6 months from the wedding date. Wedding anniversaries

60 days of happiness,
2 months of love,
Family myself 2 months
We call it.

We go to bed together
And we wake up together
Let's rejoice together
And we are sad together.

Our little anniversary
Together we will celebrate
People are happier than us
Not in the whole world.

Happy anniversary, 2 months have already passed
From the time you got married!
May everything always be fine with you,
So that you are happy.

May love never fade away
Let understanding surround you,
The eyes are filled with sparkle,
Joy never leaves.

Congratulations on 2 months family life. The honeymoon has flown by, the second month has passed, you have become real connoisseurs family happiness, the brave heroes of their love story. I want to wish you eternal love and tireless strength, constant prosperity and magical moments in life.

You've been together for two months now,
Just a little, but this is the time,
Love is the key to great happiness, -
You were able to learn a lesson.

I wish you to always be together,
Dream, create and create,
Be gentle, don't relax:
Always surprise each other.

Two months is so little
But we are endlessly happy!
Life began to sparkle with bright colors!
I feel so easy and carefree with you!

Let our feelings constantly
They will become stronger!
I love you unspeakably
You are more valuable and needed than anyone else!

Two months have passed since joining
To a legal and happy marriage.
Please accept congratulations today
And wishes for all sorts of cool blessings:

Great love, always burning,
Great happiness and goodness,
Much success, never sleeping.
May your young family prosper with them.

Two months have already flown by,
There is a sparkle of love in your eyes!
I wish that they come true
Your dreams and all desires!

Let happiness inspire you
And life will be full of all blessings!
Let tenderness overwhelm you,
And let spring bloom in your souls!

Month after month - there are already two of them!
As there? Words still allow
So that you can talk about love?
We already have to change something in each other
Did you want to? Can do lunch
A wifey with a sweet smile?
Has your husband learned to count screws?
Well, live! And we should congratulate
Don't get tired month after month!

If together - one month,
Is this an achievement?
You two lived together as a couple
60 days - that's an accomplishment!
We hope - with love
They all breathed big!
For great success
Guided and inspired!
You will not forget these days!
To be a friendly family.

You two have been together for two months now!
We would like you to notice
How the years fly by.
Everyone is usually in a hurry
Own life. And you guys
Live like this: don’t rush
Let neither winter nor spring.
Loving the sun
Count the stars
To sit by the river,
Let them be cloudlessly light
All your hopes will be there
Serene shores.
Life is so expensive!

A wedding anniversary is a big holiday for many. Round dates, such as the 25th or 50th wedding anniversary, are usually celebrated noisily and cheerfully. And other names of weddings are often forgotten over the years. Although they also deserve attention. In addition, almost every wedding anniversary has its own interesting name. And it is not accidental. The anniversary names are very apt and witty. One can only be surprised at the wisdom of the people who invented them. For modern married couples, knowledge about these holidays will be useful in order to know what gifts to prepare for their life partner.

From wedding day to centenary of marriage

Previously, people almost knew by heart what the names of weddings were. This useful information should be preserved for posterity. And it’s worth starting from the wedding day - it’s called the Green Day, since the relationship of young people is associated with freshness and immaturity. The best gift on the wedding day there is not only “greenery”, implying “money”, but also real greenery, fragrant and fragile, as well as delicate bouquets colors.

  1. A year after official conclusion marriage's turn comes Calico wedding. The material with this name is still used today because it has such qualities as lightness and affordable price. This name hints at the fact that relationships are going through the first tests of everyday life, that they are still very “subtle” and simple. As a gift, you can buy something made of chintz - clothing or a souvenir.

2. Next wedding– Paper or Glass. The second anniversary hints at the fragility of relationships during this period. Husband and wife can congratulate each other by signing cards or exchanging glassware. Usually it is not superfluous in the household.

3. Third wedding anniversary – Leather wedding– says that spouses should feel each other’s skin. Gifts are given accordingly - leather wallets, bags, shoes, hairpins, jewelry and other items. Those who, due to their convictions, do not buy leather products can purchase a high-quality substitute.

4. The next wedding - the fourth in a row - is called Linen or Rope. Gifts are made using weaving techniques - baskets, for example, as well as linen souvenirs or clothing. On this day, it was customary to tie the husband and wife with ropes and sit them on adjacent chairs. If they could not free themselves, it promised a long alliance.

5. Fifth date – Wooden. It is called so because the tree symbolizes fertility, as well as the presence of its own “hut”. Gifts are given, of course, made of wood.

6. The sixth wedding anniversary is like cast iron - strong, reliable, but at the same time it can break if dropped. That's why they call this day Cast Iron. On this day they did the cleaning, and especially carefully washed the frying pans, bathtub or other cast iron objects. Another six months later, the Zinc Wedding is celebrated, and guests are always invited on this day.

7. On the seventh anniversary - Copper wedding– guests can give spouses a horseshoe made of this valuable metal.

8. Eight years spent together is called the Tin Date.

9. Nine – Earthenware or chamomile, whichever you prefer.

10. The tenth anniversary - the first significant anniversary - is also associated with flowers. This time with roses. This day is also called Tin wedding. Tin is flexible, which means that this is how the relationship between spouses should be. Those who were at the wedding are invited to visit. The couple is given tin souvenirs or roses - red or pink.

11. An eleven-year marriage is called Steel.

12. Twelve years and a half - Nickel marriage.

13. Symbols of the thirteenth anniversary - Lace and Lilies of the Valley.

14. The fourteenth anniversary of the relationship is called Agatov.

15. Fifteenth anniversary - Glass.

But according to tradition, 16, 17 and 19 years of marriage are not celebrated at all.

18. Turning eighteen is a Turquoise day.

20. Two decades life together called Porcelain Day.

21. The twenty-first anniversary is called Opal.

22 years old - Bronze,

23 - Beryl,

24 - Satin time.

25. A quarter of a century – 25 years of marriage – is a respectable period. More information about how this day is celebrated and what is customary to give to spouses will be written below.

26 years old - Jade,

27 - Redwood,

29 - Velvet,

30 - Pearl,

31 - Dark,

34 - Amber,

35 – Coral or Linen,

37 - Muslin,

37.5 - Aluminum,

38 - Mercury,

39 - Crepe,

40 - Ruby,

44 - Topaz,

45 – Sapphire,

46 - Lavender,

47 - Cashmere,

48 - Amethyst,

49 - Cedar,

50 - Gold.

We also need to tell you more about the Golden Wedding. But that will come later, but for now we should remember about those lucky ones, whose union is becoming stronger and stronger. Not everyone knows what a wedding looks like by year after fifty years of marriage. But they are easy to remember.

55 years is the Emerald wedding,

60 – Platinum or Diamond,

65 – Iron.

At 67 and a half years of marriage, he is rightly called Stone.

70 years of marriage – Blessed wedding,

75 – Crown,

80 – Oak.

There is a name for the centennial marriage union. This is the Red Jubilee. However married couples There are no people who marked it now. But history knows long-livers by the name of Ageev, who managed to celebrate this holiday. Rare couples celebrate all their weddings year by year, but anniversary dates Every family tries to celebrate.

The most “precious” dates

Now let's take a closer look at round dates. Anniversary weddings are celebrated on a grand scale throughout the years. Especially the Silver and Gold weddings. A quarter of a hundred years together - the Silver Wedding is the first of those dates whose symbol is a precious metal. It is customary to invite close relatives and best family friends to the celebration. For many years, these people have already studied the tastes and habits of their spouses, which means they know what gifts for wedding anniversaries will be appropriate and desirable. The most symbolic gift for this would be something made of silver - jewelry, cutlery, dishes, figurine and so on.

Tray or cup given as a gift Silver wedding- the wish for the house to be a full cup. In addition to silver items, a portrait of a couple in a silver frame or an entire family photo album in a silver cover would be a wonderful gift. Those who are engaged in scrapbooking can make an exclusive thematic album with their own hands and fill it not only with photographs, but also with beautiful drawings.

Artists can draw using any techniques and materials. Such a portrait will take its rightful place in the couple’s home and will remind them of the bright moments of life for a long time. If the family is very large and friendly, one of the youth can start researching and creating family tree. It will be very symbolic. As an addition to the gift, you can present a bouquet of twenty-five flowers - roses, white lilies or others.

Fifty years - the Golden Wedding - definitely needs to be celebrated! It will be great if children give their parents new ones. wedding rings made of gold. Traditionally, they also give a scarf embroidered with gold threads or lurex. In addition to rings, jewelry and various souvenirs made of precious metal are given on this day. For believing spouses a great gift there will be pendants with the names of saints or small icons.

Gold coins will also come in handy, especially since their value will only grow every year. And the most important thing that older people need is the attention of their relatives. Whatever gift is given, it should be presented beautifully, with words of gratitude, appreciation and love. In this case, not even gold, but gilded souvenirs, vases or any figures “for collection” will be incredibly valuable. Spouses will certainly appreciate poetic congratulations, and a song dedicated to them.

A wonderful sign of attention will be gifts that help restore or maintain health - a blood pressure monitor, a water filter, a massager, an inhaler, an orthopedic pillow and other pleasant and necessary things. To prevent them from looking too “medical”, they should be packaged attractively. You can show your concern in another way - as a gift. modern technology, making life easier. And, of course, we should not forget about flowers: let there be exactly 50 of them!

Happy little holiday to your family.
It's already been a month since the wedding.
Let your hearth burn more and more,
May you always feel good in it.

Be tolerant of each other, appreciate
The thing that bound you together forever.
And every month you love me more deeply
Your soul mate, giving happiness to the river.

A month ago you had a wedding,
For a month you are called husband and wife.
We all wished you love and happiness,
We see that it’s time to congratulate you.

In your new status you are great,
I must say, it suits you very well.
Let everything continue to be magical
And you will definitely be lucky in life!

Congratulations on your little one, but important date, with the first month of your life together as legal spouses. I wish that Honeymoon for you lasted an eternity, so that the romance and passion from your relationship would not disappear anywhere, so that every day your family would become stronger and happier.

Even if a month is not much,
But you two are happy!
I wish you all the best,
So that every hour, every day
You were becoming more and more dear,
They loved each other devotedly,
Always strived for the best
And they shared their whole life between two!

You've been married for exactly a month,
Month of happiness and love,
How sweet and wonderful he is,
Keep these feelings.

I wish you many years next to me,
Walk hand in hand
So that everything is fine in the family,
And there was always positivity!

She prepares everything for him,
It makes him smile,
He blew all the dust off her...
Here they are, two halves.
You have a ring on your finger,
This status suits you.
For a whole month you are family,
Congratulations, friends.
Understanding and love
I wish you happiness with your family.

Recently got married
And you lived exactly a month.
With the beginning of your life together,
Let it be wonderful
Without unnecessary dramas, without tears and grief,
Let the children appear soon,
Let love burn brighter and brighter
And the kisses will be hotter.

Your wedding has died down
Just a month ago
And eyes with great passion
Yours are still burning.

I wish you that for years
The shine remains so ardent,
May your union be wonderful
Strengthened by children.

You just had a wedding,
But the month flew by like an hour!
You created your family,
I sincerely congratulate you!

Let happiness inspire you,
After all, you are each other’s halves!
And let everyone admit now
That you are as beautiful as a picture!

One month from the wedding day
Didn't pass, rushed by,
Sweet, honey
He appeared to you.

Happy family first date
I congratulate you,
Let the sweetness be honey
It won't melt over the years.

Burning with love
Let the hearth be home,
Family life will become
Let it be a real fairy tale.

30 days is just the beginning,
But this is also a lot,
The first turn will pass
So, you see, a year will pass.
Was your honeymoon sweet?
Let the new one be the same
And behind him more, more,
All family life
It will be joyful and sweet,
Everything will be fine in life!

A wedding for newlyweds is one of the most happy days in life. The ceremony is remembered by the couple for a long time, and every year the lovers celebrate it with friends and relatives. Each wedding anniversary has its own name, by which one can judge the marriage itself, its honor and success. The most early time marriage (before the first anniversary) is called “green”.

First anniversaries:

  • 1 year – Calico wedding. The name is associated with the simplicity and ease in the newlyweds' relationship. Light matter symbolizes the insufficient strength of the union.
  • 2 years – Paper. Comparison with an easily torn material that can burn and dent if handled improperly.
  • 3 years – Leather. Symbolizes flexibility in relationships. The lovers were able to withstand the first difficulties and establish family life.
  • 4 years – Linen. Relationships are no longer as fragile as they used to be. The material symbolizes durability, reliability and strength.
  • 5 years – Wooden wedding. Celebrating this anniversary means being in harmony with each other. The couple has already managed to build a relationship, have children, and arrange a home. This material symbolizes good furniture and a durable home - gives comfort, tranquility and homeliness.
  • 6 years – Cast iron. It is considered the first durable anniversary, since the material is classified as metal. However, it is he who is the most fragile of all, and may well be damaged by a sharp blow.
  • 7 years – Wool or Copper wedding. In the first case, the material symbolizes warmth and comfort, but at the same time it can prick. In the second, it reminds that the relationship is no longer rough “cast iron”, but more valuable.
  • 8 years – Tin. The relationship between the spouses is not as bright and intense as before, which makes it comparable to nondescript metal. However everyday problems they no longer separate the lovers so much, but on the contrary, they make them closer and stronger.
  • 9 years old – Earthenware. According to one version, a critical moment arises in the family at this time; relationships are very vulnerable and fragile. According to another, the union only becomes stronger, like a hot drink poured into earthenware cups.
  • 10 years – Tin or Pink wedding. This date is truly significant for the spouses. The metal is flexible and has a high degree of strength. Roses and pink color- symbols of sincerity and tenderness. Starting from this period, lovers become even closer in their lives. less secrets and omissions.

The next decade of marriage is characterized by a strong bond between spouses, tolerance, the ability to find a way out difficult situation with common effort.

The flourishing of marriages:

  • 11 years – Steel wedding. This name fully reveals the essence of the relationship. During this period of marriage, the spouses began to hold on to each other more tightly. The family, like metal, when processed, becomes elastic, beautiful and mirror-like.
  • 12 years old – Nickel. This material is a symbol of power, exclusivity and nobility. It remains strong even after exposure negative factors, having stood the test of time.
  • 13 years old - Lace or Lily of the valley. Both names symbolize a reverent image, tender relationship. Beautiful lace requires a lot of time to make, accuracy and incredible patience.
  • 14 years old – Agate. This is the first date to have a gemstone in its name. Based folk traditions, from that time on, the family deserved to have a high status.
  • 15 years – Glass (Crystal) wedding. This anniversary gives spouses clarity and purity in their relationships. Between experienced husband and an understanding wife, honesty, openness, and mutual trust prevail. The main thing is not to break or damage such a sensitive material, to ensure its cleanliness and shine.
  • 16 years old – Topazovaya. A stone of spirituality and beauty when combined with the number 16 creates a very strong amulet, promising material benefits.
  • 17 years - Pink or Pewter. Repeats the 10th anniversary.
  • 18 years old – Turquoise. Symbolizes lightness, weightlessness and freshness, like a clear summer sky. In most cases, older children grow up and go to school, which means that the difficulties associated with their upbringing end.
  • 19 years old – Garnet or Krypton. Symbolizes love, unification into one whole, the ability of spouses to illuminate each other’s life path.
  • 20 years – Porcelain wedding. After so many years of marriage, the couple seems as harmonious, chic and sophisticated as elite porcelain. The material is a symbol of well-being, a good family atmosphere and prosperity. Not every family has porcelain in their home, and in their relationships, not everyone is able to celebrate such a bright anniversary.

In the next period, the union is strengthened as much as possible, the spouses' children grow up, grandchildren appear, but, despite their responsibilities, they do not lose sight of their solemn wedding dates.

Family Wisdom Anniversaries:

  • 21 years old – Opal. Symbolizes fidelity, strengthening tenderness and love. There is another version: the gemstone brings hostility, but during such a period in marriage, the spouses must be able to maintain a hearth and warmth in their feelings.
  • 22 years old - Bronze wedding. To earn such an award as bronze, the spouses needed a lot of strength and patience. And now their date is a real symbol of nobility, determination and luxury.
  • 23 years old - Beryl. The metal itself is not expensive or rare, but certain varieties of it are a real find. Family life, like this metal, having gone through adversity and hardship, is distinguished by success and strength.
  • 24 years old – Satin. This material is a symbol of strength, silkiness and incredible smoothness. The relationship between spouses becomes the same after so many years: it is difficult to separate them from each other or seriously quarrel.
  • 25 years - Silver wedding. This date is very significant for all spouses. An incredibly noble, refined and expensive metal brings these same qualities to relationships, giving the union even greater strength and reliability. The love of husband and wife, tempered over the years, can withstand any difficulties.
  • 26 years old – Jade. The material is characterized by high strength, resistance to mechanical stress. Family, like this stone, having lived together long years, is able to survive all adversity, save the marriage and only become closer.
  • 27 years old – Mahogany. All the characteristics of this material are inherent to a couple who have lived together for so many years. This is wisdom, nobility, elegance, strength and strong roots.
  • 28 years old - Nickel. It is not customary to note that it is at this age of marriage that a couple undergoes serious tests. It's time to turn to face each other.
  • 29 years old – Velvet. This exquisite material is a symbol of tenderness and softness. Spouses must remember that without this it is very difficult to achieve harmony in marriage, even after so many years of living together.
  • 30 years - Pearl wedding. A small, expensive pearl takes years to form in the shell and become stronger. This anniversary for lovers symbolizes the same process - long-term maturation, accumulation of experience. As a result, the pearl becomes extremely expensive and highly valued.

The anniversary period from 31 to 45 is the ideal time to understand how important family is, and also to give to a loved one maximum care and tenderness.

Honorable Events:

  • 31 years old – dark-skinned. This name suggests that faded and even “green” relationships have become more beautiful and tanned. Despite all the difficulties and obstacles, the marriage became more presentable, causing admiration among others.
  • 32 years old – Copper. Not everyone notes, however, that relationships at this age, like copper, are difficult to break and can only be melted down.
  • 33 years - Stone or Strawberry wedding. Doesn't count significant date, but some couples celebrate it. Symbolizes the strength of marriage and the playfulness of relationships.
  • 34 years old – Amber. This stone is amazing and valuable. Over the course of many years, the precious composition is formed from ordinary viscous resin, as a result giving everyone around its beauty and originality. The relationship between spouses who have come a long way together also becomes valuable and chic on this anniversary.
  • 35 years – Linen or Coral wedding. Sea corals symbolize a long, happy life married life without illness or loss. Dense material indicates home comfort, prosperity and peaceful relationships.
  • 36 years old – Bone china. According to Russian traditions, this date is not celebrated.
  • 37 years old – Muslin. In order for a craftsman to be able to produce muslin of extraordinary strength and fineness, he will need a considerable amount of patience and accuracy. Family relationships also require the investment of titanic forces on the part of both spouses. The main thing is that the result is not coarse matter, but light as a feather.
  • 38 years old - Mercury. This metal differs from all others in its structure. Spouses are given the opportunity to transform their marriage, giving it each time new uniform. This may not necessarily relate to relationships; a big trip or move together will help to refresh your feelings.
  • 39 years old – Crepe. Features of crepe fabric are elasticity and tightly interwoven threads in the structure of the material. This should characterize the relationship between spouses. The only thing you need to pay attention to is that matter retains its original nature longer. attractive appearance, if you treat it with care.
  • 40 years - Ruby wedding. Spouses should truly cherish and be proud of such long-term, strong relationships. An unusually beautiful gemstone is a symbol of strong and strong love. The husband and wife have come a long way together, and their reward is a truly luxurious anniversary.
  • 41 years old – Zemlyannaya. It is not celebrated, but symbolizes the strong and reliable foundation of the family for procreation.
  • 42 years - Mother of pearl. Relationships are as bright and varied as the shades of mother-of-pearl that bring happiness to the home.
  • 43 years - Flannel. Warmth, comfort and tenderness reign in the family, there is no room for quarrels and misunderstandings.
  • 44 years old – Topazovaya. The main characteristics of a magnificently beautiful stone are radiant shine and crystal clarity. It is very expensive and prestigious. These are the qualities possessed by the union of spouses who have walked hand in hand for so many years.
  • 45 years – Sapphire wedding. This gemstone is a reminder to husband and wife of the importance of living together, mutual understanding and trust. Deep Blue colour symbolizes value for society, sophistication, special charm and royalty. The family to achieve this anniversary is truly unbreakable and solid .

After 40 years, anniversaries are not celebrated as often as before. There is a version that this is due to folk signs, but in most cases, spouses at this age have more worries (raising grandchildren, caring for personal plot, housekeeping, etc.), they devote less time to their problems.

Each subsequent anniversary is highly valued and has a corresponding “dear” name. This is due to the fact that not all spouses are able to go such a long way together, so relationships are compared to precious metal or a stone.

Significant dates for husband and wife:

  • 50 years - Golden wedding. This anniversary is not only significant, it is considered the pinnacle of perfection in a relationship. The couple who celebrated this anniversary can be proud of the years spent together. The anniversary is compared to a pedestal, with husband and wife occupying the top step. After 50 years, anniversaries in most cases are celebrated only on round dates.
  • 55 years old - Emerald. The stone symbolizing this anniversary is rare and incredibly attractive. Beauty, uniqueness, rich green color- his distinctive features. It symbolizes honesty, trust and loyalty. Family relationships become just as prestigious, noble and deep.
  • 60 years - Diamond wedding . This multifaceted and beautiful stone– a symbol of true strength and luxury. Noble material, like long term relationship married, pleases everyone around her with her sophistication and moderate chic. Diamond is considered the most expensive stone in the world. This is how close people should be to each other, after so many years of living together. The couple deserves the admiration of others.
  • 100 years – Platinum or Red. Only spouses from Azerbaijan were able to earn the title of “platinum couple”. Husband and wife whose age exceeded 116 years ( young man at the time of marriage she was 26, the girl was only 16), went down in history by celebrating this anniversary. The name of the anniversary symbolizes incredibly strong love, because red is the color of passion and vivid feelings. The metal shows the strength of the union over a whole century.

Other memorable dates, which should not be forgotten and should be celebrated among loved ones - Iron Jubilee (65), Blagodatnaya (70) And Crown (75) weddings Oak (80) And Granite (90) anniversary.

The names of anniversaries have ancient origins. Then people treated marriage more carefully, valued their chosen one, valued family hearth and loved nature, comparing everything good with it. That's why the names special dates so warm and “natural”.

A wedding anniversary is like the centuries-old wisdom of the people. Without exaggeration, each of them is capable of giving spouses useful advice. It is customary to celebrate a family's birthday every year. Surely each of us has heard about silver and golden weddings, respectively - the 25th and 50th anniversary of the wedding. Would you like to know about everyone? wedding anniversaries and their names by year? Then this article is for you!

Names of weddings by year: from green to gold

Marking the next wedding date on the calendar, preparing congratulations on the anniversary, we rarely think about the fact that each year lived from the date of marriage has not only its own name, but also symbolism and meaning. The Svadebka.ws portal offers you a list of weddings by year so that you know what each year is called and what it means, clearly understand the nature of the celebration and give it a special meaning.

  • 0 years - green wedding. The day of marriage, since the union of two hearts is very young. This holiday is the longest of all possible anniversaries, since it is customary to celebrate it throughout the first year - every month.
  • 1 year -calico (gauze) wedding. The first and probably the most reverent holiday of a young family. The couple have already learned the joys and difficulties of living together. A turning point for many couples, because not everyone can withstand this kind of test of feelings. It’s not for nothing that the phrase “The first year is the hardest” has become a catchphrase. Why calico, you probably ask? It is chintz, a fine and colorful material, that clearly characterizes First stage not too much yet strong relationships in family.
  • 2 years -paper wedding. Not only because the connection between spouses is as fragile as a piece of paper, but precisely as an opportunity to start everything from a clean page. Gentleness is the main quality for spouses at this stage of family life.
  • 3 years -leather wedding. The feelings of the spouses acquire flexibility and sufficient strength, but still, with a disregard and carelessness, they can break, like leather material. Another version is that husband and wife learned to understand without words and feel each other “with their skin.”
  • 4 years -linen (rope or wax) wedding . After years of marriage, the couple are intertwined like ropes and cannot be broken. It is the strength of the relationship that defines this wedding anniversary.
  • 5 years -wooden anniversary . Its name contains a symbol of eternity, fertility, and home. By this time, the family often has children.
  • 6th anniversary -cast iron wedding. Spouses, like foundry workers, build their family. The first metal is a symbol of the 6th anniversary of marriage, although it is the most subtle, requiring understanding and certain skills.
  • 7 years -copper (wool) wedding . Noble metal, family relationships became stronger and warmer. Copper is a symbol of prosperity, wool is a symbol of gentleness towards each other.
  • 8 years -tin (poppy). After a wedding and a long life together, the spouses proudly bear the name of a single whole. It's time to think about renewing relationships and adding more colors, which are symbolized by tin and poppy.
  • 9 years of marriage -earthenware (chamomile) wedding . The blossoming of relations is approaching, but a crisis is also possible. The date is considered as a kind of boundary at the stage of a new life segment.
  • 10 years -pink anniversary. Characterizes beauty and tenderness, passion and strong love.

  • 11th wedding anniversary - steel. The relationship is stable, like this metal, and also smooth and shiny.
  • 12 years from the date of marriage - nickel wedding . The union of two hearts has become so strong that it is able to withstand life’s adversities and difficulties.
  • 13 years -lace wedding. Despite the mystical number, the anniversary is very tender and reverent. Relationships during this period must be protected from all kinds of troubles.
  • 14 years from the date of marriage - agate anniversary . Couple on the way to mature relationships. It is believed that husband and wife find unknown points of contact and receive a new wave of positive energy.
  • 15th anniversary -glass (crystal) wedding. A clean and transparent relationship that needs to be further strengthened.
  • 16 years old - topaz. Having crossed this line of family life, the spouses acquire life experience. Keeping the symbol of this anniversary - topaz - in the house can strengthen family relationships and promote mutual understanding.
  • 17 years - tin. Flexibility and the ability to make concessions are considered the main qualities of spouses who are approaching this wedding anniversary.
  • 18th anniversary - turquoise. The age of marriage. Years together have taught the spouses complete mutual understanding. The children have grown up and have more time to take care of each other.
  • 19th wedding anniversary - pomegranate. Called krypton and hyacinth in some sources, the couple are approaching another family anniversary.
  • 20 years -porcelain wedding. After so many years after solemnly saying “Yes!” on the wedding day, the spouses celebrate joint holiday. For such a long period time husband and wife overcame difficulties together and enjoyed pleasant moments, purchased their family traditions and foundations.

  • 21st wedding anniversary - opal. WITH Family relationships are characterized by combining love and strength to overcome life's challenges.
  • 22 -bronze wedding. There is a reason to remember the most joyful moments in life.
  • 23rd anniversary -beryl . Symbolizes peace of mind and tranquility, well-being and prosperity.
  • 24 years - satin wedding . The couple, who lived inseparably for so many years, managed to make the relationship strong and smooth.
  • 25 years -silver jubilee . A huge achievement for the couple, so it's time to celebrate this date on a grand scale. The silver wedding is considered the first significant family anniversary.
  • 26th anniversary -jade wedding . Great occasion for a special rapprochement of the couple, because after so many years of marriage, children, as a rule, create their own families, thereby giving parents the opportunity to live again as newlyweds.
  • 27 years -red wooden wedding anniversary. Generosity, nobility and loyalty. The spouses were simply made for each other, otherwise they would not have been able to overcome this milestone.
  • 28 years - nickel wedding. This anniversary received the name of the most resistant alloy to temperature changes for a reason. It is believed that a relationship that has withstood such a huge period of time with dignity is indestructible.
  • 29th anniversary -velvet wedding. Famous for its sublime, soft and harmonious relationships between spouses.
  • 30th family anniversary -pearl wedding . Characterized by the perfection of marriage.

  • 31st anniversary - dark wedding . In some sources it is called solar. This is exactly the mood experienced by spouses who have lived side by side for so many years, raised children and are enjoying their grandchildren.
  • 32 years -copper anniversary . Characteristic feature is the spouses' ability to compromise. Husband and wife know each other's habits and have long understood their half without words.
  • 33rd marriage anniversary - stone wedding. This anniversary is sometimes called the strawberry anniversary.
  • 34 years - amber wedding. Wisdom in relationships comes to the spouses, and their marriage gradually turns from an unstable union into a fortress, just like amber - from resin, centuries later, into a valuable mineral.
  • 35 years -coral (linen) wedding . Coral, as a symbol of purity, durability and infinity, best represents the long-awaited marital anniversary.
  • 36 years - bone china wedding. This anniversary is not celebrated in Russia.
  • 37th anniversary - muslin wedding. In particular, muslin (an expensive fabric that requires a lot of time and patience to create) represents this date from the day of marriage.
  • 38th anniversary - mercury. Symbolizes strong, clear and bright feelings between spouses.
  • 39 years - crepe wedding. Owes to its name durable material, whose threads are tightly intertwined with each other. So the spouses can no longer imagine their lives without each other.
  • 40 years -ruby anniversary . The long-awaited holiday mature family with a wealth of shades in relationships, as well as a symbol of passionate, sincere and eternal love.

  • 41 years - iron (earth). Is the best proof of an unshakable marriage.
  • 42nd wedding anniversary by year - mother of pearl. A symbol of the strength of the relationship between husband and wife.
  • 43rd anniversary - flannel. Feelings are compared to flannel, because after years of marriage, softness and family warmth remain.
  • 44 years old - topaz. Got its name in honor gemstone(clean, transparent and very strong). The feelings of spouses are also considered this way.
  • 45 years -sapphire anniversary . Characterized by a calm blue color. Sapphire is able to improve health, which is important for a married couple in this age category.
  • 46 years old - lavender. Like a little tenderness. Calmness and quiet happiness - all this is inherent married couple at this stage of life.
  • 47th anniversary - cashmere. We have experienced a lot of good and bad, so this date undoubtedly deserves respect.
  • 48 years - amethyst wedding. Symbolizes luck and prosperity in the family. Amethyst stone has the ability to rejuvenate the body and cleanse the skin. It's like a fresh breath for this anniversary of family relationships.
  • The 49th anniversary is cedar. Pure feelings and also very reliable and durable. Cedar is considered a long-lived tree.
  • 50th anniversary -golden wedding . Half a century together! Gold is the embodiment of something achieved through hard work. Just like the relationship between spouses, which has not lost its value and fidelity after so many years. A most venerable date and, unfortunately, a huge rarity today. Which wedding, based on the years of marriage, can receive more respect?

What anniversaries come after the 50th wedding anniversary?

The celebration of anniversaries does not end at a golden wedding. Svadebka.ws is in a hurry to introduce you to wedding anniversaries and their names after the 50th anniversary:

  • 55 years - emerald wedding. Good luck and eternal happiness are symbolized by the emerald - precious and very rare stone, which simply fascinates with its depth. Similar feelings can be experienced by looking at happy spouses who have been married for more than half a century.
  • 60 years -diamond wedding . The husband and wife managed to withstand the adversity of fate. According to other versions, this anniversary is also called platinum or diamond.
  • 65 years old - iron wedding. Lots of ups and downs, joys and sorrows, all lived together. After so much time, the hearts continue to keep their rhythm in unison. The family “iron” was tempered by joint trials and difficulties, and polished by joyful moments.
  • 70 years - a blessed wedding. Staying together after going through a significant journey in life is a great blessing. The anniversaries probably raised children, grandchildren and had great-grandchildren. Big Friendly family - best achievement spouses.
  • 75 years old -crown wedding . This kind of phenomenon seems impossible, but on this day the spouses will once again be convinced of the correctness of their life choice.
  • 80 years - oak wedding. It is this tree that can stand for a whole century, withstanding bad weather, hurricanes and storms. Oak is associated with eternity, which is very symbolic for the 80th wedding anniversary.
  • 90 years - granite wedding. You won’t celebrate this anniversary without good health, and neither the elements nor time can destroy granite.
  • 100 years - red wedding. A century of love together! Is this possible, you probably ask? And only one couple knows for sure that yes. The Ageev family - 126-year-old Niftula and 116-year-old Balabeim managed to live to see the red wedding and solemnly celebrate it, accepting congratulations from all over the world. We definitely have something to strive for!

You have just walked with us a long way from a young union to eternal love, having learned what kind of weddings there are by year. From pure heart We wish you to celebrate your red anniversary with your loved one!
