What is the normal height and weight for men? For fat and thin. Vitamin and mineral complexes to increase growth

Every woman is trying to determine this rather important indicator for herself. The norms of height and weight in adolescent girls are very different from the same ratio in girls or adult women. They serve not only as parameters beautiful figure how many indicators of health.

Each girl has her own unique figure with unique proportions.

There are many ways to establish this perfect match, the simplest of which is the height / weight ratio table for girls.

Usually, the average value varies between 3-6 kg less or big side. For owners of average height 164-176cm, waist circumference plays an important role. It should be proportional to body weight - within 65-70kg.

The ratio of height and weight in girls is normal if:

  1. their height is 156-166cm and subtracting 100 gives 55-66kg;
  2. 167-176cm subtract 105 and get 61-70kg;
  3. from 176cm and above, the number 110 is subtracted and the result is 66kg and more.

Norms of height and weight for girls by age

Each of the experts in this field offers its own version of the definition ideal parameters. The easiest way is the norm of weight and height for girls is calculated according to the scheme:

  1. body height in cm minus 100 = ideal body weight;
  2. for those under 30, another 10-12% should be subtracted from the figure obtained.

The norms of weight and height for adolescent girls are shown in the table:

The proportions of weight and height in girls are very different depending on:

  • body structures - figures;
  • density and severity of bones;
  • development of muscle tissue;
  • the presence of fatty deposits;
  • physical activity and sports.

Basic body types

The conformity of height and weight in girls is affected by their constitution, in total there are three types of structure:

  1. fragile - asthenic;
  2. normal - normosthenic;
  3. dense - hypersthenic.

To determine your physique you need:

  • grasp with thumb and forefinger right hand left hand;
  • if your fingers wrap around it easily, you are an asthenic;
  • fingers almost touching - normosthenic;
  • this is impossible to do - hypersthenic.

The definition is also possible by external signs:

  1. fragile girls have thin bones and neck, legs longer than torso, poorly developed muscles, no fat folds;
  2. owners of a normal and average physique are developed proportionally, slender;
  3. dense women have wide and heavy bones, are wide in the pelvis and chest, they short arms and legs, stately and strong appearance.

Three types of structure of the structure of the human figure, which differ in the proportions of the structure of the bones and the mass of the bear


The amount of body weight of women of this somatotype is highly dependent on the right diet. Despite the lean structure, they quickly gain kilograms, which is poorly compatible with weak muscles and thin bones.

The benefits of a good metabolism, activity and energy play into their hands, allowing them to stay slim for a long time.


Most lucky owners of this type. They have a beautiful, proportionally folded figure. All dimensions and parameters of the body are ideally correlated with each other. The average metabolic rate serves as a reliable insurance in case of unforeseen kilograms.


Representatives of the hypersthenic type are quite large in themselves. At the same time, they have a small amount of fat with a decent muscle mass. As a rule, they are short, have wide bones and short legs.

Does age affect the correct ratio?

It is easy to see that the ratio of height and weight in adolescent girls has more advantageous indicators compared to the same parameters for adult women.

Every year, the metabolic processes of the body proceed more slowly, which leads to an increase in mass and the formation of body fat. It is worth considering that with the onset of menopause, many women aged 45 to 55 face a problem extra pounds ov.

Table of the ratio of weight and height in girls

Everyone has their different features figures that affect the assessment of their harmony and attractiveness. From a medical point of view, the table of the ratio of height and weight in girls gives an answer to the question of ideal proportions, as it is based on calculations of a person's body mass index.

A table of body mass indexes that show the degree of normality of weight, its excess or lack

Height to weight ratio calculator

For these purposes, it is most convenient to use a calculator for the ratio of height and weight in girls, substituting your values ​​into the Lorenz formula:

body weight \u003d (height-100) - (height-150) \ 2.

The Nagler method offers a more complex calculation scheme:

  1. at a height of 152.4 cm should be 45 kg;
  2. for every 2.45cm plus 0.9kg and another 10% of the resulting number;
  3. for asthenics, no further calculations are made;
  4. For normal type the result is increased by 10%;
  5. hypersthenics add 15% to their indicator.

Paul Broca formula

This is one of the most famous formulas that takes into account all the basic parameters. But it is suitable for people from 40 to 52 years old. For young people, including girls and adolescents, the resulting number should be reduced by 12.5%.

Nutritionists have developed an improved version for them, taking into account the norm of the maximum allowable kilograms:

  1. 50+0.75*(height-150)+(weight-20)\4=recommended body weight for specific height;
  2. where body weight \u003d (height-110) * 1.15.

Building types female body compared to geometric shapes

Table definition

Look perfect ratio height and weight for girls can be in this table, where the value of the norm can vary +\- 2-5kg:

  • 143cm - 42kg;
  • 146cm - 44kg;
  • 149cm - 47kg;
  • 152cm - 50kg;
  • 156cm - 53kg;
  • 159cm - 56kg;
  • 162cm - 59kg;
  • 165cm - 63kg;
  • 168cm - 65kg;
  • 173cm - 66kg;
  • 176cm - 68kg;
  • 178cm - 69kg.

Quetelet formula

This method does not give super accurate results for teenagers under 18 and people who have crossed the age of 65. Body mass index is important indicator problems such as anorexia or obesity.

You can calculate this ratio of height and weight in girls using the Quetelet formula:

  1. the value of weight in kg must be divided by the height squared;
  2. BMI \u003d B \ (P * P), where BMI is an index, B is weight, P is height;
  3. for example, the girl's height is 173cm, her body weight is 52kg, her BMI = 17.9;
  4. where is BMI<17.5 - анорексия, равен 17.5-18.5 - недостаточный вес;
  5. indicators 19-23 - the norm for 18-25 years old, and 23-27.5 - above the norm for this age;
  6. 20-26 is the optimal value for people over 25 years old, and 26-28 is overweight;
  7. 5-30 - obesity of the first degree (18-25 years), similarly 28-31 (> 25 years);
  8. 30-35 and 31-36 - the second degree of obesity, respectively, and 35-40 and 36-41 - the third;
  9. BMI>40 or 41 - morbid obesity, risk to life.

Subject to healthy lifestyle life is necessarily taken into account indicators of weight and height. These figures are very important for men. After all, depending on the ratio of these measures, a diet is established, physical activity. What is the normal height and weight for men? It all depends on the type of physique, which is given by nature. Of course, it can be corrected and brought closer to the ideal, the desired goal.

What are the body types?

Before establishing the correct, ideal proportions, the ratio of weight and height in a man, you need to determine the type of male physique. Also, some contributing factors(waist, hips), body features. In general, there are three body types:

  • Asthenic type. With this type of physique, a man has a lean body. As a rule, asthenics have a thin, elongated neck, narrow shoulders, elongated arms. Often, these men have accelerated metabolic processes. The skeletal system with asthenia is very light, and fatty deposits are practically not observed.
  • Normosthenic type. In this case, the ratio of the body, limbs and neck is proportional. The rate of metabolic processes is moderate.
  • hypersthenic type. Such a man has broad shoulders, not very long, but wide neck. The figure of hypersthenics is stocky, strong. Very often, these men are diagnosed with a slow metabolism.

You can determine your body type using other options. It is enough to connect a large and index fingers hands around the wrist, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bone. If such a bracelet is obtained without problems, the man is an asthenic. If some efforts are needed to connect the fingers - normosthenic, it is impossible to connect - hypersthenic.

You can also determine the nature of the physique by measuring the circumference of the wrist. If the wrist circumference is above 20 cm, the young man has a hypersthenic body type. In the case of obtaining a result of 17-20 cm - a normosthenic man, less than 17 cm - asthenic.

Body mass index (Quetelet index)

By determining the body mass index, it is possible to identify whether a man has a form of obesity, or vice versa, a lack of mass in relation to his height. It is customary to calculate the index for a person aged 20 to 60 years. If we calculate the ratio of the norm of body weight and height in more than early age, the indicators will not have a high degree of reliability.

The formula for calculating body mass index in young people is as follows: weight (kg) / height (m) squared. For example, a man has a height of 175 cm and a body weight of 89 kg. The index calculation will look like this:

  • 89/(1,75*1,75) = 29.

Norm for male body ranges from 19 to 25. Therefore, the result obtained indicates that the young man has overweight bodies for your growth. It is by the level of exceeding the norm of the body mass index that experts determine the degree of obesity of a man or woman. Also, using this indicator, you can determine the approximate level of fat in the body. To determine the type of distribution of adipose tissue, there is a different calculation formula: waist circumference (cm) / hip circumference (cm). Normally, for guys, this figure should be equal to 0.85.

Formulas for determining the norm of the ratio of height and body weight in men

With the help of the Nagler formula, it is easy to determine whether the body weight of a representative of the stronger sex corresponds to his height. So, with a height of 152 cm, a man should weigh no more than 45 kg. Further, to all subsequent 2.4 cm of growth, it is worth adding 0.9 kg of weight. By comparing the obtained data with the table, you can identify the norm or deviation from the norm. For young people, the Nagler table looks like this:

Height (cm) Weight (kg) with asthenic physique Weight with normosthenic physique Weight with a hypertensive physique
160 52,3-55,9 55-60,2 58,4-64,7
163 53,7-57,3 56,4-61,8 60,2-67,4
166 55,3-59,1 58,2-63,4 61,6-69,5
169 57,3-61,2 59,8-65,7 63,5-72
172 59,3-63,3 62-68,2 66-74,5
175 61,4-65,5 64,1-70,5 68,2-76,8
178 63,5-68,1 66,3-72,7 70,3-79
181 65,7-70,2 68,4-75,3 72,6-81,7
184 67,8-72,4 70,6-78 75,3-84,4
187 70-75,7 72,7-80,9 77,5-87,2

The formula for calculating the norm of weight and height according to Brock

This method of determining the average, normal parameters of height and weight in people is the most common. IN this case body type and age must be taken into account young man. From height in cm, it is worth taking away 110 for those men who are under 40 years old. If the representative strong half humanity over 40, the number 100 is subtracted. asthenic type body result, which is obtained, is reduced by 10%. If a man is hypersthenic, the result increases by the same 10%.

For example, a man's height is 185 cm, his age is 30 years, and he is hypersthenic by body type. So the formula in action would look like this:

  • 185-110 = 75, add 10% to the result. Yes, normal weight this guy should be 75.7 kg.

Determination of the ratio of body weight and height of a man according to the McCallum formula

This method of identifying the norm is considered the most informative, taking into account the ratio of height to body weight of a guy. This formula is based on the level of measurement of the girth of the wrist. So, normally, all indicators look like this:

  • The volume of the sternum is equal to the circumference of the wrist, multiplied by 6.5;
  • The circumference of the hips is normally less than the circumference of the chest by 15%;
  • Waist - 70% of the result of the volume of the sternum;
  • Neck volume - 37% of the resulting sternum volume;
  • Biceps parameters - 36% of the girth of the sternum;
  • The circumference of the lower leg corresponds to 33% of the girth of the chest.

These parameters most accurately determine the norm of mass for representatives of the strong half of humanity. Depending on which direction the deviation goes, it is worth reviewing the diet, physical exercise. To clearly see what ideal you need to strive for, there is a special table. It shows the norms of weight for young people different height, And different type physique.

body type Height (cm) Weight, kg)
Asthenic 160 53,4
165 57
170 60,7
175 66
180 68
185 74
Normosthenic 160 60
165 64
170 67
175 73
180 75
185 80
Hypersthenic 160 65
165 70
170 74
175 78
180 82
185 86

Determination of the norm of height and weight, taking into account age indicators

When identifying the average ratio of height and body weight of a man, his age should also be taken into account. It has long been proven that over the years, the weight of any person gradually increases. On the other hand, growth is decreasing. So, in youth, young people are 1-2 cm taller than in old age. Therefore, the norms will differ depending on age indicators.

To deduct the norm, there is a special formula that takes into account growth with age. So, the indicators for calculation are as follows: 50 + 0.75 (height in cm-150) + (age-20) / 4. Therefore, the weight norm for a man of 45 years old, with a height of 180 cm, will be as follows:

  • 50 + 0.75 (180-150) + (45-20) / 4 \u003d 50 + 22.5 + 6.25 \u003d 78.75 kg - ideal weight.

This method of calculating the norm is not the most accurate, but popular. The results are generalized, since the nature of the physique of a man is not taken into account. Therefore, minor deviations from such a norm in one form or another should not greatly disturb and excite the representative of the stronger sex. When determining your ideal weight, you should also rely on own feelings. Any man should be comfortable in his body. And a slight excess of mass is not a reason to panic, to exhaust yourself with training. Remember in healthy body- a healthy mind.

There is hardly a person who would not care about his appearance. Each of us wants to look attractive - to possess perfect proportions body, maybe even become a new standard of beauty. But, as you know, we are all different - in height, age, configuration.

In many ways, a person’s self-awareness is affected by his weight. Accordingly, the higher it is, the more uncomfortable we feel. It is unlikely that there is a person who refuses to calculate the ideal weight for him. As mentioned earlier, we are all different, which means that body weight will be individual.

Ways to calculate ideal weight

We are not similar friend to each other, and each has its own beauty. And in pursuit of perfect figure it would not hurt to know the exact weight to which it is necessary to strive. So it will be easier to control the path traveled and the remaining path to your standard.

When calculating your ideal weight, remember that you should first of all feel comfortable with these kilograms. Because someone is crazy about protruding collarbones, while others, on the contrary, prefer lush forms.

Despite all individual preferences, doctors have set a kind of framework for determining the shortage or excess of kilograms. To date, a great many online calculators and various tables have been developed and compiled. Many experts are studying the question of how to calculate weight by height and age, sex. But they did not come to a consensus.

Most known ways calculation:

  • By Quetelet
  • By Brock.
  • According to Egorov-Levitsky.
  • According to Lorenz.

You can independently calculate weight by height and age using any of the methods. And having learned the treasured figure, it will be possible to begin the path to your standard.

Calculation of BMI by Adolf Quetelet

It should be noted right away that this method will not calculate the ideal weight. According to Quetelet, based on your current weight and height, you need to calculate After, focusing on the result and the developed table, get information about the need to gain weight or lose weight.

Egorov-Levitsky table

When compiling, the developers took into account all the most important factors that form the weight. They only indicated maximum limit but did not specify a minimum. And, in fact, it is not necessary. After all, a person is mainly concerned about excess kilograms, and not their lack.

How to achieve your ideal weight

If, after you have calculated the weight by age, height and gender, you find that there are a couple of extra pounds, then it's time to think about eliminating them.

Trying to maintain ideal mass body, you are doing a great service to your body. In many developed countries, people with overweight make up fifty percent of the total population. And every year their number increases exponentially. This is an additional, unnecessary burden on the human body. It suffers in more joints and internal organs. But, nevertheless, it is worth noting that thinness also does not benefit. Golden mean in the matter of weight - this is what any person needs.

Once you've made the decision to lose weight, don't try to find a miracle-working fast diet. Such does not exist. It will not bring benefits, but it is quite capable of weakening the body. It is best to lose weight gradually. Indeed, get rid of excess weight not difficult, difficulties appear when trying to hold it.

A weight loss method is considered safe, in which you lose from five hundred grams to one kilogram per week. If the weight goes off faster, then you burn not only fat, but also muscle fibers. And this is absolutely unacceptable. Since with well-developed muscles it is easier to maintain optimal weight.

Steps to ideal weight:

  • Drink a glass of pure drinking water on an empty stomach, and fifteen minutes before the start of any meal.
  • Don't skip breakfast. And no, you shouldn't skip any meal. After all, this way you get hungry and eat even more in next time. And, as you know, it is better to eat many times, but a little bit.
  • Try to reduce your fat intake.
  • Come to the store with a prepared shopping list. So you will not be tempted to grab something unnecessary and harmful.
  • Chew food thoroughly. Thus, you not only do not choke, but also get enough faster. When eating slowly, the feeling of hunger disappears more quickly.
  • If you feel like you haven't eaten enough and need a refill, then the first thing you need to do is take your time. Sit for five minutes. And then think about whether the feeling of hunger is really so strong.
  • Eat strictly in the kitchen. Never eat while standing or walking.
  • Add to every meal fresh fruit or a vegetable.
  • Avoid white bread.
  • Simmer and bake. Try not to fry your food.
  • Allow yourself sweetness no more than once a week.
  • Give up fast food.
  • The optimal number of meals per day is five.
  • Cook your own meals more often. So you will control how it is processed and calories.

As Socrates said:

« If someone is looking for health, ask him first if he is ready to part with all the causes of his illness in the future, only then can you help him.

This statement can be fully attributed to such a problem as overweight.

After all, as I said in the article, 98% of people have this problem solely because of wrong image life and there is not always a desire to change it.

Yes and to overweight people are sometimes calm, although the list of diseases that we may have due to overweight is quite impressive, I will not repeat myself, I talked about this

But maybe the whole point is that many simply do not know where the border is, where you are still normal, and where you already need to start thinking, and this applies, by the way, not just overweight. Very often girls and women who have no problems with overweight, they're in great shape, But, nevertheless, they do not leave the thought that they need even lose weight.

Therefore it is important to knowwhat should be the normal weight a person, because we simply need a certain amount of adipose tissue. ABOUT on is a reserve of human energy,participates in the formation of hormones, vitamins, protects a person from hypothermia in winter and overheating in summer.

How to calculate normal weight

IN At the moment there are many different calculations to determine normal weight. Of course, they are all conditional, since they do not take into account many factors,this is the gender of the person and age, as well as the percentagefat and musculoskeletal tissue. H oh, nevertheless, with the help of them you can races with read your normal weight.You just need to know whatany method of calculationsuitable for teenagers under 18 years old, the elderly(over 65 years old) , athletes, pregnant and lactating women.

Calculation of normal weight according to the formula based on a person's height

I always knew this formula: growth minus 100 - the result is the normal weight. For example, grew T 1.7 m - 100 = 70 kg. But it turns out that this formula does not suit literally everyone, here you need to take into account your physiqueand adjust for age.

There are 3 main body types and depending on the type, the ideal weight is calculated.

Asthenic type (small build) -the figure is elongated, i.e. longitudinal dimensions prevail over transverse:long limbs, thin bones, thin neck, underdeveloped muscles. People with this type of physique are not inclined to be overweight.With this physique, the formula for normal weight:

height in cm - 110

Normosthenic type (average build) -body has proportional dimensions Well developed muscle tissuevery often people with this type have an ideal beautiful figure. normal weight calculated like this:

height in cm - 103

Hypersthenic type (large build) - in people of this typethe transverse dimensions of the body are larger than those of normosthenics:wide and heavy bones, wide hips And rib cage, short legs.People of this type tend to be overweight. Normal weight formula:

height in cm - 100

If there is any doubt about which type you are, then you can measure the circumference of your wrist working hand in its thinnest place: in asthenics it is less than 16 cm, in normosthenics it is from 16 to 18.5 cm, in hypersthenics it is more than 18.5 cm.

It is allowed to adjust the calculated indicators depending on age: minus 5 - 10% of the calculated weight is allowed for people from 18 to 50 years old, for people over 50 years old, plus 5 - 7% is allowed.

Calculation of body mass index (BMI) by Quetelet

The body mass index is a measure of the correspondence between a person's height and weight. This method of calculation most popularand is calculated according to the formula:

your weight in kg divided by your height in meters squared

For example, growth 1.7 m weight 75 kg, we calculate the index - 75 / (1.7 2) = 25.95 and look for this indicator in the plate.

Body mass types

BMI (kg/m 2 )



normal body weight

18,5 — 24,9

25,0 — 29,9

Obesity I degree

<30,0 — 34,9

Obesity II degree

<35,0 — 39,9

Obesity III degree

>= 40

Knowing the value of the coefficients, you can calculate the indicators of normal weight corresponding to your height. For example, we calculate the minimum and maximum limits of the normal weight. For example, we again take growth of 1.7 m: the minimum limit is (1.7 2) * 18.5 = 53.5 kg; maximum limit - (1.7 2) * 24.9 \u003d 72 kg

It must be borne in mind that this formula is suitable for people of average height: men - 168 - 188 cm, and women - 154 - 174 cm. If the height is lower, then we reduce the calculated weight by 10%, and if it is higher, then increase it by 10% .

Of course, this indicator does not take into account body types, gender and age, but due to the minimum and maximum boundaries, you can evaluate all factors and determine your normal weight for yourself.

Calculation of normal weight by the ratio of waist to height

It is considered ideal when the waist is equal to half your height. But for a more accurate diagnosis, you need to calculate the coefficient:

waist in cm divided by height in cm

For example, 90 cm / 170 cm = 0.52 and compare with the standards.

Body mass types




Strong thinness

0,35 - 0,42


0,43 - 0,46

normal body weight

0,47 - 0,49

Overweight (preobesity)

0,50 - 0,54


0,55 - 0,58

severe obesity

0.59 and >

Calculation of normal weight based on age

Calculation formula:

body weight = 50 + 0.75 * (height - 150) + (age - 20) / 4

For example, height 170 cm, age 53 years

50 + 0.75 * (170-150) + (53-20) / 4 = 50 + 0.75 * 20 + 33 / 4 = 50 + 15 + 8.25 = 73.25 kg

Bottom line: at the age of 53 with a height of 170 cm, a weight of 73 kg will be considered normal.

Although this indicator also does not take into account body types and gender of a person, it does take into account age. Although it is believed that the ideal weight is the one that we had at the age of 18 and it is desirable to keep it for life, but the same life makes its own adjustments. Experts say that every 10 years the body's energy consumption decreases by about 10% and, accordingly, every 10 years we add about 10% (5 - 7 kg).

If you have maintained your 18-year-old weight, that's fine, of course, but if you have broken away from the ideal over the past 10 - 20 or more years, you should not strive to return to it at any cost.Use these calculation methods, determine for yourself your normal,comfortable for yourselfweight and aim for it.

Of course, these are not all calculation methods, there are others, and now there are many online calculators on the Internet. But, no matter what calculation method you use, remember that eif there is a need in weight loss then do it you need to carefully, without harming your body,because rapid weight loss will remove not only fat, but also muscle mass, water, and this can be harmful to your health.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones and be healthy!

P.S. Pay attention to tips Galina Grossman, she just recommends comfortable ways to get rid of excess weight.

The problem of excess weight worries many in our time. To be slim means to be beautiful and healthy. Men and women calculate their ideal weight and do their best to match the cherished figure. But how do you know what you're aiming for?

Most often, a simple formula is used - men subtract 100 from height in centimeters, and women 110. The resulting number is considered the optimal weight. However, this calculation does not take into account the age, body type of a person and other additional features. Therefore, it is not suitable for everyone. A more accurate result can be found by calculating the body mass index (BMI).

What is BMI

BMI is a value that shows how correct the ratio of height and weight of a person is. According to a special formula, it is calculated whether the subject is obese or malnourished. Often this method is used by doctors in the treatment of diseases associated with overweight or underweight.

The idea to calculate BMI belongs to a Belgian scientist who lived in the 19th century, by the name of Quetelet. Subsequently, many nutritionists and anthropologists made all kinds of adjustments to the table. At the moment, there are formulas by which you can find out BMI not only by Quetelet, but also by Brock, Humvee, Kreff and Devin. They received such names by the names of the scientists who calculated the indicators.

The formula for calculating BMI according to Brock was developed at the end of the 19th century by a doctor from France. It is ideal for the average man in the street with a height of 155 cm to 2 m. Brock's method was supplemented by Professor Kreff. In the calculations according to his method, the type of physique is taken into account.

According to a certain formula, you can find out if a person suffers from so-called central obesity. To do this, the waist is divided by the hips. A number above 0.9 indicates that the test subject has problems. An overhanging tummy is a threat to health. They say that extra centimeters at the waist deprive several years of life.

It should be noted that the indicators of the norm at different times differed. In recent years, the ideal BMI has become much smaller than before, and therefore the number of people suffering from overweight and obesity has statistically increased.

What does BMI depend on?

Sometimes the calculation of BMI gives not quite correct results. The fact is that it is important to remember that the ratio of adipose and muscle tissue in people is different and depends on many factors. Therefore, people with the same BMI do not look the same.

In order to make an accurate calculation of BMI, not only height is taken into account, but also a person’s age, gender, and body type, which is determined by the results of measuring the wrist.

There are fine-boned, normal-boned and broad-boned types. The BMI of lean individuals with narrow shoulders and chest should be less than those of hypersthenics with large forms. Sometimes, to determine the type of physique, the width of the chest is measured.

Due to differences in the ratio of musculature and adipose tissue, normal BMI is different men and women. It must also be taken into account age subject. The ideal weight of a young girl or guy will be different from the body weight of a mature person. No wonder. With age, the fat layer, which weighs less than muscle tissue, increases. So an elderly person can get an ideal indicator as a result of calculations, and at the same time have problems with being overweight. Therefore, people over 50 are advised to monitor their waist-to-hip ratio to prevent central obesity.

A special formula and table are used to calculate the normal body mass index of children. In addition, do not forget that the ideal weight of girls and boys cannot be identical either. Different indicators will be in children under 2 years old and upon reaching this age.

In a special way, the ideal weight of athletes is calculated. They devote a lot of time to training, and therefore have developed muscles. Their ideal BMI will be significantly higher than that of the average person.

Why you need to know BMI

BMI is useful to know for those who monitor their figure and health. Doctors also use this indicator to determine the doses of medicines. In everyday life, it is used to control body weight.

It is much easier to follow the figure knowing what to strive for. And sometimes it happens that people invent problems for themselves. Young girls, for example, exhaust themselves with diets at absolutely normal weight, which leads to anorexia.

Calculating the body mass index will help determine if a person has problems and how serious they are. Nutritionists, on the basis of the indicators obtained, recommend a certain diet and exercise to an obese patient.

How to calculate BMI

It is quite difficult to calculate the body mass index on your own, taking into account all the nuances. We can help our users to cope with this task. For people who care about their weight, an online body mass index calculator has been developed. All that is required is to enter your data into the form and in a couple of seconds the result will appear on the screen. As a rule, it is enough to know your exact weight. For a more reliable result, you should specify the volume of the hips and wrists.

Choose which formula to use to calculate, and then compare the resulting number with the data in the table. Based on the result, it can be judged whether the weight of the test person is normal. BMI also indicates whether a person is underweight or morbidly overweight. Obesity has several degrees. This is also taken into account in the calculations.

We offer a handy online body mass index calculator. Despite its simplicity, it is quite accurate. You can calculate the body mass index based on age using different formulas or derive an average that will be as close to the correct one as possible.

BMI - an approximate indicator

Even using the most accurate formula, it is impossible to calculate the ideal weight. Each person is individual. Therefore, do not be upset if your indicators go beyond the norm.

The mistake of many, and especially for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, is the desire to be like models from glossy magazines. The slightest deviation from the norm can cause panic.

Of course, if the calculations indicate painful fullness, it is worth thinking about and trying to achieve better results. Obesity does not have a favorable effect on general well-being and on the state of human health. Excess weight leads to hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and joint disease. Therefore, you should take action and get rid of extra pounds.

On the other hand, it happens that the BMI is within the normal range, and the body looks flabby and by no means young. In this case, you should not be proud of the results of the check and do not care about the figure. You should pay attention to sports or at least increase physical activity in order to put your body in order. But such people do not need a diet at all ..

In any case, do not get hung up on dry numbers. The main thing is general well-being.

Even if the test results showed a poor result, you should listen to yourself. When a person is satisfied with his reflection in the mirror, and doctors do not see a threat to health in extra pounds, it is better to forget about formulas and calculations and enjoy life in the usual rhythm.
