What to do if a man lies to a woman. What to do if your husband constantly lies? Options for solving this problem

Why do men lie to women?? Why, in principle, do people lie to each other? And is it really that terrible? How do “male lies” differ from “girlish little deceits” that many women’s trainings so diligently teach? What so tempting do men get for their sophisticated lies?

First of all, we still need to understand how men’s lies differ from women’s lies. The man is lying as close as possible to the truth (what he personally believes to be true), and never piles up unnecessary details. That is: we came up with it ourselves, believed it in ourselves, and then we bring the idea we’ve created to the masses as the ultimate truth. To all doubters - in the face. Those who don’t appreciate it and giggle – it’s not even worth proving anything, let alone making excuses. A woman, on her own tiny lie, will pile up a bunch of unnecessary details, will get confused, doubt, get lost, fuss and, in the end, will attract a lot of attention to her untruth. If he gets caught, of course, he will confess, repent and continue to complicate his life. By this time, the man is already confident in his own rightness, and in the fact that “everything is exactly as it is.”

Why does a man lie to a woman, what does it give?

    • These same women. We are all familiar with the very convenient idea of ​​polygamy, the need to leave as many offspring as possible, etc. Perhaps nature meant a fair fight between male and male, so that the strongest would survive? And gave corresponding offspring? For what? People came up with the glorious word “I love” (we won’t say who came up with it, but, mind you, it’s customary for a man to explain...). Women filled these five letters high content: care, loyalty, etc., believed and agreed to everything. And that’s it, the battle between the males is over, but no one has canceled polygamy yet. Can you imagine what Don Quixote looked like and thought? One fight with a mill will make any psychiatrist think. Can you imagine how healthy he produced offspring? Exactly. But how he persuaded!
    • The feeling of being of a higher order. It’s nice, damn it, to understand that you are the smartest, very successful, almost successful, achieved a lot, achieved everything. And further, down the list. These are not the times now and there are some difficulties. And what achievements there were! It's a pity that you, dear, weren't around then. You would have seen everything (an additional bonus is that “dear” cannot check anything, takes your word for it, supports, sympathizes, washes, cleans, pours, and so on, along the list).
    • Household amenities. Let's proceed from what exactly a woman can give to the man of her dreams. Starting from childhood. A kind grandmother can be deceived and appeased and go fishing with the boys: she herself will invent something for the angry father. Sometimes you think about mothers in general with a shudder: they believe everything without exception, doubt and the slightest sign of criticism. It’s simply impossible for them not to lie! It’s not advisable to tell the truth: if a mother has a heart attack from the terrible news that her twenty-five-year-old son was seduced (of course!) by a neighbor-graduate, there will be no one to cook dinner. Wives and lovers - separate category, worthy of special discussion.
  • Faithful wife. As we have already said, women are not capable of lying competently. They have been trying, of course, for many centuries. But they are stupid and not particularly talented, having earned the reputation of being deceitful and hopelessly corrupt. Yes, yes, read the statements of the Church Fathers! These people definitely don’t lie, neither to women nor men, they say what they think. So, our incapable of anything more than tortured good manners and makeup (by the way, also a little lie!) the girl gets into the tenacious clutches of a guy who says everything from point No. 2. His mother, with heartfelt drops, believes that our girl is the heroine of point No. 3, and his grandmother at this time is twisting his angry father (the only one who distinguishes the truth!). And at this moment the guy says a variant of the text from point No. 1 (actually, he just wanted sex, but since it’s so accepted...)! The moment turns out to be historical, she finally receives the status of a wife with all the ensuing consequences, but is this really the case? He continues to lie, he is respectable, he is a family man. But no one has yet canceled the theory of polygamy!

Of course, these are not all the reasons why men lie to women. As the great Disraeli said: “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies and statistics.” Statistics, by the way, show that the favorite species male lies This:

  • hide sympathy for another woman - 51%;
  • reduce the amount “taken on the breast”;
  • 26%; - hide betrayal;
  • 21% (sympathy is apparently a worse sin!);
  • Every sixth person likes to exaggerate the cost of a purchase, and he, apparently, prefers to leave his chosen one in suspense and, informing her about his difficult and important matters before heading out to have some fun.

And you still don’t understand why a man lies to a woman?!

Dr. Lightman, the psychologist from Lie to Me, an equally popular telenovela, is no less obsessed with deception: he teaches us how to determine whether a person is lying or telling the truth. You know, but both learned husband They are not at all paranoid, their obsession with lies is completely justified: in 10 minutes of conversation we manage to lie to our interlocutor up to 10 times!

“What nonsense?!” I don’t lie that much or that often!” – most likely, these are the thoughts spinning in your head. Don't rush to be indignant. Remember how to the question “Are you familiar with the work of this cult director?” you answered “Yes, of course,” just so as not to seem ignorant, although you had never seen his films. And any young lady has probably more than once breathily told her friend about a guy who tearfully begged her to leave his phone number, although in fact he just smiled sweetly at her at a party and noted that she looked good. And how boring many of our stories would be if we didn’t twist the facts a little to make the story more fun! 5 gifted roses turn into 15, a dress worth 10,000 rubles, depending on the circumstances, begins to cost 2 times more or less, a boring vacation is presented to colleagues as the most exciting event in your life - and all in order to get away from intrusive questions or, on the contrary, to draw attention to your person.

By the way, your beloved pours out exactly the same portion of lies on you every day: the beer he drinks rarely exceeds more than 3 mugs, “some goat” is to blame for the scratch on the left fender of the car, although the door was clearly mutilated by none other than your Schumacher. And agree, in in this case bring out the liar clean water no need: he doesn’t hide anything from you terrible secrets, but just lies a little so as not to get scolded. However, the situation changes if, in the flow of these meaningless lies, there is a real deception (for example, betrayal) hidden, designed to mislead you. In this case, you should not turn a blind eye to what is happening; it is better to use Dr. Lightman’s techniques and catch the liar. Don’t listen to what he tells you, but watch how he behaves during the conversation: remember, a person can control his words, but has virtually no control over his facial expressions and gestures. They are the ones who will tell the truth.

1. Touches himself

He didn’t pick up the phone all evening and didn’t answer your SMS; he came home long after midnight, when you were already asleep. In the morning, he is foaming at the mouth to prove that he was late at an important meeting, his mobile phone died and there was no charger at hand. Watch his hands carefully: if during his monologue he fiddles with his watch bracelet, lightly squeezes his own elbow, strokes his knee or shoulder, most likely he is hiding something. Such manipulations are called “self-contact” gestures - they are designed to reassure a person who is not sure that they will believe him. Remember how many times you gave a friend a friendly pat on the shoulder when you wanted to help her gather the strength to do something she was afraid of: going into the dentist’s office, dialing the number of the guy you liked, asking for a raise. Your beloved, in the absence of a friend nearby who can instill confidence in him, is forced to help himself: his touch seems to say: “Don’t worry, continue, everything will work out, she won’t suspect anything!”

2. Biting lips

“Where were you yesterday?” - you ask your lover, who has been on a spree in the night. “You won’t believe it, the old lady was attacked by a pack of stray dogs, they took her bagels, and I fought in an unequal battle with their leader until the morning! Grandma gave me tea and stitched up my wounds!” - your captain Vrungel tells with inspiration and at the same time takes a snack lower lip. Psychologists believe that this gesture indicates a discrepancy between words and deeds. The person himself does not believe what he is saying, and subconsciously tries to keep his mouth shut in order to prevent the truth from breaking out.

3. Looking into the corner

Fans of the series “Lie to Me” know: if a person, answering a question, looks up in the right corner, he comes up with an answer on the fly; a gaze directed to the left, on the contrary, indicates that the interlocutor remembers how the events actually happened. It would seem that, given such features of facial expressions, you can easily bring a liar to light. However, not all so simple. If your liar has prepared a legend in advance when answering you, he will remember his preparation, which means that even if he is telling a lie, his gaze will still go to the left. You can force him to look the other way by catching him off guard. Ask about something for which the spouse is completely unprepared. For example, you heard a story that yesterday he and his colleagues had dinner at a restaurant. Don't ask about what they ate, this question is predictable. It’s better to find out on what floor in this restaurant the fireplace is located, because you and your friends have heard a lot about this place and want to next week book a table closer to the fire. Now look carefully at his eyes: if he hasn't been to a restaurant and hasn't seen any fireplace, he'll have to come up with something.

4. Blushes like a young lady

When people lie, their blood pressure usually rises and their pulse quickens, because to one degree or another the liar experiences stress: he must come up with something plausible on the spot. Knowing about this feature of the human body, investigators during interrogations often use a device called a “polygraph” - it takes blood pressure and heart rate readings when the suspect answers questions. Deviation from the norm is a reason to seriously doubt a person’s sincerity. But you probably don’t have a lie detector lying around among your kitchen utensils. Therefore, pay attention to your partner’s breathing - if it becomes faster, this is a sign that the man’s pulse is “jumping.” By the way, the desire to loosen or remove your tie during an “interrogation” also indicates a lack of air.

However, your conversation can take place in an informal setting, and, dressed in sweatpants and a T-shirt, the liar will not be able to give himself away by nervously fiddling with his tie. In this case, this wardrobe detail will be replaced by his skin: when the pressure rises and the blood rushes to the face, a blush appears in the cheekbone area.

5. Bleats and moos

“Darling, it seems to me that you are not telling me something. Somehow I don't believe you spent your evening writing a report. I called your office, but you didn’t pick up!” After your tirade, the recently verbose and eloquent man begins to strangely drawl his words, hum, utter and use great amount interjections: “Mmmm... Well... You know, uh, how can I tell you... Actually...” In this way he is stalling for time: while you are listening to his bleating, he is frantically trying to come up with a convincing explanation. By the way, the same is evidenced by the complication of sentences: if during the conversation the faithful suddenly reduced verbs to a minimum and began to use mainly adjectives, most likely he does not remember what happened yesterday, but feverishly comes up with a “legend”.

6. Stands like a pillar

“Dear, sit down, tell me what you were doing until two in the morning.” But your husband refuses your invitation. He starts making tea, making circles around the room - in a word, he does everything not to put his butt in the chair. This means that he cannot relax, he is uncomfortable talking about what is happening and he is hiding something. If he sits next to you, the unpleasant conversation may drag on, which means there will be a risk of giving himself away. By the way, if a man steps back during a monologue, you should be wary, because, according to psychologists, a step in the opposite direction from the interlocutor is a sign that the speaker does not believe himself. Keep in mind that if, instead of answering your question, your spouse runs away under any pretext (“The phone seems to be ringing,” “The TV exploded,” etc.), he does not know what to say and needs a break, for which he hopes to write something.

He's lying!

  • The lower lip is pursed.
  • The eyes look up to the right.
  • Hands run over the body.
  • The cheekbones turned red.
  • Breathing is uneven.
  • The speech is replete with interjections and adjectives.

A slight distortion of information about himself is a mere trifle for a man. Judge for yourself, just as women like to slightly dramatize, exaggerating the size of a real disaster, so men like to embellish the events of their lives, making achievements even more significant. In some ways, both of these phenomena are even interconnected: she reacts too violently to the world and cries, he begins to lie in order to avoid her tears. However, this does not cancel the pain that a woman experiences when she catches her loved one in a lie. Why do men lie? Let's figure it out.

3 reasons for male lies: psychology of the stronger sex

1. Make an impression

Just as a turkey fluffs its tail to attract the attention of a female, so a man wants to score as many points as possible in the eyes of the lady he likes. His logic is simple - lure her into his network by any means, make her fall in love, and then whatever happens. And at the very beginning, this tactic often works. He enthusiastically lies about his age, status, education received and even financial situation, if only the woman would be tempted. He does not understand only one thing - the secret becomes obvious, and his companion will most likely be offended by the very fact of lying rather than by the real state of affairs.

2. Avoid consequences

There is another story: a man dreams of going fishing, but knows that his wife will be against it. Therefore, he finds nothing better than to lie and go fishing under the guise of “business negotiations.” And what more woman will resist the desires of the partner in the future, the less he will devote her to his plans. Drinking parties with friends will take place under the guise of meetings; under the guise of a salary cut, the man will begin to save money to repaint his car. Who is to blame? More likely, a woman who established too tight control, cutting off her beloved’s breathing. After all, if he tells it like it is, he is unlikely to receive anything other than discontent and repression.

3. Maintain freedom

It also happens that a man lies about little things even when he does nothing reprehensible. For example, he says that he is leaving for work, and he goes to his parents. Or he swears that he drank one glass of milk for dinner, while he ate a pot of soup. And how should we understand this? Most likely this in a teenage way he tries to rebel against the excessive control of a woman, fighting for every sip of freedom.

How to recognize his lies?

Lighter than easy. As soon as he jumps off the topic, tries to explain something in a very confusing way, starts putting passwords on equipment, generally behaves atypically and secretively - you’ll be caught red-handed! If a man is really lying, his reaction will tell it all. Or he will turn on the aggression mode, starting to react with hostility to ordinary questions. Or the opposite behavior will follow - excessive attention, which was not characteristic of him before. In this way he will try to compensate deep feeling guilt.

What to do if a man cheats?

Our best advice is to understand everything thoroughly. Don’t accumulate resentment in yourself so that at the most inopportune moment you can explode and cause a scandal by doing something stupid. But, having exposed the setup, start a frank conversation.

Sometimes a man lies to save himself. Not because he is a scoundrel or a rogue, the likes of which the world has never seen. But because he wants to protect his beloved woman from unnecessary worries, so that she does not get upset because of his mistakes, does not worry about the lack of some benefits. The man’s goal in this case is noble, albeit unjustified. If you are caught in a lie of this kind, it is better to talk frankly with your partner in order to come to a common consensus.

It happens that a man’s lies are nothing more than a consequence of bad upbringing. Often the childhood of such liars was not a smooth one; they were often punished and limited in their desires, which is why they learned to get out of it by hiding the truth. If such a man subsequently chooses a mother-woman as a companion, who takes care of him and bothers him in everything, he can return to a childish pattern of behavior, which only a family consultant can help get rid of.

If a man is subject to various kinds of addictions, lying in this case becomes a means of survival. Do you agree that it is much easier to lie to your partner than to admit your love for gambling or smoking marijuana? The primary step in this case will be the fight against addictions, rather than against lies. And of course, the man himself should want recovery first of all.

There is also a pathological need to deceive, the reasons for which are hidden deep in the depths of the subconscious and are associated with a variety of children's complexes.

This kind of lie can only be treated by specialists in this field, and even then not always successfully. Finally, the most common and painful cause lying is a man’s concealment of the fact of infidelity.

In this case, restoring the previous level of trust between partners really requires Herculean efforts, but it is still possible if both are ready and want to change. The only option in which it is better to end the relationship is repeated repetition of betrayal.

So, each situation of deception is deeply individual and requires clarification of all the reasons and circumstances. But it is quite possible to change a man’s attitude towards this problem, especially if both are committed to constructive dialogue.

Why do men lie to women? How to fight this and is it possible to defeat lies? Women are faced with men's lies almost from birth - first fathers and grandfathers deceive, then boys kindergarten and classmates, later disappointment in first love comes and adult problems begin. The thought of why men lie haunts me beautiful ladies almost all my life - it’s rare that a lucky woman gets, who is unusual in coming up with excuses and stories. What are the reasons men's deceptions and how to deal with them?

Tell a lie - add a little color

The most harmless men's lies- embellishment of events. This phenomenon can be called natural - all animals, in order to please representatives of the opposite sex, decorate themselves and perform dances in front of a potential partner.

Modern girl It’s difficult to impress with a dance during a first date, but with a story about a luxury villa, an authoritative position, a luxury car and a proposal for a joint vacation on the seashore, it’s possible!

By embellishing their importance and capabilities, men attract girls to themselves, without thinking about what will happen next. If the relationship started in this way drags on, the lie will be revealed. How to treat a deceiver? Don’t immediately push your partner away; remember that he is also a part of nature, which means he has instincts, just like other animals.

Deception - a pain relief technique

Very often, the reason why men lie is the desire to protect a woman from problems. In order not to hurt their loved one, guys begin to wishful thinking, hoping that everything will soon settle down and fall into place.

In this way they hide financial problems, troubles at work, illnesses, minor car accidents, and fines. Some men do not like to reveal their plans ahead of time, so they also keep their plans secret, passing off a different version as reality.

Lying is a method of self-defense

Self-defense is the number one reason why men lie. Trying to hide the fact, which leads to inevitable accusations and serious consequences in the form of drastic life changes, the guys begin to come up with new actions. In this way, as a rule, long-term deceptions are hidden, further aggravating the situation.

For example, the husband will keep it a secret for a long time constant mistress, if his plans do not include leaving the family. He will think through everything so that he can lead without risk. double life and calmly meet with new passion. This is how meetings, business trips, part-time jobs and other extracurricular activities appear. Often the victim becomes not only the wife, but also the mistress, from whom the fact of marriage is either completely hidden or fed with promises of divorce.

Deception is a way to avoid serious conflict

In searching for an answer to the question of why men lie to women, we must not forget that ladies themselves often become provocateurs of this phenomenon. By pestering their lover with scandals on every occasion and without them at all, wives and girlfriends gradually cultivate a liar in their partner.

For example, you call your loved one, but he doesn’t pick up the phone for a long time, and then makes an excuse that he was late after work because of the rush. It soon turns out that on that day the husband met a friend in a cafe. Why did he do this? And the reason is that the last time he stayed late after work with a former classmate, you gave him a showdown in Italian style– they met him with a “sharpened saw” at the threshold and sawed noisily all evening!

For a man to tell the truth, you don’t need to grumble at him because he meets with friends, drinks coffee in a cafe without you, speaks positively about his colleagues, forgot to take out the trash, didn’t buy groceries at the store and doesn’t want to go to the country.

Lying is an attempt to avoid stupid questions

Do you want to know why men lie even about little things? The secret is that they are annoyed by stupid women's questions that romantic ladies not only come up with themselves, but also draw from TV series and television shows. Think sensibly: what should you answer? normal guy when you ask him if he likes you new neighbor or a blonde passing by in a miniskirt?

There is no need to pester your lover with stupid questions and be too intrusive if he does not want to answer and maintain the topic of conversation. If the interlocutor remains silent or says that he has no desire to discuss the issue, it is better to immediately leave behind, otherwise, learn to lie.

Untruth - desire for attention

Sometimes men begin to deceive close women in order to attract attention, arouse pity or interest. Everyone knows how theatrically the representatives of the stronger sex get sick, how hard they endure a runny nose, cough and back pain. By exaggerating the symptoms, they simply want more care, because at heart even a brutal guy remains an unloved child.

Often, men rejected by their lovers try to take a woman with pity. Such people invent problems that await them after separation. Sometimes guys don’t want to do something, but they don’t refuse directly, but try to evoke sympathy so that the woman herself refuses the request and takes pity on the sufferer.

If the lie is harmless, then you should not skimp on affection and warmth, let your loved one be weak, play along with him. However, you cannot turn into a victim and a puppet if the liar begins to manipulate and force you to do something that is not part of your plans.

Invented facts - raising self-esteem

Pathological lying is a terrible diagnosis

Most terrible reason why men lie is pathological lying. With such a diagnosis, the person himself believes in what has been said, he lives in something created by a sick imagination. castle in the air. Pathological liars like to take credit for the merits of others, to invent life situations, which they have never been to, pretend to be a hero and the holder of titles. Telling incredible stories and inventing the facts of his biography, he is so believable that it is difficult to diagnose deception.

There are men who get used to the image so deeply that they don’t even get confused about the facts, telling each new victim the same story. For example, such a man may invent that he once had big company and then he was framed best friends or ex-wife, after which he could not rise higher.

Sometimes people invent serious illnesses and problems for themselves, but the worst thing is that such liars easily invent things not only about themselves, but also about other people, and most often it’s something bad.

Psychologists call this phenomenon Munchausen syndrome; a man suffering from it will lie about little things, not seeing anything criminal in it. For example, sitting at home and talking on the phone with a friend, he can say that he is visiting or in a cafe. For what? It's just a diagnosis.

Is it worth fighting chronic and pathological lies?

The sad fact is that it is practically useless to fight painful lies on your own, even knowing why men lie to women. You can cry, beg, beg, shame and appeal to the mind of the deceiver as much as you want, but he will not stop. There are only three options here:

  1. Accept a man for who he is and simply ignore his double life, unless, of course, it harms family relationships.
  2. Leave this man with his illusions and start new life, actively visiting .
  3. Contact a psychologist together if you can persuade your loved one to take this step.

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Despite the fact that the generally accepted opinion is that women are pervasive insidiousness and deceit, representatives of the stronger sex lie no less. But the reasons for female and male lies are completely different. The main difference between women's lies is that they are burdened by it; girls always strive to speak out and rid themselves of the secret that is corroding them. But men, on the contrary, can keep their secrets for as long as for long years.

Men lie unnaturally.
Women who do this with amazing skill instantly detect the slightest shade of deceit.
There is a deliberate ease in the tone in which the guilty husband speaks, and the notes of excessive naturalness are treacherous.
Andre Maurois

Little lies are not a game!

It must be admitted that, mostly, they lie about little things. This could be hiding the size of your salary or existing debts from your wife. Moreover, a man will never share with his chosen one his impressions of meeting his new charming neighbor. But it also happens that a man’s lies resemble a game of Russian Roulette, and go all-in...

Lying out of pity

I will give an example from the life of my friends - Natalia and Sergei. By the way, recently I have been trying to avoid meeting and talking with them. And it’s all because of Seryozha’s secret, with which he burdened me. Every time we meet, he looks at me with the eyes of a spaniel and quietly whispers: “Just don’t spill the beans.” This situation has been going on for about a year. Sergei began to lie to his wife, because he was afraid to upset her - Natalya was pregnant. Further, after giving birth, he was afraid that the milk might disappear. And then... It seems to me that he got used to it or it became convenient for him to hide the truth. The thing is that last year Seryozha was laid off in a design company and was forced to earn money as a salesman in the market. As for me, after learning the truth, his wife will be shocked, to put it mildly. How long will he continue to lie to her?

When visiting them, I often listen to Sergei brag about a new project and look at the admiring eyes of his wife - I feel anxious that a man can lie so masterfully... What will stop him from hiding something else?

Lies for the benefit of the family

Vitya loves Ella, cannot get enough of his daughter, but by his personal definition, he is too loving, which in no way fits with the concept. Sometimes it seems that he is simply breathing energy. He is bothered by the predestination of marriage and oppressed by the lack of options. He just needs more stimulants. Ella, on the contrary, is too calm and measured a person to maintain her husband’s zest for life.

Ella, how faithful and devoted wife, completely surrounded her husband with care, she likes to guess all his desires, make his life easy and joyful. At the beginning of them family life, Victor was even flattered and touched by this, but over time he stopped admiring this care. Now he considers it rather his wife's shortcomings. It seems to him that calmness has turned into tediousness, and the desire to please him has turned into servility. In addition, Ella’s appearance has also changed over time - her eyes are tired, her hair is on her head instead perm, and added extra pounds.

Victor came to the conclusion that good wife- it's too tiring for him. The passion that lives in him simply does not accept the lack of perspective, because his soul is invariably in an eternal search.

He feels the desire to sit on his lap a long-legged beauty who adores him, who would whisper in his ear with vanilla lips about how sexy, courageous, handsome he is, etc. He wants to have strength and omnipotence, but not in household chores and worries . All his wife’s small requests regarding household life only bring him despondency and melancholy. Me too - take the trash can to the trash heap! What about adventures, flights of thought?!

What cannot be said about the problems of his many such interesting girlfriends- either you have nothing to wear to a reception at the English Embassy, ​​or your lover kicked you out of the house. Here Victor can fully express himself, protect, save and find a way out of the situation.

Fans, naturally, periodically replace each other. Victor, of course, does not dedicate his wife to the ups and downs of his personal life. Of course, only for the sake of the family, for its well-being and in the name happy childhood his beloved daughter. But it seems to me that he does it in to a greater extent for the sake of your own spiritual harmony.

Surprise lie

Yasha loves giving gifts. And not some banal bottle of perfume or a bouquet of roses. It's too simple, which means it's boring and uninteresting. On Alino’s thirtieth birthday he did something like this!...

However, the idea almost failed due to Alina’s frantic jealousy. Of course: it’s midnight, and my husband is still not there. And so on for a month. And two days before the celebration, Yasha suddenly announced that he was being sent on a business trip to hell in the middle of nowhere.

Alla was dumbfounded. In ten years life together they were never apart on her birthday.

The night before the celebration, he woke her up phone call. “Hi darling, happy birthday to you!” - she heard her husband’s voice. Diligently imitating long-distance interference, Yasha called from a machine in the neighboring yard. “Listen, since I woke you up, you’ll go to Seryoga this morning, he promised me some documents.”

Alla mentally cursed and looked out the window - the dawn was sadly gray outside. “Okay,” she muttered: she was too sleepy to be truly angry.

In the morning she went to see a family friend, surprised at how poorly today—her birthday—had started. She rang the doorbell. The bell suddenly sang under her finger: “Happy birthday to you!” Intrigued, Alla pushed the door and saw... her husband in full dress. Behind Yasha's shoulder a table full of food could be seen. It smelled like fried chicken and tangerines. And most importantly, Yasha was holding in his hands something sparkling, dazzling: diamond earrings, the object of Alina’s long-time dreams. THAT is why Yasha stayed at work until midnight for more than a month, fulfilling “left” orders.

Lies as a way of life

Mikhail's story could well form the basis of a melodrama. His whole life is a continuous apology for lies: pretense, deceit and trickery. For example, at work they are sure that Misha is a bachelor: several years ago, he and his wife Galina filed a fictitious divorce in order to register as a house owner.

Mikhail hides from his wife the fact that he has a daughter from his first marriage, with whom he often meets and helps in any way he can.

About five years ago, Mikhail was on a six-month expedition, and his appendix was cut out. Not wanting to upset the family, he said nothing about the operation.

When Galya saw the scar, Mikhail explained that he simply forgot to tell her.

The whole family hides his peptic ulcer from Galina’s mother, saying that the old lady has weak nerves. Children know that when dad has an exacerbation and goes to the hospital, grandma needs to be told that dad was urgently sent on a business trip.

In his youth, Mikhail was obsessed with crazy ideas - his own sausage factory or cat nursery. At first, the projects were kept in the strictest confidence, but information gradually leaked out, and common sense in the person of his wife, he called on Mikhail to take a realistic view of things.

Mikhail loves to show off. The whole house is convinced that Mikhail is the owner of the largest numismatic collection in the country. Otherwise, why would he need impressive metal doors in a rather poor environment? There really is a collection: ordinary nickel coins. Mikhail is amused by the rumors, and Galina is afraid that they will someday be robbed.

Not life, but complete secrets. By his own admission, it’s high time for Mikhail to sit down and draw up a table so as not to get completely confused: who can talk about what, and who can’t talk about anything.


Gosha always lies - just like that, out of habit. Or in order to give more significance to your monotonous life.

When asked by his wife how his working day went, Gosha, who had been sorting through papers for eight hours straight, puts on a mask of universal concern and says: “If you only knew, bunny, how much I’m being burdened right now. Believe it or not, I manage the work of the entire department alone.” And when his wife hints that it would be nice to bring the salary in line with the workload, Gosha writes further; “I was included in the list of candidates to study in Hamburg. We will learn from the experience of the Germans. And you know what kind of travel allowances there are...”

If he forgets to buy bread, he makes up a whole story about how he visited six stores, that the bakery was closed for repairs, and that a staphylococcal bacillus was discovered in a nearby supermarket. And if the guests pay attention to any detail in the setting, Gosha becomes like a nightingale: they say that this is a very rare thing and that it used to belong to a Tuvan shaman or the great-grandson of Rockefeller.

His lies are multifaceted and multi-layered. It requires artistic ability and good memory. At first, Gosha’s friends expressed concern: was he suffering from some kind of false delusion? But then everyone got used to this little weakness of his, and since Goshin’s deception is completely harmless, no one pays attention to him anymore. Even the wife knows: if Gosha says that he needs to drop by to Vasiliev for a report, it means that the husband has run out of cigarettes.

Top 10 lying phrases for men

  1. I only drank one bottle of beer.

  2. Everything is fine, nothing happened.

  3. Are you serious? I had no idea about this.

  4. And it's a good price.

  5. I'm already approaching the house.

  6. Darling, I'm stuck in a traffic jam!

  7. No, I don’t think this dress makes you look fat at all.

  8. Sorry, I just didn't hear when you called.

  9. Of course you really have lost weight!

  10. This is exactly what I dreamed of!

Of course, lying is not something a person can be proud of. But we have all seen the film “Don’t Lie to Me” with Jim Carrey and we can perfectly imagine how many troubles and disappointments there would be in our lives if people did not know how to lie, but told only the truth. It's just that there are things we wish we never knew about!
