Gift for 6 year old granddaughter. Books as a birthday present

A girl at 6 years old is no longer a funny baby touching those around her. She is mobile, quick-witted, and sometimes very flirtatious: she strives to be like her mother, older sister or the heroine from her favorite cartoon. However, deep down, the little princess still believes in fairy tales and miracles. Birthday is a wonderful occasion to fulfill the dreams of a child and give the right gifts.

The main types of gifts for a six-year-old girl

By the age of six, young ladies form their own tastes and hobbies, they want to seem like adults, they are interested in fashion, cosmetics and other feminine attributes. At the same time, they are still children, and games occupy the main place in their lives. When choosing a gift for a birthday girl, it is necessary to focus on the features of her character, because some girls of this age are more calm and diligent, they can play with dolls or other sedentary games for hours, while others, on the contrary, are restless and prefer active pastime.

age appropriate toys

Toys are an essential part of a six year old's life and there are never enough of them.

  1. The traditional girlish attribute is, of course, a doll. Even if the girl already has fashion barbie or Bratz, then a new girlfriend will not hurt her. A popular models like Monster High or Winx involve the creation of collections. Baby dolls that need to be fed, bathed and swaddled are still relevant. An interesting option gift - radio-controlled flying fairy. It is also a useful toy that develops the coordination of the child's movements.
  2. The birthday girl will always be happy with new doll accessories: furniture, a set of clothes, a car, a carriage, a stroller or a crib for a baby, and so on.
  3. It is still appropriate for a baby to give soft toys (cats, elephants, bears and others). However, do not choose an instance too big size: of course, it will cause initial delight, but subsequently it will only take up extra space in the children's room, collecting dust.
  4. Six years is the most right time For role-playing games, which helps different sets. For example, a hairdressing salon is very popular: it includes a model doll (a head with long hair), combs, hairpins and other accessories. Such a game will teach the crumbs to take care of their curls on their own. Even young ladies willingly play doctor, shop, cafe. Only purchase as a gift should be kits designed for given age(with a variety of complex attributes).
  5. Little hostesses love children's household appliances, so a toy vacuum cleaner, a stove, a refrigerator, washing machine and other things that copy the real ones.
  6. Many six-year-old babies, like boys, enjoy designing. This is a good reason to please the hero of the occasion with a brand new set in a girlish style, intended, for example, for building dollhouse or cafe.

Popular toys for girls - photo gallery

Toy car - a luxurious accessory for your favorite doll
A set in a girlish style will develop constructive skills in a girl Game set utensils and household appliances useful for the future hostess

Flying Fairy: Toy Review - video

Good gifts for a little fashionista

At the age of six, girls are well aware of their belonging to fair sex, like to look at themselves in the mirror for a long time, to study their mother's cosmetic bag. Therefore, a good gift for a birthday girl will be things that will allow you to imitate your mother, aunt or older sister: These are clothes, shoes and various beauty products.

  1. You need to choose wardrobe items that are outstanding (albeit practical), festive and original, for example, elegant dress in which the baby will feel like a fairy princess. Shoes with heels, of course, at the age of six, it is still very early to put on, but elegant ballet flats with pebbles and rhinestones will be a great alternative.
  2. A wonderful present is children's jewelry with bright multi-colored beads: often it can please a fashionista more than expensive gold jewelry. Will complement such a gift beautiful box with different compartments for storing girlish treasures.
  3. So that the baby does not visit her mother's cosmetic bag, you can present her own, filling it with children's perfume, lipstick, nail polish and other things.
  4. For a young lady, hair accessories will never be superfluous: rubber bands, hairpins, headbands.
  5. A little princess is always happy with a new handbag, even if she already has several of them. You can buy a copy of an adult model or a purely children's version with a characteristic print.
  6. Six years is the age when girls already wear wristwatches. They will become not only a beautiful decoration, but also teach the hero of the occasion to navigate in time.

Things to create beauty - photo gallery

Jewelry - an opportunity to feel like an adult
Bag - essential attribute little fashionista
Shoes as a gift should certainly be stylish and elegant.

Educational and useful gifts, books

Do not forget that a six-year-old birthday girl will soon become a schoolgirl, so educational gifts are very appropriate at this age.

Girls are usually more assiduous than boys, so they will enjoy a quiet pastime.

  1. In children's stores today there is a huge assortment of educational didactic kits. They are aimed at developing logical thinking, memory, and communication skills. Thanks to them, the baby will learn to compare and contrast, build an associative array, compose a story from a picture, and expand her horizons.
  2. Puzzles will be an actual gift (they develop logic and fine motor skills), lotto and dominoes (train attention). Many girls, as well as boys, love puzzles.
  3. The baby will be happy to play with parents or friends in a board game with chips and a dice: you should only choose options not about races, pirates, etc., but on a girlish theme.
  4. An inquisitive person will gladly conduct his first scientific experiments if presented with special set. In addition, the knowledge gained will be useful to her at school.
  5. Some young intellectuals already know how to read at the age of six and will be delighted with a new book. It can be a collection of fairy tales or poems with colorful illustrations, stories based on popular cartoons. An interesting option is a publication with three-dimensional images or having certain form, for example, a flower. Encyclopedias are always popular with children: the main thing is to choose a topic that is not indifferent to the birthday girl.
  6. Sometimes for six years, adults already acquire various gadgets for their offspring: mobile phone, MP3 player, tablet. Of course, the hero of the occasion will be happy with such a fashionable present. However, before buying, you should consider its purpose, because it is one thing when a girl performs developmental tasks on a tablet, and the phone provides constant communication with her parents, and it is quite another if gadgets are needed only for entertainment.

Gifts for the mental development of a future first grader - photo gallery

The didactic game trains attention and prepares the girl for school A set for culinary experiments will create interest in cooking The main thing is to choose the option board game girly themed

Goods for sports and active pastime

Of course, relatives should take care not only of the intellectual, but also of the physical development of the girl. If the baby is mobile in itself, then sports equipment will make her leisure time even more interesting. And the birthday girl, heavy on her feet, such gifts will help cheer up.

  1. There are universal things that can be presented to any six-year-old. This is a bicycle, rollers, scooter, hula hoop, fitball, badminton set, table tennis. Some of these sporting goods should be supplemented with protective equipment: a helmet, knee pads and elbow pads.
  2. dance mat on for a long time will captivate the baby and will be an occasion to invite girlfriends to visit. It connects to a computer or laptop to download various tunes, although some models have a built-in set of musical compositions.
  3. Do not forget about the good old game "Classics". Today it has modern attributes: you can not draw squares on the pavement with chalk, but assemble it from ready-made bright details. And they jump not only on the street, but also at home.
  4. The exciting game "Elefan and fireflies" will amuse the girl and her peers. Multi-colored butterflies fly out of the trunk of a toy elephant (by the way, they glow in the dark), which you need to catch with nets.
  5. Trap gloves - an entertainment during which two players catch the ball with their hand in a special glove with a sticky coating.

Games for the physical development of girls - photo gallery

Classics can be played not only on the street, but also at home
Elefan and fireflies - an exciting outdoor game that diversifies the leisure time of a girl and her friends A set for a fun outdoor game that develops coordination of movements

Dance mat for girls who love to dance - video

Gifts for creativity: what you can give your daughter

At the age of six, girls already show various talents and creative abilities. Of course, they need to be encouraged by purchasing goods for drawing, modeling, and appliqués for the baby:

If the baby loves to make things with her own hands, then The best decision- purchase a needlework kit:

  • embroidery,
  • crochet or knitting,
  • beading,
  • making soap or decorative candles,
  • glass painting,
  • production of children's jewelry (from rubber bands, beads, etc.).

To facilitate the creative process, the kits are equipped with detailed instructions so that the girl will not have any difficulties in the course of work.

All these gifts not only develop the creative nature of the birthday girl, but also fine motor skills of the hands, which has great importance for future school success.

Unusual surprise gifts for a child's birthday

If you want to surprise the birthday girl with something unusual, then surprise gifts and original gizmos will do.

Magic kits: an overview - video

Memorable gifts-impressions

Sometimes the best gift bright emotions become for the girl:

Gift features for granddaughter, goddaughter, niece, younger sister at age six

Birthday gifts for children are given not only by parents, but also by other relatives. If they live with the birthday girl under the same roof or see her very often, then choosing a present is not so problematic. Otherwise, the best solution is to consult with the girl's mom and dad or personally find out her wishes.

  1. Older people often find it difficult to understand the values modern children. So that the search for a successful present is not long and exciting, many grandparents prefer cash gifts. An alternative is a certificate from a toy or children's clothing store. However, there are universal things that can be presented to a six-year-old granddaughter:
    • children's bijouterie and cosmetics;
    • hair accessories;
    • beautiful umbrella;
    • handbag;
    • fashionable bed linen;
    • cloth, knitted or crochet.
  2. It will not be difficult for an uncle or aunt to choose a gift if they have their own children of a close age. So, nieces are often given:
    • cosmetics and other beauty products;
    • books;
    • fashion toys;
    • needlework kits;
    • tickets to an amusement park or other interesting place.
  3. The older brother or sister of the birthday girl cannot afford an expensive present, but often they know the baby even better than their parents: her hobbies, tastes and dreams. That's why wonderful gift will become:
    • keychain with the image of a princess or fairy from your favorite cartoon;
    • encyclopedia for a young artist with step by step description drawings and crafts;
    • paper doll set with a set of clothes.

Beloved brother or sister always knows the hobbies of the birthday girl

DIY gift for a birthday girl

A handmade gift is of particular value, because it will be truly exclusive.

Do-it-yourself suitcase for dolls - video

A six-year-old girl quite consciously perceives her birthday as a holiday when all her dreams come true. However, it should also be remembered common sense: gifts should not only replenish the collection of toys, but also contribute to development, because very soon the baby will become a schoolgirl. And not only an expensive present, but also an original useful trifle can cause sincere joy in a child.

Six years is a fairly reasonable age, and the girl will probably already be waiting for her birthday with special trepidation. Perhaps she hopes to receive a certain gift or some new and very curious thing. And so that the holiday for the baby is filled joyful emotions, bright moments, fun undertakings and interesting surprises, adults need to try to properly organize this event. And if there are doubts about what present to give, you can always have a heart-to-heart talk with the birthday girl.

Six years - the beginning of a new path

Six years is wonderful age harmony and awareness. The personality of the girl is actively formed, the basic concepts about the world around her, about the positive and the wrong are laid. Children's spontaneity now borders on prudence, associative thinking develops. The baby finds herself among the adults and the children around her. Girlfriends from the kindergarten or from the playground become part of her life. She is already able to plan and correctly perceive her actions and the actions of other people.

At the age of 6, the girl's personality is actively formed, the basic concepts of the world around are laid.

Role-playing games are still very popular. important place in the overall activities of the child. The young lady begins to pay attention to her appearance, beautiful dresses of girlfriends and new shoes in the store. In addition, the girl and her parents are faced with the task of preparing for school. And it is important to make these classes interesting and exciting for the future first grader. perseverance, memory, correct speech, communication skills, attention, logical and creative thinking are necessary in the learning process. And you can improve these qualities and skills with the help of various methods, reading books, working in notebooks, as well as in game form. Therefore, it is good if the gifts will contribute to the harmonious development of the baby and a fun pastime.

Toys as a gift for a girl

At the age of six, the girl has many favorite activities and toys, but she is always ready to accept new friends as a gift into her close-knit company. The game contributes to the development of communication skills, interaction with the outside world, the establishment of friendly relations and the correct resolution of conflict situations in the future. The baby may want another doll for her collection or an unusual surprise.

Role play is still very important for the harmonious development of the girl.

  1. Dolls. Lots of options. Various series of toys on store shelves differ significantly from each other: some are made quite realistically, others are more like fantasy creatures, others look like monsters. Here the choice is up to the parents and the birthday girl herself. Do not forget about boy dolls, they are also necessary.
  2. Baby dolls. They are ordinary and interactive (crying, eating, pissing and even moving). If a girl has a brother or sister during this period, such a toy becomes very relevant.
  3. Things that diversify the action and help the baby change the course of usual events during the game and bring them closer to reality: a house, furniture, clothes and accessories for dolls, horse-drawn carriages or cars, a stroller for a baby doll.
  4. Stuffed Toys. Some young ladies are very partial to plush friends and are ready to receive them as a gift for every holiday.
  5. Interactive animals. If parents do not allow to have a real kitten, this option will help out.
  6. Set or collectible toys such as Sylvanian Families. Maybe the baby has been dreaming of a forest family or a character from a favorite cartoon for a long time.
  7. Railway. Collecting it and driving a train is just as interesting for girls as it is for boys.
  8. A doll that can be braided and combed. If the little lady is very passionate about braiding, look for an option with higher quality or real hair. They will not be confused and will give the baby more pleasure.
  9. Radio-controlled toys: cartoon characters, fairies and even cars.

You should not buy any monsters as a gift for your daughter if there are fears and insecurities in her life even without them. In this case, toys should be kind not only inside, but also outside.

How to make an antistress ball - video

Educational gifts for a future first grader

At six years old, a child needs toys and activities that help him further development. Before starting school, a girl should know not only letters and numbers, but also be able to communicate, hear and listen, follow instructions, take initiative, be attentive, calmly accept criticism. Although a first-grader is not required to read and write, this skill is still welcomed and even recommended as desirable. Of course, not all children calmly sit out the time allotted for preparatory classes, but most people like lessons in a playful way, as well as educational gifts.

Puzzle games develop well logical thinking

  1. Puzzle. These include mazes, puzzles, tasks for matching shapes and sizes, coloring by numbers, riddles, adding words from letters.
  2. Constructors. They can be quite tricky small details. Collecting any object, the baby learns to understand the schemes, look for analogues, follow the instructions. This process involves logical thinking and improves fine motor skills.
  3. Scanwords and crosswords from children's magazines. If the child cannot read, encrypted words are presented in the form of pictures. Such entertainment develops logic, replenishes vocabulary, and maintains interest in learning.
  4. Puzzles. They are ordinary and in a 3D version (that is, three-dimensional objects, animals, buildings are assembled from them).
  5. Board games. In children's stores, there are many options for the development of any personal qualities, logical and creative thinking, improving communication skills, strengthening friendships and family relationships.
  6. Musical toys. Synthesizer, xylophone, tambourine, whistle and other instruments contribute to the emergence of creativity.

Board games - great way spend your free time with benefit and pleasure. They are selected according to the tasks and needs of the child. Some will make the baby think, others - to count, the third - to find associations, the fourth are based on teamwork and interpersonal communication, the fifth broaden their horizons. Before choosing such a gift, adults need to take into account the interests of the hero of the occasion and growth prospects.

Gifts for outdoor activities

IN healthy body healthy spirit! Developing mental capacity babies, adults should not forget about physical capabilities. Morning exercises, outdoor games, doing some kind of sport (even at an amateur level) are necessary for a growing body. So the girl will be able to have fun, relieve stress, throw out the accumulated energy, train her body.

Physical activity is the prevention of many diseases. obesity, weakness, chronic fatigue, sleep disturbance is often the result of a lack of movement. Even when preparing a child for school, classes should alternate with physical education. The restlessness of a hyperactive daughter is simply necessary for parents to direct in a positive direction. If the baby is calm and likes to spend her time with toys and TV, adults should try to interest her. in a healthy way life.

Twister - fun game for several people

  1. Ball. This is the most affordable and common sports equipment for every taste and color.
  2. Bike. Girlish colors, the presence of speeds, a basket or a trunk will make this gift even more attractive for a young lady.
  3. Roller skates with equipment. Six years is a great age to get up on roller skates. They should be good quality, as well as protection from bruises, in order to protect the health of the athlete. And do not forget about the helmet - this is an important component in mastering the art of skating.
  4. Twister. An excellent positive game for several people, which has a positive effect on muscle strength and strengthening intra-family bonds.
  5. Scooter. Common mode of transport for modern kids. But often doctors do not advise driving it because of the resulting skew. pelvic bones as a result of the fact that the child constantly pushes off with only one foot.
  6. Skateboard. The size of the board is selected depending on the age of the girl. When riding, it is also recommended to use protection and a helmet without fail.
  7. Billiards. This is a miniature home game.
  8. Darts. The children's version is safe for the baby, as it is produced without sharp darts.
  9. Bowling. Skittles and a ball allow you to play in any room.
  10. Swimsuit, goggles, fins, snorkel, inflatable mattress, circle - good gifts for water recreation.
  11. Kite. fun activity with a run, especially when dad joins the launch.
  12. Badminton. An outdoor game that develops coordination well and involves all muscle groups.
  13. Sports complex. It will allow you to play sports with interest even at home. There are options for giving.
  14. Boomerang, jump rope, hoop, flying saucer. They will also make you move and spend time with benefit.
  15. Trampoline. Most children love to jump, and such a gift will always be popular with the birthday girl's friends.
  16. Baby dumbbells. For an active baby, there are special small bright options.
  17. Skis and figure skates. With their help and winter time year will not remain aloof from sports.

In all activities and games, adults need to take care of the safety of the child. And if it is required to use protection when mastering a gift, it is better to present it together with a birthday surprise.

Books as a birthday present

The book is a source of knowledge. And for a young six-year-old person, she is simply necessary. Children begin to read different time, for some this process is easier and faster, for others with difficulty, but everyone will have to learn how to put words together from letters.

Despite the fact that reading is taught both in preparatory classes and directly in the first grade, parents will not be able to leave the baby without help at home. In many families, the ABC book (ABC) becomes the first book of the child, but there are other methods of getting to know letters and words. If the daughter has already mastered this difficult art and loves it (or not so much yet), you need to choose printed options that correspond to her interests.

When buying a book as a gift, the interests of a young person must be taken into account.

  1. Cognitive and educational publications. These include Primer, books for learning, children's encyclopedias.
  2. Coloring book. With the help of pencils, the girl completes the illustrations for the text.
  3. Fairy tales. In our time, this is perhaps the most children's literature.
  4. Fantastic. It must be adapted to the age of the young person.
  5. Puzzle book. You will have to read and assemble the picture yourself.
  6. Adventures. They will captivate a mobile and lively person.
  7. Prose. Great for reading at night.
  8. Poetry. Some babies enjoy rhyming lines.
  9. Folklore. It represents the legends of different peoples.
  10. Game book. When reading this work, the baby will have to participate in the story.

Godparents can give a colorful Bible written in a child-friendly language.

Encyclopedias so much loved by the adult population as a gift often do not give the children the slightest pleasure and are left without attention. When purchasing a book, donors must show individual approach. And then, even if the girl herself cannot master the book, she will be happy to listen to the reading performed by her mother or other relatives.

How to wrap a gift beautifully - video

Surprises for a young beauty

Some 6-year-old girls already actively pay attention to clothes and shoes, evaluate themselves and others, ask to buy a new dress or lipstick. The young lady understands that she must be beautiful at the feast in kindergarten and on own day birth. And if the beads give pleasure to a fashionista, she should have them.

At six years old, a young lady simply needs a beautiful dress.

  1. An elegant dress or other clothing. For a girl, it is important how she looks compared to her friends.
  2. Beautiful shoes. Young ladies often choose shiny, embellished shoes. But before buying, you need to try on a new thing.
  3. Handbags, backpacks. There are options unusual shape, with a character from a cartoon, in the form of some little animal.
  4. Folding mirror and unusual hairbrush. Together with them, give a fun cosmetic bag.
  5. Perfume for children. The baby should not be allergic to toilet water or spirits.
  6. Rings, bracelets, beads, diadem. They are made independently or purchased ready-made.
  7. Jewelry box. All the jewelry of a little fashionista will fit there, which will ensure order and prevent them from getting confused.
  8. Notebooks, diaries for girls. They come with a lock, based on cartoons or with various tasks and inscriptions.
  9. Earrings. At the request of the daughter, parents can take her to the salon, where her ears will be pierced.
  10. Hair ornaments. Rubber bands, bows, hairpins are always a joy for a lover of beautiful hairstyles.

Beautiful do-it-yourself children's handbag - video

Children's creativity kits

If the baby loves to do something with her own hands, give her a kit for creativity. There are a lot of surprises for needlewomen. Only first you need to ask what the girl is fond of, what occupation she enjoys.

Pottery workshop allows you to create ceramic products without leaving your home

Kit options:

  • paper and quilling tools;
  • modeling from plasticine, salt dough, clay;
  • creating an engraving;
  • embroidery;
  • production of lip balm;
  • perfumery with their own hands;
  • making candles or soaps;
  • coloring pictures by numbers;
  • application;
  • production of bracelets, beads from beads;
  • plaster reliefs or photo frames;
  • crochet or using a special device;
  • kit for sewing or decorating handbags;
  • box for painting;
  • origami;
  • album, pencils, paints, gel pens, charcoal for drawing.

Useful gifts for a six-year-old baby

Surprises that bring benefit and pleasure at the same time are not easy to find. You should not give a girl something that will not be interesting to her, because on her birthday any gift should bring joy. In addition to books and educational games, for the baby you can buy:

  • a T-shirt with a fun print or cartoon characters, a bright skirt;
  • children's alarm clock;
  • a backpack for toys or various accessories;
  • unusual night light in the form of a starry sky or fabulous houses(or with other children's theme);
  • the same clothes from the series "for mother and daughter";
  • a set of dishes and cutlery with the image of your favorite characters;
  • beautiful baby bed linen;
  • a tablet with educational games (it will also come in handy when traveling);
  • an umbrella with colorful pictures, completely transparent or of an unusual shape, as well as interesting rubber boots;
  • mobile phone (if the baby goes to school soon, then such a gift will come in handy).

It is not recommended to give a computer or laptop for independent use at this age. After receiving such a gift, children very often cease to be interested in other activities and do not leave the monitor, which can lead to conflict situations.

A new umbrella and rubber boots will come in handy in rainy weather, and in the backpack you can put, for example, notebooks for preparing for school

Original surprises that give in six years

If parents or guests want to surprise, puzzle and amuse a young lady, then you can give her some completely new and unusual thing for her. There are a lot of options for such surprises from inexpensive to different.

Chameleon mug changes color with hot water

  1. Folding water bottle. It is comfortable for walking and hiking.
  2. 3D pen. With her help, the girl is able to draw a three-dimensional toy.
  3. Children's camera. This is an analogue of the usual adult model with a more durable case and a memory card. It will not be difficult for a child to master it.
  4. Karaoke. If the baby loves to sing, then this gift is for her. Before buying, you need to pay attention to the repertoire.
  5. Chameleon mug. When heated, it changes its color.
  6. Gyroscooter. Two wheeled vehicle.
  7. Fortune cookies. They contain sweet wishes for the future.
  8. Digital microscope. The seen image is saved to the memory card.
  9. Growing pencil. He is planted in a pot of ordinary soil and watched for the appearance of flowers.
  10. Runaway or flying alarm clock. It will help the baby not oversleep the rise to kindergarten and then to school.
  11. Pillow-antistress. It is unusual to the touch, helps to relieve tension.
  12. Children's projector (mini-cinema). An analogue of old projectors in a more compact and convenient option. You can watch cartoons right on the ceiling.
  13. Box-book. It is very similar to a normal book.
  14. Virtual reality glasses. A curious gift for a young lady, which allows you to get to another place without leaving the room.
  15. home planetarium. projects starry sky on the ceiling and walls.
  16. Game console (console). Another option for games.
  17. Electronic telescope. It will help to see and examine the planets and stars.
  18. Candles that can't be blown out, or fireworks for a cake. Such things will amuse guests and surprise the birthday girl.
  19. Animators, show soap bubbles, tricks or interesting experiences at the celebration will create a special festive atmosphere.

Memorable surprises

There are gifts that are presented as a good memory of the holiday, positive emotions And fun entertainment. You can look for these surprises in stores, make your own or order.

How quickly time has passed! The little princess is already celebrating her sixth birthday, she is already almost a schoolgirl. What to give a girl for 6 years?

She is no longer a baby, but not yet an adult young lady. We need to reflect on what are useful and serious gifts I need to buy it to help her get ready for school.

The sixth anniversary is not the beginning of preparation for school, it is, rather, the result of preparation, a test of how ready the girl is for school life. Children always prepare for school with the help of their parents, throughout their development. If a girl is physically and mentally developed, socially adapted, has the necessary work skills, then she is ready for school life.

But life is never as smooth as it is on paper. Girls are very different. Each with its own shortcomings, character traits, good and bad habits, various hobbies. What to give a girl for 6 years to help her prepare for the remaining time before school.

Gift for a 6 year old girl

  • Interesting books with assignments, encyclopedias for the future student.
  • Constructors, puzzles, DIY kits.
  • Board games: chess, checkers, loto, dominoes.
  • Sets for role-playing and theatrical games.
  • Geographic maps, globes for the accumulation of knowledge about the world around.
  • Microscope.

These gifts help to develop perseverance, patience, attentiveness, ingenuity and invention, spatial imagination and broaden one's horizons. Girls are enrolled before school music circles or art schools, in gymnastic sections, in the section of artistic skating.

What to give a girl of 6 years old if she has already shown creative abilities:

  • Notebooks, music albums, books about famous musicians.
  • Albums for drawing, paints, brushes, albums of reproductions of famous artists or albums of world art museums.
  • Interesting books and albums about dance, ballet and ballet dancers.

Physical development is also very important for girls. Good health helps in successful learning. Not all girls attend sports sections, so a gift for a 6-year-old girl should stimulate her motor activity and give them the opportunity to spend more time outdoors.

What to give a child to a girl for 6 years to improve health:

  • Sports hoop.
  • Ropes.
  • Balls, fitball.
  • Scooter.
  • Badminton.
  • Skiing and skating in winter.

Each gift for a 6-year-old girl helps her control her body, develops grace and a good figure.


School is school, and I also want to play with dolls and “daughter-mothers”. What can you give a girl for 6 years?

Girls love to play with dolls and with girlfriends as a hairdresser, doctor, artist and mother. You can give such sets and the game is activated.

To play hairdresser, you can give a set of toy jewelry to make your hair even more beautiful. Microphone for playing artists. And for the doctor soft bear or a bunny, so that there is someone to treat.

What to give 6 summer girl made by hand. You can make a lot of such gifts for a girl, but since school is coming soon, sew numbers from felt to do math.

Master class "Numbers from felt"

Children like figures made of felt because they are pleasant to the touch and do not tear. They are quite large and hard to lose. You can play with them in school, in the store. During the game, children memorize the names of numbers, learn to count. Numbers can be used to compose and solve arithmetic examples.

It is necessary to prepare:

  1. Felt.
  2. Textile pencil.
  3. Patterns.
  4. Scissors.
  5. Threads, needle.
  6. Filler.
  7. Small toys or buttons.
Action Description

Felt numbers can be made different ways. In this master class, get acquainted with one of them.

It is good because you can quickly sew the numbers on the machine. It's faster and neater than by hand.

Cut as many squares as you need. Size optional.

The number is twice as many as the numbers.

Cut and sew a number on each square. Numbers can be made in any color, but white looks more contrasting. When the numbers are sewn, lay out in a straight line. Place a square of the same color under each number.

We lay out the buttons on each square, respectively with the number. Buttons can be taken of the same type and color, but various ones are more interesting and beautiful. We sew buttons.

Now fold the squares inside to each other and sew on the machine, no need to turn inside out. Felt has the same front and back sides.

You can make a demo screen.

Make signs +, -, =.

Now you can create examples.

In the photo, the numbers are made of felt, made in a different way. If you already have a similar felt alphabet, then you can do the same numbers.

On a piece of felt, draw a number in two copies according to the pattern or without. We sew the figure, at the same time filling it with a filler. First, we sew the holes in the figure with an overcast seam. Then we perform external seams.

Volumetric numbers made of felt are used for decoration during holidays, birthdays.

The photo below shows an example of using small felt numbers in the watch craft.

Electronic Gifts

What to give a girl at 6 years old, what electronic gifts? Modern girls already have electronic gadgets by the age of six, but you can give more, since she will soon go to school and she needs a phone to contact her parents, a tablet with useful programs for learning and toys for entertainment.

Sweet gifts

A girl's birthday cannot do without sweets, without sweet gifts. What can you give a girl 6 years old.

Children believe that there must be a cake for a birthday, but in addition to it, you can give a girl sweet bouquet or a bouquet of your favorite fruits, which is healthier than candy.

Gifts - travel

A gift for a child to a girl of 6 years old is a family trip. Girls are more emotional and affectionate than boys and they will be happy to travel with the whole family. It doesn't matter where, the main thing is that everything is together. Parents themselves will come up with what will be interesting to everyone.

Usually, there are no objections to a river boat trip, a ski tour, trips to interesting places. Impressions from such gifts remain for a lifetime, especially since there are photographs that you can always look at and remember.

If circumstances or the price do not allow you to make long journeys, then you can just go to the circus together, to the park, to the planetarium. It will also be a good gift for a 6 year old girl.

Video in this article: videos about the girls birthday party, gifts for them, contests and games at the party.

Most joyful holiday noted for the girl. Now she is looking forward to when she is already seven years old: there will be a holiday again, there will be many gifts, and she will already be a schoolgirl.

As a rule, six-year-old children are already smart enough, at this age they know and can do so much that they can play on an equal basis with adults. But at the same time - six years is still quite childhood, so many children still love toys. Before deciding what to give a six-year-old girl for her birthday, you need to observe the child, what he likes, what games he likes, who he represents himself and what topics he thinks about.

Choosing a gift for six year old girl, it is worthwhile to show thoughtfulness and accuracy, the most optimal solution she will give as a gift something that will allow the baby to feel her importance, to feel the process of her growing up. If a functional object is presented as a birthday present to a six-year-old child, then it will only benefit. Of course, you can give toys, but when choosing such a gift, you should be very careful - the toy should not be too childish so as not to offend the child and disappoint him.

Medal gift for a girl six years old can become developing kits - games, kits for creativity. Such games will allow the child to fully feel his individuality, while trying himself in creation, because it is children's creativity is the process that influences the formation of personality.

Six years for girls is a turning point in her life, because it is almost over carefree childhood need to go to school soon. This period is very important and responsible, the transition to new stage always requires care and attention from adults. Considering that soon a little girl will become a schoolgirl, then you can give her a beautiful school bag, original and bright school supplies. At the same time, it is important to take into account that despite the fact that the thing is presented as a gift for the school, but give it for a birthday, the gift should be interesting and beautiful. Usually, school supplies are presented as an addition to the main gift.

It's no secret that at the age of six, girls begin to spin in front of the mirror, try on their mother's high-heeled shoes, beads and be interested in cosmetics. There is nothing to be done about it, because the girls are beginning to turn into little ladies, so they are interested in everything related to beauty and fashion. With the help of a birthday present, you can help a little fashionista become more beautiful and beautiful. The girl will certainly be pleased with a gift in the form of an original and beautiful jewelry, hairpins and other hair styling accessories, baby cosmetics. If we talk about jewelry as a birthday present, then it is especially popular with young people enjoy clip-on earrings, bracelets and beads. If it was decided to give children's cosmetics, then you should choose sets that include hair products, a comb and a small mirror, hygienic lipstick- nothing superfluous, but at the same time everything will be "for real". Sets of children's cosmetics are made of environmentally friendly components, so you should not be afraid for the health of the baby.

Little fashionista it would be nice to receive a beautiful handbag as a birthday present that she could carry on walks or to school to put her phone, hairbrush and mirror in there. So cute and functional children's accessory can be purchased in a store, or you can do it yourself, then no one will have such a handbag, moreover, this one will be a real original hand made. This gift will remain long memory. Gifts for girls from a series of accessories - umbrellas, original hats, scarves, scarves and more.

A good gift for a six year old smart girl will become interesting book from a series of adventures, dangerous and exciting journeys. At the age of six, many children already know how to read or have some reading skills. The book will help to better prepare for school, the child will be able to read it on his own or with his parents, the main thing is that it is interesting and exciting. Also of no small importance is the bright cover and many interesting and entertaining illustrations.

For a six-year-old girl's birthday, you can safely give needlework kits, at this age they become little hostesses, they wake up with a need for needlework, or become more diligent and accurate. By using gift sets you can teach your child to useful activities like sewing, knitting, weaving, embroidery. Also for this purpose, you can present sets of beads, beads, macrame threads for your birthday. These skills will definitely come in handy for a girl in life. You should not think that all this has irrevocably sunk into the past, today all this is fashionable and relevant, and the child must definitely like it and captivate him, if not for life, then for several months for sure.

Reading books or playing with dolls at home, being creative is interesting, but this is not suitable for every girl. Some little ladies like to spend time outside, they prefer leisure along with your girlfriends and friends. For active girls it is worth choosing the appropriate gifts, these can be roller skates, bicycles, a skateboard, balls, badminton, jump ropes. It is important that children improve not only intellectually and creatively, but also develop physically. In addition, active walks in the park on roller skates will have a beneficial effect on health.

A distinctive feature of the age of six years is the first conscious transition to adult life, children begin to understand the need and importance of learning, to actively prepare for school. At this age, girls and boys gladly and proudly take on certain duties, certain responsibilities. Therefore, with the help of a gift, it is necessary to demonstrate the importance of this stage, make it bright, memorable, make you feel your support and love. The older the child becomes, the more recognition he will need to feel from adults, especially from parents.

Your girl is six now. I don’t want to believe that from a funny toddler she so quickly turns into real lady. She is less and less interested in dolls, and boyfriends appeared in the kindergarten. The child is about to sit at the school desk. This is the period when childhood begins to count down... It is sometimes difficult for parents to accept changes, they try not to notice that the baby has grown up so much. As a result, like a bolt from the blue, the question arises: “What to give a girl for 6 years?” You will be surprised, but your daughter will be happy with a bouquet of flowers and money in a piggy bank. What other "gift discoveries" promises daughter's sixth birthday - in our material.

Let's not pretend: it is easier for a parent of a six-year-old girl to solve a gift dilemma than, for example, for mom and dad of a three-year-old baby. The nuance is that by the age of six, the daughter is already quite consciously making an “order”. True, the list of the girl may be extended, but the birthday girl does not hesitate to talk about her desires.

She understands well that her birthday is her holiday. The day when dreams come true. A girl’s gift list may include completely unpredictable items: from a T-shirt with a picture of a loved one cartoon character to the hamster And here it is important to keep in mind: if the girl does not get what she wants in the morning on the day “H”, the holiday will be ruined.

Sixth Anniversary Surprise: Three Tips

But very often, to the things that a girl wants, adults are looking for a worthy company. And here they are already trying to buy something really useful from their point of view. In order not to waste money, it is better to know what is useful for a girl at this age and why. There are three main points to consider when choosing a gift for a six year old girl.

  • We increase self-esteem. Many children are afraid of the onset of a new stage in life called "SCHOOL". The girl is worried about how she will join the team, whether she will be able to study well. She is really afraid to be worse than others. It is important to spend more time with the girl. Involve her in games where she can work in a team, coach leadership skills. Well, you can’t do without new beaded dresses. At this age, the girl already understands well how she should look in public.
  • We accumulate knowledge. You need to explain to the girl that learning is interesting. Better yet, surprise your classmates and teachers with your knowledge base. Fresh bright encyclopedias that you can read with mom and dad will come in handy. We need folders with cards and exercises to prepare for school. Sets for experiments, interesting stationery will delight.
  • We follow the figure. It is worth organizing active leisure for the girl. Now, when the figure is already beginning to acquire teenage features, it is important not to let the process take its course. Well, if the girl is engaged in the sports section. If not, you need to help her find her "niche". And at home, outdoor games will give a good emotional and energy discharge.

As a gift for a 6-year-old girl, adults sometimes decide to buy completely non-childish "gadgets": a cell phone, tablet, player. The child will already be able to use these things, and such presents will be to their liking. But here mom and dad should carefully consider the situation. If a girl will solve problems and exercises on a tablet, and an inexpensive mobile phone is needed to have a constant connection with a child, this is one thing. If such purchases are for entertainment, it is completely different.

Popular and useful gifts

On the thematic forums they write that popular gifts and on New Year, and for a girl's birthday at 6 years old are considered fashion dolls type Winx, as well as clothing and accessories for them. And among the gift leaders are pets. The smallest dogs in the world, the Chihuahua, are especially popular. But according to parents, girls quickly lose interest in both cartoon characters and cats and dogs. As a result, the doll goes to the toy basket, and the mother takes care of the animal. What then do seasoned parents advise giving to a daughter for 6 years?

For learning

Things that will help the child in learning are extremely important. But here you need to go beyond the banal pencil case notebooks and find items that can support a child's craving for knowledge.

  • Original ballpoint pens. For example, in the form of animals or fish.
  • Backpack. But it should be orthopedic and discreet colors.
  • Educational play sets. From the "Games of Opposites" series, when you need to select cards according to the principle of opposition. For example, a smiling and gloomy person. Also sets from the series "Laboratory of figures", "Hours and seasons" are good.
  • Books. These may be collections of fairy tales and poems with bright pictures. Folding books with three-dimensional images look very unusual. Or toy books that, as you read, turn, for example, into a flower. It is not necessary to give only educational literature. These can be stories based on the girl's favorite cartoon. The main thing is that the girl wants to read.
  • Furniture for the future first-grader. As a rule, before school, parents make repairs to the nursery and select new furniture. The girl will need her desk, comfortable chair and shelves for books. Such changes should inspire the child, give positive attitude. It's great if the furniture is not only practical, but also beautiful. For example, shelves can be made in the form of a tree or various geometric shapes. Such a gift, of course, hits the pocket. But in clubbing from the godparents, he will look appropriate and respectable.

Take note that a good gift the girl will get a wrist watch. This is not only decoration, but also an incentive to understand numbers well, navigate the time and be punctual. Just pay attention that the girl is not allergic to the material from which the case and the strap of the product are made.

For development

Puzzles, constructors, charades, lotos and dominoes are still relevant for a six-year-old girl. Also useful unusual sets for creativity and story games.

  • Volumetric paints for fabric. You can also buy several unprinted T-shirts to go with them. The girl already has a certain taste, and she will be able to create exclusive clothes for herself and her friend.
  • They are hypoallergenic and wash off easily. But be prepared that the girl will immediately decide to try the gift at a party.
  • Set for drawing with stencils. By combining stencil templates, the girl will be able to create not just drawings, but real stories, stories in pictures.
  • 3D photo frames. This is a set of photo frames with color changing markers. The child himself will paint the contours of the products, and then with the help of special glasses he will be able to see the result of his work in an unusual, voluminous form. It is good if you complement this gift with photographs of the birthday girl printed to size.
  • Blendy pens. These are "magic" felt-tip pens that change color and are easily erased from any surface. In the set, as a rule, there are postcards for coloring with a 3D effect or three-dimensional figures of animals, as well as glitter glue, stickers.
  • Rubber bands for making bracelets. This is a set that includes colorful rubber bands for weaving and special machine. It allows the girl to make hair ornaments, toys, belts, etc.
  • Orbeez sets. A series of play and creative sets for girls. There is a hairdressing salon, a design laboratory, and a jewelry workshop. At the heart of all sets are decorative multi-colored balls that "grow" in water, change color with temperature changes.
  • Sylvanian families. A series of popular Japanese figures for role-playing games. For example, you can buy a kit that includes a family of squirrels. And also a dwelling for them - for example, a tree-house.

Here's the real surprise: the secret diary. Such a gift will envy all the girlfriends of the birthday girl. This is not just a notepad. This is a box that closes with a secret code. It contains several safes for the girl's valuables, as well as a pen with disappearing ink, a flashlight keychain, stickers, a business card.

For movement

If our birthday girl is heavy on her feet, let's look for interesting ways cheer her up. Good and inexpensive gifts You can see among the sets for outdoor games.

  • During the game, a lot of multi-colored butterflies fly out of the trunk of Elephan's toy elephant, glowing in the dark. The task of the players is to collect as many insects as possible with the net.
  • A game for two, during which the participants must catch the ball with the help of special sticky discs.
  • Classics. Old and good game added modern attributes. Now you do not need to draw cells on the pavement with chalk. The jumping area is assembled from bright details like a puzzle. Well, how can you resist and not jump? You can even at home.
  • Tennis, golf, badminton. Both together and separately, these games will be relevant. The advantage is that even parents will want to keep the child company.

Pay attention to children's exercise machines, rollers, jumpers, skateboards, sets or boards for swimming. Perhaps the girl will be pushed to classes by her own pointe shoes and a tutu.

Holiday on horseback or in flight

Nice dress or new jewelry, of course great gift girl 6 years old. Some ladies dream at this age of their own high heels. Orthopedists will not approve of such shoes in the wardrobe of a preschooler, but elegant ballet flats with stones, rhinestones, and beads may well become a compromise.

You can prepare a surprise for your daughter with your own hands. Make a candy basket or sew new clothes for her favorite doll. You can write for the birthday girl congratulatory letter on behalf of her favorite fairy-tale characters and ask one of the neighbors to convey a message.

To do desired gift for a 6 year old girl, listen to her. Perhaps he gets excited looking at horses. Then take her to the equestrian club, ride around the park in karate with the white-maned ones. If your child loves swings, buy a hammock for her room. Dreaming of flying like a fairy? Give a flight in a wind tunnel.

