How to increase the shoes if she presses. Soap and paraffin

Greetings, my dears!

We girls have our weaknesses. One of them may be the desire to be beautiful no matter what. Does it happen to you that you bought some beautiful dress, for which it’s good to lose a couple of kg, but you can’t refuse it and bring a pleasant purchase home? Assuring yourself that for him you will go on a diet right with tomorrow. Well, well, it’s good if you really lose the excess and shine in this outfit, otherwise it often happens that the thing remains untouched in the wardrobe.

The same thing happens with shoes. I have a friend whose weakness is shoe making. If she sees something interesting in a shoe store, then holding her at least seven will not help! Buy what you need and don't need. And if the desired shoes are still sold at a tempting discount, then everything is clear, she definitely will not pass by them.

This is true for many of us, some to a greater extent, some to a lesser extent. And just in such a fervor of consumer excitement, it is easy to grab a “slightly not your own” pair.

You come home and find that the shoes are rubbing! There is good news! This matter is often quite fixable, unless, of course, you bought 36 for your 39. And just today we will discuss, if shoes are too tight, how to stretch them? I will tell you all the secrets that I know myself, and that that friend shared!

How to break in shoes if they are too tight? There are several methods, let's look at them based on the material.

  • We pull the skin.

Genuine leather is perhaps the most best material for shoes. Beautiful, soft, easy to fit on the leg products. And stretching such shoes is not difficult, even at home. You can easily add about half a size. Just enough to dampen leather shoes and wear them indoors for a while.

Please, just do not soak the shoes and do not water them with a spray bottle - this may damage the paint or the insole, and the product itself may “lead”.

A good way: take not very thick socks, moisten them with vodka or diluted 2 to 1 with alcohol. Put on those wet socks and put on your shoes. Walk around the house for several hours. Dry the couple afterwards.

If the result did not suit you very much, then simply repeat the procedure, but with less alcohol, i.e. make a vodka solution.

Attention! Shoes can not be wiped with alcohol on top!

You can also use water, but to achieve best effect the temperature of the liquid, which we also wet the sock with, must be high, i.e. the most tolerant. You can even first scald the product with boiling water inside. Or blow them from the inside with a hairdryer on a hot air setting. Well, then put on socks. Be careful and don't get burned!

A good result can be achieved with the help of vinegar. Wipe inner part products with a 3% solution and wear it for a while. Should help!

  • And what about suede?

Consider now what to do with suede shoes if it rubs. In general, this material is perfectly worn in by itself, just walk around for a couple of days, and the shoes will calmly sit on the leg. But if you need to quickly increase their size, then choose the same "vodka" method that is offered for leather products.

Do not use water for these purposes, so that the product does not shed and become covered with stains!

Nuance: for breaking in, take a thin sock, otherwise suede shoes may become too large, and then hang on the leg.

If the shoes are very tight, then it is best to use a special foam stretcher for suede. It is sprayed only inside the product, on those places that rub the most, after which the shoes also need to be worn with socks.

Important: do not use on suede fatty products, because they leave streaks and spoil the material!

  • Even the varnish will give in!

Perhaps this is the most difficult material to wear in. First, such hard shoes and in itself it is difficult to deform, and secondly, if you overdo it with the means, then the varnish can crack. When deciding to buy such products, choose a pair that is suitable in length and where the fingers are definitely free.

If you still have to stretch new patent leather shoes, then fat comes to the rescue. What to do: take Castor oil, petroleum jelly or glycerin, lubricate the shoes both inside and out and wear them on the toe. The material will soften and the product will be able to stretch.

  • Leatherette, fabric and oilcloth - what to do with them?

Frankly, shoes made of such material are almost impossible to break. The fact is that inexpensive artificial materials simply do not withstand deformation and burst. Of course, you can try to stretch these shoes with water, but the risk is too great that the color will fade and stains will remain. It is best to use the "freeze" method, but more on that below.

Perhaps these are the main ways of wearing, but this is not the whole list. How are you doing? Tell me in the comments how else you can increase the size?

Contactless methods

Above, I talked about how you can quickly break in shoes on your own, but there are also methods to stretch shoes without wearing wet or alcohol-infused socks.

  1. Steaming.

Hold the shoes over the steam, and then put wads of newspaper inside. Lay them as tightly and as much as possible, but try not to break the shape. Then we leave the shoes to dry in a dry place (but in no case near the battery!) For about a day.

The disadvantage of this method is that there is a risk of divorce. And also, it is likely that after some time the product will dry out and begin to reap even more.

  1. Freezing.

Quite unusual but effective way how to expand shoes. Pour water into plastic bags(preferably with a special fastener) and insert them into the toes of the shoes. We put this pair in the freezer for a day. Freezing, the water will begin to expand and put pressure on the walls of the shoe, thereby stretching it. After the allotted time, we take out a pair, remove the bags and let the shoes “come to their senses” in a dry place.

Partial wear

It often happens that the product fits well along the length, and it is comfortable for the fingers, but it presses the back. How to deal with it:

  • Grate back paraffin shoes. Within a day you will be able to forget about this problem.
  • Loosen the butt with a hammer. Tap this area very gently to make it soft.

Before buying a new pair, it is worth remembering that it is impossible to spread:

  • Shoes for 2 or more sizes.
  • If the shoes are tight in the edging seam.
  • Products from some artificial materials.

How can a shoemaker help?

There is another way. Almost every shoe shop has a shoe stretching service. Everything happens simply, you say how much you need to increase, expand your shoes. Then the master looks at both the material and its quality, and if everything is real, then he puts them on special pieces. After a day or two, you pick them up and get the desired size.

For some this method works, for others it doesn't. I have used this service a couple of times but have not been satisfied. In the first case, my shoes were overstretched, and in the second, I didn’t feel any changes at all and I still had to use grandmother's way postings (on thick socks).

When buying new shoes, it is best to close your eyes and listen to your feelings - are you comfortable enough in length, width and instep. The product simply must be comfortable, otherwise it can significantly worsen not only mood, but also health.

Wear only proper shoes and do not forget to share in the comments your ways of how to quickly put a shoe on the leg!

See you soon on my blog,

Anastasia Smolinets

When buying new shoes in the store, we carefully examine them, put them on and “walk”, examining ourselves in the mirror. Subsequently, it turns out that the pair is small. Stretching shoes is easy at home. To maintain the quality of shoes - stretching should be done no more than a size. It is important to make sure that it is really small. It is recommended to wear a pair several times a day. different time days. The choice of stretching method depends on the model, material, and whether you need to increase the length or width.

Stretching patent leather shoes at home is not easy. The most common methods:

  1. Wearing shoes by a person with feet one size larger. It is important to follow logical rules. If it is necessary to distribute women's shoes then ask a woman with a larger foot size. It is strictly forbidden to stretch women's shoes for men, they will lose their attractiveness.
  2. Fen. Thoroughly heat the surface with a hairdryer, do not touch the varnish with hot air, it will crack and the shoes will deteriorate. Further inner surface treat with cream or petroleum jelly. Put on a pair of thick socks immediately. It is recommended to break in up to two hours, but it is important not to overdo it. At night, treat the couple again with cream or petroleum jelly.
  3. Alcohol. Carefully treat the inside of the shoe with an alcohol-containing liquid.
  1. Steam, boiling water. From exposure to high temperature, the varnish will be damaged, so the method is more likely a spare than the main one. Pour boiling water into the shoes in a glass, leave for 3 minutes, pour out the remaining water. Place your shoes on the jet of steam from the spout of a boiling kettle. Protect the varnish surface. Immediately after the procedures, put on a thick sock and walk around.
  2. Terry towel. Wet it with hot water, wring it out, wrap the desired pair in it and place everything in plastic bag. Dry the next day room temperature.
  3. Professional tools. You can stretch patent leather shoes at home with special tools. Any exposure is carried out strictly according to the instructions indicated on the package. Ignoring these rules of use leads to best case to the futility of the procedure, at worst to damage to shoes.

There are many ways to stretch shoes, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. What they have in common is the need to walk in thick socks and a worn-in pair for several hours. After it is required to carry out proper care. You can stretch the shoes yourself or trust a professional. How long you can stretch varnished shoes, they will tell you in the workshop.

Ways to break in suede shoes

The most effective and easiest way to stretch suede shoes is to walk in them for as long as possible. The pair adapt to the shape and size of the foot and over time the discomfort will disappear. Suede is a material that lends itself to being worn in due to its elastic structure. This method leads to blisters and discomfort in the legs, so it is recommended to resort to special methods.

Stretching by another person is dangerous by overexposure. Therefore, this method is used with extreme caution, as there is a risk of overdoing and ruining the pair.

How to stretch suede shoes half a size or size at home:

  1. Walk around in shoes, wearing cotton socks soaked with water, until the shoes or boots are completely dry. Dose the amount of liquid so as not to affect the quality.
  2. Treat the inner surface with a sponge with water, and then put on shoes. The liquid will soften the rough material a little, and prevent the appearance of chafing on the feet.
  3. The safest way is to fill a couple with newspapers. It is necessary to carry out the action very carefully, as there is a risk of changing the shape of the sock.
  4. Steam. Hold the shoes over a pot of boiling water until warm, do not wait until it gets very wet. It is recommended to wear warm boots on a natural toe only indoors to avoid sticking to a wet surface.
  5. Beer. It has been verified in practice that the wetted alcoholic drink the inner surface becomes softer faster. When choosing a drink, avoid those containing dye, otherwise the pair will be badly damaged. Shoe deodorant will eliminate the smell of alcohol. Thoroughly treat with alcohol those places that rub your feet a lot.

It is possible to dry suede only under normal room conditions, exposure to heat worsens the condition and quality of shoes. Impact high temperatures And hot water negatively affects the glue that connects all the elements of the shoes, so all procedures are carried out very carefully. A special stretcher will make the shoe right size without harm to them.

Special compounds for stretching suede shoes

When no remedy helps, and the shoes do not become more comfortable, it is recommended to purchase special stretching tools at the shoe store. suede shoes. Follow instructions for use. After spraying liquid or foam on problem areas, the chemical composition will begin to act and soften the material. It is enough to walk around the house in it for an hour so that the discomfort disappears.

How to stretch faux leather shoes

Stretch shoes out faux leather easy at home. The elasticity of the material allows you to give it any desired shape. Leatherette is worn in the following ways:

  1. Laundry soap. budget tool absolutely safe for appearance material. Treat your favorite couple inside for a few hours. Prepare for this solution with water and grated soap on a fine grater. Rinse off the soap paste and leave to dry. You can wear it without fear of rubbing your feet.
  2. Fen. Put on a pair with a thick cotton sock and warm it up with warm air, paying attention to the part of the shoe that delivers biggest problems. Wear around the apartment until it cools down.
  3. Water. Wet the pair well and wear until completely dry. Walk around the apartment. Hot water will dissolve the adhesive.
  4. Alcohol. Mix alcohol or vodka in proportions of 1 to 1 with water, treat the inner surface, most of all at the seams and other places that can rub. Put on a thick sock and walk around the house until completely dry.
  5. Corn. Pour grain inside the boots, fill with water to swell. After 12 hours, remove contents and wear until dry.

Leatherette shoes at home stretch very well.

How to stretch leather shoes

couple of thin skin will be very easy to spread. You should not resort to chemical or home methods, it is enough to vilify it for some time and from the warmth of the legs it has acquired the necessary and convenient size. Stretch shoes out genuine leather the size of a thick material will be more difficult, but you can not be afraid of damaging such a material.

Most of the methods have been described above, they are all great for affecting natural skin. The following are most effective:

  1. Wearing by a person with a larger foot size. It will take longer, but the effect on the skin is softer.
  2. Alcohol. After treatment with an alcohol-containing product, it is imperative to moisturize the skin well, for example, with petroleum jelly, since the natural material will dry out, which will reduce the wear time.
  3. Boiling water. Preferred for rough boots.
  4. Freeze. Pour water into an airtight bag and freeze it along with the break-in pair. The ice inside the pair acts as a natural stretcher.
  5. Fen. Put on shoes and warm up well and walk around the apartment until it cools down completely. Repeat if necessary.

Any effect on the skin must be compensated. After the stretching procedure, lubricate the outer surface with petroleum jelly, vegetable oil or a special care moisturizer for natural leather. The product is left in this form for a day. Before leaving the house, wipe the greasy surface so that dirt and dust do not settle on it.

It's important not to overdo it. Any model should not be stretched more than one size, as it will lose quality. Any method harms the structure of the material and the duration of wear is reduced.

All methods of increasing the size are aimed at expanding, the length of the shoes cannot change.

Carefully choose shoes in the store, as an uncomfortable and tight pair leads to various health problems.

With such an inconvenience as narrow shoes, each of us must have encountered in life. And, of course, a similar problem can arise regardless of whether you are a woman or a man. Often, when purchasing shoes in a store, we feel “almost convenient”, while the seller is in a hurry to assure that they are literally worn in a few days. However, time passes, and your new purchase in a shoe store does not want to “break in”. Our portal will help to solve the problem with narrow shoes, today you can use our tips in practice.

We hope that with our advice we will help to solve an acute problem: how to stretch shoes at home. During the “operations” performed with narrow shoes, if it also requires breaking in, try to move slowly and be patient, since you are already in such a situation.

  1. Extreme method with boiling water

This is indeed a rather harsh method and is suitable for shoes made from natural soft skin. It's simple: you should rinse the uncomfortable shoes with boiling water - and it will stretch. In this case, there are no traces left, while the shoes will stretch and become softer.

  1. Grandma's method - paper or water in bags

Solving the problem of narrow shoes in this way is also not difficult.

Each shoe must be stuffed fairly tightly with damp paper (newspaper will also work) and left until the shoe “stuffing” dries.

If you want to use this particular method, keep in mind the main thing: do not put your shoes on the radiator in order to dry them at the same time, otherwise the shoe leather will deform. The stretching procedure should take place at room temperature.

And one more thing: if this moment There are no newspapers in your house, you can use ordinary plastic bags with water poured into them. Just place them inside your shoe pair. Now you need to find a place in the freezer to place the shoes prepared in this way. Leave it there until the water turns into ice (you can overnight).

  1. Use alcohol

This is an extremely simple method, and it works in most cases. First you need to moisten the inner surface of the shoe with alcohol or vodka. Then you should put on shoes and also moisten their top with alcohol. Now walk around the apartment for 1-2 hours in "spirited" shoes.

If necessary, repeat these procedures several times.

  1. Most fast way- with a hair dryer

Put on thick socks and then - "dive" into your shoes that need to be broken in. Then turn on the hair dryer on hot air mode, and blow on the shoes for at least 15 minutes. Desired effect secured. Just do not forget to apply a special shoe spray to the shoes at the end of the procedure, or, in the absence of it, a regular cream.

  1. Vegetable oil for artificial leather

This option is acceptable for stretching narrow, inexpensive shoes.

It is necessary to periodically lubricate the top of the skin with vegetable or castor oil several times. Vaseline will also soften the leather of the shoes and make it more pliable. Lubricate the surface of the shoes with it in the same way.

Don't try to stretch your shoes in one "session" before huge size: to begin with, slightly change its shape, then try to walk in it, after that - correct a little more and "walk" again. In general, it is not uncommon for factories to produce shoes that can then stretch, so do not be afraid to use the above methods to achieve your goal. And yet, try to buy shoes not spontaneously and not in a hurry, but in advance: “lay” time to get used to a new pair of shoes and the possible need to stretch them. And if you have never had to stretch your shoes, first experiment with a pair that is not too dear to you. Choose the most effective method in your opinion and then apply it on new shoes.

If you have your own methods of how to stretch shoes at home, share useful information in the comments on the site.

In order not to spend money on going to the workshop and not to wait for the master’s verdict on the possibility of softening shoes, we offer proven home methods. They have been tested by more than one generation of women, so 100% will give the desired result.

The main thing is not to try to combine methods from different sections - what gives excellent result For artificial shoes, will turn into a deadly procedure for “capricious” varnish and “delicate” suede.

Keep in mind: in no way can you break shoes in length, only in width. Although if the toe rests just a little bit, then spreading the shoes wide, the toes will feel more comfortable.

5 Proven Ways to Stretch Leather Shoes

Before proceeding with the procedures for increasing the size, determine visually the appearance of the skin. If it is thin and soft, a light impact will be enough. But for rougher shoe leather, almost any method is good - this natural material is very resistant to any "hardships of life".

1 way - woolen sock

So, let's start with the most gentle approach - the usual grandmother's wearing inappropriate shoes to the toe. It's simple: put on the warmest (terry or woolen) sock tight shoes and they walk like this for a couple of hours around the apartment, taking it off from time to time so as not to put pressure on their feet. Quick result you should not wait, but your favorite shoes do not deform and fit perfectly on the leg.

2 way - alcohol

If the usual stretching did not work, or if you could not go out for the prescribed two hours, you can slightly speed up the procedure with an alcohol solution. To prepare it, mix medical alcohol and ordinary water in a ratio of 1: 1, pour it into a spray bottle and treat the inside of the shoe. Let it soak a little with the solution, and then put it on warm sock and break it in for half an hour.

Residual moisture should dry naturally away from direct sun rays. The alcohol solution can be replaced with household alcohol-based window cleaner, cologne, or toilet water.

Alcohol dries out the skin, so after the shoes have dried, treat them with slightly warmed petroleum jelly or moisturize with any cream.

3 way - vaseline and castor oil

If you need to stretch expensive shoes for a size or more, use a tandem of petroleum jelly or castor oil and a special boot for breaking in shoes. Plentifully lubricate the inside of the shoe with petroleum jelly and place the block bought in special store. It will help to gently expand the skin without deforming the original shape. The next day, clean off the remaining Vaseline with a soft cotton pad.

4 way - soaking in boiling water

This emergency method will do for more undemanding boots and boots made of thick leather. pour hot water inside the boots for 30 seconds, pour out and immediately put them on a pair of thick socks. If this "soaking" seems too daring to you, you can just wrap the wrong pair old t-shirt soaked in hot water.

But before walking resuscitated ATVs, dry them thoroughly at room temperature without using a hair dryer.

5 way - freezing

There is another method exclusively for thick boots - stretching according to the "cowboy" method or freezing. Both of them are based on physical processes. In the first case, the "active substance" is ordinary water, which, when frozen, becomes a natural stretcher. But do not pour it directly into the shoes, it is better to place a thin plastic bag in the middle, and pour water into it already. To avoid deformation, leave the bag ajar.

In the second case, pre-soaked grain is poured into the boots, which swells, thereby stretching the skin. The main thing is not to forget about it, otherwise on the second day it will be possible to collect waste and wonder where such a specific smell came from in the apartment.

The procedure is best done at night, in order to get the "frozen" shoes in the morning and let them thaw at room temperature. Remove the bags and leave the shoes all day in a dark, cool place. In the evening you can try them on and gently lubricate natural vaseline to restore the natural balance of the skin.

Note: after each aggressive influence leather shoes should be carefully dried and treated with any natural odorless vegetable oil or specialized impregnation. This will prolong its life and keep it looking beautiful.

How to stretch fabric, nubuck, suede and fur shoes

None of the previous methods (except for wearing on the toe) should be used for nubuck shoes and any other natural materials. Alcohol is not suitable for the reason that “drinking” shoes will go streaked, and after drying, they may crack, and oils will be left on fabric and suede greasy spots. Boiling water is too aggressive, cryotherapy will completely "kill" the shape of model shoes ... But remember - there is always a way out!

Method 1 - professional tool

The easiest way to stretch suede or nubuck shoes is to buy a special spray at the supermarket. For example, a stretcher from Salamander, Oke, Twist, Salton, Kiwi, Silver. Just ask the consultant how, apart from the price, one jar differs from the other. Perhaps the more expensive product is also water repellent or safer on shoes and feet.

Method 2 - using a newspaper

More hard way stretch shoes made of delicate materials - the use of "yellow press". Crumple enough newspapers, shove them inside uncomfortable shoes and leave overnight. The paper will straighten slightly and thereby adjust the width of the shoe.

People's councils suggest wetting newspapers with alcohol or even plain water. We strongly do not recommend doing this: there is a high probability that printing ink will be printed on the walls of shoes or sandals.

Keep in mind: it is almost impossible to stretch shoes with fur. The best way out is to wear it around the house on warm socks and periodically warm it up with a hairdryer. You can also replace the native insole with a thinner one from the store. This will make the foot more vulnerable to the cold, but it will allow you to wear your favorite boots without pain.

How to stretch leatherette shoes

It is better to immediately take tight shoes made of artificial leather to the store or give them away to friends, because they are practically not stretchable. Leatherette does not have the softness and suppleness of natural leather, so it is too difficult to change it “in the image and likeness” of natural leather. But you can try one of the two options.

Option 1 - thick sock

A really effective way to increase the size of leatherette shoes is to wear artificial "suede" or "leather" shoes around the house with a warm toe for several days. To heighten the effect, the inner surfaces can be lubricated with petroleum jelly. Such tricks will not allow you to make shoes a size larger, but they will help wayward shoes sit clearly on the leg.

Option 2 - paraffin

If the shoes are really dear to you, but they rub or squeeze in the instep, you can try to soften the leatherette a little with paraffin. Before the procedure, dry the shoes and warm them thoroughly with a hair dryer. Then take a paraffin candle, warm it up a little on the fire and treat the problem areas from the inside with a soft side (most often it is the heel, seams, side surfaces). When the paraffin hardens, put on wayward shoes with warm socks and walk around the house for a day or two.

After such a procedure artificial material should be distributed in width, and rough areas will no longer press due to the slippery paraffin coating. At the end of wearing, gently scrape off the remaining paraffin and wipe the shoes with a cotton pad with petroleum jelly.

An effective way to stretch rubber shoes

Well, not the classic one. rubber shoes, and from fashionable to last years PVC.

To recognize what material your rain boots are actually made of, heat an awl and lightly touch the shoe in an inconspicuous place, avoiding a puncture. If the material began to melt, then in front of you are shoes made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which will not be difficult to stretch.

Boiling water + thick socks + ice water

Prepare a couple of liters of boiling water, a deep basin of ice water and a few terry socks. Pour boiling water into boots and wait 2-4 minutes until the material becomes noticeably softer. Drain the water, put the boots on warm socks, step on the spot a little so that the material tightly wraps around the leg and stand in the basin with cold water. PVC will not harden in the shape of the factory cast " perfect leg”, but in accordance with the structure of your foot and ankle.

After such a procedure, it is better not to subject the boots to loads for 1-2 days, allowing the material to rest and remember the new shape.

How to stretch patent leather shoes

This case is the most difficult, since lacquer coating on shoes does not allow the leather backing to stretch, and when aggressive impact the varnish cracks and loses its luster. Therefore, stretching such shoes even half a size is almost impossible, the maximum that can be done is to soften the inner surface of the shoes so that it stops rubbing.

Method 1 - sock + alcohol

For starters try classic way- wearing tight shoes to the toe for 2-3 days. To speed up the process, you can lightly dampen your socks with a 2:1 solution of water and alcohol and leave your shoes on until completely dry.

Keep in mind: in no case should you heat the varnish with a hair dryer or hot water otherwise dull spots and mesh-cracks cannot be avoided. You should not warm up patent shoes even from the inside, in 80 cases out of 100 the varnish loses its properties, becomes brittle and dull.

Method 2 - fat cream + block

The most efficient way is to use fat cream, vaseline or any natural oil and a special pad. If you are afraid of stains, you can replace greasy substances with a special stretching foam for patent leather shoes. Treat critical areas (heel, toe, corns) more thoroughly and lightly knead with your hands to speed up the stretching process

After that, put the shoes on a special block for at least a day, and if necessary, repeat the procedure. All this time, shoes should be away from sunlight, batteries and any heating devices.

  1. If you have never stretched your shoes, then practice first on an old pair that you don’t mind ruining.
  2. Do not heat shoes with plastic elements. Hot air can melt them.
  3. After stretching, the skin loses its natural oils and becomes drier and more brittle, especially when treated with heat and alcohol. After stretching, apply a special conditioner to the shoes or moisturize with any cream.
  4. Don't rush to stretch your shoes aggressive means. If your new shoes are a little tight, it's best to stretch them while wearing them. It is quite possible that it will be enough to endure a couple of days - and the model will sit on its leg, like a cast one.
  5. Expensive shoes are best taken to a good workshop. At home, there is a risk of spoiling it.

All these methods have been developed over decades, so there is no doubt about their effectiveness. Just don't compare dear Italian shoes and off-road shoes bought on sale. It is quite possible that a delicate, skillfully crafted material, firstly, will not withstand mechanical and chemical exposure, as it is simply not designed for such loads. Secondly, he will feel great both after freezing and after bathing in boiling water! Therefore, before resorting to emergency methods, first try more gentle ones - perhaps they will just give the expected result.

Whatever way you choose to stretch tight shoes at home, do all the necessary manipulations carefully so as not to spoil it. After all, you can have an uncomfortable pair, in last resort, return to the store, but hopelessly damaged - just throw it away.

Probably, many will agree that shoes should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable. However, quite often new shoes becomes not an adornment of the owner's feet, but his "pain".

Even a pair of shoes, boots or boots that fit perfectly when trying on in a store the next day can squeeze your legs a lot and leave calluses. Therefore, it is very important to know how to distribute tight shoes so that the new thing does not gather dust on the shelf due to the inconvenience caused.

How to properly stretch shoes or boots?

Before you start breaking in shoes, you should find out what kind of leather they are made of. The thing is that if the leather on shoes or boots is not natural, it will be very difficult to stretch them, and in some cases it is simply impossible.

Therefore, try to purchase shoes made from natural materials so that, if necessary, its size can be adjusted.

With alcohol

Genuine leather shoes can be moistened with alcohol from the inside, then put on a thick sock and walk like this for several hours around the apartment. If shoes or boots are pressing very hard, then you can stretch them in several approaches: wear them for 5-10 minutes 3-5 times a day so as not to torment your legs.

Using boiling water

Shoes that are very tight on the feet are easy to stretch at home with boiling water. To do this, it must be poured into shoes and wait until the water cools down. As soon as the water temperature approaches room temperature, the shoes must be put on and walked around in them for a while. To keep your feet from getting wet, you can put a plastic bag on top of the sock. After this method of breaking, the shoes will quickly take the desired shape.

In a basin in water

If, for example, shoes need to be made a size larger, then they can simply be put in a basin of water for a day, and then start to break in. However, this can only be done with factory-made shoes, which are not only glued, but also stitched. Shoes or shoes of dubious production in this case may come unstuck.

How to stretch faux leather shoes?

Artificial leather shoes should be stretched very carefully. For example, you can try to stretch them with an ordinary paraffin candle, thoroughly lubricating the inside of the shoes with it and leaving them like that for a day. Similar actions can also be done by first moistening the shoes with alcohol.

Also, boots made of "leatherette" can be increased by half the size if they are worn in at home on a wet toe.

How to stretch tight suede shoes?

Using newspapers

Since suede shoes themselves require special care, the same requirements apply to its wearing. If suede shoes cause some discomfort when worn, you can stretch them with newspapers.

To do this, you need to steam the shoes, then fill them with wet newspapers and leave for a day. At the same time, newspapers in shoes should fit snugly together, but not excessively. It is advisable to lay them in the shape of your foot. Patent shoes can be stretched in the same way.

Using table vinegar

Another effective way to cut suede shoes is to soak them in vinegar. Before proceeding with the distribution, the shoes should be carefully moistened with vinegar from the inside so that it does not come out, after which it is safe to put it on nylon sock and start breaking.

You will learn a few more ways to help you quickly and effectively stretch narrow shoes from the video.

How to stretch ballet shoes?

Ballet shoes can be stretched in the same way as other types of shoes. And you can use other, no less effective methods.

Shoe stretcher and hair dryer

You can stretch new ballet flats with a hair dryer and special means for breaking in shoes. To begin with, the shoes are heated with a hairdryer, after which a “stretcher” is applied. It should be noted that when buying a "stretcher" it is necessary to pay attention to its functions and what type of shoes it is intended for.

in the freezer

New ballet shoes can be stretched with ice. To do this, you need to put tight bags inside the shoes, fill them completely with water and tie the edges of the bags so that the water cannot leak out of them. After such simple manipulations, shoes can be safely sent for a day to the freezer.

Ballet shoes in this case stretch due to the properties of water (water molecules expand in the cold, thereby stretching the shoes).

With shoe lasts

Tight shoes can be broken in using special wooden or plastic lasts made in the shape of a foot, which are sold in shoe stores. All that is needed is to put the lasts in a brand new pair of shoes and wait for them to stretch the shoes themselves. For additional effect shoes can be pre-moistened with water.

How can you stretch shoes in length?

In order to stretch boots or other shoes in length, you can use any of the above methods.

However, there are several other ways out of this situation:

  • shoe stretching can be entrusted to a specialist - such a service is available in many shoe shops;
  • shoe stores sell special aerosols for breaking shoes. As a rule, such products are affordable and quite effective in use if the shoes are too tight in length.
  • you can ask someone you know to help break the shoes (whose foot is a little longer, but not wider).

If none of them helped you or does not suit you, you can resort to another option.

Stretching shoes in length with a trempel

You can effectively stretch the shoes in length with the help of water and an old trempel. To do this, you need to completely dip the shoes into the water and wait 5-6 minutes, then cut the trempel so that it is slightly longer than the shoe itself, and place it inside the new pair.

When wet, the shoe stretches a little, and a piece of plastic sets the direction for it to increase in size at this moment. Thus, the boots or shoes will become a little longer and stop pressing.

How to stretch narrow shoes in width?

With cologne

To stretch narrow shoes, you can use one of the old methods, the essence of which is to smear the inner walls of the shoe with cologne and wear them in for 2-3 hours.

It is better to try this method in the evening, when the legs swell and increase in size, compared to morning hours. At night, after being worn out, shoes can be tightly stuffed with paper and newspapers. However, one should also take into account the main disadvantage this method: the smell of cologne is quickly absorbed and stays in the shoes for a long time.

Using castor oil

Castor oil can help to stretch the width of the shoe, which needs to be treated inside and out of the shoe. After that, you can start distributing. After 3-4 hours, the oil should be removed from the surface of the shoe. This method is applicable to the distribution of shoes made of any material (except suede). Also, castor oil will help bring old hardened shoes back to life.

How to choose the right shoes?

In order not to puzzle over how to stretch shoes after a purchase, you need to know a few simple rules, which will help to avoid further problems with the new thing.

Give preference to natural materials

It is better to give preference to factory-made shoes made from natural materials. As a rule, although it costs more, it also lasts longer. Stretching shoes made from natural materials is quite easy, without experiencing pain.

Choose shoes according to size

You need to buy only those shoes that fit the size. If a girl has complexes about big size feet, then she still should not take shoes one size smaller, since it is quite difficult to stretch the shoes to a size. It is better to choose a model that visually reduces the length of the leg (for example, with a round toe or wedge).

Shop in the evening

It is necessary to buy shoes in the evening, as most people's feet swell a little by the end of the day. If buy a new pair shoes in the morning, then the next day the swollen leg may not enter them.
