Chastity belt female modern. What is a chastity belt for women? Options for using the "chastity belt" for coding against treason

Everyone dreams of the right and loving partner. But what if loyalty is in doubt? Also in ancient times people came up with a cunning design on the lock, in order to be sure of the fidelity of the second half. This design was locked, more precisely, locked with a key, and even with great desire a man could not commit adultery until his chastity belt was opened with a key that only the lawful spouse had.

Visually, the chastity belt looks like an underwear-shaped bandage made of metal before. Now the materials are more humane. And yes, some people still use them today.

chastity briefs

The homeland of fidelity cowards is ancient Greece, where slaves were dressed on intimate parts leather armor. The reason for their appearance is very simple, if a girl becomes pregnant, she will not work, so they made it a rule to wear such “contraceptives”.

This invention acquired a second wind in the Middle Ages. When the crusades began, in order to protect his wife from sin, the German ruler ordered from a blacksmith an iron assembly resembling underwear, which was locked with a key. And until the husband arrived, the wife walked around in this wonderful underwear. It rubbed the skin, and there was no talk of sanitation at all. Because in this device there was only one small hole in order to cope with natural needs. The example of the German monarch was followed by many wealthy citizens of that time. This belt was an expensive pleasure. Also, this belt was worn by young girls to preserve their virginity. Special chic it was to get such a bride, because the vigilant mother handed over to the groom the keys to the belt that the girl wore from childhood.

In Europe, workshops have survived to this day, where chastity belts are made to order, but with the latest developments, digital keys, and material that is pleasant to the body. On the Internet, you can order factory-made chastity belts, or as they are also called: chastity pants.

Interesting facts about modern chastity belts

How to stay faithful

We are all human, we all succumb to temptation. AT difficult moments family life that sometimes fall out, many people have a question: “how to remain faithful?”. There are many variations: “I don’t want to change, but I’m drawn to another”, “routine and boredom have overcome”, “I want variety”, “ formerly wife there was a beauty, and now there is a dressing gown and curlers, ”and so on.

Several simple rules will help to maintain fidelity and bring harmony to your relationship:

  1. You need to feel the measure. Dissolve in a relationship when both are interested in it. Retreat when tired. Man needs and personal time to have time to get bored, and you need to spend enough time together. Catch this clear line. One of the mistakes why relationships collapse is excessive attention to your other half. And the lack of attention is the second reason. Learn to find harmony. Listen to your partner.
  2. What loyalty do you want to keep? What is loyalty to you? After all, loyalty can be maintained simply because you are too lazy to look for another partner. Satisfied with a titmouse in his hand. Faithfulness in marriage for the sake of children? Loyalty or habit? What drives you?
  3. To get a faithful partner, you need to be faithful yourself. In order for an atmosphere of loyalty and love to reign in your family, start with yourself, and then your other half will catch up with you in terms of trust and tolerance. To receive, you must give. This principle is also true in relationships.
  4. Avoid temptations. Out of sight, out of mind. Don't flirt with others, don't give them hope. If you are colleagues, there is always a formal tone of communication. But familiarity and flirting may not give the sprouts that you wanted.
  1. Distrust leads to betrayal. If a person didn’t even think about cheating on you, and you are sawing him, then the thought will appear in his head: “what do I have to lose? they don’t believe me anyway, maybe someone else will trust me.”
  2. It must be clearly stated that in case of infidelity, the husband will lose his family. This factor keeps from treason. After all, momentary pleasure is on the scales on the one hand and family life on the other hand. Read also:

A brave knight, setting out on a long journey, took with him the cherished key to the chastity belt of his beloved wife...

A familiar plot, known to everyone either from retellings of European fairy tales, or from anecdotes. And, as it should be, soon a lover with a file will appear on the scene, and so on.

But was the chastity belt a fictional accessory, or did it exist in reality? Costume historians prefer to avoid this topic due to lack of information and unwillingness to get involved in the old and very tangled story where truth is difficult to separate from fiction.

I have collected some interesting facts about chastity belts that shed some light on this story. And my story will certainly be accompanied by pictures :)) So ...

In 1996, the British Museum removed from its display the so-called chastity belt, which occupied its place of honor in display case since 1846. The reason for this was the exposure of similar exhibits in other collections, which one after another turned out to be forgeries of the 19th century. The identification of such replicas was often hampered by the skill and ingenuity of counterfeiters who could use authentic materials when assembling "genuine chastity belts." So, in two of the known cases, medieval dog collars were used in pseudo-belts ...

Without a doubt, we owe modern ideas about the chastity belt and the abundance of its fakes to historians and moralists of the 19th century, who enthusiastically described the "terrifying realities of the Middle Ages" in their writings, adding more dramatic colors to the picture than it actually was.

And if the conclusions of historical science may become outdated, and the authenticity of artifacts in museums is in question, there is only one thing left - in search of truth, turn to the sources of those times in which women were credited with wearing chastity belts.

Chastity belts in medieval literature

One of the first mentions of the "belt + fidelity" construction that I know of is found in le Marie of the French "Guigemar" (12th century), where it is described how main character complex and strong knot ties a belt on his beloved. She loves him back and knits difficult knots on his shirt, while they swear to love the one who will be able to untie these knots, knowing that no one but themselves can handle it.

Here, although a real belt appears, it plays the symbolic role of a memory knot. It is more of a souvenir than a barrier. Notice, albeit in different ways, but both are tied :))

Another reference can be found between the lines of Guillaume de Machaux's poem "Le livre dou Voir Dit", in which a lady gives her lover a golden key "from her innermost treasures and honor." Since the author of the poem was a well-known lover of allegories, this description should not be interpreted literally. But this description confirms at least the existence at the turn of the 13th-14th centuries of the literary image of ladies' honor, guarded by the castle.

Other mentions of chastity belts known to me date back to a later time - they are found in the literature of the 16th and 17th centuries, mainly in satirical stories about jealous husbands and cunning wives.

Images of chastity belts

The first clear evidence of the existence of a chastity belt in the form of a hip frame, which was locked with a padlock, historians see in the drawing of the 1405 manuscript. On its pages is a treatise on military affairs (!), known under the name "Bellifortis".

Curiously, this drawing has a caption: "This is a belt of Florentine ladies, iron and strong, closed in front."

But according to researchers, such belts in Italy at the beginning of the 15th century were not worn by husbands on their wives, but rather the women themselves wore them as a means of protection from violence from the invader soldiers. This explains the fact that the belt ended up on the pages of a military treatise.

Several German satirical drawings of the 16th century are known, depicting the same plot with the participation of a chastity belt. Both the drawing and the accompanying rhyme depicted a young woman married to an ugly old man:

With one hand, she reaches into her husband's purse full of money, and with the other she transfers this money into the hand of her husband. young lover who has the key to her belt. At the same time, the chastity belt is drawn more than abstractly. In my opinion, indirect evidence that the artist depicted a speculative thing that had no obvious analogues in reality.

Here is another similar example, repeating in detail the plot of the previous figure:

But this engraving by Heinrich Wirrich (1575-1600) is a pleasure to look at. The husband in the scene is easily identified by the donkey ears on his hat. The artist's attention to detail made the chastity belt itself work out more clearly. Now it's not just a breeze with a clasp, but a more elegant design... The picture is very large, I recommend viewing it :)

Did you notice a duplicate key in the hands of the maid behind the canopy? :)))

Remaining chastity belts...

Not really known. The acquisition by science of all the museum artifacts known to me dates back to the 19th century, and in the light of the history already described with the British Museum, it becomes difficult to trust their authenticity.

As a rule, iron chastity belts were discovered under unclear circumstances, more than ever exciting the minds of historians of the 19th century who had already suffered from the Middle Ages.

For example, in 1889, a certain researcher said that he found a chastity belt on one of the female skeletons from an Austrian crypt of the early 17th century.

Another belt around the same years was unexpectedly found in the Venetian Doge's Palace. Moreover, it was immediately recognized as a belt from the time of Francesco II, signor of Padua in 1388-1405. In our time, the museum staff does not have any confirmation of just such a dating written on the tablet, but the belt, as far as I know, remained in the museum's exposition.

Here are photos of other belts, whose history is no less dark and mysterious:

I think no famous collections of medieval arts and crafts, which in the 19th century would not have been enriched with a chastity belt :)) Of course, there was such an exhibit in the Cluny Museum in Paris, but unlike the staff of the British Museum, the Parisians did not put this item in storerooms. Having debunked their fake (this belt was also not real), they simply changed the plate to the belt, signing that it was a remake of the 19th century.

Summing up this little historical digression we can notice that:

Since the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, we know for certain only allegorical or satirical descriptions of chastity belts;

The images of belts in satirical drawings are abstract and do not support the idea that the artists could be familiar with the construction of some real object;

Chastity belts from museum collections, in the vast majority of cases, are fakes of the 19th century, reflecting the fashion for the horrors of the Middle Ages, characteristic of Victorian era. Those belts that are still signed as real, it is quite possible that they simply have not yet passed the examination;

Human sexual activity has always been the subject of special study by man himself. It so happened that sex drive It has the strongest influence on the subconscious of people, forcing them to go to unimaginable deeds. For example, in using different kind auxiliary items to improve quality intimate life. All sorts of whips, handcuffs, collars, masks have been created that exacerbate sexual experiences to incredible heights. But there are also objects whose purpose is just the opposite - preventing the possibility of enjoying or in general the sexual intercourse itself. One such thing is a chastity belt. The history of the emergence of such a device, the principles of its operation, the benefits and harms, Interesting Facts we will consider about the chastity belt in the article.

The ancient world - the birthplace of the chastity belt

The chastity belt is a device worn over the genital area, which makes it impossible intimacy and self-satisfaction. Most often you can find belts for women, to a lesser extent they were also produced for men. The purpose of this item was very simple - to prevent the wife from cheating during the absence of her husband. The first information about chastity belts is found in the description Everyday life Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.

At the same time, it is impossible to say exactly by whom and when such a device was invented. And it was a leather two-band belt that was worn by a female slave. One strip was worn at the waist, the other - passed between the legs. The product could not be called a "chastity belt", since it was worn not on a wife - a free woman, but on a slave. And it was done solely for economic reasons.

The belt did not allow a woman to become pregnant, since a pregnant slave, according to the laws of that time, did not work, that is, she did not bring money. And it was unprofitable for its owner. Information about such belts is extremely scarce, and now it is no longer possible to say exactly where it was used - in Hellas or Rome. After that, chastity belts were “forgotten” untilXIIcentury, that is, there was no news about them for at least 650-700 years.

During the Middle Ages, again, the news about chastity belts was extremely inaccurate. So, for the first time in this historical era, they were used by an unnamed German emperor, who went either on a crusade, or somewhere else on his imperial affairs. The king ordered his blacksmith to forge an iron belt for his wife. The monarch personally put on and took off the belt with his missus.

This chastity belt was nothing more than an instrument of torture. The device had several locks, completely closed the entire lower part woman's body. Such a belt deprived a person of any opportunity to monitor personal hygiene; a small hole was intended for the administration of natural needs. Only one key was made to the protective device from sex, and it was constantly with the woman's husband.

Development of chastity belts in the Middle Ages

Such an unusual act of the German emperor was very liked by the rest of the wealthy husbands of all of Europe. Chastity belts began to spread rapidly, especially in great demand for them in Italy. Now they were made not only from leather, it was possible to order beautiful belts from several combinations of materials - leather, gold, silver, iron. The best copies were made in Venice, Bergamo and Florence. The product was famous for its beautiful appearance. The first real historical mention of such toys dates back to 1405, when the writer Konrad Kiezer wrote about "heavy iron belts covering the women of Florence."

There was even such an expression "close your wife in the Florentine manner." There are new synonyms for this subject: “Girdle of Venus”, “Florentine lattice”, “Venetian lattice”, “Castle from Bergamo”, “chastity belt”. In Italy of the XII-XIII centuries, girls from the age of 13-14 used chastity belts, and their mothers wedding day gave the groom the key to the castle. The husband was the sole custodian of the key to this device, and after the wedding night he left the bedroom and told those present that "the gates and castle leading to paradise were untouched."

The most popular chastity belts became in the era of the Crusades. The knights went to war for several years and not all of them were sure of the marital fidelity of their soulmate. That's why I had to use a chastity belt. But he did not always fully fulfill his function:

  • firstly, this product, made mainly of metal, posed a serious danger to the health and life of a woman.

The belt led to the formation of calluses on the genitals and in the groin, bedsores appeared, the figure changed in a person. If there was a threat to life, the belt was removed, but only by a court decision and in the presence of a representative of the church. Naturally, the husband, who was in distant lands, was immediately informed of such an action. After all, if, upon arrival home, the spouse did not find a protective device on his wife, then he could well take the life of his beloved;

  • secondly, the chastity belt was not a 100% guarantee that a woman would remain faithful to her spouse.

"Girdle of Venus" did not always protect against treason

The fact is that the manufacture of even one belt was a very profitable business, that is, only rich and very rich people could afford such a toy. And the manufacturers of these metal devices were not always honest, so for money they could make not only one key for the woman's husband, but also its duplicate for the latter's lover.

At first, such a trick helped open the lock on the chastity belt in the absence of her husband. It created a wave funny stories. Thus, the Grenoble Museum contains a tapestry, which depicts a knight leaving on a campaign, and his wife, dressed in a belt. On the neck of the knight you can see the key from the castle to the metal toy. And another man lurks in the bushes, who holds an identical key in his hands and is waiting for the departure of her husband-knight.

That is, if the key to the lock to the chastity belt fell into the hands of a woman or her lover during the absence of a spouse, then this device did not save from treason. And most importantly, it was impossible to establish whether or not the chastity belt was opened when the husband was not at home. It was sometimes possible to open the lock even with the help of a nail or the tip of a dagger. Therefore, inXVIIcentury, more complex designs began to be made. The lock began to be equipped with a secret: if they tried to open it with a master key or other device, then the grip of the spring clamped this master key and a piece of metal remained in the lock. This was proof that they tried to remove the belt without the knowledge of the husband.

If you want to loop your wife - lay out a lot of money!

"Venetian lattices" were expensive, only people with big money could order them. In terms of their value, these products were comparable to the prices of weapons, which were valued at the very high level. After all, it guaranteed the protection of both the whole state and the individual in the troubled Middle Ages. Constant wars, crusades, uprisings required the development of military affairs. So, the chastity belt is medium price category made of leather and iron could be compared with the cost:

  1. half a war horse;
  2. two swords;
  3. 10 oxen;
  4. 24 sheep;
  5. 98 quarters of wheat.

And if an object for protection against sex was made of gold or silver, then this indicated that jealous husband was at least an earl, if not a duke. precious metals in Western Europe were extremely expensive, especially before the Great Geographical Discoveries, after which the influx of such materials increased significantly from the New World. Therefore, the "Venetian belt" made of precious metals was equal in value to several dozen swords - the main weapon of medieval knights.

Many chastity belts are truly masterpieces of engineering and jewelry art. On them you can find lines from the Bible about adultery, carnal sins, temptation and punishment for this sin. Many scientists real existence chastity belts have been questioned. However, in 1999, a burial with female skeletons was discovered in Bavaria. Some of them had rusty metal rings confirming that such mechanisms were indeed invented and used by jealous husbands.

It is not known whether the death of women with chastity belts occurred from the effects of wearing the belts themselves, or for other reasons. In any case, this device was extremely unpleasant to use and brought serious harm to health. Particularly affected were women who wore belts during the period early term pregnancy. The metal lattice did not allow the fetus to develop normally, miscarriage and even death could occur.

Continued development of "chastity bars": men began to suffer too

From the Middle Ages, chastity belts migrated to England in the second halfXIXcentury. This period of history is known as the Victorian era: strict ascetic customs reigned in foggy Albion, a distinctive feature of which was the suppression of any sexuality. Girls and boys were taught the idea that self-satisfaction causes hair growth on the arms, dementia, insanity, blindness. Therefore, the chastity belt was finalized according to the ideas of those times. Now the woman could not have sex or even masturbate.

In the Victorian era, chastity belts were also invented for men. They were supposed to prevent the spread of onanism. These devices are dated to 1889. With the help of such devices, they fought against morning erections, which were considered unhealthy. The genital organ was placed in a special tube, and to pubic hair forceps were attached. When an erection appeared, the forceps pulled on the hair and caused pain: the erection disappeared.

At the beginning of the 20th century, and also in England, they came up with another mechanism to combat erection. The male genital organ was in a spring, which was connected to an electrical sensor. The ensuing erection caused a short circuit in the electrical network and the penis received a current discharge. After that, the excitement could be forgotten. But basically chastity belts were created specifically for women. Even in our progressiveXXIcentury, you can order a chastity belt.

Make it from modern materials using recent achievements technical progress. Distinctive feature"Venetian gratings" of our days can be called a lower metal content in them and the introduction of electronics. More sparing materials for human health are actively used - latex, silicone, rubber, stainless steel. They allow you to wear a chastity belt for a long time. This accessory has found its place in BDSM games these days. About 200 such toys are produced annually in Western Europe alone.

Was there even a chastity belt?

Despite the documented facts of the use of chastity belts, the presence of these items on female skeletons, there are experts who question their real existence. Albrecht Klassen, a Germanist professor, claims that such belts were never actually used. He believes that even in the Middle Ages, they did not really believe in the effectiveness of chastity belts. Klassen considers the item to be a piece of Renaissance art.

His invention appears to the scientist as a joke of people over the Middle Ages, a way to ridicule the way of life of this period of history. The professor in his scientific work cites facts according to which the "belts of Venus", presented in museums as real, were made much later - in the 18th-19th centuries. Therefore, Klassen is inclined to consider the chastity belt as an allegory female infidelity, but not as a real-life object.

Many have heard about the existence of such a thing as a chastity belt, but not everyone knows what it is. The use of special designs began in the Middle Ages. However, even in the modern world, one can find a device that remains faithful.

Who Invented the Chastity Belt?

And now many are wondering who invented the chastity belt. There is evidence that such a thing was invented by the ancient Greek slave owners. It occurred to them to put on women leather belt- so the Greeks wanted to protect the slaves from. Expectant mothers would not be able to fulfill all necessary work, therefore, it was decided to use such devices.

Jealous medieval men, leaving the castles, put on their wives heavy metal structures, the keys to which only they had. During the absence of her husband, a woman had to forget not only about the convenience and ease of walking, but also about personal hygiene. Over time, these things have become very popular. They were acquired not only by men who doubted the fidelity of their wives, but also by mothers who wanted to preserve the chastity of their daughters.

Chastity belt - historical facts

  1. They used a chastity belt in the Middle Ages. For the first time about such a thing was mentioned in the fifteenth century. In Konrad Kaiser's book there is an illustration with the inscription: "This is a heavy iron belt with which the women of Florence are closed." This text also talked about other Italian cities where such chastity belts were produced. However, there is no evidence that the mention is not an invention of the author. In 1889 leather item discovered by one of the German antiquarians.
  2. He saw a chastity belt in Austria on the skeleton of a young woman who was buried in the sixteenth century. After a while, two belts were presented in the French Museum. The first of these was a velvet-covered circlet and a plate of iron. According to one version, Catherine de Medici wore it. The second thing could belong to Anna of Austria. The latter was made of two hinged plates attached to the waist with a metal belt.

What is a chastity belt for?

In families where mutual understanding and mutual respect reigns, they wonder why a chastity belt is needed. After all, if you trust your loved one, no evidence is needed. However, some couples still want to use such a device in order to be sure of the fidelity and love of the other half. Sometimes such designs are forced to wear girls by their parents. On the day of their daughter's marriage, they give the key to the belt to their son-in-law. In addition, such things sometimes use pairs in .

How to choose a chastity belt?

It cannot be argued that such a thing is a relic of the past. So what does it represent modern belt fidelity? Such a thing happens different types and before you make a purchase, you need to decide. Moreover, it is necessary to do this mutual agreement. Such a thing will cost at least one hundred and fifty dollars. Before purchasing, you need to think about whether this thing is needed, or maybe it’s better to buy something more valuable with that kind of money, and learn to trust your partner.

Now you can buy a chastity belt in a sex shop and use it in various games. Interestingly, in Indonesia, in some massage parlors, masseuses wear such devices. So visitors will understand that intimate services are not provided here. Such things are not made of metal as before, but of hygienic and softer quality materials.

Chastity belt for men

Such a device as a male chastity belt is a design that repeats the outlines of a man's primary sexual characteristic. It covers the body completely, or partially with an opening for urination. Such a thing is fixed and captures the scrotum of a man. Once such a thing was made of metal. One can only imagine what the owner of such a gift from his beloved could experience. Do not forget what the consequences of wearing such a thing as a chastity belt for men can be.

Although modern fixtures make out soft materials than before, they remain uncomfortable for the stronger sex. Wearing such a design can lead to the development of bacteria and cause various serious illness. In addition, after removing the belt, it is unlikely that a man will be able to immediately show his feelings to his beloved. He will need time to recover.

Chastity belt for women

After some time, women's belt fidelity has changed, but the function remains the same - to protect against unauthorized sexual intercourse. A man, as before, wants to see his chosen one faithful and docile, although adventures can be in his own life. In some countries, even now, such devices are bought not by husbands, but by parents for their daughters in order to preserve their chastity before marriage. They are not even stopped by the fact that sometimes due to such structures, girls have infections, which in the future can lead to infertility.

Do you miss the past? For those beautiful centuries when ladies wore beautiful dresses with crinolines, and men sang serenades under the windows? Yes, it was. And there were also things that now it is impossible to think about without getting goosebumps of horror. Here are these, for example. And no, these are not instruments of torture.

Chastity belt

Oddly enough, stories of knights and kings locking chastity belts on the bodies of their women are a myth. In the Middle Ages, medicine was in its infancy, but, apparently, there was enough knowledge to understand: a metal trap on a woman would kill her pretty soon. The friction of metal against the skin and genitals would certainly lead to injuries, and the constant contamination of injured areas would lead to sepsis and death. The first noteworthy mention of a chastity belt dates back to 1405, but it is not known what exactly these belts were used for. There is a version that the "chastity belt" actually saved women from rape. Found belts allegedly from the Middle Ages were later recognized as forgeries of the Victorian era. And from this moment all the most interesting begins.

The reign of Queen Victoria can be considered the heyday of Puritan morality. Her Majesty was a talented politician, but years of widowhood turned her into a supporter of strictness and alleged holiness. "Victorian morality" prescribed abstinence even legal spouses, not to mention free women. It was during this period that women began to close in "chastity belts". And not in order to remain faithful to the spouse. Creepy devices were even put on young virgins - in order to prevent attempts at masturbation, which was announced terrible sin. In fairness, it is worth noting that the same fate awaited the young men. But the fact is that from a certain age, the young man became a man and controlled his life (and body) himself. A woman, on the other hand, from under the authority of her father, uncle or brother passed under the authority of her husband. And he had the right to close the torture device on her every night. To not sin.

Lady saddle

Modern young ladies, who are fond of horse riding, master riding in a side saddle with great pleasure. Firstly, it is really very beautiful, and secondly, it demonstrates the highest skill of the rider. But modern world is a world where horse riding is a hobby, and women have the right to freedom of movement and use vehicles instead of horses. And before the saddle was nothing more than a tool for restricting the freedom of a woman. Initially, both men and women rode in what is called the “male” seat, but then this seat was considered indecent for women. Ladies' saddles with an overestimated pommel were invented (for her, a woman threw right leg) and one left stirrup. The lady could sit in the saddle only with male help, while falling from the saddle guaranteed her either death or severe injuries: as a rule, the unfortunate leg remained in the stirrup, and the horse dragged the woman along. Naturally, women preferred to ride at a walk: for a gallop or even a trot, one had to have circus dexterity.

What does it mean? That a woman could go anywhere only and exclusively accompanied by a man. Driving a horse "like a man" and "like a lady" has serious differences, so a woman, accustomed to riding a lady from her youth, in a critical situation could not jump into the saddle like a man and thereby ensure her freedom of movement. The saddle was a tool that made it possible to keep a woman in submission and dependence on a man. Not to mention how many women it killed or mercilessly maimed.


The Chinese believed that a girl should have a tiny foot, mincing gait and a fragile figure, swaying like a twig in the wind. That's why they broke girls' legs. The "lotus foot" is a custom that has made many women disabled. At the age of four or five years, the girl's foot was bandaged, pressing her fingers to it. No more bandages were removed. The foot, of course, did not stop growing, but deformed, causing hellish pain to the girl. By about the age of 10, the girl received a “graceful” 10-centimeter foot and could now begin to learn to walk again. Alas, some remained chained to a chair until the end of their days, while the rest could not move without outside help. Wherein " lotus foot» was considered necessary condition in order to successfully marry. After all, only commoners who had to work hard were not maimed.


Only in the 19th century, doctors finally started talking about the dangers of corsets, and before that, women were dragged into these torture devices made of cloth and whalebone. Here is an incomplete list of complications that awaited a woman who wore a corset every day: compression of the heart muscle, bone deformity chest, paralysis of the lungs, suffocation, fainting and spontaneous abortions. And all this is in best case. At worst, death from one of these causes.


The terrible tradition of female circumcision still exists. In many Middle Eastern and African countries, until now, in the XXI century, they continue to mutilate little girls in the name of chastity. There are three types of female circumcision: in the first case, they remove skin folds around the clitoris, so that it is constantly open. Secondly, both the clitoris itself and the labia minora are cut off. This forever deprives a woman of the opportunity to receive sexual satisfaction. It is believed that this terrible, crippling operation will make future woman chaste. Third and most scary option- Pharaonic circumcision. For a little girl, both the clitoris and the labia minora are removed, and the large ones are sewn together so that only a tiny hole is left for the release of menstrual blood. The fact is that such an operation guarantees the bride's virginity: the man's penis simply cannot penetrate this hole, and in the first place wedding night the husband cuts the scar with a razor.

grown woman, having undergone a circumcision procedure, is not just forever deprived of the opportunity to obtain sexual satisfaction. These mutilating operations make themselves felt at the moment when a woman bears and gives birth to a child. Mutilated genitals simply cannot withstand the load: old scars are torn. Women who survive the "Pharaoh's circumcision" are likely to die or remain forever mutilated and sick: after the crippled vulva ruptures and fistulas form between the vagina and rectum.
