Eyelash extensions with a “cat look” effect. Fashionable "cat look" look

Created for modern beauties a large number of various procedures. Eyelash extensions have become widespread. With their help, you can make your look expressive, attractive and spectacular without the constant use of mascara. Beauty experts have created many various techniques extensions so that every girl can choose for herself suitable option. It’s worth taking a closer look at the squirrel effect of eyelash extensions.

What it is?

During the process of eyelash extensions, the eyelashes become longer and their curves become more expressive (due to gluing artificial hairs to natural ones). Experts distinguish two techniques: eyelash extension (in the process, hairs are glued one at a time) and bundle extensions (using bundles artificial eyelashes, 3-5 pieces at a time).

There are such extension methods:

  • Classic (natural). Eyelashes look as natural as possible, but become thicker and longer.
  • "Fox". From the inner corners to the edges of the eyes, the hairs become longer.
  • "Feline". Hairs are attached from the middle of the eyelid.
  • "Puppet". Long artificial eyelashes are glued along the entire growth line.
  • Hollywood. The result is thick and long eyelashes - from edge to edge.
  • Sparse. Artificial eyelashes are glued to natural eyelashes one after the other.
  • "Squirrel". This method is very similar in principle to “fox”, but for “squirrel” the length increases from the middle of the century. Very attached to the edge long hairs. It turns out smooth transition along the growth line.


During this process, hairs of various lengths are used, from very short to extremely long. With their help, shape and bend are created. As a result, you get an expressive, charming and deep look. This effect will quickly make your eyes more expressive and attractive. Luxurious eyelashes will be a wonderful addition to any look and style, and makeup will take much less time.

So, how will your eyes be transformed after whitening extensions:

  • The shape of the eyes will visually change. The top corners will rise.
  • Long eyelashes will draw attention to your eyes and highlight their beauty.
  • There will be a certain mystery and playfulness in the look - thanks to the long eyelashes on the outer corners.

The pictures show examples of “squirrel” extensions, clearly demonstrating appearance representatives of the fair sex.

Procedure diagram

Specialists use a special Japanese extension technique. For “squirrel” extensions, the eyelash technique is used. Carefully and leisurely, the master attaches the artificial hairs to the natural ones using glue, moving from the inner corners to the other edge. The work uses glue that does not cause allergies even on hypersensitive skin.

It is worth noting that with eyelash extensions, the eyelash fan looks more natural.

As a result, each hair has an exquisite curve. One procedure is enough to make eyelashes much thicker, longer and fluffier.

For this type of extension, different hairs are used. The shortest are from 4 to 6 millimeters, and the size of the longest ones varies from 12 to 22 millimeters. The transition from one length to another occurs smoothly, due to which the eyes visually lengthen and widen. The length of artificial eyelashes is selected individually for each person, depending on a number of features - for example, the cut and fit of the eyes. It is also necessary to take into account the client's wishes.

After extension

For a skilled craftsman, the extension process will not last long, but discomfort will go away completely in a few days. When the procedure comes to an end, the specialist tells the client about proper care. If you follow all the recommendations of the master, your eyelashes will retain their attractiveness for a long time. The final result depends not only on the skill of the professional, but also on the care provided by the client.

Who is it suitable for?

This technique is perfect for those girls who naturally have curvy and thick eyelashes, but they want to focus on their beauty and attractiveness. If you have short eyelashes, then it is better to choose another method, because during the “squirrel” extension, only ¼ of the long eyelashes are glued. Unique shape created using short and long hairs.

On this type extensions should be paid attention to those women who want:

  • Make your look playful, mysterious and flirty.
  • Slightly highlight the corner of the eye from the outside.
  • Change the shape of your eyes.

It is worth noting that squirrel eye extensions are ideal for bulging, round and almond-shaped eyes.

Those girls who tried it on themselves this technique, note that after the procedure, the shape of the eyes changes greatly. When planning to sign up for the procedure, you should look through the photos and evaluate the appearance of “squirrel” eyelash extensions.

Worth a listen

Many girls get eyelash extensions to avoid wasting time on eye makeup. This is what takes the most time. Even after receiving black, long and lush eyelashes some girls continue to use mascara. Experts recommend not painting your eyes after the procedure. There are several reasons: in the process of washing off the mascara, artificial eyelashes may break; cosmetic product may cause skin irritation after the session.

So, you decided on this extension technique, tried it on yourself and are satisfied with the result. Now you need to make sure that your eyelashes preserve their beauty for as long as possible. With proper care, the extension effect can last up to three months. The look you get after squirrel extensions will become your constant companion. With renewed eyelashes you will have no equal.

How to properly care?

  • If you wear contact lenses, you will need to put them on and take them off as carefully as possible so as not to damage your eyelashes.
  • Protect hairs from mechanical impact. You should not rub your eyes or sleep with your face in the pillow (this will lead to wringing). When washing your face, try not to touch your eyelashes.
  • While taking a shower, do not direct streams of water onto your face.
  • Fatty creams and oils also have a negative effect on the glue.
  • It is necessary to periodically correct the extension. If this procedure is neglected, the eyelashes will quickly become untidy.
  • Between procedures it is necessary to take a break of 1-2 months so that the eyes can rest.
  • If you follow all the above instructions, the eyelashes will delight the owner and attract the attention of others. The extension procedure is very delicate and requires accuracy, skill and experience on the part. Contact only trusted specialists.

A significant transformation of the look into a playful and expressive one is possible today thanks to eyelash extensions. This procedure is performed in different techniques. Women like each one for their appearance and expressiveness of their eyes. We invite you to read reviews of each type and become more familiar with them.

The most classic extension that cannot change the shape of the eyes. It emphasizes the look and makes the eyes even more expressive. Extensions in the style of a natural effect are loved and done by those women who love the expressiveness of their eyes and do not want to dye their eyelashes every day. The result creates the most natural daily makeup. Suitable for any eye position.

This procedure is also called full volume. In this case, an artificial hair is applied to each eyelash, which makes the eyes somewhat larger. Creates the effect of your natural thick, long and thick eyelashes. At the same time, the direction of growth of your natural hair on the eyelids is repeated.

Slightly visually widens the eyes and makes the look more playful. This is created thanks to short eyelashes in the inner corners of the eyes and long ones in the outer corners. For internal corners, materials with a length of 6-8 mm are most often used, and for external corners - 14-15 mm. The fox effect adds a winged effect to the eyes, which perfectly emphasizes the flirty look. Suitable for those eyes that have an excessively round shape. The same goes for face shape. If your eyes are wide or too close together, this effect will not work for you. Therefore, and taking into account many other factors, it is very important to choose one or another extension technique for yourself together with an experienced specialist.

Very similar to fox extensions, but this case has its own characteristics. In this case, the squirrel look will be reminded of you by artificial eyelashes applied almost from the middle upper eyelid. There should be short hairs on the inner corner of the eye, and very long hairs on the outer corner. Such a transition should be smooth, because this is where the whole secret of squirrel eyes lies.

In this case, medium artificial eyelashes are attached to the inner corners of the eye and to the middle, and then long ones to the end. Thanks to this arrangement of artificial hairs in front of the eyes, they become even more expressive and cat-like. If you have large, round eyes, this technique will make them a little longer, more expressive and more playful.

In this case, absolutely all of your eyelashes are greatly lengthened using artificial ones. This technique creates a doll-like effect on the eyes. In basic cases, craftsmen use it to create a puppet effect. artificial materials sizes from 12 to 15 mm. This theatrical extension is suitable for those with elongated eye shapes. This will make the eyes more rounded, but it is very important to follow one important point– with such eyelashes you need to focus only on the eyes, otherwise the makeup will turn out vulgar.

In this case, the masters apply artificial eyelashes not to every hair on the eyelids, but every other hair. Created light voluminous the effect of lush eyelashes without weighing them down. This technique is used for thick but short eyelashes. Sparse eyelash extensions look very neat and impressive.

The result of such extensions will definitely amaze every representative of the fair sex, as eyes with such artificial eyelashes become incredibly expressive. There are several types of such extensions - light and with thickening in the outer corners of the eyes. The thickened technique involves applying 5-7 artificial eyelashes to one natural eyelash. This technique requires experience, patience and accuracy from the master so that the result is as Hollywood as possible.

In this case, the master will extend three artificial eyelashes for one of your eyelashes. After this, your hair becomes voluminous, thick and curled before your eyes.

This is the same as the 3D effect, only 2D involves attaching two artificial eyelashes to one natural eyelash. These two techniques are very similar, only in this case the eyelashes will not be as thick.

The fair sex fell in love with eyelash extensions for their amazing effect, the volume of hairs on the eyes, their constant ideal condition and the uselessness of their daily coloring. Indeed, eyelash extensions look flawless if the process is done well. But such a procedure, or rather long-term wearing of artificial eyelashes, can lead to the loss of the health of your own. Therefore, it is very important to follow the recommendations of the specialists and promptly remove artificial hairs from the eyes so that they have the opportunity to rest.

It is impossible to say which of the eyelash extension options is the best, since each is very popular and suitable for certain women. The choice also depends on the shape, location of the eyes and volume of the face. Therefore, to choose yourself suitable technology extensions, it is better to contact a specialist for advice.

Video reviews

Doll effect of eyelash extensions - all step by step procedure with the result and condition of the hairs on the eyelids before and after in the video.

Interview with an eyelash extension specialist.

Have questions about eyelash extensions? Watch the answers to them in the next video.

Modern technologies make it possible to visually give eyelashes a spectacular appearance, increasing their thickness and volume. In this case, it is possible to simulate different effects, depending on the technology and materials used. Effective eyelash extensions are considered fashionable and popular. cat look. What kind of technique is this? What are its features? How is it done? What effect can be achieved? Read in the article.

Features and Benefits

First of all, it is worth noting that the achieved result largely depends on the professionalism of the specialist and compliance with all rules for care after the procedure. Of no small importance for achieving desired result have the materials used and the initial condition of the hairs. If they are too weakened, you should first undergo a recovery course.

Among the advantages of cat eyelash extensions, it is worth highlighting:

  • giving additional volume and fullness to hair;
  • lack of sensation foreign body and weighting of the eyelids;
  • a lasting result that lasts up to six months if timely correction is performed;
  • no need to use mascara and other eye cosmetics;
  • the effect persists even if you are caught in the rain, snow or swim in the sea or pool;
  • You can visit a bathhouse or sauna without harming your eyelashes.

It is also worth considering that the procedure is labor-intensive. It requires regular adjustments. At the same time, the cost is low compared to other techniques. As a result, when you leave the salon, you will get an amazing effect. Chic eyelashes that highlight the shape of the eyes and make the look charming will definitely attract and attract the attention of others.

Execution technique

This type of eyelash extension, due to a special technique, gives a cat-like effect. The idea is to attach artificial hairs using adhesive. Visually, such eyelashes lift the edges of the eyelids, making the look “open” and increasing the shape of the eyes.

Hairs are attached to natural ones only on upper eyelid along the entire length. But for extensions in the area of ​​the inner corner, the average length of hairs is used, and from the middle to the outer, elongated ones are used. artificial eyelashes.

Who is it suitable for?

Cat look eyelash extensions are applicable for any initial hair color and condition. The only exception is when your own eyelashes are too weak. You will need to strengthen them first. If your eyes are round or too big, this technique will do. Makes the eye contour proportional and effective.


In order for glued eyelashes to last for a long time, you must follow a series of simple rules for caring for false hair. The basic rules are:

  • Be careful when washing. Try not to touch your eyelashes with your hands.
  • Use cotton pads or sticks dipped in water to cleanse eyelashes.
  • Don't rub your eyes.
  • Comb your hair daily to prevent tangling or matting.

Cat effect of eyelash extensions - photo

What kind of result can be achieved after such a procedure as cat eyelash extensions - the photos below clearly demonstrate the resulting effect. The eyes take on an almond-shaped, proportional shape and become expressive. Subsequently, you won’t even have to use mascara, saving the time you spend on applying makeup. This great alternative regular mascara and eyeliner. Provides a long-lasting effect and does not require complex care afterwards. Due to this, she gained such enormous popularity.

The main thing is to choose the right length.

Don't make the hairs too long as they are not practical. Entrust the choice of material to the master - and you will definitely be satisfied with the result.

- Olga, is it possible to experience pain during eyelash extensions?

I've never heard of such cases. Full eyelash extensions on the upper eyelid take from one and a half to three hours, and you only feel the light touches of the master. Most girls sleep during the procedure. And in the future, if the extension is well done, you should not feel any discomfort - your eyelids should not hurt, itch, or itch. The maximum that may seem unpleasant is a certain “heaviness” in the first hours after extensions, if you have chosen a length that is significantly greater than your natural one.

- What restrictions are imposed on the wearer of eyelash extensions?

On the first day you should not allow contact with water, do not visit the pool or sauna, and then - no restrictions. Please note - your cleanser should not contain fat, oils are also canceled. Do not sleep with your face in the pillow - this will shorten the wearing time, but try to lie strictly on your back, as Japanese geisha, no use at all. Eyelash extensions are quite durable; they can last 3-5 weeks without any damage. sea ​​salt, no waves, no heat, no wind, no other external influences.

In principle, in order for eyelashes to last for a long time, you need to choose a length close to your native one. Even if your eyelashes are short (less than seven mm), this will not prevent extensions of the same length from looking spectacular. Many makeup artists combine lengths - short and medium ones are used for the middle part of the eyelid, long ones - for the outer corners of the eyes.

Contact lenses greatly shorten the life of eyelash extensions. Alas, the more you touch your eyes with your hands, or rub your eyelids when washing, the faster the artificial eyelashes will fall out. This doesn't mean you should stop washing your face - just don't make sudden movements.

- Can eyelash extensions be dyed?

Theoretically or practically? I just can’t imagine why you should paint eyelash extensions, they are used as a replacement for coloring, very worthy replacement. You can increase any length - from natural to extravagantly endless, you can choose black eyelashes, or colored ones, or even multi-colored ones. There are eyelashes for parties, weddings, holidays with rhinestones and other decor; they are usually extended to a short time, and they look very impressive. All eyelashes are already slightly curled, so you don’t have to try to curl them additionally.

Building up better coloring also because it corrects shortcomings. No mascara can turn thin and short eyelashes into thick and long ones. And it is impossible to create the “fox-eye” or “deer-eye” or “deer-eye” effect with mascara. cat eye", and all these unusual options They attract the eye and look sexy.

- Ciliary or fascicular?

Depends on the goal. Eyelash extension, also known as Japanese or silk, is a technology that allows you to glue an artificial, hypoallergenic eyelash on top of your own. That is why it looks very natural. The main advantage of eyelash extensions is that “other people’s” eyelashes will fall out one at a time, unnoticed by prying eyes. WITH beam technology This won’t work - the fallen out beam is noticeable almost immediately, forming a “hole” in the eyelid, and it will no longer be possible to skip the correction or reschedule it.

- No painting required, no restrictions... Do you need any maintenance? Combing, for example?

Most girls who wear eyelash extensions “comb” them, or rather, straighten them with their fingers and, if necessary, “style” them in the morning. This takes a few seconds and is not required every day.

By combining the length, thickness and curvature of artificial hairs, the extension specialist can influence the effect obtained as a result of this procedure.

Unfortunately, not all women are blessed by nature with thick and long eyelashes. To correct this annoying misunderstanding, many representatives of the fair sex resort to extensions - one of the most quick ways giving volume and length to eyelashes.

Effects of eyelash extensions

By combining the length, thickness and curvature of artificial hairs, the extension specialist can influence the effect obtained as a result of this procedure. Thus, an experienced specialist can create a personal effect for each client, depending on the anatomy of her eyes, eyelash growth and facial geometry.

In this article we will consider only the main and most popular effects of eyelash extensions in order to understand their essence and purpose, as well as to help potential clients of beauty salons navigate the direction of extension when choosing an effect.

Natural effect

The natural effect of eyelash extensions is created by gluing artificial hairs from the outer to the inner corner of the eye. The extension scheme most often includes artificial eyelashes of two or three sizes to most accurately replicate the natural growth characteristics of natural eyelashes. The most popular hair size for this procedure is from 6 to 10 mm.

Thanks to its naturalness natural effect is one of the most common procedures in beauty salons. The result obtained does not change the shape of the eyes, but only emphasizes the expressiveness of the look and creates the most natural makeup, which allows its owners to forget about daily procedure eyelash tinting.

The procedure is excellent suitable for girls With harmonious features persons whose eye shape does not require correction.

Fox effect

The fox effect of eyelash extensions is especially popular among the fair sex, as in addition to adding expressiveness and depth, it makes the owner of the effect’s look intriguing and mysterious.

The “chanterelle” extension scheme consists of a certain combination of artificial hairs of three or four various sizes. The peculiarity of the result is achieved by gluing eyelashes from the inner to the outer corner of the eye with abrupt transition from small hairs to long ones. For internal corners, materials with a length of 6 to 8 mm are most often used, for external corners - from 14 to 15 mm. As a result, attention shifts to the outer corners of the eyes, which visually stretches them.

The “fox” look is perfect for girls with round, bulging eyes. The result will look no worse on those with close-spaced eyes.

Puppet effect

The doll-like effect of eyelash extensions cannot be considered one of the most popular procedures in beauty salons. It is more of a decorative effect, the main purpose of which is to attract attention and create a playful, seductive look.

The extension scheme has important feature, which consists of using eyelashes of almost the same length along the entire eyelid line. When doing extensions, the specialist tries to use the longest possible size of artificial hairs, which is selected individually. Most often, cilia with a length of 12 to 15 mm are used.

The doll look is perfect for the owners elongated shape eyes that want to charm others and attract attention anywhere, be it a vacation, a celebration or a bright party.

Squirrel effect

Squirrel effect eyelash extensions are no less popular than fox eyelash extensions and have much in common with them, with the exception of some important details. Main feature The scheme for increasing the effect is the ability to combine different lengths of hairs. The squirrel-like result is achieved by gluing eyelashes from the inner to the outer corner of the eye with a smooth transition from small hairs to longer ones. In this case, the shortest eyelashes are located closer to the inner corner of the eye with gradual increase to the middle. Having crossed the middle, the hairs decrease down to the outer corner of the eye. Eventually, short hairs will be on the inner corners, and the long ones will be on the outer corners.

The squirrel look is perfect for owners of convex, almond-shaped, and also round eyes. In case of wide eye placement, it is recommended to give preference to a different approach.

Sparse effect (aka “rays”)

The main purpose of the “rays” is to create a volumetric effect of lush eyelashes without weighing them down. With this approach, the result will be natural and neat.

The scheme for eyelash extensions with a sparse effect consists of gluing artificial hairs not on each natural eyelash, but at a certain interval. For this method, eyelashes are selected different lengths and glued alternately.

The resulting result will delight owners of naturally thick eyelashes, making their eyes expressive and attractive, while maintaining natural volume.

Girls whose eyelashes need additional volume, it is better to choose a different extension effect.

Multicolor effect (colored eyelashes)

This method extensions serve to create a bright, attention-grabbing, spectacular and confident image. It cannot be said that the method will excellent option for everyday wear, its main purpose is to create unforgettable images for bright parties and stylish photo shoots.

The color eyelash extension scheme involves the use of hairs of two or more shades that complement each other. Adding color can be done both along the entire eyelash line, and, for example, only in the corners. There is a whole palette of colors that can be applied to eyelashes. An extension specialist will help you choose optimal color individually and for a specific event.

The effect is perfect for girls who love experiments and are not afraid to stand out from the crowd.

Cat effect

The cat effect of eyelash extensions got its name due to the fact that as a result of the procedure, the look acquires feline expressiveness and charm.

Creation scheme cat effect consists of gluing artificial eyelashes to the natural bristles of the upper eyelid along the entire length. The master uses artificial hairs middle length for extensions from the inner corner of the eye to the middle of the eyelid, and gradually increases their size from the middle to the outer eyelid. As a result of this procedure, the corners of the eyes are visually raised, and the gaze receives the desired visual effect.

The cat look is perfect for those with large round eyes, making them longer, more expressive and playful.

Kim Kardashian effect

In 2016, popular star Kim Kardashian appears on screen with provocative eyelashes. This moment can be considered the beginning of the formation of a new popular extension effect. This method can be briefly described as a sparse effect of sticky eyelashes.

The essence of the method is to combine various lengths, volumes and curls, with alternating intervals and maintaining the rows of natural eyelashes when complete absence smooth transitions. The result is the effect of separately grown eyelashes.

How does the extension procedure work?

The extension procedure usually consists of the following steps:

  1. The leshmaker cleanses the eyes of cosmetics and wipes them with a special degreasing solution;
  2. To obtain the previously specified effect, select required length and artificial hair material;
  3. To avoid hairs sticking together, the master separates the upper and lower eyelashes with special pads;
  4. The base of the eyelash is immersed in glue and glued to the natural hair in accordance with the extension pattern. Before gluing the next hair, adhesive composition It should stick a little on the previous eyelash.
  5. Upon completion of the work, you must wait until the glue has completely dried.

Depending on the type of extension and desired effect, the procedure takes from 1.5 to 3 hours.
