Chocolate eyebrow color. Eyebrows: what should they be

The facial expression of a woman depends not only on the shape of the eyebrows, but also on their color. Can be done with just one swipe cosmetic pencil turn from a cute girl into a passionate young lady or a mysterious lady. If you choose the right color, you can easily hide the flaws and emphasize the merits. Do not forget that everything should be beautiful in a woman! So little to do beautiful hairstyle or interesting makeup. It is much more important to pay attention to the details, with the help of which we will create an overall ideal picture.

I have never dyed my eyebrows before. Yes, I plucked them regularly, but I recently thought about changing the shade. I did not experiment and went to a beauty salon, where an experienced specialist helped me decide. And you know, I have no regrets! Just a few minutes, and the result is amazing. My face became more open, I would even say kind. I was afraid that after coloring, only eyebrows would stand out on my face. But this did not happen, everything was neat, harmonious and very natural. What I'm talking about, women, don't be afraid to change, especially since it's so easy!

Having experimented a little with my appearance, I was convinced that a lot depends on eyebrow coloring. But here you also need to be careful, otherwise you can only make things worse. So my friend, without understanding the details, painted her eyebrows to such an extent that her eyes and lips were “lost”. And that's not all, she is a kind girl, but her eyebrows made her sullen and angry. It's good that she used a pencil first, and not resistant paint. Do not repeat her mistakes, carefully examine your reflection in the mirror, study yourself. Analyze what suits you and what you should never do. And I'll try to help you a little.

How to choose the color of the eyebrows according to the shade of the eyes

In fact, there are many nuances that must be considered when coloring eyebrows. It is so important to find a balance between the shade of eyebrows, hair, eyes and skin. Yes, it may not work out the first time, so it's better to train on something that is not very resistant. So let's start with the eyes. Of course, it is impossible to consider all combinations, so we will proceed from the most common:

Blue eyes: gray, light brown shades of eyebrows, graphite.

Green eyes: brown brow tint, both light and dark, graphite.

Brown eyes: dark brown, chocolate shades of eyebrows and the whole palette of black.

Gray eyes: wet asphalt, light brown shade of eyebrows.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated here. First, choose the color of the eyebrows according to the shade of the eyes, only then proceed to the next step. Namely, the hair.

How to choose the color of the eyebrows according to the shade of the hair

Eyes are of course important, but hair also plays a huge role. Blondes, brunettes, brown-haired women and even girls with pink or blue hair. How can you navigate when you need to take into account so many important points? Don't panic, read on:

Ash hair: grey colour eyebrows.

Natural blonde: yellow-brown, light gray color of the eyebrows.

Wheat blond: light brown shade of eyebrows, chestnut, honey.

Dark brunette: dark brown color eyebrows, chocolate.

Brunette with fair skin: graphite.

Blue-black hair: a shade of wet asphalt.

Copper red hair color: bright red shade of eyebrows.

Dark red hair: chocolate.

Brown hair: terracotta brow shade.

Bright red hair: all shades of brown, terracotta, chocolate.

Red hair with a red tint: mahogany, terracotta, copper.

Red hair fading to brown: graphite, chocolate brows.

Here it is important to take into account several nuances, especially for blondes and brunettes. So, for example, the color of the eyebrows of blond girls should be two or even three shades darker than the hair. Otherwise, the face will look unnatural and unnatural. As for brunettes, it is still more difficult here. If you want youth and lightness, choose a shade of eyebrows that is one tone lighter than hair. If you want solidity and maturity - one tone darker. Well, one more thing, combine cold shades with cold, respectively, warm with warm. Yes, it’s a bit difficult, but it’s quite possible to figure it out, especially if you really want changes.

Fortunately, modern cosmetics are rich in their palette and variety of shades. We can not rush to the salon for coloring, but experiment a little at home. Pencils, felt-tip pens, markers, shadows - you can choose for every taste and in accordance with your wishes. Moreover, if we don’t like the result, we can always wash it off and start over. Try, create, fantasize and you will definitely succeed! Just don't give up after the first setback. To be honest, then good stylist it's very difficult to choose. And besides, he will do everything in accordance with his taste preferences. If you want to change, then just go ahead!

I don't usually post here. But yesterday I stumbled upon my favorite eyebrow theme in Elle. And right there in such detail they painted everything about the right and wrong shades that I wanted to drag a couple good advice into your hole.

But I still can’t resist personal remarks along the way, you understand. Therefore, I do so. Here is a link to the original article on the journal's website. And I have here under the cut - the squeeze itself useful information plus my personal comments on missed important, as it seems to me, points. Well, pictures for greater clarity. In short, today I propose to talk about the color of the eyebrows. Because the black eyebrows of all the blondes in a row have already bothered me; not everyone paints, and it would be nice to know who exactly.

Many probably know this common formula: the eyebrows of blondes should be one tone darker than the hair color, and brunettes should be one tone lighter. Although many reputable magazines write that this does not always work and is no longer very fashionable, I would not be in a hurry to send the classic formula to the furnace. My personal opinion is that this is just a very safe orientation for those who do not chase fashion and trends, but simply want to look normal.

But right away I want to emphasize where it is rarely done. This formula does not refer to the color itself, but to the dark shade of the hair and eyebrows. That is, for redheads, it also works. Now I’ll explain in Russian: if you dye your hair and you need to deal with eyebrows, then first decide not on their specific shade, but on how dark they should be in relation to your hair. Most often, this freeze happens in blondes.

To determine the ideal darkness of the eyebrows, I use the ancient, but most effective method- I translate the face into black and white format and find the coordinates of the darkness of the hair on a scale from 1 to 10. Like this:

Usually I do all this in my head, but for clarity, let's visualize it in red. It will turn out something like this:

I’ll put something between a six and a seven on my girl’s hair (according to the most dark strands). And now I can easily apply the same formula to it. For conditional "blondes" (in this context, I include all those whose hair darkness fell in the range from 7 to 10), I would calmly make my eyebrows 1 tone darker than the hair roots. It's the roots that matter. The roots are most often darker, so the eyebrows matched in shade to them will look more logical, and the roots themselves - you can not paint more accurately for months. It doesn’t matter if you are blonde, light brown or any variation of light red.

For conditional "brunettes" (you are there if the hair fell in the range from 1 to 5), I would make my eyebrows half a tone lighter than the hair.

And here, for comparison, for me, the eyebrow shade is already too light. Don't like me.

But the remaining middle peasant I would leave out of this formula. Practice shows that neutrally dark hair (on my scale this is a small piece in the region of six plus or minus half a tone) is best complemented with eyebrows of approximately the same level of darkness - this is the most natural way, which is very relevant today. By the way, my example with a redhead is just from this opera. In the same company, most often there are all natural mouse dark blond.

As I wrote above, this is a very safe approach in order to end up with a harmonious image. But a couple kind words fashion needs to be said. Specifically, I'm talking about this trendy combination - dark eyebrows against the background of light hair from the very root.

I like. Cool. But only on the catwalk or in a magazine. Because in life, I would venture to advise far from everyone this combination. The catch is that such a pair of eyebrows-hair a priori creates a very high contrast on the face. And only those who already initially by nature have a predisposition to create such a bright contrast - radiant or very dark eyes, bright lip contour, porcelain-clear skin, etc. To this company, I would include such types as Gwen Stefani and Jamie King.

And if the appearance gravitates rather towards soft coloring with blurry features and contours, then with such sable eyebrows against the background of pale everything else, you will have to constantly reach out for this contrast. How? Wear dark frames, paint brightly in dark lips, clothes in the face of darker shades to choose.

Well, to be completely honest, then this combination looks awful only in the case of fashionable now thick eyebrows. Bushes are not directly necessary, but at least there should be a slight difference from the puppet traced arcs. Here's what I'm talking about:

In short, for me, this is a frank steam, not very suitable for the definition of everyday life. That's why I'm apprehensive. But if anyone is fine, then I envy your endurance, go for it! And so on the topical issue of dark or light eyebrows, I have no more comments.
So now it remains to decide directly on the shade of the eyebrows within your level of darkness.

This is where the specific color of your hair already matters. But the most important rule, which Elle for some reason shoved somewhere at the end of the article, but it would be necessary to highlight it in bolder terms: when choosing a shade of eyebrows for hair color warm colors must be combined with warm, cold with cold. I know it's understandable. But, damn it, the sea of ​​​​errors walks the streets. Therefore, taldychu here like a woodpecker. Sorry :)

So let's be specific on the points that Elle stylists advise us there:

1. Golden blondes eyebrows should be done in a beige-brown range. And platinum - in smoky gray. We have already talked about radically dark and black eyebrows, so I will not repeat myself.

2. Warm chestnut brown-haired women recommend choosing shades with a brown undertone for eyebrows. And if the hair is cappuccino-colored, focus on the same cold gray undertone. Naturally, all this should turn out to be half a tone lighter than the hair, as we agreed at first.

3. Owners blue-black hair regardless of skin color (even porcelain, even chocolate), an exclusively cold black color is recommended to match the hair. All because warm brown, and also unnecessarily light nuances will go into a redhead, which means they look unnatural.

4. Warm redheads shades of hair like ginger and carrot go well with eyebrows with a slight copper or terracotta tint. Cold tones with red-blue or brown undertones rhyme with the color scheme of the eyebrows, which can be borrowed from cold brown-haired women.

5. Fashionable colored eyebrows, these rules also apply, but with a caveat: a bright or pastel color of the eyebrows must be matched to the color of the eyes, as if it were eye shadow. With hair (whether pink or turquoise), it must either completely match or contrast.

That's all I wanted to say. I didn’t specifically say a word about the shape and size of the eyebrows, because there is probably no more controversial and rapidly changing beauty fashion. It is necessary to write about this separately somehow govnosrach. But I still want to know what you think about this and what you do or don’t do with your eyebrows? Inject!

Eyebrows should match your hair color and skin tone. If you have correct form eyebrows, it is not necessary to paint them.

Usually, girls resort to this procedure in cases where they want to make their eyebrows brighter and more expressive, if they suddenly decide to change their hair color, and in cases where the eyebrows have lost their color (burned out in the sun or after lamination).

In this article, we will talk with you about how to choose the right eyebrow color to make your face more expressive.

Eyebrow color suitable for brunettes

The usual opinion is that brunettes should dye their eyebrows black - wrong. This color is very sharp and suits mostly swarthy girls with jet black hair, so be extremely careful if you decide to use it in your eyebrow makeup.

If you are a brunette, feel free to choose a pencil A little lighter colors hair, 1-2 shades.

Warm eye color soft shade skin will make your choice in favor of the same golden-velvet pencil in color, there should not be sharp contrasts. As an exception, light-skinned girls with black or very dark hair act, their pencil can be darker so that the face is not “lost”.

It is quite possible to use all shades of gray for eyebrows, if the shade of the hair belongs to the cold range of colors.

Blondes should choose a pencil 2-3 shades darker the colors of your hair. Remember that if your eyebrows are too dark, then you will not only add a few years to yourself, but also make the image vulgar.

A shade of beige and ash brown, the best fit fair-skinned girls with blue and green eyes.

Those girls whose natural eyebrows have practically no color should not radically change this situation. It is enough just to emphasize them a little with a light shade, giving the necessary shape.

Eyebrows and blonde hair

Wheat light brown hair determine eyebrow color beige and beige gray. Golden hair with flashes of red definitely require your eyebrows to be in one of the warm honey shades.

Eyebrows for brown hair

Girls with brown hair And golden skin, as well as brown-haired women can not experiment with tones and shades, but take the usual brown color and put their eyebrows in order.

For fiery girls

Bright red-haired girls should not make their eyebrows as provocative, a muted shade that matches the color type will suit them. It can be golden chestnut, brown-red or terracotta.

For girls from light red and honey hair It is worth paying attention to the palette of brown shades for eyebrows. The same advice can be used by the owners of hair with reddish tones.

Owners gray eyebrows should not despair, because women always want to look a little younger. Choose a gray or taupe pencil, depending on the color of your hair. WITH gray hair the gray color of the eyebrows looks harmonious, so the face looks natural and fresh.

How to color eyebrows

You have already decided on the color, but it appeared new question: how and with what to tint eyebrows so that it looks natural and does not take much time? Girls have a wide choice:

  1. Pencil;
  2. ink;
  3. Shadows;
  4. Eyebrow dye;
  5. Tattoo.

If you don't want to trim your eyebrows every day, you can color them special paint both in the salon and at home.

An excellent result will last for 1-2 weeks, and you just have to comb them and remove them extra hairs as they grow. Choose your paint color carefully, following the tips for choosing your shade.

Tinting your eyebrows at home will save you time and money, but no one is responsible for the result, except for yourself. Read the instructions carefully and do not forget to test for allergies in order to avoid further unpleasant situations. Try not to adjust the eyebrows before the painting procedure.

The most common and popular is considered eyebrow makeup with pencil. It can be one color or two shades, then you can draw a line darker to the middle, and complete it with a lighter shade:

With shadows you can reach natural shade, but you will spend more time on such makeup. Among the benefits is also rich color palette, with which it is possible to achieve not only perfect shade, but also to make a variety of makeup depending on the situation.

ink for eyebrows can be a great solution for those who save time, she simultaneously stains the hairs, combs and fixes them like a gel. Only the choice of colors is not rich, and few companies produce them.

With a tattoo, you can safely go to the pool and stand in the rain - it will remain unchanged. Tattoo can hide the natural asymmetry of the eyebrows. But are you ready to endure the pain during an expensive procedure?

Make sure that your eyebrows are in harmony with your image, no matter which method of applying the color you choose.

Even in ancient times, women plucked their eyebrows and drew them almost to the temples, making them thinner and longer, thereby emphasizing the femininity and elegance of the face.

But not only the shape of the eyebrows has importance in appearance. Color also occupies an important place in makeup. Very often, the eyebrows are too dull, which makes the face unemotional and lifeless. But it should be remembered that too bright shade cross even the most best makeup on the most refined face.

How to choose the color of the eyebrows?

Experts advise to combine the color of eyebrows with the color of hair and eyes, and also do not forget about harmony with the overall tone of the skin of the face. For example, on pale skin, eyebrows of a rich dark color will look comical. And on faded eyebrows light colors will be completely invisible.

Eyebrow color for eye color

How to choose the color for the eyebrows according to the color of the eyes is a question that worries many women:

  • Women with blue eyes fit gray and light brown colors. It is not recommended that they choose too dark and bright colors.
  • For green eyes, all shades of brown are suitable. However, to find perfect color eyebrows, for complete harmony with green eyes, you will have to try several shades. Only by experimenting, you can get the right color, which for green-eyed girls will be the hardest.
  • WITH brown eyes harmonizes the whole palette of black, chocolate and others dark tones. For this eye color, hair color decides a lot, so the main guideline should be done on them.
  • For grey-eyed people, it is necessary to use light brown colors or the color of wet asphalt, but in no case use gray!

Despite great importance of the above aspects, the main role in the selection of the color of the eyebrows is played, of course, by the color of the hair.

How to choose the color of the eyebrows for the color of the hair?

The basic rule says that fair-haired eyebrows choose 2-3 shades darker than their hair, and dark-haired ones, on the contrary, choose 1-2 shades lighter. And now more about choosing the color of the eyebrows:

  1. Brunettes. The easiest way to get into suitable shade for brunettes. However, there are some nuances here. If you want your face to look a little younger, you should use a pencil that is a tone lighter than your hair color. If the purpose of makeup is to create a business image, you need to choose a tone darker. In general, shades of brown and black suit brunettes. For girls with rich black hair color, the same black eyebrows are suitable. For blue-black hair fit For brunettes dark skin- light brown tones, and for fair skin - dark.
  2. Blondes. In this case, light brown and light gray shades are well suited. For ashy color hair fit gray color.
  3. Brown hair. Here, in general, you can experiment with any color. However, makeup artists recommend dark brown or dark gray tones.
  4. Redheads. Brown colors are suitable, as well as the color of graphite.
  5. Fair-haired. Eyebrow color for light brown can be brown, chestnut or chocolate shade. Too dark eyebrows will make the face unnatural.
  6. For bright unnatural colors may be suitable various shades: gray, brown, black or even a couple of tones lighter or darker than the color of the hair.

Eyebrow make-up cosmetics

To date, there are countless cosmetic and not only means for coloring, adjusting or makeup of the eyebrows. To not try to give eyebrows every day perfect shape, you can get a tattoo in a specialized beauty salon. To maintain a tattoo, you need to make a correction at least once a year. It is also possible to color the eyebrows with henna. The effect usually lasts up to two weeks. From cosmetics it can be shadows, powder, pencil, paint.

How to choose the right eyebrow pencil / shadow

When choosing a pencil, it is important to consider skin color. The darker the skin, the darker the pencil and vice versa. When using two pencils, one of them must be taken lighter. As mentioned earlier, for blonde hair the pencil needs to be selected darker, for dark hair- lighter. brown gamut suitable for girls With blond hair, chocolate and chestnut flowers as well as brunettes. Gray color is suitable for ashy and dark blond hair. light tone pencil should be chosen by blonde girls and with light brown hair. And finally, a black pencil - required attribute brunettes or very dark brown-haired women.

To create a transition from dark to light or vice versa, it is better to use powder or shadows for shading. Blondes are better off choosing powder or shadows in gray or brown. color scheme. Brunettes also suit brown and dark shades, for example, the color of wet asphalt. For brown-haired women good choice will become a palette of brown and reddish-red colors. Also, to soften too bright and rich colors suitable white or a very light pencil, powder or shadow.

How to choose a color with paint

If the daily application of powder, eye shadow or pencil is rather tired, there are more long term way eyebrow makeup - paint. It is applied once and is not washed off for 1-2, sometimes three weeks. Usually choose henna. However, its effect is not as long-lasting as when using synthetic eyebrow dyes.

When choosing paint, you need to pay attention not only to the selection suitable color but also product quality. Present on the market today great amount paints of different volumes, colors, firms, duration of wear, price and quality. One of the highest quality paint firms "Estel" and "Refectocil" are considered. Let's take a closer look at the second one.

"Refectocil" - paint for eyebrows and eyelashes, produced in Austria. She is very popular due to her high quality and minimal impact on the hair structure. Unlike many other paints, it does not irritate the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes, as it does not have toxins and other harmful components in composition. It is very convenient to use: it is necessary to apply paint along the line of the eyebrows, giving them the desired shape and wash off after 5-10 minutes. For more information about the rules of use, be sure to read the instructions.

Eyebrow paint "Refectocil" is considered one of the best in its field. And its relatively expensive cost is justified by the resulting natural color eyebrows and long-term effect after application.

How to choose the color of the eyebrows - not so complex issue. Considering all the above factors, you can get luxurious eyebrows that emphasize the beauty and femininity of the face. And for a better and more reliable result, you can contact the salon to competent specialists.

What hair color gives a woman passion and sexuality? Of course, red! It is generally accepted that red-haired beauties have high charm and are never alone. But it should be noted that not everyone really suits the red color. Yes, and choosing the tone of the eyebrows under it can sometimes be problematic. But the face should be completely harmonious with the appearance of the spring. So redheads?

Every woman should understand that our capabilities do not always coincide with our desires. And when choosing a hair color, this also needs to be considered. Red colors are not suitable for all women. By choosing the wrong shade, you can significantly add yourself a few years in age.

When choosing a red hair color, you should start from several factors - skin tone and eye color. By the way, these same parameters are also important when choosing the color of eyebrows for redheads. If your skin has pink shade, then you should focus on cold saturated red colors. In the event that the skin is too pale - light red tones close to natural color. For women with dark skin, rich red shades are not suitable. IN this case you should pay attention to honey and "dirty" tones.

Red hair goes perfectly with fair skin and green eyes. This is considered the best composition. Moreover, if your eyes have cold shades of green, then dark tones of red will look most advantageous with them.

What eyebrow color to choose?

It would seem that there is nothing complicated here - you just need to dye your eyebrows red and that's it! Harmonious image ready. But no. Not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. As we said above, red hair color can have different shades. And in order for the eyebrows to harmonize with them, this must be taken into account.

Most often, red-haired women are very bright skin. And it does not allow you to use too dark tones when adjusting the color of the eyebrows. Red hair color with black eyebrows is not combined in principle. If you color them in given color, then the eyebrows will immediately stand out strongly against the general background and, moreover, make the woman much more mature.

For rich red shades, red-brown eyebrows are most suitable. If the hair has a dirty red color, then light brown eyebrows will be ideally combined with them.

Well, speaking in general terms, when choosing the color of the eyebrows for red hair, one simple rule should be applied - the eyebrows should be slightly darker than the hair color, but at the same time match them. If you choose cool shades for coloring your curls, then cool colors should be used to adjust the eyebrows. If you use warm tones of paint, then, accordingly, the eyebrows should be warm colors.

If you are in doubt about what color to color your eyebrows, then you should contact a makeup artist. He, taking into account the shade of your hair, skin and eyes, will be able to choose the perfect eyebrow color that will give your image a single harmonious composition.

Video about choosing the color of eyebrows for redheads
