Cool names for boys dogs. List of dog names for large breed male dogs

The names invented by the owners for small dogs are not an empty phrase, they encode information that can greatly influence the behavior and fate of faithful pets. The nickname is given to animals for years, leaving a huge imprint on how a person's relationship with an intelligent four-legged friend will develop.

Names for little girls dogs

The industriousness and diligence of the owner decide a lot, but it has been noticed that small female individuals are more obedient, more devoted and complaisant than independent males. Even in the days of estrus, well-bred pets normally obey commands, following all the instructions of the trainer. In the question of how to name a dog for a girl of a small breed, it is advisable to use nicknames that are pleasant to the ear, but short, not consisting of several words. Frequently repeated popular names should be avoided; in a crowded place or at exhibitions, it will be difficult for you to call your pet from the crowd.

It is advisable to always take into account the size of the dog when choosing a nickname. For fun, playing on contrasts, people sometimes come up with a big and formidable name for a gentle little dog, which is more appropriate to give to shepherd dogs, great danes or dobermans. After a while, the joke gets boring, it sounds ridiculous, and it is extremely difficult to retrain the animal. A bad option is to repeat the name of a dead dog for a new pet, by doing this you prolong the sad memories of the loss. It is better to focus on the appearance of a small puppy, his habits, reflecting in the nickname the individual features of a shaggy beauty.

Representatives of this dwarf breed, whose ancestors lived with the ancient Mayans and Toltecs - the tiniest dogs in the world. Some people like to tie nicknames to nationality, therefore, in solving the task, how to name a dog a girl of a small breed, you can use funny and original Mexican roots. Connoisseurs of Latin American TV series, this prospect will certainly attract.

Examples of some Mexican names for small dogs:

  • salsa,
  • Consuela
  • Chacha,
  • juanita,
  • enchilada,
  • Bonita.

The names for small dogs Bullet, Shumka, Plyushka, Cleo, Gamma, Knopa, Mimi look beautiful and cool. Some sonorous and interesting nicknames are of German origin. For example, you can nimble and funny little chihuahua girls call Hella, Subby, Ricky, Moni, Nicky, Zuzi. Japanese words are short and perfect for a dog. They will appeal to intellectuals who like to call animals clever names.

Examples of Eastern names:

  • Hikari (snow)
  • Hotaru (firefly)
  • Kokoro (soul)
  • Aiko (favorite)
  • Asa (morning)
  • Hoshi (star).

With these room-decorative babes to find mutual language extraordinarily simple. They are like funny animated toys sowing fun and warmth around. In the case of how to name a dog a girl of a small York breed, one can mention the curiosity of animals, the sharpest hearing and excellent guard qualities babies. They will not miss a stranger, fearlessly rushing at anyone, regardless of their dwarf size.

The English roots of the breed are easy to highlight with appropriate names for small dogs:

  • Bentley
  • Macbeth
  • Margaret,
  • Thatcher,
  • Chelsea
  • Adele
  • Lola,
  • chloe,
  • Sadie.

A good option is to give names for small dogs, emphasizing the yellow-brown color of the breed:

  • Yolk,
  • Zloti
  • chestnut,
  • Choco,
  • Sun,
  • African,
  • Cinnamon.

It is not necessary to call small outbred animals with primitive nicknames. Many home smart girls understand commands better than animals with passports and awards, so they deserve to have a beautiful and gentle name. When solving the problem of how to name a dog of a small breed, it is convenient to start from the color of your pets, their habits, interesting manners. In the hope of getting a good and funny little four-legged friend from this puppy over time, we call her the names of our favorite characters.

Long pretentious nicknames with an aristocratic bias are not suitable for a little mongrel, it is better to choose light and playful options for her:

  • Aster,
  • Basya,
  • Jackdaw,
  • Dawn,
  • Bully,
  • Comet,
  • Rocket,
  • Arrow,
  • Berry.

Representatives of this medium-sized breed are divided into Russians and. The former grow up to 3 kg and may have different lengths fur. Britons are all exceptionally shorthaired and 600 grams larger. Names for girls of dogs of small breeds are suitable for English and Russian origin, you can choose them depending on the pet's passport. Use the opportunity to express in nicknames the energetic disposition of the girls, their groovy character, affection for the owners.

Names for little girls toy terrier dogs:

  • Bark,
  • Nancy,
  • darcy,
  • Magi,
  • Carmen
  • pixie,
  • Christie,
  • Lola,
  • belle,
  • Mary.

Good nicknames for that terrier in the Russian version:

  • Fun,
  • Bully,
  • Aurora,
  • Arrow,
  • Lightning,
  • Elektra,
  • Magic,
  • Bestia.

This breed has several varieties, but miniature ones are dwarf or. Fluffy lumps with an affectionate, friendly, but proud disposition weigh up to 3 kg and have a sonorous voice. Their color is varied, it can be chocolate, white, cream or sand. Pomeranians have a brave character, they received it from distant sledding ancestors, so they bark at strangers bravely, like formidable sheep dogs. How to name a small dog with a funny bear or fox face is an interesting question, the most original options are accepted here.

Examples of nicknames for miniature Spitz girls:

  • Bulya,
  • Haze,
  • Bunny,
  • Lyalka,
  • Note,
  • Elbe,
  • Barbara,
  • Carla
  • Elka,
  • Sophie,
  • Gerda,
  • Dora.

Name for a small breed boy dog

Even a tiny, newly acquired puppy should get its own proud name. It helps to establish communication with the animal easier, train it, teach it to respond to commands on demand. Beautiful nicknames for small dogs, boys are easy to find in numerous lists, but not always unusual or catchy names take root normally in everyday life. It is undesirable to stop the choice on common human names, in public place it leads to unwanted scandals, bad attitude surrounding your dog.

A hard-to-pronounce name sounds unusual, but in moments of danger it makes it difficult to call a pet. If you really liked a sonorous multi-compound word, then try to shorten it. For example, it is better to call Maximus short Max or Maksik. It is wrong to come up with funny or foreign nicknames for small dogs, reminiscent of training commands. In stressful moments, your dog or neighbor's dog may confuse "Face" with "Farse" or "Apport" with "Chord".

Compact and cheerful Yorkies have a confident character, they instantly try to put in place neighborhood dogs who don't give these kids the respect they deserve. Ugly, unpretentious or funny names are not suitable for our handsome men. Nicknames for dogs of boys of small breeds Yorkshire Terrier must suit the disposition of these tiny gentlemen, mischievous rascals and natural born friends of man.

Examples of names for a York boy:

  • Gait,
  • Alf,
  • bugs,
  • willy,
  • Lucky,
  • Tapsy,
  • hopper,
  • Oddy,
  • smokey,
  • shelby,
  • Ernie.

These dogs have an inexhaustible supply of energy, they need constant walks where they can be naughty, play, bark loudly and do incredible fun tricks. Lazy people and lovers of a quiet measured life this breed won't fit. It is advisable to choose names for small dogs of toy terrier boys that are concise, sonorous, as suitable as possible for cheerful animals.

Russian and English names for funny little dogs boys toy terriers:

  • Alto,
  • buddy,
  • Golf,
  • Casper,
  • Zorro,
  • camelot,
  • Casper,
  • king,
  • Mac,
  • norton,
  • hopper,
  • Tapsy,
  • Wind,
  • talker,
  • catch up
  • Signal,
  • Source.

Dwarf Pomeranians are active creatures, constantly looking for adventure. beautiful babies sometimes, in front of a stranger, they can feel like a much larger animal than they really are. These fox-faced toy creatures can pounce on an unknown alien like Spartans, trying to bite them with their sharp teeth-needles. It is better to look for nicknames for restless dogs of little Spitz boys to match their groovy temperament.

Beautiful names for little boy Spitz:

  • Lucas,
  • pancho,
  • Hugo,
  • Sancho
  • merlin,
  • Volchek,
  • Oscar,
  • rocky,
  • Elvis,
  • Bumblebee.

Tiny and intelligent Pekingese dogs are always individual and unique. These babies are often characterized by regal manners, they are even able to try to dominate weak-willed owners. In order to better figure out how to name a small dog of a Pekingese boy, you need to see in your pet a personality, a small four-legged aristocrat.

Name for the little Pekingese:

  • Arthur,
  • Boss,
  • August,
  • Volt,
  • gold,
  • Cross,
  • spike,
  • Sapphire,
  • Charlie.

Miniature boys of this breed are in many ways similar to terriers, they are distinguished by attentiveness, courage, they can be impudent with strangers, they try to keep up with the owner. Without proper attention, the crumbs suffer, and their jealousy can be a problem. A well-chosen nickname for a little chihuahua dogs conveys their devoted and sensitive nature, the groovy nature of the pet.

Choosing a name for a cheerful chihuahua:

  • amigo,
  • amor,
  • Gangster,
  • Lancelot,
  • Narcissus,
  • Gaspar,
  • Signor

Nicknames for small dogs boys mongrels

Outbred creatures sometimes look unusual, in their blood the genes of all representatives of the canine world are mixed. Mutts are equally suitable cool nicknames for small dogs, aristocratic names, serious menacing nicknames. It all depends on the size of the pet, the hidden goals pursued by its owner. Animals without a pedigree often have valuable qualities, which are not always found in a pet with medals.

There are many different names for boy dogs with national accents: French, English, Spanish, Oriental, Northern. For those who find it difficult to choose, we have compiled a list of rare and beautiful ones. Choose how to name a boy puppy, based on the characteristics of character and disposition.

Original Russian nicknames for boys

IN Lately makes itself felt the dominance of foreign pretentious names. For some reason, the owners believe that their dog will be more successful if you give it a European-style name.

Russians have their own superiority: they always sound good, soft (and you don’t even need to cut), funny, playful, many funny. Versatile, you can choose to any character. Pay attention to some of them.

  • Bandit,
  • Tramp,
  • Tramp,
  • Thunder,
  • buddy,
  • Volcano,
  • Pie,
  • Cake,
  • Bobik,
  • Jackal,
  • Rogue,
  • Cupid,
  • Warrior,
  • Tail,
  • Ginger,
  • Pie,
  • Dobrynya,
  • Hog,
  • Svarog,
  • Rodion,
  • Happy,
  • Handsome,
  • baby,
  • Tsar,
  • Volchara,
  • Whistle,
  • Beast,
  • Hermit,
  • Savage,
  • Grozny,
  • Brukhan,
  • Winnie the Pooh,
  • Nightmare.

Modern nicknames for four-legged "gentlemen"

But if you notice the habits of a true Englishman behind your dog, you should not refuse her national name.

Your dog tries to serve in everything (brings slippers in the morning, and then also carries them around all day), is too obedient, friendly, stable, but afraid to show his feelings, extremely fond of order and comfort - then choose something for him then from this list.

  • Armstrong,
  • Bentley
  • barton,
  • Jeeves,
  • webster,
  • Bobby,
  • Burgher,
  • watson,
  • sherlock,
  • duke,
  • winfred,
  • glenmore,
  • beardsley,
  • Graph,
  • Lancelot,
  • Greenwich,
  • Bosswell,
  • carrington,
  • Digby
  • chadwick,
  • fergie,
  • Cromwell,
  • Dandy,
  • London,
  • wesley,
  • Rochester
  • Charles,
  • bacon,
  • Spencer
  • wilson,
  • Wilston,
  • Oxford,
  • Tower,
  • Tennyson,
  • Maxwell.

Nicknames for puppies with a French accent

If you notice cheerfulness, cheerfulness, ardent temperament, enthusiasm, likes to be the center of attention in your pet, then choose a French name for him.

  • Armani,
  • Andre,
  • Dandy,
  • cavier,
  • Neville,
  • Cousteau,
  • Garson,
  • Dominic,
  • Maurice,
  • Pierre Paris,
  • Chianti,
  • faber,
  • Chardonnay,
  • eiffel,
  • Ludwig,
  • corporal,
  • Sedan,
  • Orleans,
  • Jules,
  • Grass,
  • Gauthier,
  • Julienne,
  • Gerard,
  • Philip,
  • Modest,
  • Cordel,
  • bulien,
  • Chevalier,
  • besancon,
  • Valentine,
  • Victor,
  • Adye,
  • Cognac,
  • Justien,
  • blaise,
  • Rouen,
  • Christoph,
  • Alonso
  • Grass,
  • Poitiers.


Options for "little" dogs

Decided to have a baby, then this list of the "smallest" playful names for you.

  • Karapet,
  • baby,
  • Shket,
  • Micro,
  • Electron,
  • Smallest,
  • Small,
  • junior,
  • cog,
  • tinkle,
  • Dwarf,
  • karapuz,
  • Chizhik,
  • Shustrik,
  • Small,
  • Midge,
  • Malets,
  • Proton,
  • Baby,
  • Little,
  • smarty,
  • Cake,
  • Mini,
  • Kinder,
  • Funtik,
  • Kutsy,
  • Byte,
  • carnation,
  • fluff,
  • Sweeties,
  • Zaki,
  • Sweepy,
  • shorty,
  • Micron,
  • pretzel,
  • zigo,
  • Chico,
  • Fluffy.

Name for different dog breeds

Each breed is unique in itself, because it has unique habits and has its own universal character.

Breeds of watchmen and guards: German Shepherd, alabai, rotfeiler, moscow watchdog, black terrier.

Family and friendly - pugs, poodles, St. Bernards, shelties, poodles. Now we will consider what names are best for some breeds.

  • Timmy
  • Coconut,
  • Bow,
  • Lucky,
  • darling,
  • Small,
  • bambi,
  • Smile,
  • didi,
  • Volt,
  • pixel,
  • Knop,
  • Boni,
  • Zorro,
  • Alcor,
  • sparky,
  • smokey,
  • benji,
  • Richie
  • Mini,
  • loyd,
  • Best,
  • kiki,
  • Agate,
  • Freddie,
  • Boss.

For taxis:

  • Pirate,
  • Bruno
  • Hunter,
  • stif,
  • baxter,
  • Black,
  • brown,
  • rocky,
  • flint,
  • Rave,
  • pitty,
  • Timka,
  • Fritz,
  • Sema.

Husky male nicknames:

  • loki,
  • Thunder,
  • Buran,
  • Amur,
  • frost,
  • fierce,
  • Archie,
  • Daemon,
  • wolf,
  • silver,
  • Cold,
  • North,
  • Ural,
  • Shaman,
  • gray,
  • Caesar,
  • North,
  • Hugo,
  • Sniper,
  • Baikal,
  • Snor.

Shepherd boys will be happy if you choose one of these for them:

  • Diamond,
  • Graph,
  • Empire,
  • Conrad,
  • Perseus,
  • Marcus,
  • lord,
  • Antey,
  • Dingo,
  • Austin,
  • Jaco,
  • Uranus,
  • Grant,
  • Pier,
  • Martin,
  • Rhine,
  • Lobster,
  • Nero,
  • Corsair,
  • Main,
  • Cascade,
  • Zinc,
  • Bodo,
  • Rhine,
  • Jeff,
  • Zhigan,
  • Rudolf,
  • king,
  • dux,
  • Carat,
  • Oscar,
  • Falcon,
  • Flint.

Successful Labradors:

  • amigo,
  • Atom,
  • brun,
  • Casper,
  • Jack,
  • bond,
  • ajax,
  • Zorro,
  • Clyde,
  • Gucci
  • winston,
  • kelvin,
  • boomer,
  • Toby,
  • Crow,
  • Chaos,
  • Nugget,
  • Orion,
  • Adonis,
  • ricochet,
  • Gigolo,
  • byron,
  • Champion,
  • Jack,
  • homer,
  • ranger,
  • bambino,
  • butch,
  • Jazz,
  • flash,
  • Sunny
  • Romeo,
  • Tango.

Beautiful names for Alabai:

  • aspar,
  • Arden,
  • farhad,
  • Murad,
  • Hummock,
  • Ardak,
  • Nubar,
  • Wagr,
  • Topush,
  • barut,
  • diram,
  • margos,
  • Nazar,
  • Radash,
  • Miro.

Note to those who are planning to acquire a Staffordshire Terrier. good nicknames:

  • Asik,
  • Bard,
  • bawar,
  • Arro,
  • Hephaestus,
  • Butuz,
  • kaab,
  • A tan,
  • Imar,
  • bidi,
  • Helot,
  • Zagray
  • cube,
  • kaffi,
  • vicourt,
  • Proud,
  • Kuchum,
  • chieftain,
  • Dary,
  • Quinto,
  • dux,
  • Werther
  • Jibo,
  • Buckingham
  • East,
  • Le Havre
  • Buyan,
  • Gasan,
  • viking,
  • Euphrates.
  • Raydon,
  • takumi,
  • Samurai,
  • Tobiko,
  • darius,
  • goro,
  • haco,
  • fudo,
  • Setsuko,
  • haru,
  • Neko,
  • Nikko.

The most suitable names for spaniel boys:

  • Aylat,
  • Alan,
  • Jeremiah,
  • Lorgnette,
  • sparky,
  • Ferocious,
  • Punks
  • Robin,
  • Sniper,
  • Scimitar,
  • Bachem,
  • Golden eagle,
  • frickly,
  • Bold,
  • catchy,
  • Charlie,
  • muffy,
  • Hawk,
  • natsmen,
  • Sebastian,
  • Longket,
  • Cracker,
  • Nimble,
  • pull out,
  • saiga,
  • Remote.

But no matter how successful beautiful name you have not chosen for your puppy, he will not be happy if you do not care and look after him properly.

Remember the words of the great Saint-Exupery: "We are responsible for those we have tamed." Therefore, try to pay as much attention as possible to your four-legged friend, and he will doubly thank you for your work.

Funny dog ​​names

A good sense of humor helps in life and is even an integral part of it. Often, owners want their pet's name to evoke a smile and a wave of positivity. Why not? The main thing is that the nickname pleases, but in no case should it be offensive or offensive to a devoted comrade.

What can be guided in the selection of a "cool" name? For example, the size of a dog. Here you can use opposite meanings, so a tiny toy or Yorkshire terrier can light hand the owner to turn into Gulliver, Giant, Cerberus or Terrible. Such names for babies sound unexpectedly funny, and if the dog has character, then it is quite eloquent.

There is also a reverse trend, when representatives of giant breeds are called diminutive names. You can meet a Caucasian shepherd dog named Fluff, Great Dane Krosha or, frightening with its appearance, Mastiff Tsvetika.

But here you should be more careful, given that the name leaves its mark on the character of the pet, and if you want to get a vigilant guard, there is a risk of becoming the owner of a good-natured giant. With medium-sized pets, you can let your imagination run wild and come up with a nickname based on characteristic qualities.

Owners of mestizos often have unintentional embarrassment with nicknames. Initially gentle, tiny creature named Donut, Ray or Little Mouse can grow to a decent size. And there are also reverse situations, when a puppy is taken into the house, which the former owners position as a large, sentry individual, and a dog grows up the size of a dachshund.

And such Polkans, Mukhtars and Caesars run around, and the owners are somewhat embarrassed by their original, not quite suitable, name. If there is no desire to choose a playful nickname, and future size pet is not clear, it is worth naming the puppy so that the name is not associated with dimensions.

You can focus on the color of the pet. The nickname will reflect the inherent quality of the pet - its suit:

  • You can call a dog with black hair Coal, Devil, Blackie, Demon, Zorro, Gypsy, Agate, Bes, Chernysh, Blade, Raven, Rook, etc.
  • For males with white coat, names such as Snowball, Bely, Belyash, Frost, Leopard, Snowstorm, Nord, Chalk, Light, Casper, Edelweiss, White, Zephyr, Polar, Sugar, Refined are suitable.
  • Dogs with a spotted coat are called Spot, Pockmarked, Fifteen, Motley, Bright, Domino, Harlequin. Among the English nicknames can be considered Bud, Spotty, Patch, Tabby.
  • Chocolate pets can be named after favorite goodies - Snickers, Mars, Twix, Milky Way, Toblerone, Picnic, Chocolate. Suitable nicknames such as Brownie, Chestnut, Mocha, Bruno, Bob, Darkley, Maroon, Brownish, Choco, Porter, etc.
  • Males with grey, ashy coats may be called Ash, Grey, Gray, Silver, Smokey, Smokey, Smokey, Steely, Steele.
  • Red-red dogs are often given nicknames, one way or another associated with the red, fiery color - Fire, Scarlet, Pepper, Red, Bright, Ruby, Pomegranate, Fire. Pets whose fur looks like a fox coat are called Fox, Fox, Foxy, Golden, Orange, Honey,

When choosing a nickname, you can focus on the nature of the pet. Puppies, like any children, from birth begin to show some of their outstanding qualities. What can we say about grown-up kids falling into new house. For puppies with obvious leadership qualities it is worth choosing the appropriate nickname: Commander. King, Leader, Favorite, General, Pharaoh. Captain.

Names for dog boys

5 (100%) 9 votes

The puppy's nickname is often the subject of discussion, often even very lengthy. Why is it given such importance?

The name of a puppy can tell a lot about its owner. About his thoughts, even to some extent about character. But most often the name-nickname for the puppy itself comes to the head of the owner.

All you need is a little imagination! In this article will be discussed about names for dogs - boys.

How to name?

The main thing is where you purchased your dog. If he is thoroughbred and bought in a nursery, then. Most often it is intricate and quite complex. Many owners are trying to pick up a name derived from this nickname. Or they come up with an abbreviation if the nickname consists of several words. In fact, it is not necessary to do this at all.

You can choose a unique nickname, but you should remember the simple rules:

  1. Still, it is worth calling the animal by human names. Does it look a little strange if a girl in the park calls, for example, Seryozha, and a Doberman comes running to her call? Separately, I would like to emphasize that the name of the dog should be different from the name of the neighbor in the area of ​​​​the apartment where the owner of the dog lives, because few people will be pleased to know that the animal was named after him 🙂 It is better to choose exclusively dog names. For example, Lord, Richie, Court.
  2. Any dog ​​needs to be trained and trained in the acquired skills. That's why nickname must not contain commands. For example, if the owner teaches the dog the “Fu!” command, then the nickname Land mine or Funtik will confuse the animal with this command.
  3. Dogs don't think the way humans do. Therefore, it is better to give them a name of a maximum of two syllables, and having in itself loud sounds. For example, Buran, Bim, Jack.
  4. The breed, appearance, character, and other features of the pet should also be taken into account.. For example, sizes. True, it is better to choose a neutral nickname for the pet. Because the owner looks strange, walking with a small dog, and calling her with the words: “Poseidon, come to me!”. Although this testifies to the owner's sense of humor. Just like calling a small dog Terrible, Giant or Gulliver. You need to choose the most salient feature, which will not change over time. For example, Chernysh or Belyak are excellent nicknames for pure black or white puppies, respectively.
  5. It is absolutely not necessary to name the puppy as soon as he crosses the threshold of the owner's apartment. Better to watch his behavior and make the final decision.
  6. There is no need to invent anything special if you are the owner of a pooch. She has the same right to a beautiful name as her thoroughbred counterparts.
  7. If none can be found the right word in Russian, foreign dictionaries at your service. Sometimes a simple designation of a characteristic, such as colors on foreign language looks original and fresh. For example, Schwartz is German for "black". You can use this name if your dog is black.

Why is it important that the name for the pet be short and as sonorous as possible? Because even if the grown-up puppy is busy with something (most often, passionate about the game), he could hear the call of the owner.


Many people dream of giving Russian names to dogs because it is convenient and familiar. List of nicknames:



Pick one of these catchy male names:

  • Loki (from ancient Germanic mythology, a malevolent God, suitable for a naughty dog),
  • Thor (also God, but fair, powerful and handsome, suitable for a large, stately and kind dog),
  • Ragnarok,
  • Hans
  • Werther (in honor of the iconic literary hero from "The Sorrows of Young Werther")
  • Charles,
  • Dirk (in honor of the famous king),
  • Rhine (after the river)
  • Sigmund,
  • Siegfried,
  • Ulrich,
  • Besten (best).


Many people are crazy about France and want to give their dog the flair of this beautiful country. How can you name a boy's dog in the French manner:

Japanese with meaning

  • Amai: sweet
  • Aiko: favorite
  • Aki: born in autumn,
  • Genkito: healthy,
  • Dai: great
  • Jin: silver,
  • Willow: strong
  • Yoshiko: obedient child,
  • Kadan: friend,
  • Kamede: long-liver,
  • katana samurai sword
  • Keiko: Beloved
  • Kumiko: baby
  • kuri: chestnut,
  • kuro: black,
  • Kawai (with emphasis on the long Y): cute,
  • Kuma: bear,
  • Mamoru: protector,
  • Taske: assistant,
  • Machiko: Lucky
  • Mikan: orange (can be called a red dog),
  • Natsuko: born in summer
  • Nikko: sunny,
  • Ricky: strong
  • sumi: pure,
  • Taji: silvery yellow,
  • Taka: of noble birth,
  • Fuku: bringer of good luck and wealth,
  • Haru: child of spring
  • Hoshiko: stellar
  • Tsuyoshi: strong, healthy
  • Shishio: lion
  • Chibi: cute
  • Choco: chocolate,
  • Shiro: snow white
  • Yume: a dream (like Putin).

English and American

We give cool foreign nicknames with translation:

Light and beautiful

Tired of common dog names? Do you want something beautiful, but at the same time “not hackneyed”? Then you can name a dog from this list of nicknames:

  • Iceberg,
  • Avalon,
  • Adam,
  • Berkeley
  • Gucci
  • baldo,
  • Indigo,
  • Emelyan,
  • Irbis,
  • Iris,
  • Zeus,
  • Gurion,
  • Galahad,
  • Gilbert,
  • Yves Saint,
  • Desmond,
  • Space,
  • Claudius,
  • Leonard,
  • Lafayette,
  • Neville,
  • Easter;
  • Pluto,
  • Percy (val),
  • Harry.

Cool and funny

If the owner of a "man's friend" called her cool, it can say good developed sense he has humor. But choosing a beautiful, yet cool name for your dog may not be such an easy task. Although often it comes to the mind of the future owner by itself. Here are just a few of them:


The name of the dog should be short, max 2 syllables. In order for the dog to remember it better and faster. And the owner did not have to spend a lot of time to call his dog.

The future owner can name his dog as follows:

  • Alan,
  • Alyur,
  • Breeze,
  • Venya,
  • damon,
  • James,
  • Friend,
  • Jam,
  • Charles,
  • Queens,
  • Mulder,
  • Malik.


Nontrivial nicknames speak of good feeling humor of dog owners. But you need to be more careful. Because not everyone can understand how it was possible to call your dog, for example, Rodbiter? Yes, and you need to think three times before giving such a nickname, imagine how you shout “Pants-biter, do not gnaw the curtains” 🙂


This is a matter of taste for each owner of the dog, and its features. Let's name the most popular of them, of those that have not yet been named.

  • Argo,
  • Rich (from the English "rich"),
  • Amur,
  • Caesar,
  • Oscar,
  • Marseilles,
  • Simon,
  • arnie,


If the person who owns the dog does not have the time and/or inclination to invent original nickname for your puppy, then here is a list of the most popular male names:

  • Rex (in Arabic it means "king"),
  • Hachiko (especially it became popular after the release of the film of the same name),
  • buddy,
  • teddy,
  • Charlie,
  • Zeus (it looks especially funny if a very small dog has this name),
  • Kid (If the “dog” of the Alabai breed bears this name, then similarly),
  • Sharik (out of competition in the Russian Federation 🙂).


Everyone decides for himself which dog name unusual and interesting for him. Two dozen more names should be added to the already existing list.

  • Augur - that was the name of the priest who protected the people from unsuccessful deeds.
  • Argus - that was the name of the giant, who had a hundred heads, he was the personification of the starry sky,
  • Cupid - he was the god of love among the ancient Romans,
  • Antaeus was a ruler who drew strength from Mother Earth,
  • Argo - the ship on which, according to the legend of the Argonauts, the journey for the Golden Fleece took place,
  • Atlas is a titan who, according to legend, holds the vault of the sky,
  • Aton is the god who personified the sun in the mythology of Ancient Egypt,
  • Achilles - great hero trojan war,
  • Ares - in ancient Greek mythology, he is the god of war, and at the same time the son of Zeus,
  • Akhat is a common noun in Greek. It is used when they want to say something about someone. true friend which is the dog,
  • Ajax - also, like Achilles, is the hero of the Trojan War,
  • Balu - translated as "lord", and in ancient Simite mythology is the god of fertility, thunder and lightning,
  • Veles - is the ancient Slavic God, the patron saint of animals,
  • Vulcan is the god of fire
  • Helios is the god of the sun
  • Hephaestus - in ancient Greek mythology was the god of fire,
  • Daksha is a deity in Hindu mythology,
  • Dionysus - the god of fertility in ancient Greek mythology, winemaking, and viticulture,
  • Zephyr - god of the wind
  • Icarus is a hero who wanted to fly to the sun, but unfortunately could not. His wings were scorched
  • Yima is a ruler in Iranian mythology.


Again, the concept of "cool" is different for everyone. You can call almost all nicknames from the lists cool for someone. Let's just add a few more cool names to the list.


They are given by those owners who want to make their boy stand out from the crowd, to make him unique.

For example, a car lover might name a dog after a favorite (and/or desired) brand of car, a traveler after a place they have visited and/or want to visit, book or movie lovers after their favorite character. For example, rare nicknames can be:

  • in honor of the pagan gods - Perun, Yarilo;
  • the names of dogs taken from mythology or other languages ​​that are incomprehensible to the main part of the people are unusual: Chur, Ragnarok, Bacchus, Jarakhsus;
  • there may be a series of sounds to which the pet reacts, and then it becomes his nickname;
  • Separately, I want to say about the comic "names". They will bring good mood to the house. For example, chow chow or Russian terriers can be jokingly called Teddy, Barsik or Pinky.


Usually they arise if pets are officially registered. So, for example, the nicknames of puppies of the same litter in the kennel should begin with one letter. The nicknames also have an additional prefix from the breeder.

But still in ordinary life a short, sonorous name is used. This is dictated by the peculiarities of the dog's perception. They can perceive only the first syllables of their nickname. Therefore, a double name like Don Fleming Pand remains only for the owners. Or Double - Trouble (translated from English it means "double trouble")


The most interesting, beautiful and noble names for a male come from the names of gods and war heroes. For example:

  • Geb is the god of the earth in Egyptian mythology.
  • Gonor - the god of honors among the ancient Romans,
  • A hero is a legendary king or hero, who was glorified by his exploits,
  • Hercules is a hero who accomplished many feats in ancient Greek mythology,
  • Diomedes was a hero of the Trojan War
  • The centaur is a legendary creature, the embodiment of wild power,
  • Neptune - Roman god of the sea
  • Odysseus was a hero of the Trojan War
  • Odin is the supreme god in Norse mythology,
  • Perun is the main god in Ancient Rus'.

What do famous people call their pets?

  1. Vladimir Putin: It all started with Koni. This funny black Labrador, without ceremony, violated official ceremonies. It was presented by Sergei Shoigu. The head of state also has a Bulgarian shepherd dog received as a gift. Very rare breed. The animal's name is Buffy. Another dog, an exact copy of the dog from the film Hachiko, appeared with the President in 2012, it was presented by the head of one of the provinces of Japan. Her name is Yume, which means "dream" in Japanese. And he also has a dog of the Alabai breed, named Verny. It was presented to him by the President of Turkmenistan.

  2. Leonid Yarmolnik— he and his family have 3 dogs: Scottish terrier Solomon, dachshund Zosya, and pooch Dusya. His wife created charitable foundation"Giving hope", Leonid helps her.

  3. The singer Sergei Lazarev there is a mongrel Daisy. She is a frequent guest in his pictures on social networks. He got a dog by chance. Actually, he was not going to start it because of the very dense tour schedule. He adopted a dog from a shelter, which is what he advises all people who plan to get a dog to do..

  4. The singer Lyubov Uspenskaya I have a pet - Frankie the Yorkshire Terrier. It was important for her to buy exactly her puppy, the one on which the eye would immediately fall. It only looks like a toy, but in reality it is a miniature toothy lion.

  5. TV presenter Yana Poplavskaya has a Belgian Shepherd Dusya. Poplavskaya, along with her children, found her in a terrible state. Wounded and doused with water in the cold. She began to call the veterinarians, but they only answered that she could bring the dog to be euthanized, because it was pointless to treat.

    At these words, Yana sent them away and decided to treat the dog on her own. And cured! Then she wanted to give Dusya away, found good people but her son intervened. He was 11 years old at that time and he said, “Dusya trusted you, and you give her away.” After Dusya remained in the family and is loved by everyone.

  6. Actress Irina Lachina, her pet is Mickey the mongrel. She found Mickey in the park when she was on tour in Kislovodsk. It was scorching heat, and the puppy lay in the sun. He looked like he needed help. And it really was like that - he had a broken leg, he was emaciated and was dehydrated. But Irina took him to the vet and took him home.


Giving a name to a pet is not always an easy task, but a very important one. If it does not come immediately, then you need to choose based on the breed of the dog-boy, from the very characteristic feature(character or appearance), or you can use examples of celebrities who have a dog.

The dog comes to our house in different ways. Sometimes they give it to us, sometimes we cannot walk past an orphaned, hungry, defenseless lump on the street, but more often we buy it. In this case, we approach the choice of a shaggy friend more seriously. Lots of questions before buying. Which dog to buy: big or small, shaggy or smooth-haired? What do you need a dog for: to guard your home, for professional breeding, or just need a friend? Scientists say that if a person has a dog, he is more resistant to stress, he is not threatened with neurosis and heart disease.

Today we will consider the case if you need a friend, you live in an apartment, the rhythm of life is saturated to the limit, and even moving, flights, travel and so on are possible. In this case, it is better for you to opt for dogs of small breeds that you can take with you, which will not take up much space in the car, and will accompany you always and everywhere. Pet or decorative dogs are suitable for keeping in an apartment.

Indoor or decorative- these are lapdogs, pugs, pygmy pinschers, spitz, greyhounds, Pekingese, Japanese chihuahua dogs, chins, poodles and so on.

Rules for choosing a nickname for a dog

It would be nice by the time the puppy appears in the house, you have already come up with a name for him. What is the name of a male small breed puppy? Nickname should be:

  1. Sonorous. The dog remembers bright sounds in his nickname.
  2. Not too long. After all, you will have to pronounce it several times a day by giving commands.
  3. Do not call a dog by a human name.
  4. The nickname should match the appearance of the dog. For example, you should not call a poodle Dushman, or a sheepdog Tuzik.
  5. The nickname should not be consonant with the command, for example, "Aport" or "Give"

How to name?

Much depends on the owner of the puppy.

If the puppy was given to a child, then you can name a puppy of a boy of a small breed with names from cartoons: Tatoshka, Tom, Billy, Willy, Winnie, Ricky, Avva, Pepi, Nils, Artemon, Luntik, Funtik, Barney, Ballu, Pokemon, Umka, Martin, Bzhik, Nolik, Fixik, Chuk, Huck, Casper, Guidon.

How to name a small breed dog if the owner is a teenager? In this case, names such as Tyson, Amigo, Lewis, Bruce, Porsche, Boy, Clipper, Checkers, Hammer, Duke, Chelsea, Benham, Rooney, Zidane, Satan, Sheriff, Chef, Bumblebee, Khan, Kent, Koresh, Demon, Banzai, Brandy.

What is the name of a dog of a small breed boy if the owner is a girl? Girls are different. Their puppies are named Ken, Cain, Elf, Athos, Porthos, Aramis, Gray, Philip, Buddy, Edmond, Elf, Emir, Feri, Kay, Kai, Sunburn, Dantes, Dar, Balsam, Dwarf, Azor, Air.

Nicknames for dogs of small breeds of spitz whose owner is socialite : Oscar, Figaro, Elvis, Charlie, Bonya, Avos, Kent, Bucks, Dollar, Cupid, Phoebe, Maine, Eros, Sheik, Sheikh, Shock, Larry, Leo, Lex, Leo, Cahors, Carat, Whiskey, Cupid.

Nicknames for boys of small breeds if the owner is a programmer: Google, Smiley, Yandex, Hobby, Byte.

if the owner likes to travel: Cruise, Yamal, Cyclone, Cyclops, Cascade, Cyprus, Crimea, Irtysh, Yenisei, Euphrates, Danube, Duncan, Vostok, Volcano, Basalt, Baikal, Balkan, Ballu, Balkhash, Broadway, Algeria, Altai.

Nicknames for dogs of boys of small breeds if the owner creative person : Freud, Caricature, Shagan, Czardash, Bassoon, Icarus, Jazz, Jumbo, Gaboy, Hamlet, Harold, Bimol, Black, Blik, Axel, Viola, Arbat

Nicknames for little ones dogs boys "yard terriers"“: Mulya, Tuzik, Bobik, Ball, Call, Busya, Kid, Sharko, Chizhik, Chubarik, Fantik, Lay, Zador, Jack, Faithful, Bim

Cool nicknames: Killer, Othello, Fly, Tsar, Bagel, Bullet, Byaka, Jester, Damn, Karabas, Zephyr, Dwarf, Hercules, Vampire, Vandal, Baguette, Adrenaline.

Sometimes the nickname of dogs is given according to the month of birth: May, March, August, April, Cherven, Fierce.

Here are some more nicknames can be called dogs of small breeds:

How to teach a puppy to his name

Here it is! The puppy is yours. The first period is the period of acquaintance - taking the puppy in your arms, do not make sudden movements, do not pull or squeeze the baby. Let him be warm and comfortable in your arms. Stroke him by saying his name, and do not think that he will immediately understand that you are addressing him. In fact, by accustoming a puppy to his name, you have already begun training. And the nickname is the first, albeit very small, step of training.

The name of the dog must be pronounced calmly, quietly warm notes voice. Let the baby like the name. Be sure to pronounce the nickname during feeding and encouragement, during the game and when the puppy is sad. You should not yell at the puppy, saying his nickname when he messed up or made a puddle. Let the name bring him positive emotions but not fear.

If you do everything right, then in ten days the baby will get used to his name and will willingly run to you at the first call.

If the nickname already exists

Often there are cases when the name is assigned by the breeder dogs, when the litter of a certain brood year is called with a certain letter, such rules are established in some kennel and breeding clubs. Or you have already bought a teenager puppy who already has a nickname. In this case, you should not call the dog back, she is already used to her name, you don’t need to injure her, it’s easier to come up with pet name, consonant with the present or reduced in size of letters. For example, the bulldog Tyson in foster family they were simply called Ty, and Hardy-Strom, brought from England, responded to the nickname Hardy all his life.

Many breeders, mostly foreign give long names to their pets who appear in their genealogies, but only part of the name sounds in everyday circulation. For example, the repeated German champion Davis von Haus-Marvey in Everyday life just House, and Gled-Agat-Ace in the family is just Agate.

A dog in the house is always a joy, like a child who is not growing up, very affectionate and sympathetic. She adds color to our lives.

About our site

Every pet lover, and in particular dogs, is sure to look for interesting information about the treatment, content and features different breeds on various resources. Certainly, perfect option, this is when a site about dogs contains all the necessary information on its pages. Then the user does not have to search through a lot of information to find the necessary one - everything is available in one place.

Of course everything dog breeds have their distinctive features. Only by studying them can you know exactly which breed needs this or that care, maintenance, feeding, etc. This information is also very important when it comes to choosing a puppy. Having studied the characteristics of a particular breed, we can conclude whether the dog will be comfortable in your house or apartment, and whether the conditions for future maintenance will suit her. After all, each breed requires a very careful approach, only then the animal will be truly happy and healthy.

Choosing dogs like dog for apartment, or even more precisely, dogs that will be comfortable in the apartment, you can carefully study the information on the same site and choose the right breed. This is very important, because if the maintenance of an apartment is completely unsuitable for a particular breed, then apartment dogs will most likely get sick often, look stunted, and in general are unlikely to be happy animals. And by choosing the right breed, you will give a lot of happiness to yourself and your pet.

If you are interested large dogs, on this site you can find unique information about many rare and popular breeds. Find helpful tips about their maintenance and treatment, as well as learn a lot of interesting things about their character and behavior. If you need a friend in the role of a guard or a friend of children, here you can also study all aspects and choose the right breed that will satisfy all the requirements of the owner and be the most best friend person.

Funny little dogs are able to touch almost every person. However, despite their small size, they demand special conditions in the content that the owner must know. Choosing a small dog for oneself, a person takes great responsibility, which is why articles from this site about such breeds are very popular.

If you are interested in such a breed as a husky, there is sure to be all necessary information describing in detail all the conditions of keeping this breed. Of course, with this approach, any animal will be completely healthy, and most importantly, happy. And the owner himself, having learned all this information in advance, will protect both himself and his animal from many problems in the future.
