Why do women cheat on men? Causes of a woman's sexual dissatisfaction

Incredible Facts

When it comes to cheating, it's often about men. No one is surprised by the fact that men are looking for female attention but few expect similar behavior from women.

Although many will agree that cheating is bad, nevertheless she remains fairly common.

Despite the fact that many consider cheating to be morally wrong, 74% of men and 68% of women said they would have committed it if they knew they weren't caught.

Read also: 9 reasons men cheat

Although the weaker sex has not yet surpassed men in infidelity, more and more married women are committing adultery.

Psychologists, relationship experts and divorce lawyers shared top reasons women cheat, and some of them may surprise you.

Why do women cheat on men

1. Lack of sex

Often with the advent of children and the burden of responsibility family life sleep in a couple becomes more important than sex.

However women need to feel wanted. If a man does not give her this feeling, she may start looking for him on the side.

To warm things up, ask her out on dates, send her provocative messages, and don't let everyday worries get in the way of intimate moments in your life.

2. Desire to feel like a "bad girl".

Just like men who sometimes want to go all out, some women are natural tigresses who are waiting to be released.

Such frivolous behavior is usually begins to manifest itself in response to some changes in life- weight loss new job, new friends or a midlife crisis.

In this case, it is important to continue to communicate, and it may be easier for her to talk about what is happening, instead of pouring her heart out to some stranger.

3. Low self-esteem.

Sex can instantly boost a woman's self-esteem make her feel attractive, desirable and loved.

If a woman has low self-esteem, this does not automatically mean that it will change. But, if she feels secure in the relationship, it may keep her from adultery.

In this case, it is enough to pay attention to her, ask questions and at least occasionally give compliments, and you will see that even a little praise can work wonders.

4. Revenge.

If a woman feels that she has been betrayed and hurt, then she often has the desire to make her partner suffer just like her.

Thus, cheating becomes her way of revenge, a kind of chance to even the score.

Of course, it's hard to just erase what happened, but you can ask her for forgiveness, assure her that this will not happen again and show it with your actions.

Why do women cheat on their husbands

5. Lack of intimacy.

Outwardly, it may seem that she has everything: good flat, a car and a well-paid job.

However, in a relationship, a woman can missing the most important thing - intimacy. And here we are talking not only about sex, but also about hugs, kisses, touches and communication. Women crave it, and if they don't get it at home, they start looking for intimacy on the side.

To maintain intimacy, it is important to spend time together, sometimes giving foot massages or having romantic dinner for two.

6. Feeling unappreciated, overlooked, or ignored.

Women perform many functions in a relationship: maintaining order, buying groceries, caring for a child, and so on.

When she starts feel more like a maid and housekeeper than a wife, she is tempted to have an affair on the side.

If a man spends all his time at work or having fun with friends, this pushes her even more to seek attention elsewhere.

In order to correct the situation, you do not need to quit your job, but it is important to remember to thank her for everything she does.

7. Emotional withdrawal.

Women are emotional creatures. They need not only physical, but also emotional support.

When a man moves away, she sees it as a threat of a break..

In this case, for her, this is rather not treason, but an attempt to move on. To avoid this, it is important for a man to be present in the relationship and share his feelings.

8. Boredom in bed.

Sex can become monotonous: the same poses, the same environment, the same person. An affair on the side adds thrill and excites the blood.

To avoid routine, do not repeat yourself. Unexpectedly go somewhere for the weekend, try sex in unusual places kiss her for no reason. The suddenness adds excitement.

9. Midlife crisis or hormonal changes.

Not only men are experiencing a midlife crisis. Women also worry about aging and start fear they will lose the qualities that once made them desirable.

Cheating is a woman's way of feeling sexier and more attractive again, although it can only make things worse in the end.

10. A way to end a relationship.

Instead of ending the relationship, she goes for treason. No one wants to be the initiator of a breakup, and treason is easy way put a point.

This is another reason why it is so important for partners to discuss their problems. Let her know that she can talk to you about anything and that you love her enough to overcome any relationship difficulties.

Female adultery is a rather complicated phenomenon. First, from a social point of view. Society treats female infidelity extremely negatively. Secondly, in terms of family life. Men rarely forgive their wives for infidelity, therefore, as a result of female infidelity, families often break up. At the same time, rarely does anyone wonder why wives cheat on their husbands, what is the reason for this situation. Often men themselves bring a woman to treason with their behavior.

The nature of female infidelity

Many men do not consider sex on the side cheating. For them, love and sex are separate things. A man can love his wife very much, but at the same time, periodically have connections on the side with women that he likes.

For women, it's much more difficult. For them, love and sex are not separated. If a woman decides to have sexual relations, in most cases, this means that she has feelings for her partner, a certain attraction. Therefore, the reason for adultery for a married woman must be very weighty and serious. She clearly imagines the consequences of this step, prepares for it for a long time, and if she decides, then she has already weighed the pros and cons, and is ready to take responsibility for her act.

In other words, we can say that a woman decides to cheat as a result of despair. If she stops believing that she can be happy with her husband, then she may decide to have an affair on the side. Often, betrayal, the emergence of a new man in life, seems to be the only way for a woman to feel happy again, to find the meaning of her life. After infidelity, a woman rarely can return to her family. Since sex without feelings is impossible for her, she ceases to love her husband and becomes the main thing for her. new man, so she rarely returns to the family.

insufficient attention

The most common reason why women cheat is lack of attention. Often, over time, relations between spouses become colder. Husband and wife do not experience old feelings to each other, communication becomes less intense, there is a distance.

If a man does not show due attention to his wife, she begins to feel as if she has been abandoned, to think that no one needs her, does not possess former attraction. Such thoughts instinctively push a woman to try to prove the opposite, she is looking for attention from other men, which can lead to treason.

Some women are to blame for this situation. After they get married, they begin to take care of themselves less, become nondescript. Of course, in such a situation, a man begins to pay attention to more attractive girls, and when a woman discovers that they no longer pay attention to her, it is often too late - her husband already has another. Then the wife begins to take revenge, attracts men to her, and as a result, the family is destroyed - both spouses begin to cheat on each other.

Another common cause is the absence of a husband at home. If a man is always busy at work, provides everyone with his beloved wife, she can still feel lonely, and if at such a moment she finds a person who will provide attention to a woman and show care, it is likely that the situation will end in betrayal.

Cheating for revenge

It's no secret that many men cheat on their wives. There is not always a feeling behind this, often just a desire to win another woman, male selfishness. When the wife finds out about the facts of infidelity, she, of course, is overwhelmed by emotions. Under their influence, she can even commit rash acts - for example, cheat on her husband, even with the first person she meets.

This development will have a very negative impact on family relationships. First, you need to remember about the difference in adultery between men and women. For a man, cheating is not connected with feelings, but for women, as a rule, yes. Therefore, men very rarely can forgive their wife for infidelity, which means that if such a fact is discovered, the probability of family destruction increases significantly. In addition, such behavior of spouses is a negative example for children, so before cheating, it is better to think several times whether this action is worth future suffering. This recommendation applies to both men and women.

It should be borne in mind the fact that even if a man could forgive the betrayal of his wife, the family will not be the same. It will be unpleasant for a cheating wife to remember the very fact of infidelity out of revenge (after all, there were no feelings there, which means that such sex was unpleasant for her). She will blame her husband. As a result, there will be a constant smoldering conflict in the family, which will not lead to anything good.

Desire for new emotions and sensations

When the romance is just beginning, there's a mass positive emotions. A man and a woman want to constantly be there, see each other for as long as possible, get to know each other better, and so on. Gradually, over time, love is replaced by habit. The couple are already connected mutual feeling but by habit or the presence of common children.

Husband and wife know each other perfectly, understand perfectly, but there are not enough emotions. In such a situation, you want to relive the feeling of euphoria, falling in love, and so on. And a woman, like a man, may well try to renew her feelings or look for new sensations, which is the reason for her wife's betrayal of her husband.

According to some scientists, the point here is elementary physiology. As the strength of feelings decreases, there is also a decrease in the production of certain hormones that make a person happy, and in order to get their portion of happiness again, many are looking for new partners with whom they think they will experience this feeling again.

Sexual dissatisfaction

As a reason for his wife's infidelity, there may be a man's inability to please her in bed. The problems with this can be different. For example:

  • Health problems. It may well turn out that under the influence of stress, a man lost his self-confidence, there were certain sexual disorders. A similar situation can be with a woman. For various reasons, she may not be able to relax, enjoy sex, which leads to a lack of orgasm and, as a result, a desire to find a new partner. Often there is such a problem as sexual incompatibility.
  • living conditions. The cause of dissatisfaction can also be constrained living conditions when it is difficult for a husband and wife to be together, there is no time for foreplay or quality intimate relationship Everything has to be done quickly.
  • Psychological problems. One of the spouses may be afraid of being relaxed or going to some experiments in bed, which does not allow diversifying sensations and getting mutual pleasure.

Confidence that a man is not worthy of her

Many girls, especially if they were the only ones in the family, can consider themselves princesses. After all, in childhood they were allowed everything - best toys, the most tasty food, a lot of attention - everything for them. And when they get married, and it turns out that a man also demands attention, does not always take into account all the desires of a woman, they begin to change - look for someone who will be able to fulfill all their desires.

Moreover, often such women do not want to get divorced. They constantly “saw” their husband, express complaints to him, they can even humiliate and demand more and more benefits for themselves, but they categorically do not want to get divorced - for them this is a deterioration in their social position.

It is also important to know about this type of women that they do not feel guilty after betrayal. They blame their husband for having to go looking for best man. If the husband met all the requirements (which is impossible in principle), then nothing would have happened. At the same time, they are absolutely unaware that their requirements are overstated.

The result of this is that a woman starts relationships on the side, and a man also seeks understanding and love outside the family, therefore, the family is gradually falling apart, despite the presence of formal relationships and cohabitation.

What do scientists think

Conducted research on why wives cheat on their husbands suggests that women are unfaithful to their husbands, mainly if they are not happy in marriage. The probability of infidelity due to sexual dissatisfaction increases 2.9 times compared to standard situation(when a woman feels happy and in intimate life family is fine).

Most often, women cheat with work colleagues, their old friends or former men. It is extremely rare that they can afford to cheat on a husband's friend.

In general, it must be remembered that women value their reputation and do not seek to change if everything suits them. Therefore, you should pay attention to your loved ones, pamper them sometimes, and in case of problems in a relationship, contact specialists.

Registering your relationship happy groom and the bride swear to each other eternal love and fidelity. Probably in ideal world all spouses would live a long and happy life without cheating and betrayal, but in reality, many have to put up with the fact that a husband or wife goes “to the left”.

Male infidelity is no longer considered something unusual, society often justifies them, although, of course, few will be able to live with such a husband. Women's betrayal with us for a long time perceived as something out of the ordinary.

However, times are changing, and the number of women who have cheated on their husbands is increasing. According to the statistics of family psychologists, about half of all women cheat on their husbands, while according to official statistics, only about 25% of women admit to being unfaithful to their spouses. fair half humanity. Why do wives cheat?

Psychology and nature of female infidelity

Despite the fact that both husbands and wives cheat, the reasons that push them to this reckless act are completely different. Let's analyze and figure out how male infidelity differs from female infidelity.

Psychology of infidelity on the part of a woman

Why do men cheat? Psychologists, especially those who support the teachings of Z. Freud, believe that strong half mankind cannot exist without adultery, as they obey the call of nature and try to impregnate as many individuals of the opposite sex as possible.

Women don't have that need. For her, the main thing is to choose the most best father for your child to give birth to healthy offspring. Therefore, a girl rarely seeks to increase the number of men, but it is important for her that her chosen one be the best.

This is the crux of the problem. A girl can fall in love, and her chosen one seems to her the embodiment of masculinity. She invents a hero for herself, in which all best qualities men: strength, activity, reliability, passion and so on. But then she realizes she was wrong.

There are no ideal people. However, she strives to find one, and it does not matter that others consider her husband the best. It is not easy to please a woman. If the family does not have enough money, she dreams of a wealthy person. The one who bathes in luxury complains that her husband pays little attention to her.

And so it always is: the one who is close seems boring and not what he should be, and the one who is not with her is the best. After some time, she finds herself in the same bed with him. Most likely, a new disappointment awaits her, but for some time she believes that she has met the love of her life.

But change can have other reasons. We'll talk about this later.

The main differences between male and female infidelity

We figured out what male infidelity differ from women's, but, in order to sum up, we will write down the main differences point by point:

  1. Love. To cheat on a wife, a husband does not have to fall in love with a new partner. Women only cheat on men if they have feelings for their lover. There must be at least sympathy.
  2. Partner choice. A man is ready to seduce any girl if she seems attractive to him. The girls will look closely at the partner. First, they must make sure that it really suits them.
  3. Development of a relationship. If a husband finds a mistress, he does not think about divorce. In the case of a wife's infidelity, everything is much more serious. He believes that someday he will be together with his lover, and can easily leave his family.

The most common causes of female infidelity

We figured out what is the nature of female infidelity, its psychology. However, many girls do not live, obeying only instincts. Nevertheless, a person knows how to control his behavior, especially if he received the right upbringing.

Why woman walking for change? Why is she ready to forget her moral principles and then suffer from remorse?

Psychologists identify many reasons that can push for treason:

  1. Revenge. The husband cheated, and the wife decided to take revenge on him In a similar way. Or she is already tired of arguing with her husband, she does not like how he behaves with her, so she decided on such revenge.
  2. Disappointment. The girl is used to the fact that her chosen one paid her a lot of attention. He tried to win her over, so he was caring, gentle, and after he achieved what he wanted, he stopped noticing her.
  3. Incompatibility in bed. Spouses may have different temperaments. If the wife is passionate, loving, and her husband does not need frequent sex, she may think about going to the left.
  4. Want to be desired. Every girl would like to remain the most beloved and desired. If she is not appreciated in marriage, she will find someone who will admire her.
  5. Craving for new sensations. Often joint life destroys feelings. The wife managed to study her husband, she knows all his habits. And she wants something new in life, something that will make her days unforgettable. She needs new emotions, and in marriage she cannot get them.

  1. Hasty marriage. The girl got married early. And now she needs to cook for her husband, take care of the household, children, and her friends at this time run on dates. And she also wants the same carefree life.
  2. The desire to get the "forbidden fruit". The girl could have her own moral principles, but a person changes, reconsiders his views on life. And she can already afford cheating, as this is the taboo that she would like to break.
  3. She wants to be modern. If all her friends, acquaintances run "to the left", she reads articles, watches programs that do not condemn such behavior, the wife is cheating on her husband, because she does not want to be a "black sheep" among her entourage.

We have listed some of the reasons for female infidelity, but this, of course, is not all. There are a lot of them. And each family has its own story, each girl has her own motives, it would be difficult to sort it all out, since it is impossible to subordinate feelings to some kind of strict logic.

How to prevent adultery on the part of a woman?

If a woman finds herself another man, it will be difficult to correct the situation. She will not want to stay with her husband if her relationship has become serious on her side. And not every man is able to accept a wife who has been in the arms of another.

Therefore, you should not go to extremes, it is better to work on relationships in marriage, to prevent betrayal, since an attempt to return to your old life may be unsuccessful. These tips are simple, they may seem banal to some, but it’s not in vain that they say that everything ingenious is simple.

  1. Don't forget to make time for your wife. Yes, after work I want to spend time at the computer or TV. You can have a thousand things to do and hobbies, but put aside some of them and spend time with your spouse.
  2. Become the closest person to her. If a spouse can talk with you about everything that worries her, share her experiences, feelings, she will not have a desire to look for someone on the side. Here, respect for a woman, for her interests, is also important, otherwise she will find someone else who will understand her or pretend that she understands.
  3. Let off steam. This advice may seem strange, since for many it is a family without quarrels and scandals that seems ideal. But psychologists warn that then there is a high probability that the spouses are indifferent to each other. Therefore, there must be conflicts, pronounce grievances. Then they won't destroy your relationship.

  1. Discuss your intimate life. If you live together, then you no longer have secrets from each other, so you can easily talk about your intimate life. Ask your wife if everything suits her.
  2. Don't forget about mutual respect. Try to respect her feelings, don't do what she doesn't like. But ask her to make concessions to you and listen to your opinion.
  3. Fight routine. If you have been living together for a long time, there is a desire to let everything take its course, and live the way you have to. But it's still worth it sometimes pleasant surprises, organize events for the family to make your life more interesting.
  4. Don't be jealous. If a woman constantly hears her husband accusing her of cheating, although there is no reason for this, then sooner or later she will cheat on him. She will decide that it is pointless to prove something to you and it is easier to behave the way you expect from her.

Remember that for a woman, cheating on a spouse is not just a fun adventure, but most often a serious one. stressful situation. A woman does not change immediately, usually she decides to take this step not under the influence of suddenly surging feelings or desires, but after long experiences and unrest.

Therefore, if you understand the relationship in time, make her remember the feelings that she had for you, you can prevent betrayal and all its negative consequences.

What to do if the wife cheated?

What to do if there was still a betrayal, to forgive or not your spouse? It is difficult to answer this question, it all depends on the specific situation, on the relationship in marriage. Perhaps this betrayal, although painful for both spouses, will be a turning point in their lives.

If you no longer have a relationship, feelings have disappeared, then parting may be the best way out. But, even if you have made such a decision, it is still worth it to forgive a woman in order to free yourself from resentment and hatred, let go of this relationship and move on.

According to statistics, about 40% of men are ready to forgive infidelity (for women, this percentage is higher - 70%). But for those who decide to keep the relationship, it is important to understand that they will not be the same as before. You will have to build them again so that the situation does not happen again.

And, if you have already decided to be in a place again, forget about what happened to you, never reproach your spouse, do not blame her, otherwise all your attempts to build new trusting relationships will be unsuccessful.

Video: causes and signs of female infidelity and can it be forgiven?

Women's psychology is fundamentally different from men's. We are just similar beings belonging to the same biological species.

Otherwise, women and men are different universes. Often certain actions of a partner are misunderstood.

Wives do not understand the motives of their husbands, they see differently. And it is difficult for a man to understand what motivates his wife to cheat.

Women's infidelity is less common than men's, but it does occur. There is an opinion that everyone cheats on everyone. And the statement is not far from the truth.

People tend to look for options to improve their lives. It's not always about material goods. Both women and men find different reasons for treason.

Do all women start cheating on their husbands after 40?

When it comes to global mass migration female half humanity to the left - the statement is highly doubtful. You can not row one size fits all.

A person is complex, unpredictable, although it does not seem so. Any of us in a moment can turn the idea of ​​him upside down.

Far from all wives cheat on spouses, even after 40 years. According to statistics, 75% of men and 25% of women are unfaithful to their halves.

These are data from Russian studies, in different countries world indicators differ due to mentality, religion and other features.

Causes of female infidelity after 40 years:

  • Hormonal failure provokes changes, a woman craves feelings, passions, emotions. Men, this is like your midlife crisis.
  • Material well-being- a weighty argument. The female will choose a more successful male, this is inherent in nature.
  • Spouse indifference- most frequent occasion for infidelity. Women need affection and care. Here the man must take the first step.
  • The Forbidden fruit. If a woman has considered adultery all her life as an unworthy act, then with age the opinion changes.

    As part of hormonal adjustment and the withering of former beauty, I want new sensations, to experience everything that was not there in my youth.

  • Revenge causes anger and this emotion is almost uncontrollable for many. Resentment from a man is like an unhealed wound.

    The wife wants retribution, considers that she has the right if her husband has already given her a reason to think so.

  • Routine. Life sucks from the first days of living together. Spouses with age become like relatives.

    Sex becomes insipid or completely ousted. How can you not look the other way?

    Carnal desire is an instinct, the same as in men. For them, by the age of 40, the ardor subsides, and for a woman it only flares up.

  • Love. First love, a meeting of graduates - this causes a feeling of nostalgia. The old passion kicks in.

    Such a change is an impulse. It can develop into more, but more often people return to their families.

Why does a wife cheat on her husband, but does not leave

This is a man's trick - to live with his wife, but walk to the left. Men are very difficult to pull out of their comfort zone.

Women are more honest: more often they go where they are drawn. Units decide to play a double game. The reasons are different. Let's take a look at the most common ones.

Why does the wife cheat, but does not leave? 4 common reasons:

Causes Explanations
1 Fear of being alone She is not sure if her lover will accept her. And the husband is a dear, reliable creature
2 Victim Complex This is a psychological warehouse: a woman is used to being a martyr, she experiences the pleasure of the impossibility of happiness with her beloved, she comes up with excuses.

Masochistic desire to suffer, Pierrot complex. Remove the element of suffering - and she will become uninteresting. The problem is unconscious, subconscious nature.

The woman does not understand true reasons of his behaviour. If you want to keep a victim wife - give her freedom

3 Right Priorities The wife is practical. She does not deny herself the pleasure of going left out of stupid moral or religious clichés, but she realizes that the family is more important.

This is what practical smart young ladies do. Husbands rarely find out about the betrayal of such wives, they disguise themselves too well

4 Cheat on stupidity The impulse of passion that pushed to sin will not become a reason for divorce. This situation will be in the past

The reason may be different, it is impossible to predict the behavior of everyone. If the spouse does not leave, the husband has a chance to change the situation. by the most the right way there will be communication.

Trite, but women in marriage most of all lack interaction. Talk more with your spouse, talk about work, about your feelings.

Talk is the way to her heart. Listen to her, show that you are ready to try again.

Important! The reverse repulsive effect is exerted by kneeling pleas, requests, cries for high feelings. Show that you are offended.

Don't stop being a person, don't become a weakling. Do not persuade, persuasion will not help, the decision is made based on personal interests and motives.

Hold back emotions, accusations and screams. Think for yourself. Show that not only she makes the decision: you have been betrayed, you think too.

Reasons for frequent cheating from psychology what to do

The reasons for change are varied. Here it is worth considering the nuances:

  • Personality type.
  • Childhood trauma.
  • Relations with parents.
  • Age.
  • Health status.
  • Material well-being.
  • Relations between spouses: their role positions in marriage.
  • Regularity of sex.
  • Occupation.
  • Trust between spouses.
  • The age of the spouse at the time of marriage.
  • Her natural temperament, nationality and religion.

Putting all these factors together, experienced psychologist will help to understand the cause of betrayal. It's like putting together a puzzle. The option is simpler - ask your wife.

An honest conversation will help to dot the "and". Trite? Isn't that why you're reading this article? - Have you tried it?

Do you really think that the Internet knows why your beloved is cheating on you? Decide to have an honest conversation.

Frequent cheating - 4 possible reasons:

  • Early marriage. The wife didn't move.
  • Indifference of the spouse, lack of romance, emotions.
  • I fell out of love. It happens to women - she just fell out of love, looking for solace on the side.
  • Spoiled. When a man kisses the sand she walked on, the woman loses interest. She subjugated the male, this toy is hers. Now we need another one.

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Why women cheat on their husbands - 11 reasons

Throughout the existence of human society, people (and especially men) have been trying to find the answer to this question. Let's define the reasons why women cheat.

Reason one. Lack of attention

Men are conquerors by nature. And that's okay. Having conquered the woman, hiding her in his cave, the man is sure that his mission is completed on this - the woman is at home and is obliged to keep the hearth. A woman is arranged in such a way that every minute she needs confirmation of love for herself from a man. But that doesn't happen. The husband comes home from work, dragging another mammoth with him, and calmly settles down on the sofa.

An ordinary evening of an average family: for a man, this is watching TV (or playing computer games, or "freeze" in social networks) and sleep. Sometimes a trip to a pub with friends is added here (or guests come home). A woman at this time usually takes care of the household and children.

Such a routine quickly bothers a woman, she wants to communicate with her husband as "before the wedding", some romantic relationship(words, declarations of love). Woman fantasizes in her head “But if he now flew in a helicopter with huge bouquet roses"… But this, unfortunately, does not happen. The dream remains a dream. For some women, such a life becomes so dreary that they decide to start an affair on the side, looking for attention from men. This romance may not always end in betrayal, but anything can happen.

The second reason. Lack of sex

sexual pleasure, orgasm at the very beginning of family life is always more frequent and brighter. After several years of marriage, sex becomes less frequent, and orgasm may not come at all. Or very busy with work the husband is so tired that he can only crawl to the matrimonial bed to fall into a dead sleep.

Many women are so patient that they can wait for years and even decades when, finally, a spouse turns to them in bed and caresses them. And some stand on principle and look for sex on the side - women cheat on their husbands. Very often, having lived together for two or three decades, mature woman open in sex "second wind", and the husband simply cannot satisfy her (the age is not the same). Then the woman is looking for a young, strong, handsome (even if poor) lover who will satisfy all the sexual needs of a mature woman.

Reason three. Curiosity

Curiosity is very strong female trait. Including in terms of sex with another man. “The other one probably behaves differently in bed than her husband.”, a woman thinks when she sees another flirting with her. And if he also insists, not everyone can stand it, and the girls cheat on the guys.

Reason four. Resentment (revenge)

Quite often, because of the betrayal of her husband, a woman decides to repay him in kind. Women are insidious and touchy at their core. The plan of revenge is drawn up very carefully and sometimes carried out - married women change.

Reason five. Financial

Often women cheat on their husbands in order to improve their financial condition. They purposefully find "rich daddies" who provide for them and cater to every whim. The husband of such a woman is usually completely unaffected, and the family lives very modestly. A woman cannot afford to buy nice clothes, jewelry, expensive linen. Therefore, a rich lover comes in handy - married women cheat.

Reason six. casual sex

The fact that girls cheat on guys is sometimes to blame for the usual case, that is, alcohol taken in the company (meeting in a club, meeting with old love or with "former"). Of course, at first the woman is sure that the situation is all under control, but in fact it turns out that after a good dose of alcohol everything disappears, as if in a fog, and in the morning the woman finds herself in bed with a stranger (with an old friend). Ends up with girls cheating on guys.

Mostly women who have had such a mess try to forget it as horrible dream It’s shameful to get drunk to such a state that you can’t control yourself. But sometimes the relationship turns in the opposite direction, and the girls cheat on the guys.

Reason seven. Influenced by friends

Sometimes a young wife cheats on her husband because of the influence of her unmarried girlfriends. Joint trips to nightclubs, discos, champagne or a cocktail in your head, flirting with men is a great temptation to. The girl who is early "jumped out" married, not yet "worked up". She is drawn to everything "evil places" where unmarried girlfriends find boyfriends. Works "herd instinct", and together with everyone, cheating on a girl is much easier. Still unmarried girls cheat on guys, getting to know other men and being carried away by them. It is important to make the right choice here. Sometimes such a casual acquaintance can develop into a family.

Reason eight. out of habit

There is a type of women who are accustomed to surround themselves with men. Even being married. Such a woman enjoys abundance sexual relations. And the double pleasure of the fact that this relationship is dangerous and reminiscent of a spy detective. Such women cheat on their husbands right and left, but the husbands cannot even suspect about it. Such a woman has a whole plan in her head - appearances, passwords, addresses, possible questions, possible answers. Her life is reminiscent of a thrilling detective story in which happy life not just one family.

Reason nine. The nature of the spouse

Sometimes a woman cheats on her husband because of his character. There are two scenarios here. The first is when the husband is a despot. He keeps his beloved wife in check, does not let her go anywhere, does not give personal money. Creates unbearable conditions. A woman lacks love, affection, softness and trusting relationship, and she begins to look for a man who will give her all this. The second is when the husband has no character. He is very soft, he is easy to deceive, or he just allows a woman to cheat. In this case, a woman in treason is looking for a courageous, firm and strong man to feel like a weak woman next to him.

Reason ten. Gone love

Basically, such a betrayal concerns families with experience. Early marriage, decades lived together, do not always benefit spouses. “Love has gone, leaving life, friendship instead, we have studied each other inside and out, nothing new is expected in the next hundred years, complete boredom. Its time to begin new life» , - so think women who have evaporated love for their husband. Women cheat on their husbands and find new love.

Reason eleven. home

Why do women cheat on their husbands? In fact, there is only one answer to this question. Because they don't like it. That's the whole reason. A loving woman will not even have a thought to cheat on her beloved man. A woman is the keeper of the hearth, she will do everything to ensure that love and mutual understanding flourish in the family. And the conflicts that sometimes appear in everyone in the family will try to resolve them peacefully.

A woman who truly loves her man will not succumb to the provocations of her friends, we will not take revenge on her husband by cheating on him. She will not surround herself with men and play spies, drawing up a plan of betrayal. Moreover, he will not look for a rich lover - with a sweetheart and a paradise in a hut. loving woman can always attract the attention of her husband and put up with his terrible character.

If, nevertheless, treason has occurred, it is best to find out the reason. There are families in which relationships only become stronger after betrayal.
