What to do this spring. Day in nature

Snow melts, buds swell, the sun warms - spring is knocking on the window. Children are happy to change down jackets and warm boots for light jackets and boots. Everyone enjoys the fresh air and is filled with the energy of nature. We offer you 50 great ideas on what to do with children from March to May in order to usefully diversify your leisure time.

1. Plant flowers

Children will be happy to choose seeds with you, germinate them, sow them in the front garden, care for plants and admire the first buds. Most importantly, buy your child his own set for a young gardener.

2. Organize a team game

Now that the weather is good, there is no reason for your children to stay within the four walls. A sports team game will help distract them from computers.

3. Build a birdhouse

In spring, the birds return from the south and need a place to hatch their chicks. Invite your child to make a birdhouse together and hang it in the garden.

4. Watch the clouds together

In spring, the sky is especially blue, and the clouds are so white and fluffy! Imagine with your child what clouds look like.

5. Take off to new heights

Take advantage of the pleasant breeze and organize a flying paper airplane competition. The prize will be given to the person whose plane flies the longest distance or makes a particularly bizarre turn.

6. Hold an asphalt chalk drawing contest

All children - creative nature. They will gladly paint the asphalt with colored crayons. Take a picture of your child's masterpiece and hang it in their room.

7. Visit a farm

Don't be surprised by this offer. After all, city children enjoy watching pets with great pleasure.

8. Tell the children why it rains

Spring is known for its April showers, but do your kids know why? Give them a lesson in natural history and talk about natural phenomena.

9. Bake a mud cake

It's incredibly fun! But try not to let the child try to eat this "pie"!

10. Play together all day

Spend a day at a local playground. Take along a couple warm blankets, sandwiches and a large thermos with hot tea. Trust me, your kids will love it!

11. Harvest strawberries

At the dacha or local farm, pick up a full basket of strawberries with your child. Eating it will be especially delicious.

12. Arrange a spring parade

Let your children and neighbors beautifully decorate their bikes, doll strollers, scooters and scooters, and then walk down the street, showing off their creativity.

13. Blow bubbles

How to make a cheap bubble mix: Mix 1/2 cup of dishwashing liquid with 2 cups of water, add 2 teaspoons of sugar.

14. Wash your car

It's fun and at the same time useful activity help get rid of boredom.

15. Make a rainbow

There are many ways to make a rainbow at home. The simplest: draw on paper, mold from plasticine or mix soap suds with paints in the bathroom.

16. Take lots of nature photos

Why spend money on a professional photographer when you can have your own outdoor shoot?

17. Do a color run

Color Run is a new activity that last years is becoming more and more popular. Dress up brightly and colorfully and run with your offspring through the park. You can invite neighbors and friends for a run. Get a real flash mob!

18. Sing in the rain

During bad weather, it is customary to stay at home, but a spring rain will not harm if you dress the children in waterproof raincoats and rubber boots.

19. Take out the trash

Collect garbage in the nearest park - let your city meet spring clean!

20. Go fishing

Of course, real fishing is great option for older kids. But kids will be happy to catch plastic fish with a magnetic fishing rod if you organize this pleasure for them in a bath or an inflatable pool.

21. Fly a kite

You can go to the toy store and buy a flying kite or make your own.

22. Organize a hike

Do not be lazy and take your child on a hike in the nearest forest. See how snowdrops and hellebore bloom in spring, blueberries, periwinkles and crocuses bloom.

23. Grow celery

Do not throw away the celery root, but use it to grow greens right on the windowsill.

24. Organize a picnic

Why not eat your lunch in nature? Spread a blanket in your backyard or nearby park and enjoy a meal. fresh air.

25. Let your child wallow in the mud.

Which Small child doesn't want to wallow in the mud? But still, it is better to put clothes on your child that you do not mind throwing away.

26. Organize outdoor object searches

Hide a few not so good small items in the garden, then tell the baby what he should find. After all the things are found, reward the child with a prize.

27. Shoot paint

Finger paintings are a milestone! Fill the water cannons with paint and see what masterpieces the kids create with them.

28. Make some noise

Young children love to make noise and play, so they will love the idea of ​​making their own chimes.

29. Take the whole family to a sports competition

Such an event will cheer up and unite your family.

30. Make a Special Dirt Dessert

Leftover brownies, chocolate pudding and gelatin worms are all you need to make this seasonal dessert.

31. Watch the stars

Let your children get a good night's sleep so that after 22:00 you can admire the night sky.

32. Take a bike ride

Such a trip will bring pleasure to all family members and will become one of your best memories!

33. Catch Fireflies

In the evening, go outside with a jar and watch these little insects light up at night! Trust me, your child will be delighted.

34. Admire the flowering trees

It is not necessary to go to the botanical garden, you can just take a walk in the park in order to see how beautiful nature is in spring. You can capture this beauty in a photo or in a drawing in an album.

35. Eat your first marshmallow of the year between cookies.

Am! Am! Am!

36. Run with your child through the puddles

Wear rubber boots with your child and enjoy running through the puddles. It's like you're back to your childhood!

37. Set up a tent in your backyard

You don't have to go far to set up camp under the stars. It's even more comfortable in the backyard - you can always go inside if it gets too cold.

38. Play hopscotch with your child

Spring - best time to learn new games on the court!

39. Make spring salad with fresh vegetables with your child

Visit your local farmers' market for the freshest vegetables of the season, then make a delicious spring salad with the kids.

40. Take a walk around the neighborhood

it a great opportunity take a deep breath of fresh air and warm yourself under the first warm rays of the sun.

41. Play "The sea worries once! .."

Another one interesting game for large group children. Invite neighborhood kids and your child's kindergarten friends.

42. Rollerblading

Put on roller skates and go outside with the whole family!

43. Read a book about spring

The child will be interested in new information.

44. Play frisbee

Frisbees are flying saucers or discs that are fun to play with. Teach your child how to throw a frisbee this spring.

45. Make a slime

This slime is an anti-stress toy that is easy to make at home. To do this, you will need: PVA glue, sodium tetraborate (you can buy it at a pharmacy without a prescription), food coloring and water.

46. ​​Look for a four leaf clover

Find a four-leaf "lucky" green clover with the children.

47. Dine al fresco

Pack a delicious lunch in a container, spread out a blanket in an outdoor park, and enjoy a healthy lunch.

48. Beautifully color the eggs

Easter - great holiday which Christians celebrate in the spring. colored eggs is one of its attributes. This activity is interesting and uncomplicated, which will give you and your children great pleasure.

49. Weave a beautiful wreath of flowers

This is great fun for kids.

50. Catch the ball

Grab your gloves and go outside to play baseball, softball, basketball, or volleyball. Yes, anything with a ball!

Spring is a time of inspiration and an ideal time for all undertakings. Therefore, I decided not to waste time and prepared a to-do list for the spring of 2016. In other words, what can (and is high time) to do in the spring for a family with a child and not only. In this list, I tried to include only those things and items that I really intend to do and tried to do without dreamy " lie down in the grass" or " learn to knit". I have divided this list into two parts. The first includes cases and various activities for the whole family, in which I can and want to involve my daughter (Family to-do list). And the second part is the items that I have selected exclusively for my beloved (Personal to-do list).

Family to-do list

1. Exercise in the morning

I love to play sports, but I do it haphazardly. It's time to stop being lazy and start instilling in your daughter good habits. Charging in the morning is the first on the list. The best way enter new habit- follow it for 21 days, although in my case it can be all 180)))

2. Organize a summer vacation

Summer vacation with the whole family is not just a vacation and a change of scenery. This is an opportunity to make up for the lack of sun and stock up on vitamins for the whole winter. But if you organize it spontaneously, then the prices will not be real, especially taking into account somersaults in the dollar exchange rate. Buying air tickets is the most expensive business and here you need to contrive and catch a promotion in order to get a discount.

3. Make a list of medicines for the trip

It was possible to combine this with the previous paragraph, but it is easier for me to separate them, because they are performed separately, although they are connected by the idea of ​​a vacation.

It is high time to organize an exit first-aid kit for joint trips with children. Whether it's a trip to the country or on vacation when you go somewhere with your child, a first aid kit is one of the items that can make traveling easier.

4. Spring playlist

For us, a children's playlist is a way to develop not only hearing and a sense of rhythm, but also memory, so we try to regularly learn new songs. Winter is slowly losing ground, and you no longer want to sing about the frost. It is necessary to choose songs appropriate to the season and mood.

5. Restore pool activities

We have not been in the pool for a long time, and swimming is so useful, especially for children. Run to take tests and start classes.

6. Home garden

Plant greenery together and watch it grow. It's 2 in 1 - science lessons and vitamins for the dinner table.

7. Family hike

Our daughter has been able to walk for a long time and it's time to instill in her a love for active leisure. Therefore, we will try to organize both mini and large-scale trips with the whole family.

8. Make a family calendar

I recently started doing our family tree and the idea of ​​creating a family calendar (with dates of births, weddings and other anniversaries) seems to me not only interesting, but also useful in terms of developing a sense of family ties in my daughter.

9. Family photobook

It is also called the "Family Book" or "Family Chronicle".

As I said, now I'm interested in genealogy and genealogy. I really want to introduce my daughter to all members of our family. Because a person receives from 70 to 90% of information through vision, a photo book - great way know your family and your place among them.

10. Write letters to the future

I haven't been able to get it together for a long time. We just celebrated our daughter's birthday and this is a wonderful occasion to "test the pen." Let's try to write letters to next year. The gap of 5-10 years for me is still something not real.

11. Watch the sunset together

Spring is the perfect time. Our daddy comes home from work between 6:40 pm and 7:30 pm, and in the spring it's sunset time. Let's combine the pleasant with the useful.

12. Make a birdhouse

In the spring, birds begin to return to us, flying to warmer climes for the winter. We will give them a warm welcome. I want to install a birdhouse near the window to admire and study birds with my daughter without leaving home.

13. Shadow theater

In the summer it is not realistic to make it (it gets dark too late), but in the spring there is still such an opportunity. Before going to bed, this is a wonderful alternative to a fairy tale. The main thing is to get together and prepare the figures actors. Delov for 5 minutes, I checked. For convenience, there is a post

14. First water, then food. Make it a habit

A healthy habit that should be present in any home. It is easiest to get used to the new rules all together. Let's start tomorrow)))

15. Make a palette!

Spring is a great time to explore colors and their shades with your daughter. If there is no portable palette, then it's time to make it. I will make it from old plastic cards.

16. Bake homemade bread

Whole grain bread is healthy, and the process of kneading the dough is a Montessori paradise for fine motor skills. And what kind of aroma then throughout the apartment ...

17. Launch boats in puddles and fish

Rubber boots in Russia have long ceased to be associated with fishing, and have become an everyday companion of spring. So it remains to wait for the first puddles and you can safely arrange swims, but so far only paper boats.

18. Wash windows after winter

It's time to let in bright and already almost so warm Sun rays and help the plants to absorb more ultraviolet light, and to us - a good mood.

19. Bring home a twig and grow leaves from it

Biology lessons in their purest form.

20. Open cycling season

Gifted to my daughter for her birthday. Therefore, we are waiting for the snow to melt and we will begin to master a new way of transportation for her, and at the same time we will return to active cycling ourselves.

21. Build a hut at home

Believe it or not, but all winter we never built a decent hut. It's time to fix this.

22. Dismantle the balcony

This item is more for the husband. During the winter, it simply overgrows with mountains of all sorts of things, and in the summer we try to keep it in order and often sit there. Well by at least, used to sit. With our little fidget, such an opportunity will hardly be presented often, but it still needs to be cleaned up.

Personal to-do list

23. Change the situation at home

The best way to throw off fatigue and blues, as well as open up new streams of inspiration, is to change home furnishings. Be it curtains or furniture rearrangement.

24. Finish the wish card

A wish card is one of the most powerful ways to materialize desires. A long time ago I started doing it, but I still can't finish it. It must be done on the growing moon. In March, this is the period from 9 to 23 March, in April from 7.04 to 22.04, and in May - from 6.05 to 21.05.

25. Introduce the tradition of "candlelight dinner"

When children appear, then life replaces romance, and this is a direct road to the disappearance of love. For me, the issue of happiness in the family is very important, so we will revive the romance of relationships, as well as set an example for my daughter.

26. Self care calendar

When a free minute is released, I want to take time for my beloved, but in euphoria, as a rule, I start grabbing onto everything at once and in the end I don’t have time for anything. I find it easier to follow a plan. People make plans for tidying up the apartment, why not make one for personal care.

P.S. Done! Excellent and very comfortable, which makes it very easy to make time for yourself.

27. Create and follow a cleanliness schedule

Speaking of cleaning schedule. I'm not the type to keep clean easily. I hope this chart will help me with this.

28. Refresh your wardrobe

Just need to add to it bright colors. This item can be left without comment - who doesn't want that!

29. Spring photo session

I like to come up with interesting photo projects. It's just what I personally like. Now I have one interesting idea, but it needs large-scale preparation.

At this point, I'll probably draw a line and move on to action. But if you have others interesting ideas spring must-to-do, then write in the comments, because two (or more) heads are much better than one.

1. the first is to put your hair in order. We need to get ready for the Hatless Season.

2. take up a big body (lose weight).

3. do general cleaning in the room and put a marafet in all nooks and crannies, shelves and cabinets.

4. favorite item: get rid of unnecessary things to clear the space.

5. after releasing energy (from old rubbish), open the window and inhale full chest Russian air.

6. walk more in the fresh air. Watch how the sunny day increases and how completely spring the sky becomes.

7. change the screensaver on the desktop of a different computer to the spring one.

8. wash windows after a long winter.

9. start learning something for yourself: sign up for courses, dance, improve your language. Military spring is a time of beginnings.

10. Feel how the new nature comes to life, and with it your soul.

11. Experiment with spring make-up and update the contents of your cosmetic bag 12. Replace your usual winter perfume with a fresher and spring one.

13. go with new family or friends to the premiere of a funny cartoon.

14. freshen up the interior. Buy new candles, or a special stand for pens 15. Watch how day after day buds bloom on trees.

16. jump through the first spring streams 17. play a trick on friends on April 1 18. Lean on vegetables and fruits, drink vitamins. We don't need beriberi 19. Enjoy walking in the park in spring 20. Fill the house with comfort and decorate it with flowers. For example, I love tulips 21. Remember that you haven’t been to the right doctor. And make an appointment. Do not put off health for later 22. Arrange a cozy corner on the green balcony and drink tea at the table 23. Make color postcard do-it-yourself for mom (sister, grandmother) by March 8.

24. make a plan of new things and ideas that need to be implemented.

25. listen to the chirping of birds that flew in from the south 26. After a spring rain, splash through the puddles in rubber boots.

27. buy a bright scarf or an original beret 28. look into your library and choose big book for the soul 29. Watch for new game children in the big yard and rejoice like a big child.

30. find in spring forest snowdrops.

31. ride on children's bike or rollers 32. Make a map of desires and hide it from prying eyes.

33. take a walk in the botanical garden and admire how the magnolias bloom.

34. visit a cozy street cafe on an open terrace.

35. Listen to the first spring thunderstorms 36. Attend the parade on Victory Day, thanking the veterans for the new freedom.

37. let out sunbeams.

38. fall in love 39. Buy watercolor paints and draw something bright.

40. finally plant indoor flowers.

41. give yourself a bouquet of flowers.

42. start visiting exhibitions or museums. Winter sleep is over 43. Be inspired by the great poetry of the classics and try to write poetry. The last spring is still 44. Go for the last walk in the forest and pick branches of a fluffy willow. Willow - a symbol of the renewal of life 45. Go to May and fry kebabs.

46. ​​plan out summer vacation 47. Prepare for Easter - paint eggs and bake Easter cakes. Feel the grace of this big holiday 48. Treat yourself to an updated wardrobe, or at least new shoes 49. Buy seeds and plant strong seedlings on a large balcony 50. Really feel happy.

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There are a lot of positive moments in spring: nature wakes up, it is warm, everything around comes to life, blooms and pleases the eye. How can you have an interesting time in the spring with a child so that his childhood memories are warm and happy? There are a lot of interesting ideas.
And today we will look at them.

How to enjoy spring

1. Each child should have his own place, a personal space where he will feel comfortable. Therefore, children love to build different "huts". In the spring, together with your child, you can:

  • build a hut from branches in the yard;
  • build a house out of chairs, blankets and pillows;
  • you can make a house out of a large box from a new refrigerator or TV.

2. If the child is a coward, afraid of the dark, playing with light and a flashlight is useful. Can:

  • shine a flashlight in the dark;
  • organize a shadow theater;
  • let out sunbeams.

3. Observe nature in spring and draw.

4. In the spring you can start bubble. Children are delighted with such a spectacle. Do magical remedy to launch colorful bubbles. Mix 1/3 tbsp. spoons baby shampoo with 1 glass of water, Dissolve gelatin in a ratio of 1: 1, mix with 1 tsp. Sahara. Mix everything well, let stand. You can add a little food coloring. Take straws, straws and blow beautiful bubbles together.

5. Spring is the best right time plant a garden on the windowsill. Buy a pot, soil, seeds, plant seeds. Water, take care. The child will have so much joy when he sees the first shoots!

6. After the rain, if the weather is sunny, you can run through the puddles in rubber boots, measure its depth. And another fun activity is to let paper boats along the running stream.

7. It is very important to teach a child to observe and learn new things, to make small discoveries.

Take a botany class. In the spring it is interesting to watch nature come to life! Bring a cut branch into the house and put it in the water. Let the baby watch how the buds burst and young leaves appear.

admire flowering trees, the first spring flowers. Walk, go to the park, to the forest.

Plant strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers together in the garden.

8. Listen to the sounds of nature in spring.

9. Watch the birds, listen to how they sing. Let the child try to repeat these sounds. This exercise trains the ear well.

10. Watch for insects in the spring. Listen to the bees buzzing in the garden, as they fly from flower to flower, collecting sweet nectar. See how bugs, ants, ladybugs crawl out.

11. Introduce children to medicinal plants: dandelion, coltsfoot, plantain, tell us about their benefits.

12. Play outdoor games with a ball, a hoop. Let the child run, jump, learn to ride a bike.

13. Watch the clouds together, fantasize what they look like.

14. At night, look at the stars, look for constellations, admire the moon path.

What else is interesting to do in the spring with children?

At home, you can arrange an evening of memories. Look Family album, tell funny story from the childhood of the parents. Children love such memories.

Go on a picnic with the whole family, make a barbecue, sit by the fire, bake potatoes in foil.

Make cherry-tree earrings, maple lionfish spouts, and a burdock order with your child. Weave wreaths. Arrange a photo shoot in nature, among flowers, on the grass, near flowering trees.

Go to the cinema together, to the Botanical Garden, to the zoo, to the dolphinarium, sit in a cafe or cook something tasty at home: bake a cake, make cookies together.

Spring is a time of renewal, new discoveries. Enjoy spring every minute, catch happy moments. Near your children, you yourself will be young for a long time. And children will remember such a warm childhood for a long time and keep the kindest memories of their childhood wonderful moments.

Write your comments. Share information with friends.

Sincerely, Olga.

Despite the fact that almost everyone associates spring with love and joy, many people at this time of the year begin to mope. Especially women: they are prone to mood swings in everyday life, and here such stress for the body is awakening from hibernation. Often I want to sleep, lethargy does not leave. Of course, in such a situation, gloomy thoughts come to mind and it becomes very sad. You just need to get out of this state. We need to look at the world positively, and not waste time shedding tears for no particular reason. There are several ways to meet the spring so as to bypass the period of "exacerbation".

1. Wake up inner world. How to do it? It's very easy to fall in love. Nothing inspires and gives energy like love. It would seem impossible to order the heart to perk up. But there is nothing impossible in this. Take a look around: surely someone likes you and, perhaps, the sympathy is mutual. So "spin" the novel. He will bring you many positive emotions. And if you are not free, then you can always refresh past feelings with a loved man. Organize romantic dates, going to the movies and cafes. It will definitely bring pleasure and dispel unpleasant thoughts.

2. Help your body get through the jolt. Hardening, vitamins, morning jogging, exercises should become your companions at such a difficult moment. After all, it is not in vain that they say: "In healthy body- a healthy mind.

3. Transform your appearance. Women experience an incredible surge of energy when it comes to shopping and salons. So allow yourself this joy: buy new clothes, change your hair color,. The blues will surely retreat.

4. Go on vacation. If there is an opportunity to spend the last cold days somewhere by the sea, then when you return home, you will not only not experience a breakdown, but, on the contrary, you will be rested, tanned and happy.

5. Don't be alone. Even when for some reason you do not want to start a relationship with the opposite sex, there is no reason to sit "within four walls". Meet friends, go to parties. In general, lead active image life.

6. Stay close to nature. You can go to the forest, to the country house, or just take a walk in the nearby park more often. Thus, you can feel all the beauty of the blooming nature.

7. Treat yourself to goodies. Food usually improves mood. But it is better if you experience pleasure, for example, from fruits. After all excess weight will hardly make you happy.

8. Get busy interesting business. Perhaps you have long wanted to furnish the house or something new. And finally, the moment has come when a flight of fancy can save you from spring.
