12 signs of a unkempt woman. "Harmless" signs of a neglected woman

Ugly woman is a stupid woman. Because beauty is a rather abstract concept, and not only girls with regular features faces, but also well-groomed, stylish persons who know how to play on their merits and skillfully hide flaws. But neglect of one's appearance is fraught with the fact that even the most outstanding and attractive features will not be appreciated.

Main features Not well-groomed girl that need to be disposed of immediately!


Damage on clothes

No one encourages you to spend your entire paycheck every month on updating your wardrobe, but there is nothing more unfortunate than a worn coat or a sweater in spools. Your belongings must be in good condition, and for this they should be properly and carefully looked after.

Even old things can look good if properly maintained. Stains, hooks, holes and pellets on clothes - something that a well-groomed, self-respecting woman will never have on things, even if she is not rich.


stale shirt

If the collar of your shirt, blouse or outerwear clearly indicates that the product needs cleaning, then this is a direct signal to action.

A girl should be associated with purity, freshness and exceptional pleasant aromas, therefore, in no case do not stoop to wearing dirty things (and not only on the street, but also at home).


unkempt shoes

The condition and quality of our shoes often speaks not only of our wealth, but also of how attentive we are to detail. About leaving the house at dirty shoes- this is a uniform mauvais ton, we will not even mention it. But small scratches on the surface of the shoes can be masked with a special shoe polish or varnish, the laces can always be replaced with new ones, as well as heel heels.


dirty head

We all have different type hair and scalp, so someone is lucky and their hair stays clean for several days, and someone has to wash and style their hair every morning. Accept with dignity the real state of affairs and do not allow yourself to appear anywhere with stale hair ever!


Lack of manicure and pedicure

The condition of the cuticle and coating on the nails should always be on top. Don't forget hand cream. Beautiful female hands always attract the attention of men, and unkempt fingers, peeling varnish and cracked skin of the hands can cause bewilderment and even disgust.


Deodorant stains on clothes

Always check before leaving home appearance things in a well-lit room. Sometimes spots become visible only in natural light on the street.


crumpled things

The steamer and iron were not invented in vain. Enjoy! Wrinkled clothes suggest that you walked in it yesterday, slept in it at someone's house at night, and now you are going home to change.


cheap jewelry

Nothing gives out in a woman like that bad taste like love for ridiculous jewelry, huge quantities hung around the neck, ears and hands. Jewelry should be elegant and of high quality. If these are some large rings or pendants, then there should not be many of them.


Inept makeup

Too bright make-up, thick layer tonal means, smoky eyes in daytime makeup, uneven color faces, excess powder, painted eyebrows and lips - the list of makeup blunders goes on and on! Your landmark: light makeup with an emphasis only on the eyes or only on the lips, light tinting agents, be sure to use mascara.


unkempt eyebrows

Even if you like naturalness, you still regularly correct the eyebrow line and lightly tint the gaps. beautiful eyebrows can not only give depth to the look, but also improve general form faces.


Chapped lips

It doesn’t matter if they have lipstick or not, if they are weather-beaten, cracked and unpleasant to the touch, then use a balm or coconut oil. Because it looks very unattractive - no one wants to kiss such lips!


regrown roots

If this is not a tribute to fashion, and your regrown roots did not appear due to the efforts of a master hairdresser, then these are most likely untidy roots of an incomprehensible color (or even with gray hair), and they do not look good. A centimeter of regrown roots is a bell that should notify you that it's time to make an appointment with a hairdresser.


Lack of epilation

For a truly well-groomed and beautiful woman there are no procedures for winter and summer periods She always takes care of her appearance. Therefore, do not think that no one sees unshaven legs in autumn and winter. This applies to all zones. There should never be excess vegetation on the body, even if you live alone, and no one will see it at home.


Oily shine on the skin

If you lost the genetic lottery and got a problematic or oily skin, which regularly appears unpleasant shine, it is sad, but not fatal. So, you just have to put a little more effort into caring for your skin than other girls.

Always have alcohol-free cleansing wipes and mattifying wipes in your purse that will save you through the day without ruining your makeup. Also, choose a good moisturizer designed specifically for the care of oily and combination skin faces.


old fashioned hairstyle

Strange bangs from childhood, huge bouffants and squares, twisted to the outside, look very strange in modern realities. Therefore, in order not to give herself the appearance of a time traveler who arrived from the distant past and is not familiar with modern fashion, choose hairstyles that are universal and always relevant, or experiment and try out some trendy option.

Surely you have seen girls more than once, to whom the look simply "sticks". They may not have any special external data, but you want to look at them. As a rule, their secret is in a well-groomed appearance. Generally, in modern world the grooming of the girl plays a huge role. So, it affects when applying for a job, in personal contacts and love relationships. Agree, it's just nice to look at a person who takes care of himself. Not to mention the fact that most often, such girls feel confident in themselves and their appearance. To understand whether you belong to the “caste” of well-groomed beauties, answer yourself honestly whether the following nuances are present in your appearance.

Overgrown roots and split ends

Another sign of an untidy girl is peeling varnish or overgrown gel polish. Be sure to keep your manicure up to date.

Ugly skin

Another important criterion well-groomed girl is soft skin on the body. Use body scrubs and creams regularly to keep it soft and gentle to the touch.

You can have an entire wardrobe full of branded items or tons of luxury cosmetics. But if you do not pay attention to this small details then all your efforts to look attractive will come to naught.

Like an old picture

Remember the coating in old paintings: the varnish is cracked and many lines crawl along the canvas, forming a cobweb. And, it would seem, you seem to be looking at a fashionable and well-groomed woman, but the old picture is remembered. The reason for this is her lips. Dear ladies, do not run your lips to a chapped and chapped state.

Too long and contrasting

They appear as if suddenly, catching the most inopportune moment. But it is impossible to notice them - regrown roots. Sometimes a black stripe down the middle of a luxurious blonde can ruin the whole look.

"Washcloth" and nasty tips

And back to the hair again. The hair of a well-groomed girl should never be dull, too dry or oily at the roots. Even banal split ends can make your hairstyle not in the best light.

Nails like a kindergartner

Hands are that part female body which will always be in the public eye. Bitten nails, protruding burrs or varnish that has fallen off in places - there are many options, but all these things spoil the look of a woman.

With such a manicure, others will think that the girl does not want to take care of herself.

Sneaky "cactus"

IN last years women have become more indifferent to epilation, allowing themselves to appear "fluffy". In addition, even stars like to show off their unshaven armpits and legs, noting that beauty is in naturalness.

However, you must agree, hairy female legs no one has yet added attractiveness, despite the hyped trend.

Rough and cracked

"Spider legs" and children's daub

Of course, no one is harmed by thick and volume eyelashes. But do not overdo it with mascara and do not miss the moment when you need to stop. Otherwise, your cilia will resemble the legs of a spider. Another issue is casually tinted lips. The lack of skill in applying makeup always gives out a greasy contour and spread lipstick.

We will refer to this point and smearing foundation their shortcomings. Which, frankly, only become more noticeable from this.

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A classic, yes. An untidy head starts with overgrown roots, whether they are light or dark - it doesn’t matter ... If you have already decided to dye your hair in a color that is very different from your natural one, be prepared to make sure that you regularly update the coloring. Otherwise, it’s better not to risk it, but just return to your own natural shade!

Split ends of hair

Believe me, the length of your hair, even if you've been trying to grow it out for several years now, is not worth walking around with frizzy split ends. It looks very unkempt - as if you had not been to the hairdresser for a hundred years. What is the problem?

Peeled varnish

Remember, no manicure at all is better, just natural nails without varnish than this horror - peeled nails! Especially this rule concerns bright colors- peeling red or burgundy varnish can ruin any very luxurious image. So be careful and wash your polish on time!

Overgrown cuticle and burrs

Hands most often give us away, and if peeling varnish can be dealt with in a jiffy, it will take a little more time to remove the overgrown cuticle and burrs. It would seem, what a trifle! Well, who is looking at this?

In fact, the big picture is formed from the little things - believe me, even such a detail as an untreated cuticle can ruin everything, no matter how wonderful you are dressed. Train yourself to constantly monitor this: the growth of the cuticle can be permanently suspended if you devote literally two minutes to your hands every day.

Problem skin

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Rashes on the face and black dots, of course, are not a sign that you are not looking after yourself - sometimes it is very difficult to get rid of these problems. But, alas, give up in the fight for clean skin it is impossible, because this is one of the main conditions for a well-groomed appearance. None, not even the most professional makeup doesn't look as good as just clear skin, so watch what you eat, how you take care of your face, and rule out the non-obvious causes of acne.

yellow teeth

Sorry for being candid. No, really, do something about it! A yellowish smile has not painted anyone yet. Coffee, tea and cigarettes are the main enemies of white teeth. And if you don’t have the strength to give up these habits, then do whitening regularly - the procedure is far from being as dangerous for your teeth as some people think.

Makeup, "well-worn"

Yes, yes, we all understand that the day was long and difficult, but this does not mean that you need to walk around with mascara crumbling under your eyes and a smeared pencil. Getting rid of this sign of unkemptness is very simple - you need to use a makeup primer and carry matting wipes with you in order to quickly correct the situation in which case.

Dry and dehydrated skin

Our skin needs constant moisture, not only because dry skin ages faster and is prone to wrinkles, but also for the simple reason that flaking and dryness look very untidy. This, by the way, applies not only to the skin of the face, but also to the hands - what could be worse than when they are weathered? Therefore, do not forget to moisturize your skin according to all the rules - after all, we do not live in the Mediterranean climate, so you will have to follow this!

unkempt eyebrows

Fotodom / Rex Features

Now natural wide eyebrows are in fashion, but this does not mean that you can let everything take its course, they say, let them grow ... Pay attention, even for models who wear very wide expressive eyebrows, the line itself looks perfectly even. Eyebrows need to be plucked regularly, keeping their shape, otherwise the “newly arrived” hairs will completely ruin your appearance. Once every 2-3 days, do not forget to take the tweezers and remove the excess.

Chapped lips

Lip balm is a thing that should always be with you. Many of us are faced with the problem of chapped and dry lips - in this situation, even the use of lipstick seems impossible. And it looks like you're 16 and kissed for half an hour in the cold! It's cute, of course, but it doesn't smell like care here. Keep your lips soft and moisturized: exfoliate dead cells and use a balm or oil.

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10 signs unkempt woman.All women strive to be well-groomed. However, often small, but very noticeable mistakes can ruin the whole image. Even celebrities, attending social events in expensive evening dresses, sometimes they forget about elementary things that spoil the whole look. Do not repeat these mistakes so that even in regular jeans look well-groomed and feminine.

1. Overgrown roots of a different color

If unwashed hair can still be somehow masked with dry shampoo, then you can’t hide noticeably regrown roots. And this main feature unkempt head. If you decide to radically change the color of your hair, then make sure that you regularly correct the coloring.

2. Split ends

Even if you are trying hard and carefully to grow your hair, this is not a reason to walk with split ends. It looks very sloppy, so it is better to periodically cut your hair at least a couple of centimeters.

3. Peeled varnish

Remember the rule of a well-groomed woman: natural nails without varnish are better than varnish that has fallen off in places. This rule is especially true for bright and dark colors, because such nails can ruin the most sophisticated image.If there is no time for fresh manicure, you better erase old varnish fully.

4. Overgrown cuticle and burrs

It may seem that few people look at this little thing, but in fact, the overgrown cuticle and burrs are very noticeable. And that's what can ruin general image even if you do chic hairstyle and put on Nice dress. Try to regularly spend time with your nails.

5. Problem skin

Of course, acne and blackheads are not always a sign that a woman does not take care of herself. Sometimes this is a manifestation of any disease or disorder.

But it is impossible to give up in the fight against imperfections, since even well-groomed skin- the standard of beauty to which one must strive. If you have problem skin, watch your diet, do regular masks and cleansing, use the advice of a beautician.

6. Yellow teeth

Few people will say this in person, but a yellowish smile has not painted anyone yet. Remember, coffee, tea and cigarettes are the main enemies of white teeth. If you can't get rid of bad habits, then regularly do bleaching.

7. Stale makeup

Of course, everyone has long and hard days when there is no time to freshen up makeup. But this is not a reason to walk with a “floated” foundation, sprinkled with mascara or smeared shadows and lipstick.

Carry matting wipes with you, use an eyeshadow base, refresh lipstick after meals to improve your appearance as quickly as possible.

8. Dry skin

Facial skin needs constant hydration. It not only slows down aging, but also gives it a healthy, well-groomed appearance. Dry, flaky skin looks messy. Use moisturizers and nourishing creams and masks.

9. Untidy eyebrows
