Scenario for physical education with parents “We are a sports family!” Sports entertainment with parents and children of the older group Family starts: “Faster! Higher! Stronger

Scenario for entertainment in physical education, dedicated to the Day Cosmonautics. Subject: " Space trip with parents"
(for older children)

- to develop physical, moral and volitional qualities in children (speed, agility, endurance, perseverance, organization, discipline).
- develop interest in sports events among adults and children.
- expand and consolidate the volume of knowledge about space, children’s ability to add basic form"missiles".
-bring up patriotic feelings, love for the Motherland and respect for the astronaut profession.
Equipment: hoops - 4 pieces; hoops on stands - 4 pcs; landmark-2pcs; balls - 2 pcs; cut-out painted rockets - 2 sets; tubes with “food” - one tube for each; tennis rackets - 2 pcs; inflatable ball - 2 pcs; plastic bottles - 4 pcs; baskets-4pcs;. newspaper balls, shoe covers for each participant.
The hall is decorated with joint drawings about space between children and parents. multi-colored stars, inflatable balls.
Two teams of children and parents march into the gym. They are met by a presenter dressed as an astronaut.
The progress of the holiday
Presenter: Hello, dear guys, mothers, and dear guests! Today, April 12, our country celebrates Cosmonautics Day. 50 years ago, the first man on our planet, Yuri Gagarin, flew into space.
1 child: B space rocket with the name "East"
He was the first on the planet to rise to the stars!
Child 2: Sings songs about it spring drops,
Gagarin and April will be with us forever.
Child 3: The day will come when we grow up.
Let's boldly launch rockets into space!
4 child: Children are ready to be brave and persistent,
We will be astronauts - we give you this word!
Presenter: In the high celestial distances, spacecraft dockings are taking place. For months at a time space stations Astronauts live and work, automatic stations go to other planets. Guys, are you ready to fly into space? And parents? Then we need to practice well on the ground and prepare properly for the flight. And so, we begin training of 2 teams.
First task
“Fast guys” (show strength, agility, resourcefulness).
(jumping from hoop to hoop, crawling into a tunnel, running to a landmark, passing the baton back in a straight line to the next player).
Second task
“Friendly guys” (together with parents).
(stand in pairs of each other, on - opposite each other, hands on each other’s shoulders. Sandwiched between them balloon, you need to run a side gallop to the landmark and back - pass the baton to the next pair).
Presenter: And so, we carried out a strict selection for the flight into space. But in order to fly into space we need to build a rocket.

Third task for teams.
"Build a Rocket"
(assemble the rocket from parts of a cut-out picture depicting a rocket).
Presenter: The rocket was built. Now we need to prepare food for the entire flight.
Fourth task
"Preparing food for space"
(near the landmark there are tubes of “food” labeled in a hoop (borscht, jelly, compote, bread, ice cream...) Children and their parents take turns running to the landmark, each taking a tube, returning to the team passing the baton to the next player.
Presenter: The crew is ready, the rocket is at the launch, food has been taken. Let's go to meet the stars! GO! We have arrived on an unknown planet, adventure awaits us here. But we took with us resourcefulness, dexterity, speed, and mutual assistance. After all, supporting each other is great! Before we descend to the planet of the unknown, we will put on special “space” shoes - (shoe covers).
First test on the planet: “Ballball”
(team members line up in two columns. Each team is given a tennis racket and a balloon. The first player runs forward holding the ball on the racket, runs around the landmark, returns to his team and passes the baton to the next player).
Second test: “Ball Roll”
(each team is given a ball and a hoop. Roll the ball with the hoop, moving backwards to the landmark, run back to the team, passing the baton to the next player)
Third test: "Gravitonics"
(team members line up in columns, each team has two plastic bottles, rope loops are attached to the bottles so that they can be put on their feet. The first player puts a bottle on each leg and runs to a landmark, runs around and returns to the team, passing the baton to the next player).
Fourth test: "Newspaper"
(each team receives a basket filled with crumpled newspaper balls; opposite each team there are empty baskets into which the participants throw newspaper balls one by one. The number of balls thrown into the basket is taken into account).
Presenter: Guys, it’s time for us to return home to Earth. Take your seats in the rocket! (children line up one after another and, placing their arms to the sides together with their parents, imitate flight). Here we are at home. Well done, you all tried your best. And I know for sure that if you want, all of you will fly into space without a doubt! I want to quote the words of the great cosmonaut Gagarin: “Having flown around the Earth in a satellite, I saw how beautiful our planet is. People, let us preserve and increase this beauty, and not destroy it.” Let's fulfill the behest of the first cosmonaut! See you again in outer space!

Target: promoting a healthy lifestyle, introducing families to physical education and sports.

  1. Improve physical abilities in joint motor activities with parents: speed running, jumping on a ball-hop, etc.
  2. Help establish positive emotional contact parents and children; promote a feeling of joy and pleasure from playing together.
  3. Involve children and parents in healthy image life and the desire to play sports through organized “Family Starts”.

Equipment: emblems for competition participants, a sheet of paper and pencils for the jury, a garland “Faster! Higher! Stronger!”, emblems “balls” for keeping score, scoreboard, magnets, ball - 2 pcs., ball-hop - 2 pcs., 2 stands, pins - 6 pcs., 2 baskets, tunnel 2 pcs., leaves 10 each birch, maple, oak, 4 diapers, 2 basins, 2 ropes, 8 clothespins, 4 buckets, 20 medicine balls, certificates of participation “For boundless love to sports”, jury certificates, musical accompaniment.

Progress of the event.

I. Introductory part.

Leading. Good afternoon dear friends!

Hello guys! Hello, dear parents and guests of our family starts!

1 child. In the summer we sunbathed, swam and dived.

We are healthy and strong, that's what we have become!

2nd child. And again we come to the garden to improve our health!

We will play sports: jump, run and throw.

Together. We want to be brave, dexterous, skillful.

Kindergarten, friends and sport family!

Leading. Today in our kindergarten we are holding “Family Starts”. Our preschool children, their mothers and fathers participate in them.

II. Opening of "Family Starts".

Leading. I present the participants of our competitions.

Team “Sunny”: family……. – dad…., mom…... and son…., family…. - dad mom…. and daughter... Team captain ……

Team “Sunflowers”: family…. – dad…., mom….. and son……; family…… – dad……., mom…… and daughter…. Team captain……..

During the performance, V. Shainsky’s music “It’s fun to walk together” sounds, the teams go into the hall.

The jury of our today's competition: ....

So, I declare our “Family Starts” open.

I wish the participants sporting success and move on to the main part of our meeting - the competition.

III. Relay competition program.

Leading. We will start our competition with a warm-up.

There are many types of sports,

You can’t even count everything.

Let's play now

Name the types of sports.

Teams take turns naming any sport without repeating themselves. The team that named more types sports, wins and earns 1 point.

Warm-up is in progress.

What a wonderful warm-up we had and the first results appeared on the scoreboard. The jury keeps score on the scoreboard.

1 relay race.

For fun, for order

I'll tell you a riddle:

You'll throw it on the floor,

He will jump high

It's never boring with him,

We want to play it. Ball.

Yes, it's a ball. And our first relay race with the ball. It's called "Obstacle Course".

Mom, holding the ball in her hands, jumps on one leg around the counter and back.

The child jumps on a hop-ball around the counter and back.

Dad jumps with the ball sandwiched between his knees in a “snake” pattern through the pins, around the post and back.

The first relay race takes place.

So we are convinced that our families have no problem with the obstacle course. The jury sums up the results of this relay race.

And now we continue.

2nd relay. - “Friendly tourists.”

We'll stomp our feet along the forest path,

We will pick leaves in the field and forest.

The child takes the basket, crawls through the tunnel, runs into the “little forest”, collects 5 maple leaves, returns and gives the basket to his mother.

Mom takes the basket, runs next to the tunnel, collects 5 birch leaves, returns, gives the basket to dad.

Dad runs to the forest, collects 5 oak leaves and comes back, passing the basket to the next participant (child).

The team that returns from the forest with the collected leaves the fastest gets a point.

The jury sums up the results of the relay race.

3rd relay. - "Sport family".

The child performs a cuttlefish run to the counter and returns running.

- “Car”. The child is coming in his arms, dad holds him by the legs, goes around the counter and comes back.

Mom and dad carry the child in crossed arms, the child holds them by the neck. When they return, they pass the baton to the next participant.

The jury awards the fastest team.

4 relay race. "Big Wash".

Mothers love cleanliness and have fun doing laundry.

Dads and kids help moms!

Dad runs to the counter, takes one “dirty” diaper, and brings it to mom.

The mother with the diaper runs to the basin, “washes” the diaper and brings it to the child.

The child runs to the rope and hangs the diaper. He returns and passes the baton to the next one.

For this competition we need helpers from the audience (4 people). You need to hold the ropes.

The jury sums up the results of the relay race.

5th relay race “Basketball”.

Now let's see with you,

How to throw balls at a target.

All families participate in this competition at once. Located in four different locations.

The child sits on his father's shoulders. Mom stands opposite with a bucket. The child throws soft balls into a bucket-basket, and mom tries not to miss them. You cannot catch the ball with your hands (5 balls each). Helpers keep the balls close to the child.

The jury announces the result of the relay race.

IV. Final part.

Leading. Well, the competitive part of our “Family Starts” is over.

The jury sums up the results, and participants and guests are invited to a musical break. Group dance “Boogie, Boogie, OK.”

Leading. And now, the jury gives the floor.

The jury presents certificates to the participants of the starts “For their boundless love of sports.”

Leading. And we want to acknowledge the work of the jury with certificates. Jury certificates are awarded.

Our joyful holiday is coming to an end, and I will give you this advice:

Exercise in the mornings and evenings!

And I thank you all for our joyful holiday

And I give everyone a good mood for health!

Our family starts are over. But we believe that the love for sports will not end. And finally, let's give each other a round of applause.


  1. Kandala T.I. We study, celebrate, play: scenarios joint events with parents / author-comp. T.I. Kandala, O.A. Semkova, O.V. Uvarova.- Volglgrad: Teacher, 2001. – 143 p.
  2. Morgunova O.N. Physical education and health work in preschool educational institutions: from work experience / Author-comp. HE. Morgunova. – Voronezh: PE Lakotsenin S.S., 2007. – 176 P.

Sports entertainment with mothers, dedicated to Mother’s Day “Mom and I are athletes!”

Target: preservation and strengthening of physical and psychological health, formation of motivation for physical activity and the ability to self-organize in activities, development physical qualities: speed, strength, coordination, dexterity, etc., creating a favorable atmosphere of communication, uniting the student team, fostering a respectful attitude, love for mothers, conscious attitude to physical education, organization, attentiveness, careful attitude to your health and culture of behavior.

- Shape respectful attitude to adults, friendly relations between children.
- Cultivate love for physical exercise and sports, to cultivate a sensitive attitude towards comrades.
- Development of agility, speed, endurance.
Preliminary work: Making holiday gifts for mom with the kids. Learning warm-ups and greetings.

Location: Kindergarten №72.

Equipment: Emblems with team names, fitballs, goals, tennis balls, 2 wooden spoons, kinder surprises, clothespins, rope, stands, handkerchiefs, 2 baskets, 2 rackets, 20 balloons, "skates" from plastic bottles, clubs.

Progress of entertainment:
To the music and applause of their parents, the children enter the hall.

Instructor: Attention attention! Dear viewers, guests and parents! You will witness interesting competitions between mothers senior group. But we gathered not only to compete in strength, dexterity, ingenuity and endurance, but most importantly, to make friends with each other and get a boost Have a good mood.

Instructor: Invited to visit us

We are our mothers today.

We have experienced mothers.

Mom's experience is very important.

Affection, wisdom and care

Can mothers show

And today this experience

Pass on to your children

Dear mothers, this event is dedicated to you! Happy Mother's Day!

FC instructor: Who came to me this morning? (All children in chorus): Mommy!

FC instructor: Who said “it’s time to get up?” (All children in chorus): Mommy!

FC instructor: Who managed to cook the porridge? (All children in chorus): Mommy!

FC instructor: Should I pour some tea into my glass? (All children in chorus): Mommy!

FC instructor: Who picked flowers in the garden? (All in chorus): Mommy!

FC instructor: Who kissed me? (All in chorus): Mommy!

FC instructor: Who as a child loves laughter? (All in chorus): Mommy!

FC instructor: Who is the best in the world? (All in chorus): Mommy

Our dear mothers, you need to divide into teams. To do this, we will now draw lots.
Exercise: mothers come to the table, there is a tray with leaves on the table. The leaves are two colors of red and orange on one side, and on the other they are all the same. Mothers pull out the leaves and see what color they got, orange or red. This makes two teams.


Look, all our teams are just great!

Our mothers perked up

And they put on their suits and want to compete,

Make a joke and laugh, show strength, dexterity

And prove your skill.

1 Team: “CUTIES”
Motto: Mom is super,
Mom class
There is no better us in the world!
2 Team: “CUTE”
Motto: We are beauties no matter where we are
Children always love us!
To the music, each team member puts an emblem around his neck.


And our competitions will be assessed by a highly respected jury:
1. Shendel Natalya Viktorovna
2. Ladeyshchikova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Instructor: Are the teams ready to participate?
Children, parents: Yes!


To be healthy from childhood. And adults won't get sick.
Needed every morning early exercise fulfill.
You need to stand up, sit down, bend over. Bend over again, pull yourself up.
Go for a run around the house. Is this familiar to all of you?
Everything will be fine if you remember...!

Warm-up is carried out with mothers (using a fitball).

Instructor: As expected, the morning should start with breakfast. And we will start it by cooking scrambled eggs.

Relay race No. 1: “Cooking scrambled eggs for breakfast”

Exercise: Use a wooden spoon to take a kinder egg and transfer it to a frying pan that is on the table. When you return, pass the spoon to the next person, etc.


Today we have laundry...
Together with mommy alone.
We wash all the linen,
We'll put everything in order.

Relay race No. 2 “Washing”

Teams line up in front of the starting line in a column one at a time (mother, child). Opposite each team, at a distance of 20-30 steps from the starting line, there is a rope and a basin with handkerchiefs in the middle of the running track. At the signal, the first players of the team run to the center line, take one handkerchief and a clothespin from the basin, run to the rope and hang the handkerchief, securing it with a clothespin, return back and pass the baton to another participant. The team that completes the task quickly and correctly wins.


The hostess came from the market one day,
The hostess brought home from the market:
Parsley and beets.
Oh! ..

Relay No. 3 “Groceries”

On the opposite side of the hall there are products on the cabinet (tea, salt, pasta, seeds, lemonade, Bay leaf, “Rolton”, sprats). Taking shopping bag, the participant goes “for groceries.” Having jumped over 2 barriers, he runs to the cabinet, puts 1 product in the bag, comes back and passes the bag to the next one.

Instructor: Well, our mothers, our mothers, went to the store, prepared breakfast, washed all the laundry, it’s time to remember about ourselves and exercise.

There are many different types Sports: Football, judo and basketball,
But my favorite sport is called Hockey.

Relay No. 4 “Bandy Hockey”

Participants are given a stick in their hands and tennis ball. At the signal, participants dribble the ball “snake” between the landmarks. On the opposite side there are gates into which a goal must be scored.

Relay No. 5 “Mom is the best figure skater”

Instructor: There are probably no words -
We must see in reality
How art is created
On crystal starry ice.
In figure skating
Fantastic success!
Sport is the charm of the eyes
A joyful holiday for everyone!

Instructor: Your mothers dreamed of being like in childhood famous artists, singers, artists, figure skaters. So now they have such an opportunity.

Mom puts on “skates” made of plastic bottles to the music, slides on the landmark and comes back. The child holds his mother's hand.

The jury evaluates the results of the “Mom is the best skater” competition.

Instructor: The ball flutters over the table,
Runs away from the racket.
What a cool game?
Guess what, kids.

Relay No. 6 “ Tennis

The participants are holding a badminton racket and a balloon. The players' task is to guide the ball to the landmark and back.


Do you like to play bowling? But as always, you don’t have time to go play. Everything is very simple! We give you this opportunity. Play and win.

Relay No. 7 “Fitball racing”

Moms at the start with fitballs. Task: ride to the landmark and back.

"Draw your child"
Exercise: Each mother is given balloon. Moms use felt-tip pens to draw “faces” on the balloons. Mothers give balloons to children.

In return, children give homemade cards to their mothers.


To sum up the results, we give the floor to our wonderful jury (Presentation of diplomas and sweet gifts).


Let you fun starts will be remembered

May all adversity pass by,

May all your wishes come true,

And physical education will become native.

Photo report:

Scenario sports festival"Family Hour"

Preliminary work:conversation about sports and folk games, words are given to children, invitations are given to parents.

The hall is being decorated multi-colored flags, on the wall are images of child athletes, Olympic rings, balls.

Equipment : musical accompaniment; Doctor Aibolit's costume; cards of the game “Make a figure”; rope; 2 large chairs; attribute
dragon heads; chocolate medals; prizes for parents made by children; balloons.
The progress of the holiday
To the “Sports March”, children enter the hall and line up.
Presenter:- Look, children, how many guests are here: teachers, mothers, fathers have come to see how you can play. Today your parents will remember their childhood and will be not only spectators, but also participants.
We live in a rich country,
And she doesn’t feel sorry for anything for you guys.
It’s not in vain that he gives you new stadiums,
May you grow up healthy, friends!
So that everyone becomes stronger
So that everyone becomes bolder
AND good deeds helped his country!
Child :

Exercise is good for everyone
Everyone needs charging.
From laziness and illness
She saves us!

Warm up to any rhythmic music.

Presenter: - Now I will introduce you to some of the participants in our holiday: Christina is our future gymnast:
Christina: Hands to the side, I’m walking, and I’m having fun,
I keep my balance while walking.
Leading : -Polina and Yulia can run fast:
Pauline : I’m running with Yulia,
I can overtake her
But I won’t offend
I'll run next to you.
Leading : -Lyosha is a sharp shooter:
Lyosha :The bowstring in the hand is tight,
The meadow bends into an arc.
Run away, evil wolf,
I can shoot you.
Leading : -Dima races on a bicycle faster than the wind:
Dima :I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going
From the village to the river.
My bike
All roads are short.
Leading :-Vitalik is a jumping champion:
Vitalik :They praise me, they praise me,
They congratulate and say:
This boy is like a bunny
Jumped the furthest of all the guys!
Leading : -Vladik submits to all heights:
Vladik : To become a climber,
We must try -
Learn on the rope
Climb up to the ring.
Leading : -Tamara is strong and dexterous:
Tamara :Everyone wants to be tough and agile,
Score goals and run better than anyone.
Only by hardening and sports training
Records and success are being achieved!
Leading : -Well, are you all healthy?
Children: -Everyone is healthy!
Leading : -Are you ready for the test?
Children: -Yes. ready!
Presenter (to the doctor):-Doctor, these guys are
All are candidate athletes,
I ask you to answer:
Are they all good or not?
Doctor : -I’ll ask everyone to stand up straight
And carry out the command!
Everyone breathe! Don't breathe!
It's okay, rest.
Raise your hands together!
Excellent, lower it.
Bend over, straighten up.
Stand up straight, smile!
Doctor (to the host):-Yes, I am satisfied with the inspection,
None of the guys are sick.
Everyone is happy and healthy
And ready for classes!
Leading :-Let's start preparing!
Go out to practice!

The game “Traps with handkerchiefs” is being played
(in the role of a trap - the parent)

Presenter: - Dear parents, tell me, did you like to play games as a child? What games have you played? (answers) Our children also have a favorite Russian folk game.

Game "Burners"

Presenter: - Dear parents, aren’t you bored with us? Want to play with us?
To begin, the warm-up competition “Erudites”

1). Competition "Erudites"
(who will come up with the most long word on a sports theme.
Prize - child's craft)

2). Game "Make a figure"
(you need to make the figure shown on the card)

3). Game with dads "Tug of war"
(the rope lies under the large chairs.
Sitting on chairs with their backs to each other
At the signal, you need to pull out the rope.)

4). Game "Dragon"
(players stand up holding each other like a snake;
The first to play is the head of the dragon, the last is the tail.
The head must catch up with the tail.)

Presenter:- You passed all the tests very deftly.
Receive your awards, congratulations, we are very happy!

Awarding children with chocolate medals.


To grow and harden,
We need to play sports!
Presenter: -

Toughen up, kids!
Good luck!
Physical education
Children: - Hurray!
During the sports march, children make a lap of honor
and leave the hall

Abstract: It is no secret that the foundations of a healthy lifestyle and interest in physical education and sports are laid in the family. That’s why I bring to your attention a summary of physical education and recreational entertainment shared with adults. This summary is addressed to physical education instructors, teachers working with younger children preschool age V conditions of the preschool educational institution and the system of additional education.

Scenario of sports entertainment for children of primary preschool age with their parents “Sports family”.

Target: Formation of motivation to exercise physical culture and sports.
healthy lifestyle, responsibility for your health and the health of your children.
1. To form in parents an interest in a healthy lifestyle, responsibility for their health and the health of their children.
2. Develop cooperation skills between children and parents; promote their emotional rapprochement.
3. Evoke a positive emotional response in children joint activities with an adult.
Equipment: sports equipment - hoops, balls, dumbbells, jump ropes, boxing gloves, swimming circles, fins, etc., multimedia board (projector and screen), emblems.
Preliminary work: making emblems, learning musical warm-ups with children.
Children and parents are given emblems in advance. The team captain is an adult and receives a motto.
Instructor: Hello, dear parents! Hello - simple, but true kind word. Hello - we wish each other health! Agree to feel pleasant, healthy, vigorous and cheerful. No wonder they say: “In healthy body - healthy mind!”, and health is based on movement, I invite you to go towards health together with your children.
Children enter the hall to the accompaniment of music.
Instructor: Hello guys! Today we will go with you to a meeting to health together with your families, dads and moms. Sport will help us find health.
1 Child:
Adults and children know
What is most important in the world -
Mom, dad, you and me -
Together a friendly family.
2 Child:
Family is joy, warmth and comfort,
Family is a home where you are always welcome.
If there is peace and friendship in the family,
Everyone will be proud of you.
Instructor: Exercising is beneficial, and fun physical activity is doubly beneficial. So, good luck!
Let's walk happily together Walking
We raise our legs higher.
Get up on your toes, Walking on toes
And get down on your heels. Walking on your heels
Let's walk like kittens Crawling on all fours
Well, if you get tired.
Then we'll rise higher Crawling with support on palms and feet
How bears go into the forest.
We'll cross the bridge Walking sideways
Carefully and sideways.
The leg moves to the side,
And the other one is catching up.
We'll gallop along the path Jumping
We train our legs.
They ran after each other Run
We are not tired at all!
We raise our hands up
Inhale through your nose and exhale through your nose. Exercise to restore breathing.
Children stand in a circle, the adult stands behind the child.
Instructor: To play sports, we need to train! Early in the morning, in order - get ready to exercise!
Musical warm-up “Exercise” (Kukutiki)
Interactive warm-up for showing characters on a multimedia board.
The instructor sets up two stands with emblems.
Instructor: Teams take their places according to their logos.
Greetings from the teams
Instructor: Two teams will participate in our competition:
Captain of the "Sun" team:
Our motto:
We are a sports family - dad, mom and me!
We never lose heart and we always win!
Captain of the “Friendship” team: Our motto:
Dad, mom, I are our friendly family!
We live together in harmony.
And we dance and sing!
We are strong for each other - don’t stand in our way!
Instructor: Today there will be a strict but fair jury to evaluate sports training, agility and dexterity!
1 relay race “It’s fun to walk together”
Instructor: We don't care about barriers
If we go together!
Children stand with their feet on their parent’s feet, if one child has two parents, then the child stands with one foot on his mother’s foot, the other on his father’s foot. At a signal, participants walk to a landmark and return back.
2nd relay race “Sports family portrait”
The path to health achievements
Needs a lot of inspiration!
On family signal standing first they run to the sports equipment (dumbbells, pom-poms, skis, fins, balls, etc.) laid out in a hoop, select any objects and pose with them for the “photographer” - teachers.
3rd relay race “Riddles”
There are many types of sports,
You can’t even count everything.
Let's play now
Name sports equipment.
Reads riddles to the teams in turn.
1. Sonorous, loud and bouncy
Flies away beyond the clouds
And to the delight of the children
(The ball) jumps loudly in the yard.
2. I twist it with my hand,
And on the neck and leg,
And I twist it at the waist,
And I don’t want to drop (the hoop).
3.Two wooden horses
They carry me down the mountain.
I hold two sticks in my hands,
But I don’t beat horses, I feel sorry for them.
And to speed up the run
I touch the snow (skis) with my poles.
4. Who will catch up with me on the ice?
We are running a race.
And it’s not the horses that carry me,
And shiny... (skates).
5. I took two oak blocks,
two iron skids.
I filled the bars with planks
Give me snow. Ready... (sleigh).
6. I see - the champion has
A quarter ton barbell.
I want to become the same
To protect my sister!
I'll be in the apartment now
Lift big...(weights).
7. On a clear morning along the road
Dew glistens on the grass.
Feet are moving along the road
And two wheels run.
The riddle has an answer.
This is my... (bicycle).
8. Take me in your hands,
Start jumping quickly.
One jump and two jumps,
Guess who I am, buddy? (jump rope)
4 relay race "Jump rope"
Instructor: They did a great job with the relay races.
Running fast is common to everyone.
Now, let's jump, friends,
Let's find out who is our most jumping team?
At the signal, one participant from each team performs jumping rope.
5th relay race “Crossing”
Instructor: Come on, daddies, don't yawn!
Don't lag behind your mothers!
The first couple in the team is two dads, holding hands (if there are more dads in the team, then they form several pairs and carry the children and mothers in turn). At a signal, the child (then the mother) climbs into their arms. Participants are transferred to the opposite side of the hall.
Instructor: Our competition has come to an end, and the jury gives the floor!
Teams are formed to sum up the results. The jury announces the results of the competition. The teams are awarded.
Instructor: And in conclusion, I really want to tell you:
Athletes - faithful friends both summer and winter.
Let every family be a sports family!
