How to celebrate bachelor party ideas. How to spend a bachelor party: original ideas

The pledge of a cheerful bachelor party is good company, a well-chosen venue, an interesting program and good mood its members.

Whatever option you choose for a bachelor party, the main thing is a cheerful mood.

So that the holiday does not turn into an ordinary booze, but is something interesting and memorable, you should come up with a script in advance and different variants entertainment. Usually this is a dance show, striptease. But in fact, the world did not converge on it like a wedge, we will tell you many other ways to have fun with friends.

To avoid unnecessary offense, discuss the bachelor party program with the bride. Tell where and with whom you will spend it so that your loved one does not worry.

When is the bachelor party?

Traditionally, a bachelor party is held on the eve of the wedding. But still, it is worth doing this at least a few days in advance, and preferably a week in order to own wedding be "of sound mind and good health".

Baths, saunas are quite popular places for a bachelor party. Moreover, modern baths are not just a steam room, but a whole complex with a swimming pool, bar, karaoke, billiards and other entertainment.

It is especially pleasant that you can relax in the bath at any time of the year. Therefore, this one-stop solution for a bachelor party.

Bachelor party at home

You don't have to go anywhere to have a great bachelor party. It is quite possible to arrange interesting party and at home, just take pity on the neighbors. Alternatively, you can not stay at home until late, but go to night club. Or come up with another option to continue the evening.

It’s good if the bachelor party is remembered not only by the amount of alcohol drunk, but also by fun entertainment. What can be done at home?

game evening

You can have a game night at home - come up with interesting contests, lotteries, play Twister or board games like Mafia or Monopoly. Or poker night!

Theme party

An interesting solution for a home bachelor party - theme party. You can choose any topics according to your interests. For example, cowboys, supermen, football, beer pong night.

To make the holiday more interesting, prepare appropriate costumes, decoration, music. You can even customize the menu and drinks to match the theme.

Unusual option

non-standard, but interesting option for a bachelor party - a master class. For example, for making pizza. Better yet, cocktails. And believe me, it will be a lot of fun!

Bar, restaurant, club

Most often, stag parties are arranged in bars and nightclubs. They work in any weather and day of the week, and are designed specifically for fun.

Delicious drinks, dancing, colorful shows and striptease, bowling, billiards - excellent conditions for relax.

A trip to the club can be a continuation of home gatherings.

Sports bachelor party

If you and your friends love leisure Why not organize your bachelor party at the sports complex?

It will be a wonderful man's holiday. Swim in the pool, play football, basketball or volleyball. Relax in the bath. And continue with heartfelt conversations in the bar.

This bachelor party option is also suitable for any time of the year.

Bachelor party on wheels

You can arrange a trip on bicycles or motorcycles, go karting.


Paintball is exciting, interesting and a bit dangerous. A less violent option is laser tag, which is very similar to paintball but uses laser beams instead of paintballs.

Well, having run and fought enough, you can always continue your vacation for more relaxing entertainment.


Do you want a bachelor party that you will never forget? How about skydiving?

Just be sure to take into account the wishes of all the participants in the bachelor party, someone may not want to, someone will refuse for health reasons.

Take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city wedding preparation best in nature. breathe fresh air, eat barbecue, if you wish - hunt or go fishing.

In fact, there are many options, the main thing is to take into account your interests and do not forget about the weather.

In winter, you can spend a bachelor party at the ski base, in a cottage or in the country. In summer, it is good to rest on a lake or a river with tents.

Merry little boy!


A bachelor party is a whole event, before an important event in the life of every man. Obviously, this day means farewell to single life. There will be less time for chatting with friends, disappearances in sports clubs and festivities in clubs until the morning, although not always.

The main criteria for holding a bachelor party

1. Friends

Surely the groom has his friends who are sincerely glad that he has found his companion and want to have fun celebrating the bachelor party, for all 100. The environment is the most basic thing that accompanies any bachelor party, without them there would be nothing. But it is important to invite those closest to you.

2. Finance

Money is one of the main things in holding a bachelor party, but if there are not a lot of them, you should not be upset, you can always come up with a budget option and have a bachelor party no less fun.

3rd place

The choice of location must be highlighted Special attention. This may depend on many factors. Weather conditions, number of guests, budget, active or passive rest.

4. Entertainment

This event already implies that on this night you can afford a lot, drink a lot, have fun until you drop, get to know a girl, but of course everything is within the decent!

Where can you have a fun bachelor party

1. House

Most popular place, of course it's a house native home. You can watch your favorite match, play computer games, arrange alcohol contests.

2. Nightclub

Renting a club is not a cheap idea, but allowing you to rent a table in one of your favorite clubs is possible and even necessary. Indeed, as a rule, at many such parties, the very culprit of the event is provided with various bonuses and discounts from the institution.

3. Bachelor Party in Vegas

Surely many of you watched the movie The Hangover in Vegas, where a group of friends rented a hotel room in Las Vegas. They had wild adventures, and they will definitely fill this trip for a long time. You can follow this scenario and go to the nearest city for adventure.

4. Outdoors

If a weather allow, then why not go out of town. This is a great way to relax, remember the various funny stories, go fishing, build a fire and cook a delicious barbecue.

5. At the sports club

If the groom is an amateur active time conducting, then the whole company can go to sports complex, swim in the pool, work out, and then sit in the sauna.

  • Notify your friends in advance. Surely many of them have jobs and their own affairs. Such a responsible event must be planned in advance.
  • Have a bachelor party no later than a couple of days before the wedding. Better in a week. Circumstances are different, it is better to have time with a margin before the wedding, if you suddenly wake up with a sore head or with a lantern under your eye.
  • Be sure to inform the bride, especially if you are going to celebrate a bachelor party at your home. And if she calls you, so that this is not news to her and you do not quarrel on the eve of the wedding.
  • Do not forget to take care of finances in advance, how much you are willing to spend on this party.
  • Most the right advice rather than the groom, but his friends. It will be great if the groom's friends take over all the trouble with organizing the bachelor party. (excluding financial).

Holding a bachelor party is not only ancient tradition, but also a great way to get together in a pleasant company and celebrate the farewell bachelor life. Ideas for a bachelor party before the wedding can be varied, it all depends on the personal preferences of the groom and his friends.

home furnishings

If it is not possible to have a party in a cafe, then it can be interesting to hold it at home. Come up with an original theme unusual contests. There are good options for hosting a bachelor party at home.

  1. Gambling addiction. You can arrange an evening at the card table ( the best option it's poker) or play "monopoly", "crocodile". Suitable table hockey and mini-billiards. In order not to waste time preparing food, you can order pizza.
  2. Movie. Organize a film screening and discussion. In a calm, inviting atmosphere, conduct a casual conversation, remember funny stories from life. Of course, we must not forget about delicious snacks and booze.
  3. Home karaoke. If you have the appropriate equipment in the house, then going to the bar is not necessary. You can have fun singing songs and drinking strong drinks.
  4. Costume party. Guests dress up in cool superhero costumes and have a souvenir photo session.
  5. Cuisine of the peoples of the world. It is necessary to celebrate the end of a bachelor's life not only in a pleasant company, but also with excellent food. You can arrange an evening of Japanese cuisine by ordering rolls or sushi at home. Italy is characterized by pizza, Russia by dumplings or kurnik, Asian countries by pilaf.

These ideas for holding a bachelor party before the wedding are quite budgetary and easy to implement. You just need to think over the little things and devote a little time to organizing the holiday. The main thing is that the guests and the future head of the family should be comfortable and have fun.

Usually the bachelor party is organized by a witness. He tries for a friend to choose an option that will be to his liking. Sometimes they can also discuss the most original ideas and bring them to life.

Sports bachelor party

Combining business with pleasure is a great idea for a holiday. The choice of a particular sport will depend on the season. If the wedding takes place in winter, then the bachelor party can be celebrated on the street, playing snowballs and sledding or skiing. In summer there is an opportunity to have fun in nature, arrange fishing in the countryside. Paintball is an interesting idea. Team game will help to unite friends even stronger. You can always visit indoor gyms, play volleyball or basketball.

Enjoy Your Bath!

The idea of ​​holding a bachelor party in the bathhouse will appeal to all friends. A pleasant pastime for the soul and body will become great option friendly get-togethers. It's great when you have your own bathhouse in the country. In this case, there is no need to rush anywhere and you can stretch the pleasure. In another case, there are always private baths that are ready to offer their services. An alternative would be a bachelor party in the sauna. The choice depends on the preferences of the hero of the occasion and his friends.

Bars and restaurants

Choosing a bar as a place for a bachelor party before the wedding, you can safely count on the excellent organization of the holiday. Incendiary music, good cuisine, service and appropriate mood are guaranteed. Friends can decide on the spot how to spend the evening, what to do next. You can play billiards or bowling. Great idea– go to a karaoke club or a bar with a dance floor. You just need to know for sure whether everyone likes this type of vacation.

city ​​quest

The groom's friends can arrange unusual entertainment before the wedding in the form of a quest to famous places. A walk around the city will be accompanied by interesting tasks, which the hero of the occasion will have to fulfill. There are special firms that will embody the idea and help hold such an event.

For the best friend, the witness can come up with the most creative ideas for the bachelor party:

  • skydiving;
  • water skiing;
  • hunting;
  • horse riding;
  • climbing wall;
  • laser tag;
  • race in sports cars;
  • scuba diving.


If you decide to hold a bachelor party with elements 18+, which is also a very popular option, then there are several interesting ideas. The simplest is to order private dance, but it is better not with one, but with two girls. It's more original classic version, besides, the future groom will be remembered quite well. Alternative optionErotic massage, but it’s better to ask the hero of the occasion prematurely if he agrees to such an idea for holding a holiday. Otherwise, you will pay the money, and the groom, by virtue of his principles, will refuse the gift, for which he can also be understood. Well, and one more unusual and at the same time bold idea that will add color to the bachelor party - topless banquet service. In this case, half-naked employees will spend the evening with you as waitresses, but at the same time they will be pleasing to the eye, which will also be remembered for a lifetime by the future groom. The price for this type of service is acceptable, about 1500 rubles for 30 minutes. If you “throw in” the whole company, then you can order waitresses for the whole evening and at the same time spend no more than 10 thousand rubles.

Among the wide variety of options are good ideas for the bachelor party before the wedding. You just need to choose what you like and can afford. A well-thought-out evening will be remembered for a long time and will help friends to become even closer.

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Time flies unnoticed. It seems that just yesterday you made an offer to your chosen one, and now - almost all issues related to the preparation of the wedding have been settled, and the last free days are a thing of the past ...

Well, it's time to put an end to the "idle" chapter of your life. But maybe - and an exclamation mark! Everything will depend on how you spend the bachelor party.

Guys, let's go!

It is believed that the tradition of bachelor pre-wedding parties came to us from Europe. But actually it is not. In ancient times, in a number of regions of Russia, there was a custom of "groom gatherings" - shortly before the wedding, the guy gathered his comrades for a friendly feast.

Unlike bachelorette parties, the groom's parties were not regulated by a large number of traditions. Unbreakable ritual was perhaps a bath in which the young steamed before the feast.

When exactly bachelor parties acquired the format noisy holidays, now hardly anyone will say (even omniscient British scientists!). But this, however, does not matter. The main thing is that your farewell to the bachelor status should be fun, and the next morning it should not be excruciatingly painful from too much entertainment and alcohol.

The main concerns for organizing a bachelor party are usually taken by the groom and his future witness. But how to distribute the financial burden depends on your wishes. The bachelor party is a democratic holiday.

If the groom is able to pay for everything himself, great. If not, it is not shameful to "throw in" for the celebration along with all its participants. True friends (and others are not invited to a bachelor party!) will definitely understand everything. After all, pre-wedding chores often require large financial costs from the groom.

Measure seven times

How to organize a bachelor party that would appeal to all its participants? Most the right way- prioritize your favorite pastimes. If, for example, you all adore billiards, then the evening (or part of it) must be devoted to battles at the billiard tables.

However, you can take risks. The holiday will surely be remembered for a long time if you spend it differently than your usual friendly evenings. It can be parachuting, and a paintball battle, and even racing at some kind of karting track.

But whatever you choose, you will not only have to turn on your imagination, but also get the consent of the rest of the invitees. Perhaps some of your friends do not warm at all the idea of ​​billiards, racing or skydiving. And if not everyone will have fun, then the holiday will not work ...

Who to invite to the bachelor party is, of course, up to you. However, remember: everyone who goes to your bachelor party should also be among those invited to the wedding. It - elementary rule courtesy. An exception can be made only if you plan to arrange your wedding in narrow circle(close relatives plus witnesses).

Don't have a bachelor party the night before your wedding. "Groom's Gatherings" in a rare case do without alcohol. And going down the aisle with a hangover is not a pleasant occupation. And don't forget about the wedding night!

In spicy entertainment (like striptease bars and other similar establishments), it is also good to have a sense of proportion. But here advice is superfluous. "Limiter" for you can only be your tender feelings to the bride. You love her, don't you?

Where to go, where to go?

Ways to spend a bachelor party - a great many. But if you are "lost" in ideas, then perhaps one of the following scenarios will suit you.

Plan A: colorful action movie

Well, guys, it's time to run a little and take your soul away by arranging a little war! I'm talking, of course, about paintball. Break into teams and - go ahead, the trumpet is calling! Adrenaline and drive will be enough for everyone. And then, having run enough, let's go "lick our wounds" to the bar.

By the way, with the same success, you can fight in the laser tag format. For those who are not in the know - these are "shooters" with a laser beam, only a sensor attached to you informs you about hitting you.

We take tents, a guitar, provisions and - we go to nature (after knowing the weather forecast). Fans of fishing or hunting will vote for such an outing in the first place. And then there will be songs around the fire, noisy toasts under the stars, fresh fish soup or game.

In general, this bachelor party will probably last for two days, or even more. But in next time you can go on such a trip only with the permission of your wife. Appreciate the moment!

Plan B: Enjoy Your Bath!

Someone goes to the bath with friends only before the new year ... but this is not our method. Why not arrange a pre-wedding bachelor party here as well? Take a steam bath, drink a beer, sit and talk about life. Severe male romance!

The main thing is not to abuse alcohol. Firstly, in a bath or sauna it is bad for the heart, and secondly, there is a risk of getting into some kind of fun situation - like in that very comedy about the irony of fate ...

Plan D: Planes First

After the pre-wedding hassle, you just need a discharge. BUT best holiday is a change of scenery. We buy a short "burning" tour with friends, throw the essentials into a suitcase - and now you are already basking in the hot southern sun and enjoying the delights of the all-inclusive system.

Of course, before that you will have to check if your documents (including your passport) are in order. Yes, and it is better to choose a country where visas are issued upon arrival, or not required at all. But that's just the details.

By the way, don't forget to bring a gift to the bride from the trip - jewelry, outfit or something else cool. Then you can tell her that it was for this that they flew. She won't believe it, but she'll be pleased.

And yet this option is quite risky. Climate change, heat and air conditioning are often harbingers colds. And before the wedding, it's better to take care of yourself.

Plan D: Get Started, Let's Go!

If at least half of you have a car and a driver's license, you can have a great bachelor party on wheels. Night orienteering competitions are popular today in many cities around the world. Why not arrange your races?

Here is one of the game options. Divided into crews, participants must drive along a route consisting of a series of checkpoints. Initially, no one except the organizers knows the route. At each checkpoint, information is encrypted on how to find the next one. The one who wins first to pass the entire route.

Before the game, the crews will have to stock up on GPS-navigators (if they are not in the standard configuration of the car), determine who will be the driver, who will be the navigator. The organizers will monitor compliance with the rules. The main thing is not to break the rules traffic and, of course, do not drink alcohol while driving. Otherwise, the last "checkpoint" of your crew will be a meeting with a traffic police squad.

Essence of time

There are many more great ideas to think of, including a stripper climbing out of a huge cake or a video game party with vintage Dandy-type video game consoles. You can also remember the wonderful film "The Hangover" and its sequel "The Hangover 2: From Vegas to Bangkok" (which in the original is prophetically called "Hangover", i.e. "Hangover"). But the main thing that should never be forgotten is that on this, in fact, such a difficult day for himself, the groom is simply obliged to preserve his honor, his conscience and his health. That is why a good bachelor party is a sober bachelor party in the circle of the closest and most reliable friends!

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How to spend a bachelor party - we present a lot of interesting and original ideas for this party.

In fact, boys, in order to have fun, do not need special conditions or complex scripts.

Enough company of good friends tasty food and alcohol.

It is according to this scheme that most bachelor parties are held.

But sometimes you want to move away from the classics and come up with something unbanal and memorable.

Then you start thinking how to spend a bachelor party so that it will be remembered by all friends for a long time.

There are a great many ideas and scenarios for holding a boy's party.

If you dream of a grand celebration for a large number people, then you can entrust the organization to some agency.

But in general, this business is not so tricky, so you can easily handle it yourself.

Depending on what kind of bachelor party you want to spend ...

For most people, the very word bachelor party has a strong association: this is the last bachelor party before the wedding among friends.

This tradition came to us from the West, and relatively recently.

The script with heavy booze and strippers also migrated from there.

I'm not saying it's a bad script if you have good funny friends you can have fun anyway.

But, of course, lovers of everything original will not like it.

In addition, a bachelor party before the wedding can be held in a more exotic way.

There are also ordinary bachelor parties that have nothing to do with the pre-wedding party - the guys gather for a different holiday occasion, or even for no reason at all, but simply because they haven’t seen each other for a long time.

Although I know that the boys themselves rarely call such gatherings bachelor parties, preferring to say to their soul mates: “Today, dear, I'm going for a walk with friends. I will be late".

In this case, no special script is required.

Enough beer, chips, fish and football on TV.

A wedding is a special event in the life of every person and you need to say goodbye to bachelor status with dignity.

Therefore, my advice will relate to how to spend a bachelor party before the wedding.

How to hold a bachelor party based on the traditions of different countries?

Bachelor parties on the eve of the wedding are held in almost all countries.

Sometimes they pass very modestly in the narrow circle of the family, but often turn into a rampage of madness and depravity, from which the unfortunate groom suffers.

If you want to borrow some original ideas for your bachelor party, then they can be gleaned from the traditions of different countries:

    For example, for the Turks, the best bachelor party is to compete in dexterity in some kind of competition.

    So and physical form You can support and show off in front of the girls.

    Want to return to your roots- go to the bath.

    It was by cleansing their body that our ancestors prepared for the wedding and wedding night.

    Pedantic and strict Germans only pretend to be like that.

    It turns out that most of all at a bachelor party, they love to break dishes.

    According to German tradition, if you kill all the dishes within reach, then the wedding night will be hot, and the bride will easily lose her virginity.

  1. The Chinese, who adhere to the traditions of their ancestors, spend a very boring bachelor party: first they cut the groom's hair, so they give a stupid hat, then everyone eats and talks.
  2. You can only sympathize if there are French among your friends.

    A bachelor party in French is to make fun of the groom in plenty, inventing a wide variety of tasks for him.

  3. Armenians are also lovers of mocking the groom, but afterward they reward him for all the torment, giving him a large amount of money.
  4. Canadians flock to Niagara Falls for the element of water to cleanse their thoughts before the wedding.

    The businessmen instantly realized how to make money on this, and set up many strip clubs near the waterfall.

Where to spend a bachelor party: traditional ideas

Mandatory attributes of a boy, in addition to friends, of course, are booze, food and music.

If you have both, and another and the third, then the question is: “Where exactly to spend the bachelor party?” not so important.

The most common places for a bachelor party are:

    Here you can create any disgrace and not spend a lot of money.

    Strip club.

    Pretty girls, booze, food and people who take care of dirty dishes later - in one bottle.

    If you do not need a striptease, then you can just go to a nightclub and dance.

  1. Karaoke is for those who like to sing songs.
  2. Sauna or bath.

    And why not take the advice of our ancestors and cleanse the body before the wedding?


    If you and your friends like extreme rest, then you can go with tents to the forest, to the river or to the mountains.

    If you have become attached to civilization with all your heart and cannot imagine spending the night in a tent, you can go to the country.

How to spend a bachelor party: original ideas

Do not want such platitudes?

Do you want your bachelor party to be set as an example to other bachelors?

Then you should hold a bachelor party in a more original way:

  1. Theme party, for example, in the style of the American 20s: beautiful costumes, cigars, playing poker, etc.
  2. Sport competitions(and why are you worse than the Turks?), for example, playing paintball, darts, billiards, jet ski racing, karting, horse racing, etc.
  3. Master Class.

    And it’s true, why just drink it to no avail when you can learn something useful, for example, erotic, to please your soulmate, or cooking tiramisu - girls are completely in love with this dessert.

  4. Going to the movies or to a concert of your favorite band, and then you can hang out with alcohol.
  5. Travel abroad- there you will definitely not be overtaken by omnipresent eyes future wife and her spies.

An example of how interesting and eventful a bachelor party can be,

presented in the video:

5 rules for those who want to have a cool bachelor party

If you want to have a bachelor party fun and without sad consequences then follow the basic rules:

    Carefully invite friends and relatives from the bride's side to the bachelor party, especially if striptease and vulgar contests are planned.

    Consider that you are actually letting enemy scouts into your territory.

    Don't have a bachelor party the night before your wedding.

    You have to significant event and you must sleep well and rest in order to pass this test with dignity.

    It is better to organize gatherings with friends a few days before the wedding.

    You should not organize a grand party and invite crowds of unfamiliar people to it.

    You can spend a fun and memorable bachelor party only with your closest friends.

    Even if you are a fan of the classics and very discreet intelligent person, bring a touch of debauchery to your party, otherwise it will look more like a gathering of librarians than a farewell to bachelor status.

    Have fun the right way!

    Fun is fun, but don't do anything at the bachelor party that you'll regret later on, like don't play tricks with a stripper, don't do anything illegal, don't try to break into your future wife's bachelorette party, etc.

    And most importantly - do not tell what you did at the bachelor party.

    The phrase "We sat with friends, talked heart to heart" will be quite enough.

Of course, in organizing a bachelor party, you need to take more care how to spend a bachelor party, not where to do it.

It is possible at home with best friends have fun, or you can spend a lot of money on renting a club and fall asleep at your own bachelor party out of boredom.

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