Useful tips from experienced womanizers. He doesn't rush things.

Many girls at least once in their lives had to experience the feeling that her relationship with a young man seems too beautiful, and not quite like the truth. After all, he is so smart, handsome, courteous, and even a romantic! Just a dream for any girl!

But very soon, returning to real world, they realize that in fact this relationship only seemed good at first glance. And all due to the fact that already at the next and closer examination of this person it becomes obvious that her young man just loves to meet and communicate with new girls, but about serious and long term relationship he hasn't thought about it yet.

Is it possible, on a first date, to see in young man ordinary womanizer? To do this, girls need to watch a man: take a closer look at his manners and behavior.

Most often, womanizers are issued the following signs behaviors:

Too confident

All womanizers are not from the timid, they love to play and do it confidently. Lovelace, without any timidity and shyness, get acquainted with unfamiliar girls in a cafe, bar or restaurant, on the street or at a disco. And already on the first date, they begin to show their courtesy. Ordinary men, unlike womanizers, always feel some stiffness or slight excitement when meeting girls.

Gives compliments

A man - womanizer does not like to wait, so he immediately begins to win the attention of a girl, complimenting her in every possible way. the main objective Lovelace - to quickly fall in love with a girl and enter into her confidence, and in a very short period of time. Their tricks mostly come across insecure girls who have a bad relationship with the opposite sex. Girls should remember that trusting relationship can develop only after some time, but not at the first meeting.

Too romantic

Lovelace loves to create a romantic atmosphere, make cute gifts, surround his "victims" with excessive attention. But it's all just part of their game of conquest. another girl. He will invite girls to a cozy restaurant, arrange a candlelit dinner, give chic bouquets flowers, invite out of town to Beautiful places etc. Excessive romanticism is a sign of a womanizer! Other men also have romanticism, but not to the same extent.

Many acquaintances, but almost no close friends

Lovelace always has many acquaintances, but at the same time, there are absolutely no close friends. All because he does not love frank conversations and share your secrets with someone. In other words, his relationships with people can be called superficial.

Likes thrills

Lovelace is constantly in search of "drive". He likes to ride at high speed, skydiving, snowboarding, etc. He loves risk and the unknown.

Lovelace, Don Juan, ladies' man- in the days of our grandparents, gallant courteous men were called so. They knew how to deftly "approach the pen", that is, kiss the lady's hand, say an ornate compliment, were pleasant in communication and extremely seductive. The days of sophisticated gentlemen are long gone. But the words that define this in our language remained, although they are used quite rarely. Let's get to know them better!

Dictionary Tour

As always, in order to reveal the meaning of the word, we turn to explanatory dictionaries. And they say that a womanizer is a seducer of women, a red tape (who drags them, that is, cares), constantly looking for new love adventures, fickle in relations with the ladies. Synonyms for the word are the names "Casanova", "Don Juan", "reveler", "libertine", "heartthrob". Now ladies' man - this, however, comes from his own - the name of the hero of a work of art.

Ah, those sentimental novels!

In the first half of the 18th century, sentimentalism dominated Western literature. This trend was characterized increased attention writer to psychological conditions person, his emotional experiences, the world of feelings - "sentiment". Lovelace is the name of the protagonist of the moralizing sentimental romance Richardson, Clarissa, or the Story of a Young Lady. A young girl, thin, tender, sensitive, romantic nature, becomes a victim of treacherous harassment and seduction of a smart, prudent, cynical, treacherous aristocrat with the appearance of an angel. With the publication of the book, the name Lovelace took root in society. This word has become a household word to refer to windy men striving for easy, unpromising love affairs, flirting, adventures.

The charm of villainy

Richardson's novel wild success not only among the English reading public. Its content was well known to the educated part of the population of Western and Eastern Europe, as well as the New World. In Russia, ladies read to them, dreaming about the fatal hero-lover. Pushkin in "Eugene Onegin" says that his Tatyana fell in love with "the deceptions of both Richardson and Rousseau." The author of the work even complained that his negative hero, a womanizer man, was more popular than the virtuous and decent Clarissa. Critics of that time, as well as today, are unanimous in their opinion that Richardson's Lovelace is one of the most striking, original and interesting characters in English literature. This is an image of "Satan" in the "guise of a gentleman" - charming, witty, fearless, courageous and not knowing pity.

Having found out who the womanizer is, we will continue our research. From the pages of the novel, the name stepped into Big world and was picked up by other writers, already in the same 18th century becoming a household word. However, having entered into wide word usage, it is written in Russian somewhat differently than in the original language. The English have the correct surname - Lovelace, which means "love lace". That is, Richardson called the hero so for a reason, but with a hint of his ability to weave love affairs how craftswomen weave lace: gracefully, subtly, cunningly, sophisticatedly. The Russian version arose, perhaps by analogy with the word "catch" - womanizer. Synonyms for him were selected appropriate: libertine, windy, don Juan. But the same Pushkin, an excellent connoisseur of literature, with a subtle linguistic instinct, in Onegin used correct form surnames - "Lovlas". And Lovelace is a very common surname among the British!

And I know dear by ...

Remarkable examples of the heartthrob have been given to us by our Russian literature. Remember Onegin! He was a true genius of the "science of tender passion" - flirting and seduction. What Pushkin writes about this: from his youth, Eugene could “be hypocrite, seem languid, languish, dissuade, make believe”, was “languidly silent” and “fieryly eloquent”. It cost nothing to Onegin to disturb the hearts of the “note coquettes”, to fall in love with himself, then, in the current language, “quit”. The guy-womanizer - this is how the current youth would describe him. And, in fact, she would be right! Another wonderful example of heartbreak is Pechorin from A Hero of Our Time. As if by notes, he played the seduction of Princess Mary. Managed to fall in love with Bela. Vera was a victim of his fickle nature for many years. As the hero himself correctly noted, his feelings were for women not a source of happiness and joy, but of disappointment and unfulfilled hopes.

Psychological picture

Let's try to get out character traits real womanizer. First of all, these are men who are completely self-confident, enterprising, able to take everything under their control - from the first steps of seduction to the denouement of the novel. It is easy for them to take and get acquainted with the lady they like anywhere: in transport, cafes, on the street, in companies. And even if a woman is already married, or she has a fan - it doesn’t matter, this fact will not stop a real Casanova. On the contrary, he will give the situation the sharpness and piquancy that this type of men needs so much. After all, Lovelaces are rather interested not in the final result, but in the process of “hunting”, the development of tactics and strategies and their phased implementation. Naturally, such men are devilishly charming, courteous. Some put on a romantic air and act accordingly. beautiful courtship, gifts, candlelight dinners - ladies' man themselves enjoy the intrigue they are leading. After all, often they are real aesthetes! And play on tender strings female soul for such people - a real pleasure. Whether to succumb to seducers depends on the ladies themselves. Want to vivid impressions, a holiday today, but without the hope that it will last tomorrow, then the womanizer is the perfect gentleman for you. afraid to stay with broken hearted- stay away from him!

Relations between a man and a woman- this is difficult process in which you need to take into account all the little things and features. If you start only from your principles and views, then it is unlikely that you will achieve success in your personal life, because another person may have a completely different character.

Basically, today classify people in their behavior and outlook on life, therefore, for sure, many women would be interested in knowing the features of a man-womanizer, who can break his heart and ruin his life, or vice versa - give years of happiness and joy. Yes, such a man may well become yours forever, unless, of course, he sincerely falls in love and exchanges quantity for quality. To contact such a man or not is your own business, but the information is worth reading. But let's talk about how to calculate it from total weight and determine habits.

1. Lovelace tries not to talk about himself, constantly asking about you. If you notice who shows incredible attention to your personality and does not want to talk about himself, then for sure he belongs to this category of the stronger sex. He will answer all your questions briefly, without revealing the essence of the answer. It is quite possible that he will begin his acquaintance with you with questions about how old you are, what your hobbies are, where you like to go and what kind of literature you read. In fact, he is not very interested detailed information about each of his mistresses, but with the help of such a simple trick, he arouses sympathy in the opposite sex. Women love to talk about themselves, and he knows this very well. Information about you will help him to better establish contact and guess your desires, because it is important for him to receive love and delight in return.

2. Lovelace man tries to adhere to your views, does not argue, agrees with the point of view. It is simply not profitable for him, because his goal is specific woman rather than persuading her in any matters. That is why try to listen carefully to what he says. With such a person, after 15 minutes of communication, you will get the impression that you have known him all your life and that it is so easy and simple with him. If he nods and constantly says that he agrees with you, then you have practically become his prey. Psychologists call this ability to achieve the location of the interlocutor - adjustment, so try to analyze at least a little the actions of a particular person and do not rush to melt away from his words and compliments. The most important thing in this matter is to realize in time that he is not at all interested in your deep spiritual world, it is important for him to put another tick in the list of conquered hearts.

3. Lovelace will try to please you and be appropriate situation. If your day is not set, then he will cheer you up with his sparkling humor, if your beloved friend betrayed you, he will tell a similar situation about himself and his friend. He will try to be interesting and relevant to you. In the end, if you simply do not have enough male attention and compliments, it will be happy to help you with this. After talking with a womanizer man, you will feel elated and happy, because he is fluent in psychological tricks and communication skills.

4. He always thinks through all his moves. There are those who are constantly worried about how exactly a particular lady will react to his actions and words and does not know what to expect from her. A womanizer man always knows exactly what to do, and if the first option does not work, he will have one more in reserve. If a woman refuses to go to some institution, then he will offer something else. And if she is simply not in the mood, she will use the whole arsenal of her charm and humor. He knows what he wants, so every step is planned in advance.

5. A womanizer man will make physical contact. Such a man knows exactly what women like, so with the help of tenderness and sensuality, get as close to her as possible. He will invite you to dance, gently touch your hands and cheeks. A womanizer man will never start his date with vulgarity and excessive sexual activity because he can scare away his prey. And absolutely everyone likes tenderness, especially those women who are deprived of male attention. A woman should feel his courage and strength, intertwined with tenderness and sensuality, and he knows how to do this. As soon as a woman melts and succumbs to his caresses, he will be able to do almost anything with her. He will stroke your hair with his hands, touch your back and face, but he will not allow himself something forbidden and vulgar.

6. Lovelace will fill up all your free space. The womanizer man knows perfectly well that one should not lose sight of the one that should become his prey, therefore he carefully monitors his actions with words and desires specific girl. He will give compliments, carry on his arms, compose poetry and show care, but will not spend a lot of money. In fact, it is simply not profitable for him, because you are not the first and not the last from him, but to buy expensive gifts and visiting an expensive restaurant is spending time at a loss. That is why he will show himself as courageously and gallantly as possible, will please with pleasant little things, but will fit into the minimum amount of money.

7. Lovelace man keeps his distance and tries to be elusive. Surely, after a few dates, he will begin to quietly disappear from your field of vision, and then completely out of life. As long as you are interesting to him, he will be there, but as soon as you want to complain to him about life in the middle of the night or invite friends to a party, he will magically find a lot of reasons and excuses, or even disappear from sight.

That is why do not place high hopes on him, because all he needs is a woman available at a convenient time for him. Your calls and requests to meet will be ignored, and the desire to spend time together will go unnoticed. It will give you time to cool down, so as not to become boring, and it can disappear at any moment, especially when you do not expect it.

- Return to the section heading " "

Beware of flattery. Sincere compliments are always nice, but you are unlikely to believe a person who praises you every minute. Lovelaces often try to win over a girl with an excessive amount of flattery and praise.

  • Pay attention to the type of compliments. Common phrases that sound at every turn or are applicable to any girl ( beautiful hair, great smile) will always show that he does not really think about your personality and personal qualities. Also beware of men who compliment your weaknesses.
  • Often, the womanizer almost immediately begins to call the girl one or more pet names like “sun”, “bunny” or “fish”. Such behavior is appropriate some time after the start of a relationship, but not on the first day.
  • Notice deception. Lovelaces are notorious liars. It is not easy to catch him in a lie, but if this happens, then it is better to pay attention to it. Be especially careful with those who you have repeatedly caught in a lie.

    • Most often, the womanizer tells a lie about his past, recent pastime and the people in whose company he was.
    • If you have suspicions crept in, and you told the guy about it, then pay attention to his reaction. As a rule, the womanizer will try to laugh it off and change the topic of conversation. If this number does not work, then he can admit the truth, but at the same time shift it to you blame for my False.
  • Consider the details of the life of a womanizer. Most womanizers are selfish, so they will immediately begin to talk about themselves even before you ask. If the guy is in no hurry to share information about his life, then ask him questions and notice inconsistencies in his words.

    • Everyone wants to show themselves to the person they like in a favorable light, but the womanizer will usually too much good. If his story is like finished script, and it’s hard to believe in it, then your guesses may well turn out to be true.
    • Notice the details. If the facts do not agree, then the whole story may not be true.
  • Tell us about yourself. Since many womanizers are only interested in themselves, such a person will not waste time on your stories. If a man is really interested in you, he will always want to know more about you, but the womanizer does not care about this.

    • An experienced womanizer will definitely take an interest in your life, but will hardly remember the details. Bring up the topic you discussed last time. It is quite natural if a man has forgotten some trifle, but constant inattention is a bad sign.
  • Discuss past relationships. Ask him about past relationships and also tell about yourself. Such conversations give the womanizer the opportunity to manipulate your feelings.

    • He may ask about your past relationships and fixate on the insecurities you felt at the time. Knowing your weak spots, he will be able to use such information to his advantage.
    • In a story about his last relationship, he may omit many details, but at the same time emphasize that he was hurt. It is perfectly normal to mention once an offense has been inflicted, but attempts to arouse pity betray the tactics of a manipulator.
  • Beautiful words, flowers, gifts, pleasant trifles, a fun and interesting pastime - any woman is pleased to receive this from a man, especially if at the same time she is not bad-looking, he has an amazing perfume and enough material resources. “This is my ideal” - women most often think that they will meet this type of man on the way, but we hasten to dissuade you of this, most likely such a man is a banal womanizer, whose goal is to drive as many ladies crazy as possible.

    Lovelace - who is he?

    Lovelace, Don Juan, Casanova, what only epithets are not called men who have special treatment to women . Such a man is a pure manifestation of the natural essence - he is a full-fledged male. He is interested in everything, more or less beautiful women planet, he seeks to please them, and having won the sympathy and disposition of one, he immediately switches to another.

    Womanizers are players, they play strategy, they think over various moves, options, situations. Next to such a man there should always be a woman as a source of energy, inspiration and strength. If today you are next to such a man, do not have illusions that maybe it is with you that he will change and become completely different. Even if you manage to keep him near you longer, he is unlikely to go to serious relationship and marriage, the desire to possess the next victim will dominate his behavior.

    What to do? Relax and enjoy

    If your man is a womanizer - enjoy, all these mind-blowing compliments, nice gifts, romantic encounters only for you. His goal is your heart, your love, he calls it and drinks it in one gulp, like a glass of mineral water in a strong heat. He gets "thirsty" too often and gets "drunk" too quickly. As soon as he gets what he needs, he will immediately lose interest in you, as in an empty container, there is nothing more you can give him.

    Look at things realistically, your wonderful romance will not last long, its “existence” is unchanged, it will definitely go further in search of the next victory. Don't try to hold him back, especially with words of love, it's useless. You can slightly extend the time of pleasure only in the opposite way, demonstrating to him your coldness and inaccessibility. This will cause excitement in him, because he is a player, he is a winner, and a new impregnable peak is even more interesting and exciting, it must be conquered. All forces will be thrown into it.

    Don't believe, don't be afraid, don't look

    Lovelace is a tempter, he he will constantly say that you are the only, unique, most beautiful and wonderful, of course he is not lying, but you don’t need to believe him either, you are like that, but not next to him.

    The womanizer disappears, as a rule, suddenly, firstly, he is quickly carried away by a new object, secondly, he does not tolerate sentimental explanations, and thirdly, he generally cares little about anything other than his own person. Do not look for him, do not call, did not send SMS, you will waste your time. Let him go, let him stay Nice memories about these relationships.

    Lovelace - like a heavy downpour in summer heat, it causes a storm of emotions, excites and delights, it seems that this is forever, that this is happiness. In fact, this is an illusion that he creates for you, and you strengthen it even more. This illusion dissipates very quickly, like coolness after rain.

    Lovelace - good or bad?

    Neither one nor the other, womanizer is a necessity. We, women, need such men who will conquer, fall asleep with pleasant words, flowers and gifts. Ordinary man rarely showered with compliments Compliments: the word is not a sparrow, it will fly out and beat
