods revered by the Egyptians. Celebrate the new year gala dinners in family circle or with friends, there are festivities and holiday programs, no less bright and cheerful than European-style New Year's shows.

The site wishes you a merry and bright New Year!

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In many countries, the New Year is considered the main festive event of the year, a truly national and national holiday. However, in Egypt, the New Year is not considered to be traditional holiday in our usual understanding of this phenomenon. Officially, January 1 is declared as the beginning of a new year, announced national holiday and day off. But folk tradition, which has its roots in antiquity, thinks otherwise.
The fact is that traditionally in ancient Egypt, the beginning of the new year did not fall at all in the winter and was associated primarily with the flood of the Nile. The date of the first season of the new year was determined by the rise of the sacred star Sirius for the Egyptians and the subsequent flood of the main water artery of Egypt. Naturally, for Egypt, 95% of whose territory is occupied by desert, the flood of the Nile was a sacred period, from the beginning of which the ancient inhabitants of this country counted new stage own life. The waters of the Nile at that time were considered not only sacred, but also miraculous: they were filled with special vessels for holy water. It was also customary to visit friends and relatives, offer prayers for the ancestors and praise the gods.
chief actor rituals on the eve of the New Year was the goddess of love and music Hathor, daughter of the almighty god Ra. On the eve of the New Year, the “night of Ra” came, when the sun god fought and invariably defeated the gods of darkness. On this night, the ancient Egyptians held the main New Year's ceremonial - a solemn procession, during which they carried a sacred boat with a statue of Hathor, and then installed it on the roof of the temple. The procession was attended not only by the priests, but also by the pharaoh himself. Interestingly, the statue of the daughter of the god Ra was placed in an arbor with 12 columns, which symbolized the 12 months of the year. The first Sunshine the first day of the new year, falling on Hathor, was considered a blessing of the god Ra and his daughter, and the temple, and all of Egypt.
Times have changed, but customs and mores have remained largely the same. The bulk of the population of Egypt, especially older generation, residents countryside and just conservative-minded citizens of this country prefer to celebrate the New Year according to ancient traditions. Therefore, the holiday of January 1 is not perceived by many Egyptians as main holiday year, and it is not customary to celebrate it with such ardor and scope as, for example, in our country. Celebration of the New Year in the Western style can be considered a kind of tribute to fashion, as well as an excellent reason to attract tourists to this wonderful country. For whom the New Year is the most significant event of the year, it is for the Egyptians employed in the tourism business. Indeed, what could be more attractive for a traveler from Western countries than the celebration of the New Year in Egypt. it unique opportunity to combine one of the most traditional and favorite holidays of the West with an absolutely unusual and exotic atmosphere of the East. What could be more tempting: instead of snow and cold - sun and heat, instead of snow and ice - sea and sand, instead of the usual fir trees and pines - fantastic palm trees and pyramids. And all this - in an atmosphere of celebration, which the Egyptians cordially strive to create, above all, for Western tourists.
But one should not think that there is something false and unnatural in this striving. Yes, the Egyptians are not used to celebrating the New Year the way we do. However, they gladly join this holiday, experiencing no less joy from the process of preparing for a significant event. From mid-December, the Egyptians begin to prepare the streets, offices, banks, hotels, supermarkets, shopping centers for the New Year, decorating them in the usual New Year's manner. Garlands are hung around Christmas decorations, serpentine and other New Year's tinsel. Of course, live spruces in Egypt are not often seen, especially in the homes of ordinary Egyptians - you can buy them, but they are quite expensive. Those wishing to acquire christmas tree prefer cheaper ones artificial Christmas trees. In the same capacity, thuja is sometimes used. However, the most popular Christmas plant, which can be found literally at every turn, is the poinsettia. The "Star of Bethlehem", as this wonderful creation of mother nature is also called, is a flower with green and bright red leaves. Poinsettias are not only customary to decorate their homes and places of work on the eve of the New Year, but they are also willingly given to each other as a Christmas present. As for New Year's gifts in general, the statistics show: year after year, the Egyptians spend everything more money to buy New Year's gifts for their loved ones, obviously getting into the taste. by the most popular gifts jewelry, clothing and electronics are considered.

Country of pyramids, hot sun and desert. All this is little associated among the inhabitants of our latitudes with the celebration of the New Year. We, who are accustomed to a snowy frosty winter, find it hard to imagine decorated Christmas trees on the hot beaches of the Mediterranean and Red Seas. The whole image of Egypt does not fit into the traditional feeling of the New Year.

But what if we break away from tradition for a while and try to experiment? Spend New Year not among the snowdrifts, but among the hot exotics of the Land of the Pharaohs?

Why Egypt?

According to research social networks and bloggers, it is Egypt that ranks first among the tourist countries where residents of certain states tend to celebrate the New Year. Moreover, coming to the resort, people, as a rule, tend to escape from the hustle and bustle of the holidays and plunge into the world of the sun and hot beaches. Far from the last place is the weather, which pleasantly surprises with its warm and hot days. And the sea simply envelops with sweet bliss, because the temperature of 28 degrees is just a paradise for swimming.

TOP tourist packages

Almost every tourist prefers or. These two cities are located in the very center of the country, because their equipment is highest level. Here, tourists will find fashionable hotels, trendy restaurants and clubs where you can relax to the fullest, forgetting about the bustle of the world. Concerning temperature regime, the staff of each of the hotels prescribes the numbers on the plate with chalk daily. As practice shows, these figures do not change significantly from day to day, but in the evening there is a slight decrease.

Comes from antiquity

In the distant past, there was a tradition to celebrate the New Year on September 11th. It should be noted that the local population adheres to it to this day. As for tourists, they firmly established the rule to celebrate this celebration on December 31, which is in serious conflict with the usual way of life, formed many years ago. However, representatives of the service sector easily met the guests of the country, because they have developed entertainment programs on the territory of each hotel, and some have the opportunity to attend concerts where invited celebrities from different countries peace.

It is at this time of the year that there is a great opportunity to see the sights of the country, because weather most suitable for this. Moreover, it is not only the charms of the mysterious Nile, the tombs of the pharaoh or the mysterious pyramids. This is just a small part of what Egypt has to offer us today. Even though the tradition of celebrating the New Year falls on a completely different date, the local population always welcomes the fun and joy that begins on December 31: bright and colorful fireworks, plenty and variety competitive programs- all this speaks in favor positive attitude to our usual way of life.

Few are aware, but this holiday is celebrated in Egypt three times a year. The decoration of streets, houses and hotels begins around the beginning of December. Near each building, thujas in cozy and miniature pots and Bethlehem stars flaunt, houseplants with scarlet leaves, which are among the most popular natural jewelry countries at this time of the year. If you look into a flower shop, you will see a huge variety of Dutch Christmas trees. At the entrance to such a store, the visitor is greeted by Santa Claus, or, as he is called in the French manner, "Papa Noel".

The first feast falls on the day of Catholic Christmas. Then, of course, both the local population and many tourists, as they say, "the whole world" plunge into the "fireworks" of the New Year. But relatively recently, the day of January 7 has become officially considered a holiday, because many Copts (as the indigenous people of the country are called) are Orthodox. The explanation is very simple: in the first century, the apostle Mark, who taught in Alexandria, became a preacher of Christianity. To this day, in local churches you can see festive services and religious processions. As for our compatriots who also want to give give religious traditions, they can be found in the temple of Demetrius of Thessalonica, which is located in Cairo.

New Year's attributes: where without them?

But is it generally known in Egypt about the usual elements of celebrating the change of the year? You will be surprised, but yes! In Egypt, you can see Christmas trees and even Santa Clauses. True, all these attributes of a winter holiday, for the Egyptians themselves, are rather a tribute to fashion. Celebrating the change of year on the night of December 31st to January 1st began here thanks to a large number tourists from Europe and other countries where they celebrate the New Year on this day.

In the major cities of Egypt, as early as the first days of December, shop windows and hotels begin to decorate with various New Year paraphernalia: artificial spruce branches, balls and garlands. In large cities of the country, the central streets are also decorated.

In Egypt, you can get a real Christmas tree. Forest beauties are brought to the Land of the Pharaohs from Holland and Denmark. It is also not a problem to buy a variety of Christmas decorations in major cities of the country. True, the city is decorated not with living fir trees, but with thuja and " Bethlehem stars"- this loud name is worn by scarlet five-pointed flowers, very popular in Egypt during the New Year and Christmas holidays.

Another striking attribute of the Egyptian New Year are large bright sculptures of Santa Claus or "Papa Noel" - this is the French name for the New Year's wizard.

Egypt also celebrates Catholic Christmas which is celebrated on December 25th. It is celebrated here mainly by Catholic tourists and those foreigners who live in the edge of the pyramids all the time. And also here official holiday considered January 7th, Orthodox Christmas. It is celebrated here by the Copts, this is the name of the local representatives of the eastern branch. christian church. In Egypt, they make up a significant part of the population - 7-8 million people.

Santa Claus or Santa Claus?

How is the Egyptian New Year different? First of all, the fact that together with Santa Claus is everyone's favorite here - Santa Claus, or Papa Noel, as they call it in the French manner. It turns out that you can order such a "Santa" in every hotel room. Of course, a grandfather with a white beard and a bright scarlet suit does not quite fit into the picturesque seaside climate, however, this does not diminish the joy of the children: believe me, there is no limit to happiness.

It turns out that many have long departed from the usual traditions of celebrating the New Year. Much more exotic is the meeting of the "new life" at the bottom of the sea or even on a safari. Within a short time, you can quickly be transported to the territory of other resorts in the country. So, not far from Hurghada, the resort of Elguna flaunts. Sharm El Sheikh also offers its tourists the opportunity to have a great time celebrating the New Year on the territory of the coral island, as well as take a ride on a boat equipped with a glass bottom. Then the delights of the seabed will become unforgettable for tourists! Therefore, the guests of the country, getting to Egypt in winter, will become hostages of bright and colorful entertainment that will help make the celebration of the New Year an unforgettable adventure.

As you can see new year holidays in Egypt, you can celebrate on a grand scale. Just think how unusual and unforgettable New Year's Eve will be spent on the sandy shores of the Mediterranean or Red Sea, on the sand heated by the sun in the company of a beautiful Dutch Christmas tree. Surely such a meeting of the New Year will be remembered for a long time.

In Egypt, New Year and Christmas are celebrated three times a year. Since early December, large shops, malls and hotels in Cairo and other cities have been decorated with Christmas trees, toys and twinkling garlands in anticipation of Western Christmas and the New Year. On the sidewalks in front of flower shops are exhibited artificial Christmas trees, thuja pots and especially popular here " stars of bethlehem"- five-pointed large flowers of scarlet color.

You can also buy natural Christmas trees from Holland for $100-130 apiece. The gazes of passers-by linger on the two-meter sculptures of round-cheeked Santa Clauses, which are called here in French Père Noël - apparently in memory of those who brought the custom of celebrating Christmas to desert Egypt. Western Christmas is mainly celebrated by tourists and foreigners living in the country, but many Egyptians celebrate the arrival of the New Year.

"We consider Christmas a foreign holiday, and the New Year is common for everyone - both for Muslims and Christians," the Christmas tree seller Mohammed Magid told RIA Novosti correspondent, at the same time complaining that the green beauties sluggishly disperse. But he does not lose hope - after all, in two weeks the Egyptian Coptic Christians will begin to celebrate their Christmas and New Year according to the Gregorian calendar, and there will be buyers for the goods.

The Christian doctrine came to Egyptian land with the apostle Mark, who began preaching in Alexandria in the 1st century. Now in the country there are seven to eight million Copts belonging to the eastern branch of the Christian church. Three years ago, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak decreed January 7 - Christmas according to the Julian calendar, followed by the Copts - a public holiday. On the eve, festive services are held in numerous Coptic temples and procession. Several hundred Orthodox from Russia, Ukraine and other countries living in the Egyptian capital gather in the Cairo church of St. Demetrius of Salun.

Islam respects Christians and Jews - monotheists. In the Qur'an they are called "People of the Book". Among the prophets, Isa - Jesus, Musa - Moses and other righteous people are mentioned.

Muslims, who make up the majority of Egypt's 75 million people, have their own New Year and Christmas. The Ras al-Sana holiday marks the beginning of the new year. lunar calendar. The date of the Hijra - the migration of the Prophet Muhammad with his followers from the city of Mecca to the oasis of Yathrib (now the city of Medina) was taken as the starting point of the Muslim chronology. In the spring of next year, 1426 Hijri will come. Among religious holidays Muslims also have "Maulid al-Nabi" - the birth of the Prophet Muhammad. Since the date of his birth is unknown, Christmas is timed to coincide with the day of his death, which followed in 632 AD. According to Muslim manuscripts, the first Muslim Christmas was celebrated in 1207 in the city of Erbil (northern Iraq) by order of the son-in-law of Caliph Saladdin. Under clear Christian influence, solemn processions were held on this day with lit lanterns and images of the mother of the Prophet Muhammad, Amina, but then these rituals were banned by theologians. Now "Maulid" is just a day off.
Egypt has been a crucible for thousands of years, where religions and peoples have been fused. New Year is the most ancient holiday on his land. In the time of the pharaohs, the New Year was celebrated during the flood of the Nile - around the end of September. During the excavation of one of the pyramids, archaeologists found a vessel with the inscription "Beginning of the New Year". On New Year's Eve, the statues of the god Amon, his wife and son were placed in a boat that sailed down the Nile for a month, greeted by the singing and dancing of the inhabitants.

Having become part of the Roman Empire, Egypt followed the example of the Romans, who celebrated the onset of the New Year in early March, and after the introduction of a new (Julian) calendar by Julius Caesar, on January 1. From the ancient Romans came the custom of giving gifts on New Year's Eve and festively decorating dwellings. With the advent of Islam in the seventh century AD, new customs and holidays began to be established in Egypt, but nowadays the New Year, with which the Egyptians, like all earthlings, associate new hopes for better life, happiness and well-being, reborn again.

New Year in Egypt is celebrated three times. official start calendar year considered January 1st. According to the Islamic calendar, the Egyptian New Year begins on the first day of the month of Muharram. According to ancient traditions, this holiday is celebrated on September 11 - the day the Nile River floods after the rise of the sacred star Sirius.

New Year January 1

On the night of December 31 to January 1, the Egyptians gather for festive tables or have fun on the streets in the company of friends.

The most ambitious New Year's festivities take place in Cairo. The streets of the capital are filled with crowds of merry tourists and townspeople. At midnight, the sky erupts with fireworks. The liveliest place for the celebration is the Zamalek area, where the most expensive hotels are concentrated.

For the inhabitants of Egypt New Year - a great opportunity make money from foreign tourists. Grandiose parties and show programs are held in restaurants, hotels, bars.

Traditions and customs

For the Egyptians, the New Year is January 1 - new holiday, which has no ancient roots and traditions. Residents of villages and small towns do not pay attention to this celebration. They celebrate the holiday at dinner in the family circle or spend it as a normal day. Inhabitants major cities they picked up the trend of Western European culture and adopted many traditions and rituals from it.

Before the New Year, the Egyptians put things in order in their homes, throw away the rubbish accumulated over the year. On holiday, they put on new elegant clothes. The inhabitants of this country believe that as you meet the New Year, so you will spend it. On the eve of the celebration, they try not to quarrel, not to borrow money and be in good mood. Some are summing up the results of the outgoing year, evaluating what they have managed to do from what was planned and what remains to be done.

On the evening of December 31, families gather at festive tables in anticipation of the chimes. At midnight they uncork a bottle of champagne and say greetings and wishes. The Egyptians believe that if you make a wish at midnight, it will certainly come true.

New Year decoration

The tradition of decorating houses and streets came to Egypt from Western Europe. It is not much different from the customs of Europeans.

In the living rooms, in the squares, in shopping malls and restaurants, elegant artificial or live Christmas trees and thujas growing in pots are installed. Along with festive firs, it is customary to decorate houses with poinsettia flowers, the flowering period of which falls on winter holidays. The poinsettia, or "Christmas star," has bright scarlet bracts that look extraordinarily beautiful.

Shop windows and trees are decorated with electric colorful garlands. In shopping centers and hotels, you can see figurines in the form of Santa Claus, whom the Egyptians call Papa Noel.

Festive table

On the New Year's tables Egyptians can see a variety of colorful dishes, snacks, meat and cheese cuts. National cuisine Egypt is distinguished by the presence of a large number of spices: cloves, cinnamon, paprika, mint. Hostesses serve marinated eggplants, tortillas with meat fillings, kyufta (grilled minced meat on skewers), baked fish, stewed green beans, full medames (red beans stewed with lemon), salads and soups with seafood.

Egyptian favorite desserts are Om Ali (pie with raisins and nuts), buns with dates, zalabiya (sweet donuts), fytyr (puff pastry with custard), baked feta with figs.


For the New Year, the Egyptians present to loved ones and loved ones different gifts: from symbolic souvenirs to expensive ones jewelry. Children put sweets and toys under the Christmas tree. On the eve of the holiday, boys and girls write to their beloved fairy tale character- To Papa Noel - letters in which they talk about their desires and dreams.

Cities and resorts

Egypt is an exotic country with interesting history, culture and traditions, which will allow you to spend the New Year holidays in an unusual and memorable way.

Sunny resorts on the Red Sea coast are well suited for family vacation with kids. The most popular are Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh. Comfortable hotels offer vacationers heated pools, water parks, sports and playgrounds. AT new year's eve restaurants arrange entertainment shows for tourists and prepare delicious menus.

You can diversify your vacation with a boat trip to the coral islands or a trip on a boat with a transparent bottom. the beauty underwater world The Red Sea will reveal all its secrets while diving or snorkeling. In Hurghada, tourists are offered an excursion on a submarine. lovers wildlife interested in a jeep safari or a boat trip on the Nile.

You can explore Egyptian sights during exciting excursions. In Luxor there are the main monuments of ancient Egyptian architecture: the Temple of Karnak, the Temple of Luxor, the statues of Pharaoh Ramses II, the Alley of Sphinxes. From the city you can make tourist trip in the Bedouin settlements.

Among tourists, the excursion to Mount Moses (Sinai) is popular, which includes climbing the mountain at night and meeting the dawn. locals They believe that at the meeting of the dawn on the top of the mountain, all sins are forgiven. The tour includes a visit to the monastery of St. Catherine.

The main attractions of Egypt are the pyramids of Giza, which are located in the suburbs of Cairo and are recognized as one of the seven wonders of the world.

In the capital, there is a children's park "Pharaoh's Village", which will allow them to move to the times of Ancient Egypt and get acquainted with its history and culture.
