Pregnancy immediately after curettage symptoms. Indications for cleaning

Pregnancy after curettage of the uterus can occur in the same cycle if the woman’s ovaries are working, that is, menopause has not occurred. After all, in essence, a gynecologist only performs mechanical removal the inner layer of the uterus, which independently occurs monthly (menstruation). This procedure does not affect ovarian function.

Women who are not yet planning a child and those who are not yet allowed by doctors to become pregnant need to remember that conception can occur. For example, if curettage was performed after caesarean section, then you need to count 2 years from this operation (cesarean), you can become pregnant no earlier, and only if the scar on the uterus is well formed.

How long can you get pregnant after curettage?

Other reasons for cleaning the uterus and the possibility of pregnancy. This is not everything, but the main points.

Uterine fibroids

IN in this case It is not the curettage procedure itself that plays a role, but what kind of uterine fibroids it was performed for. And what kind of procedure was it - diagnostic or therapeutic-diagnostic.

Usually, cleaning the uterus is prescribed before surgery to remove fibroids. This is necessary in order to exclude endometrial cancer. After surgical intervention If performed endoscopically (laparoscopically), the break in pregnancy planning should be six months. And if a laparotomy was performed - a “classic” operation with dissection of the abdominal wall, then you should refrain from conceiving for about one year. It is necessary to allow a full-fledged scar to form on the uterus.

In cases where surgery is not necessary, for example, if the fibroid was submucosal (submucosal) and was removed with a hysteroscope (hysteroscopically), a break of 3 months is sufficient. This is a standard recommendation from gynecologists. During these three months, you can take serious care of your health and the health of your partner. Get tested for various infections and receive treatment if necessary. Get rid of bad habits before conception.

Waiting one month before actively trying to get pregnant is sufficient if the uterus was examined with a hysteroscope only to make sure that its cavity is not deformed by fibroids. But the fibroid itself is small (no more than 5 cm) and not on a thin stalk.

If curettage of the uterine cavity was carried out with the aim of convincing that the woman had uterine fibroids and not sarcoma (leiomyosarcoma), pregnancy should not be rushed. It may make sense to consult more than one oncologist.

The fact is that removing the endometrium will not give an accurate answer. It will be clear only when the tumor is removed, after a histological examination.

Endometrial polyp

An endometrial polyp is a kind of “ intrauterine device", which prevents the fertilized egg from beginning its development in the uterus. Therefore, pregnancy is usually possible immediately after hysteroscopy or curettage. However, as in the case of uterine fibroids, it is usually recommended to wait a little, let your body recover, calm down and be examined. And then plan your pregnancy. Women over 35 should not delay conception for several months, especially those who have problems with ovulation - anovulatory cycles often occur.

You should only wait a couple of months before trying to conceive to allow the uterus to fully recover. And the result of histology (it is necessarily done when removing an endometrial polyp) will not be superfluous to see in order to confirm the benignity of the extracted neoplasm.

Endometrial hyperplasia

This is a hormonal pathology. A woman of reproductive age produces monthly in the first half menstrual cycle estrogens, and secondly - progesterone. It is the correct balance of these sex hormones that ensures women Health and does possible conception and pregnancy.

If there is too much estrogen produced and not enough progesterone, inner layer The uterus may grow excessively. Using an ultrasound, the doctor diagnoses the endometrium as being too thick. Separate diagnostic curettage (RDC) is prescribed. This helps prevent heavy bleeding(or even is its treatment), and also get the endometrium analyzed. The fact is that hyperplasia may turn out to be endometrial cancer...

What to do if you had hyperplasia and were cleaned? We need to wait for the results of histological analysis. If there are no atypical cells in the tissue samples, you can calmly exhale. However, this does not exclude a visit to a gynecologist and treatment. Usually the doctor prescribes contraceptives hormonal pills for 3-6 months, this helps prevent hyperplasia. Antibiotics to prevent endometritis - inflammation of the uterus. And in the future, you can plan a pregnancy if nothing worries you and there are no complications such as hematometra - accumulation of blood in the uterus.

If endometrial hyperplasia is not focal (not a polyp), then doctors recommend before pregnancy, in case of a good histology result, and in the future good results Ultrasound, drink several cycles contraception - oral contraceptives. They provide beneficial influence on the endometrium.

Miscarriage or frozen pregnancy

In this case, before next pregnancy It is advisable to wait 2-3 months. Specific date very individual. If the pregnancy was terminated early(less than 8-10 weeks) and this happened for the first time, it will be enough to rest for 1-2 cycles. You need to get your nerves in order. And understand that, most likely, the embryo had some kind of “genetic pathology” that was incompatible with normal life. And nature ordered it this way...

If this is the third or more failure, it is necessary to undergo examination in the miscarriage office. This is hardly an accident. Perhaps the problem is in the karyotypes of sexual partners, their incompatibility. Or a woman chronic endometritis, which prevents good attachment of the embryo to the wall and its development. There can be many reasons. But plan again early pregnancy through short term after the next scraping - this is a mistake. Although conceiving a child after a frozen pregnancy can occur in the first menstrual cycle.

Medical abortion

If you have undergone a uterine cleanse in order to abort at will pregnancy, you can plan the next one as soon as possible, after 1-3 cycles. However, think about it - do you really need it? After all, such interventions do not leave their mark on the body. And they entail not only mechanical damage uterus, but also disruption of the menstrual cycle.

However, you need to understand that pregnancy can occur immediately after curettage of the uterus. During the period of ovulation. That is, approximately 10-16 days after the procedure. Therefore, reliable contraception is mandatory.

If the WFD was carried out due to unwanted pregnancy, and the child is not included in the immediate plans, you need to select good contraception in order to eliminate abortions in the future. If not contraindicated birth control pills, then they are the best option.

Many women are interested in the question of whether pregnancy can remain, that is, survive, continue to develop after curettage. Theoretically, this is possible. Especially if the pregnancy was short - less than 7 weeks. Then the woman’s level of the pregnancy hormone, hCG, will continue to increase, her belly will begin to grow, and fetal movements will begin to be felt. Such fantastic cases happen. Fate! What can I say!

How to plan a pregnancy after cleansing

It depends on the reason that caused this medical procedure. But there is a certain examination standard.

A woman planning a pregnancy consults a gynecologist. He conducts a gynecological examination, takes a smear - one for vaginal microflora, and the other for cytology (or PAP test). Refers for an ultrasound of the uterus. It is done on days 5-7 of the menstrual cycle.

Usually, on a paid basis, a woman planning a child donates smears and blood for various infections, including hidden ones, sexually and non-sexually transmitted. Some test results may be a reason for treatment or preventive vaccinations. So, if a blood test shows that a woman does not have immunity to rubella, she is recommended to get vaccinated, and then, after 1-3 months, think about conceiving.

Also for rent general tests urine and blood. Next, blood tests for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C. A blood test for sugar, TSH (to identify possible illness thyroid gland). If not everything is perfect, you may need to consult a therapist, endocrinologist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, cardiologist and other specialists.

Particular attention is paid to the pressure of a woman. If it is elevated, that is, there is hypertension, you need to ask your doctor how safe the drug used is. Talk about your pregnancy plans and get advice on replacing the medication with one approved for expectant mothers.

It is very important to undergo an examination and, if necessary, dental treatment by a dentist. A carious tooth, even if it doesn’t hurt, is a source of infection. A intrauterine infection deadly for a child.

For the same reason, the danger of chronic infection, you need to visit an ENT doctor. Especially if you have a long-lasting runny nose or a recurring sore throat.

If you can't conceive a child

It happens that after curettage, especially two or more, pregnancy does not occur. The couple is actively planning a pregnancy, has unprotected sexual intercourse, but the test still shows one line... If the couple has already had a case of pregnancy, even if it ended in a miscarriage, it can be assumed that during the cleaning of the uterus the doctor tried too hard, carefully cleaned out the endometrium and injured the inner layer of the uterus. Because of this, synechiae have appeared in the uterus, and the endometrium simply does not grow to a thickness at which the fertilized egg can begin to develop in it.

The doctor initially makes this diagnosis based on ultrasound results. The woman, in addition to failure to become pregnant, has no other symptoms. Perhaps there may be certain irregularities in the regularity of the menstrual cycle, and the periods themselves are too scanty.

The gynecologist prescribes diagnostic hysteroscopy. And if during the procedure the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor immediately, using a special device inserted through the cervix into its cavity, cuts the adhesions, thereby significantly increasing the chances of pregnancy.

There is an opinion that a nulliparous woman should not undergo uterine cavity curettage. But this is by no means true. If there are indications, and usually they are quite serious (an oncological process is suspected), you need to agree.

Curettage (cleaning, curettage) is a fairly common procedure in gynecological practice. It refers to one of the types of surgical intervention and involves the removal of the functional layer of the uterus. Many women who have gone through such manipulation are concerned about the question of how soon they can get pregnant after curettage. How long does rehabilitation take in this case? What recommendations should be followed after surgery in order to successfully become pregnant? Is it possible that problems may arise as a result of this procedure? How are pregnancy and childbirth going after curettage?

Why do they clean and how does this happen?

Cleansing the uterus is widely used in diagnostic, therapeutic and obstetric practice. It not only allows you to diagnose serious illnesses female genital area, but also to eliminate pathological processes in the reproductive organs of a woman.

Detailed information about what curettage is and how it is carried out is presented in the table.

Type of cleaningCharacteristicPurpose and indicationsDescription of the procedure
RegularRemoval of the mucous membrane exclusively from inside the uterine cavity.DiagnosticsHyperplasia and formation of polyps in the endometrium; endometriosis; benign neoplasms in the uterus; disruption of the menstrual cycle.Masks with nitrogen dioxide or injections of novocaine are used as anesthesia. In some cases they resort to general anesthesia. During the operation, the doctor expands the uterus using a special instrument, then measures its internal parameters. After this, the upper mucous layer is scraped out with a curette. If necessary, the resulting biomaterial is subjected to histological examination. When implementing artificial interruption pregnancy or curettage after a miscarriage, fading pregnancy, childbirth, vacuum removal of the contents of the uterine cavity is used. In the same way, blood is sucked from the organ when uterine bleeding as a result of ovarian dysfunction or congestion. During hysteroscopic curettage, a tube with a video camera is inserted into the uterus, with which after the procedure it is checked whether the mucous membrane has been completely removed. Immediately after cleaning lower area Ice is placed on the patient's abdomen.
SeparateFirst, the mucous membrane is removed from the cervix, then from its cavity. The resulting biomaterials are placed in different containers and examined separately. This measure makes it possible to determine the nature of the disease in each part of the organ.TreatmentPolyposis; heavy menstrual bleeding; infertility, provided there is no obvious imbalance of hormones and diseases of the reproductive system; bleeding in postmenopausal patients; adhesive process in the uterine cavity.
Obstetric practiceArtificial termination of pregnancy for a period not exceeding 12 weeks; need to remove residues ovum and placenta as a result of miscarriage or frozen pregnancy to prevent inflammation; heavy bleeding during the postpartum stage, caused by incomplete extraction of the placenta.

Rehabilitation after curettage

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After cleaning, carried out to eliminate the consequences of a frozen pregnancy, miscarriage and other pathological phenomena, as soon as the anesthesia wears off, the patient may experience severe pain. They are felt, as a rule, for 2-3 hours. Over the next 1.5 weeks, low-intensity nagging pain persists.

In the first hours after surgery, heavy bleeding with blood clots, gradually acquiring a smearing consistency. As a rule, this phenomenon lasts no more than 10 days. Too much quick termination bleeding and the development of hyperthermic syndrome indicate the occurrence of blood stagnation and inflammation. In such a situation, the patient is prescribed Oxytocin.

To relieve pain, painkillers are used, and antispasmodics are used to remove residual blood. In addition, for 2-3 days it is necessary to take antibacterial medications to prevent the development of an inflammatory process in the uterus.

After 14 days after the operation, the woman is given a control ultrasound to verify whether the curettage was successful. If the results reveal incomplete extraction of the endometrium, it will be necessary to repeat procedure. The first menstruation after surgery begins 4-5 weeks later. The cycle is restored on average after 3 months.

How long after cleansing can I plan to become pregnant?

After curettage to eliminate the consequences of a frozen pregnancy, miscarriage or other pathological phenomena, problems with conception, as a rule, do not arise. A woman can become pregnant within 2-3 weeks from the moment of curettage. Despite this, most gynecologists recommend postponing this event for more long time. This measure is explained by the fact that the female body requires a certain period of recovery, during which time reliable methods of contraception should be used.

Features of preparation for conception after curettage

How long after surgery can you become pregnant? It is believed that in most cases for complete recovery female body in this situation, a 3-month period is sufficient. However, this period depends on the reason for which the surgery was performed.

The table provides information on when and how to properly begin preparing for conception after curettage.

Purpose of cleaningWhen can you start planning a pregnancy, monthsFeatures of planning after curettage
Elimination of the consequences of frozen pregnancy, miscarriage6 The preparation stages include the following points:
  • identifying and eliminating the cause of the pathological phenomenon that necessitated the operation;
  • taking measures to prevent relapse;
  • conducting a full medical examination;
  • course intake of vitamin complexes;
  • strengthening the body through sports, good rest and nutrition;
  • avoidance of stressful situations.
Artificial termination of pregnancy3
Polyp removal2
Elimination of endometrial hyperplasia, endometriosis6

What problems may arise when planning a pregnancy after cleaning?

When planning a pregnancy after curettage, every woman may encounter the following negative phenomena:

  • recurrence of the disease that became the reason for the cleansing;
  • anemia;
  • failure hormonal levels;
  • lack of vitamins and beneficial microelements in the body;
  • the emergence of a threat of termination of pregnancy in the early stages;
  • placenta previa in the later stages of gestation.

The listed problems can arise if a woman becomes pregnant earlier than the recommended period, i.e. during the first 6 months after cleaning. If signs of pregnancy appear, you should immediately consult a doctor, who will assess the situation and prescribe supportive therapy to the patient. This measure will help neutralize the insufficient production of progesterone by the female body.

Pregnancy and childbirth after cleansing

If the woman who underwent the cleansing followed all the recommendations of the attending physician, the process of bearing and giving birth to a child should not be overshadowed by any problems. Despite this, there are certain factors that can put pregnancy at risk of failure:

  1. High risk spontaneous interruption pregnancy and placenta previa. This can happen if fertilization is too rapid, when the inner mucous layer of the uterus has not had time to fully recover. In this situation, constant medical supervision and supportive treatment are required.
  2. Violation of the integrity of the cervical muscles. This is possible when curettage was performed on a patient who had not previously given birth. This phenomenon can lead to miscarriage in the second trimester of gestation. It is almost impossible to diagnose this pathology in advance, therefore curative measures usually taken only for the next pregnancy.
  3. Psychological disorder emotional background. The expectant mother who has undergone a difficult operation experiences severe negative emotions, fearing for the life of the child in the womb. Thus, it can unknowingly provoke the occurrence of pathological phenomena. In this case, the help of a psychologist is required.


In life women can be various situations or diseases for which gynecological curettage will be necessary: ​​after a miscarriage, during abortion (if the pregnancy is unwanted), with prolonged bleeding. It is possible to become pregnant after cleaning the uterus, but, unfortunately, you need to wait so that problems do not arise during pregnancy and conception.

Is pregnancy possible after curettage?

Is it possible to get pregnant after cleansing? Cleaning or scraping is surgery, during which the specialist removes from the uterine cavity all the contents of the organ and its mucous layer. This procedure is shown:

  • after a miscarriage or pregnancy that ended in fetal death;
  • in case of significant defects of the child;
  • if you need to eliminate an unexpected pregnancy;
  • after a difficult delivery;
  • for some gynecological diseases.

Since such surgical manipulation does not contribute to reproductive dysfunction, a woman can become pregnant again.

This procedure makes the endometrium much thinner and injures the uterine cavity, which must be taken into account when planning conception. In addition, cleansing can lead to hormonal imbalance, and it takes time to normalize. All this significantly complicates the process of bearing a fetus.

For normal course pregnancy, after curettage you need to undergo a thorough examination and consult with an experienced specialist about conception. The reason for which the manipulation was carried out and the lady’s condition will be taken into account.

Consequences for pregnancy?

Curettage is a stressful condition for the body physically and emotionally. Sometimes it is possible to form specks that will prevent subsequent pregnancy. A woman may become infertile.

To prevent such serious consequences, you should think 100 times before doing this operation. If there is no other way out, then it is important to choose qualified specialist With great experience work. The woman must first undergo diagnostics.

After cleaning you need:

  • follow all medical instructions;
  • visit a gynecologist regularly;
  • be examined before planned conception;
  • undergo a therapeutic course that will eliminate the development of the inflammatory process;
  • don't have sex for a month;
  • use protection for the period specified by the doctor so that conception does not occur (the body needs rest and time to recover).

Any deviation after curettage may cause a lack of pregnancy in the future, so at the first discomfort you should consult a gynecologist.

Features of pregnancy and childbirth after cleansing

Women who have previously undergone uterine cleansing need to be especially careful during pregnancy.

If a woman did not wait long and became pregnant immediately after curettage, she risks losing the baby or getting placenta previa. This is due to the fact that the endometrium did not have time to recover after surgery. Such women are usually under the supervision of a doctor all the time and can be hospitalized for a long time. The doctor must prescribe maintenance medications.

If the girl did not give birth and had a cleaning done, the uterine cervix could be injured. In this regard, she will not be able to hold the growing fetus, which will lead to a miscarriage. In such cases, the cervix is ​​sutured before delivery.

Some ladies cannot psychologically come to terms with the loss of the previous heir (if the reason for the purge was a miscarriage or missed pregnancy). Constant worries keep the uterus in good shape, which can also lead to the loss of the child. Here you will need the help of a psychologist and the support of loved ones.

To make pregnancy and childbirth as successful as possible, you need to:

  • eat a balanced diet;
  • walk more in the fresh air;
  • do not rush to get pregnant after curettage;
  • do not lift heavy things;
  • be less nervous;
  • take vitamins;
  • Take any medications in consultation with your gynecologist;
  • at the first deviation, go to the hospital.

When is the best time to plan a pregnancy?

When can you get pregnant after cleaning the uterus? It is not recommended to think about conceiving immediately after cleansing. It takes 6-12 months to restore the wound surface, hormonal and emotional background. It is also important to understand and eliminate the reason for which the operation was performed. All negative factors should be removed in advance.

  1. If curettage was done for the purpose of abortion associated with an unplanned pregnancy, then the woman needs at least 3 months, sometimes six months or more, to recover. This directly depends on how long the cleaning took place. If the period is significant, then the thinning of the mucous membrane is severe. If you do not give her the opportunity to recover, the fertilized egg may attach outside the uterus or there will be a placental presentation.
  2. If polyps were removed from the uterine cavity, then you can think about conception within a couple of months, since a small area of ​​the endometrium was affected. During this time, a histological examination of the obtained material will be performed. If the tumor is malignant, then you will have to forget about pregnancy during treatment. This may take 1 year or more.
  3. It will not be possible to get pregnant immediately after a cleansing, which was done for hyperplasia or endometriosis, or rather, it is undesirable. You need to wait for the mucous membrane to recover for six months or more, because after such a surgical intervention there is a significant wound surface.
  4. If the reason for cleaning is a spontaneous miscarriage or a frozen pregnancy, then before planning a subsequent one, you need to be thoroughly examined. After eliminating the cause and thoroughly treating all dysfunctions, we can talk about conception. After curettage, at least six months should pass. Considering that the treatment serious pathologies sometimes it takes more than one year, then usually women become pregnant after 1-5 years.
  5. Postpartum curettage depletes the female body. For everything to return to normal, you need to wait at least 1-1.5 years.

You need to think about pregnancy when not only physical recovery, but also emotional. If a woman’s psyche is not stable, nervous breakdowns or vice versa passivity, then you first need to visit a psychotherapist. Hormonal levels are important. It takes at least 6 months to recover. You should also consider individual characteristics every woman. If six months is enough for one, then even a year will not be enough for the other.


Pregnancy after uterine cleansing should always be planned in advance. You cannot rush in such a matter, because the body must recover both physically and psychologically. Before conception, it is advisable to consult a gynecologist, be examined and cure all pathologies that will interfere with fertilization and gestation.

It is important to listen to the advice of your doctor, because an ill-considered pregnancy can result in a miscarriage or premature birth with the death of the fetus. It is important to eliminate the cause of the previous miscarriage (if there was one).

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The desire to have a child is inherent in a woman by nature.

The issue of procreation is resolved by modern couples quite competently. But the best-laid plans and brightest desires do not always bring results. On the way to having a baby, a woman may face many obstacles.

One of these problems is curettage.

Faced with cleaning procedure, a woman is concerned about the possibility of getting pregnant again. When planning a new pregnancy, it is necessary for a successful outcome to find out what time period will have to wait, and how the pregnancy will proceed after curettage?

Possibility of getting pregnant after curettage

Curettage is a minor gynecological operation, during which the doctor removes the mucous layer from the uterine cavity. The operation is performed under general anesthesia and lasts no more than 20 minutes.

Despite the traumatic nature of such an intervention, some pregnancy pathologies cannot be avoided without curettage.

It is carried out:

In case of frozen pregnancy;

For cleaning after spontaneous miscarriage;

How medical abortion in case of pathologies and defects of the fetus or when the life of the mother is threatened;

To get rid of unwanted pregnancy;

For complications after childbirth.

To remove pathological formations in the uterine cavity, as well as to carry out diagnostic studies today there are more safe methods in the form of hysteroscopy and laparoscopy. However, to resolve these issues, doctors most often resort to curettage.

During the operation, they resort to dilation of the cervix with the help of medical instruments, less often medications. After that, instruments are inserted into the uterine cavity to remove the contents and endometrium.

Uncomplicated curettage does not interfere with reproduction. Therefore, a woman can become pregnant after curettage literally within the next month.

But it should be borne in mind that the cleaning procedure significantly thins the endometrial layer, injuring the uterine cavity. Therefore, pregnancy immediately after curettage is associated with significant pregnancy problems. In addition, the operation provokes hormonal disruptions, the restoration of which requires certain time.

In order for pregnancy after curettage to proceed without complications, a competent consultation with a gynecologist is required, who will recommend an acceptable time frame based on the woman’s condition and the reasons that led to curettage:

1. After an abortion using curettage, it is recommended to allow at least three months for the recovery period. The duration of recovery of the female body depends on the timing of the interruption. When performing curettage for more than later the endometrium becomes thinner. Without complete restoration of the endometrium during a new pregnancy, problems may arise with the attachment of the fertilized egg, which can lead to ectopic pregnancy or placenta previa.

2. Curettage to remove polyps requires not only a recovery period, but also time to obtain histology results. Being confident in the good quality of the extracted materials, you can begin planning your pregnancy after curettage.

3. Cleaning for endometriosis and hyperplasia significantly disrupts the mucous layer. After the procedure it is necessary additional treatment and recovery time.

4. Curettage after a spontaneous miscarriage and during a frozen pregnancy requires a thorough examination and, if necessary, treatment. Only by eliminating the cause of the pathology can you minimize the risk of its recurrence during a subsequent pregnancy after curettage.

5. Postpartum curettage further depletes a woman’s strength. Doctors recommend a recovery period of up to 18 months.

The well-being of pregnancy after curettage directly depends on the physical and emotional state women, as well as hormonal stability. In some cases, additional examination and serious therapy are required. Therefore, doctors decide on the advisability of pregnancy after curettage on an individual basis. Most often, at least six months are allotted for the recovery period.

Preparing for pregnancy after curettage

Curettage is a huge stress for the body, both physically and emotionally. Until the moment of a new conception after cleansing, a woman will have to:

Monitor and observe with a doctor to exclude complications;

Undergo examinations to identify unwanted pathologies and abnormalities that threaten future pregnancy;

Take a course of restorative, therapeutic and preparatory therapy.

Postoperative rehabilitation

Rehabilitation after curettage is very important and allows you to eliminate the likelihood of complications and speed up the recovery period. Immediately after curettage it is recommended:

Exclude physical exercise for up to six weeks;

Establish sexual rest for up to a month to prevent the penetration of infections;

Take hormonal contraceptives for a period of up to three months, which will allow the reproductive system to rest and recover;

Conduct follow-up examinations with a gynecologist and ultrasound examinations to exclude postoperative complications.

The curettage procedure has been worked out by doctors to the smallest detail. However, like any surgical intervention, it does not exclude complications. A woman needs to carefully monitor her health and if the slightest deviation occurs, consult a doctor.

Health care after scraping you need:

With a prolonged increase in temperature;

If the pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region does not go away;

In case of unnatural discharge and bleeding;

In the absence of menstruation for two months.

Treatment after curettage may include:

Antibiotic therapy in the form of Doxycycline, Azithromycin, Trichopolum, Macropen to avoid possible inflammatory processes;

Taking hemostatic drugs such as Dicinone, Vikasol, Calcium chloride;

Antiviral treatment with Aciclovir;

Taking hormonal medications such as Duphaston;

For therapy psycho-emotional state They use sedative medications and antidepressants in the form of Phenazepam, Adaptol, Melitor, Fluoxetine.

Examinations when planning pregnancy after curettage

Additional examinations are especially relevant if curettage was performed due to a frozen pregnancy, miscarriage, or pathologies of fetal development.

The first and most important examination is carried out immediately after cleaning. To do this, the resulting material is sent for histology, which makes it possible to identify pathologies in the form of mutations, genetic abnormalities, hormonal disorders, infectious and chronic ailments of the woman.

In the future, after primary rehabilitation, additional diagnostic examinations will be needed in the form of:

Gynecological examinations And ultrasound examinations female genital organs;

Examinations for hidden infections;

Blood tests to determine hormonal abnormalities;

Spermograms for men;

Smears on the flora.

The doctor can refer the couple for additional consultations with specialized specialists: geneticist, infectious disease specialist, urologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist.

Based on the results of the data obtained, individual therapy is prescribed if necessary. It should be borne in mind that treatment may be needed not only by the woman, but also by her sexual partner.

It is advisable to return to the issue of pregnancy after curettage only after a full course of treatment. Do not forget that some drugs are eliminated from the body within two months, so becoming pregnant during this period is also undesirable.

With favorable prognosis, pregnancy occurs within a year. If you cannot get pregnant, more in-depth examinations are needed to find out the reasons.

Management of pregnancy after curettage

Any pregnancy requires observation by a gynecologist and careful monitoring. If a woman followed all medical recommendations after curettage, the occurrence of repeated pathologies during pregnancy is minimal. However, there are a number of features that put pregnancy at risk:

1. When pregnancy occurs immediately after curettage, when the endometrial layer in the uterus has not yet fully recovered, there is a high probability of placenta previa and the threat of miscarriage. In this case, in addition to constant monitoring, maintenance therapy may be needed to maintain pregnancy.

2. If curettage was performed on a nulliparous woman, there is a high risk of injury to the cervix, which impairs its holding capacity and can cause a miscarriage during pregnancy.

3. Last but not least is psychological factor. A woman, fearing a recurrence of problems with pregnancy, provokes pathological conditions. In difficult cases, to avoid recurrent miscarriage, you have to resort to the help of a psychologist.

How to avoid failures during pregnancy after curettage?

When preparing for a new conception after curettage, it is necessary to pay attention not only to basic therapy aimed at restoring the female body and treating pathologies, but also to overall health promotion. This will help:

Balanced diet;

Outdoor walks;

Acceptable physical activity;

Psychological condition Women sometimes take much longer to recover than their physical recovery. Therefore, home understanding and participation during this period are very important and sometimes help faster than psychological consultations and sedatives.

To avoid failures during pregnancy you need to:

1. When planning and during pregnancy, act in tandem with doctors.

2. Before conception, start taking it folic acid, which will reduce the risk of fetal pathologies.

3. Get rid of bad habits that harm the child.

4. Take a balanced approach to techniques medicines that can affect the condition of the fetus.

5. Avoid communication with carriers of viral and bacterial infections.

Curettage does not in any way impair reproductive abilities. The likelihood of getting pregnant after curettage is very high.

Unfortunately, today there are not isolated cases when pregnancy ends unsuccessfully. This is often due to a pathology such as. Of course, this is a huge misfortune not only for the woman herself, but also for the whole family.

After some time, a moment comes when the couple is ready to try again to give birth to a baby. And this step must be taken with all responsibility in order to avoid a repetition of the situation.

What is a frozen pregnancy and its causes

A frozen pregnancy is a stoppage of fetal development and, as a consequence, its death up to the 3rd trimester. In the vast majority of cases, the fetus dies in the 1st trimester. This is due to the fact that its connection with the mother’s body has not yet strengthened. There can be many reasons:

  • genetic failure or mutation (this can occur at conception or later);
  • infectious diseases (mainly chickenpox or rubella);
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • abnormalities in the structure of the uterus;
  • a large number of abortions;
  • stress;
  • bad habits;
  • taking certain medications.

A frozen pregnancy can be determined in two cases: if it occurs or with the help. In the first case, such an outcome is considered favorable, since the body itself rejects the fetus, thanks to which it is possible to avoid serious problems with health.

To plan new pregnancy After curettage, doctors recommend no earlier than six months. In this case, it is necessary to undergo examinations and tests in order to prepare as well as possible. Otherwise the risk of relapse is high.

In addition, if a woman becomes pregnant immediately or just a couple of months after curettage of a frozen pregnancy, there is a high probability that her body will be susceptible to pathologies such as anemia, hormonal imbalance, hypovitaminosis, etc. This can negatively affect the health of the unborn child.

Every woman who has encountered trouble is interested in questions regarding a new pregnancy, since she does not want the situation to repeat itself. To do this, you need to approach this step with all responsibility and follow all the doctor’s recommendations, because cleaning is a traumatic procedure that takes place under local anesthesia.

An important rule to know is that the new pregnancy must be planned.

When can you get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy?

How long can you get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy? The minimum period that must be maintained before the next one is 6 months. During this time, the damaged endometrium will have time to recover, and the uterus will be ready to receive a fertilized egg.

After this period, the first thing you need to do is visit a gynecologist, who will examine and evaluate the condition of the genital organs. The next step is examination and testing.

Examinations and tests

To identify and eliminate the cause of a missed abortion, in addition to examining a gynecologist, here are the tests and examinations you need to undergo.

  • Examination by an endocrinologist. Hormonal disorders- one of the causes of pathology. Therefore, the doctor will prescribe an ultrasound of the thyroid gland and hormone tests.
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs. It is important to make sure that there are no remains of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity. If indicated, hysteroscopy can also be performed. In addition, ultrasound can identify pathology that may have been the cause of a missed abortion.
  • Consultation with a geneticist. This is necessary to determine whether the parents have genetic abnormalities that could lead to the arrest of fetal development.
  • Consultation with a urologist. The doctor will conduct an examination and may order you to take a spermogram.
  • Appointment with a general practitioner.

In addition, it will be necessary pass the following tests:

  • general blood test to identify inflammatory processes in the body;
  • analysis to determine blood group and Rh factor;
  • analysis for the presence of TORCH infections (rubella, chlamydia, herpes, etc.);
  • chromosome analysis (usually for people over 35 years old).

Rehabilitation after curettage of a frozen pregnancy

Recovery period takes several weeks after curettage. Rehabilitation is as follows.

  1. In the first days after cleansing, antibiotics are prescribed to prevent inflammation and relieve pain.
  2. It is necessary to save during the day bed rest. Also, in the first days you should avoid physical activity.
  3. Because of heavy discharge It is recommended to use sanitary pads.
  4. Maintain sexual rest until bleeding stops.

Here are the cases in which it is necessary See a doctor immediately:

  • high temperature rose;
  • bleeding increased;
  • discharge lasts more than 2 weeks;
  • pain does not stop even after taking analgesics.

After resuming sexual activity, contraceptives should be used. This is necessary to prevent unplanned pregnancy, since after curettage the woman’s body is not yet ready for this.

Among all methods of contraception, it is the doctor will select best option . As a rule, these are oral hormonal agents, which are prescribed after taking hormone tests. In addition, this option is 99% effective and is considered the most reliable.

How to get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy

Planning a new pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy should begin 3-6 months before the expected conception. So as not to happen again previous experience, you need to carefully prepare for this.

  • It is necessary for both parents to exclude alcohol and smoking.
  • Particular attention should be paid to your diet.
  • and, in particular, folic acid.
  • Go through the necessary steps.

After a tragedy, it can be very difficult from a psychological point of view to adjust to a new pregnancy. The woman is afraid of a repetition of the situation, and she can be understood. To overcome fear, first, you need keep in touch with your doctor and follow all his recommendations.

Secondly, it is extremely important trusting relationship within the family. Your spouse will understand and support you like no one else. And this really helps a lot to gain faith in the imminent birth of a healthy baby.

IN as a last resort has the meaning contact a qualified psychologist. As a result collaboration with it and with the support of loved ones, the fear of failure will recede, and you will regain confidence.

Video about pregnancy after curettage

In conclusion, I would like to offer you a short video for viewing. A specialist from one of the Moscow clinics talks in detail about the treatment of a frozen pregnancy and planning a new one.
