The norms and rules of decency for men and women are the basis for conducting secular conversation and behavior in society. Rules of etiquette that will make you better


  • contribute to the education of students of good manners, goodwill;
  • mutual understanding with classmates;
  • to acquaint schoolchildren with the rules of good manners adopted in our society and in other states;
  • introduce students to the term etiquette and its concepts and meaning; learn the history of etiquette.


  • posters with sayings:
    • "Etiquette makes kings slaves of the court."
    • The tongue saves the head.
    • If you want respect, don't start with insults.
  • invitation cards, - 2 pieces
  • poster “Well-mannered person” - 2 pieces
  • colored pencils, markers
  • test sheets for everyone
  • a box for each team (socks, a handkerchief, a vase, a flower, a box of chocolates, a book, soft toy, piggy bank, a set of pens, pencils, Toothbrush, gift bags for gift wrapping).
  • medal "Connoisseur of etiquette" (? pieces)
  • sheet with proverbs - 2 pieces
  • prizes (chupiks)


At our lesson there are guests whom we will ask to act as a jury of today's competitions.

Teacher. Whether you are a person of any origin, hold on to any beliefs, politeness and tact will never spoil you.

How many times have you heard: "take off your hat indoors", "greet acquaintances", "let the girls in front of you" and much more. All of these are rules. good manners or, in other words - etiquette.

Student. Eat funny story on the origin of good manners: “One day, wet snow caught a large company of hedgehogs on a stone plateau. They had difficulty finding the cave. Huddled together - so warmer. But those who were in the middle were suffocating, and those who were on the edge were freezing. The hedgehogs couldn't find golden mean- then they pricked each other with needles, then they froze, then they collided, then they scattered in the corners. And then we agreed: to yield to each other. Warmed up in the middle - go to the edge and wait your turn again.

Teacher: once again says: hedgehogs - agreed, they established their own order of conduct.

A the established order of conduct accepted in society is called ETIQUETTE.

Teacher Today in the lesson you will learn the history of the origin of etiquette, get acquainted with the rules of behavior of some peoples, find out why it is necessary to follow etiquette. So where did they come from various rules etiquette?

The word "etiquette" appeared under King Louis 14. At one of the magnificent receptions of the king, all those invited were awarded cards with rules of conduct that guests must follow. These cards are called “labels”. This is where the concept of “etiquette” came from - upbringing, good manners the ability to behave in society.

Many rules originated in the Middle Ages. For example: take off your hat and whether a glove when greeting.

Student. The medieval knight, wanting to show that he was in a circle of friends and that he had nothing to fear, took off his helmet or raised his visor. Subsequently, when the helmet gave way to other headdresses, the nobleman removed or raised his hat for the same purpose to show that he was in a circle of friends. Even later, they began to remove the hat in front of a higher person, and when greeting an equal to themselves, they only touched it. Women were always greeted by removing their headdress. And in this form, this ritual was preserved in the 19th century, not changing over the centuries. Even the kings of France, who did not take off their hats to anyone, touched her when the lady appeared.

Teacher. Thanks, very interesting. We have another message.

Student. The custom of shaking hands has more ancient history. The man held out his unarmed palm with outstretched fingers of his right hand as a sign of the absence of hostile intentions. A tradition has survived to this day, according to which the youngest in age or position never extends his hand first, since it may simply not be accepted.

Teacher. Compliance with the rules reached the point of absurdity. There was even a saying: "Etiquette makes kings slaves of the court".

Student. There have been cases in history when the desire to observe etiquette could cost people their lives. The Spanish King Philip III sacrificed his life in the name of etiquette. Sitting by the fireplace, in which the fire flared up too much, the king did not allow any of the courtiers to put a damper and did not move himself away. The courtier, who was supposed to watch the fire in the fireplace, was absent. The king decided not to move, although the flames were already burning his face, and the lace on his clothes caught fire. Having received severe burns, he died a few days later.

Teacher. And another example of absurd behavior.

Student. Sometimes strict observance of etiquette led to the sacrifice of human lives. At the Spanish court of Philip II, the queen once fell off her horse, getting her foot stuck in the stirrup. The horse dragged the queen behind him, but no one dared to help her, so as not to offend her majesty by touching her leg. When two courtiers nevertheless decided to save the half-dead queen, they hurried to immediately hide from the wrath of the king for a gross violation of the rules of etiquette.

Teacher. The word etiquette entered the Russian language at the beginning of the 17th century. At first, etiquette was used as a court ceremonial. With the advent of printing, the first manuals on etiquette began to appear. The first book on etiquette was called Domostroy. It outlined the rules of human behavior in everyday life. Peter 1, who traveled a lot in Europe, really wanted his subjects to look like Europeans. He wanted to adopt their customs, mores. Under Peter 1, in 1717, a book on good manners was published under the title “An Honest Mirror of Youth”. This book was addressed to young people and talked about the rules of behavior in society. An educated nobleman was supposed, for example, to always be polite and courteous, to know foreign languages, to be able to speak eloquently, and to treat elders with respect.

Teacher. Let's check your attention.

What was the name of the first etiquette book in Rus'? DOMOBUILDING.

What was the name of the book published under Peter I? “THE YOUTH HONEST MIRROR”


But the rules are different. Etiquette has national features. The same rules are interpreted differently in different countries. Let's take the simplest thing - a greeting. How do we greet each other?

Here is how they greet each other in different countries:

Student: the ancient Greeks - "Rejoice!",

  • modern Greeks - "Be healthy!",
  • Arabs - "Peace be with you!",
  • Indians - "All is well!",
  • British and Americans - shake hands,
  • the Chinese shake hands with themselves,
  • Laplanders - rub their noses,
  • Hispanics - kiss each other on the cheek,
  • the Japanese bow.

Teacher. Much can be said gestures: we nod our heads up and down - yes, the Bulgarians - no.

The teacher offers "Gesture game".(physical education minute)

Are you satisfied with today?

Are there many homework you got for tomorrow?

Are you looking forward to holidays?

(Students answer the teacher's questions with gestures.)

Well done! We laughed, now we will continue the conversation.

Teacher. Untidiness, rudeness, swagger, ignorance of decency repel people from us who could love and respect us if we were more educated. Good manners are strongly associated with the internal culture of a person.

Live as if you have a mirror in front of you.

Treat people the way you want to be treated.

Do you want to be joked with the way you are going to joke with a friend?

Do you want someone to cheerfully hide your briefcase or shift your pencil case.

Contest: "Invitation Etiquette.

A polite person is usually friendly and cheerful. He has a lot of friends.

Imagine that you are inviting guests to your birthday party. And a lot depends on how you invite them, with what mood they come to you. You can invite guests in writing or verbally. Your task is to write invitation cards to a friend or girlfriend. But first, a warm-up:

-What to do if you are invited to visit? (thanks, ask permission from parents)

Can I invite you to a birthday party by phone? (you can, but only a very close friend)

Is it okay to be late for a visit? (indecent)

-If for some reason you cannot accept an invitation, what should you do so as not to offend the inviter? (apologize and be sure to state the reason for the refusal)

-How should you invite to a birthday: a few hours before the celebration or in advance? (in advance)

-How should you behave when visiting? (be cheerful, friendly, do not try to attract special attention to yourself)

The ability to write legibly is the first rule of politeness. (V. Klyuchevsky)

(Teams write, then read invitations). Jury score

Teacher: So, the invitation has been received, now you need to pick up a gift, the next contest is dedicated to gift etiquette.

Student. We all love gifts. Giving gifts is as rewarding as receiving. But you need to be able to do both.

Any gift is an encrypted message. It can be a sign of friendship, attention and respect. For my centuries of history giving gifts has become a real ritual with its own rules, norms and requirements, according to which a gift should be chosen and presented so that it would please the one for whom it is intended, and the moment of delivery would look decent.

Contest."Gift Etiquette"(see packages)

You see a lot of gifts on the table. A team member must choose the gift that he would like to give to his friend, girlfriend, mother. Consider the main thing: you will need explain, to whom it is (to a friend, grandfather, etc.) that you will present this gift and Why your choice fell on this thing.

(Team member shows a gift and explains his choice). Jury score.

Teacher: The gift has been chosen. You can go visit. But in fact, that's not all. After all, the appearance of a person is also very important! A sloppy and untidy person shows disrespect for the feelings and tastes of other people. Each team must now draw up rules for the appearance of a well-mannered person. (1 min)

Clothing must be clean.

Hair must be styled.

Clothing must be neat.

nails in decent shape. Jury score

Teacher: Well, now you're really ready. You can go visit. At a party, you are already asked to take a seat at the table. Now you need to remember the rules of behavior at the table.

Contest "Table Etiquette" Questions with answers are given to teams in turn.

1. When can I sit down at the festive table?

As soon as they entered the room.

Only after the owners sit down.

After the invitation of the hostess +

2. You sit down at the table, take a napkin and...

Tuck in the collar.

Get on your knees +

Keep next to the plate.

3. How to behave if you are offered a dish that you do not like very much?

Angrily refuse.

Refuse, stating the reason for the refusal.

Take some thanks +

4. What should not be talked about at the table during meals?

About diseases +

About the weather

About new experiences

5. Why is a knife served with fish?

To separate the meat from the bones +

To cut a large piece into small ones.

To hold a piece when using a fork.

6. What kind of common dishes should you choose?

The biggest.

The smallest.

The ones closest to you +

7. If you need to cut food into pieces, in which hand should you hold a knife, and in which fork?

IN right hand- a fork, in the left - a knife.

In the right hand - a knife, in the left - a fork +

In turn.

8. What should you do if you accidentally drop your fork, knife or spoon on the floor?

Pick up and keep eating.

Ask for another device.

Apologize and ask for another device +

Jury score

Teacher.The main goal of a friendly meeting is not a treat, but an atmosphere- friendly gestures, looks, smile.

Every cultured person should not only know and observe the basic norms of etiquette, but also understand the need for certain rules of relationships.

Choose "Etiquette Expert"

To find out how well you know the rules of etiquette, one test will help us. Your task: after listening carefully to the question, answer “yes” or “no”. After that, everyone will count their points and find out how you know the etiquette rules. Try to be as honest as possible. Ready? Attention question.

1. Are you sure that if you quarreled with a friend, then there is no need to greet him?

2. In public transport do you always give up your seat to the elderly, the sick, and those with children?

3. After eating candy on the street, do you carefully roll the candy wrapper into a small ball and, so that it does not roll under your feet, throw it on the lawn?

4. Do you always greet people in a friendly way, even if you are in a bad mood?

5. When you find yourself in an unfamiliar house, do you try to look into all the rooms in order to know where what is happening?

6. Do you always hold heavy doors so that they don't hit the person following you?

7. When you receive a gift, you put it aside and say, “Thank you. Will watch later"?

8. Do you think that late guests should wait until they arrive, and only then invite everyone to the table?

9. By inviting guests, do you hope that they will be able to entertain themselves?

10. After eating a light cake, do you always wipe your fingers with a napkin instead of licking them?

Now let's see what you got. “Yes” answers should be numbered: 2, 4, 6, 10; the rest are “no”. For each match - 1 point.

Did the jury count? Let's see what results you get.

  • 10 points - you are a great expert on the rules of etiquette!
  • 6-9 points - your knowledge of etiquette needs to be improved.
  • 3-6 points - you need to educate yourself.
  • Less than 3 points - you probably hear the word “etiquette” for the first time.

Now the jury will award the most "Connoisseur of etiquette"

Tasks for teams:

Task number 1: connect the halves of the proverbs in a minute:

Jury score

Teacher. Through etiquette, a person learns good manners and rules of behavior in society. Today we got acquainted with several types of etiquette: knightly etiquette (greeting, handshake), palace etiquette, invitation, gift, table etiquette. Great importance in communication between people speech etiquette.

With the help of some phrases, we can set the people around us to a benevolent attitude towards ourselves, express joy, desire, request, resentment, discontent. Examples of violations of speech etiquette (the seller on “you”, the acquaintance did not say hello at the meeting, did not apologize for the bad deed, did not thank for the service). Lack of respect for the feelings of others leads to cruelty and rude manners. And rudeness pushes us away from such people.

Task number 2

In 30 seconds, write down as many “polite” words as you can.

  • Thank you!
  • Please!
  • Thank you
  • Sorry!
  • Sorry!
  • Please!
  • Be kind!
  • Do not judge!
  • Welcome!
  • Hello!
  • Good morning!
  • Good afternoon
  • Goodbye!
  • See you soon!
  • Good night!

Jury score

  • And what do “magic” words sound like in other languages?
  • English lang. – thank you
  • German yaz - danke
  • Italian yaz - grazie
  • French merci
  • Ukraine. jaz - thank you
  • Spanish. lang. – gracias
  • Kazakhs. lang. – rakhmet

Listing " polite words”, the last example is “be healthy!”

Current situation:

The result of the lesson is a poster “A well-mannered person”

Today we learned a lot about observance of the rules of behavior in society, about etiquette. Let's summarize. Each team is given a poster. You must continue the sentence.

“A well-mannered person is one who….”

Write down all the options you have come up with to continue with felt-tip pens on the poster.

(Then the posters are hung out, read out.)

Summarizing. Jury - names the winning team and awards them prizes. The second team is also awarded.

Many thanks to the jury. Many thanks to the participants!

Lesson topic : "Etiquette" (grade 6)


Get to know the history of etiquette;

Understand the need to comply with etiquette in society;

Express your point of view and participate in the discussion of the point of view of others about the rules of behavior in various situations.


Development of communication skills of students.


Card with a question mark and the word "etiquette" on the back;

Application with illustrations.

During the classes.

1. Class organization.

2. Work on the topic.

Today we will talk with you about what constantly surrounds us, with what we get up in the morning and go to bed in the evening, what we exchange when we meet friends and neighbors.

Greetings to all friends

Our people are heartily happy.

We call the good word

Half good.

- "Kind words" - what are these words? Name them. (Children say the words: Good morning, hello, thank you, please, and others).

When do people say these words? (Children's statements: at a meeting, when they make a request, when they thank, and so on).

Going to school

With an early breeze,

To everyone who meets, in a row

I say "Good morning".

And while I'm playing here -

"Good day" to my friends.

And with evening rays

I enter the house with the words:

"Good evening!

Name what good words you met in this poem.

(The teacher hangs up a picture of the “guest” (a student with a disgruntled expression on his face, see appendix).


Guys, I want to introduce you to Petya Vasechkin... What do you think about him?


He is upset, puzzled, confused, indignant ...


And mom and dad, grandparents say:

“Eat culturally!”, “How do you talk!”, “Get used to good manners!”.


Have you ever heard something like this? In what situation?

(Children speak up.)


Petya exclaims indignantly...

Ø And who needs these good manners?

Ø Does it matter how it is?

Ø And in general, who invented all this?


Have you asked yourself similar questions?.. Let's try to understand this problem together with Petya Vasechkin... But first, answer my questions:

1. Would you like to feel free in any society?

2. Would you like to please yourself and others?

3. Would you like to have good manners, a wide circle of interesting acquaintances and be the “life of the party”?

(Children give answers.)


What do you need to know for this?

(Children's guesses are heard.)


You're right. You have given me the rules of conduct now. All this is called together - etiquette.



And now a little more about "who invented all this" ... Do you want to know? .. Etiquette is french word which translates as...

(The teacher hangs out the following sheet next to the word "etiquette" :)

Etiquette - the order of conduct anywhere.


But do not rush to "blame" the French for everything. They didn't come up with the etiquette. Everything happened a long time ago... To do this, let's travel in time... Let's move. We start the countdown.

Together. (With closed eyes):

5, 4, 3, 2, 1…

(The teacher, while counting, hangs out a sheet with an image ancient Greek, with the words “ Ancient Greece. Beautiful behavior” (see appendix) and invites the children to look at the blackboard.)


It was at this time that the first attempts were observed to teach people "beautiful behavior" and the motto of every Greek was proclaimed - "to live reasonably, simply, avoid excesses and extremes in everything."

(Children are invited to explain the understanding of the motto.)

The teacher conducts the second "movement" and hangs out new leaf with the image of a knight and the words “XIV-XVII century. Code of chivalry” (see appendix).


In these romantic times the motto of the knights are the words - "loyalty. courage, bravery." The destiny of a lady is modesty, fidelity, humility.

(Children express their understanding of the behavior of people of this era.)

The teacher makes the third "movement" and hangs out a new sheet with the image of a gentleman and the words “XIX century. Gentleman with good manners” (see appendix).


In those days, it was believed that a young man, a beginner independent life, must possess 4 qualities: virtue, wisdom, good manners and knowledge.

(The teacher offers to give an explanation for any of the listed qualities, makes his own comment.)


We spend most of our time at school. Therefore, we are talking about the norms of modern school etiquette. Remembering the proverb “They meet by clothes ...” let's talk about the requirements for appearance. After all appearance- This business card student. So what should a student look like?

(Children express their opinion.)

Let's see how some of our classmates and classmates look like.

Teacher: In our modern conditions There are also many rules governing human behavior. And the first rule that a child is taught is the ability to say hello.

How do people greet each other?

Mongols - are your cattle healthy?

Zulus - I see you

Chinese - have you eaten today

In the East - salam - alaikum

Russians - hello

Polite, friendly attitude towards peers, younger and older is one of the essential norms etiquette. Which beautiful word: "Hello". (Reads a poem.)

I think "hello" is the best word

Because "hello" means be healthy.

Remember the rule, you know - repeat.

Say this word to the elders first.

We parted in the evening, met in the morning,

So, the word "hello" is time to say.

Be kind or be kind -

These words are useful in conversation.

It is easy with them on a walk and at home,

It would be nice to hear from others.

And you, very often running along the corridor, shout either “fight”, or “scat”. From such words, neither health nor joy will increase in a person.

But you can greet people not only with words, but also with gestures.

Gestures - greetings

Put hand to forehead

Put your hand on your heart

Putting a hand to the head (military)

Waving hand

shake hands

Connoisseurs of good manners

Who is the first to say hello if the younger and the older meet? (Jr)

And who gives a hand first: the elder to the younger or the younger to the elder? (Senior)

And who gives a hand first - a woman or a man? Woman.

You are walking down the street with a friend. He greeted a stranger to you, paused. Do you need to say hello? (Yes)

There were 4 people on the bus. Who will you give up your seat to?

A) a familiar girl

B) to your friend

B) a woman with a small child

D) an elderly man with a cane

You entered the crowded bus from the back platform and saw your friend at the front door.

A) nod your head

b) shout out loud

B) wave your hand

D) Shake hands

You called a friend. How will you start the conversation?

a) Hello, who is this?

b) Please call Petya

B) Hello. This is Sveta. Please call Petya

D) Hello. This is Sveta. Call Petya

How should you walk through the aisles at the cinema?

A) Apologizing, back to those sitting

B) Sideways to those sitting

B) Facing those seated

D) Apologizing, facing those sitting

You see, guys, your opinions differ. Some people think it's better to do it this way, and others don't. "The first to say hello is the one who is more polite." Will you follow this simple rule- never go wrong


Remember proverbs and sayings about good manners.

1. What you don’t like in another, don’t do it yourself

2. Take care of the dress again, and honor from a young age ..

3. Sidor has a custom, Karp has his own.

4. They don’t go to a foreign monastery with their own charter.

5. Dear is the guest who stays for a short time.

6. Don't think to be smart, but think to be neat.

7. At home as you like, and at a party - as they say.

8. A gift is not expensive - love is dear.

9. Argue about trifles - miss the point

10. Do not judge by clothes, look at deeds.

11. Word is silver, silence is gold.

12. Although not rich, he is happy with guests.

13. From the word salvation, and from the word destruction.

14. A spoon is not reserved for an uninvited guest.

15. From one word, but forever a quarrel.

A proverb about the rules of conduct is encrypted on the board. The children are asked to decipher it using the alphabet. Each letter of the proverb corresponds to a letter in the alphabet according to its count.

5,16,2,18,29,11 17,16,19,20,21,17,16,12 15,10,12,16,4,5,1 15,6 17,18,16,17,1,5,7,20

(A good deed never goes to waste)


Guys! Today we talked with you only about some norms. modern etiquette. In the database of all bad manners there is a concern that a person does not interfere with a person, so that everyone together feels great. We need to be able not to interfere with each other. It is necessary to educate in oneself not so much manners as what is expressed in manners, careful attitude to the world, to society, to nature, to one's past.

A set of rules of a well-mannered person

The first to say hello is the one who is more polite

Give in to each other

Take care of yourself always and everywhere, remember, you are among people

We must be able not to interfere with each other

It is necessary to be neatly dressed because it affects respect for others.

This is only a small part of all the rules of good taste, but we must know and follow them.

Etiquette is not a label

And not a brand new suit.

This is a life note

And education and intelligence.

In the yard and in the classroom,

Home and when away

Stay simple and polite -

It's not empty at all.

Instead of shouting evil

Better a kind word.

And don't forget to smile.

life is arranged wisely:

it's not hard at all...

please take care of your speech!

Knight. "Loyalty, courage, bravery."

Ancient Greece.

"Live intelligently, simply, avoiding excess."

Gentleman with good manners.

A number of rules of an educated person.

The first to say hello is the one who is more polite.

Give in to each other.

Look after yourself always and everywhere, remember that you are among people.

We must be able not to interfere with each other.

It is necessary to be neatly dressed because it shows respect for others.

Lesson topic: "ETIQUETTE"

(lesson of "discovery" of new knowledge in the technology of the activity method).

Target: the formation of a general idea of ​​​​etiquette, motivation for conscious moral behavior.


* introduce students to the concept of "etiquette", its meaning in human life

* introduce some rules of etiquette

*develop logical thinking, attention, memory, communication skills

* to cultivate feelings of tolerance towards each other, the ability to adequately assess their own behavior and the behavior of others

Planned results:


- creation of conditions that ensure the education of students' interest in the study of this topic

Inclusion of students in mastering activities necessary skills independent learning activities and personal responsibility for their actions based on ideas about moral standards behavior

Development of ethical feelings

Education in students friendly attitude to others and emotionally-moral responsiveness.


- the formation of the ability to plan, control and evaluate learning activities in accordance with the task

Willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue, express one's opinion and argue one's point of view and assessment of events

Ability to agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities adequately evaluate their own behavior and the behavior of others

Usage various ways information search

Willingness to resolve conflicts by taking into account the interests of the parties and cooperation

Mastering the initial forms of personal reflection


Assimilation of new moral concepts: etiquette, rules of etiquette, culture of behavior.

Basic concepts: etiquette, rules of etiquette, culture of behavior.

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, multimedia projector, computer, textbook, dictionaries, handouts.

During the classes.

    Self-determination to activity. (Inclusion of students in educational activities at a personally significant level.)

"Say hello with your elbows"

2. Actualization of knowledge and fixation of difficulties in activity.

1) Frontal survey.

What are the examples of morality in the culture of Russia.

Who is a worker?

Who is a patriot?

Who is a warrior?

Who is a collectivist?

Why are they considered examples of morality?

2) Work in groups - solving a crossword puzzle. (Annex 1)

Front check. Which keyword happened? (Etiquette)

3. Statement of the learning task. ( Children themselves formulate the topic and purpose of the lesson)

Formulate the topic of the lesson (slide number 2) and the goal (slide number 3).

4. "Discovery" of new knowledge (construction of a project to get out of the difficulty). The set goal is being realized.

Read a poem about etiquette to yourself. And now out loud (the game “I will start, and you continue ...”) (slide number 4)

Guys. Can you tell me what etiquette is?

Okay, now we have to test your assumptions. How can we do it? (children's guesses)

1) Work in groups: find a definition of the concept of "etiquette". (The person in charge from each group selects a card indicating the source of information - “random choice”)

In the Internet

V explanatory dictionary Ozhegov

V encyclopedic dictionary

in the text of the textbook (p. 56)

Group report. Conclusion:

What is common in the definition of the concept of "etiquette"? Let's choose the most accurate one. Let's write the definition in the dictionary. (Slide number 5).

2) The story of the teacher, accompanied by visualization with the help of ICT.

Guys, would you like to know the history of etiquette? (slide number 6 - number 16)

3) Work with the textbook article. Group work - learning the rules of etiquette. Children perform tasks according to the instructions proposed by the teacher and fill out the table. (Annex 2)

Group report. Conclusion: What rules did you learn?

Should people learn the rules of etiquette? Let's compare our conclusion with the conclusion in the textbook on page 57.

5. Physical education

"Earth, air, fire and water"

5. Primary fastening.(Students learn a new way of action)

Training " Speech etiquette» - work in groups, the teacher conducts. (Annex 3)

6.Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.(I offer the children a task in which there are elements of design, in which new way action is associated with previously learned)

The textbook work on page 56 is a case study.

What rules of etiquette do children violate?

7. The result of the lesson. Reflection of activity.(There is a self-assessment of performance)

What new concept did you get? What is etiquette?

Whether successful work in groups? What else would you like to work on? Have your wishes changed? (Work on the interactive whiteboard "Sun, Cloud") Were your expectations and fears confirmed?

(RESERVE: compiling a syncwine on the topic of Etiquette)

Teacher's wishes: Together with parents or friends, make a list of rules of etiquette that each student must follow.

Resources used:

    The program of the course "ORKSE". AND I. Danilyuk. M.: Enlightenment. 2010

    Fundamentals of spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia. Basics secular ethics. 4-5 grades: textbook for educational institutions. – M.: Enlightenment, 2012.

    Ethics workbook for grade 5 students. Authors: Morozova E.A. and Deberdeeva T.Kh. VIPKRO, Vladimir, 2010.

    Electronic supplement to the textbook Fundamentals of spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia. Fundamentals of secular ethics. – M.: Enlightenment, 2012.

Lesson summary on ORKSE

Using active learning methods

Lesson topic: Etiquette.Class: 4Used methods:
    "Say hello with your elbows" Expectations and concerns of students Group work Physical education "Earth, air, water" Compiling a sequence

Completed by: Zakharchenko M.V.

A polite child is the "calling card" of a parent. With him it is pleasant to be in transport, safely visit public places, it is easy to visit and comfortably invite guests to your place. And, you see, it hurts any mother when she is made, even with a glance, the remark: “Your child is so ill-mannered.”

And how to teach children politeness, etiquette rules, polite communication? Let's try to instill creative behavior in children with care and without pressure.

IN modern society It is important for parents to take a conscious, critical and at the same time creative approach to the topic of children's politeness. After all, behavioral norms are related to the formation of personality. Considerable skill and sensitivity are required so that hypocrisy and repressed emotions are not hidden behind manners. Each family forms its own code of ethics, based on deep values, inherited traditions and personal life experience.

Etiquette for children. Politeness Lessons

When teaching children the rules of behavior, you can use a conditional algorithm:

  1. Establish a rule, a code of conduct
  2. Show in practice or in the game
  3. Support the child in performance
  4. Give positive reinforcement: praise, approve (by word, look, gesture, facial expressions)
  5. Control that the rule is observed under the indicated conditions by all participants in the process

Note: A friendly tone and a friendly face are wiser teachers than shouting, ordering, reprimanding.

8 Ways to Teach Children Politeness

1. Game.

Focusing on etiquette, you can come up with more than one exciting game. Let's try: why don't we go to the reception of King Louis XIV together with the child? At the entrance to the palace, everyone is given "labels".

If the child does not read, you can draw conventions. But even little kids love to imitate reading.

The king who makes the rules can be both the mother and the child in turn. Royal guests will be happy to be all soft and solid toys(whom the king wants to invite).

Naturally, during the gaming feast, it is important to follow the announced rules. You can think with the children: why did Ludovic come up with the rules of behavior at the table, which prompted him to even hand out reminder cards to guests? Dream up what kind of rules the French king came up with or read about it in an encyclopedia. To reinforce, give the children cards made during the game before dinner, for example.

As a game warm-up, verses about politeness like “say a word” are wonderfully suitable:

If you met a friend
Even on the street, even at home -
Don't be shy, don't be foolish
And say louder ... ( Hello).

Sparrow tore
Spider threads.
He chirped in embarrassment:
Well…( Sorry).

Mole got out into the world
And he said to Hedgehog ... ( Hello).

If the company met
Not hastily, not in advance
And in the moment of parting
Tell everyone... Goodbye).

If you ask for something
Don't forget first
Open your mouth
And say… ( Please).

When I give something
They tell me: ... ( Thank you).
You will be given something
Don't forget to thank!

If you don't want to be considered ignorant,
I beg you - be wise,
Begin your request with a polite word:
Be...( kind),
Be...( kind).

If by word or deed
Has anyone helped you
Don't be shy loud, bold
Speak … ( Thank you)!

Basic table manners:

  • Wash your hands before eating
  • Use a napkin
  • Don't talk while chewing
  • Do not pick your hands in the plate
  • Start eating with everyone
  • Don't wobble in your chair
  • Thanks for the delicious food
  • Use cutlery
  • Asking for something you can't get
  • Serve a neighbor at the table

In the video below, little Arisha very clearly tells and shows how to behave at the table. Watch this video with the kids - there will be something to discuss!

2. Reading books.

Should not be bypassed bookstores. There you can find such a treasure by family and public etiquette that your children with pricked ears and burning eyes will beg in the evening: “Mom, read this page again!”, And then quote as if by chance, and teach the younger ones. To the number best books for teaching politeness for more than a dozen years. A wonderful fabulous introduction to etiquette and unobtrusive learning to follow its rules.

Of modern publications, the encyclopedia for and "" by Tatyana Shorygina is popular.

We also teach the baby to take care of printed products:

  • Don't break corners
  • Don't tear the pages
  • Return books to their place
  • Don't draw
  • Analyze what you read
  • Share reading with other family members
  • Ask permission before borrowing someone's book

3. Sand therapy.

They say that etiquette begins with the sandbox. Teach your child to build their own boundaries, protect them and respect others. Phrases to help:

  • Let's change: I give you a bucket, and you give me a little
  • I'll play it myself and then I'll give it to you
  • I don’t like (unpleasant, painful) when you….
  • Please stop doing….
  • Can I play with your shovel, and you can take my typewriter
  • Let's build a tunnel together
  • Please go to that corner, I started building here...
  • Join us, more fun together!

4. Folklore.

Behavioral norms have been formed over the centuries and passed down from generation to generation. Folklore may be good helper for parents. Be sure to pay attention to proverbs and sayings and try to use them as often as possible in speech:

Etiquette in proverbs and sayings

  • Think first, then say.
  • It is better not to speak than to speak.
  • To speak without thinking, to shoot without aiming.
  • Take care of your clothes again, and honor from a young age.
  • He is not rich in what he is, but in that he is glad.
  • An hour late, a year will not return.
  • Do not be ashamed to remain silent when there is nothing to say.
  • In a strange house, do not be perceptive, but be friendly.
  • When there are more than two, they speak out loud.
  • Know how to say - know how to be silent.
  • They don’t go to a foreign monastery with their own charter.
  • On sweet Nothing do not throw yourself at the rude - do not be angry.
  • Drink, eat, and then ask questions.

Saturating your speech with folk flavor, it is worth remembering that - although simple, but strong phrases. They surreptitiously influence the picture of the world. They create fundamental beliefs in the subconscious about themselves, about others, about values ​​and rules of behavior. Therefore, carefully select only creative folk sayings.

5. Tales.

Where without fairy tales? - Polite Kolobok. Hospitable Crane. Naughty Rooster. Arrogant Hare. It seems that everything is hidden in fairy tales necessary for the child ethical course:

  • It's indecent to visit empty-handed
  • To open the door strangers in the absence of parents is dangerous
  • Showing off is not good
  • Take in your company those who are lonely
  • Offer help to those in need

6. Mom's stories.

Compose them yourself! This is very valuable - fairy tales under my mother's authorship. Choose a hero close to your child and let him get into a variety of situations:

  • Politely answers the call
  • Asking for help when he can't handle himself
  • Thanks for the service
  • Holds the door if someone is following
  • Passes the sister forward
  • Making way for an elderly person
  • Saying sincere compliments out loud
  • Asks what time it is
  • Keeps a trusted secret
  • Leaving, saying goodbye
  • Writes a letter
  • Giving a birthday card to a friend

7. Discussions.

Talk with children about what hooked them on the playground, in kindergarten, school, at a party, shop. Stimulate thinking. Ask questions: “What do you think? How do you think it would be better?" There is one peculiarity here: we are discussing actions, not people, so labels " bad boy”, “uncivilized girl” are unacceptable.

8. Personal example.

And now about the most important thing. Without warm relationship and quality parent example courtesy lessons will not take place. Well, it's impossible to convey what you don't have yourself!

And remember, ethics is not a reading of morals, it is an area of ​​philosophical knowledge! And philosophy does not tolerate dilettantes.

The modern multi-industry has created more than a dozen instructive cartoons about politeness and rules of conduct. I invite you to watch one of them right now:

Polite environment to you!

With warmth and love,

I remember a story that my friend's mother told me. At the dacha, where she spent the summer with her two-month-old son, her mother-in-law, a woman of noble origin, came to visit. The daughter-in-law rushed across the veranda to put her mother-in-law on a clean stool, but she stopped with the words: “My dear, can you really allow your husband to see you in this dressing gown? Get dressed soon! He can come in." old woman was not embarrassed by the entourage, because he was forced. But disregard for her appearance seemed unacceptable to her in this and in any other situation.

Lesson two

The main decoration of a woman is a hairstyle. You should change your hairstyle along with the toilet, in accordance with the weather, time of day, season or mood.

A neat head should be throughout the day. To do this, you just need to comb your hair more often. But a neat head is not necessarily sleek. Cleaned up hair is good in the morning, in the evening - laid more loosely. In general, the hairstyle can be changed several times a day, if you have time for this. Just remember: you should never comb your hair in public - not in public place, not at home.

One of my acquaintances says this about herself: “I get up at half past six in order to have time to put myself in order - to do light makeup and hair. How else? I can’t appear in a shabby form in front of a young son-in-law! I recently learned that this woman is 86 years old and her young son-in-law- 61 years old. Isn't it great to see life this way?

Lesson three

A decent woman should change a day for at least seven suits: morning, breakfast, walks and visits, lunch, afternoon, evening and night. According to the costumes, seven changes of linen and seven changes of shoes are required, including night shoes.

Well, that's overkill, you say. But let's take this recommendation not didactically, but creatively. After all, the main thing is to be fit and fresh. So, do not walk all the time in the same one, do not wear torn slippers and a greasy apron, have a clean nose pad with you, and preferably two: one “for business”, the second in a purse in reserve. Modern women I would advise you to forget about the bathrobe or remember it only in the early morning and just before bedtime. Walking around the house is much more comfortable in a home dress or trousers.

It would not be bad at all to adopt the tradition of changing clothes for dinner from the people of the past century. Lunch is highest point day, harbinger have a good evening. Weekends for dining table usually the whole family gathers. beautiful clothes, a slight scent of perfume creates an uplifting atmosphere at dinner, which lasts until the end of the day. Due to such trifles, our grandparents knew how to stay free from everyday life, not to get bogged down in it. Besides, beautiful rituals serve to strengthen self-esteem, bring together households. The culture of family relations is based on such trifles.

I will give an example from history, which serves as a standard for me. Princess M.N. Volkonskaya, the wife of the Decembrist S.G. Volkonsky, having gone to hard labor in Siberia with her husband, did not change her habits. She did not appear in public without gloves and a veil.
