How to choose a cleansing gel for problem skin? main mistakes in caring for problem skin. Causes and problematic factors

Thanks to the Cosmetist, I realized how important it is to thoroughly cleanse the skin. Today I would like to tell you about my opinion about some products that I purchased “based on” reading posts from our site.

About Me: I’m 26 years old and over the past few years my skin has looked more and more like youthful-problematic skin. The T-zone is clean, but “imperfections” very often appear on the cheeks, although the skin on the cheeks is prone to dryness. But thanks daily care, refusal to use liquid foundations and transition to decorative mineral cosmetics skin condition in recent months It was getting close to good.
Let's see what I've been using for the last year.

Estee Lauder Sparkling Clean Purifying Exfoliator Mask

My opinion: Mask and exfoliant in one package. Clay pleasant mask white with soft particles that, as they spread over the skin, cease to be felt. Most often I use it as a scrub, not as a mask. Cleanses the T-zone pores very well. When washed off with water, problems arise - it remains noticeable on the face. white coating, apparently from clay. I wash it off with soap goat milk Styx. After using this product, a light moisturizer is sufficient, strong feeling I don’t feel any tightness, although it is intended for oily skin.
Grade: 5- (minus for problems with rinsing, but I’m already buying a second tube)
Price: about 900 rub. (25% discount)

Payot Masque Clarifiant Clarifying Cream - Purifying mask

My opinion: Also a clay mask. The product has nice smell, runny consistency and pink color. It spreads easily on the face and does not dry out for a long time. Cleans moderately, tightens pores a little. In my opinion it's clean White clay cleanses the skin better than this mask.
I bought this mask when the above mask from Estée Lauder ran out, but I couldn’t replace it with Payot, although I have a very good relationship with the brand itself.
Grade: 3
Price: 900-1000 rubles (with discount)

Exfoliac Facial Scrub - Esfoliac exfoliating gel with AHA

Esfoliak exfoliating gel with AHA - scrub for oily and problematic skin with AHA acids. Double exfoliating action: 1. instant, thanks to exfoliating microgranules that remove dead cells and impurities, 2. prolonged thanks to AHAs, which smooth out the skin texture and help remove defects.
Contains AHA derivatives 10% - active exfoliation; ultra-soft surfactants - cleansing; restorative components; pH=3.5.
My opinion: Exfoliac Facial Scrub is a clear bluish gel with blue granules. During use, a slight cooling sensation is felt on the skin. First, I massage the skin on my face a little, then I leave the product on for a minute and wash it off. A wonderful feeling of purity appears, which is also visible. Pores are clean. After the first use, the number of “imperfections” decreased noticeably. With constant use (2-3 times a week), the skin cleared up and began to look healthier and smoother.
Grade: 5+
Price: about 700 rub. at the pharmacy

Avene Tolerance Extreme Soothing Cream - Moisturizing soothing cream “Tolerance” for hypersensitive skin

Although Avene Tolerance Extreme Cream is not a cleanser, I would like to write about it in this post, since I do not use it separately from the Exfoliac gel.
My skin has always reacted poorly to acid cleansing from a cosmetologist. The joy of cleansing was short-lived, then the pimples became even more numerous. Therefore, I stopped going to the cosmetologist. But the desire to improve my skin did not leave me and, having seen very good feedback about Esfoliak gel, I decided to take a chance and try it. The pharmacy advised me to use a healing and soothing product after such cleaning - Avene Tolerance Extreme Soothing Cream, which I am very happy about.
My opinion: After using Esfoliak gel, I apply Avene Tolerance Extreme cream. It is quite oily and gives a shine to the face that is noticeable from afar. That is, you can only use it at night or if you don’t leave the house. But this drawback overshadows the feeling of calmness and hydration of the skin. In the morning I wash my face as usual, my skin is clean, brightened, and pleasant to the touch. However, there is one more small disadvantage: since the cream is in a special tube, from which it is supplied under pressure (to maintain sterility), quite a lot of it is squeezed out, it is not very possible to use it economically.
Grade: 5+
Price: about 1000 rub. at the pharmacy

Mirra Enzymatic peeling with papain

The plant enzyme papain provides gentle and deep cleansing of the skin, smoothes and brightens the surface, stimulates cell renewal and regeneration.
My opinion: Pleasant smelling gel. Apply to face and leave for 15 minutes. My face doesn’t sting, it doesn’t turn red. Very gentle, subtle cleansing – that’s all I can say about this product. I won't buy any more.
Grade: 4
Price: 342 rub.

Mirra Sorbent peeling mask with green tea

The mask absorbs and removes impurities, metabolic products, sebaceous and sweat glands. Has an anti-inflammatory and mild whitening effect. When massaged, it gently exfoliates the cells of the surface layer of the skin. The skin will maintain its natural water-lipid balance and will regain purity and freshness.

My opinion: is in a plastic jar White powder, which effectively scrubs the skin, quite gently, if that can be said about a scrub at all. The face after it is smooth and polished. Overall, I like it, but I haven’t noticed that the scrub has a whitening or anti-inflammatory effect, as the manufacturer claims.
Grade: 5
Price: 288 rub.

Ichthyol mud mask - GIGI - SOLAR ENERGY Mud Mask

It has a powerful absorbable, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.
The uniqueness of this mask lies in its composition: Dead Sea mud is enriched with highly concentrated ichthyol, iodine of natural origin. Thyme and eucalyptus oils have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, wound-healing, antipruritic, and decongestant effects. Kaolin, zinc oxide and magnesium carbonate absorb sebum, have an antiseptic, immunomodulatory effect, tighten pores and even out skin tone. Dead Sea mineral water is rich in micro- and macroelements: Mg, K, Ca, Na, as well as bromides, chlorides, sulfates, which relieve irritation and strengthen the skin.
My opinion: I bought this mask after reading rave reviews, but it didn’t help me much in dealing with problems such as acne and post-acne. With the help of this mask, applied pointwise, you can dry out inflammation, but they will not go away much faster. The mask has a specific smell, ichthyol, but you can stand it. Strong moisturizing is required after use.
Grade: 3
Price: 1100 rub. in the online store

DELAROM Face Cleansing Gel - Facial cleansing gel with jojoba granules

The light, comfortable texture of the gel upon contact with water instantly turns into a delicate foam, ideally cleansing your skin of impurities. Thanks to the extracts of calendula and white nettle included in its composition, as well as jojoba granules, the product effectively nourishes, moisturizes, softens and soothes the skin. Ideal for caring for even the most sensitive skin. Recommended for daily use morning and/or evening.
My opinion: I decided to get acquainted with the DELAROM brand, which is new to me, and purchased this cleanser and mattifying fluid. The fluid left a greasy film on the face. Maybe it matted something, but it was very shiny on its own on the face. But the cleansing gel, in my opinion, is not so bad, although not rave about it. The granules are gentle, do not scratch the face, the product smells pleasant, after using it there is no feeling of tightness, although the pores are noticeably smaller, although not for long. As a gentle morning skin cleanser it is quite ok.
Grade: 4
Price: 800 rub.

Spivak Beldi 6 herbs

Essential oil tea tree and the herbs yarrow, fireweed, Kuril tea, echinacea, St. John's wort and celandine have an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect, promote deep cleansing of the skin and normalization of the sebaceous glands.
Beldi 6 herbs will help get rid of acne, blackheads, and various skin diseases.

My opinion: Excellent product, foams beautifully, cleanses very, very well and improves appearance skin. And one more plus - for naturalness. I'll be happy to try something else from Spivak.
I’ve been using it for a month and a half almost every day, using massaging movements or using an exfoliating mitt sold on the manufacturer’s website. Lightens post-acne, heals, makes the skin more uniform and well-groomed in appearance. I like! But be careful: it stings your eyes very much if it gets into them.
Grade: 5+
Price: 105 rub.

Thanks to everyone who read my long post to the end!
And finally, advice to those who are on the path to a beautiful and healthy skin: Skin hydration is very important after any cleansing procedure.
Be beautiful!

Is it worth doing deep facial cleansing at home? Of course it’s worth it, because besides the fact that it’s not expensive, it saves time and money. So it's also effective. It's no secret that after cleaning in the salon, the skin does not accept best view. Because there are bruises. Some ladies don’t even dare to go out anywhere after this.

This procedure works very well with problem skin. If blackheads and pimples bother you, this is just for you.

This procedure must be performed once a month. If the skin is problematic, then 2 times a month.

For that. To do facial cleansing at home, you will need:

  • 2 liters hot water in a small bowl. It will be very good if you add a herbal solution to the water. For oily skin - mint, St. John's wort or linden. For dry skin - lemon balm or lavender. Put water on fire, add herbs, you can add essential oil. Leave on low heat for 5-10 minutes. Be careful not to burn your face with the steam!
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide solution
  • 1 tablespoon fine sea salt
  • Big terry towel, to cover your head during a steam bath
  • Cotton pads

  1. Before we begin, we naturally remove makeup, wash our face with foam or gel, and wash our hands thoroughly. First we do steam bath, that is, we cover our heads with a towel over a bowl of broth and sit like that certain time. Be sure to take a napkin with you under the towel in order to blot away any sweat that appears. If the skin is oily, the duration is 10-15 minutes, dry - 5-10 minutes.

After this, some advise squeezing out the dots, especially since this is easy to do. It is enough to press on both sides with fingers wrapped in cotton swabs and the dirt will come out on its own. But be careful, you can still damage your skin! It is better to do what is written below.

  1. We apply hydrogen peroxide to a cotton swab, it expels dirt from the pores and acts as a light chemical peeling, as it helps remove dead and dead cells. It also has a whitening property, that is, it will help remove age spots.

Be careful with peroxide! Only 3 percent and apply strictly to problem parts of the face. Can only be used on other parts of the skin in combination with other components! Otherwise, the skin can be burned.

On the same swab we apply fine sea ​​salt and then wipe the problem areas of the skin.

  1. After this, we either wipe our face with an ice cube (it’s good if the ice is made from a decoction of herbs, such as chamomile) or do contrast wash gradually reducing the water temperature.
  2. It will be very good if you make any face mask suitable for your skin type.

After regular use, pimples and blackheads will gradually disappear. And then they will completely pass.

Watch the video tutorial " Deep cleaning persons at home. How to do deep facial cleansing right at home.”

How to prevent the appearance of blackheads.

  • Be sure to wash off your makeup at night
  • Cleanse your face first with milk or foam cleanser for your skin type. After this, wipe with lotion or toner to tighten the pores.
  • Be sure to cleanse your skin in the morning with just water or tonic. To remove fat accumulated overnight from the face.
  • Use exfoliating masks or peels once a week. For oily skin 2 times a week.
And in conclusion, an 11-minute video tutorial “Deep facial cleansing at home.”

If you want to enhance the effect, then read how to cleanse your face using an ordinary one.

Greetings, beauticians!
Today I’ll tell you a story about how I cleanse my facial skin.
A little background: I’m 30 years old and I don’t remember my skin being in normal - good condition. I remember more precisely, but it was a long time ago, about 16 years ago (when the condition of the skin was, by and large, not important). All this time I went to both cosmetologists and dermatologists - everything that was possible and impossible was tried. I went to TsNIKVI and underwent delusional (as it turned out later) treatment there. As a result, without receiving even the minimum result, I gave up on everything and began to look for information myself. By the beginning of my pregnancy, I finally knew how to treat my skin, but it was too late to drink Borjomi - that’s all medicinal products, and others like them - fruit acids and I couldn’t take salicylic acid. Fortunately, during pregnancy, the skin condition returned to some kind of normal. True, I do not rule out the fact that the condition of my skin at that moment was not very important to me (“I directed my gaze towards myself”). But after giving birth, everything returned to normal. After waiting for the end of the GW, I applied all my theoretical knowledge in practice; I’ll tell you how I cleanse my face now and what products I have lying around in my bins)

1. Makeup removal

I am accustomed to removing makeup separately. And no matter how lazy I am, no matter how late or early hour I was not at home, I ALWAYS cleanse my face of foundation and mascara.
Let's go from left to right.

Garnier Gentle care- Milk for removing makeup.

Expanded opinion: Good milk. I didn’t notice a difference between this budget product and, for example, Claran makeup remover milk. The product is odorless, which is good news. Does not cause any irritation or redness. The consistency is liquid, which is clearly visible in the swatch.

I don’t use it according to the instructions, that is, I don’t apply it to a cotton pad, but I apply it with my hands all over my face and “wash” my face with smooth movements, I do the movements from the recommendations for using Clarane milk (I press my palms for a few seconds, and then abruptly remove them). I don’t know how to explain it - I call it “stirring the dough.” I'm cleaning up cotton pad, then I always wash my face with water and cleanser.

Grade: 5+

Clarins Instant Eye Make - up Remover quick removal heavy or waterproof eye makeup

Expanded opinion: I’ve already talked about this remedy - here it is. In the comments to this post, the girls advised me to change my mascara and this really helped me cope with this product.

Grade: 5- (if you choose the “right” mascara, but still a minus because it stings the skin around the eyes)

2. Water cleansing

In order, from left to right.

The Body Shop - Facial sponge.

Expanded opinion: The famous sponge from The Body Shop. Well, what can I say. It’s a bit harsh for me, although my skin is thick. I’ve used it a couple of times - the leather polishes very well, but something tells me that I shouldn’t use such barbaric methods to achieve polishing)
I use it very rarely. I do not recommend it to people with rosacea, as well as thin-skinned young ladies.

Grade: 3 (for my skin - still a very harsh cleansing method)


Expanded opinion: This cup has not passed me by either) I use oatmeal in the morning, it turns out to be such a unique daily soft scrub for skin. I do this. I put a colander in the sink (it fits the shape of the sink perfectly, and the holes are tiny, so nothing extra will slip where it’s not needed), I wash my face with water, pour oatmeal into my palm (the main thing is not to overdo it) and apply it to my face, massaging it a little seconds Further, if desired, I can leave it on for a minute, or wash it off immediately. I'm happy with the result - the skin is clean and breathes! I recommend.

Grade: 5++++

La Roche-Posay Effaclar H – Cleansing soothing mousse

Expanded opinion: I bought this product after I actively added acids to medicinal drugs and my skin began to turn red and react to any wash with almost any wash (the exception was the daily wash gel from Clean & Clear Advantage “ Quick Effect", but it was already coming to an end for me). The mousse reminded me of ordinary shaving foam. The same thick foam, which after a while “deflates”. This is clearly visible in the swatch. On the left I just applied it, but on the right it took a couple of minutes.

The product is good, cleanses gently and decently. I can’t say whether the foundation will wash off, but the mousse gives a feeling of cleanliness. If you sniff, the aroma is barely noticeable, pharmaceutical. It doesn’t bother me, and it disappears during the washing process.

Grade: 5+

Lumene Radiant Touch Refreshing Foam Cleanser - Refreshing cleansing foam

Expanded opinion: After a spontaneous purchase, I put this product aside until better times. The skin reacts to it with redness. For now, I’m inclined to attribute this to temporary skin reactivity due to the use of acids in care. It’s hard to call it foam. This is a thickening cream that you still have to try to squeeze out of the tube. Here is a not very presentable, but true swatch showing all its thickness.

By the way, when I came to visit my sister, I discovered that she had bought exactly the same... ahem-ahem... foam and put it aside in the same way - it tingled her skin. So, girls, this product is definitely not for sensitive skin. I still plan to start using it in the summer.

Grade: so far 3.

3. Thermal waters

From left to right.

I am the - Thermal water Pure Aqua

Expanded opinion: This water was purchased to save money when used with clay masks - to moisturize the skin while the mask was drying. What can I say other than brrrrrr. When sprayed, it smells of some kind of gas (!!!), but is quite suitable for the purposes for which it was purchased (if you hold your nose in time). It does a good job of moisturizing a drying mask. True, as it turned out, the sprayer is any kind, which was to be expected)

Grade: 4- (for smell and spray)

Avene Thermal Spring Water - Thermal water.

Expanded opinion: Good water, just right for me right now. It is very gentle, relieves irritation and redness after using masks, and also serves as a good alternative for me as a facial toner. It does not dry out the skin, like Uriage. For the summer, however, I plan to take Uriage.

Grade: 5+

4. Skin cleansing solutions and lotions.

Left and clockwise

Bioderma Sensibio H2O Solution Micellaire - Micellar solution for cleansing sensitive skin Sensibio H2O And Bioderma Sebium H2O Solution Micellaire - Micellar solution for cleansing oily and mixed skin Sebium H2O.

Expanded opinion: I have held Bioderma solutions in high esteem for many, many years. I use them in both the ponytail and the mane (well, wherever possible). This is an excellent cleansing after washing (it depends on the condition of the skin - you can choose either Sensibio or Sebium), this is an excellent standalone cleanser for foundation (Sebium) and eye makeup (Sensibio), this is a cleansing of the skin, in between (for example, I indulge in this in the afternoon, after a morning walk, here you can also choose). I buy 500 ml bottles. The shelf life of an opened bottle is a year - it flies away for me, but my husband helps me (he is delighted with Sebium). In general, I sing praises. Very worthy products.

Grade: 5++++ for both

Clean & Clear - Deep facial cleansing lotion for sensitive skin.

Expanded opinion: Well, I don’t know for what kind of sensitive skin the manufacturer poured alcohol into the bottle (in second place, after water), but I’m afraid to use it on my face (my husband bought this “miracle”). In general, wipe the back - in case of a nuclear war or a Darsonval attachment after using them, and, at worst, cauterize something that has rebelled... well, not on the whole face.

Grade: I don’t know what to put?

Merk Exfoliac Lotion - Exfoliac Lotion.

Expanded opinion: Well, here we are acid agent, which I used once a day to lighten acne. Enough aggressive agent, like the previous lotion, also contains alcohol large quantities. I’ll use it up and buy something more suitable for my age and without alcohol... for the fall. Now I’ve stopped using it on my face and use it on my back. The sun has begun to warm up, although I use SPF, I’m afraid - I’m afraid of unnecessary pigmentation.

Grade: 4 (for alcohol in the composition)

Stop Problem Salicylic alcohol-free lotion for combination skin.

Expanded opinion: Good tonic, most importantly - without any bullshit in the composition. It refreshes well and smells unobtrusive. Another thing is that salicylic acid It is poorly soluble in water and, most likely, it contains very little of this salicylic acid, but I want to believe in the best. I bought it several times; When I meet you, I immediately take more - more. Unfortunately, it is found in few places.

Grade: 5

Well, now we get to the masks. Are you still awake? Well, let's continue)

5. Cleansing masks.

First, masks without scrubbing particles.

Evinal Mask - facial peeling for blackheads for oily problem skin.

Expanded opinion: The mask is quite hard, it burns the skin a lot. I apply it with a brush, leave it on for 15 minutes as prescribed by the manufacturer and wash it off with a cellulose sponge (as in the photo above). The mask is light peach in color and, as I already said, without any inclusions or scrubbing particles.

For the first five minutes the burning sensation is simply unbearable, but then the skin calms down, although it remains red for about an hour. That's why I use this mask at night. It’s not a “wash it off and go” series. But in the morning the skin is smooth, soft and pleasant to the touch. Clay-based mask containing salicylic acid. As well as various extracts (lemon, apple, blueberry, grapes, string).
The smell is quite strong, with sourness, quite intrusive for me, but I can tolerate it for 15 minutes for the sake of beauty)

Grade: 5 (no pluses, as it bakes a lot)

Matis Reponse Purete Pure Peel-Off - Plasticizing deep cleansing mask.

Expanded opinion: The best mask- the film I tried. It comes off immediately and does not separate into “rags”. Contains fruit acids. The skin after it is clean and breathes. The complexion improves, you can easily use it as a “going out” mask - nothing turns red and does not tighten, where it was peeling - it will collect there, without tearing off the vellus hairs. I'm happy with the mask. It thickens quickly, so you have to get used to spreading it. The swatch shows that it has started to thicken.

Grade: 5+++

Let's move on to masks with scrubbing particles.

Garnier Clean skin- 3 in 1 Gel + scrub + mask.

Expanded opinion: I use it as a mask and scrub at the same time. That is, I apply it for 3 minutes (as recommended) as a mask, and then gently polish it with scrubbing particles while rinsing it off. Clay-based product with blue scrubbing particles.

I don’t risk using the mask for a longer time; the composition is not very good. Contains SLS. Apparently, it was included because the product is stated as a gel cleanser, but I can hardly imagine skin that can withstand the use of this product every day)

Grade: 3 (due to the composition, which practically does not allow it to be used as a full-fledged mask)

Avene Cleanance Purifying Mask – Purifying exfoliating mask.

Expanded opinion: Clay mask, containing fruit (AHA) and salicylic (BHA) acids. Quite tender and soft on its own. During periods of exacerbation - just right. If you want a harsher cleansing and the situation on your face allows it, then while rinsing off, massage your face with the particles contained in the mask. The skin is cleansed with any method of application. The consistency is creamy, the smell is not very pleasant, but not strong. The volume is small, only 40 ml... they fly away very quickly.

Grade: 5+

Uriage Hyseac Masque Gommant Doux Gentle Exfoliating Mask – Soft exfoliating mask “Iseac”.

Expanded opinion: A close relative of the previous mask. In terms of application and effect, there is practically no difference. The only thing is that the mask contains only fruit acids. Among the advantages - the smell is pleasant, a cheerful light green color (to scare relatives), and the volume cannot but please (100 ml).

Grade: 5++

Well, and finally, a couple scary photos. I hope that whoever decided to indulge in a cup of coffee or tea has already finished it all. At the very least, I advise you to put off the cake and marmalade)
Actually, here it is. On the left is a person during the end of the Civil War, on the right is “our days.”

I know that I haven’t won my “battle” yet. Well, first of all, the acne, as you can see, is still there, but I’m fighting it hard. Secondly, problematic skin will remain like this, unfortunately, until old age, therefore, you need to carefully monitor the condition and just use heavy artillery.

This is all about cleansing.
The products described make up almost 80% of my facial care. From the rest, I have 9 facial products:
- 2 medicinal creams(which cannot be written about);
- 1 light moisturizing - mattifying;
- 1 mattifying - corrective and 1 super moisturizing (more details

The face is the most open area our body, on which any defects become noticeable, be it pimples, blackheads or increased fat content skin. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly cleanse your face. To do this, it is not necessary to go to a beauty salon, but can be done at home.

How to cleanse your face at home

The very first and the simplest way facial skin care, but at the same time the most important thing is daily cleansing with washing. We should wash our face twice a day - morning and evening.

As a rule, in the morning we wash our face as usual. tap water room temperature. For some this is normal and nothing side effects doesn't call. But in fact, washing with plain tap water does not have a very good effect on our skin, and for most it causes drying, tightening, and sometimes even severe peeling. In this regard, it is ideally recommended to wash your face with boiled, mineral water or herbal decoctions.

Firstly, it is not entirely convenient, and secondly, not everyone can afford to wash their face with mineral water or bother with decoctions every morning.

Therefore, there is another proven method - frozen cubes of chamomile or green tea decoction. Its advantage is that these cubes can be prepared several days in advance, thus saving time. They perfectly tone the skin, do not cause peeling, and give it a healthy color.

Evening wash. Most women wear makeup every day, but even those who don’t use makeup need evening cleansing to remove dust and dirt that accumulates in their pores during the day. To do this, there are many different products, when choosing which you need to take into account your skin type, carefully study the composition of the product, and also be prepared to take risks, since it is not always possible to choose the right one the first time. perfect option“washers”, and often our skin temporarily becomes a “testing ground”. This is not very good, but it is often inevitable.

The most common means for cleansing the skin of the face include: cream and milk - they cleanse the face of dirt and makeup, while also moisturizing it. If you have dry skin, then this is what you need; foams and gels - gently cleanse pores without drying out the skin. If your skin is normal or dry, then preference should be given to foam, but if you have oily or combination skin, then gels are your option; tonics and lotions - their home equivalents are herbal decoctions or lemon juice. If you have oily skin, then it is better to use these products with alcohol, and if you have dry skin, then you need to choose a lotion or tonic without alcohol. After cleansing the skin, it is recommended to use a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

Steam baths

Steam baths are beneficial for all skin types. They cleanse the skin well, stimulate blood circulation and open clogged pores. For dry skin, do steam baths once a week. For very oily skin, they can be done daily. To create steam there are special electrical devices, such a process (steaming the face) is called a facial sauna.

Heat water in a large bowl and, leaning over it and covering your head with a towel like a tent, sit over the bowl of hot water.

The steam opens the pores and makes it easier to remove blackheads. Avoid leaning too close to boiling water, as very hot steam can cause small blood vessels to rupture and cause burns. To enhance the healing effect of the procedure, you can add a tablespoon of dried plants. Long-known remedies for this are elderflower and chamomile, you can add lavender, thyme and rosemary to enhance the cleansing effect of the steam bath. These herbs flavor the steam.

Keep your face above the steam for 10-20 minutes. Steaming makes it easier to remove blackheads. For purulent acne, steam baths are not recommended, as heat and steam contribute to the spread of infection. After removing blackheads, make a mask containing cottage cheese, kaolin, cucumbers or comfrey. With extended blood vessels Steam baths are contraindicated for facial skin.

Massage method for facial cleansing at home

The massage method is cleansing the face with a scrub or exfoliation. One of the simplest, fastest and most popular ways to remove dead skin particles. In addition, in addition to cleansing, you also do self-massage of the face. Pre-moisten the skin, and then apply the scrub with massaging movements. massage lines. If you are the owner fatty type skin, pay attention Special attention the so-called T-zone. If the skin is prone to dryness, do the procedure in a more gentle way, using stroking instead of massaging. Afterwards the scrub is washed off with cold water.

Pros: perhaps the most gentle way to cleanse your face at home.

Cons: unable to deeply cleanse the skin and remove comedones.

Cosmetic cleansing masks

Homemade masks can perfectly cleanse your face and do many other things. useful procedures. The composition of the mask determines its usefulness for your skin.

Clay mask

Some of the most effective cleansing face masks are masks based on cosmetic clay.

Good for oily and problem skin white will do, blue and green clay.

Pink clay, which combines a mixture of red and white clay, is perfect for cleansing combined (mixed) and normal skin faces.

Black clay also has good cleansing properties, masks from which can be suitable for both oily and drier skin types.

The simplest recipe for a cleansing clay mask is to dilute its powder with a small amount of clean, cool water, so that when stirred you get a homogeneous mass of medium thickness, without any lumps.

You need to keep this mask on your face for 10-12 minutes, then rinse thoroughly, and then lubricate your skin with the moisturizer you use daily.

Cleansing ingredient - raw chicken egg

Let us remember that the yolk was suitable for dry skin, and the white for oily skin. And then we’ll look at how you can cleanse your facial skin even with eggshells.

Grind the shell of one boiled egg into flour in a mortar. Mix ground shells with half a tablespoon rice flour, add one teaspoon of honey, two teaspoons lemon juice. Stir and if the mixture is too thick, add a little water. This mask is suitable for oily or oily combination skin. Apply it to the skin for 15 minutes and rinse with not very cold water.

Care after cleaning

If after cleansing you find small wounds on the skin, treat them with iodine so that pimples do not appear in their place the next day.

The first days after cleansing, the skin will restore its defense mechanisms, therefore, do not expose it to sudden changes in temperature and do not expose your face to direct sunlight.

To wash your face for the first time, use mineral water or wipe your face with alcohol-free toner.

Every time you go outside, lubricate your skin sunscreen. It is necessary to protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation even in cloudy weather.

To make your pores less clogged, you need to regularly apply a pore-tightening mask. Lotions and masks for tightening pores can be purchased at a cosmetic store. Homemade masks are very effective.

A face mask that tightens pores can be made from clay. Dilute the clay with tonic or aloe juice, apply to face until dry. Then rinse off the clay mask with cool water.

Also, it helps a lot cucumber mask. Take a medium-sized cucumber, chop finely and apply the resulting pulp on your face. After 15 minutes, rinse off the mask with cool water.

If your skin feels flaky after cleansing, use a little more moisturizer than usual. Don't touch your face with your hands unless necessary. Use less powder and foundation so that the effect lasts longer after cleaning.

The effect of facial cleansing at home is slightly weaker than from salon treatments. But the main advantages of facial cleansing at home are accessibility and ease of use, as well as the ability to perform procedures at any time convenient for you. And if you clean regularly, the effect will be comparable to professional methods.

Problematic facial skin will not add beauty - you cannot hide your face under clothes, so all the redness, peeling, pimples and other imperfections are always visible. However, the problem of pores on the face cannot be called an incurable disease; the solution lies mostly in proper care, identifying internal problems and using masks.

Many girls suffer from excessively oily skin, which is prone to acne. But availability greasy shine on the T-zone does not indicate that you have problem skin. But if there is a significant enlargement of the pores, frequent inflammatory processes and acne, then treatment is simply necessary.

Causes and problematic factors

Not only teenagers, but also adults can get facial imperfections.

The main causes of problems with sebum production:

Treatment of problem skin of the face and décolleté at home

Treatment at home is considered one of the most effective and safe method among all existing ones.

Popular against acne and inflamed acne Regular laundry soap is common and is applied to the desired areas. But still, it’s better not to wash your face laundry soap because it dries out a lot. After this, complex treatment may be required.

A light lotion is widely used as a cleanser: pour two tablespoons of sugar and regular soda into a glass of boiling water, mix thoroughly, let cool a little and brew. Then gently wipe your face with a cotton swab.

A lotion based on homemade mint leaves can also prevent acne and remove existing ones. Let the brewed mint steep for about half an hour and regularly wipe your face with it throughout the day.

Treatment with birch buds and leaves, which must be taken in equal proportions, poured into a glass of water and boiled for five minutes, is also common among people. Good for washing.

Raspberry leaves have healing properties in the fight against inflammation and rashes. People have come up with a recipe for an effective ointment: you need to take 5-7 fresh raspberry leaves, rinse them thoroughly and squeeze the juice out of them.

It is mixed with butter until smooth and apply to inflammation overnight.

Leaders among medicinal herbs Chamomile, mint and string are considered. They are poured with boiling water, infused and used for washing, as a base for lotion or compresses.

How to properly tone and care for problematic facial skin?

The solution to the question of how best to care for this type must begin with a good cleansing. For daily morning washing, you need to use neutral types of cleansing, which are designed specifically for problem skin. Cosmetologists advise getting a special facial brush and rubbing in gel, soap or foam with it. The actions of the brush should be soft, massaging, and not traumatic. Optimal temperature for cleansing, approximately the same as body temperature, that is, 36-37 degrees.

The rules of care say - regardless of the type and type of skin, you need to wash your face no more than twice a day. It's just a myth that the more often you cleanse, the better you do. Quite the contrary, frequent removal sebum leads to its increased production, which can make the situation even worse.

It is also very important not to injure the skin. After washing, you just need to lightly blot the moisture without rubbing. Wait 15 minutes before applying any cosmetic products for acne - the moisture should dry completely.

But this does not mean that it is impossible to carry out deep cleansing on one's own. You can use special exfoliating products a couple of times a week.

Treatment of problematic facial skin with masks

In order for treatment masks to work as effectively as possible, you need to follow the basic rules:

  • Before starting the procedures, you need to wash yourself thoroughly, cleanse yourself of dirt and wipe with tonic or rose water;
  • Masks, including homemade ones, must be applied very carefully, gently, do not rub or stretch, so as not to further damage the skin;
  • Not worth it "overexpose" mixture - observe the time required to release all useful substances- 15-20 minutes;
  • It is better to rinse off with slightly warm water, and then apply a tonic or cream.

Home care for problem skin is simple and economical, because the main focus is to return the face to a healthy and radiant appearance, eliminate rashes, and stabilize fat production.

Top 7 best recipes homemade masks:

The main thing is to regularly and correctly take care of your problem skin, follow the rules of care, use useful masks. And very soon the condition and appearance of your face will become much better!
