Secrets of the unfading beauty of Italian women. Italian beauty and makeup secrets

The main thing is to feel good.

It is interesting to know what is the beauty routine of passionate Italians? News from the first mouth! Model Mitzi Peirone and blogger Claudia Graziano shared their little tricks.

Olive oil

It's not only great as a salad dressing. Olive oil, perhaps, plays a decisive role in the culture of Italians. Women, for example, use it for skin and hair care. This is not surprising, as olive oil contains anti-aging vitamin E and moisturizing squalene.

Glass of wine

According to the girls, a glass of wine helps them cope with everyday stress, and stress is the #1 enemy of beauty. Italians are sure that constant nervous strain leads to rapid aging and a tired look.

Body oils

Italian women especially carefully observe one point in personal care - moisturizing. Unlike representatives of other nationalities, they use thicker creams and a variety of oils. The favorite ritual of sultry beauties is a body massage with fragrant oils which allows them to relax and tidy up the skin.


The scorching sun of Italy forces local residents to be very attentive to UV protection. They do not avoid direct sunlight, as is customary, for example, in Korea, but do not forget to use creams with a high SPF filter. And Italians consider artificial tan bad manners.

coffee scrub

Beautiful Italian women love to look for ingredients for beauty products in their kitchen. Their favorite recipe is a scrub made from ground coffee beans with a couple drops coconut oil. If the first component removes dead skin cells, then the second one perfectly moisturizes. And the Italians swear that it is the best remedy against cellulite and stretch marks.

Black chocolate

Italians are not averse to eating dark chocolate. They remind you that it increases the level of the hormone of happiness - endorphin and the hormone of pleasure - serotonin. And, according to these beauties, a happy face always looks more attractive. It's hard not to agree!

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Italians have long used ancient folk remedies to maintain youth and beauty. Among folk secrets- here they are called " grandmother's recipes"- olive oil for flowing silky hair, brewer's yeast against acne ... About this and much more and will be discussed today in our regular column "Muscovite in Milan".

For example, Monica Bellucci, a famous Italian actress, calls her main secret of beauty a bright lipstick.

True, according to my own observations, Italian women do not at all abuse makeup in Everyday life rather, quite the contrary. Young girls are very fond of fashionable make-up that has already been season smoky eyes and black eyeliner, but they don’t paint lips at all, except that they use a simple one in winter hygienic lipstick. But seniors in age do not shy away bright red lipstick. By the way, the majority chooses by no means branded cosmetics, which Russian women are happy to pamper themselves with if possible, but prefer inexpensive domestic (Italian, of course) brands.

But all Italians take great care of their hair. Old ladies like to visit on weekends hairdresser to style or straighten curly hair. In Italy, as probably everywhere in the world, women with curls dream of straight and obedient hair, and those whose hair does not naturally curl are about tight curls. True, now there are not so many clients in hairdressing salons: apparently, the crisis is affecting. It is not uncommon to see ads for promotions, for example, on Tuesdays a hair wash plus a blow-dry at a special price… ten euros! But at home, the fair sex does not deny themselves nourishing mask for hair with olive or argan oil, after which even the most lifeless hair regain their silkiness and shine.

Most Italians pay attention to the right nutrition and activities sports. According to a study organized by the Italian site, 21 percent of the inhabitants of the Apennines regularly visit the gym (many even manage to do it during their lunch break), and 23 percent run regularly in the morning in the park. And in the summer at sea, Italian women keep themselves in good shape, making many hours of walking along the edge of the sea in couples or small groups - a great way to sunbathe, burn extra calories, and gossip to the fullest.

With regard to care body, then here the Italians are not particularly demanding, limiting themselves to a quick shower in the morning. Many of my peers admit that they only keep shampoo, shower gel and moisturizer in the bathroom. Only a few have tonic or relaxing oils or anti-cellulite cream on their shelves.

Another secret of the beauty of local residents is a beautiful, immaculately sitting dress, regardless of the form of its owner. Italian women know how to dress wisely, so as to emphasize the dignity of the figure and hide its flaws. According to the same survey of women by the site, most Italian women do not like their own legs and stomach and, on the contrary, are proud of their breasts and booty. It should also be noted that Italian women like to bathe in the rays male attention, they are flattered when they are seen off with longed-for looks or even some kind of joke or compliment addressed to them. Hence - and the ability to dress, which, however, does not apply to all residents of the Apennines without exception.

One of the main canons of Italian beauty is Tan. True, they sometimes abuse their stay in the sun, turning almost into mulattos. And if it's winter outside, then many resort to fake tan or go to the solarium.

The scourge of Italian women is epilation. Sometimes in the office in a women's company there is only talk about new creams and removal techniques. unwanted hair. Here, Italians are categorical: if there is time and opportunity, they willingly go to beauty salons for professional hair removal, and if not, they resort to using depilatory creams and machines at home.

However, despite all the tricks of the Italians, the Slavs look much more well-groomed against their background. Our girls devote more time, effort, and, to be honest, money to look attractive: a young Italian is unlikely to be able to boast of daily fresh manicure, styled hair and trendy makeup ...

Italian women have always been famous for their attractiveness and taste. These amazing women have an innate sense of style and stand out among other European women with special beauty. Bright, stately and elegant brunettes know how to conquer men's hearts with just one glance. No wonder that millions of women around the world want to be stylish and well-groomed like Italians.

The simplest and affordable way to be like an Italian - to master the characteristic makeup. Italian makeup is very practical and does not require much effort. It's perfect for anyone stylish look and face type.

Italians follow a simple rule: the more natural the make-up, the better. Expressive natural data ( dark hair and eyes) in themselves make Italian women bright. Therefore, they only slightly emphasize their natural attractiveness with the help of cosmetics. The main emphasis of Italian women is on an even complexion, using high-quality foundation and powder. For day makeup they choose light eyeshadows, black ink and translucent lip gloss. This makeup is universal: it is suitable for business meeting and for a walk in the park.

It is also important that the chosen outfit favorably emphasizes facial features and figure, is of high quality and comfortable. 100% meets these criteria women's clothing famous Italian brand Bizzarro (, which in combination with natural makeup allows you to create elegant and stylish images.

Dark, shiny shadows and bright lipsticks are appropriate only for the evening. Favorite evening make-up Italian is bright lipstick and black arrows. Such a make-up is appropriate with absolutely anyone. evening dress, but the classic small black dress by Bizzarro.

To highlight the natural beauty, Italian women are sure to complement their image with exquisite details. No one knows how to choose accessories so correctly as Italians. Among their favorites are scarves and belts. Bizzarro brand, knowing this special love Italians, created a whole collection of luxurious stoles and belts from genuine leather. With their help, you can experiment with your image in the way that Italian women can do.

Behind the attractiveness of Italian women are hidden not only good natural data, but also special care for your appearance. Italian women are famous all over the world gorgeous hair and delicate skin. The secret of thick hair velvety skin lies in the use natural oils: olive and almond. Real Italian be sure to use them in your daily care. For example, almond oil is an excellent substitute for makeup remover, while olive oil strengthens the roots and protects the ends of the hair from splitting.

To highlight the beauty dark color Italian hair I use a little trick: wear clothes light colors, against which silky Thick hair. If you are a burning brunette, then light elegant blouses and dresses from Bizzarro will help you look like a real Italian.

At the mere mention of Italy, associations immediately arise - unique architectural masterpieces, Venice Carnival, wine, pasta, pizza… But still, the main asset of this country is its lovely women.

The Italians have their own, proven for centuries, beauty secrets. Since ancient times, they have sought to be well-groomed and attractive.

All roads lead to Rome

Also in Ancient Rome women actively used all kinds of cosmetics. They liked to line their eyes, they widely used white for hands and chest, blush, powder (light or colored), perfumes, aroma oils, shadows, lipstick in the form of an ointment, stylus for blackening eyebrows and eyelashes. A lot of attention was paid to the beauty of a smile: teeth were cleaned with a special powder and even replaced with artificial ones.

In Rome there were so-called cosmetics- slaves or slaves who mastered the art of makeup, hairstyles, massage, body and face care.

The most attractive people were considered to be healthy, well-groomed skin, so it was in ancient Rome that the first baths appeared. In the composition of creams and emulsions for the body as required component included lanolin.

Suntan was not respected. The inhabitants of the south hid their face and body from the scorching rays of the sun (which is still followed today). On account of southern women saving themselves from the withering ultraviolet and premature wrinkles, there were many inventions: in addition to folding umbrellas, their skin was protected by creams from bread crumb and milk, soap from goat fat and beech tree ash. For example, the Roman Empress Poppaea took 500 (!) donkeys with her on all trips, in whose milk she bathed every day. In addition to milk, rather complex compositions were used to preserve the delicate white skin: resinous date nut kernels mixed with crushed rose petals and ... crocodile dung.

Renaissance ideals

During the period Renaissance Italians began to use face masks. The most popular was a fresh veal mask. The meat was soaked in rainwater and applied to the face.

During this period, hair came into fashion in Italy. golden color, that sunny shade that can be seen on the canvases of Leonardo da Vinci and Botticelli. But since such natural color among Italians it was quite rare, artificial means were used. Italian women were the first to use cruel Sun rays for hair coloring. And a great solution was found - to use special hats without a crown (with a cut-out top). The curls were smeared with a mixture of herbs and alkalis, laid out over the brim of the hat and highlighted in the sun for hours. To do this, the ladies climbed to the roofs of houses, properly moistened curls. coloring composition and sat there for hours to let the sunbeams and paint do their work. Then henna and basma were used.

All the power in the hair

Italians are famous for their luxurious shiny hair is their national pride. Although the health and density of hair in most cases is a hereditary quality, they do not forget to regularly care for them. The secret lies in the almond and olive oils. Women rub a warm mixture of oils into the roots of their hair before washing. Do not forget about nourishing wraps with the addition of one or another oil. Once a week, most make a conditioning mask to soften the hair and give it shine. And in hair care, they traditionally adhere to three rules:

    wash hair infrequently (2 times in 8-10 days);

    dilute the shampoo in half with water (believing that the concentrated foam “dries out” the hair roots);

    dry hair without a hair dryer, squeezing it with your hands (this makes the hair more fluffy).

Now among Italians in fashion natural hair and hairstyles. Short haircuts without styling and chemicals. Long hair either loosened or gathered with a soft rubber band. The fashion for naturalness allows you not to tint even pronounced gray hair.

Skin is perfection

Italians also owe their smooth skin to almond and olive oils. They use them in face masks, rub them into the skin, and add them to hand and nail baths.

Almond oil is used instead of milk to remove eye makeup. And here is the recipe for a traditional Italian face mask: 1 chopped avocado; 4 tsp almond oil; 6 tsp whipped cream. Everything is thoroughly mixed and applied to the face for 15 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

Another one of the most popular recipes for beauty appearance Italians - a course of red oranges and olive oil. To do this, they mix 2 tsp. oils with juice and grated zest of red oranges. Apply the mixture on the face, neck and décolleté, and remove the residue with a damp cloth.

And although, as rightly pointed out Chief Editor Italian edition of Vogue legendary Franca Sozzani, not all Italians dress the same, all the same, other Europeans consider the inhabitants of the Apennines to be almost the standard of beauty and elegance.

What is it that distinguishes the wardrobe of Italian women?

1. Color palette


Classic combination black and white. Model Emily Didonato in an advertising company

Italians prefer light colors and natural shades, black and white . Perhaps this is due to the large amount of sun: here, and so nature plays with all the colors of the rainbow - so dressing up in bright and colorful is simply unnecessary. So Italian women choose clothes or accessories in restrained tones. Attention: pastel shades are allowed only in summer, but beige, gray, cream and white are out of season and are appropriate all year round., Calzedonia

Italians generally prefer black. Actress Monica Bellucci and model Emily Didonato

The favorite color of Italians is black, which is both stylish and conservative. According to the famous Italian Monica Bellucci(Monica Bellucci), filmed in 2000 in Sicily in the film "Malena", where "many women still dress in black and cover themselves from head to toe." They know that black - The best way unobtrusively emphasize the natural grace and bellezza mediterranea (the Mediterranean beauty of the inhabitants of Bel Paese).

2. Classic silhouette

If you're not sure how to dress, opt for a formal style. Quality materials, impeccable cut, adjusted proportions often accompany timeless classics than changeable fashion.

Pencil skirt - timeless classic

Jeans, by the way, can look great in a formal setting, as long as they fit perfectly on you and are not pretentious.

And, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, such typical Italian brands as Versace and Dolce & Gabbana are by no means the most favorite brands of Italians, who prefer their catchy, baroque beauty to more restrained and calm classics associated with the style of, say, Giorgio Armani.

And finally three more important advice regarding accessories:

1. C special attention consider the choice of shoes for each image. And, most importantly, remember that
a) no socks with open shoes / sandals / sandals;
b) slippers have a place either on the beach or in a shoe closet - there is no third way;
c) white socks are allowed only with sports sneakers exclusively for sports. Italian secret: socks that match the shoes or trousers visually lengthen the legs.

2. Save dizzying heels for going out, and during the day give preference to a more comfortable and small heel - and you can also be quite on top of it!

Bag - important accessory. Shot from the film "Malena"

3. The bag is an important accessory and an indispensable companion. modern women. And therefore, make sure that your bag is a match for you - both in proportions, and in functionality, and in status. Older Italians were instructed by their grandmothers that a real lady should have three bags: black, dark blue and medium brown - and certainly of a rigid shape.

And finally, remember that real “elegance is not to be evident, but to sink into memory” (L "eleganza non è farsi notare, ma farsi ricordare), as the master of Italian fashion Giorgio Armani said!
