How to increase appetite in children: products, medications, vitamins and recommendations. Power mode not set

A child’s appetite is influenced by many different factors, which is why you need to understand the problem together with a professional doctor in a face-to-face consultation.

Causes of decreased appetite in a child

7. Avoid snacking. Fully! This is very bad for appetite, cookies, juices, cereals - all this gives the child a feeling of fullness. What can we say about candies and other sweets. It would not be surprising if a child at the table turns away from the soup. If the child did not eat well at lunch, firmly, again, without snacks, wait for the afternoon snack. Let your appetite arise, don't interrupt it!

8. Follow the feeding schedule, that is, try to have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time every day. So the body will “remember” these hours and after a while will even begin to produce gastric juice “in time.” And this, in turn, has a beneficial effect on appetite.

9. Some mothers find a seemingly simple way to feed a child with a decreased appetite - while watching TV or a tablet. It is strictly not recommended to do this. This disrupts the digestion process and, from childhood, forms a very unhealthy habit of eating in front of the TV. As you know, this is the path to excess weight and other problems with gastrointestinal tract. Also, you should not promise your child anything for eating a spoonful of soup, otherwise this bargaining will become a habit and will be perceived by the child as part of the meal.

10. Negative emotions This is not a place at the table, so it is strongly recommended not to push the child while eating, threaten, shout, insist or force. This way you can achieve the opposite effect - stress and, as a result, an even greater decrease in appetite.


Since ancient times in Rus', freshly squeezed cabbage juice or a sour apple half an hour before meals was used to increase appetite. Recipes containing coriander, anise or dandelion root are also effective. However, I would like to remind you that taking any of these drugs to increase your child’s appetite requires

Lack of appetite in children is a problem parents face very often. But complete and balanced baby food is one of the most important aspects harmonious development And good health child.

In case of poor appetite in a child the main task Do not force parents to eat, but create conditions for the child in which he himself wants to eat.

If the child constantly poor appetite, it is better to consult a doctor. Especially if the reluctance to eat is accompanied by symptoms such as: abdominal pain, weight loss, bowel dysfunction, vomiting, nausea or bloating.

How to improve a child's appetite

1. The main rule, which is the key to success in improving appetite in children, is compliance with the diet. Teach your child to eat at the same time, this will ensure the correct and rhythmic functioning of the digestive organs.

2. Meals should take place at certain hours and in a calm environment. Nothing should distract - TV, books, games, unnecessary conversations.

3. Deliciously prepared and originally served food and a beautifully set table will help improve your appetite.

4. In between meals, avoid snacks such as sweets and baked goods. Do not let your child drink too much liquid - compotes and juices.

5. Children often suffer from lack of appetite, being in a bad mood or in a state of nervous excitement, experiencing resentment or anxiety. The reason for reluctance to eat can also be overwork.

6. Take your child for a walk fresh air, play outdoor games - this will help “work up” your appetite.

7. Rosehip syrup is considered a good phytotherapeutic remedy for improving appetite. Dilute a teaspoon of syrup into 100 ml boiled water and give the child a drink an hour before meals.

8. In case of illness, the child’s appetite worsens, since all the body’s forces are spent on fighting the disease. Under no circumstances should you force a sick baby to eat.

9. Children, as a rule, can determine the amount of food they need, so if a child refuses to finish a portion, do not force him to do it.

10. If a child refuses to consume certain foods, do not force him to eat them, but take a time out, so to speak. After some time, the child will most likely return to his old preferences.

Lack of appetite in children is an issue that needs to be addressed comprehensively. Find out the reason, change your attitude and approach to the child and the situation, have great patience, follow all the recommendations that your pediatrician, and possibly a psychologist and nutritionist, will give you if necessary.

Poor appetite in a child is a complaint that pediatricians hear from almost every mother. Usually, refusal to eat is classified as a child's whim, but in some cases it can be alarming symptom, and it cannot be ignored.

Chronic malnutrition is dangerous for normal height child: the results are weak immunity, decreased brain activity, memory impairment, frequent illnesses and even developmental disorders. Whatever the reason, malnutrition is stressful for the body, while it experiences a lack of nutrients. Identify the cause of lack of appetite and eliminate it - important task parents and pediatrician.

The first thing a mother who is concerned about her child’s lack of appetite should do is rule out diseases. Sometimes refusal to eat is due to an acute or chronic illness. For example, loss of appetite often accompanies the flu or acute respiratory infections as an indicator of the body's fight against infection. In this case, there is no need to insist on eating - after the child recovers, the appetite will return to normal.

In addition to colds, there are other diseases that are accompanied by refusal to eat:

  • ascariasis. Loss of appetite is caused by intoxication of the body. The child also has fast fatiguability, increased salivation, irritability, restless sleep;
  • dysbiosis. Disturbance of the balance of microflora in the intestine – common reason loss of appetite in children. At the same time, dysbacteriosis causes abdominal pain, flatulence, and stool disorders. After normalization of the microflora, as a rule, appetite is restored;
  • anemia. Be careful! In addition to refusing food, low level hemoglobin in the blood is accompanied by weakness, dizziness, and pale skin.

Children's appetite also worsens with liver disease, stomatitis, zinc deficiency in the body or excess vitamin D. Therefore, if there are adverse symptoms accompanying poor appetite - pain, weakness, nausea, etc. - parents need to show the child to a pediatrician.


Poor eating habits are the main cause of poor appetite in children. Often parents do not consider it necessary to follow such a regime: the child eats uncontrollably, sometimes skips breakfast, and overloads the stomach with food in the evening. Meanwhile, the lack of a meal schedule is a serious mistake that can lead not only to loss of appetite, but also to diseases of the digestive tract.

If the child eats at the same time, by the time of the meal, enough digestive juices have been produced, which stimulate the feeling of hunger. As a result, a healthy appetite appears and what is eaten is digested fully and quickly. If eating occurs erratically, the secretion of digestive juices gradually decreases, as does appetite. To avoid this, it is recommended to follow a feeding regimen, for example, the one used in kindergartens:

  • 00-9.00 – breakfast;
  • 00-13.00 – lunch;
  • 00 – afternoon snack;
  • 00 – dinner.

When eating, you should neither rush nor prolong your stay at the table. If a child eats on time, chews food thoroughly and follows a daily routine, alternating meals with activities and games in the fresh air, problems with appetite, as a rule, do not arise.


Very often, parents, driven by the desire to feed the child at all costs, encourage his whims and give him no food. healthy food, but what he wants in this moment. And children usually want sweets. All foods containing sugar dull the feeling of hunger and permanently reduce the activity of the salivary glands. But although a child, having fortified himself with cookies, does not feel the need for other food, his body continues to need vitamins and microelements from healthy products. The solution is simple: do not allow your child to replace a full meal with sweets, and also “snip” between meals. You should save sweets for dessert. If you follow a diet, your appetite will be restored within a few days.


Pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky believes that passivity is often the root cause of a child’s lack of appetite. Spending time at the computer or TV, children do not feel the need for large volumes food, because their energy losses are minimal. Not needing nutrients, the body does not signal their lack with a feeling of hunger, as a result of which the child eats sluggishly and reluctantly.

Outdoor games and outdoor activities cause considerable energy consumption due to intense muscle activity. The body reacts to the expenditure of energy with an increased need for food. Thus, daily 1.5-2 hour walks in the fresh air, according to Komarovsky, in most cases save parents from children's whims at the table.

Children refuse to eat due to helminthiasis, dysbacteriosis, gastritis and diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Appetite decreases with nervous exhaustion and physical fatigue. A mother who is tired of stuffing her baby with healthy porridge and chicken meatballs should consult a pediatrician and gastroenterologist to rule out problems with the stomach and intestines. Appetite healthy child You can wake up with folk remedies and tricks.

What is prohibited

Children, especially mobile and active ones, love to snack on candy, cheese, cookies or fruit on the go. They beg mom for chocolate and promise that they will eat all the spinach or broccoli puree. But when it comes time for dinner, they push the plate aside and declare that they are full. First rule caring mother states that cakes and bananas are given to the child after meals. You will have to endure hysterics, promises and all sorts of tricks, but insist on your own. First the soup, then the candy. And period. You can’t even drink juice or a glass of milk, only pure distilled or mineral water without gas.

Some mothers try to force feed their child. They shout, swear, promise to pour the porridge down the collar or take away the cartoons. Threats and physical punishment do not awaken appetite, but cause aversion to food. The more angry the mother is, the less the child eats. You can beg or make up stories to interest your baby in pumpkin soup, but you cannot scare or spank him. It is prohibited to blackmail or attempt to bribe a child. For example, promise an hour in front of the computer or TV for a bowl of soup. The technique works, but children quickly get used to eating only for some kind of encouragement, and if mom runs out of candy or money for Stuffed Toys, children's appetite suddenly disappears.

You should not treat your child with medications purchased without a doctor’s prescription. Medicines affect the functioning of the digestive organs, and some tablets and syrups lead to dysbacteriosis, gastritis and others unpleasant consequences. Drug treatment prescribed only by a gastroenterologist or pediatrician who has diagnosed dysbiosis or gastritis in a young patient. In other cases, drugs are contraindicated; folk remedies can be used. Herbal infusions and tinctures have a minimum side effects and do not lead to addiction.

Sometimes mothers try to distract the child's attention with cartoons or games. They turn on the TV, and while the baby is watching his favorite program, they try to unobtrusively feed him porridge. Children should not be taught to have lunch and dinner under funny video. A child captivated by cartoons cannot control portion sizes. Children often eat a lot of extra food, and they develop overweight. The habit of eating in front of the TV remains with children long years. Digestive problems, obesity and various disorders appear that will have to be treated by a psychotherapist or gastroenterologist.

Daily routine and physical activity

Children lose their appetite due to a sedentary lifestyle. Babies like to watch cartoons on a tablet or play on their phone, but if they don't move, the body doesn't expend energy and doesn't need food.

A child who does not have stomach problems is taught to do morning exercises. Every day, 15–20 minutes are allotted for stretching, jumping, running around the room and other exercises. The main thing is that the baby moves a lot and burns calories. After warming up, children are offered apple juice. The drink should be sour. The product will wake up the stomach and trigger the production of enzymes that cause hunger. After exercise and apple juice, the baby will happily eat a portion of oatmeal or soup, and then ask for more.

During the day, you should go outside to collect leaves or flowers, run after birds, or ride down a slide. You can master rollerblading or cycling to physical exercise brought pleasure to the child. With passive and sedentary children, it is recommended to play spies, hide and seek, or detectives. The main thing is to tear him away from the tablet and make him run around the apartment.

The appetite will return if mom learns to follow a daily routine. Have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time. If someone refuses morning porridge, then let them not ask for an apple or candy. You'll have to wait until 12 noon or one o'clock and eat the soup. The child must understand that by refusing to eat, he will not be able to beg his mother for something tasty and harmful. Just a few lessons - and the baby will learn to eat cereals, vegetable purees and soups without whims.

If the mother follows the schedule, the child’s body gets used to it and adapts. 30–40 minutes before the expected lunch, an internal alarm clock goes off, the stomach begins to produce enzymes to digest food. The child's appetite awakens, and he asks his mother when the pancakes or omelet will be ready.

Exciting work

Some children refuse tasteless and boring food because bad mood. In such cases, the child is invited to the kitchen and offered to help the mother prepare breakfast. Let the baby cut apples, stir porridge or chop greens. The child comes into contact with foods, inhales aromas that awaken appetite. Children involved in preparing breakfast or dinner improve their mood, because their mother asked for help and gave them a whisk. They are happy to try their culinary masterpiece.

The child can be asked to prepare food and set the table. Let him choose the dishes himself, give each family member a piece of omelette or chicken, and then decorate the dish. The products are decorated with thinly sliced ​​vegetables, sour cream and ketchup, herbs and olives. Lay out cars, animal faces or simple figures. Trees, flowers or hearts are painted on pancakes and pancakes with condensed milk or jam. The child is allowed to decorate his own dish the way he wants. Let him mix fish with ketchup or croutons with mayonnaise. The main thing is that he then eats his masterpiece.

Mom can make her baby happy beautiful dish and come up with a story about a kitchen fairy or a bunny. The long-eared wizard was upset because the child did not eat anything. The furry assistant came to mom and offered to paint a picture with food. The result is a fabulous dish that will restore your baby’s appetite. You just need to try a few pieces for the magic to start working.

If a child refuses dinner or breakfast, put 2-3 spoons of porridge on a plate and ask him to eat a little. Add a cutlet or a delicious salad and pour over the sauce. If a baby is forced to eat a large portion of bland food, there is a high probability that he will develop your appetite will disappear. But can a child refuse? a small piece delicious chicken or steamed meatballs? And when the portion runs out, he will ask for more, because his stomach will want more delicious food.

Folk remedies

Cooking for children with poor appetite medicinal tea. The drink stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and normalizes the functioning of the digestive organs. The composition of the healing agent includes:

  • coriander;
  • caraway;
  • Dill seeds;
  • anise.

Mix a pinch at a time plant component, steamed in a cup of boiling water. To prevent the child from refusing to take the medicine, honey is added to the strained drink. Children are given 2-3 tbsp. l. infusion 50 minutes before meals. Appetite does not appear immediately, but after 4–5 days.

Fennel seeds stimulate the secretion of gastric juice. The plant is given to infants for colic, and for children over 2 years old it helps with lack of appetite. Brew 30 g of raw material in a glass of boiling water and leave for 40 minutes. The baby is given 1 tbsp. l. sweetened drink three times a day.

Children who refuse to eat are recommended to be fed raspberries or oranges. Give 30–50 g of fruit to “wake up” the stomach. The products are rich in ascorbic acid and fiber. Vitamin C improves immunity and invigorates, and dietary fiber helps the intestines digest food.

If the mother suspects that the child has worms, you can brew herbs with anthelmintic properties. These include:

  • calamus root;
  • dandelion;
  • sagebrush;
  • plantain leaves;
  • yellow gentian root;
  • centaury;
  • chicory leaves and roots.

A water infusion is prepared from 1 tbsp. l. raw materials and a cup of boiling water. Children often refuse to drink bitter medicine, so honey is added to the remedy or mixed with natural juices. Orange, apple or carrot will do. The drink normalizes liver function, eliminates inflammation of the stomach and intestines, removes helminths and stimulates appetite.

The child is given 0.5 tsp 40 minutes before breakfast. dandelion honey. The product is suitable for children aged 2–3 years who are not allergic to the component.

Appetite is caused by lemon. Citrus is soaked in warm water for 30 minutes to remove bitterness. Pass through a meat grinder along with the peel, season with sugar. Lemon paste give in the morning. The child eats 1 to 2 tsp. citrus preparations, washed down with water. Vitamin supplement increases immunity and stimulates the release of enzymes that cause appetite.

Kids who love salty foods are given a piece of herring before meals. The fish is soaked in a small amount of milk. The product helps with constipation and slow metabolism. If you have lost your appetite due to low stomach acidity, salted tomato puree will help. Peel the canned tomatoes and grind the pulp in a blender. The child is given 1–3 tbsp. l. vegetable paste. Kids will love soaked apples. Soft fruits or salted fruit purees are suitable. Pickled preparations irritate the gastric mucosa and force the digestive organs to work harder.

The appetite will return thanks to infusions of barberry, juniper, rose hips and sea buckthorn. Dried berries are brewed with boiling water. A teapot with a drink is wrapped up terry towel for 2 hours. The child is given sweetened medicine instead of water.

Puree made from kiwi, strawberries, chokeberries and black currants is appetizing. Bee bread and pollen taken on an empty stomach help. Before breakfast, it is useful to drink a glass of natural pomegranate or orange juice. Banana, strawberry, grape and other sweet varieties are prohibited.

If the child is not helped traditional methods, perhaps it is not the baby who is to blame, but the parents. Appetite disappears with frequent moves and travels, due to regular quarrels and scandals in the family. The reason for refusing to eat may be adaptation to kindergarten or school, problems with peers or teachers. In such cases, consulting a psychologist and taking special medications, which are selected by a doctor, help.

Children's appetite depends on their well-being and mood. Some kids refuse food because of worms or intestinal problems, others go on hunger strike because parents often quarrel and punish the baby. Before treatment, it is important to understand the cause of decreased appetite in order to choose an effective folk remedy or the right tactics.

Video: 10 reasons for poor appetite in a child

A child's growing body needs proper and good nutrition. Children receive through food required amount vitamins, energy and minerals. Some kids preschool age there are problems with nutrition. Any parent who cares about the health of their child should know how to increase the appetite of a preschooler while eliminating the risk of decreased immunity.

How does hunger appear?

The expression "appetite" has Latin roots. According to experts, it is translated as “need,” “desire,” and even “aspiration.” This desire or desire comes down to suppressing the feeling of hunger and saturating the body with nutrients.

Job digestive system controls specific area brain In medicine it is called the food center. Long absence food in the body forces the food center to send signals to the gastrointestinal tract.

The directed impulses provoke the secretion of gastric juice and saliva. Gradually the person is overcome by the desire to eat.

When you lose interest in food

There are several known reasons that can cause a sharp deterioration in appetite in preschool children:

How to increase your child's appetite

You can increase your baby's appetite with medicines And traditional medicine. Before use available methods treatment, parents should consult their pediatrician. Based on the situation, the doctor will recommend available and effective methods to increase appetite. If a child has a poor appetite, Dr. Komarovsky’s advice on this topic will also help clarify the situation.

Your local doctor may prescribe the following medications to increase appetite in children:

Traditional methods of treatment

From traditional medicine, parents use the following herbs and products to improve appetite:

Meals should occur at the same time. It is advisable for adults in the household to adhere to the schedule.

It is important not only to prepare the dish correctly, but also to present it beautifully. Non-standard design in the form of a smiley face or animals, guided by your own imagination.

Experts do not recommend giving your child small snacks before the main meal. Feeling hungry is a natural process. There is no need to be afraid of him. It is necessary to seat your baby at the table when he is really hungry.

Another tip on how to increase appetite in a child 7 years old and older - positive emotions at the table. Lunch or breakfast time should be fun and cozy atmosphere. If your child doesn’t finish his breakfast or dinner, don’t scold him. The supplement is provided only at his request.

Should be considered taste preferences baby. By forcing a child to eat unloved foods, parents instill in him a dislike for food, which results in digestive problems.

Parents themselves should eat food with pleasure and eagerness, teaching their children the rules of behavior at the dinner table.

Fresh air and regular active walks also help improve your baby's appetite.

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